HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-07-10, Page 7WAGE SVEN ,"11111•4161111M01111114 464.4441144444444.444401,0404 wiAjounfil.41!!!!$011110440 l 4 i P 11444414144W4444444441111 444(40.44,411404!MONIO,Pr, HARRY FRYFORE Licensed 4.,Embalmer and . Funeral Director Furniture and Funeral Service Ambulance Service Phones: Day 109 W. Night 1091. -a 8I-MILER ALL-WEATHER You get more miles . . . at lower cost per mile . . . with Goodyear Hi-Miler All- Weather truck tires. Extra mileage maketithem more economical in the long run. GOOD EAR DEALER ,4 4 /_„„., 7ie. MONEY-SAVING GOOD EAR • . with r womb $165.00 • He're`a the movie camera that permits you to & Lomb logdsd hall dowered change from color to black-and-white without waste of time or filml I'ts Revere's new . Magazine Camera. Makes thrilling, natural-as-life movies easy as snapshots— economically, too—on low-cost 8mm. film. Has many new improvements that really make it fun to use. Come in and see Revere today! tax Included McTAVISH Teeswater, Ontario " Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office: Gofton House, Wroxeter every Thursday afternoon 1.30 to 4.30 and by appointment. Phone — Teeswater' 120J .- J. W. BUSHFIELD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office — Meyer Block.' Wingham I if. CRAWFORD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Bonds, investments & Mortgages Wingham Ontario DONALD B. BITE Experienced Auctioneer Licentied for Counties Of HURON & BRUCE Ail Salmi Capably Handled Phone 49, Ripleyo Ontario J. A. FOX Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. RADIONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191. L G. BRYCE LICENSED AUCTIONEER PAEM SALES A SPECIALTY Telephone 62 Box 331 WINGHAIVI ONT, • I am interested in your new plan "431" M.185A 1,01.1.0I,LATA, .44041. City or Town...., .4,5tmc I Age Occupation THE i. LARGEST COMPANY OF ITS KIND IN _ THE WORLD r, • '''*"., IIIII 111111 iii a l, ll 1111, • II II Illill ,0011 lily IIt 1111, II t 111, II tools ` do" 1146, Ii, Il I'll 1114 III 10 .• I MSc . I Name S 't "u1111,„ 1111112Zii',11, II' THE WINGIMM ADVANCE4IMES 'Thursday, July 10, 1947 Stop, Look, Ask! IF YOU NEED IT —.WE HAVE IT TIRES and TUBES POULTRY EQUIPMENT ELECTRIC and OIL BROODERS WIRE FENCE and STEEL POSTS ROOFING OF ALL KINDS GRASS SEED and SEEDS IF YOU DON'T SEE IT—ASK FOR IT AT THE Belgrave Co-Op. Store BEL.GRAVE 'PHONE 14 - Brussels Sun-Tested Wallpapers FOR EVERY ROOM IN THE HOUSE Priced from 15c per roll up THE WALLPAPER SHOP .4111.11•11011•11. Just Arrived! Reoere EIGHT MAGAZINE CAMERA • • • tiwert pre.threaded film snegtwine, dose drawer end you're ready to shoot, Look what it gives you/ East ItasInsI Iustopen the drawer, • •• Simple Mailed Sight, press button. {, Reveie captures what you i.e is natural beautiful color. . Five Spuds! Slow motion and single frame for trick effects. Continuous run. • Send your order in TODAY, for immediate delivery. We pay C.O.D. Charges. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. We carry a full line of Revere Cameras, Projectors, etc. Let us send you FREE illustrated Catalogue. CAMERA HOUSE 3 Glenroy Avenue Toronto 9 FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE UP-STAIRS FUNE RAL PARLOUR A. J. WALKER 'PHONES 106 224 WINGHAM WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est. • 1840 An all Canadian Coznpany. which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head Office — Toronto H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham W. A. CRAWFORD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 150 Wingham DR. W. M. CONNELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 19 THOS, FELLS . REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEER and • THE BEST OF SERVICE PLENTY OF .EXPERIENCE Phone 231 Wingham WROXETER A) (Continued front page six) Weir, ir, aMzw and Mrs, with histwerGToreetn spent , onto friends. Miss'Beatrice Bowe, Leamington, is spending the summer vacation with her sister, Miss Mary Howe, Week-end guests of Mrs, Ed Den- nett were her son, Mr. Dick Bennett, of Sundride,Mr. and Mrs, Thomas- Sangster, Lacelet, Mr. and Mrs. John Jenkins, Walkerton, and Mr, Murray Jenkins, Wingham. Visitors during the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, D. S. Mac- Naughton were . Mrs, Frank Forster, Mr. and Mrs. James Bash, of Toronto, Mr. James Bash Jr., Detroit, Dr. A, A. Thibadeau of Buffalo Mrs. W. R. Hughmes, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Corbett, GOrrie, Miss Agnes Stewart, Detroit, spent a few days last week with Miss Cassie Harris. Master Billy Hetherington, New Fork, arrived by Air to Malton On Monday and will spend the summer vacation with Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Gallagher. Mr.) John Elliott, Pilot Mound, Man., Mr. John Elliott, Strathclair, Man,, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs: James Sangster. Mr. John Ellioee of Mrs. Sangster. Mr, and Mrs. E. Dodds of -Toronto, are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. David Draper. Miss Edna Lawrence of Toronto, is spending a motith's holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Lawrence. Dominion Day Ball Games at the village -park drew a large crowd. Dub- lifi vs. Brussels !Girls Teams put up a good game. The Brussels team win- ning the honours. Following was a dance in the Town Hall. A large crowd enjoyed, W.illbee's Orchestra and the refreshment booth was well patronized. Both were sponsored by Wroxeter Community Association, Another Dance is planned for July 22, New Minister Inducted A large congregation were in attend- ance on Thursday evening at Salem church, when the induction service for Rev. W. Cronheilm of, United ,Church, was held. Rev. Mr. Beecroft of Wing- ham, was in charge and the meeting opened with the singing of Faith of Our Fathers, Rev, Mr, Howse of Gorrie, read the parable of the sower as found in the 4th chapter of Mark. Stand Up for Jesus was the second hymn chbsen. Beecroft in his ad- dress to the people said members should be proud of their church and should try to maintain unity and happy fellowship with minister and people. All should live up to Christian tradi- tion. Church property should be well kept. Rev. Mr, Howse of Gorrie, in his remarks to the minister said, This is a day that claims the very_hest the minister• can offer the •world in such a state of chaos. Human need was nev- er greater, Our minisiter is our am- bassador, for Christ The Gospel is still adequate for all our needs. The min- ister bears the responsibility for lead- ing his flock. Every time the mini- ster steps into his pulpit he realizes he might be carrying the gospel to some one for the last time. His feet must ,be kept on the rock of Salvation. The meeting was fittingly closed by all joining in the singing of the Church's one Foundation, and the benediction was announced by the newly inducted minister. Following the service a reception was held for Rev. W. and Mrs. Cron- heilm, receiving with them were 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. George Gibson repre- FREDERICK A. PARKER OSTEOPATH Offices: Centre St., Wingham Osteopathic and Electric Treat- ments, Foot Technique. Phone 272, Wingham. K. M. MacIENNAN Veterinary Surgeon Office Minnie St. Opposite and SOuth ,of the United Church, PHONE 196 Ontario 'Wingham, Murray Johnson -McCcill-Frontenac Products Telephone 62 Wingham .••••••• GIVE YOUR FEET AN ICE-MINT TREAT Wonderful, cooling relief for your tired, ach- ing feet with ICE-MINT. Burning callouses, painful corns, and all the foot pains that take the joy out of life can be forgotten if, you use creamy white medicinal ICE-MINT. You can feel it start to act while you are still applying it — try a jar today and join the thousands who keep foot-happy with ICE. MINT. Small jar 50d''— 4 oz, economy jar $1.0 McKIBBONS and McAVOY'S DRUG STORES is sentirig the Wroxeter congregation, Mr. and Mrs. Willmr Fralick, for the Salem congregation. Tables were set, lovely summer flowers in artistic ar- rangement, added pleasantly to the social hour which followed. Two Day Frolic Howick Lions Club have decided to add to the entertainment of former years by holding a Two Day Program in Wroxeter on August 14th and 15th. General Accountancy for the SMALL BUSINESS MAN, PROFESSIONAL MAN, and THE FARMER. , BUSINESS & TAX SERVICE S. 3. Pyimm P. 0. Box 74 'Phone 23 LUCKNOW ONT. Representing the Crown Life Insurance Co., of Toronto "Guaranteed Protection for •Your Every Need" SUBSCRIPTIONS Taken for ALL Publications 'Phone 160 Box 297 WINGHAIVI - ONT. 11111111111=11111111111111T YOUR EYES.NEED ATTENTION Our 25 pOint Scientific Examin- tion enables us to giVe you Clear, Comfortable Vision. Fe F. HOMUTH Optometrist Phone 118 Harriston Already booked are the Motor City Shows featuring Ferris Wheel, Merry- Go-Round and Kiddies Ride, Two bands will he featured and many add- ed attractions as othe various commit -1 tees complete their .plans. Won. Three Games The Wroxeter Baseball,Cluh are away to a good start having won the laSt three games, The Club which is sponsored by the Wroxeter Commun- ity Association with Harold Towns- end as manager are as follows, pitcher, Ed. Stewart, assistant, Ken. Edgar, catcher, Roy McMichael; Bill Martin, Bob Brown and son, Bob, centre field, short stop, Calvin Moffat, Lloyd Townsend, first base,' Glenn McMich- ael, others Gordie Adams, Bob Gib- son 'r,, Wes. Paulin, Dave Draper, Clare Michel, Stewart Higgins. --- Women's Missionary Meeting The July meeting of the Women's Missionary Society will -be held in the United Church parlours on Friday af- ternoon, at 8 p.m. This is an all mem- bers.meeting and will take the form. of a shower, 'consisting of medical sup- plies, adhesive, absorbent cotton, print flannellette, kerchiefs, Klim, Raisins, sugar, chocolate bars, soap, clothing, knitting wool, which will be packed on that day and sent to a missionary in Japan. This effort on the part of the W.M.S. is a follow up of the visit o Miss Helen ;Hurd, who told of the great need of the christians in Japan, following the war. Donations will be gratefully received and also cash dona- tions for postage which is $2.85 for 11 lbs. Send your contribution to Mrs. Munro, president, or Mrs, Vern Denny, secretary, or come to the meeting on July 11th. A social hour will be held. Clothing Appreciated Mrs, Ward Sharpin was delighted to receive last week a letter from a young girl in' Wales in which was enclosed a note in a Red Cross parcel 5 years ago. The Fourth Line group of wor- kers with Mrs. Sharpin as president, at the time were very active. That particular shipment contained 28 com- plete children's Outfits. We feel ev- eryone will be pleased to read the let- terres.wshich come in response to a new d 2 Woodland Cottage, ,City, Road, Haverfordwest Pembrokeshire, South Wales Dear'Mrs, Ward Sharpin:— My name is Joan Elizabeth Jen- kins and I am a little girl who had your frock to wear, It is a very nice frock and mammy says I look very nice in it. Thank you' very much for sending it over to Wales. I am. ten years old and I have a brother and sis- ter younger than myself,, their names are Joyce and Peter. I was born in 1937, in the year,of King George VI Coronation, that is why Elizabeth comes into my name. I go to "St. Mar- tins"' School and I am in Std. V. I hope to pass into "Tasker's" High School next year. My birthdaY is on Feb. 6th. I was very pleased to be one of the children to receive a frock made . by you. °Lots of love and. thanks, from Joan Jenkins. Women'S Institute Mrs. Gilbert Howes opened her home for the July meeting. of the Wroxeter Branch of the Women's In- stitute. Mrs...Harold Hamilton was in the chair and the meeting was opened with the singing of the .Ode and the repeating of the Lord's Prayer. Mt's. W. T. MacLean presented the minutes and correspondence, which included several thank you notes in response to the kindness of the Good Cheer Com- mittee. Mrs. Michel, who attended • the Junior Institute Achievement Day in. Clinton reported a very interesting day, and as a follow up of her visit with a view to forming a Girls' Club in this district, Mrs. Michel and Mrs, John Lane were appointed to attend a coming meeting and take on the re- sponsibility of Local Leadership, Mrs. Maclean in reviewing current events touched on a variety of items closing with a choice bit of verse from the pen of Edgar Guest, Mrs. MacKen- ney reported that through a padre 01 Christie St. Hospital another soldier has been adopted by the W.I„ Private Robert Riley, aged 20 years. The let- ter stated he had been with the Can- adian Navy and through the invasion, and through diving had caused paraly- sis. This padre is his letter com- mended the. WI.- members for their interest and kindness to David Roger, who is now sufficiently recovered to leave the hospital, Mrs, 1G. A. Wear- ring conducted a very interesting quiz on the Blue Book which will prove profitable to members in the future. Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton gave a few high lights on the Golden Anniversary. held at Guelph on Jnne 18th. Plans were Made for the Annual Community picnic 'which will be held en Wednes- day, August .2nd. The following com- mittees were appointed; Sports, Mrs, Millward, Mrs. Draper, Mrs; Mae- Xenney; Lunch, Mrs. Sellers, Mrs, Sangster, Mrs. Maellatighton; ity, all members, Everyone is invited. Theft will be a fish pond with MS'. MacKetmey as convener, Mrs. Howes will have charge of Selling of tickets on a valuable prize. Other attractions• are' being arranged, Mist Gilberts !loves favored with a lovely solo, "Trees", with Miss Razelwood at the piano. Mrs, Munro moved a vote of thanks 1O hostess. Refreshments corm ittelirded mrsnigol, Mrs. MacLean, Mrs, Millward and a social' hour was .enjoyed. IN YOUR GARAGE! TI1.1. YOU wak KEEP YOUR CA:. AMIE THAT NEW CAR NEW CARS ARE STILL HARD TO GET. PAMPER YOUR PRESENT ONE. Drive in regularly for our EXPERT CHECK-UP. It pays in the "long run"! Crossett Motor Sales Your MERCURY and LINCOLN Dealer Telephone 459 Wingham rs "Marren ottoe ft Telephone 475 1 Wingham BOOKS • BOOKS - BOOKS Mmi•Ma.001.1a.aaNSY was ••••••••a•••• ••••••=1 Take a Book on Your Vacation - All the Latest "THE VIXEN" "FRESH WIND BLOWING" "THE CHEQUER BOARD" "BERMUDA CALLING" "KINGS BLOOD ROYAL" "THE WAYWARD BUS" DRAPERY MADE TO ORDER Exclusive Patterns in Florals Stripes Allover Designs PICTURE FRAMING A, SPECIALTY C. C. McKIBBON YOU WILL CALL IT The most- advanced and generous plan of • HOSPITALIZATION proteetion l you have ever seen.' • BENEFITS PAID WHETHER YOU • BENEFITS PAID FOR NURSING ARE HOSPITALIZED OR NOT CARE AT HOME • LOSS OF TIME BENEFITS FOR • MATERNITY BENEFITS REGARD- THE WAGE EARNER LESS OF WHERE CHILD IS BORN • DAILY BENEFITS FOR DEPEND TREATED BY NURSE DEATH ANTS IF NOT HOSPITALIZED OR • A GENEROUS BENEFIT FOR RCCZENTAL Nargi-ttcclg, occ,-kow.o‘vrttpwccoitkIrtr These and other„oulstanding advantages make this THE IDEAL PLAN FOR THE FAMILY MAN Get fall parliciliars-4111 in and mail coripan—Nei obligation 1 MUTUAL BENEFIT HEALTH AND ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION P. T. EGG, District Manager 402 Medical Arts Bldg. KITCHENER ONTARIO DETROIT'S "FIRST" IN CONVENIENCE • COMFORT • QUALITY In the heart of the downtown, office, theater, and shopping area. Friendly, courteous service to matt your stay in Detroit a pleasant memory. The Tuner Coffee Shop or Cafeteria for excel- lent Food modestly priced. The Hotel Teller, Detroit's largest, is the place to stay. VISIT OUR Cocktail ,Couirge ONE' OF DETROIT'S FINEST 800 ROOMS WITH OATH FROM $275 JO/el Valler PACING GRANO CIRCUS PARK HARRY F O'BRIEN. Manager '4111111a 11 lllil Business and Professional Directory 411111111111=11Miiiiik LEON C. CHIRON ••••»,a1