HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-05-22, Page 2OUR SERVICE ALWAYS DEPENDABLE HUDSON Sales and Service Cars and Trucks GOODRICH TIRES SH E LL PRODUCTS MERKLEY MOTORS WINGHAM TELEPHONE 84 • The Public are invited to USE OUR Spacious PARKING LOT BEHIND GARAGE. Stop, Look, Ask. IF YOU NEED IT WE HAVE IT 1.1.1111.111.0.111WOMOOSPIIIII>f."0,..111 TIRES and TUBES POULTRY EQUIPMENT ELECTRIC and OIL BROODERS WIRE FENCE and STEEL POSTS ROOFING, OF ALL KINDS GRASS SEED and SEEDS IF YOU DON'T SEE IT—ASK FOR IT AT THE Belgrave Com0p. Store BELGRAVE 'PHONE 14 - 4, Brussels Scores el lovely Wes lie its the country between Kingston and Smith's Palls This historic inland waterway of the voyageurs has become one of Ontario's most popular vacation areas. Swimming, sailing and canoeing enthu- siasts delight in its varied waters, and the fisherman, too, finds plenty of scope for 'his skill. North from Cornwall, Brockville or Kingston, off highway No. 2, brings you to this beautiful lake district of Eastern Ontario. For fuller details, write today to Ontario Holiday, Room 1004, Victory Building, Toronto. TOURIST BUSINESS IS GOOD BUSINESS ... FOR EVERY CITIZEN We all profit when tourists come to our province or country. Even,if y9a have no connection with hotels, oil companies .or amusements, their in- . creased business helps you, They and their employees , have more money to buy your products or the ones your own customer sells. So it's in your interest to plan your holiday in Ontario, and to do all you can to encourage friends from other parts to come and share our Ontario Holidays. *Oh 4/4 WaIssrireOfK4' 494,04/ Ono of a sodas 'of advertisements about 4 Ontario Holidays published In the public interest by John Lobel, Limited 444-14140444141.0491++44410 • —".111r PAGE TWO THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, May 22nd, 1947 Wingham Advance-Times Published at WINGHAM - ONTARIO $1.34Seription Rate —One Year $2.00 Six Months $1.00 in advance T.o. U,S.A. $2,00 per year Foreign Rate $3.00 per year Advertising rates on application Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department. liERE'S GOOD NEWS The circular published by the Can- adian Tuberculosis Association and cir- culated recently in this locality, con- tains wonderfully goodnews for every Person, old and young, and the sick anti the well, It proclaims to all the world the cheering news that TB can to conquered. It says, "TB can be cured"! "TB can be prevented"! "TB can be wiped o•tit"! "That is why an X-ray Clinic is coming to town," "Thousands of Ontario citizens de-, velop tuberculosis each year. Approx- imately one thousand of them die. They die because they are advanced cases whose lungs were X-rayed after serious physical breakdown. Had they 11111•111111.1•11110a.laaaa..., been X-rayed in the early stases of the disease, when ;they were feeling well and were unaware of their cone dition, sanatorium treatment could have restored them to health, family and happiness. WILL THIS HAPPEN TO YOU? It shouldn't if you get a chest X-ray now," "TB is caused by a germ. It kills more people than all other communic- able diseases -combined! TB strikes without warning and infects young and old, rich and poor, healthy and sick, It is not a hereditary disease, although many people think it is, TB in its early stages is accompanied by NO symptoms. But, people who are in- fected, who are X-rayed early, and who receive proper treatment without delay, almost always are restored to health in a short time." "Whatever the result of your X-ray, it will be good news! If the X-ray shows a healthy chest, won't that be good news? Perhaps it will show that you already have fought a round with TB and have won the battle. Won't that be good news? Or perhaps it will show that you have TB in the active stage. Then it is good news to know that prompt treatment can restore you to health. An X-ray now may prevent costly experience later. Now is the time for your X-ray. Do not miss it." "There is no longerany reason why people should die of tuberculosis, To- day, thanks to medical science, we have the means not only of curing this dread disease, but of ending it forever as a menace to human life, health and . Happiness. Join Ontario's fight against tuberculosis, Have your 'chest X-ray- ed while the Clinic is in town.0 # TRANS-CANADA AIR REPORT On its tenth birthday, April 10th,, the government-owned Trans-Canada Air Lines claimed a safety record of only one fatal crash, in which 12 per- sons were,killed on Feb, 6th., 1941, in 568,319,413 passenger miles flown. On April 28th„ TCA reported less cheer- ing news when, shortly before mid night of that day, a TCA Lodestar, with 12 passengers and a crew of three disappeared within' ten minutes of its scheduled landing at Vancouver, B,C. It is still missing and no trace has been found of any of its wreckage yet. On April 28th,, TCA released figures showing that it• operated at a loss in 1946. In that year it carried 67 per cent more passengers than in 1945, but operating costs were so high it had a deficit of $1,115,256. A major factor in this operating loss 'was a 32 per cent decrease in airmail carried, ' * * * FUN FLON WANTS ROAD The townsfolk of Flu Flon, Mani- toba, have lived a strangely isolated life for almost twenty years. The town is built on the craggy rock and mus- keg surrounding one of the richest ore deposits in the world. Only a railroad connects Flin Flon with The Pas, Man,, 130 miles to the south, The town boasts of its 400 acres, 100 trucks and seven taxi stands, but it has only 15 miles -5f road in and out of the town. Recently the Flin Flon Board of Trade recommended that the town se- cede from Manitoba 'and join Saskat- chewan on the Northwest Territories, Part of the -town' including 400 of its 9,000 population, is within Saskatchew- an's borders and •a road is under con- struction from Nipawin, Sask., to Flin Flon. This secession stunt is intended to force the Manitoba government to con- struct a road, at an estimated cost of $900,000.00 joining VIM Flan and The Pas. , The Hudson Bay Mining & Smelting Compa'nY takes an annual re- SHERBONDY'S COFFEE ireworks I. 1 Next to Lyceum Theatre, WINGHAM` • v, venue'of $25,000,000 from VIM Pion's ores, so the Manitoba gOvertunent may build the road to appease the secession, ists and thus keep the rich PIM Flon district inside Manitoba's boundaries, . * TRUMAN FQRFxqN, P4 (,ICY APPROVED President Trunian's new foreign pol- icy of financial aid to Greece and Tur- key now has the endorsement of Con- gress, By a vote of 287 to 107 on. May 9, the House of Representatives ap- proved the appropriation of $400,000,- 000 to help these • Countries in their fight against the spread of Con -nun- ism inside their borers, An amendment added to the original bzill provides that the United States will cut short the programmed aid to Greece and Turkey if at any time requested to do' so by a majority in the UN Assembly or Security Council, or by either of the two aided nations, • This' new Truman doctrine does not imply hostile , intentions toward the Soviet Unnion, It is an assertion that the nations of the eastern Mediterran— ean are, and should continue to be, linked with the western world, It draws a line beyond which Russian ex- pansionism will' be regarded as en- croachment, but that does not mean conflict if the. RusSians choose to re- spect o makethe the line.T Truman Doctrine good, American abundance will have to be. Shared with the western European Countries on a peacetime lend-lease basis. To- prevent the non-European. influence; of, Communist Russia from, Spreading westward to the English' Channel- the Americans have a tre- mendous job of resuscitation to do to. restore, Western Europe to its normal Way of life. * * WEEKLY THOUGHT You have to take time -to die, so re- lax and take time to live, You are not indispensible and no task ' is worth worry, so take time to look at things in their true perspective occasionally. The world got along alright before you were' born and it will carry on very nicely after your demise. Play the-game of life fairly and do your fair share of • its • necessary 'labors, but • ddn't get a "phobia . for overdoing things or be- come a nervous wreck through un- necessary, unavailing worry. Worry, cannot help, but it can kill. Relax for a few minutes several times each day. Those brief rest periods will refresh you and they will repay you with div- idends of greatly increased efficiency. Put off the time when you will have to take time to die, by taking time to really live now. e. * * KNOW WINGHAM Aquatic sports are a pleasant, heal- thy recreation! A real beauty of a boat, made of aluminum and ' light enough for.easy portaging, has become a frequent sight on the "Pond" and upper Maitland - River. • Being a boat it is safe for even unskilled oarsmen, and its lightness makes it almost as easy to navigate as a canoe. The boys who own that boat are a proud, for- tunate threesome, and they will have some wonderful times with it. The Maitland River offers Wingharnites safe, clean aquatic facilities, convenient for use, and free to • MORRIS COUNPL A Court of Revision on the Grasby Drain in Morris Township, was held • PLASTER REPAIRING Plaster repairs promptly and neatly done. A. French & Son Plastering Contractors Box 23 - 'Phone 187 Wingham Ont. ESTIMATES FREE Specialists in Cornice Work and Decorative Plastering ally passed. Carried. Moved , by Sam Alcock seconded by Jibe ^Yuill that we' advertise for tenders for' the contract' of cleaning and re- siring the Grasby drain.' Carried. Gep. C. Martin, Clerk, on May 12th., 1947, MOVed by Chas.. Coultes, seconded by Harvey Johnson that the Court of Revision -on the Grasby Drain be dos- ed and that the Engineer's report as read the second and third time be fin- • c7. - •r -1(si rn B c h N7L-) VII SIX C 100 YEARS AGO in Canada, mail was delivered by couriers who collated the postage in cash. The first seWing machine resulted in a riot among em- ployees of master tailors, There were only a few struggling newspapers, and only the beginning Of a railway. Under such conditions and during a period, of Abdo national instability, the Canada Life was born, Though many filiaecial institutions failed in the great depression which followed, the Canada Life, founded on a sound and conservative basis, weathered the storm. It has pro. gressed through 100 years of ivarst epidemics , and depressions. irn the meantime life insurance has bietOine the ' accepted Means by which Canadians safe, guard the security of their dependents. TH dos 444 :,,,,,.aCANADA LIFE S S ZT AANCE COMPA. lir r COLIN C. O'NEIL, C.L.U., Managtr PRANK C. HOPPER IC BRYANS t•rer- k 62,11, 14e4f./.10.4PS, \\\ FRUITS and VEGETABLES Dainty Lunch 8 oz. 16 6.z. MAYONNAISE 21c 29c liedland's 3 oz. tin MEAT SPREAD 2 & 23c Leading Brands 16 oz. jar PEANUT BUTTER . . . 39c Club House OLIVES Plain Queen, 9 oz, ..33c Stuffed Maix, 9 oz. . .39c Cuban PINEAPPLE, 24s Rose Picnic Crispie 16 oz. jar SWEET PICKLES 27c Snow Flake AMMONIA, pkg. . , 05c FLUSHO, tin „ 27c SINKO, tin „ . , . 21c All Brands 20 oz. tins TOMATO JUICE —2 - 19c Texas GRAPEFRUIT ...6 for 27c Valdes effective until closing tirne 10 part., FRIDAY) MAY 23rd DOMINO TEA Black, 8 oz. pkg. . „ .39c TEA BAGS, 15s ....15c TEA BAGS, 60s —55c Canned 20 oz. tins PEAS — ....2 tins 21c 20 oz. tin SPAGHETTI .12c All merchandise sold at yonr Detttinion Store is unconditionally guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction DoMi$416N STORES UNITED'