HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-07-03, Page 10gorrie.':$4901 .Report (Jr.) Honours 75%; Pass 60%, Grade -IV to V--Fern Cook 82 (H); Hattie, 72; Bobby Hastie 62; Perry Margaret Heiibein, 81 (H)i. Tommy Strong, 57, Grade XII to IV-;BObby Black, 78, (H); Billy Zimmerman, 07; Robert Peel, 60; Bobby Strong, 58. Grade II to III-Marie Hastie 76, (H); Mervin Abram 71; jack Edgar, 65; Frances Steurnol 52; Edythe Wal- ker, 43. Grade I to II-Fraser Abram, Mar- ion Robinson, Gerald Downey, Beginners-Karen Michel, Douglas Whitfield, Nancy Newton, Bruce Gra- inger j' John Brown, Bill Switzer, Ruth Ann Hueston, Tommy Templeman, Katherine Jacques, Patsy King, Fred- die Irwin, Mrs, M, Hyndman, Teacher. WEDDINGS • Hrrington - Trafford A quiet but pretty wedding was sol- emnized on Saturday, June 28th., at the United Church Manse, Kincardine, when Frances Sarah, second daughter of the Mr. and 'Mrs, Robert Trafford of Kincardine, became the bride of gdward James Errington of Wingham, second son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Errington, Rev. D. E. Foster officiated: 'The bride was lovely in a street length dress of white nylon and lace and carried a bouquet of red and white roses. Her only attendant was Mrs. Edgar McConnell of Kincardine, sis- ter of the bride, wearing a street-length dress of pale•blue sheer and matching accessories with a corsage of red ros- es and fern. Mr. Edgar McConnell was best man, A wedding 'dinner was served to a large number of guests at the home of the bride's parents; after which the happy couple left on a trip to Kitchen- er, Niagara Falls and other p4ints. On their return they will reside in Wingham. DIED NETHERY-At her home, 98 Oak Ave., Hamilton, on Sunday? June 29, 1947, Violet Annie Cook, beloved wife of George Albert Nethery, age 53 years. Resting at the Funeral Home of J. Id. Robinson Co, Ltd. Service in the chapel on Wednesday at 12.30 p.m. Interment in' Wood- land Cemetery, Hamilton. BORN SELLERS-In Wingham General Hospital, on Wednesday, June 25th., 1947, to Mr, and Mrs. Elmer W. Sellers, 'BlueVale, a son. BOSWROTH-Mr. and Mrs, Gordon R, Bosworth, (nee Marion Young), of Toronto, are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter, on Wednesday, June 25th., 1947, at St. Joseph's Hospital, Mother and baby doing well. Suntan Lotions and Creams 35c - 69c NOXEMA GREASELESS SUN TAN . .35c, 59c GYPSY CREAM-for Sunburn . „ .30c - 60c TANGEL-Tannic Acid Jelly 50c NOXEMA-SPECIAL--•-14 oz. 98c SNOWTAN---For a Healthy Tan Summertime Cosmetics Designed for you by Elizabeth Arden, Helena Rub- instein and Adrienne, Legdo's, Nourishing and Cleansing Creams, Dainty Deodorants, Dusting Powders and Fragrant Perfumes and Colognes. SUNGLASSES .....,........25c- $3.25 We have some Cameras Art unlimited supply of Film Be sure to take plenty of film with you when you go BATHING HATS-Old-time Rubber, fine selec' tion of colours „ - . .49e Take a box of HASTI-NOTES on your holidays Box of 20 . - ........$1.00 McKibbons GABY ........49t • Thursday,'July 3rd, 1947 TIM WINGHAM ADVANCE4IMS 40.00.1•01.3 and have a good time, Mr. Wm. Wade, Fordwich, Mr, and Mrs. Norman Wade, Gorrie, spent Friday with relatives in OW4;1 Sound. Friends here will learn with regret that Mr. Thos. Wade, Owen Sound has been in very poor health for some time. Rev. Hugh and Mrs. Wilson, Brus- sels, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Glassford of Indianapolis, were guests of Mrs. W, H. Gregg and other friends on Friday. The ladies are nieces of the late W. H. Gregg. Mr, and Mrs. J. H. King were Tor- onto visitors on Wednesday and at- tended the ball game between Tor- onto Maple Leafs and Syracuse. Ruddy Operthauser of Elmira, spent last week with his grand parents, Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Foster. Mrs. Thos, McMichael of Wroxeter, visited with her sister, Mrs, D, Cath- ers on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Worrell and Miss Catharine of Orange Hill were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Gregg of In- gersoll visited with Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Wellington on Wednesday. Mh. John Hyndman and Mrs. A. E. Toner arc 'Visiting with friends in Tor- onto, Mrs. Pearl Koine spent a few days ,vith friends at Chatham and Detroit. Mrs, Robt. Ashton visited in Tor- onto over the week-end and attended the wedding of her son Mr, Leland Ashton. Mrs. Geo. Robertson is spending a few weeks with her son, Mr, Birks Robertson and Mrs. Robertson, Green- och, Officers elected by Howick Branch (307) Can. Legion, at their meeting in Gorrie on Tuesday evening, June 17th,, were as follows: President, Geo. Dane; 1st, Vice Pres., Wm. Austin; 2nd Vice-Pres., Ken. Galbraith; Sec'y- Treas. ' Hec. Hamilton; Chaplain, Rev. G. G. Howse, Sergeant at Arms, Tom Ritchie. Mrs. Hugh Douglas of 9th line, Howick, passed away on Friday after a lengthy illness. Funeral service was held on Sunday. Mrs. Ira Hamilton of Toronto, is spending seine time with friends here. Mr, Leonard Armstrong of Lapeer, Mich., is visiting Mrs. Jas. Armsrtong. A meeting for the purpose of re-or- ganizing the library was held on Tuesday evening in the library with a good attendance present. Mrs. N. Wade presided over the meeting and Conducted the election of officers which resulted as follows: Chairman, Mr. Hy. Findlay; Sec.-Treas,, Mrs. Geo. S. King; Board of Directors, De- puty Reeve Mr. E. Parrish, Mr. N, Wade, Rev. ,Caley, Rev. Howse, Mrs. A. L. Stephens, Mrs, A. Hyndman, Mrs. C. Gregg and Mrs. W. King. The Library Board asks the people of the community to please give them their whole hearted support in trying to make a success of the library. The books are all first class reading with a splendid assortment of juvenile books, Please take, notice that the months of July and August the library will be open only on Saturday nights from S to 10 o'clock. Gorrie School Report. Sr, Honours '75%, Pass 60%. Grade VII to VIII-Eleanore Step- hens, 87% (H);_Alvin Grainger 76, (H); Edith Hastie 75 (14); Betty Zimmerman, 71. • Grade VI to VIII-Billy Strong 77% (H); Bonnie Zimmerman 76, (H); Jean Lohr, 72; Norman Anger 69; Gladys Harper 64; Dorothy Downey 58. Grade V to VT-Betty Newton 74%; Shirley Shera, 72; Johnston Parrish, 70; Alice Downey 65, Jean M. Snarling, ,Principal, ••••••• ••••••P •••••• ••••• •••••1 ••••••• •••••• of••••• ••••••• •••••• •••••• mf•••• gamma •••••• !mow. W.00 ••••• ••••• •••••• Wawa Mum. !Emma* *woo 1•1••••• WM. •••=1• 001••••• ••••M 11,AMO MM. 0••••• *NEW Mama* MM. 0/1•••• iem••• Poe•••• 1••••11 •••••• •••••, 10Vmot I imp ••••=, Naxma. Rows 01••••1 ••.•• •••••• •••••• Manama •••• ••••=. Ompnli• •••••II. •••••• •ma ••••••; •••••• --= The TIME, The PLA to those planning Summer Needs. and. of the railroad and on the east side of Victoria (main) street. Mr. Johnston could find very few of his former school mates and acquaintances as so many have pOssed on or moved away in the 65 years, Friends and neighbours gathered at the Hall on Wednesday evening to honour Mr. and Mrs. Geo, A. Dane, a newly wed couple. The evening was . spent in dancing, music was furnished by Brown's Orchestra. A purse of money and miscellaneous gifts were presented. The congregations of Fordwich and Gorrie aland Wroxeter Anglican churches will hold a picnic in Wrox:- eter arPk on Wednesday afternoon, at 3 p,m, D.S.T. There will be a good program of sports and games. Come CE, and The MERCHANDISE. SAVINGS their Summer vacation or for every-day ALL SUMMER LINES in Men's, Ladies' Children's, lines REDUCED. GORRIE An interesting visitor in town on Thursday was Mr, Chas. Johnston of Balearres, Sask. He was accompanied by his son, Mr. Roy Johnston also of 13alearres, Mn Johnston sr., spent his boyhood days in Gorrie leaving for the West in 1882 and has very vivid re- collections of the village of Gorrie, when it was booming 65 years ago. His father, Robert Johnston operated a tannery located north of the resi- dence of John Hyndman, near the riv- er. They lived in a house on the same location as Mr, Hyndman's present home. Gorrie had three saw mills at that time, four hotels and a cheese fOctory which was situated on the nor- th side of the creek which runs south MIMEO. gottosliwommusismintliponamillannajnonsiffismounismaitimpsiniu ELECTRIC CLOCKS A fine assortment of KITCHEN and ALARM CLOCKS just received. Such well known makes as TELECHRON SETH THOMAS and SCOTT Priced from $6.95 to $12.25 plus luxury tax. 00 cycle only ••••12, O0.00 MINIMS Im•Or •M••• Mom. 0•10MW ••••=1 •••••• •••••• ONO. •••••• •••••• •••••• V•mlab ••••••I •••••• •••••r VAIM•D mamma •4•••• ••••••• 1•••••• ••••••P •4•••• ••••••1 A.MINMP •.m•D •Im•10 MINNOW •••••• •••••• WIWI= •••••or •••••• ••••••• ••••••1 4•1•••••- Iwa•••• wom•a• ••••••• I••••• 1•0.•••• wpm., ammeaat 1••••• APPLIANCES • TOASTMASTER AUTOMATIC $24.00 HOTPOINT TOASTERS $7.95 and $11.95 WESTINGHOUSE TOASTERS $6.95 WESTINGHOUSE AUTOMATIC IRONS $12.50 HOTPOINT ELECTRIC IRONS $9.95 and $11.00 SUNBEAM IRONMASTER $14.50 SILEX STEAM IRONS $21.50 HEATING PADS ELECTROHOME FANS $6.95 and $10.95 Juice King FRUIT JUICERS $9.25 U S S I U I $6.45 to $8.45 SUMMER PLAY DRESSES Stripe and Floral Seersucker 14 to 18-Reg. to $3.95 for ...$2.79 Assorted COTTONS Candy Stripe DRESSES-Reg. $5.50 for . . .$3,99 WOMEN'S DRESSES in larger sizes-38 to 44-Miami spuns and seersucker-Reg. to $6.95 for $4.59 MISSES' Half-size DRESSES in in Cottons, Ginghams and Voiles. Very smart styling. Reg. $10.00 for $6.95 1 Coleman OIL SPACE HEATER (ungased) 50,000 B.T.U. $50.00 HOTPLATES $4.95 to $12.00 (2-burner All types) I ▪ I TIME SWITCH, 60 cycle. Will switch lights, etc., on and off at set time each day. Ideal for window lights, electric li signs or poultry houses $13.50 U U I • BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. 0. J. Coupland, Pastor ' Guest Preacher for July 6th, Mr. W. Large, Asst. Pastor 10 a.m.-Sunday School. 11 a.m.-Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.----Evangelistic Service. A Cordial Welcome Awaits You "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy 'house", Acts 16 : 31. Pii His 0 R flpfEIRR HII SERVICE U RitiltinUiall•MiltiainnindamitafilaiiMMEMMEMACHNIMMEMIUM Beach and Town Wear in Summer lines at a reduction that will appeal to you. MEN'S SPORT JACKET in pleas. ing checks and plaids, reduced 25% MEN'S SLACKS in Gabardines, Twills and Spuns, 25% Reduction. STRAW HATS PANAMAS HALF RPICE Light Summer CAPS, in whites, or checks-25c Gab. Twill BATHING TRUNKS Reg. $2.75 for . .... .$1.79 Fine Spun Rayon SPORT SHIRTS White only, reg. $4.95 for . .$4.29 SIM= •0100•• NORM UMW= ••••• MOWN* OMPME- I •••I••• •••••• ••11010 1=0. .1•011•8 O SP•Mh •••.01 ••••=1 MY. ONYMI 1100.• VIN••• IMP.* MOOS MYONO ••••▪ ••• 41•INOW •••..• •••.••• MONO. ••▪ ••••• MM. 10/1/Mr ••••••1 A•1•••• IMPOIN• te••••I MYNOWF =IC •▪ ••••0 =MOW 0•33.0 worm =MO FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Fine Cotton JERSEYS in white, gold or rust shade $1.19 Terry Cloth JERSEYS, white only, $1.59 MEN'S SHORTS in fine twill gab. Pleats, zipper and two pockets Reg. $4.29 for $3.29 MEN'S SLACK SUITS of well made Zelan processed material Fawn or Blue, reg. $11.95 for. $9.59 BOYS' SLACK SUITS, reg. $4.50 for $3,35 Youths' All-weather WINDBREAKERS Reg. $6.95 fork , $4.09 •Oem. Wmm. Y.06. o•mwm MIUMML edam. ftWim• I••••••• WO ••••• g•▪ •••, •••••• •••••• 10111MIN 0•1•••M WNIMI• WIMM J••••• OM•••• 001•••• •••••• M••••• WOMOM. WMM, OM. ••••• .0•••1 *MIMS Woo. OM•••• 4•1••• OM•••• •••••• W•••• 00••••• I•ww• •••••• NIMM• 10•••• ••••01 W••••• Man. ••••• .••••• UM0sM, OW•••• ••••••• WON= ONOMI OF••• 0•MON. ••••••• .•••• MoNsom SION.M1 MOINWEI •NOIM• MOMM1 O4•10. 00..0 Head Lettuce 2 for 25c Choice Lemons' 3 for 11c 288s Oranges, dOz 25c 252s Oranges, doe. 35e Fresh ONTARIO STRAWBERRIES AT MARKET Ripe, Firth Iniported TOIV1ATOES, l llll . lll llllll ..... New i'otatOets..........0 4 lbs. 25c New Carrots 2 bnehs.-23g RASPBERRY* or CHERRY JAM, 24 62. At 49c Oki' Dutch SALAD MESSING, 16 or, , .. „ . 45e AMPSELL'S BABY FOODS 3 lairs 290 VEGETABLE, BEEV, 014101tENo LAMB COOKED and CORED MEATS in Sanitary tettigeratiOn aud Mito.1 just as you like it. See our display, KING DEPT. STORE "THE FRIENDLY STORE" In Drugs If Its Rexall. Right CARDS = FOR ALL OCCASIONS whoomonomonomosomminominommomminimommolionnuommuniumismommilmmomionima WiltdOWM*WWWOOMWWfflariWMAIIWWW1106MWMWWW*WWWWWWOMM wiimoith v..thoonommummumummiminuommironnuninommiumonionnumoniumuommimminmuniummoi _-= Eg 1,4•1110.114. L. N G S ••••••• •••mm. •Mima, 1110••• Ltglir-rwirc ORE - NOTICE THE LYCEUM THEATRE WILL BE. CLOSED FROM JUNE 30th to JULY 12th, inclusive 1i . $ 11llll I lll I lllll l 11 llll ll A llllll 111311A lllllllllllll ll 11 lllll 11111.1 lllll 1111 llll .011113111111. l 3 l AI lllllll lllll II111331313133113131 SUMMER. CATALINA SWIM SUITS • Designed for smartness, in one or two-piece styling Reg. $6.95 for $5.19 Reg. $10.00 for $8.59 A SPECIAL IN SEERSUCKER--Floral Pattern, Two-piece SWIM SUITS Regular $4.95 for $2.59 Three-piece TENNIS ENSEMBLE in White Pop- lin, sizes 14 'to 18-Regular $5.00 $3.69 PEDAL-PUSHERS OUTFIT of Tops and three- quarter slacks in gay stripe chambray-Reg. $8.95 $7.39 SHORTS of bright poplin in rust, white or blue, in various styles. Reduced 25 per cent. SLACKS-Grey all-wool Flannel, wool checks and solid colours - Reduced 20 per cent. BLAZERS - All-wool checks in Black White, Brown White-Reg. $7.95 for $6.19 Group of CREPES and JERSEYS, Misses and Half sizes-Plain and Figured. Reg. up to $16.50 for $9.98 A SPECIAL in DRESSES in Ladies' and Misses at $1.00 ° HOUSECOATS in Glazed Chintz, Floral design and in Seersucker SPECIAL AT $3.39 •••••• ••••14, • 1••••• •I•••• Mom. MINIM INNEN* ••••• ••••ilat /111•11•1•• 1111•1 11•11 11•111.M- . 11•101•NI 1•0•1••• UMW= 011111 am.= 1111•4•0 1•••••• 1•••••1•1 111•12•••• 11•115••• IMMO “•••• 110,011•1• •••••11 1.••••011 IMMO. ••••••• •••11.1•11 WIXOM 111.1..111=11 WOOD= 111101•11.1 •••••••1 1•••••1•0 .1•••0.1 10•111.10, ••••••.• nue.. INIY•00 1•1•11.•el ••••11111 11•••••• mon•.1 .•••••1 ••••••11 ramo••• .m•••• =mom 0••••••- I ftemo MM.= 1.111M11 •••01/111. 1••••••• ••••••• •••••• •=1•11, .1••••• •Mim• INM..1111 lims 1•01=a 11••• IIM11•11.1 •••••• •Imm.• 1.111 01.11•mo MEIN. ..111.6.ma ••••=00 ••••••• offill000l 111•111101•101 Modem toalsag ay. ••••••• •••:•.• •••••• geo•amo •••••=1 ••••• •••••=a •Ongm• .1••• I MONO •O▪ loom wafts. aPer lo•••••1 INIP10•1•6 1.0.101•• 1•••621.1 .11•1•111.11. MOM. ••••••••• FREE DELIVERY - Smith's Economy Food Store 111 11111 Ai llllll it! lllllll llll lifitni/IIIIIIY13011,33113/133 llllllll I Fresh Ground Crosse & Blackwell's MOW REX COFFEE, lb. 53c Date and Nut Loaf, tin Unsweetened 20 oz. tins I Heinz Kidney Grapefruit Juice lllllll 2 this 25c Beans with Pork, tin 20c 'mliommoommo‘mmaummoilormimmommr•immili Canada Dry GINGER ALE 23c 24 Plus Sc deposit Qt. Bottle 2 Pt. Bottles Pus 4)ray 2c LA I C Deposit Salted or Plain I Food Saver Viau Sodas, 2 lb. box l „.... 33c Wax Paper Rolls, 100 ft, .,,,..27c Graves Choice I COolts in 7 minutes Solid-Tack Apples, 28 oz. tin 25t I Kraft Dinner, pkg, 19c See our special Price on DRAPERY SKINS, HAND-PRINTED COTTONS, and CRETONNES 25 per cent. REDUCTION GRANITE CLOTH-Perfect for the Summer cottage for Drapes, for coy-, ering, cottage furniture or outside furniture, in green and red. Special, 45c yd. m gl i g gu ri t u r im f i n tr y iu m u ng i t i IR C C CC C 11 11 I t t l i t .M t a. t ti t 1 (1 1 1 1 1 1 ,1 11 . 0 ff f ff f f TINY TOTS' WARM WEATHER APPAREL Quality carefully chosen for long wear and REDUCED IN PRICE at an opportune time. PINAFORES, $1.29 for 98c $1.00 for 79c SUNSUITS in Ginghams, 50c for 39c in Seersucker, reg. $1.59 for $1.19 SEERSUCKER OVERALLS, easily laundered. Reg. $1.19 for 98c COTTON SUMMER JERSEYS, stripes and short sleeves. Reg. 89c for 75c LARGER SIZES, rel. $1,19 for 98c COTTON PLAY SHORTS--Elastic back, $1.16 for . . -BOYS' WASH SUITS-2 to 6 years-Fine Broadcloth, and pants, $1.50 for $1.19 $1.29 for 98c SUMMER APPAREL FOR THE MAN . • ,.........98c contrasting. tops ARNIM •••••I 1••••• •••••/. OtiONNOR .1.1••• 11•11••••