HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-05-15, Page 9goihziMiligag.MAINNUadanaga FARE AND ONE-THIRD FOR THE ROUND TRIP GO: time Friday, May 23, to and in- cluding 2 p.m. Sunday, May 25th. Return Limit: Leave destination not later than 12 o'clock midnight, Monday, May 26, 1947. Consult any Canadian Pacific Railway agent. i rmegat.ci.criri 'it iiii 111110 1 a a a a a a a a a Iri a IE I I DEPENDABLE AT ALL nouns, in all kinds of weather, she's at her post, You count/in her and she's proud of it. With switchboards busier than ever because of the many more telephones hers is still "The Spirit of Ser: vice". More switchboards are being added and snore operators trained so that you may continue to have the best telephone service at the lowest cost. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Thursday, May15,1947 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE. Win 411•1111MONIMMIIIIIMMINIIIM, WROXETER Mrs. S. Bevington and Mrs. Al .Schott of Cleveland, are guests of Mrs. A. Stutt, Mrs. Bevington plans to re- -main with her sister, for the summer -months. Mr. George Harris who has been a patient in Wingham General Hospital, for several weeks with Mrs. Harris left for their home in Saskatchewan one Tuesday. Mr, Harris was taken Wingham Arena May 30-31 COWBOYS, COWGIRLS TRICK RIDERS TRICK ROPERS Presented by The LIONS CLUB OF WINGHAM 1111DEST SHOW 014 by ambulance to Toronto and from there by train. Their many friends here will join ire wishing them a safe journey and a continued improvement in health. Mrs. J. J. Allen, Jimmy and Marjor- ie, Toronto, were week-end guests of friends here. -On their return they were accompanied by Mrs. Elsie Car- ter, who left for her home in Saskat- chewan on-Sunday evening from Tor- onto. BEAUTIFUL COW PONIES HILARIOUS CLOWNS MERKLEY MOTORS_ WINGHAM TELEPHONE 84 The Public are invited to USE OUR Spacious PARKING LOT BEHIND GARAGE. montimumisiginematirtriiiiinvinsionffiniumlinurninnummunt a ..,-„. ...,. ,..1,— ‘, Al i • • • ' .4 Mrs. Max Stewart all of Molesworth, They're... k Our Job - Gray, Detroit, Mr. arid Mrs. Archie • MacDonald and daughters, Mr. and Bert Armstro Cf, U 1 Telephone 181 AA, Products,. Wintihant lei fili11 1101111110101111111111111111111•11111111111111011011111101111111A111111111111111016 ▪ Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Hoy, Brusgels. =-- Mr. and Mrs. Vern Denny and 121 Thelma, were Sunday visitors with 111- Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Denny, Teeswater, Mr. Laurie Vanvelsor, Hamilton, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs,-W, -1 E. Vanvelsor over the week-end. i Mrs. George Paulin And children of Clifford, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Gibson. , ee Mother's Day guests of Mr. and A Mrs. Alex Wright were Mr. and° Mrs. II Allen Munro, Mr. and Mrs," Les. Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Greig and child- - red of Bluevale, Call For British Relief U Citizens of Wroxeter and Commun- ity have you made your donation to the British Flood Relief Victims Fund? U goods or cash, arc needed, Clothing New, or good used clothing, canned and canned goods may be left at 'tele- phone office. Cash donations at local Bank of Commerce. Wroxeter has not failed to meet the calls during and since the war. We can do no less for this urgent call, 15th of May is the date set for cicising drive. Wornett'S Missionary Society The Women's Missionary Society of the United Church held their May meeting in the Church parlours on Pri- day afternoon. The meeting was call- edto order with quiet musk by Miss Hazelwood and Invocation by the president, Mrs,, Allen Munro, The words of the opening hymn, Thou hid den source of taint repose, prayer by Mrs. Munro. Mrs.. A. J. Sanderson read several short passages of Scrip- ture. The minutes were presented by Mrs. V. Denny. Mrs. G. Howes will arrange the June meeting. A letter was read, regarding relief fbr China. Sweet is the breath of morning Air, was the second hymn chosen. The President introduced the guest speaker, Rev. Jas. Caley of St. James Anglican Church. The speaker in a fine missionary ad- dress stated every christian is a Mis- sionary whether at home or abroad, and could do much by their means, tal- ents, work and prayers. Three points were stressed, God, a God of Love, The Value of Man, and the enormity of sin, which called for the best efforts of Christians. Helen Sawtell and Gil- berta Howes, favored with a Duet, "I heard of a Land" accompanied by Miss Hazelwood. The closing hymn was My God the spring of all my Joys. ReV. Mr. Caley pronounced the bene- diction. Mother's Day Service Render therefore Honour to whom Honour is Due was the theme for the special Mother's Day service in the United Church. The chancel of the church was lovely with an attractive arrangement of spring flowers. Rev. J. L. Foster presided and a Mother's choir led in the service of praise. Two anthems in keeping with the theme were sung. Mrs. Charles McCutcheon who had arranged the choir, taking the solo. Members of the Sunday School and their teachers occupied the front pews, Miss Helen Sawtell told the story. Baptismal service was conducted when Catharine Isabel, infant daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Edgar, was received into the church through baptism. The offering will be given to the work of Christian Education in Ontario. Minister Called Members of United Church, Wrox- eter• and Salem charges held a meeting in the church school room on Wednes- day evening. Mr. W, A. Sawtell pre- aided and by unanimous choice, Rev. Win, Cronheim of Benmiller and Nile was called to take charge of the work, beginning with the new Conference year, July 1st., which call Mr. Cron- heim accepted subject to approval of Presbytery. Born—At Barkway, Ontario, on Sat- urday, April 19th, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs, William Lowe, (nee .Irene Wright), a daughter, Heather Marillee. Mission Band Entertains The Buds of Promise Mission Band, United Church held open meeting on Monday afternoon last, and had as their guests members of the Baby band and Women's Missionary Society, also parents and friends of the and- ten. The President, Marilyn MacLean presided, The meeting was opened with soft music, Evelyn Anger at the piano and the repeating of the Mission Band purpose, All joined in singing, Come, let us sing of a Wonderful Love and repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. Ann Douglas gave a Iecita- tion, Mrs. Hamilton told of the Jap- anese pastor and his family of six children. The title of Ronny Higgins solo was, Into the tent where a Gypsy Boy Lay. Shirley McMichael gave reading on "Friendship". The juniors sang in chorus, Jesus Loves Me, Scripture verses on Missions were giV- en by Mary Copeland, Lorraine Smith, Donald MacLean, Bernal! Smith, Lyle Reidt, Winnifred Munro, Mrs. Les, Douglas leader of the Baby Band led in prayer.jimmy Wylie played a piano Solo Interesting slides depicting the life of the Pennies of India were enjoyed, Billy Hart favored with a vocal sole. Ron, Higgins and Don Gibson receiv- ed the offering. Billy Gibson played a piano solo. The hymn, I am so glad that our Father in Heaven, and the Miapah :benediction brought the inters esting meeting to a close. Refresh,. Malta were served, Old and. young enjoyed a social.hour „together. '11trs, Allen Munro en behalf of the visittits moved a, vote Of thanks to the Mission Bard and their leaders. Mrs. Stewart Higgins, Mrs, 'Wm. Wright, Mrs. Mrs, Ira Maclean, Women's Institute The May meeting of the Wroxeter Branch, Women's Institute was held at 2,80 p.m, on Wednesdayafternoon, at the borne of Mrs. H. V. McKenney, Acting president, Mrs. Harold 'Hamil- ton, presided and the meeting was opened by the singing of the Ode and epeating the Lord's Prayer in unison, Mrs, W, T. MacLean presented the minutes of the last annual meeting as well as the April meeting and the fin, ancial report. Reports of Standing committees were read and adopted. $10 was voted to the Canadian Cancer Fund. Letters of appreciation were read from those remembered by the Good Cheer Committee. Mrs. Mac- Kenney read a letter of appreciation from the adopted soldier David Roger, who is sufficiently recovered to leave the hospital and with his wife will take up residence in Brockville, Plans were made and a committee appointed to contact the authorities at Christie St. Hospital, asking- for the name of an- other patient, for the adoption of the branch. All agreed this had been one of the finest projects undertaken by the group, bringing happiness and morale which could not be measured to the .life of one who gave so much, that our Home and Country might be preserv, ed. The 50th anniversary which is to be celebrated at the OAC Guelph, on June 16th, was brought to the attention of the members. Plans were made for the District Annual to be held at Ethel on the 22nd day of May, morning ses- sion commencing at 10 a.m. D.S.T. Delegates appointed were Mrs. Hamil- ton, Mrs. Durst, Mrs. Munro, Mrs. MacNaughton. This committee will ar- range transportation. The Guelph Con- vention willbe held at O.A.C. on Sept. 4, 5. Miss Hazelwood gave an excel- lent report' on recent executive meet- ing held at Gorrie. Mrs. H. I. Durst presented the Co-operative programme and by majority notes the following were chosen for the district. Salads the year round, (local leader training school; 2nd., Personality and Dress; 3rd., Nursing in the Home. For the branch 1st. choice was Oven Meals; 2nd., Living together in the family; 3rd., Frozen Foods. Mrs. We T. Mac- Lean gave a report on the recent short course and distributed valuable recipes and hints to carryout the lessons on Home Cooked Cereals. Mrs. H. V. MacKenney presented current events, opeing with a seasonable poem entitled "Lilacs" items of current interest in- cludingthe visit of Their Majesties and the Princesses to South Africa, an Ode to a New Hat Old closing with a tribute to "Mothers". Mr. W. A. Sawtell was present and told of group Health Insurance Plan, which will be discussed at a later meeting. Conimu- ity singing was enjoyed with Miss Hazelwood at the piano. Two guests, Mrs. George Lane and Mrs. John, signed 'the Memorial guest book and later were welcomed as new members. Acting president, Mrs. Hamilton, ask- ed for the Co-operation of the mem- bers so that this year the group are entering, would be a most successful one, Mrs. Gilbert Howes in giving the auditor's report paid tribute to the fine form in which the books were kept by the secretary, Mrs. W. T. MacLean. Mrs. MacNaughton mov'ed a vote of thanks to the hostess and all those who took part in the meeting. At the Tea hour the hostess was assisted by Mrs. Sangster, Mrs. Durst, Mrs. Anger. MIIIIIIMII111111111111111111 will restore them both to good health. It is pleasing to note they are return- ing to the Community where both. spent the early years of their life and where many friends and relatives still reside. Young People's Union Miss Helen Sawtell presided over the weekly meeting of the Young Peo- ple's Union. The meeting opened with the hymn "Faith of our Fathers" psalm. 119 was read responsively. Scripture reading was given by Gilberta Howes, who chose psalm 24, Bishop Hebers Missionary Hymn, "From Greenlarid's Icy Mountain" was the second hymn. Scott Hunter gave a very interesting talk on King George and Family. A Sing Song and Taps brought an inter- esting meeting to a close. General Accountancy for the SMALL BUSINESS MAN, PROFESSIONAL MAN, and THE FARMER. BUSINESS & TAX SERVICE All the Glamour of the. Old West OUTLAW BUCKING HORSES WILD BRAHMA BULLS TEXAS LONG-HORNED STEERS, BIG AND WILD THRILLS-AND SPILLS LAUGHTER HIGH CLASS - WILD AND FAST OUR SERVICE ALWAYS . DEPENDABLE HUDSON Sales and Service Cars and Trucks GOODRICH TIRES SHELL PRODUCTS There isn't a service your car requires which we aren't staffed and equipped to provide. If your , car is old, it certainly needs good care to keep it on • the road. If your car's new—it deserves every attention. Mr. and Mrs.' Harvey Timni and children, spent Saturday in London. The Wroxeter Community Associa- tion sponsored a very successful dance in the Town Hall on the 'evening of May 7th. Wilbee's Orchestra provided music. Hot dogs and coffee were ser- ved. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Rae, Brantford, were week-end guests of the former's mother and other friends. Mrs. Wilford Harmon, Walkerville, spent part of last week with her sis- ter, Mrs. Harold Hamilton., Mr. at d Mrs. Thompson Mitchell of Toronto, were also guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. 'George Edwards, Jr., and two children, Toronto, were vis- itors of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Edwards over the week- end. Mr. Robert MacDonald of London, spent Mother's Day with Mrs. Freda MacDonald. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. McKenney spent the week-end with Brampton friends. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence White of Toronto, spent the week-end at their summer residence here. Mr. and Mrs. Pacey, their daugh- ter and son-in-law, all of Shelbourne, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Pacey. Mrs. Wm. Doig, Molesworth, was a recent visitor with her daughter, Mrs. Frank .Earls and Mr, Earls. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Foster and baby daughter, also Mrs. Marjorie Travis, all of London, spent the week- end with their parents, Rev. J. L, and Mrs. Foster at the Manse. Spending Mother's Day with Mr. and Mrs.James Sangster, wastheir daugh- ter Miss Gertrude Sangster, and Mr. [1,11 1 l i a g a l i M E I M E 11 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 11 1 i0 1 14 1 IM I MI I I M I N I M M IN I U M I N IM M I M E N E M I I I I I II I II I I I I I II I I I I I I I M M I N I M M E N E 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 E M EM 1 1 1 1 1 I 11 1 1 , II II 1, 0 I , 111 W. A. Meeting Cancelled The May meeting of the Women's Association of the United Church has been Cancelled. Members please take note. Rev. J. L. Foster To Retire For a Year Rev. J. L. Foster who has for the past six years been in charge of Wrox- eterand Salem United Church charge has been granted leave of absence for one year and has purchased a home at Parkhill, where he ,and Mrs. Foster will take up residence the end of June. Mr. and Mrs. Foster have not been in the best of health for some time. Their many friends hope that the years rest P. 0. Box 74 'Phone 23 LUCKNOW - ONT. S. 3. Pymin 1111111111111111M111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111. 11H111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Reaches "All Eyes" You may have a car you'd like to sell! or, it may be a house ... or furniture or any of innumerable other possessions. Merely passing the word to friends won't find you a buyer, let alone get you the RIGHT PRICE. BUT . . . ADVERTISE IT IN THE Classified Want Ad. Columns of The Advance-Times and your "Sales Talk" reaches all eyes throughout the district. THEN — WATCH THE RESULTS. Place That Ad. NOW!' Phone 34. 1111 11111 III 111111111 111111111 1111111111