The Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-06-19, Page 1Single Copies Five Cents
With Which Is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wrxeter News
WINGF1AM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE /9, 19'47 Subscriptiens $2.00 per- Year
Splendid Talk on Education of, India
'1'he regular mqnthly meeting of the
Women's Missionary Society of St.
-Andrew's Presbyterian Church was
held on Tuesday afternoon, June 10,
at three o'clock, The Preeidenta Mrs.
W. 5. Henderson, ()copied the chair
and opened the meeting with prayer.
The theme of the meeting was based
.on "Thy Will Be Done'!, and the Me-
ditation was given by Mrs, George
Following the singing of 'a hymn,
the Scripture Lesson was read by Miss
Frances Wilson. The general buSiness
-of the Meeting followed, and xeporta
of the Secretary and Treasurer were
read and adopted, Roll Call was an-
swered by repeating one of Christ's
Parables -and where found in the Bible.
'The Glad Tidings Prayer was givenay
Mrs. Godkin,
After the offering was received, Mrs.
'T. C. King gave the Dedicatory Pray-
tr, followed by the singing of another
hymn. Then followed an excellent
discourse from the current Mission
Study, entitled "Christian Education in
India", by Mrs. George Day and Mrs.
L. Fortune, which was most interest-
ing and instructive,
The various reports ef the Presby
terial Meeting at Ethel were then read
by Mrs,,W. J. Henderson and Mrs. T.
-C. Currie.
After the singing of a hymn, Miss
B: Graham elo.sed the meeting with
Tenders To Be Called For New Fire
Hall and Garage Campaign To Start In IA/Ingham Op
September 15th
A New Program To Be Heard From
CKNX Ev.ery Sunday
With a view to amplifying the ed-
itorial views of the publishers of the
Western Ontario newspapers, mostly,
those of the weekly papers, cicn
last Sunday instituted a new program,
"Editorially Speaking."
The first program in this 'series em.-
phasized the unkempt condition of the
cairns in Huron County, the traffic
conclitione that are to be found on the.
streets of the Western Ontario towns,
and finally advocated that a campaign
to paint farm buildings would add im-
measurably to the appearance of the .
countryside in general,
This program should prove of defin-
ite interest to the publishers of the
weekly pap'ers throughout Western
Ontario, as well as the readers of those
papers, and we would suggest that you,
tune this program in next Sunday af-
ternoon at 3.30.
A special meeting of Wingham
Town Council was held on Monday
morning at 9 o'clock. All members
present. His Worship Mayor Ken-
nedy in the chair.
Coun, McKibben reported that be
had four tenders for the painting of
the Arena. The tender of Neable
Bros.; Listowel, being the lowest was
A letter was ordered sent to the
Town Band congratulating them on
their first appearance on Sunday even-
ing in the. pew Band Stand.
Conn. Gurney reported that plans
for the new fire hall we now ready
and tenders :could be called for. It
was agreed that tenders be called up
to July 7th„ 1947,
His Worship reported that the chim-
ney at the Power House had been ex-
amined and it :could be used for an
incinerator if suitable approach could
be built, The Street Committee was
empowered to contact the proper auth-
orities and have a survey made of the
chimney at the Power House to be
adapted for the construction of an in-
A letter was ordered to be forward-
ed to the Minister of Highways re-
questing the paving of Highway 86
from Amberley to Wingham and on
to Harriston and drawing attention, o
the poor condition of the pavement in
Town from Highway Four to the wes-
terly limits of the Town.
The Clerk reported the receipt of
the By-Law from the Department Of
Highways, duly approved. This cov-
ers street expenditure for the year for
grant purposes.
It was decided to lraw the atten-
tion of the County Engineer and enter
a protest that no County' equipment
has been used in Town for the last
six to seven years and the streets laid
by the County haVe never been proper-
ly surfaced.
Colin. Rae reported that permission
had been given to remove earth from
the MacLean property south of Town
for the cemetery. A motion was passed
that anyone be authorized to purchase
earth from the MacLean lot when
drawn by the Town Truck at the 'rate
of 65 cents per yard delivered.
A letter from the M.O.H. Pr. W. A.
McKibbon was read and referred to
the Cemetery Committee. This letter
recommended that the Cemetery be
kept- closed except during hours from
8 to 5 each day and that a heavy chain
be secured for the gate to prevent cars
entering after these hours. This to be
acted on immediately.
• Signs were ordered erected for one
side parking on streets as planned by
Constable Platt, la-nd that the Depart-
merit of Highways be requested to
erect a slow sign on Diagonal Road
near Victoria Street on Highway 86.
The matter of cutting back the side-
walk at the intersection of Diagonal
Road and Josephine Street was con-
It was reported that the Public
School grounds were not kept clear of
grass in the summer months and it
was felt that the grass should be kept
cut so children 'could use the grounds.
It was agreed that a letter be sent to
the Chairman of the Public School
Board requesting that the grounds be
kept clear-of long grass in the summer
It was agreed-that a letter be placed
in the paper requesting citizens to
clean up their properties and main-
tain them in clean condition so that
the Town may be kept as attractive as
possible, The Town Council to co-
operate by supplying the Town Truck
to remove all refuse. It was agreed
that citizens be asked to act Irons
Monday to Thursday next week and
the truck will tall on Friday and Sat-
urday to collect all refuse deposited
in front of homes.
'It was agreed that 1-lia Worship
find out if the Legion has a Man to
recerrimend for part time work 'at the
cemetery at 50 cents per hour,
Lieutenant E. A. Gagnon, in charge
of local Salvation Army operations,
has returned from, Hamilt
on where he
Attended conference conducted by
Lieria-Colonel Wm, Dray, 0.B.E„
head of The Army's Public Relations
Department and National Compa,ign
Plret t11
A conference convened by the
Divisional Commander, Lietst.-Colcetel
J. Acton, plans were laid for The
Army's National 'Red Shield Appeal
which will be launched locally on Sun-
day, September 15. National objective
is $1,000,000., bei the local objective
has not yet been announced.
According to Lieut. Gagnon, confer-
ence discussions revealed that Army
facilities are taxed to the limit, and
that the success of this year's financial
appeal will be imperative. Lieut.-Col- -
onel Dray, who has 'just completed a
coast-to-coast series of campaign con-
ferences, reported to support the Army
of "the understanding heart, and the
human touch." In numerous places,
szt eron. g committees are already organ-id
Other speakers during the confer-
ence were Major Len 13ursey, Nation-
al Campaign Organizer, wino dealt
with practical aspects of the forthcom-
ing appeal, • and Adjutant Arnold
Brown; National Publicity Representa-
tive, who paid tribute to Canada's
press, radio stations and advertisers
for their Unstinting support ,of Sal-
vation Army projejcts.
The•Wingliam Lodge No, 286, A.F.
& A.M., held their annual Church par-
ade for Divine Service in Wingham
United Church on Sunday evening,
June 15th, when about seventy mem-
bers were present with visiting breth-
ren from Wroxeter and Teeswater. "
Rev. W. A. Beecroft delivered an in-
spiring address. The Choir, under the
direction of Mr. Hughes, rendered
special music,
The Town Council solicits the co-
-op,eratiorf of residents of the Town in
iteeping their properties clean and tidy
,.and thus Maintaining the general good
-appearance of the Town. All citi-
zens are requested to clean up their
:grounds from Monday to Thursday
next week, (June 23rd to June 26th),
„and deposit all rubbish in front of their
-property. The Town Council will co-
-operate by having the Town Tauck
-remove all rubbish free of charge, ,on
Friday and Saturday; June 27th and
Duncan Kennedy, W. A. Galbraith .
Mayor, Clerk.
Taking a well-earned rest from his
official tour of duty, President Truman
informally met Canadian and United
States newspapermen at the Seigniory
Club, Montebelle, Que. In this pie-
Dance At Junction ture, left to right are: President Tru-
man, J. Hugh Campbell, Manager of
the Canadian Pacific Railway Comp-
any's department of Public Relations
and Prime (Minister Mackenzie King.
The informal gathering followed a
luncheon for the Parliamentary Press
Corps of .the two countries, at which
Mr. Campbell was host for the C.P.R.
—Canadian Pacific Railway Photo
'There will be a play '"Kitty Comes
Home" in the Wroxeter Town Hall,
On Friday, June 27th., tinder the aus-
pices of St. fames Anglican Churah.
Admission 40 cents and 25 cents.
A dance will be held in the Wing
ham Junction School, on Monday,
June 23rd. Tiffin's Orchestra. Danc-
ing from 10. Ladies please bring
OF LEPER WORK A Patient In Hospital
Mrs. Sheldon Baker of Lower
Wingham, is a patient in Wingham.
General Hospital, Where ' she under-
went an operation for the removal of
her appendix., Her friends are pleased
to hear she is recovering rapidly.
Engagement Announced
Plan To Visit Industries In Town
Atttends Convention
Mr. W. 13. MeCool attended the
Convention of the Ontario Quebec div-
ision of the Canadian Weekly News-
paper Association, held in Chateau
Laurier, Ottawa, last week,
Engagement Announced
Mr. and Mrs'. Nelson Gowdy of Ger-
rie, wish to announce the engagement
of their daughter, Alice Doreen, to
William Edwin, son of Mt and Mrs.
Edwin Kipp, of London. The mar-
riage to take place quietly the latter
part of June.
The June meeting of the local
branch of the Women's Institute will
be held on Thursday, June 19th., in the
Council Chamber.
We-said this meeting would Be un-
ique, well, we think we were correct,
Did you know- that right in Wingham
we have five Of the basic industries of
Canada?Each one of which, in 'effic-
iency, stands second to none in its
own field.Of course maybe you know
that they a' re here, but do you know
anything of their operating? 'Because
this month's programme is Canadian
Industries we havechosen to show you
something Of your home town and
what makes a town, and because Ag-
riculture is necessary to the life of
Wingliam, we have chOsen. its two Ag-
ricultural Industries—the making of
flour, the making of butter and the
packing of eggs. In short you will be
taken through the two plants, How-
son's Mill and The Farmers Co-Op-
trative Plant. Cars will be provided,
Be on time p.30 at the Council Cham-
Our Institute is very anxious that
the homemakers from the farms will
attend oui• meeting. . Our president,
Mrs. Win. Field extends a hearty in-
vitation to you. A special hostess will
at the door to •greet you,
A special item of interest to those
members who joined in January, will
be discussed. The hostesses are Mrs.
A- Hutcheson, Mrs: R. A. • Coutts,
Mrs, Wm. Stewart, Mrs, 0. Gannett,
and Mrs, M. Foxton,
Walt Disney--; his • nephew and theirs
wives of Hollywood, California, visited
on Tuesday afternoon, in Pluevale.
He spent some time on the farm DOW
occupied by Stewart McLennan and
family, which was where his father 'liv-
ed until he was 19. He also 7-isited
Mrs. Jas. Robertson who was well-
known to the older Disney's, thinks
this part of the country very beautiful
and envies us- our peonies, which will
not grow in California. Those wino
met him found him very friendly and
very easy to talk with He took col-
oured movies of his wife awl friends.
Howick Lions Frolic
Howick Lions Club will hold their"
,Zth Annual. Frolic in Wroxeter, on
August 14th. The committee are plan-
ning bigger and better attractions.
Keep this date open, August 14th,
Seventeen young ladies of the Bap-
tist Church 'met at the Mime of Mrs,
Frank: Collar for their monthly miss-
ionary program. The roll call was an-
swered by each one giving an article
of equipment which a missionary
should take with her when leaving for
a foreign feud; •
Mrs. Clark gave an interesting read-
ing which she had composed entirely
of the titles of spiritual songs. Mrs.
Schiefele read Psalm 121 and gave
helpful comments on same entitled "All
Things are in God's Hands", Mrs, E.
Weitz and Mis's Lois Burchill favour-
ed with a vocal duet "She Only Touch- •
ed the Hem of His Garment".
The study for the evening was Lep-
er Work and the following article§
were read: The "Object of the Leper
Mission" and "The Work of the Mis-
sion to Lepers" by Mrs. F. Collar; "A
Saved Leper" by Miss Vivian ac-
Lean; ."Christmas at Lenchow Lepro-
sarium" by 'Mrs. Scott.
Mr. and Mrs. David Milne, of Tor-
onto announce the engagement of their
daughter, Mary Elizabeth, to Mr.
Melvin Edwin Phippen, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Cenclair Phippen of Wing-ham.
The wedding will take place on June
28th., at 3 o'clock in People's Church,
Toronto. Attended Convocation Ceremonies
Mrs. Ellen McPherson and Miss
'Yvonne McPherson spent a couple of
days in London last week and on
"Wednesday attended the Convocation
•ceremonies at the University of Wes-
-tern Ontario when the latter's cousin,
Miss Merle McPherson of • London,
received the degree of Bachelor of
'Science. •
'Exams for Toronto Conservatory
Margaret Butler, a member of the
Board of Studies of tire Toronto Con-
.servatory of Music
will conduct cur- examinations for the Conserva-
tory in Wingham, June 20th and 21st.
Miss Butler has been a member of the
piano faculty at the Conservatory since
1926, and has specialized in children's
'work with cousiderable success,
Bowled At Durham
Two rinks of bowlers from the
Men's Club in Wingham, bowled in the
-opening tournament of District No, 8,
Durhatn, Thursday evening, June
12th. Those attending were, C. G.
•Gamtnage, A. R DuVal, I. IL Craw-
ford, and 0, Haselgrove, skip, C, E,
Riehey, K K Hobden, H. L. Sher-
bondy and W. R Hamilton, skip.
Presented By Bell Staff
Mr. W. j. Brooks, Plant Installation
Foreman of the local Bell Telephone
Office was honoured by the Staff on
Tuesday evening, when they presented.
him with a smoker stand, prior to his
taking over similar duties at Stratford.
on Monday. He is being replaced here:
by Mr, Reg. Swanson of Stratford.
Mark Silver Wedding
On the occasion of their approaching
silver wedding anniversary, Mt. and
Mrs. Ross King were guests of honour
at a Wightman family dinner at the
home of • Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Wight-
man on June 15th. Those present in-
cluded Mr, •and Mrs. C. W. Caslick
and Wayne of Wingham, Mr. Bill
King of Turnberry; also Mrs. King's
two sisters and two brothers and their
families, Mr, and Mrs. j. A. Young
and. family of Lunn; Mr, and Mrs. 5,
F. MacDonald and family of Clinton,
Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Wightman and
family of Welland, and Mr, and Mrs.
W. L, Wightman of East Wawanesh.
Mr. and Mrs. j. it Wightinat of Flint,.
Mich., were tumble to be present.
A very successful spring tea was
held in the Legion Home on Wed-
nesday afternoon, June 4th. The
rooms were bright with spring flow-
ers. Mrs. W. A. Beecroft and Miss
Margaret. MacLean poured tea at a
table centred with Japonica and Nar-
The, guests were received by the
President, Mrs. Towne and vice- pres-
ident, Mrs. Foxton, A large number
attending including guests from Clin-
Oddfellows Annual
Decoration Service
Engagement Announced
Dr. and Mrs. Walter Davis of Brant-
ford, announce the engagement of their
daughter, Vera, to Mr. William .A.
Elliott, son of Mr. and Mrs; Alex
Elliott, Wingham. The wedding to
take place June 28th., at St. Peters
Church, Oshweken,
Engagement Announced.
Mr. and Mrs,- Wallace Agar, R. R.
No, 2, Bluevale, Ontario, announce the
engagement of their daughter, Leila
Mae, to Charles David Hay, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Hay, of Zurich,
Ontario, The marriage to take place
the latter part of June,
Received Degree At London
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gurney., Mrs.
W. W. Gurney, Mrs. Harry Postiff,
Mrs. R. E. McKinney and Mr. Leslie
Saunders attended the Convocation
at University of Western Ontario,
London last Wednesday, when Mr.
Harry Posliff received his B. A. de-
Wins Radio
fadk Elohden, youngest son of Mr,
and Mrs. R. R. Hohden, last week won
a Westinghouse Radio for being sue-
cessful in souring the greatest nuns-
her of new subscribers to the London
Free Press in this district. Jack wishes
to thank all those who helped him win
the prize,
Entertains at Tea
The trousseau tea given by Mrs. W.
VanWyck was a 'delightful event of
Tuesday afternoon and evening when
she entertained for her daughter, Ants,
bride-eleet of Saturday, The hostess
and her daughter received the guests,
Tea was served from an attractive tab-
le centred with pink snapdragon and
blue corn flower flanked by tall light-
ed tapers. Pouring tea were Mrs. N.
L. Pty; Mrs, H. V. ryas, Mrs. (Rev,)
W. A, Beeeroft and Mts. IT, C, Mac-
Lean. Others assisting were Mrs. Ltd-
gar Moore, Mrs. 11111 Sims, Mrs, X,
Weiwood, Mrs. Ito, Hamilton, Mrs,
De Miller, Mrs. 5, Hopper, Miss Beryl
Brown and Miss Frances Powell,
The Annual Decoration Service of
Maitland Lodge N. 119, I.O.O.F.,
will be held at the Vilinghain Ceme-
tery at 3 p.m, D.S.T., Sunday, June
22nd. The brethren -will meet at the
lodge rooms at 2.30 Pail.
Dance At Currie' s School
Friday, June 20th. Tiffin's °relies-
tra, Sponsored by Brick Softball Club.
Lunch -will be served.
Dance At Belgrave
In the Forester's Hall, (to-night),
Wednesday, Juke 18th, Farriers Or-
chestra, Admission 50 cents, Lunch
couirier in hall,
Regret Error
In the BeIgrave Music Festival held
last week the names of Marlene Mc-
Kenzie and Donna Anderson were
omitted and should have been placed
3rd in the duet class open to all grad-
Every Saturday evening from 9 to
12, Ken Wilbee's Orchestra, Moderate
LEGION Bingo Saturday nights at
:the Town Hall.— Good Prizes. Meet
'your friends Saturday nights at the
Legion Bingo.
Accepts Position In Telephone Offite
Miss Audrey Cook of Belgrave, has
accepted a position with the Bell Tele-
phone in Wingham.
Play At Whitechurch Cancelled
The Langside Play "Cahn Yourself"
and Dance to have been held Friday,
June 20th, in Whitechurch Colleen-
ity Memorial Hall, has been cancelled.
The dance will be held on July 4th., to
music by Garnet Partier's Orchestta,
Mr, James IL Wartell of Wroxeter,
is in receipt of is letter from RCIA.F.
Headquarters, Ottawa, dated June Srd.,
which states in part, "It has been cotte,
firmed that your sots, Plying Officer,
John Francis Werra,' as laid to
rest in Grave No. 2,East Row in the
Military Plot of the CM Cemetery at
Dingden. Your son has now been to.,
interred its the Rcichswald Forest Bri-
tish Military Cemetery and his resting
plate registered as Plot 11, Row C.
Grave No. 17. This cemetery is locat-
ed three miles south-west of Cleve,
The late Flying Officer "Frank'
Warrell attended Wingham High
School before enlisting. His widow is
the former Anise Pfeteh, of Wingharni,
now of Washington, b. C.
es, Attended Reunion at Guelph
Mr, and Mrs. J. L. Walsh were in
Geolph on Saturday where they at-
tended the tenth anniversary reunion
of the 0,A,C, class of 1937, of which
Mr. Webb was a member. The event
Was marked by a dinner and dance.
Miss Ann VanWyck Honoured Guest
Honeutleg Miss Ann VanWyck,
bride-elect of this month, Mrs. De
Vititt Miller and Mrs. James Hansil-
ton were hostesses at the lattet's
home on Wednesday evening, June 11,
when Miss VatsWyck was the recip-
ient of a miscellaneous shower.
Mrs, (Rev,) W. A, petcroft enter-
tained at her home ovo Thursday ev-
oking, Julie 12th., when the bride-elect
was pra§en fed With a large beautifully
deeetated baSket which was filled with
lovely and useful gifts.
New Rector Appointed
Rev, E, 0. Lanctater of Thames-
ville, has beets appointed by ,Archbis-
hop C, A. Seager, Bishop of Huron,
as rector of St. Paul's Anglican church,
Win:ghat% He will assume his dut-
ies here August 15th.
Rev. Charles MacDonald, of
Lucknow, who was recently elected
Moderator of the Presbytetiatt Church
in Canada,
A series of meetings will be held in
the County next week in the ittterests
of the Huron Co-Operative Medial
Services, The speaker will be Wma.
Nielsolsoft, of the Co-OPerative
Hrtioe, Toronto, at the following lilac-
Uxeter Town Hall, Wed, June 25th,
Clinton Agricultural Hall, Thurs.
day, June 26th,
Winghant Town Hall, Friday, June
All meetings art planned for 8,30
P.tie, Plan to attend the One most eon-
Vettient to yett and help to get this
,eo-operative Hospital Plan into opera-
soon as pOttible,
NEXT WEDNESDAY Binevale Presbyterian
Church Anniversary
Anniversary servites will be held at
Knox Presbyterian Church, Bittevale,
on Sunday, June 22nd., at a o'clock,
and at 7,30. Rev. David P. Rowland
of TOtOntO, a former student inieister
for the congregation, will be the guest
speaker for both Services.
A Senior "A" Softball game that
should prove one of the best of the
season will be played at Whighatts
Town Park on Friday evening, June
The Wingham boys received their
only setback or the season At •Ooderitil
last Week and are ottt to even the
The Winghatts Lawn towling Club
will hole the fourth mutat Doubles
Competitioti for the John W. Hanna
Trophy on Wednesday, June 25th.
There will be four 12 end games
with play starting at 1.20 p.m. as,T,
The greens have been put its excellent
condition and are considered among
the finest, in Western Ontario,
Sue WAS congratulating Mary on her
driving ability: "Why, you're handling
the ear like A veteran."
do you know," countered
Mary. "Vou've never seen me handle'