The Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-07-10, Page 4a I a a a n a a WANTED—Child's 840111 'WANTED—Office Clerk, must be ac- curate typist. Pertnanetit position. Apply at theilydro.Eleetric Power COntitliSSiOn, Rural Office, Wingharit Wagon. Phone OILI•••••••• • 410. . Mastic Tile ' Flooring for Homes, Offices and Stores. it 4 „„, tl N SALE MEN'S SMART ALL-WOOL SPORT JACKETS TO CLEAR $15.00 I Armitage's CLEANERS & DYERS I insuanninannonnunnuountimagnemig Stainton's Hardware n n • • • • SCREEN DOORS $3,50, $4.25, $5.00 WERLICK WAGONS Steel Frame, Rubber-tired and Good Boxes $7,75 — $10.95 Food and Beverages Jugs i-gallon size $5.00 1-gal. with tap $7.50 3-gallon size $9.95 Unbreakable, Rustproof, Chip-proof Keeps food pure and tasty HOUSEHOLD SCALES, 30 lbs. capacity . $8.25 C. V. PAINTS Tested and Approved Dependable Protection Assured QUARTS ... .$1.35 GALLONS .... $4.95 C.V. FLOOR ENAMELS, quarts $1.50 Richmond FLOOR ENAMELS, quarts ..85c SUDDEN-DEATH BUG KILLER, 20 lb. bag '70c CLIMAX BUG KILLER, 20 lb. bags 75c No. 7 PRESSURE COOKERS for Home Canning $32.00 • n n a a fir • n • • n n n on m m n n n n • • n n n n iw • • • • • • a • n n n • n n n And Farmers' Supply House "Quality, Price. and Service Sell Our Good's" HAY TOOLS HAY FORK ROPE, 7/8", per ft. 9c TRIP ROPE, %", per lb. . „ , ..............40c TARRED RAYLOADER ROPE, WI, lb. ....45c BEATTY HAY FORKS .... . „ . , . $6.75 HAYFORK PULLEYS .. . , .$1.00, $1.25, $1.95 Hayfork ROPE HITCH to Whiffletrees . „ .55c Maple Leaf PITCH FORKS, 4, 4%, 5-ft. . . $1.45 Large assortment of TRICYCLES $15.50, $16.50, $17.50, $17.65, $18.50, $19.85 EXTENSION LADDERS, 16-ft. . _$9.25 EXTENSION LADDERS, 32-ft. $27.50 emelime. COAL OIL STOVES, 3-burner, with legs . $13.50 COAL OIL STOVE, 2-burner, Alb legs $9.75 2-burner COAL OIL STOVE OVENS $4.95 ICE BOXES ...... .. .$39.95 and $59.00 Blue PRESERVING KETTLES . .. — 11▪ 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111e st. 1: 49 * n Au" I N a n n n n , • • • 1 • • 4 N . THE CALL OF THE II NI • • OPEN ROAD a a iii DRIVE WITH A CAREFREE MIND AND A a • • • TROUBLE-FREE CAR THIS SUMMER!: a a or • Our mechanics wilI service your ear—Keep it in an a • TIP,TOP CONDITION for Safe and Pleasureful • g • • • driving, in W NRE Pli R S and a : Wingha I rn - --Y° can 'I*" • • 1 ACCESSORIES • 1 ...on our GMAC PLAN la Telephone 139 Chevrolet, Oldsmobile Cars . C.,M,C. Trucks 01111111011111111111111110111111111111111011111.11.111102211.111101111111111 . ' - 111•11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 w Is aII a • • ....1,---7-, 1 • • (r.----R-A- 1 1 (l/iffil .4P I M ill a a 1 / , ‘,%\. ... . us Po •Il '''...4%--0.4.4. a Motors THE WINGHAM ADVANCEITIMES Thursday, July 10, 1047 ummisonnommintimsnarinannows a a n a • n n n Rhys Pollock n ANGELIQUE GREY HAIR RE- STORER effectively returns natural colour and beauty to grey hair. $1 at lvIcKibbons and all druggists. FOR SALE-2 Horses, Apply James Devereaux,' Lucknow, R. R. 2, W. Wawanosh, FOR SALE—Cement gravel and sand for cement blocks or plastering. Ap- ply to Russell Gaunt, Phone 402r22, Wingham. FOR SALE—Western Foundry Cook Stove, slightly used, in good con- dition. Apply 3. H. Crawford, FOR SALE—Ayrshire Cow, 5 years old, fresh 1 month, Apply 5. G. Sim- mons, Wingham. FOR SALE-19:32 Chev, ,Coupe in good condition, new tires. Apply Lloyd Turvey, Blyth, Phone 51. FOR SALE—Enamelled Bed, full ,size, felt mattress, and cable springs, in first class condition. Apply Mrs, H. V, Pym, Phone 383. FOR SALE-7 pigs, 6 weeks old. Ap- ply Win. G. VanCamp, Belgrave. FOR SALE—Registered Shorthorn cow, 4 'years old, 3 yearling ,cattle. Charles Sewers, R. R. 2, Wingham, Phone 6321.3. FOR SALE-11 weaned pigs, Apply John Walker, B. Line, Wingham. FOR SALE-100 Sussex X New Hampshire Pullets, ready to lay. Wm. Webster, R. R. 2, Lucknow, ii91 q)litaile 44 r 81, kucknow, FOR SALE-1 dresser, 1 enamel sink, 3 beds, 1 small coal stove. Apply Mrs. Ted Elliott, Phone 367, FOR SALE-5 Good Cows, shortage of help reason for selling. Peter Mc- Donald, 2 miles east of Belgrave. FOR SALE—Windmill, Apply Gem Day, Wroxeter Phone 612r5. FOR SALE-13oy's Bicycle in good condition, new tires, large parcel carrier, Apply Harold Wild, Diag- onal Rout, FOR SALE—Electric Addison Radio, nearly new, table model. Phone 641r31, FOR SALE—Two Slazenger Tennis Rackets, with presses, in good con- dition. 12% and 18 ozs. Apply to W, A, Fratiek, Wingham, R. 1. FOR SALE-3 Steel Hay Fork. Pul- leys, post hole digger, cistern, pump, steel wagon jack. Apply Advance- Times. FOR SALE—One three-year-old Dur- ham cow, due to freshen the middle of july. A 'twenty-nine ,Chevrolet sedan car in good running order with good rubber, Apply to S. Higgins, Wroxeter, Box 50. VOLIND—A sum of money on Main St, a few days ago. Apply Advance- Times, LOST--Cameo gold filled brooch hi or near Wroxgter United Church, Finder please leave at VariVelsor's NO'T'E ExperiencedTeacup and Palmistry Readinge. For appoint- ments call or phoee Brussels 89.23. 1f worried or in- Doubt, 'Miss I. M. Sellers, 13luevale. ROOMERS WANTED -- Married Couple or girls, Apply Mrs. Laura Finley, John St., Wingham, SLENDOR TABLETS are effective. weeks supply $1; 12 weeks, 5, at MeKibboes and MeAvoy'e tug Stores. WANTED—by an aggressive 'expand- ing company, one or two Govern- ment approved Egg Candlers, male or female. -Modern equipment, no Saturday night work. Salary no ob- ject 'to persons who want quick pro- motion to responsible positions. Write Post Office Box 9, Wallace- burg, Ont. Interview will be ar- ranged with expenses paid. AN OPPORTUNITY Established Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55 have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a profitable business of your own. For full particulars write today to Thel. R. Watkins Company, Dept. O-W-2, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Quebec. TEACHER WANTED West Howick Township School Area requires two Protestant teachers for 1-room Schools, on ploughed roads in winter. S. S. No. 1, Howick, 5 miles north of Gorrie; S. S. No. 18, Howick, 2% miles south of Gorrie, Duties to commence Septeniiber 2nd, Apply, stating salary, qualifications and experience, to Phil. Durst, Sec'y- Treas., Wroxeter, Out. CARD OF THANKS We are sincerely grateful to friends and neighbours for their many acts of sympathy during our sad bereavement. Our appreciation cannot be adequately expressed. Mr, and Mrs, Harry Campbell. CARD OF THANKS We Aesire Co press to our kind neighbors and thoughtful friends our heartfelt thanks foe their many expres- sions of sympathy, The beautiful flor- al offerings and loaning of cars were especially appreciated. Mrs. Yeo and family, • ST, HELENS Miss Grace Weatherhead is holiday- ing at Port Elgin. Mr. 5, H. Wallace of Norwood, is spending the summer with ,Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Miller. Don't forget the meeting of the Wo- men's Institute to be held on Thurs- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Fred McQuillin. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller of Lon- don, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Taylor. Mrs. G. S. McIntyre and Donald of Meaford, are spending the holidays Miller, while Mr, McIntyre is attend- with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. 1, ing a Summer Course in Toronto. and my BELGRAVE Women's Institute The "Agriculture and Canadian In- dustries" meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 15th., at 2.80 p.m., at the home of Mrs. Writ. Kelly. Con-' venom of program, Mrs, J. Coul- tes, Mrs. G. Higgins; Roll Call, My favorite garden rose ad favor wintet '.house plant; Motto, Mrs, Geo. Michie; Addrese, Mrs. Harold Vin- cent; Music, Mrs. N. Keating; Quizx, Mrs, J. M. Coulter; Lunch Commit. tee, Mre, j. S. 'Procter ,Mrs. G. Hig- gins, Mrs. J. M. Coulees. Visitors are always weleOlne, The Ladies Guild of the Anglican Church held their July meeting at the home of Miss Isabel Nethery on Thursday of last week. The meeting was 'opened by singing a hymn and prayer by Mr. Itenderson. The min- utes of the last meeting were read and the treasurer's report received. A mus- ical number was given by Isabel, Peg- gy and Beverley Nethery. A short bus- iness discussion was followed by a 10c tea. The meeting was closed with prayer. ,Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McCrae and little daughter, of Toronto, are visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Mc- Crae. Miss Noreen Luttrell, London, visit- ed over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnston. Miss Dorothy Wade is visiting with friends in Detroit. Miss Norma VanCamp of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. VanCamp. Mr, and Mrs. Goldie Wheeler and ,George, 'of London, are spending the holiday with Belgrave and Wingham friends. Mr. Alex. MeBurney is visiting with friends in Algoma. OBITUARY Mrs. Arthur Haines A former resident of Wingham, Mary Georgina Haines, widow of the late Arthur Haines, aged 88 years, died in Hamilton on Monday, July 7th. She was a member of Calvary Church, Hamilton, Surviving arc four daughters and three sons, Mrs. John Skeliey, Timmins; Mrs. Clyde Kemp, Woodbay, Man,; Miss Ada Haines, and Mrs. Marjory Parker, Hamilton; Robert 5, Haines, Sasketchewan; Wel- lington Haines, Woodbay, Man); Wal- ter E. Haines, Matachewan,*Ont.; also one sister, Mrs. James Robertson, Toronto, and 15 grandchildren. A service will be held at the Swacit- hamer & Hilt Funeral Home, 758 King St. E., at 7.30 p.m., Tuesday, July 8th. Interment will be made in Wingham Cemetery this afternoon, (Wednesday, July 9th., at 2.30 p.m. Miss Minnie Campbell The death occurred in Clinton, on Sunday, June 29th., *of Miss Minnie Electric Fences HOT PLATES Full line of Hearing Aid BATTERIES McGILL Radio Service David Crompton Gifts For All Occasions WINGRAIV1 PHONE 59 SHERBONDY'S COFFEE SHOP OPENS MONDAY, JULY 14 After Two Weeks Holiday Campbell, who had been in ailing heal- the for several years. She was in her 61st year. A native of East Wawanosh, daugh- ter of ,the late Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, she spent her early years there but for the past - twenty-five years had lived in Clinton. She was a member of the United Church. Surviving are .two brothers, Harry Campbell of Belgrave, and Hugh of Franklyn, Man. Two brothers and two sisters predeceased her. Funeral service was held on Tues- day, July 1st., at 2 p.m, from the home of her brother, Harry Campbell, Bel- grave, with Rev. G. H. Dunlop offic- iating, The pallbearers were John Tasker, Albert Tasker, Gerald Camp- bell, Hugh Campbell, Charles Elliott,, and Jos, Dunbar, Interment was made in Brandon cemetery, GORRIE Mr. and Mrs. Percy iColiner and son, Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Souter, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry King and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest King. Guests of Mr, and Mrs. Wilford King, also at Mr. and Mrs. Ken Has- tie's on ,Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Frank McBride of Vancouver, B.C., Mrs. Frances Gray, Mrs, E. Purrott and son, Mr. George Purrott of Ham- ilton. Other guests at the latter home for the afternoon were, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Moffatt, Mr. and Mrs. 'Harold Moffat and family, Mr, and Mrs. Ce.d- ril Moffat and family, Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Underwood of Wingliam, Mr and Mrs. Frank Earls and Lynne, Mr. and Mrs. Ira MacLean and family of Wroxeter, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Mac- Donald of MOleSwortlt, Mr, and Mrs. Alex Ilastie and family of Durham, also ,Mr. and Mrs. Archie Miller and family. Mr, Earl King returned home on Sunday evening from a trip to Cal- gary, Alta, WESTFIELD The totiowitig is the list of pro- motions and statidieg he class of the pupils of the Westfield school. Pro- moted to grade VIII, Lorna Buchan- an, Ftattklitt Cattipbell, Lawrence Campbell, Harold 13e11; to Grade VII, Joy Lutz; to grade VI, Betty Rodger, Gerald McDowell, Lois Campbell; to" Grade V, Israel Good, Ruth Cook, John Buchanan} to Grade IV, Bobyb Carter; to grade III, GweedolYtt Me- Dowell, Billy Lutz ' Ruth Howatt; to Grade II, Shirley Lute, Barbera Smith, Donna Walden„ I•larvey Shell, Doreen ROWatty David Wharton, Congratulations are extended to the pupils and the teacher, Miss Pearl jetriksate Congratulations ate, also ex. tended to Norman Wightman And jirrt tichatien, Who ward stteedSful in passing their Entrance on their -year's work. Ur. and Mrs. 'Orville Robh• of Ole, visited recently with Nit, anti Ma Maurice t ostnam LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr,1;,' OA. Finley spent a low days in Toronto and Wiartooa. Mr. 'Win. Reid spent a few days with his son-in-law and daughter in. Port Erie. (Miss Dorothy Piper spent the past week with her brother, Mr. Fred Piper, in Oshawa.. Patricia Bates of TOronto, is visiting with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Williams. Mr. Kenneth Fowler of Toronto, spent a few days at the bogie of Mr, and Mrs. D. Finley. Mr, and Mrs, Alex Baird of Flint, Mich,, are enjoying a week's holiday With friends in town, - • Mrs, W. J, Greer is spending a holi- day in Nova Scotia, visiting friends in Halifax and Bedford, Mrs. H, P. Carmichael and children are spending a few holidays at their cottage at Point Clark. Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Fox and daugh- ter, Judy, of Guelph, spent the week- end with relatives in town, Major Margaret Wheeler of Prince Edward Island, has spent three weeks' vacation visiting friends in town, Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Smith of Tor- onto, visited for a few days with the latter's mother, Mrs, Laura Finley, Mrs, N. ,Moffitt and children, of Noranda, Quebec, are holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mra. A, 5. Wal- ker. Mr, Nelson Jarvis of Toronto, is spending his vacation with his aunt, and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. A, G, Fur- ness. Mrs, Jas. Finley and daughter, Joan, of London, are visiting for a few weeks with Mrs. Laura Finley. and other friends. Miss Audrey Wilson and brother, Bob of Toronto, are spending a few weeks with their aunt, Mrs, Jas. Camp- bell, John St, Mr. and Mrs. E. Washburn and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Brown of Toronto, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Hamilton. ,Mr. and Mrs. Hillman and little daughter of Toronto, spent the week- end at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reid. ' Guests at the borne of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Finley recently, were -Miss Doris Finley, Toronto, and Miss Betty Finley, London. Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Hamilton and Mr, and MM. DeWitt Miller enjoyed a motor trip to Montreal, Quebec and through the Eastern States last week. Mrs. Balfour arrived in Wingham on Saturday from Paisley, Scotland, and is with her son-in-law and dau- ghter, Mr, and Mrs. George Hender- son, Diagonal Road, Mr. and Mrs. It E. Jackson, Mrs. D. K. Livingstone, Lansing, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Irwin of Belmore, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Robert •McKay of Goderich.. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Posorek, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Posorek, Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Majectic, and Miss Sadie MCCor- mick, of Detroit, visited with Mrs. Fitzpatrick and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. WarWick Campbell of Plymouth, Indiania„ returned home after visiting with the former's sister, n "SHOES FOR ALL THE FAMILY iiiimamisamiimiwormouirrimmannor CLASSIFIED ADS. N n n te 101 The theme of the Worship service was, n "Dire World Council of Churches". n Hymn 249 was sung, the scripture was n 'taken from EPh. 2, 11-22 and was r;taal = by Mrs Charimey, Prayers were read by President, Mrs. (co. Martin and 7,•„. n p.r.rs. Gee. .a.ticine, NI Mrs. Jas, Michie read the leaflet entitled "The World Council of the CiWetst; closed with the hymn 252 and prayer by the President, - W. .A, followed with their meeting, the President, Mrs, R, H, Coultes, pre- n siding and opened the meeting with 4 the "Call to Worship" The scripture im was taken from hymnary No. 723 and n was .read_ in unison, followed by the a "Lord's Prayer". After singing a hymn al the minutes of previous meeting were NI read, It was agreed that the W.A. •m. pay their part of the furniture and rug purchased for the Manse, It was ar- m ranged that a paper hanger do the re- m quired painting and papering at the n .manse, • It was decided to have a reception and social hour in. the basement fol- lowing the induction service for the Rev. W, 5. Moores, Mrs. 5. M. Coul- n tes was appointed Treasurer for the remainder of the year' replacing Mrs, (Rev.) Dunlop. Following the singing of a hymn, the meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction, i••••••66 'United Church The W.M.S. of the United Church niet in the basement with a fair attend- ance. The President, Mrs, H. Wheeler; presided over thd business olio Devot- ional period. Visits t, the sick and shut-ins were- reported, Mrs, Chamney Was appointed Baby Band Supt., to re- place Mrs. (Rev.) Dunlop. It was de- cided to quilt two quilts on Wednes day of the following week, Mrs. E. Andetson volunteered' to prepare the programme for the August meeting.. CUSTOM BUILT Kitchen CABINETS ESTIMATES FREE Norman Rintoul 'Phone 251 %AA* Mr. and Mrs. Frank Edgar and :qrs. Jas. Campbell and family, John St. Messrs. George and frying Boyle and Mr. Charlie Totem have returned to Mt. Vernon, New York, after spend- ing their vacation with the formet'S parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Boyle. Misses Minnie and Florence Barber left Toronto on Tuesday for the West COast, where they will visit their bro- ther, Mr. Chas—A, Bal,ber and Mrs. Barber at Chilliwack; B.C. Enroute they will visit at Banff, Lake Louise, Jasper, Victoria and Seattle. Mr. Elliott reports having a 'very pleasant trip. * His party spent a day in Quebec City visiting many places of interest. While in Bath, N. B., a day was spent trout fishing, also Mr. El- liott took his first aeroplane ride with Dr. Lockhart's son, Dr. John Lock- hart. Mr. and* Mrs. Matt Elliott actoinp- wiled by their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Gerrow, of Gal- ion, Ohio, have returned from visiting. Dr. and Mrs. James Lockhart of Bath, N. R. Mrs. Lockhart is a niece of Mr. arid Mrs. Elliott and the former Annie Elliott of Wingham. Celebrating the Elliott-Davis wed- ding festivities at the Brant Inn, Bur- lington, were Mr, and Mrs. Norman Elliott of Southampton, Mr. and*Mrs. Miller ,Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wil- son, Messrs. Ted and Lloyd Elliott of Windham, Mr. Harley Farr Buffalo, Mr. Harley Fletcher, Meadville, P.A,; Misses 'Muriel Davis, Eleanor Carroll, Mr, and Mrs. Fred McCormick, Dr. C. McCormick, Dr. and Mrs. J. Rod- dick, Brantford, Misses Ruth Haw-`- kins, Vera Buttenharn, Lorna Matfett,. Burlington, Mr. Charles Still, Mont- real; Mr. Gary Warner, Toronto, Miss Dorothy McDonald, St. Marys.