HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-06-26, Page 3H • otchkiss & ngus ▪ 'Phone FOOD MARKET 'Phone 116 - We Deliver '116 is Mushroom SOUP 3 tins 25c • MATCHES-Strike anywhere .. 3 boxes 29c 1 Solid Pack APPLES-Best for pies, 28 oz. tin, 25c a 11 8 oz. tinToilet I Date and Nut Loaf 23E TISSUE , ,3 rolls 25c Flowerdale 8 oz.Quaker Orange Pekoe TEA 50c I Puffed Wheat 2 pkg. 15c SHREDDED WHEAT 2 pkgs. 23c I First Grade BUTTER, 1 pound 55c a. a a a U U a a I a a a MIII111II11111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Z11111111111111111 CLARK'S SODAS, lb. . Pure LARD, 1 pound .28c We have a full stock of DOUGHNUTS and CAKES arriving daily 23c, I Wheat Flakes, 5 lbs. 25c CAMPBELL'S ' Vegetable SOUP 2 tins 23c MONARCH PASTRY Chateau 8 oz. I FLOUR, 7 lbs. 31c Cream CHEESE ...22c Campbell's SWEET MIXED Baby Foods . .3 jars 29c I PICKLES, jar 29c . FRUIT and VEGETABLES Juicy ORANGES, .288s 2 doz. 49c,. 220s, doz. 45c Lemons, 300s, 6 for 19c I Grapefruit 5 for 25c Tomatoes, Leaf Lettuce, Celery, New Potatoes, Cabbage, Onions, Carrots (large bunches), Radish ABOVE Fruit and Vegetables ARRIVE DAILY a 1 a a a a a a a a I a a a 11111 1 HI 11 fr 111111 N 1!11111 All IOW qm4m. •1 111 'III, .6 4, r. DETROIT'S "FIRST" 1,4 ALL THESE ,he. IF THE TELEPHONE Installer brought along ALL the things needed to give service to those waiting for it, he would look some- thing like this! ,The actual instrument, and the wire he uses to connect the house to the nearest cable, are only a •small frac- tion of the whole installation job. Back at the telephone exchange unbelievably tom, plitated apparatus connects each telephone with all others, and with Long Distance lines to outside points. Since the beginning of 1946, we have added 129 tele- phones to WINGHAM'S telephone system. Much has been done-much 'mote is being done- to supply telephones to more people than ever before while continuing to provide the best service at the lowest cost. W. G. 'HAMILTON, Manager ,THE OM TELEPHONE coMPANY Of CANADA 25% ON TUBES TRUCK SIZES Doyen Premium Construction Tire Tube 6.50/16 6 Ply $23.90 $ 4,30 6.50/20 6 Ply 34.10 5.16 7.00/16 6 I'ly 34.05 4.30 7.00/20 10 Ply 49.45 1.30 7.50/16 8 Ply 46.40 6.16 7.50/20 10 Ply 61.20 8.30 8.25/20 10 Ply 74.45 9.55 9.00/20 10 Ply 91.85 10.90 ALL SIZES - ALL PLIES AT SAME DISCOUNT SAVE 20% ON TIRES PASSENGER SPACES Tire Tube 0.50/15 $20.70 $3.96 7.00/16 22.40 5.25 6.06/16 17.25 3.2.5 6.50/16 21.25 4.00 7.00/16 23.06 4.35 5.254650/17 15.50 3.30 5.25-5.50/18 14.10 3.30 4.75-5.00/19 11.75 2.86 4.40-4.50/21 11.15 2.35 THE WiNGHAIVI ADVANCE,TIMES All members and Inspector Kinkead present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted on motion of Walpole and Smith. The following letters received were read: S. J. Henry, G. • W. Stratton, Jas. Walpole, Mabel Duncan, Mrs. Lorene Palmer, Jean M. Keith, Mrs. Alice Aitken. A discussion •followed re the pur- P41 • III II II 11, $ 1111 ow" .10 'lilt ..O111111.1 Thursday, June 26, 1947 TURNBERRY SCHOOL BOARD MEETING The regular meeting of the Turn- berry Township School Board was held on Thursday evening, June 19th, at 8 p.m. in Gilmour's School. 1111111111moss... IIUr III II' 1 II pu 11 III 111 II III i. m" , 11 -rr 111.11:milii111 chase of "The Books. of Knowledge" and the matter was filed till next meet- ing. Delegations were present from S. S. No. O. and No. O. A very lengthy dis- cussion took place by members of both school sections. After all opin- ions were voiced the delegations re- tired. Motion by' Willits and Kirton that We open 5, 5, No. 5, if a teacher can, be secured, Carried. Motion by Kirton and Willits that we advertise for a Teacher for the Turnberry School Area, notice to ap- pear in Wingham Advance-Times and London Free Press twice, Applications to b`e in hands of Sec, Treas. by July 4th. Carried. The following bills were read and on motion of Walpole and Willits were ordered paid, 'Salaries-Viola Thacker, $121.45; Helen Walker, 121.45; Mrs. Margaret L. Grain, 128.70; Mrs. Lloyd Turvey, 134,40; Miss Jean Kieth, 121,45; Mrs, Margaret Hastings, 134.40; Miss Jen- nie Sheriff, 144.00; Receiver General of Canada Income Tax, 54,15; Mrs. Fred Seiling, 15,00; Mrs. Gertrude E. Snell, transportation, 44.00; Beaver Lumber Co., supplies, 4,23; Stainton Hdware, supplies, 21.83; Wingham Advance- Tithes, (print) 1.00; Jean Keith, Ag- riculture supplies 16.00; Borden Jen- kins, lawn mower repairs, 1.25; Fred Montgomery, repairing fence, 5,00; John Moir, fixing S. S. No. 6 pumk 3.00; Marion L, MacDonald, music; John K. MaeTavish caretaking, 45.00; Reuben Appleby, caretaking 50.00; Stanley Dennis, caretaking 30.00; Mrs. Joe Bailey, caretaking 40.00; Joe Bail- ey, labour, $1.50; R. J, Currie, cedar for U.S.S. No. 11, 3.50; Viola Thacker, Agriculture supplies, 6.50; Roy Hast- ings, transportation, Goderich Musk Club, 7.50; Rev, A, G Hewitt, trans- portation, 12.80; B. H. Moffat, sup- plies, 4.68. Motion by Walpole and Smith that meeting adjourn, next meeting to be on July 5th., at 8 p.m. in Wingham Town Hall. Alex Corrigan, Sec.-Treas. WHITECHURCH Mrs. Russell Gaunt and Mrs. Geo. Fisher were in Guelph on Wednesday attending the Centennial meeting of the Women's Institute. Reeve J. D. and Mrs. Beecroft at- tended the Federation luncheon at Exeter on Wednesday in connection with the Huron County Federation picnic and Field Day, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Welwood of Caledon, spent the week-end at the homes of her brothers, Messrs. Cecil and Jas. Falconer. Mrs. John Falcon- er accompanied them and will spend some time with sons and their families here. Mrs. Hector Hamilton and son, Alex, of Gorrie, spent a few days last week at the home of her father, Mr. John Beecroft. Mrs. John Gaunt has been. in the Wingham Hospital, very seriously ill, during the past week, but she is ex- pected home this week, Mrs. MacLaughlin of Detroit, visit- ed recently with her mother, Mrs. Jos. Chamney and other relatives in East Wawanosh. Mr. Jas. Dow had his house and barn wired for hydro last week. ' Mr. and ,Mrs. Lorne Johnston, ,Miss McKinnon and Miss Winnifred Far- rier are leaving this Thursday to mot- or to Victoria. They plan to attend the Stampede in Calgary in July. Dur- ing their absence, Mrs. Ryan and Mrs. Victor Emerson will have charge of the store. Mr. and Mrs. Robt.' Watson and family of. Brucefield, spent Sunday at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Pardon Moved to Lucknow last week, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newman and family of Wingham, moved to their home here. Mr. and Mrs. 5, F. McLean spent Sunday with Listowel and Wroxeter friends, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Gillespie accompanied them, and visited with Mr, and Mrs. Bert Reed. FREE-RUNNING WHEELS The Goodyear Hi-Miler Rib is built especially for free- running front or trailer wheels. It's a cost-cutter because it's • a record mileage-maker at its job. Serves as an ideal part- ner for the Goodyear Hi-Miler All-Weather .. . the best truck tire for traction. wheels. YOUR 4000 EAR IMAM Murray Jihnson McColl-Frontenac Products Telephone 62 Wingham Save on the whole fainily's shoe costs by keeping them in GOOD REPAIR Stock of MEN'S FINE and WORK SHOES BROVVNE/S Shoe Repair WE WILL BE CLOSED June 30 to July 12 - to - TO GIVE OUR STAFF A WELL EARNED HOLIDAY. SHERBONDY'S COFFEE SHOP meditation period, speaking on Talents, The topic on Education in the schools of Africa, was taken by Mrs, W. 5. Coulter, and Mrs. Cecil Falconer had charge of the. Chapter in the Study Book, This is Africa. The roll call was answered by a Bible verse, con- taining the word, Mercy. Mrs. Mow- bray closed the meeting with prayer for the success of all missionaries and their work. 4 The Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian Church are holding a Scotch concert in the Church this Friday evening, with special bag-pipe numbers. Lunch . will be served, All are cordially in- vited to attend, The local High School pupils, Clay- ton Scholtz, Ivan Laidlaw, Gordon Welwood, Roberta Mowbray and Janie McInnis have been out of school last week, having passed their exams suc- cessfully, or gone out on farm leave. Miss Flora Coulter of Kitchener, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Coulter, Mrs. Jos. Holmes and her nephew, Mr, J. Holmes of Clinton, spent Sun- with Mrs. Robert Laidlaw. Mrs. Hol- mes will spend the next two weeks here. • Mrs. Edward Moore had been very ill in Wingham Hospital during the week-end, but is making a good re- covery. The regular monthly meeting of the, W.M.S. of the United Church was held. on Tuesday last at the home of Mrs. W. R. Farrier, with an attendance of 23, Mrs. Victor Emerson, the Presi- dent, was in charge of the meeting. Mrs. Ben McClenaghan read the Scrip- ture lesson and Mrs. Herbert Laidlaw led in prayer, Mrs. Emerson was in charge of the meditation period. Mrs. 5, F. Beecroft had the chapter from the Study Book„., telling of the work in Child Welfare, done by the Mis- sionaries in India, and how the Chris- tian people are overcoming the ill- effects of children's diseases. Also of the improved diet of the men in the Indian forces, and their forced educa- tion, and the results of this on the home-life of the people. Mrs. Andrew Fox led in prayer for the missionar- ies. Mrs. W. R. Farrier played a piano solo, Convent Echoes. The ladies re- pbrted that the summer bale had been sent to Clinton, containing clothing for an Indian girl for Christmas. Mrs. Emerson closed the meeting with prayer. Mrs. G. E. Farrier was in charge of the W.A. meeting that fol- lowed and committees were appointed to prepare for a strawberry social with the supper to be held in the S. S4 room of the church, and the ladies pro-, cured the play, "Betty, the Girl 0 My Heart", to be presented by the young folks of the Anglican Church at Har- i riston, in the Memorial Hall here on Monday, July 7th. Nine ladies sat at the Birthday table for June and a ten cent tea was enjoyed,by all. • Miss Isabel Fox R.N., of Kincar- dine, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Andrew Fox. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lennox and three children of Atwood, visited on Saturday at tthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lott. BLUEVALE Knox Church Anniversary Knox Presbyterian Church was fill- ed to capacity, morning and evening for ,the anniversary services. The guest speaker was Major the Rev, D. P. Rowland, M.C. of Toronto, and a former student minister for the con- gregation. At the morning service he spoke from Romans 12-5, "So we be- ing many are one body in Christ, and everyone, members, one of another", and in the evening he based his mes- sage on the text, Romans 1-16, "Mr I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God un- to Salvation, to everyone that believ- eth". Mr. Rowland is a forceful speak- er and delivered the messages in a most impressive manner, Special mus- ic was rendered by the choir under the leadership of Mrs. L. C. Jorgenson. Mrs. J. C. Higgins was the accomp- anist for a number composed of ladies' voices. The church was tastefully decorated for the occasion. John Pearson, 'Ethel, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Johnston. Mr, and Mrs. R. Jeffery, Mn and Mrs. Elmer Zinn and daughter, Isobel, Belmore, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P. S. 114cEwen, Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Berry,Mr, and Mrs. Elliott and family of Brucefield were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, A. D. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Woods and Mrs. Greenwood of Stratford spent Sunday with their eousins, Mrs, Curtis and Mrs, Kirton. Miss Minnie Jeffray, telmore, was a Sunday visitor with Rev. and Mrs. Hewitt at the parsonage, Mr, Allan Ramsay of Tara, and a foe:. met resident here spent the week-end with friends. Mt, and Mrs. Cameron Inglis and Jack Orr of Atwood spent Atitiday with Miss Florence Fowler. Mrs. Edward Johnston spent the week-end with her brother John Spat- ling., at Listowel and attended the Saturday. Tier brother, Mn Richard Sparlink family re-union near Barrie on Sparling, 'from V91100lit/dt 13. C. was there for the gathering. Mr& Richard Sohnston and &ugh-. ter, Mist trillta Stilitt§tott, 'also Mat M tha r6. Arthur Shatir visited with Miss Maine and Mrs. pearl 'Kahle et Got& PAGE THREE To Cherish Forever Let us take your wedding pOrtraits for an album of pictures you'll treas- ure and cherish always. CALL 199 NOW, FOR AN APPOINTMENT Falconer Photo Studio Telephone 199 Wingham Sun-Tested Wallpapers FOR EVERY ROOM IN _THE HOUSE Priced from 15c per roll lip THE WALLPAPER SHOP ;ave I20% oEn ysour There's none better produced of any make or at ANY PRICE I A COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE • PARTS 41 ACCESSORIES • SUPPLIES 1111'11111!!Ki 1111 IN CONVENIENCE • COMFORT • QUALITY In the heart of the downtown, office, theater, and shopping area. Friendly, courteous service to make your stay in Detroit a pleasant memory. The Tuller Coffee Shop or Cafeteria for excel. lent Food modestly priced. The Hotel Tuller, Detroit's largest, is the place to stay. VISIT OUR Cocktail ,Couge ONE OF DETROIT'S FINEST 800 ROOMS WITH BATH FROM $275 Rote! "Culler FACING GRAND CIRCUS PARK HARRY F 0 BRIEN,Manager Miss Ada Dow of Colborne Town- ship spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. W. Dow, Ada will teach on the 6th of E. Wawanosh next year in Scott's school. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moss of. Bright, visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan, Mrs. Gordon Small of Toronto, spent last week at the home of her sis- ter, Mrs, D. MacGregor. Mrs. Robert Phillips of Goderich, visited. on Friday with Mr, and Mrs. W. R, :Farrier and Mr. and Mrs. J. 5. Tiffin. Born-In East Wawanosh on Satur- day, June 21st., to Mr; and Mrs. Alex Coulter, a daughter. Very successful Anniversary servic- es were held on Sunday in Brick Un- `ted Church with Rev, Mr, Stanway of Brucefield in charge of the services, In the morning the church choir ren- dered special anthems, and in the ev- ening a Men's quartette from Blyth sang three splendid numbers. Raymond and Arthur Laidlaw spent the week-end at Galt, with their _father, Mr. Robert Laidlaw. Mr. and Mrs. jack Derr and Jacque- hie of Bluevale, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. Herbert Laid- aw, and Ivan teturned with them to spend the summer months there. The regular monthly meeting of the of the Presbyterian Church, was held On Thursday last in the S. S. rooms, with the President, Mrs, Reht. Mowbtay in charge of the meet, ng. Mrs. bawtent Craig led in the .eSPentile reading. of the sctiptute lesson, and Mrs, Frank Coulter led in prayer.. Mrs, 3as, Vettnia led in the Mrs. Arthur Shaw was a recent vis- Mr. and Mrs. James Michie, Bej- itor with Miss Bessie Moses at Brus- grave, spent Sunday with John and • sels. Miss Bella Kirton. 0100 0,1,19. --14o Itetv& t.f001 _oves,w aestges eve tYost. Vi'ex Voduettoe. eel dagtneeve to ficormv,. = WINGHAM, ONT', Phone 184 3 Robin E. Canipbell GOMM ONT. Phone M.L 124 It Carson & Son