The Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-07-10, Page 14
Held .Annual Meeting ,At Goderich
Officers Elected
The Women's Christian Temperance
Union, County of Huron convention
met in North Street United Church,
Goderieh, with a good attendance. Re-
ports from all superintendents were
very eneouraging.1 The treasurer re-
ported more funds than the proceed-
ing year, The guest speaker, Rev.
Janes of St. Thomas who enthused the
audience with his experiences and en-
couraged the workers to continue, in
time results would 'be seen. Mrs.
Janes favoured with a well rendered
solo. Following are the resolutions:
"That this Convention place entirely
on record as strongly objecting 'to the
introduction in the Province of new
outlets for the sale of liquor, such as'
cocktail bars. That we very much re-
gret that women's beverage rooms
were not discontinued as requested by
the large petitions presented in the
Legislature by representative societies.
Officers for the County of Huron
W.C.T.U, are as follows:
Advisory President, Miss Jean Mur-
ray, Hensall, Mrs. Fields; President,
Mrs. R, A. Brook, Hensall; Vice-
presidents, Mrs. Collar, Wingham,
Mrs. E. Masco, Goderich, Mrs,- W.
Cook, Exeter; Cor.-Sec., Mrs,. j, P.
Cantelon, Goderich Re;c.-Secretary,
Miss A. Cousitt, Hensall; Treasurer,,
Miss Lewis, Wingham; Snots., Earang--t
elistic, Mrs. E. Geiger, Herisall; Anti-
Narcotic, Mrs. W. Pearce, Exeter;
Publicity and Social, Mrs. Phillips,
Goderich; Flowers, Mrs., W. 'Cousins,
Goderich; Press, Mrs. Maude .Hedden,
Hensall; Medal Contest, Mrs. John-
ston, Goderich; Temperance in Sunday
school, Mrs. Raithby, Wingham; Tra-
vellers Aid, Mrs. Howell, Goderich.
The W. M. S. of the Wingham Un-
ited Church held their last meeting be-
fore summer holidays M. the form of a
picnic at the home of Mrs. Nelson
Uhderwood. The day was a fine one
and about 70 ladies attended.
The outstanding feature of the meet-
ing, arranged and conducted by Mrs.
Underwood, was an • address by Miss
Mae Williamson, Miss Williamson
has spent 20 years in Central India as
missionary 'of the Presbyterian Church
and her address gave all present a
vivid and enlightening insight into I
Ruth Moffat sang' a lovely solo, and •
Ruth and Jean pleased all their
duet. The women are most grateful
to , Mrs, Underwood who planned .for
them such a happy conclusion to the
winter's work,
The Wingham Utilities Commission
wish to announce that during the sum-
mer months lawn sprinkling hours are
set at 6 to 9 a.m. and 6 to 9 p.m. daily.
All persons having outside taps will
be billed at $2:00 for the season. In
any case where outside taps will not be
used, the customers must notify the
Utilities Office and the tap will be re-
moved and a plug 'inserted free of
Returned To Town
Mr. and Mrs. John • Crandall are
gain in possession of their cottage
on Edward Street, and friends. are wel-
coming them back to town'. •
Attends Music Teachers' Course
Miss Elaine Walsh, Music Super-
visor, Belgrave, is attending a Course
in Pedagogy given by Cora B. Ahrens,
Stratford, in Goderich, this week,
Passed First Year At Toront0
Congratulations to Mr. Kenneth
Jackson, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E.
Jackson of town, who was successful
in dassing his first year at. Toronto
Victoria St. Resurfaced
The, concrete pavement on Victoria
St., from Josephine West to the bridge,
part of Highway 86, which has been
in poor condition since winter, was re-
surfaced last week by the Department
of Highways_
Mr. and Mrs. A. M, Peebles are vis-
iting friends in Sandy Creek, N, Y.
Carnival At Goderich
Carnival and 4th Annual Pet Parade
in Court House Park, Goderich, on
Wednesday evening, July 16th, under
auspices of Maple Leaf Chapter, I,O,
Gaines and Bazaar. Booth for
children and adults. Pet Parade as-
senibleS at 7 p.m. Clown Band in at«
The regular meeting of the local
Branch of the W. I. will be held on
Thursday, July 11th., at 2.80 p.m., in
the Council Chamber, An opportunity
will again be given 'to those wishing
to join the Blue Cross Hospital Plan,
The terms will' 'be the same as last
January, The hostesses for the meet,.
lug will be ;Mr., 3. Knox, Mrs, T.
Bower, Mrs, Chas. Hopper, Mrs. J.
Ernest, WS, I), Chat-alley and Mrs. G.
Single copies Five Cents
The regular meeting of the Ladies
Auxiliary to the Legion was held in
the Legion Home on Monday night,
June 30th,
The Zone Representative, Miss Dor-
othy Hoyle of Stratford, was present
and after the business •was concluded,
she addressed the meeting.
Miss Hoyle urged the members to
get the younger members working' and
gradually taking responsibility. It is up
to the ladies to help the veterans be-
come rehabilitated, she continued, by
`being friendly, Jielpful and interested in
their welfare, "This, she said is a great
incentive" to •keep the Legion Home
"Be proud of the Auxiliary" she
said, and once in full force to the
Rally in Mitchell on Monday, Sept.
8th., 1947,
• The President, Mr"s. H. .Towne;
presented Miss Hoyle with a gift and
after a few'further remarks the mem-
lers adjourned to the sitting rooms
'where refreshments were served,
The Wingham Lions Club will hold
a Summer Carnival at 'the Wingham
'Town Park on Monday,-Tuesday and
Wednesday of next week, July 14, 15
arid 16.
Each evening will start with a ball
game at 7 o'clock. The amusements
will includ8 a Merry-Go-Round, Ferris
Wheel, Loop-o-Plane and car ri'de, also
Bingo and other games.
Three days of entertainment with
'the proceeds being used for their wel-
fare work.
St. Paul's Ladies Guild will serve
a Strawberry tea in the parish room
:of the church, on Thursday, July 10th„
from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Admission 50c.
.Attended Lions Convention
Messrs. Frank Madill and Stewart
Beattie were in Windsor last week,
. where they attended the Lions Con-
vention_ for District A.
Appointed 'X.C.
The appointment of Dudley E. Hol-
.rnes, Crown Attorney for Huron, as
Kings Counsel, was announced by At-
.7torney General Leslie Blackwell on
Wednesday of last week.
Motored From Oregon
Mr. W. J. Cooper of Gresham, Or-
segon, spent a few days last week at
the home Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kelly.
_Mr's. Cooper and grandson, Jimmy
Norval, are returning with him after
,:spending three weeks with her niece,
Mrs. J. A. Kelly of Turnberry. Mr.
Cooper's car registered 3080 miles
from Oregon to Wingham. Both Mr.
,and Mrs'. Cooper were' born in Wing-
ham, but •have spent a *good part of
their lives in the United States, They
'see many changes here and miss many
of the old timers.
Notice is/ hereby given that the
.Building of the 'Town of
'Wingham, provides -.-for the issue of
Building Permits for the erection or
:alteration of all buildings within the
Town. of Winghatn.
Applications must b'e filed at the
Clerk's Office before any building is
commenced or alterations made, This
By-Law will be strictly enforced. Ap-
plication forms may be obtained at the
Clerk's Office, Town Hall,
W. A. Galbraith, Clerk,
Town of Wingham,
Baseball fans witnessed one of the
‘closest struggles of the season here a
week ago Monday evening, when Tees-
water edged the local juveniles 8-7.,
'The locals were really Clicking when
the game was called at the end of the
•sitth because of darkness,. The visit-
ors tallied in every inning except the
fourth, while Wingltam combined for
•seven rums in the fourth and sixth,
Loughlean and Brooks led the local
attack with two base hits OVer the
fence, while for Teeswater Scott pity-
:ed to be the best slugger. Soli for
Winghatn and Porter for the visitors
:opposed each other on the mound.
TeeSwater=,--Cerson '21a, Davidson lb,
Porter p, SOU 8b, Lindsay c, Colvin
If, Armstrong sa, Boothe rf, ,Schiestle
-ef, V1 /47ingliam—Ceivert S. Brophy
:8b, Laughlean lb, Sell p, Brophy 2b,
Brooks If, roxtott tf, Loeltridge e, Md»
bityre ssr grnest ts.
'Teeswater 11 2 0 218 s 1
Wingham 0 0 0 4 0 8.4 8 2
Umpires, Thornton, Caritel611.•
Turriberry Deputation Submit Objec,.
tions to Proposed Incinerator.
The Wingham Town •Council met
on Monday evening with all members
Communications were received from
County Clerk, advising that the, rate
for Wingham for 1947 was $8237.11.
This is approximately $2000 higher
than last year.
County Engineer, re streets in the
town. The Clerk was instructed to
reply asking that something be done.
Town Band, thanking the Council
for their ,co-operation,
Library Board, re the display of oil
paintings of Geo. A. Reid, a former
Winghamite, This display has been
arranged to be held at the "Warren
Sam Burton, RecreatiOn Director,
reported that the Recreation CounCil
had been repairing and keeping up the
park, and requested the Council to
make the usual grant to assist in, this
W. H. Haney, town assessor' gave a
report of the convention held at Sud-
bury, and explained some difficulties
he was encountering in his survey,
Reeve Johnson gave a repOrt of,the
Mayors and Reeves convention eld
recently at Ottawa.
Mayor Kennedy reported that the
deed had been received for the Mac-
Lean. property.
The Finance Committee presented a
number of accounts properly certified.
These were ordered,paid.
Conn. McKibbon, as Chairman of
the Property Committee recommended
that the grant allowed in the estimates
be paid to Recreation Council.
Applications foi Building permits
were received and approved when 0.
K'.d by the Chairman of the Property
Committee, from:.
Chas. Cook, sun porch, '
DeWitt Miller, wood shed, •
David L. Weir, cement house on
Leopold St.
Mrs. Dorothy McTavish, kitchen,
Russell Zurbrigg, garage,
E. S, Lewis, garage.
A. Slosser, car shed,
Andrew John Douglas frame house
on' Leopold St.
The Council decided to publish ad-
vertisement stating that all building
and alterations must first have a build-
ing permit approved before work is
commenced, Chief of Police T. W.
Platt was authorized to issue a sum-
mons to those who have not received
such permits.
Letters were ordered sent to Joe
Kerr and Bruce Scott asking them to
make their properties on Josephine St.
more presentable, and to Mr. Edwards
to remove his building on Victoria St.
according to conditions when permit
was granted.
,Coup, Rae, for the Street Committee
reported that the streets had received
calcium chloride and were in fair con-
dition, and that `a price would be sub-1
mitted for the removal of the curbing
on Josephine St. to widen same. The
chimney at the Hydro 'plant had been
approved by the local Medical Officer
of Health, and the Utilities Cominis-
sion were agreeable.
A motion was passed asking the
ighways Dept. to approve the bylaw
re parking and stop streets,
A motion was also passed proclaim-
ing Monday, August 4th as Civic holi-
day for the Town of Wingham.
A deputaticat Composed of the Turn-
berry Council and residents of Lower
Wingham, headed by Reeve Woods
addressed the council regarding the
proposed incinerator at the Tower
Plant in Lower Wingham, ' • Several
expressed their opposition to this pro-
ject in their locality as they felt it
would be a smoke nuisance as well as
creating an unfavorable odor, The
Turnberry Council explained that they
Were prepared to stand behind their
ratepayers. •
Mayor Kennedy explained that no-
thing definite had been done and the
matter would first have to be approv-
ed by the Department of Health.
Another matter of interest brought
up by the deputation was the condi-
tion that existed this spring with the
flood waters. Those who expressed
theniselves felt that it was partly due
to sonic negligence and carelessness
oil the part of the Utilities Col-antis-
ft Vat suggested that an inspector
be appointed by the Township of
Turnberry to guard the rights of the
ratepayers in that area, and warn the
Commission of flood danger. The
Council agreed that Mayor Kennedy
take this up with the Commission maid
report to the Turnberry Council.
Wins t chniarsbip
Congratulations to Eleanor Wight.
man, 18, of S. S. No. 11, E, Wawa-
nosh, who,Woll the Laidlaw Fite Farfit
Scholarship for entrance. Congratula-
tions are also due her teacher, Mr.
Norman Higgins, •
With Which Is. Amalgamated The Ge rie Vidette and VVrexe er News
WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 10th, 1947 Subscriptions PO per Year
Taken on the platform at the Sal-
vation Hall, this photograph is of the
Wingham Band. Last month a present-
ation FeStival was the occasion for
dedication of new instrument's, arid
Commissioning of new bandsmen. Last
week the band inaugurated weekly
broadcast series (CKNX Thursdays at
8.15 p.m.) Personnel, left to right,
Bandsman Wm. 'H, Gordon, Lieut. E.
Three Softball . Games Scheduled
The long-awaited floodlights, at the
ball park are installed at last and the
people of Wingham and district will
see them in action on Thursday even-
ing of, this week.
A--.good many, people have worked
hard to make this possible. Thanks are
due to the Rural Hydro men who in-
stalled the poles on their clay off, free
of charge. This fine -.gesture is very
much appreciated. 'Tile local Hydro
men also deserve a vote of thanks. It
was necessary for -them to. start work
at 5 a.m. one 'morningin order to have
the lights readYbY.TharsdaY',
Donated By the Wingham Lions Club
The Cost of instit'lling2lhe floodlights
is borne by the Wingham Lions Club
as a service to the community. The
lights 'will nearly treble the playing
time, making the park available for
younger teams.
The Programme
7 :15—Kin ca rd ine Girls vs Wingham
8:30---Clifford Girls vs Brussels
:4 95---Port Elgin Intermediates' vs
Wingham, •
At about 9.15 p.m. the Opening cere-
mony will be performed as. Past Presi-
dent Jack McKibbon of the Lions
Club 'formally hands over the flood-
lights to the president of the Softball
Association, Mr. Alex Coutts, who in
turn will call upon Mayor Kennedy to
throw the switch, The Mayor will
pitch the first ball to the president of
the Lions Club, Frank Madill. Catch-
er will be Jack McKibbon. Other lead-
ers in the community will fill out the
remaining positions, Master of cere-
monies for the evening will be Mr.
Tory Gregg.
Proceeds For Recreation
The entire proceeds of the opening
night will be donated to the Wing-
Ilion Recreation Council to promote
a recreational programme. Admission
will`be 35 cents for adults and 15 cents
for children for the entire evening.
Citizens of Wingham and district are
invited to be present,
Floodlight Softball Saturday •
Seaforth 18 to play the Wingham
Senior "A' Team here on Saturday
evening commencing at 9.45 p,tn. tin-
der the new floodlights. This is your
chance to see the first scheduled game
under floodlights. A preliminary game
will commence at 8,30 a.m. between
two bantam teams. Adults 25 ents,
children (grandstand) 10 tents,
Dental Office Closing
The Dental Office of Dr. Gee. W,
Howson will be closed from July 17th
to July 31st, inclusive.
Winghatn defeated Seaforth ott Mon-
day evening at Seaforth by the score
of 9-7, Aitchison made a homer while
Teinplernati and Nici'garth had 4 hits
each, The batteries for Wingitam, Jar-
dine and Groves. Seafoilth, Latrine,
Kennedy arid O'Shea.
Wingliam ..., ,. 6 8
Seaforth, / 5
Centralia RCAF 8 6
Clinton 1 7
Gagnon, Bandsman Brain Tillsley,
Grace Gordon, Envoy Wm. S. Clarke,
Eileen Price (accompanist), Mrs. F. V.
Russell, Fred Russell (band instruc-
tor), and Robert S. Hill. Absent:
Bandsman Arthur Law.
Service • was rekored Thursday
morning in C.N.R. line between Ripley
and Kincardine, where six freight cars.
plowed off the tracks Wednesday,
Cause of the Wreck has not yet been
determined. The freight in charge of
Conductor J. A. Kelly of Palmerston,
was en route to •Kincardine and was
nine and one-half miles from town
when the six rear cars of the 11-car
train left the track. There were three
coal cars, one with lumber and two
with miscellaneous freight. No one
Was injured.
More than 100 yards of track was
torn out by the derailed cars. A main-
tenance and repair crew from Stratford
worked throughout the night to get the
line in Service for the morning's train.
The lodges of Wingham District L.
O.L. held their annual church parade
to Wingham 'United Church, on Sun-
day evening, July 6th. -While a fair
turnout was present, it was not as
large .as had been expected owing to
the rain.
The Orangemen Were addressed by
Rev,. Alex Nimmo, of St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church, who took for his
text, Daniel 5 : 27 "Thou art weighed
in the balance, and art found wanting."
The music was mister time direction
of Mr, Claude Hughes„ organist and
Merkley Family Reunion
A family Re-union of Merkley des-
cendants was held on Sunday at the
home ,of Mr. and Mrs. Morrison Shar-
pin, 4th line of Turnberry, with fifty
being present from Toronto, London,
Wingham and surrounding district.
• Dahlias Bloom Early
Frank Edgar of town, has a
Dahlia that got its dates mixed and
bloomed the last of June. The flowers
were not as large as they would other-
wise have been had they waited until
the proper season. This is very early
for dahlias, who call beat it,
Dance and Presentation
On Monday evening a private dance
was held at the Royal T„ when over
two hundred friends, neighbors and
relatives gathered in honour of the re-
cent marriage of Mr. Elgin Johnston,
An address was read by Alex Sproal
and a sum of money presented by Har-
old Casemore, also numerous ,gifts.
Garden Party At Salem
A Garden Party and Cold Meat
Supper will be held at Salem United
Church, on Thursday, July 10th, Sup-
per will be served from 6 to 8, Pro-
gram by CINX talent, Admission
75 cents and 40 eenta.
Have you paid your subscription
daring the past few weeks? If so,
please look at your label 'to see you
have been given proper credit. Our
mailing lists have been corrected up to
July 5th., and any remittances that
reached its by that . time should
have been 'credited. If there has been
An error please notify tts,
To those W110 are in arrears, we
woald ask that they renew .'their sub,
scriptions at .*sonee. All StibgetlptieriS,
MUM be paid in advance.
Agar, Wilda; Bain, William; Bell,
Elizabeth (H); Bradburn, Murray;
13recicenridge, Helen; Brooks, Ruth;
Bruce, Elmer; Buslifield, Mary (II);
Campbell, Grace; Campbell, Mary
(H); Casemore, Betty; Cruickshank,
Lois; Currie, Barbara (H); C•urrie,
Jacquelyn; Dawson, Mae; Doyle Jac-
queline; Dunbar, Kenneth; Felker,
Marion; Finlay, Mary; Fitch, Donna;
Fraser, Nora; Fraser, William; Gaunt,
Barbara (H); Gray, Ruby; Hanna,
John (H); Hastings, Vivian; Jefferson,
Elaine; Jeffs, Donna (H); Jenkins,
Floyd; Lever, Evelyn (H); Lockridge,
Shirley MacInnes, Margaret; MacKay,
Barbara; Marlatt, Doris; McDowell,
Lloyd; geIntyre, Arnold; Merkley,
Raymond; Montgomery, Melva; New-
man, Le Verne; Newman, Marilyn
(H); Nethery, Mary Isabelle; Nichol-
son, Helen; Nimmo, Stewart; Platt,'
Willard (H); Pocock, Helen (H);
Rath, Colleen; Robertson, William;
Salter, Jack (H); Sanderson Dorothy;
Sanderson, Joyce; Scott, Jessie; Show-
ers, Glen; Shropshall, Jean; Sinnamon,
Robert; Somers, Mary; Stainton, Bar-
bara; Stainton, Maurice; Stamper, Zel-
Ma; Tofting, Mary (H); Waine, Wil-
liam; Wightman Eleanore (H); Currie,
Bob granted under regulations 10-5,
Eleanore Wightman is the winner of
the Laidlaw Fur Farm Schola"rship.
Bowman, Louise(H); Campbell,
Ronald (H); Cardiff,
Lloyd; Cousins,
Elizabeth (H); Dressel, Gerald; Ed-
gar, John Hugh; Ellis, Shirley; Engel,
Gordon; Gemmel, Jeanette A.; Jack-
lin, Kenneth; Knight, Harold; Lake,
Lilian Viola (H); MacLean Doris 'Jul-
ia; Martin, Frederick Alvin; Matheson,
David Ian (H); McCall, Ross Arthur
(H); McNichol, Clarence; Morrow,
Clifford; Raymond, Esther May; Rin-
toul, Helen Margaret; Smith, Alma
(H); Smith, Isabelle; Stretten, Geral-
dine (H); -Turnbull, Flora; Jackson,
Mae and Schnock, Kenneth granted
under regulation 10-5.
Ballagh, Velma (H); Becking,
Hugh; Balder, Shirleen; Cerson, 'Gor-
don; Currie, Donna; Davidson, Doris;
Donaldson, Mary; Green, Donald;
Grubb, Lloyd; Haldenby, Donald (H);
Haldenby, Joyce; Hodgins; Jim; Hys-
lop, Maxivell; Kelly, Howard; Kuen-
zig, Catherine; Lorentz, Joyce; Mc-
Callum, Janet; McKinnon, Betty; Mc-
Kinnon, Jack; McKinnon, Twyla; Mc-
Tavish, Allan; Meyer, Bob; Moffat,
Evelyn (H); Oberle, Pats y;
Petteplace, Clayton; Pickell, ,Leona;
Ross, Evelyn; Schaefer, John; Shel-
don, Norma; Simpson, Connie; Wal-
ters, Helen; Woods, Frances; Wraith,
Gertie (H).
Adams, Rae; Downey, Marion; Ed-
gar, Robert; Hart, Billie (H); Harris-
son, William; Hays, Dell; Howse,
Gilbert; McMichael, Alma (H); New-
ton, Shirley (H); Stafford, Thelma;
Stephens, Robert (H); Townsend,
Gracie; Walker, James; 'Watson, Dor-
othy; Wylie, Jimmie (H).
Allan, Frances Iona; ' Allan, 'Reta
Margaret; Bride, Gwenneth . (H);
Close, Marie; Dickert, Delmar John;
Dickert, Merle Ida (H); Dinsmore,.
Jean Elizabeth (H); Doig, Marianne;
Foerter, Lyle; Greenley, Lortia Ruth;
Hambly, Kenneth Max; Ries,- Ethel
(H); Sanderson, Elizabeth; Seip, Mer-
lene Elizabeth; Stevenson, Faye,
Agnew,' Donald; Anderson, Mary
Jo (H); Hodgins, Shirley; Howaid.
Harold; Johnston, Wayne; Kilpatrick,
Noreen (H); Lloyd,' Doris (H); Mc-
Innes, IGeSrge McKim, Jack (H);
McLean, Balfour; INfIcQuillin, Mary-
belle; Moffat, Shirley (f-t); Murdoch,
Neil (H); Murray, Eleanor; Percy
Marie; Pinnell, Mildred; Stewart, Don-
ald; Weiler, Theresa,
Local Orangemen Will Celebrate
At Hanover
Wingham No. 794, will open
lodge at 8.80 Saturday morning, July
12th,, and later proceed to Hanover,
to take part in the celebration there.
Other celebrations will be held at Mil-
verton and Fergus.
pour Legged Duckling
Mr. Bert Taylor of Zetland, had a
setting of duck eggs that hatched in
July. Several days later he noticed
something peculiar about one of the
ducks. On examination be found be-
side its two regular legs, two others
hanging directly behind'them,
Bowlers Won First At
Goderich Hanover
Seven pairs of local bowlers took
iri the Purity Flour Doubles At Goder-
ich, July 1st. W. A, Miller and L.
Webb won first prize, and H. j, Nash
and 3. Murray won fifth. At Hanover.
Trebles on Ptiday evening. H. Browne,
M. (`tae and t„, j, Nash won first prize.
LEGION Bingo Saturday nights at
the Town Hall.— Good Prizes. Meet
your friends Saturday nights at the,
Legion Bingo.
Engagement Announced
Mr. and Mrs. William Spence of
Renfrew, Ontario, announce the en-
gagement of their daughter, Elva Ilene,
to Mr. Russell G Jamieson, son of
Mrs. James 'Jamieson ancl*the late Mr.
Jamieson of Belgrave. Tire marriage to
take place the first part of August.
Bride Elect Honoured
On Monday evening, Miss Shirley
Nethery, bride elect was pleasantly
surprised when the girls of The Staff
of CKNX. honoured her at a dinner
party at The Brunswick Hotel. Miss
Mildred Jones on behalf of the girls
read a short address and presented
Shirley with a lovely Victorian Plate
Cream and Sugar set in grape design.
In accordance with the provisions of
the 'Weed Control Act, public notice is
'hereby given to all occupants and own-
ers of property within the ,Corporation
of the Town of Winghatn, that nox-
ious weeds be destroyed On their prop-
erty on or before the 15th of July,
1947, end that subsequent to that date,
the Weed Inspector shall proceed to
have the work done, the cost of which
will be charged against the property
and collected in the same manner as
taxes, as provided by the Weed Con-
trol Act. -
T. W. Platt, Weed Inspector,
Town of "Wingham.
The Sixteenth Annual Procter Re-
union was held July 1st,, at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Higgins. The
weather being favourable, there was a
fairly large .attendance, sixty-one sign-
ing the register.
A pleasant afternoon of games :did
races Was greatly enjoyed, A picnic
lunch WAS then served after which 'the
appointment of officers for the ensuing
year was made,
The afternoon was brought to a
close by a vote of appreciation to the
host and hostess for their hospitality,
On Friday evening, June 27th, a
large crowd of neighbours and friends
gathered at Holmes School, Turn-
berry, in honour of the 25th wedding
anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Ross
King. The evening was spent in Canc-
. ing. After lunch was served Mr. and
Mrs. King were called .to the front,
Miss Katharine McCormick read the
address, Earl Caslick and Alex Sproul
presented them with a Triiight floor
lamp and several other beautiful gifts.
Mr. King made a suitable reply.