HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-05-22, Page 7tik104. iril.DEST SHOW v" Presented by'The LIONS CLUB OF WINGHAM Wingham A rena May 30'3 COWBOYS, COWGIRLS- BEAUTIFUL cow PONIES TRICK RIDERS TRICK ROPERS HILARIOUS CLOWNS All the Glamour of the Old West OUTLAW BUCKING HORSES WILD BRAHMA BULLS TEXAS LONG-HORNED STEERS, BIG AND WILD THRILLS AND SPILLS LAUGHTER HIGH CLASS. - WILD AND FAST ADMISSION-75c, Children 35c MATINEE—Adults 75c, Children 25c GOODkNEAR HI-MILER ALL-WEATHER YOu C4jvq„ -BUY 141 BETTER 011.V TfiRuck, 4164Ny PRICE; CHECK THESE • GO w ear, FEATURES Tough tread for long- er ear,grea ter ingeage. • !stance to Greater r" f brie heat fatigue, a_ w. fatigue or heat blow-fatigue outs. .,GET THE FACTS AND YOU'LL GO ' GOOD r EAR Murray Johnson McColl-Frontenac Products Telephone 62 Wingham Phosphate is a primary need of select spring grown grains and tests have also shown that fertilized pasture lands provide more cheap feed than any other crop. Why pay out good money for grass and clover seed :and neglect to provide the fertilizer required to ensure a good crop? 'This bank is interested in helping progressive farmers to succeed. If you need money for a Farm Improvement Loan or for any worthwhile purpose, come in and talk over your plans. THE DOMINION BANK &inhibited 1871 WINGHAM BRANCH: G. C Ganimage, Manager di32 r• t2) Follow through on T/4•10kpeO --the "larm proven" the 7th we g ek on. rowing ash, from It builds sturdy, money making e layers. $1440 GROWING MASH 00 You KN 0 ifrO Best By Test Costs Less To Operate °ATTAR/0 FARM SERVICE FORCE, 9 Richmond Street East, Toroaro 1, Ontaro. Please send further information and an app lication form for the Ontario Farm Service Porce. N ame ......................... . • .4ge . .......... On or or) 4eleiress.......... .... . ve . . ...................... di rotor. .......................................... vailablejerous ............ to ................... nwa47 Hundreds of young women have already enlisted in the Farm Service Force, and are earning good money ... under pleasant working conditions : on sunny Southern Ontario farms. All through the summer months, they'll enjoy the healthy companionship of Y supervised community camps. Work on surrounding farms will be carefully supervised. They'll come back in the Fall with cash in their pockets and the deep satisfaction of a job well done. If you are sixteen years of age or over, why not snail the above coupon today?* Join these willing 'workers in helping out farmers raise a bumper crop for a starving world. ktfipikatioo Jar, else be made at the nearest National &ligament Service eke. DOMINION.PROVINClAI 'COMMITTEE ON FARM LABOUR AGRICULTURE , LABOUR EDUCATION VW let RAGE $E-vull THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thorodayi May 22nd, 1947 Mr, and Mrs. Grant of Winnipeg, were visitors of the latter's uncle, Mr: and Mrs. Gay. Muir part of last week. Mrs. Grant was the former Hilda Nok- es and lived the early part of her life • You might be the next victim of fire—fire that. can quickly destroy your home, your business, your property, your whole life's work. Let Pilot Insurance accept the risk—ready and quick to pay any just claim. The cost is very low. We , write Pilot Insurance to' cover selected risks in Automobile, Fire, Personal Property Floater, Burglary, Plate Glees, Pub- lic Liability and other general insurance. A. W. KEIL. Gorrie H. C. MacLEAN, Wingham Representing— WROXETER Ittr, and Mrs. David Draper of Tor- .onto, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. McKcnncy. " • ‘nti •-• 14 •...,-,....- -*,‘i.....,;,.. • ... ;,r.. E....--,---r r"- -. --,, - ...**4fr1,--4 • ' '11;:11,4 ,...,---...›.- . - . ..... - •• ,, p--_„. -....-r- ..- .4,„,„..s.....-- de. • , .... Successful farmers know the value of mod- ern scientific fertiliza- tion for their grain, hay, pasture, root, and small fruit crops. in Wroxeter. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gemmill of Des Moines, Ohio, were visitors dur- ing thepast week with Mrs. Eli Bolt and other friends. Mr. Gemmill is a brother of Mrs. Bolt, Mr, and Mrs. L. F. McLaughlin of Oshawa, spent the week-end with friends in town. On their return they were accompanied by Miss Mae David- son, who will visit with Mr. and Mrs. Gay. Davidson of Oshawa. 111/Irs. F. Sanderson is visiting her daughter, Miss Eleanor Sanderson in Toronto, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Forster, Dub- lin, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. H. I, Durst. Mrs. Bert Martin, Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Martin, Guelph, spent the week-end with friends in and Ei,round town, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Munro and Winnifred, were Niagara Falls visitors over the week-end. Mr. Chad, Henning is confined to his home, having suffered a heart at- tack, Mr, Henning's many friends hope for a speedy and complete recov- ery. ,Mr. Thos. Ritchie, who has been ill at his home for some time, was taken to Wingham General Hospital, on Tuesday of last week, where he is rest- ing comfortably. Mr. and Mrs, George Allen who have spent the winter season in Tor- onto, returned to town for a fewdays. They were accompanied by their son, Dr. Frank Allen, Bastow, Mts. J. N. Allen has returned home following a two week's visit with Mrs. J. J. Allen and children in Toronto. Women's Institute The June meeting of the Women's Institute will be held on June 4th., at 2,30 Om, at the home of Mrs. Win, Hart, Mrs. F. 11.1 Millward, Roll Call, a place I would like to visit and why, Paper, a travel talk on Muskoka, Mrs, E. E. Wellington, Gorrie; Demonstra- tion, Hair Dressing, Mrs, H. I. burst. Music, Hostesses, Mrs. Pacey, Mrs, McKercher, Mrs, ,McKenney, Community Association There was a good attendance at the meeting of Wroxeter Community As- sociation on the evening of May 16th. President, Hector Knight 'was in the chair and Secretary, Mrs. H. I. Durst, presented the minutes, A communica- tion from Northern Electric Co, was read in which they stated they would forward Blue Prints for the considera- tion of the Club re flood lights for the park, The Community Association will sponsor a Heinle Tewn Baseball Club this year, Plans are already made for the purthase of equipment for same, A motion was passed which stated all goods 'whenever possible should be purehased locally. A Coffee Urn for the benefit of social functions has been ordered. July 1st., will be ned is a baseball tournament Dance with Willbee'S Orchestra, Booth and celebrated in Wroxeter. Already plan- other attractions will be added, As plans are completed meeting adjourn. Next to be held in the tank on the evening of Ittne (1) The vital starting period needs a vital lood--bank ota tick fresh, tasty, vitamin sor it over edges, Feeding 6 to 4 —that it is best to till chick hoppers lust 2/3 lull when feeding so birds will not IPM times daily' lot the first 4 days keeps their appetites keen and gives you mote Ones to cheek temperature and Condi• tion of IIDE04e4TEEDS miwoor). ONTARIOdi BLUEVALE Mrs. Melvin Cottell of Kenora, John Thomas and. Miss Jessie Strachan of Brussels, also Mrs. Andrew Lamont and Dougal Strachan of 13rusels, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Peter S. McEwen, Mrs. Cottell is a niece .of Miss Jessie Strachan, and is enroute to Denver, Colorado, and other points, travelling by bus. Mr, and Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson and family, Donnybrook, Mr, and Mrs, j, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wickstead, Morris, spent Sunday with their parents,-Mr, and Mrs, George Thornton, !Mrs, Robert Thomas, Toronto, is of Mrs. William Elston, in Morris, Miss si, Miss Olive Scott has returned home from Victoria Hospital, London. She was accompanied by Dr, J. H. Pelkey and Mrs. Pelkey, At the Communion Service in Knox Presbyterian Church, six new mem- bers united with the congregation on profession of faith. Rev. L. C. Jor- gensen is giving a series of sermons on the ten commandments. In the United Church Sunday morn- ing,. Rev, A. G. Hewitt, spoke on be- half of the appeal of Victoria College, for a fund of $2,000,000to restore build- ings and to provide an adequate lib- rary for its valuable collections of gbiovocks$.190.o. Bluevaleo church is asked to Mr. Samuel Morton of Belgrave, was a recent visitor in our village. Mr. Morton is trying to locate a book be- longing to his friend, the late John W. King, M.P,, Bluevale. The ibook is about surnames, together with their or- igins and meanings. Also, a portion of it is devoted to "Sayings of Great Men," It is believed to have been sold at the auction of Mr. King's effects. Arbor Day activities at the school were frustrated by bad weather. Last Friday was too wet to make the lawn or hike to the woods, and Monday was no better, Dr. J. H. Pelkey, of Westminster Hospital Staff, London, and Mrs, Pel- key, (the former Cora Messer, of Blue- vale), called in the village Saturday on their way to Hanover. Mr.' and Mrs. Graham Wray and daughters of Brantford, and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Slinker, (Alba Shiell), all of Brantford, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Shiell at the week- end. Mr. Wray visited with his mother, Mrs, James Wray, a patient .in Wing- han't General Hospital. WHITECHURCH Mrs. Chas. Johnston and Marilyn and Nancy of Blyth, spent Saturday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Lewis. Stonehouse of E. Wawanosh, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ragsdale of De- troit, spent the week-end at the home of her father, Mr. Robt. Carrick, and Mrs. Fox spent the week-end with her daughter at Gait. Mr. John Ryan spent the week-end at his home at Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Spading and Marie of Wingham, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Milian Moore, Mr. and. Mrs. Redge Scholtz and family of Westfield, spent Sunday at the lioem of his bro.ther, Mr. Ezra Scholtz, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cornelius visited recently with Mr. and Mrs, Bill Thompson of Belgrave. Miss Mildred Moore returned home last, week after spending a month at Ripley. Miss Olive Terriff, R.N., returned home on Monday after nursing for the past month at Ethel. Born—On Tuesday, May 13th., in Wingham General Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft, a son. Mr. Orton Grain who has Been in Wes trains te r Hospital, London, for some time, spent the week-end at his home here. Orton is going around on crutches as his leg is in a cast. Mrs. Floyd with of Elora, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Purdon, and other W. Wa- wanosh relatives. Mr. and Mrg Ted Tchirhart and sons, Donald and Bruce, who have been ,visiting at the home of her sis- ter, Mrs, Levi Rieman for the. past week, returned to their home in Wal- kerton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bieman and family, spent Sunday Rodger the home of her mother, Mrs. R, Inglis of Walkerton. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stewart, Eil- een and Donald of Kinioss, and Mr. and Mrs. MacTavish and Shirley of Cuiross, spent . Sunday at the home of Mrs. Daniel Martin, -Mr. and Mrs. George Coultes of E, Wawanosh, and Mrs. Jas, Leaver of Wingitani, spent Snuday with Mr. and Mrs, Albert Cottltes. Miss Plorki Coulter of Kitchener, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, W. .5, Coulter., Anniversary services will-be held at the Presbyterian Church this Sunday, May 25th., at 11. a.m. and 8 p.m. fast time, with Rev. W. S. Sutherland tak- ing the services. On . Monday evening a concert will be held in the church with ministers from adjoining eongre. gations giving short addresses, and a good prograrn of vocal and instrument- al. musk, A 'pie social will be held in the S. S. room after the concert. You are cordially invited to attend these Anniversary Services. The regular monthly meeting of 'the W,M.S. of the Presbyterian 'Church was held on Thursday last, in the S. Yet DURO Softeners are not expensive. There is a DURO price and size to fit your budget. See your local plumbing contractor today and learn how easy it is for you to enjoy DURO softened water in your home. Because DURO'S exatzsive features permit softening capacity and regenerating facilities—it costs less to ,operate a DURO. Your first cost with DURO is really an invest- ment . . paying dividends not onlyin better living . but in reduced soap bills . longer life for washable clothes, sheets, towels „ elimination of costly repairs to your heating plant . , reduced fuel bills for domes- tic water heating. 0444 Todaf ! PRICED AS LOW AS $69.00 'F.O.B. LONDON, CANADA DURO water softeners a r e "Made-in-Canada" from the fin- est materials obtaintable, giYing high quality performance with long trouble-free service. RS LIMITED ONTAR 10 greater actually S. Room with the President, Mrs. Rabt. Mowbray in charge of the meet- ing. Mrs. Ezra Weiwood read the Scripture lesson and Mrs. W. J: Coul- ter had charge of the Meditation Per- iod, speaking on A Better Country, and Miss Lila Emerson led in the Glad Tidings Prayer. The topic on Industrialization and Education in Af-- rica was taken by Mrs. Robert Ross, from the Study Book, This is Africa. Mrs. Albert Walters gave a reading on, MacKay of Uganda, and Mrs. Mow- bray closed the meeting with prayer for the successful work of the Mis- sionaries in all lands. Mr. Lorne Johnston has purchased a. new Chevrolet sedan last d . week, an Mr. John McMillan is driving a near Ford.