The Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-06-12, Page 2DEE'L 141kr , Do you want the kind of snaps and candid you can show-off? Give us the responsibility of De- veloping, Printing and Enlarging them. You'll get cleaner, sharper pic- tures a'nd Fast Service. Films left at Studio be- fore 10 a.m. may be had by 5 p.m., the same day. Falconer Photo Studio 'Phone 199 Wingham PRiari ENIX. • C. O's Opening Address L45 Aircraft arld iED:DipMeM ,Flying. Displays Contes .Park rag Pre-Vacation Special! For an elegant holiday,'fingernails eloquently ,mirror,l3right with oae of Chen Yu's famous colors. 0,f2niang lipsticks are Sias) McAvoy's Drug Store 'phone 18 Witagham, Ont. SEE OUR FINE ASSORTMENT OF AYFLOWER CRYSTAL CATER GLASSES 'GOBLETS FRUIT JUICES TALL SHERBETS. LOW SHERBETS ALL PRICED AT :.80c plus tax The Wallpaper Shop SOAP tir_oltee SOAP CANADA PACKERS, VilMillAM *KINNEY:BM KURE BELMORE DAM RAN MATER 3111111.1111,111111t1111,111:411*:1111111011,111:14111Ittlitliff a 1•4..not HI WINGT-Vai ADVANCE,TTN Thursday, June 12, 1047 PAGE TWO wIiINDUSTAN" ,aod. "PAKISTAN This hc,,s f=rots week ict the ;11:str..r3.- of India an:.1 the Doi s± C. en,or.wethi".:. The almost a fir the world's perple, as one nation t-..r1 two. have been offered the foil C-74y "Tionzinit. statos" mzw--at::-1 I. ne= bt: amotediate'23---and they I a.;:pear inc7ined accelt, As el,-47;7,s are taking ;laze. many critics of Psi ish r-cle imita, if they have iatt-y con- science raosa be can their words a repenting. Pritain berg 4e,Pitted by bizi..-7`;e4 -7!1-ii417S., the wail.: =en: sees, a Entash .Goveritntera, with atiStzrty s--,pport, m-ging th.e Cdr :.s cis indeperidenoe_ Peritans this. da,y has came treinatruely, sinre a•PPears certairt that India will nzt join the peof.!e, bItt ra-n separate sm.tes. 'Hinatist-.41.1" ame Pains:an", " been the. Eritish that a single In- Zia, a federal =den ei ail the TrzYbnces arZ Princely States, wcadd take over pyre Etwerer Hindus and Moslems, the two z7` r: religricns communities, have been ntrnble tz.) ere: rm the semis cf. suelh union- 217;4%1 7i:-4;44.1 eto.i,Icahte.;"•ly sr '1.a. "i lo.h.:c.% c:A-er. necriy half of Indias. areal ' ..ilk land there. win a:ways be. religions otin. Iltf.ha tie.3err4th.-o, trot, 7: '74 by r.o =tans:1 Al FO ' AY .1 better as one cats On than as two se:r" lar::1 'have t"mc-Mi."I'd ';''i i'M P.I'''''I'aIi.-72-7L • 11 • • aerie .totes diatZe.:3 b3; a tariff wan, 1Th.oy r-;:g.r.:1 be. tr.".liog.:. to :Din an al.- I :-..ttes caa both s;•fles ...:5 it. A:so, Pak- •;centaio that theiv %sill jcin Hir.lostan. ... . : ' t a w - . • . • ivies: 'India. 1ti anfdy anar.agrahile .the "Bn:lish uttl.:;c3raver.3 bc a as a state; artel this split is 4.eplczrabie as c: the stb-ectittaent„ $3'::c;)I • There is a15o the coestiest; ;If the seie- • 'The %-ag-terr.o peicy gen- ' %-zzt,-sry irt• bir,zytzs. vrr,c20,,11.; i2isastrins rest2t. atur day June 14 7.V r "L'-'e Siratten'a Prin:4:11 :77141e5 Tstizms has helm tc,) train the Indiars ,he rite:bads den-lx..r.acy =1 the Stadma Open to Public Noon 'to Western techrdpines ci self-gen-ern- Milzbite- E'•verynne Welcome mem:. The fact that ltdia blas bectane • • . -,:ctrnary as so:zn as if3ritisit PARADE IN EXETER ,a,nd 4e is lifted payees that what the Ilrat- ir-a5i.m.g cif Wreath, n is h rea4 yid was "c mite and rnle:". Now that the zr„-,oal policy has been tete:led, attenta to saarte the , chieventent nr.4 welcome the Indians" i tiatinthol:15. They- wt..: be the custi .eopile not Enrct•ean descent no ar-'1 rive a: f011 and free partnership an the , Commonwealth * RAIN OR DROUGHT -.Ontaro is facin,-; .parttal crrp re beraose of too ..mmch wet, ezid, ember this year.. Tao =cit. rain isH bna too Rte.& r.oin is far worse., c. ere. a= os sr.=7;17,-_,.7 that "misery Ekes company" SD perLapS be thrle MCAV teal of the her and aster now sweeping the once fertEt plains of the Nartheastern Cape anal .1 Sant:bent Free State in what threaten='; be ,tine ti the mast. disasterons -Ates &Intl: African hist,:rt-y. The wnrst zintinght whirin entry, has =med. about TN4,07:0 =a ,-,ther part's ,af. the s;:ma,..--e miles ni feni..ile roc:n..171 into .,Trzyjr:Ce e77.1,71t. Ere. sr4aina, staTv n zin .-^,zEzrir4zz the are emariatetl long HAMILTON OPTICAL CO. W. R. Hamilton, R. O. Optometrist for Over 25 Years. Telephone 37 for Appointment n•-v-st get away from soar OWD M:ake a nieasant cant- game and with the floodlights coming Centralia, Thayer 2h, Coleman ss, pleasant nanion and. vo,=.11 be a very into play soon, record crowds are ex- Miller lb, McDougal 213, Morrison 3b, nottilar person. ;netted. The -next home game will be joudrey ri, lf, Rhude ci, Sher- iFriday night when the Exeter Senior wood p, Krome p, Shaw c. IcNOW WDsT,GIIAM IA team will invade the local campus. Batteries, 'Wingharn, Lediett, Mc- • co„_te, cf, Ward If. Ait- Grce(es. eleant, ?a tied is the centre of .the town 2h, Groves c. Gardner 3b, .Nier- Sealortb. Sherwood, Rh-11de, Kroem, garth Templeman rf, Hopper lb, Shaw. 1310 2 2 0 9-18 18 4 Etward ctreet, yast west ci the pkrticalt,„..ral park, I here hard p, Longhlean and Mcl-tod re- -are;.3. "courts. we,,,/- fo„, night 'sere? Hopper and Lediett resnecth'e- cliNe'inalgrahiajaal ,„ Box Score: 1010 210 2 0— 713 3 • :if, and with pretty park gs, make a caltrin) *.Mecca" for "alna-7-, nt's "Ranguereers". , PPPPPPP [It ttttt ......... ....... M.1.111thif MUM( ,,,,,, LIVING COSTS STILL RISING The Do—r'n-inn reported recently that the 'cost 7.-47: the cps e ar.d a±lrari- a 2.5 no;r-s-c in the mn—d- eraed h was the second _real-est in- -ease ter:or:lea in the index since Sea- • :19a9., when the rise ;ems 2. 7_ At Mar 1, the 7-mdetv.., 'boosted by absi --E; and ceilings, was Isa..] tom- :3 with 130.9 Att-3 1. This "eft it points hither than at the ---,cart of the 3 aven: CILIEMaar 'rear, rind 111 e a year ate. "The increase since gma 1989, was 32 per cent_ BELGRAVE WingIgurx Ativance,Tiirms, FtubUshed at WINGHAM - ONTARIO ys. ...int:pared to the elinratic Yagaties Africa, the "Dzst the' Utt:::ed $ttoes and the .ty seas"'Western Calla•ria• thiS„ scrx in Ontario is a ver3'!1 :42Z7 disaster inileed. No c:iattry in -world is 7orz fa-tored . • o kind PriAidence ▪ than this On. ario of vars. Ra,te yca.i. O73 os most ter,,le..„i xl tttrrocate 3:-.3ta. 3f tite:? prefer ID SIX. ITZath.S $..:,!)D an a-Nance A, P,„6i.) 'per I.ear Foreign R..te -$8.0'4): per year Tertisirg rates on u•p1.1=tion • •• TM.A.F. STATION sr.p.arated areas io Ne-rtheast and Nct,th 'keep :Ler in.lener.f.enoe, the retir.: Centralia ;are 'int.t.rneys and tlite3. :lien oft.. 'dead by. ,and hare :aDar..4.:,71e.:11."-,e-rr prts,perons =d. rich fe,nnalands in despair .and. driving what idt their stack, are .7.reaking to t:vca„s in work and sustenance_ Where once there was a happy the:D=417;e.: of chi:dren and :run:._ f.41 ar;mals and birds, there is ly the noise c.d. the wind. The Etthab- E.r,Its have ttatmeal awa:v and ever •- is dea3—raarderei by clidanc tonditions. 493 tht the marilt, anzth- art ti the com-try, '-+t _her- Trans- .va-al, is'hi the a-rip c.7.7 the severest dr:Lught in that area since 1933. Farm= ens are =ring to narve thonsar.:1,. Exhibition B-a2Ganes Firewc.r1-,s Sports Events far Children DANCE ii n.nt, to 12 Ar1,--4c -on 50c MERV. HIMES and His 'Trarrapet (13-piece Band) * WEEKLY THOUGHT Yon hare to live with vonsseif. You may be able to shut oat of your life 1,1-e people vent dislike, who has-c disagree- able habits or characteristics. but yr,a N .0; N NEW HOPE FOR HEART CASES A new treattnent frt angina pect,z-- , the dreadful disease ei Imitifad heart narksand :?:lets death, has been de- i e2ept."1 by Dr. Mercier Fantectx. of _a ;and Medical School and Peter Pritthara Hospital, Dtston, it is a st1P1'31, and liras restoring the sitrgical cperatian 77..r increasing the' ~rmal health :4' the heart. Dr. Ea ens describes the twt rdects of his treatise 't in the medical /anguage as -Peti'cazonary menrecttnly atet-cce severance) combined with lice , tion of he great carat vein ;the big' )." Since Ina le has aper- med en tem cases of angina with one death in the course tIf surgery. Of the nine natients, seven are still aliver,"three them fire years after operation and Dal' of 'the= fear years alter npera-1 th-ried Y-P The way held . SmxidaY ermine, with 2.6.v:est-rt. Ross s _k-.7,..2e.rs-xa cm:tar:eel the theerihg.is was opened by sizzzinz; a hymn. and repeatinz,,. the Lord's Prayer. -aok. had the Stripture 2esson. An- -ether hyann wa....; sang and Earl An- de7Sii.T.' led. p..-ayer. The Persizi:. z en continete4 the b.ushaess peeria,d. C.I.iff.-.red Kelly mare the topic tr. :3Essizms. Donna Anderson, Ininez] es.••. Marlene and Marjorie Id cRe-n- i • 1.1= :Taoared with vocal 771.1,:at- bers. The closing hy=t, was then I S'. sanz and the Mirpah E.y odic±.r re- al. .•••••••••••••••• Donald Rae & Son Telephone 27 Hardware, Coal, Wood Windham GLASS and ZINC WASHBOARDS, 70c and 55c PYREX COFFEE PERCS. ...... — .$3.65 Dull Enamel COAL OIL STOVES, $31.50 and $9. ENAMELWARE in Black and White, Red and White, Green and Cream, Cream and Red, Full Red - COMBINATION DOORS and SCREEN DOORS All sizes Aluminum Coffee Peres. and Tea Kettles GARDEN FERTILIZER Good assortment of SPRINKLING CANS and GARDENING EQUIPMENT SOFTBALL GLOVES, GOLF CLUBS, SUNDRY SPORTING EQUIPMENT Get Your Coal Ordered NOW Granulated Wool. Insulation and 3" Wool Bats Antitorioed Startt4 COSS Fost Office Department The first gatne beticr--h the arc6-17-riea .. ... .................... ...... t ........ 11-,e ZriT1S, was tplay ed SOFTBALL HIM WON THREE .$111AlfiliT Don't Take Chances! azgalrrn 'tats Tshr.621.s. ZiwIrlailast tereize m ,x0 C.macizr.= Nrora= iders and ..s;:iz:z62:m. 7.11wre tag anS zal .ti.—arr. Tux= initrh-t: atzpra.r. =see arer4e.al vac-- Nrhith' 7.11ML X21r3S-114-113Z,E5 you. a=161121.031S7-_, wits e- =Dina :as al=isrts -w--2I trirra. N.:=4.7:06,1*.z f ocipark# 9= LOUR . _ . z; Lnhe"s, .1.t= fryac PICKLES, 16 oz. jar 41"-' TI'SSUE St. NV:llama. PEACH JAm. 24 ,oz. P tbz=:_-, tie.---i-,_. 9, Cooked Spaghetti GRAPE :Stmst, Sine tOtis I!) Ce LEMONS — „ If your Growing Birds are confined or on poor rang; they need a GROWING MASH FULLY FORTIFIED with all their requirements. Shur-Gain Growing Mash is Fully Fortified YOU CAN RELY ON IT TO CABBAGE, lb. _ The 164? Soft:ban season afficiaLly here a week ago Tne_-4.-day et-11- dg when the W'Maham Macrons '111 trottatl the -SadJa-th. droe 15-p, to pry 4,11 for this season. Despite the fart the ...1DraaS. were :.77ealite'Zi With five co-ots, the dial aope--,...--ed much A: =rotger than last season. Two new 1 ,rem-crts,, Dann Arthhesatt and Joe Ward. have grea-Zy holketed the 1-=-: this season. War& a 1111- tr.-..-...-ner Wma.some and who holds -.down ;:he left fith4 ti ti Linn looked Ili go:d.as sis who ell.thea. foar safeties ratof iire trips to bat, 4.`,Shea and non Srmith led the Sea I - atthak. Li:ztrzps: Wincia=—Fmtr.^. Iii ss., nee 1.1), rod if. Templernan db, Nirleod t. .p S :.-irtb—Waads Eislc- LT-1711t310 :.;=11-?...." ilr Lee 41- 2.171, T3 S=th aT. :Gunn if, 'abate =a Kennet:14' ii.atterses, Winahatn. NicLood, "fard.v.. • Staineth, Lewd% r-mtezly. O'Shea, 1`12)-Y eve-nir.g. ,35=e The mar" r=ed ladies: winaLag :15-241. The =ere At 11 will be .on the 16th. a n a a a a a a a a a a a a DEVELOP YOUR BIRDS PROPERLY Eeg.. 3 23 'Ai CRUST .. g- 19 Don't Take Chances • Store. zt 1.11DS4112232 .suatt.1 i 1:1=pczei SeaForth: * 'Wttr..ht= SPINACH — .2 19C' 2 CARROTS . tti._,',"t•ni'.•_-g a -!..3110 4 eiglieft text !riga! evening The win.,7,3-.Lt=. Sintn.r,t to win 'thriT • 5,,trtitLt kza-,:;z:r ten no ,eit et.ir_m:r_.ti, .1743 !At.„ lit zri„e side,d ..alAe!r ietr=tr. r-tactattnr. tetra's.7.7:11•727.:1 the tentrl lkt with bonto tr-ts trit nett Tim -used tthate at.ont ism.].L! • tre- .'Sass7.1".'.77b 014447.1 eXet'eliV. The :111"‘Vil ftWilta SI) fa: ...is uttrzall Ite:11) 1119 EXTRACT.—