HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-06-05, Page 7A. N. ItTAVISII • Teeswater, Ontario Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office: Gofton House, Wroxeter every Thursday afternoon 1.30 to 4.80 and by appointment. Phone — Teeswater 1201 J. A. FOX Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. ' RADIONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191, K. I MacLENNAN Veterinary Surgeon Office Minnie St. Opposite and Sonth of the United Church, PHONE 196 %gingham, ..1f, Ontario HARRY MIKE Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Furniture and Funeral Service Ambulance Service Phones: Day 109 W. Night 109J. ••• FREDERICK A. PARKER OSTEOPATH Offices: Centre St., Wingham Osteopathic and Electric Treat- ments, Foot Technique. Phone 272. Winghatn. THOS. FELLS REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEER and THE BEST OF SERVICE PLENTY OP EXPERIENCE 'Phone 231 Wingham Thurs4ar, June 5th, 947 THE WINGIIA1V1 ADVANCE-MU/1ES Ar Give your car NEW WE with Weston. Ezfro kilue AfTO SIMPLiES The Punishing winter, driving months take a heavy toll 0 spark plugs, radiator hose, tan belts, oil filters and other automotive parts. So be sure and let us check your car over today for winter casualties. Now is the time to tune it up tor the long spring and surnmeTaiqving months ahead. There's plenty of liveliness, plenty of style, plenty of big-car features in this dashing Mercury 114. Sparkling, full-of-life performance from that 100 horsepower, V-type, 8-cylinder Mercury engine. Aluminum cylinder heads add that extra pep to "step lively" in any traffic. Oversize, self- centering hydraulic brakes give you absolute peace of mind. MERCURY AND LINCOLN DIVISION • FORD 'firestone Pe deaxe . CHAMPION TIRES Firestone, have everything to assure lane, low- cost houble-free mileage. It's Canada's No. 1 The for Safety, Mileage, Perfotmance and Value. Get more milts for your tire dollar by letting us equip yew car now with Firestorms, T(2.9$21.55 1(11:1B.i, $4.35 Pla ••••• Nem NIMM •,•••• Dirty plugs can.waste 10% of your gas! a install rriStOne POLAPNIUM SPARK PLUGS Assure faster, easier starting and smoother, more economical motor per for al- a rice. Each 75c MOM MON. OW "Om 44.6 ••••• an= 1011M MEM IMMO ONO MOO MO 7ivo7d —er°571, rep—air Protect the cooling syStem rirestone ,irestone OIL FILTERS' n r„. Kaaiat444 RUST Dirty oil -wrecks I RESISTOR "ma FARM LAND VALUES crease of 'even per cent over the aver- age values indicated in 1944 and 1945, and an increase of 28 per cent over the 1935-39 average. The upward trend in farm land values, front pre-war levels, Prevents rust, corrosion und sludge, Should be (tied spring and fall, before odd- ing anti-freeze and after its removal. 16 oz. tin 70C motors, Install a I Firestone Oil I Filter. farm land, values over 1945 levels were reported in all . provinces with the ex- ception, of Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick, where slight decreas- es occurred. The average value of occupied farm lands in Canada for 1946 is reported at $82 per acre, This represents an in- states the Dominion Bureau of Statis- tics, reflects at least in part the relative changes 'which have occurred in the price levels of farm products and of the things which farmers buy. The Bu- gm nu olio Complete Installation .,. fi!I I woo ••••• ••••••••••n •144111111114 Crossett Motor Sales MERCURY - LINCOLN TELEPHONE 459 WINGHAM . WITH MERCURY 114 Real Mercury style, and long, low lines! A front that's gleaming, impressive, smart as can be! Interiors are really luxurious with your choice of rich mohair or stylish broadcloth. Handsome, two-spoke steering wheel and distinctive instru- ment panel in lustrous metal and plastic. Yes—and the smart, new Mercury 114 is priced in the lowest bracket. MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED • ,.>-revertetteir,nttrrrrYnntrer,,Mitrttnnie.,:„., icet next, -remove stickiness with ear, boo tetra.ebloride, Whether to soak soiled clothes or 'to set the machine immediately in motion is a moot question, Answer; If you .do not t1Sa a water softener, you should. soak white fabrics, WhAt about using homemade soap for the new fabrics? Well, this is us- ually a very strong soap ,(often, nut aged)—and since there are a number of tested laundry .cleansing agents, it is wise to use these in the washing Ittgatine, How long should the washing ma- chine operate. Wc recommend 5 to 8 ..o • mms„ for lightly soiled things, 10 to 12 minutes for dirty clothes, then a change of water if necessary. There has been some controversy over this point, but it was agreed that a short wash period and two, or three wArm rinses produc, ed better results, Should clothes be whipped or shak- en, when wet as ,they are hung on the line, To shake or pull gently after the garments are pinned will save much ironing work. You know too, that if clothes can be taken from the line and folded as they are placed in the basket the ironing will be much easier. The family must eat on washday and we suggest dishes that can be cooked at a, "toew" temperature and served without much trimming, We recom- mend the Well Cooker of the electric range, or grandmother's Dutch oven for the suggested meals. (1) Pot Roast with Potatoes, Car- rots, Onions, Steamed Pudding Time: 2 hours. Directions: Sear meat (3 lbs.) in skillet until brown on all sides; place trivet in well, add 1 cup water and put meat an trivet. Put pudding in tall mold; Covet, place beside meat. Cover cooker, turn switch to High until steam escapes; then tttrn switch to Low and coetinue cooking for 1. hour. place vegetables around meat; turn switch to Hie until steam escapes; turn switch to Low to finish cooking, for about 1. hour. STEAMED PUDDING 3 tbsps, melted shortening, 2 cups flour, 314 tsp.. soda, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 114 tsp. allspice, 112 tsp. salt, 1 cup milk, 314 cup molasses, 112 lb. dates, stoned and cut. Melt shortening. Sift flour, measure, add dry ingredients and sift again, Mix molasses and milk, add to dry in- gredients. Add shortening. Fold in dates. Pour into a greased mold and steam for 2 hours. Serve with cream. (2) Veal Stew with Noodles, Celery, and Onions. Spiced Bread Pudding Time: 2% hours Directions: Cut 2 lbs. breast or neck of veal into individual serving pieces. Flour and brown them. in hot fat 'in a waterless cooker or deep kettle over High heat; season and. cover with cold water. 'Cover, turn heat to Low and . simmer for 11/2 hours, Add 6 whole medium-sized onions, 1 cup wide nood- les- and 1 cup of celery cut in short lengths. Set pudding in covere41 pan, place on' rack above the meat stew, cover, and continue cooking' for 45 minutes. Serve stewt, with meat sur- rounded by noodles and celery. Sprin- kle with paprika aed garnish with tress. Serves 6. SPICE BREAD PUDDING 1 cup toasted bread crumbs, 1 cup . brown sugar, 1 tsp, soda, 112 tsp. ground cloves, 112 tsp. nut- meg, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 cup sour milk, 1 cup raisins. Combine bread crumbs with the brown sugar, soda and spices, Add the milk and raisins. Pour into greas- ed pudding "Mold and cover. TAKE A TIP How to use the modern Irons and Ironers. Four new Irons have strilchig feat- ures: (1) One has a wide sole plate curved for either forward or backward ironing, side rests to avoid lifting and a slanted handle to 'grasp easily. (2) To reduce fatigue caused by constant lifting, another iron has been designed with rest stand incorporated into sole- plate. The button on the handle both releases and holds rest-stand in place. (3) A third iron has the outstanding feature of a stand with the heating 41e- mem Mcorporated in it—heat is trans- ferred to the iron whenever it is in position with the current an—eo more wrangles with the cord. (4) Thermo- stat control on the steam irons means that they can be used for pressing or ordinary household use, Methods 'used with Electric Ironer: With the exception of woollens, iron fabrics until they are dry. Take time to arrange garment carefully on board to avoid unnecessary wrinkles. Parts of garment to iron first: extra inside pieces such as inset pockets, shoulder pads and facings, and parts of gar- ment which are attached such As trim- mings and ruffles. Iron bodice of garment then skirt, Finish with col- lar, cuffs and front, Wide articles such as tablecloths, sheets, bedspreads, should be '1Olded lengthwise and ironed on one side; then folded double and the top surface ironed; and so on netil artiele is eompletely dry, 1. Try to improve ironing skill; est long sweeping rhythmic, graceful strokes, 8. Irott With weave of fabrie, not on the bias, 3, IrOn Artiolos which recittire same temperature before starting on next group. 4. Arrange Work area sufficiently. 5. Dres8 teatly, attractively and cont• fortably for the job, Anne Allan invites you to write to her elo The Wingham Advance,Thrtes. Send in your suggestions on homemak- ing problems and watch this colutint for repha: reau's index of farm prices of agricul- tural products for 1946 was 83.5 per cent above the 193539 level, while for the same year the index prices of com- modities and services used by farmers had advanced 45.4 per cent from the 1935-39, base-period level. Increases in FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE UP-STAIRS FUNERAL PARLOUR A. J. WALKER 'PHONES 106 - 224 WINGHAM /Wake n(ght-driving a pleasure! ri resSone SEALED BEAM ADAPTER KIT Efficient,economical method of converting Old type head- lights to provide maximum 44•4•••••••••mimm... Business and Professional Directory i intense light. Easy to install. From $8 45 HMO HOW ECONOMIST 11.II OP Avoid motor I Your car is as safe as yore brakes heating 'Firestone BRAKE LININGS WELLINGTON FIRE • Insurance Company Est, 184g An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served Ot,:policy holders for over a centur,..0., Head Office — Toronto': H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency Winghain FAN BELTS BRAKE LIMING flrestone Front $5.36 Match4d Set Perfectly bal- anced for long wear, smooth, positive action. Hello Homemakers! When is a spot not a Spot? Answer:'When it has been re/flayed by someone who knows bow. Even spilled milk, cocoa and' ink can be 'taken out of white or fast dye fab- rics if you use a little persistence and caution. Milk, grease and oil stains shonld be sponged with benzine or carbon tetra- chloride. Ink . spots should be first blotted with blotting paper and then soaked with clear warm .water or sour milk, but. in turn must be spoeged out with carbon tetrachloride. A chocolate stain should be scraped off with a dull knife, then pat with bo- rax which has beeri moistened with wattr. Let dry, thee wash in clear Watm Chewing gum is sometimes difficult. Try to rtib into a ball with a piece of W. A. CRAWFORD, M. D. Made with gum-dipped 1 cable cord, and 0 heat re. sistant protective outing of I rubber. Long life, with I itinirtium stretch, From $1.06 I or. sem to:. wars J. W. BUSHF1ELD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office — Meyer Block. Wingham' 111.0 WWI* immit lama ON= AMOR =Mt OMNI .01•01= •Na, * THERMOSTATS from $L50 RADIATOR HOSE ("r TrOM 39C MUFFLERS from $3.12 ITIDATOR SOLDER 1(,), 70c PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 159 Wingham FIREPLACE FURNACE J. IL CRAWFORD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Bonds, Investments & Mortgages Wingham Ontario PR. W. M. CONNELL 3 oz. 30c iiir)owlin Foe Sumner Homed and Coftortom.•••• draOs cold one ai morn v-strich hot sir in co re• plate it instaid or hones outside—circulate, sir-- saves mottadd evening, sr twig& Wri}e TWEED STEELWORKS Wettest itrai 16i MID. Cia, . • PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Pkg. art NOR row 'Me mem mem mie este maw WwW IWA Mimi sift itifie OaW Una Tune oar ear up ter Sprig ea Summer drivi‘v , with ri roman* atm Peke AUTO SUPPLIES este ilia HURON MOTORS FJORD — MONARCH WINGNAM TEI,...EPHONE 237 CROSSETT MOTOR SALES MERCURY — LINCOLN WINGHAIVI TELEPHONE 40 Phone 19 DONALD B. BUIE Experienced Auctioneer Litetised for tountiett of HURON & BRUCE All Sales Capably Handled Phone 49. Ontario Telephone 62 Box 331 PARIVI SALES A SPEutALTYI L. G. BRYCE LICENSED AUCTIONEEk WINCHAM, 014IT.