HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-06-12, Page 3Thursday, June 12, 1947 OUR SERVICE ' ALWAYS DEPENDABLE HUDSON Sales and Service - Cars and Trucks GOODRICH TIRES SHELL PRODUCTS MERKLEY MOTORS WINGHAM TELEPHONE 84 The Public are invited to ,USE OUR Spacious PARKING LOT BEHIND GARAGE. "Marren out" Telephone 475 Wingham Father's Day • June 15' GIVE DAD' A BOOK FOR FATHER'S ,DAY ,.. DRAPES - Floral-Stripes-Made-to-Measure PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIALTY C. C. McKIBBON Smith, Bluevale; Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson, Donnybrook; Mr. and Mrs. J. Marshall, Listowel; Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Thornton, Bluevale, and Miss Eleanor McLean, Wingham. There were ten grandchildren present. A HOST OF LITTLE THINGS THAT MEAN SO MUCH TO DAD . Remember June 15 Today-Come in and see the exciting Gift Items we have for Dad this year. The perfect pres* ent for a perfect Dad- the gift that expresses your love. SHIRTS TIES SUSPENDERS PAJAMAS SOCKS SWEATERS HANDKERCHIEFS make Wonderful FATHER'S DAY GIFTS! 44: ••.!4 Hanna's Men's Woar. n Hotchkiss It Angus a 'Phone FOOD MARKET 'Phone 116 We Deliver 116 1 a U U U U U U it a n a IIII Libby's VEGETABLE "! Matches. „ . 3 boxes 29c 41 SOUP ; 2 tins 19c 1 We carry a full stock of HEINZ i BABY FOODS 3 tins for 25c li Eatmore iWHEAT FLAKES 5 lb. bag 25c i Hawe's i LEMON OIL bottle I Cake or Powder 25c BON AMI . .. .2 for 29c F-.. SEE OUR VEGETABLE DISPLAY FOR • i CABBAGE, CUCUMBERS, CELERY, ii TOMATOES GREEN ONIONS LETTUCE ... ioniuminimenunitnimintinmiumisinntinnommisininitittan a a U U a a a U a • SHREDDED WHEAT - 2 SPECIAL! SPECIAL! pkgs. 23c I Lit FRUIT and VEGETABLES GRAPEFRUIT 5 for 25c OR ANGES, size 288, 29c doz. Size 220, 45c doz. California CARROTS 2 bunches 19c Standard Quality Wax BEANS 2 - 20 oz. tins 29c Make your own. Ice Cream CLASSIC I FROSTY MIX 10c CLEANSER, tin . .5c Standard Quality PEAS - 2 20 oz. tins 23c Stoldey's TOMATO House Cleaning Powder I SOU P ..... , .2 tins 19c CHAMP, pkg. 10c TOILET TISSUE - 3 rolls 25c Fresh, Crisp SODAS, 1 lb. 23c Newport FLUFFS, 13 qt. pkg. , .39c 8 qt. pkg. , .25c I I 1 I a I U a a • • -e(sieri SAFE, Economical Driving Ye, Yes ... C T C tested, proven products will insure happy motoring. They're quality built through and through-yet they cost much less than others of equally high ratings. Learn the truth of our slogan, "Save Safely" . . . Compare: . • • you'll be convinced. AUTO ENAMEL The wonder finish for cars, boats, bicycles, etc.. • Wide color range Big Savings in CAR TOP CARRIERS Auto top carriers to suit every need. Built right hero and sold direct to you at prices that are much lower than carriers of equal quality. 1.29 6.95 8.95 "ARMOR COAT" GRUASU GUN-Combined force and suction gun for transmis- sions, differentials and other ma- chinery. Removes old grease, flushes and refills, Strongly constructed with heavy leather plunger, 1.69 Change Now to That New and Better Lubricant . Nugold OIL 100% Olst.11edi Acldless I Carbonless Sold in ref In. sty sealed cans only. Gallon 79i1 5-Gal. Drum 3.75 So easily applied-No brush marks No sagging-Dries Overnight One-half A One c ge Tint s'i? Qv Quart a s W.P/ HORNS • Powerful • Tuneful • Penetrating Here's Value Per Pair with Relay 7.60 RUBBER SPONGES Genuine Latex spunges, made in Eng- land, Will outlast several other types. For car washing Sad home use 44c HYDRAULIC BRAKE PARTS , YOUR cAR Master Cylinder Kits 80o to t,44 Wheel Cylinder Kits 36c to 75c -A7-$.4iticW(E :TiRf Phone 184 WINGNAM, ONT. goblin E. Campbell GORRIE. ONT. Mane 38 • L I. Corson .t.4 Soli 5, THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES , PAGE vim BLUEVALE -.- United Church Ladies Met The Women's meetings of the Un- ited Church for June were held this week at the home of Mrs. Earl Ham- ilton, with 26 ladies present. The presi- dent, Mrs. Darling presided for the As- . sociation and suggested plans for a tea and entertainment to be shared with The young people. A scripture pas- George Hetherington read fora .5icriP- ture message, John Chapter 14. Mrs. James C, Johnston, presided for the worship service, the theme being, "The Church Comes back in Asia", Mrs. W. J, Peacock was leader for the theme and those taking part in the dialogue on different branches of the Asiatic Mission Work were: Mrs. James John- ston, Mrs, R, McLennan, Misses Roma. Breckenridge and Emma John, gon g Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Fleming Johnston and Mrs. Spading Johnston, .the last three in Japanese, Chinese and Korean costume respectively, Mrs, Peacock moved that hospital supplies be sent to Miss Ella Hewitt of the Grenfell Mission, Mrs, Hewitt organized a Baby Band with Mrs. Mc- Cracken as superintendent. Mrs. Ed- ward Johnston gave great praise to Mrs. Hewitt for her helpfulness dur- ing her stay here, and voiced the regret of the Societies over her departure, Mrs. W, J. Johnston was piano ac- companist,t Attended Graduation Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith and Mr. and Mrs, Joseph E. Smith of Turn 4 berry, were in Stratford on Wednes- day attending the graduation of their .neice, Miss Genevieve Smith of Bruce- field, from the Stratford General Hos- pital. Miss Smith received an award from the Perth County Medical As- sociation for the highest marks in Or- thopedic Surgery. Spoke At Brussels Mrs. Alex McCracken accepted an invitation this week from the W.M.S. of Brussels United Church to give a report of the meeting of the London Conference Branch held at Aylmer in May, which she and Miss Emma John- ston attended, Mrs. McCracken was tendered a hearty vote of thanks from the Brus- sels Society and was presented with a bouquet, 40th Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. George Thornton en- tertained their family at dinner, Sun- day evening, it being the occasion of the 40th anniversary of their marriage. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. J. Wick- stead, Morris; Mr. and Mrs. Neil McLean, Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. A, D. DEPENDABLE AT ALL nowts, in all kinds of weather, she's at her post. You count on her and she's proud of it. With switchboards busier than ever because of the many more telephones hers is still "The Spirit of Ser- vice". More switchboards are being added and more operators trained so that you may continue to have the best telephone service at the lowest cost. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Your Photo Develop- ing, Printing and En- larging results can only be as good as the quality of materials you use will permit. We sell the FINEST! Falconer Photo Studio 'Phone 199 Wingham Specializing in Cemetery Work Only BOX 373-'PHONE 450 Wm. Brownlie Inscriptions Repairing Sandblasting Memorials 25 years experience WINGHAM ONT. Orders should be placed as soon as possible The Latest in Portable Sandblast Equipment For Your BUILDING, CARPENTERING Repair Work Built-in CUPBOARDS S E E - Bennett & Comm 'Phone 447 Wingham PLASTER REPAIRING Plaster repairs promptly and neatly clone. A. 'reach & Son Plastering Contractors Box 23 - • Phone 187 Wingham Ont. pan.---Ration Rhythm. p.m.-Closing Markets, 11.00 a.m. & 7.00 p.m.-Church Ser- vices, Sunday 2.30 p.m.-Sunday Serenade. 3.00 Am.-Patterns In Black & White. 4,00 p.m.-Wagon Wheels. 6.00 p.m.-The Sweetwood Seren- ade, 8,30 p.m.-The Fred Allen Show. 9,30 p.m.-The Tony 'Martin Pro- gram. Monday 8.00 p.m.-Piano Showcase. 9.00 p.m.- p.m.-The Presbyterian Broad- cast, Tuesday Ranchsdy a 8.00 Boys. 8.30 p,m.--In the Gloaming. 9.00 p.m.-Lois Whitney sings. Wednesday 8.00 p.m.-The Hayloft Hoedown. 9.00 p.m.-Duffy's Tavern. 9,30 p.m,-Vincent Lopez. Thursday 8.15 p.m.-Command Performance. 9,00 p.m.-London Playhouse. 9.30 p.m.-Magic Melodies. Friday 8.30 p.m.-Teen Town Topics 9.00 p.m.-Light Up & Listen. 10,00 p.m.-Gillette Fight Night, Saturday 7,00 p.m.-The Old Songs. 7.30 p.m.-Music of Manhattan. 8,00 p.m.-The CKNX Barn Dance NEWSCASTS Monday Thru Saturday 8.15 a.m.; 8.30 a.m., 10.00 a,m., 12.25 p.m., 3.30 p.m, 6.45 pm, 10.00 p,m. Sunday 10.00 a.m., 12.30 p.m., 3.30 p.m., 5.50 p.m., 10.00 p.m. The occasion also marked the wed- ding anniversary of their daughter, Muriel, Mr. and Mrs. Neil McLean of Toronto. "Rev. Mr. McFaul of Pontiac, Mich- igan, preached in the United -Church on Sunday morning and conducted the Bible Class. Rev, Leland C, Jorgensen preached in Knox Presbyterian Church using for his text, the 9th commandment, "Thou shalt no bear false Witness". Pointing out that there was no degree in falsehood, that an untruth was a lie, Mr, and Mrs. T. T. Field, who re- cently returned to Canada from Cali- fornia, spent Sunday at the home of Miss Duff, Miss Edith Garniss of the Clinton Hospital Staff, spent the week-end with her Parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Garniss, Miss Irene Carlson, London, ac- companied by a girl friend visited re- cently with Miss Dorothy Greenav,my, Spence McKinnon, Georgetown, was a holiday visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McKinnon, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnston are spending a few days with their dau- ghter; Mrs. Robert Turnbull at Byron. WESTFIELD Mrs. Fred Cook is visiting her sis: ter,Mrs, Albert Nethery of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Brown of Til- bury, were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Camp- bell. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook visited recently with Mrs, W. Kechnie of BI NYIti, rl. and Mrs. A, E. Walsh visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Nice- garth. Mr. Raymond Redmond of Kings- ville, spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs, Jos, Brophy last week. Mr, and Mrs, R. Vincent of Blyth, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Stan- ley Cook, Mr, and MIS. Norman Radford and Shirley of Blyth, were Westfield visit- ors on Sunday. Mrs, Annie Killough of Durrgandon, has moved her household effects to the house on the farm owned by Mr. Don- ald Snell, where site intends to reside, Mr, and Mrs, Douglas Campbell and children, visited on Sunday with Mr, .and ,Mrs, Russell Good of 1-tullett. Mr. John Gear of Kitchener, spent this week-end with his mother, Mrs. Thos. Gear, Mrs, John Gear and Marilyn returned home with him, after ,spending a couple of weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. L, McDowell. Mrs. Win. Kelly of Seaforth, Miss Mabel Killough of London, are visit- ing their mother, Mrs. A. Killough. "Yo sho does look worried," "130y, I'se booked, up solid on wor- rying. rse got to many worries on malt mind that if tuinpiii happens to ins to- day, Ah won't get tittle to worry bout it foh two weeks." sage was read by Mrs. Shaw and was followed with prayer, Mrs. Darling read a poem, "Little Canadian Vil- lages". Mrs. Hewitt gave a donation, of material to be made up for, the ba- zaar. Lunch was served at the close of the meetings by Mrs. Hamilton, as- sisted by Mrs. Milton Smith and Mrs. J. Wickstead, The President, Mfrs. Hamilton .pre- sided for the W.M.S. meeting, Mrs. ' ESTIMATES FREE Specialists in Cornice Work and Decorative Plastering Assomminnanonononnamook Feature PROGRAMS Monday Thru Saturday 7.00 a,tn.-,Top 0' the Morning, 9,00 a,rri.-HYmn Time, 10.30 a,m,---Church of the Air. 12,00. noon-The Farm & Home Hour. 2,15 p,n1.--In Memoriam, 4.00 p.m.-Melody Matinee. 6.15 p.m,--CKNX Sports Reporter, 6.30 p,m.-Entertainment Guide 7,00 p.m.-Old Time Jamboree. Monday Thru Friday 9.45 a,m.-Smilin' Jack. 11.00 a.m.-At Home with the Lad- ies. 2.45 p.m,-Highlights of your dial- light. • 3,00 p.m.-Salon Concert. 5.00 6,05