HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-05-22, Page 4PAGE: :VOLTR THE WIN01-1,4111 ,ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, May 22nd, 1947 IIIROPIPPOW.M.rammo, 11N111111111111111111111111111111 111111111110111111•1111111111.11111111111 1•1111•11•1151111110111111111Ill BELGRAVE I a WANTED—A lady's bicycle in good ,repair. Phone 288, . „ . . . WANTED—Two High School Boys for after school or summer work. • Apply Yemens a 1 a 1 a U a WANTEDReliable girl for house-. work in home with all modern con- veniences. Apply ,Mrs. D, W. Jeffs, Phone 213. AN OPPORTUNITY Established Rural Watkins District available, If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and $5, have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a pro- fitable business of your own. For full paiticulars write today to the 5, R. Watkins. Company Dept. O-W-2 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Que. The May meeting of Belgrave Wo- men's institute will 'be held at 2,30 on Tuesday, May 27th,, at the home of Mrs. j, M. Coultes, Convener, Mri. C. R, Coultes, Roll Call, Name an Offic- ial of your Community. Music, Mrs, J. C, Procter, Report of District Annual, Mrs, E. Anderson, Address Mrs, G. H. Dunlop, Lunch, Mrs, R. W. Procter, Mrs, Geo, Michie and Mrs, C. R. Coul- tes, Visitors are always welcome. Mr, and Mrs, Keith Dunbar spent the week-end with Belgrave and Wing- ham friends, Mr. and Mrs, Joe McGill made a business trip to Toronto one day last week. United P. A. The regular meeting was held on Sunday evening with 28 present. The call to worship was given by the lead- er, Patsy Anderson. The opening hymn was . sting and Jim Anderson read the Scripture. Bruce Scott lead in prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted and the President conducted , the business period, A hymn was sung and Earl Anderson gave a Fellowship Topic. The meeting was brought to a close by singing another hymn and James Michie closed with prayer. Visitors at the homcof Mrs. W. J. Geddes over the week-end were Mr, and Mrs. N. M. Geddes, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Little, Seaforth. Choice PITTED DATES lb. 24c a U U a McGILL Radio Service Electric. Fences. HOT PLATES • Full line of Hearing Aid BATTERIES . = IN 1. a fit ii Reduction 11 1 I on everything in our store with the exception of 11 nationally advertised items where a minimum price I • is set, THIS 10 per cent. REDUCTION will continue ii iii UNTIL THE END OF MAY i David Crompton a ri „,..„...„,.....,,..„,..,,,-„.........„,..„.,,,,,,,m„,-,..„...„ TO HELP CURB INFLATION AND MAKE IT EASIER FOR YOU TO MEET THE HIGH COST OF LIVING We Are Giving A riNni*MIMMNMrliiiinnliillWaMlliilIlliiilnIIINI • • IN II • Carmichael's • • N • II • SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET TELEPHONE 193 w INGHAm • • • • SPECIALS • • WEDNES., THURS., FRI., MAY 21, 22, 23 • • • • Kellogg's Oven-Fresh CORNFLAKES, 8 27 0..z: ir Ot8ci II • ',Choice Quality Quaker • UNGRADED PEAS - - 13c • • • • 3F Unsweetened GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 20 oz., 12c • • • • • • • • • • • N • CLASSIFIED ADS. Full line of CURED, COOKED and FRESH MEA TS. SPECIAL ! Pure Pork SAUSAGE Country style, lb. 37c Hillcrest SHORTENING; Pure Vegetable, lb. 32c Hillcrest Tissue 3 rolls 25c Royal York CHEESE , 1/2 lb. 23c Mastic Tile Flooring for Homes, Offices and Stores. Notice To Contractors FOR SALE—Perfection 3 burner Coal Oil Stove, Apply Advance-Times, ESTIMATES FREE Eddy's Redbird Matches 3 boxes 29c Javex Concentrate 14c Spic and Span, pkg. 24c FOR SALE—Cream Separator, in good condition. Apply Advance- Times. • n n n n n n n U • n n n ol Superior BAKING POWDER, lb. • 23c n n FRUITS and VEGETABLES • at all times • • • SPECIAL ! ORANGES-288s---doz., 25c 111 GRAPEFRUIT 5 or 25c • • CARROTS, 2 bnchs. 19c TURNIPS, lb. 5c PARSNIPS, CELERY, LETTUCE, TOMATOES • • N OPEN — FRIDAY NIGHT — OPEN imommontumsnummitumummumminali Norman Rintoul 'Phone 251 Wingham The Contract for cleaning and re- pairing the Grasby Drain in Morris Township will be let by tender on June 2, 1947, at 3 p.m., at the Town- ship Hall. Flans and specifications may be seen at the clerk's office, Low- est or any tender not necessarily ac- accepted. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. HOUSE TO RENT—About five mil- es from Wingham. Apply to John Purdon. Phone 614r3, CHICKEN BARGAINS for this week and next. Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, New Hampshire N Bar- red Rocks, White Rocks, Light Sus- sex, Light Sussex X New Hampshires non-sexed, 9,95; pullets, 16.95; cock- erels 7.95; Assorted Heavy Breeds non- sexed 8.95; pullets, 15.95; cockerels, 6,95. Cockerels: White Leghorn X Barred Rocks, 2.95; White Leghorns, 95c; Two week old add 6.00; three week old add 11.00 per hundred. Ship- ped C.O.D. This advertisement must accompany your order to receive these special prices. Also eight week old pullets to laying. Top Notch Chick- cries, Guelph, Ontario. Moore's Fancy Spinach, 20 oz. tin 19c Crunchie Sweet Mixed Pickles, 2 6-oz. jars 27c Crax Biscuits, pkg. 17c LOST—Saturday forenoon, a skeleton key. Finder please leave at. Advance- Times. NOTICE—All acounts owing T. Fells if not paid will be put in for collec- tion. BIG-4 CHICKS—will be available for May buyers. With season late in some districts many poultrykeepers prefer these later chicks. Dayold and started; pullets, cocketils, non-sex- ed. Some started. Let's know what you need. We can save time, quot- ing prices, booking your order. Agent, Wilbur Hogg, R. R. 4, Wingham. aries, the Secretary gave her report and called the roll, 25 members respon- ded, All joined in singing the Temp- erance. song and the exercise "Smile Awhile." Eleanor Smith played a piano solo. Mrs. W. J. Johnston con- ducted the Worship service, when Mrs. Jim Johnston told the story "Going to 'BLUEVALE COOK MAID WANTED—For mod- ern Country Home. All convenien- ces. Burlington,- Ont. Own living quarters. Highest wages. No child- ren in family. Apply to D. P. Sav- age, phone 2, Listowel. BERLOU GUARANTEED MOTH PROTECTION the Fair" from the Study Book. Miss, Margaret Curtis gave a report of the W.M.S. Presbyterial held recently at Exeter and explained to the Band the honors that the_ Band had achieved. Singing a closing hymn and distribut- ing the papers brought the meeting to, a close. Stop Costly Moth Damage to your valuable Suits, Coats and Fur Garments. 'oWe are prepar- ed to give you BERLOU Moth- proofing Service that is guaran- teed in writing to stop moth damage for 10 whole years, or we repair, replace or pay money value of article damaged. See us today and let us give your clothes, this •guaranteed moth protection. FOR SALE—One lot, Apply A. M, Crawford. =01=107===0=0 0=01---x0=0) O 7 FOR SALE — One modern Brick house, 8 room, every convenience, slate roof, well located. Apply T. Fells. WANTED—Lawn Mowers Repaired and Sharpened, Screw Cutting and Lathe Work. Jenkins Lawn Mower Repair, Minnie Street. FOR SALE—Boys CCM Bicycle in good condition. Apply Evan Keith at Campbell's Garage, WANTED—Large quantity of good soil. Phone 101, The Greenhouse. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of John Shortreed Scott, late of the Township of East Wawanosh in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceas- ed, who died on or about the 14th day of April, 1947, are notified to send to Messrs. Crawford & Hetherington, Barristers, Wingham, Ontario, on .er before the twenty-sixth day of May, 1947, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said twenty-sixth day of May, the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executor, shall then have notice. DATED this second day of May, A. D. 1947. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON, Solicitors for the Executor. Wingham, Ontario, ARMITAGES Alf Cement Contracting OF ALL TYPES Also Supply Cement TWO WAITRESSES WANTED— !Good wages and meals. Apply Ye- men's Grill. FOR SALE—Kitchen Range, "The Duchess" in perfect condition. Phone 385J. AGENTS WANTED—$35 to $60 a week! Your Own Business! No boss, no timeclock, independence. The leading line of Home Service Pro- ducts! Very little money required, Operate in town or if you have the equipment pick a rural area. Infor- mation and catalogue FREE. Fam- ilex, Dept. C., 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. JEWELLER 'Phone 59 WINGHAM TO RENT—Fair sized living room, completely furnished, bedroom with large bed, bathroom, laundry in basement for washing, use of clothes line, with good sunporch. Hydro. Apply to J. Rogers, Scott St., Wing- ham. STAIR TREADS, .„Genuine ...Rubber. Black only, ,50 cents each. Welwood's Store. RICH VELOUR 3-piece Chesterfield Suites at moderate prices at Schuett & Sons, Mildmay. Also Wallpaper, Paint, Radios, 60 cycle Washers for immediate sale. Free delivery. ORDERS TAKEN for Cement Blocks any amount. Apply to Edgar Heise, Fordwich. Telephone 34 r 4. FOR SALE—Daisy Barrel Churn, in good condition. Apply Bateson's Dairy, Wingham. FOR SALE—Gibson 60 cycle Home Freezer, over 6 cu, ft. of Storage Com- partment, refrigerator style; 60 cycle 1[4 h.p. motors. 60 cycle deep or shallow well pressure systems. C. H. Gammon, Radio and Electric, Wallace St., Listowel, phone 221. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Rachel Kew, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the twenty-third day of February, A. D. 1947, are notified to send to Messrs. Crawford & Hetherington, Barristers, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the twenty-sixth day of May, 1947, full particulars of their claim in writing. Immediately after the said twenty- sixth day of May, the assets of the said Testatrix will be distributed am- ongst the parties entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to claims of which the Executrix shall then have notice. DATED this second day of May, A. D. 1947, CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix. TENDERS Will be received by the undersigned up to June 2nd, 1947, for the supply- ing of the following lumber, either in whole or part for to be used in erect- ion of Farmers Shed: 14 posts 14 ftx10 x10 sq.; 14 Beams, 12 ftx10x10 sq.; 7 Beams, 40 ft,x10x10 sq. or round; 24 pieces 22 ft.x10x10 sq.; 13 pieces 22 ft.x8x8 sq,; 14 pieces 10 ft,x8x8 sq.; 92 Pole Rafters 37 ft, long; 36 Hem- lock Braces 3x4x14 ft. Lowest or any Rhys. A. Pollock, Wingham, Ont. tender not necessarily accepted. TENDERS Tenders will 'be received until 12 o'clock noon June 3rd, 1947, by the Road Superintendent of Howick Town- ship for a building that could be used or converted into a machine storage and workshop. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Nelson Gowdy, Road Superintendent, Wroxeter, Ontario, CUSTOM BUILT Kitchen' CABINETS Mrs. Wilson Thorneon and Julia, attended the closing exercises and Crowning of the May Queen at Strat- ford Normal School last Friday, The President, Delores Hamilton, presided for the meeting of the Mis- sion Band in the United Church on Monday afternoon. After singing the opening number, "Heat the Pennies dropping", repeating the Mission Band Purpose and the prayer for Mission- Revised Schedule May 27—Belgrave at Marnoch St. Augustine at Stone School Sunshine at Brick May 30—Stone School at Belgrave Brick at St. Augustine Marnoch at Sunshine June 3—Belgrave at Brick Marnoch at Stone School St. Augustine at Sunshine June 6—St. Augustine at Belgrave Brick at Marnoch Sunshine at Stone 'School June 10—Belgrave at Sunshine Marnoch at St. Augustine Stone School at Brick June 13—Stone School at igarnoch Brick at Belgrave Sunshine at St. Augustine June 17—St. Augustine at Brick Stone School at Sunshine Marnoch at Belgrave June 20—Sunshine at Belgrave Marnoch at Brick Stone School at St. Augustine June 24—Belgrave at St. Augustine Sunshine at Marnoch Brick at Stone School June 27—Brick at Sunshine St. Augustine at Marnoch Belgrave at Stone School CLEANERS and DYERS Alfred Hanna 'Phone 622r3 Belgrave AC CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mr. Wm. James Henderson wish to thank the neighbors and friends for their kind expressions of sympathy in their recent bereavement. These expressions were deeply appreciated. '01 YOUR CAR 15 TUNED FOR A HAPPY MOTORING VACATION! CARD OF THANKS My deep appreciation is extended, for many kindnesses shown my sister, Mrs. Wade, during her long- illness. To the Superintendent and Nursing Staff of Wingham General Hospital, for their care, also Rev, J. James and Rev. A. Nimmo for kindness and Sym- pathy shown at the time Of bereave- ment. Cora T. Whitfield, Hog producers know there is more to hog pro- duction than grain feeding alone. They recognize the fact that it takes 1100 lbs. of straight grain to finish a hog in 71/2 to 8 months. But when only 50 lbs. of SHUR-GAIN Hog Concentrate is added to their ration, only 650 lbs. of grain are needed and hogs finish better, with higher* grades in only 6 months of feeding. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of my Dear Mother, Mrs. J. Cathers, who passed away, May 18th., 1942, in her 90th year. Mother had a nature you couldn't help loving, A heart that was purer than gold, And to those who knew her and loved her, Her memory will never grow old. —Sadly missed by her daughter, Mrs. Mary Lewis. 'Be sure and have your Children's SAVE 450 LBS OF GRAIN PER HOG SAVE WEEKS OF FEEDING SAVE MANY HOURS OF WORK There's a new, spirited look to walking in HEEL HUGGER shoes. With one eye. on tashion—the other on comfort, the de- signers of these famous shoes have created a beautiful array of styles that do magical things for /' your walking hours, More foot-diminishing and daintier than ever! I 11 BLYTH That's the most IMPORTANT ingredient in AUTO SERVICE—and our highly skilled em- ployees have it ! When Spring turns into Summer, rising temperature makes new demands on your,, car, so prepare it for untroubled mileage by HAN,. ING US SERVICE IT NOW! by having us mix SHUR-GAIN Hog Concentrate with yitr grain I r if you haveo grain, by using HliAN 5% Hog Grower a SHOES FITTED BY X-RAY HEEL.,fiUGGER SHOES multRAY OF LONDO.N 11 Dunlop's Shoe 'Store "THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES* ALL SHOES FITTED ItY )4-AY 0===onOw toimie 0 01=0 01130=1 I a CANADA PACKERS, %INGHAM VICTOR GASEMORE, WHITECHURCH MIINNEY BROS. BUIEVALE E. HEE BELMORE DAUPHIN & GRANT TEEVIATER Wingham Motors MI R EPAIR S 00 an an d 0 ALTE550111E C N Wools us• the EMA IPLA Last Sunday night Rev. W. 7. Rog- ers of Dungannon, received a ottani., mobs call to become the minister of the _ United Church for the coming Confen. .1 &Ice .year, Before his gonig tO. Dun,. Igantion, Mr. Rogers was on a Mission ft Field in Algoma District, He will assume his new duties at .Elyth July first, Rev., Arthur Sinclair, the 'pres- ent minister who hag served the ton, gitgation for the past nine years ac• cepted a call about one month ago to the St. James charge in Windsor, and. leaves Blyth the last week in June,. We regret the removal of this es. i fnial:de family, they take with them the good wishes of the community to their WINGHAIVI ONT. MI • I wiliming new field of labor, 11111111•01111110111001111111111.111111011•11011111111IIIIIIIIIINItt• ACA,CLACk