The Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-05-08, Page 3Thursday, May 8th, 1947 LOW PRICE NO TIME-WASTING Expensive Installation Buy it today-use it right away I Just plug the National Double- Action Milker into any conveni- ent outlet. Milks 2 cows at the same time . . . instantly adjust- able vacuum for easy or hard milkers. Gentle "calf-like" ac- tion of the inflation teat cups brings milk down faster. Self- adjusting. Pulsator has only one moving part. Clear glass pails let you see how each cow is milk- ing. Supplied with 3 pails-2,,on the Milker and an extra for quick, change. Self-cleaning. 60 CYCLE NonaReady to use No mORE TO 1111Y ° LESS MOTOR $16 141.° GASDRIVE ENGINE s IYvoispip Write for illustrated folder or see the National Milker at your local C.T.C. Associate Store. NIGH _SERVICE Phone 184 WINGHAM; ONT. Robin E. Campbell S Edith Hill; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. i. Thos, Hill of Lower Wingham, be- came the bride of Mr. C. P. Edwards of Lake Linden, Michigan. New Baseball Team-The young men of the Methodist Church met at the Epworth League service on Mon- day evening and organized a baseball team. The following are the officers: Hon, Pres,, John Kerr; Pres., J. A, Morton; Manager, W. Welwoo.d; Capt- ain, J. L. Awde; Sec. Treas., R. G. Liddy. The boys are putting a good team in the field. Victoria Day Wingham Baseball Team and the Citizens' Band announce a celebration on May 24, by holding a Baseball Tournament. At 10 a.m., Kincardine and Teeswater teams will play then a;t 1 pan, Luck now and Wingham teams will compete. At 3.30 pan., the winners in , these games will be matched against each other. Two silver trophies are the prizes; the first is valued at $30, the second at $20. The Citizens' Band will furnish music all day. AdmisSion.to morning gaine, 15c and 10c; afternoon (two games), 25c and 15e; and to Band Promenade Con- cert (if weather permits) in evening, 10 cents. West Huron Licenses-Licenses granted in. Wingham were to L, Han- son, National; IL Algie, King Edward; A. Orr, Brunswick; C. Leppard of the British. Exchange, and the Queen's Hotel, Bluevale-Miss Mina Haney visited in Gorrie last Sunday, Doc. Messer of Hamilton, visited his father, Wm. Messet, last week Geo. Haney has the carpenter work for the ,Ptesbyter- ian Church. Blyth-Wm. Johnston has bought out the livery business of Wm. Bell. Mr, W. Reid of the Bank of Hamil- ton, Wingham, is acting-manager in the bank here, during Mr. Scott's hall- days, East Wawanosh-Mrs, Chapman of Fordyce, will close her store at 1 p,M,, On Wednesday evenings. A number of the 6th line farmers who have been getting their mail at Marnoch in the past have decided to have it brought on down to John Solar's by Maitland Henry, Mail order, twice a week for the next eightMonths, * * * TWtNrit.FIVg YEARS AGO Making his 33rd trip.,•••-Wil6ert Wel- wood of town left on Monday to re- Mune his duties as salesman and in- Speettit of agencies for Cook Bros;, and Allen Ltd., of Toronto, triatitirae-. REMINISCING ti FORTY YEARS AGO Edwards-Hill-A happy matrimonial event transpired on April 25th, at Bruce Mines, Ontario, when Miss II • Don't let one disastroui Are VIII eat the remits of years at labium Let ne Audi your property, °Idiom the protection you need, and who a Pilot Insurance Polley to :lull yea adequate proudest. We write Pilot Iniaranea a serve selected risks in Automobile, Irk% Personal Property Fleeter, Dare bey, Plate Glass.. PADA Llabil4 logl Ow Wend kgarcaot, H. C. MacLEAN, Wingham A. W. KEIL, Carrie Representing- R. H. CARSON & SON Telephone. 38 - 1 GORR I E ONT. 416 .\ ,41 • SAFE chick star: ROF.,FARM$,, MILLING CO. ATWOOD, ONT. 41•1•11•11111i 4111111111111111111.mm.1111111 YOUNG MEN'S SUITS All-Wool Worsteds Sizes 33, 343 35 Reg. $24.50 - $27.50 $21.95 BOYS' TWEED PANTS Herringbones and Donegals in large choice of colors $3.95 MEN'S TWEED SUITS SPECIAL FEATURE Limited Range Reg. $32.50 EARLY SHOPPER PRICE $22.95 MEN'S' TOP COATS Fly Front and Button thru' styles in Greys and Browns 16.50 19.50 34.75 LADIES' SUITS In fancy Tweeds and Fancy Checks Up to $34.50 $17.95 N SALE NOW IS THE TIME TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE HOME RUN VALUES BOYS' AND YOUNG MEN'S FELT HATS Reg. $2.95 for $1.29 LADIES' SKIRTS In Plaids All Wool All Sizes $4.95 CONTINUES IN FULL SWING 1111111111011116 LADIES' PINK TAFFETA SLIPS New Stock All sizes $2.95 GIRLS' SPORT JACKETS In Checks and Plains Balance to Clear .$3.49 $4.95 LADIES' DRESSES Including Plains and Variety of different shades $2.98 $4.95 $6.95 $9.95 $11.95 MEN'S HANNA'S LAIiiiirar WEAR WEAR WINGHAM'S LEADING VALUE CENTRE ‘111.0MIIIMINIIMIIMINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMINIIIIIIIM IMIr 10 LADIES' Cloth Coats Tweeds and Checks Up to $30.00 value 51095. ALL-WOOL BALL YARN In different shades Per ball 15c LADIES' WINTER COATS Many coats have been sold at great SAVINGS. SALE CONTINUES FOR 1 MORE WEEK CLOTH COATS FUR-TRIMMED COATS FUR COATS BUY EARLY AND SAVE lk LADIES' FLANNEL Dressing Gowns In dark shades Plain Colors $5.95 CHILDREN'S Chenille Dressing Gowns 10 to Clear Reg. $3.98 SALE PRICE $1.98 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES SHERBONDY'S COFFEE SHOP MEALS LUNCHES FOUNTAIN SERVICE Delicious Ice Cream Sodas and Sundaes Bricks 'always available Next to Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM turers of high grade men's clothing, known as "Art Clothes," Mr, Well- wood will make his thirty-third busi- ness trip to the West in the near fut- ure. Previous to his departure he plac- ed with Hanna & Co., Ltd., the sale agency for Wingham. and district where "Art Clothes" may now be se- cured. Wedded at Exeter-A quiet wed- ding was solemnized at noon on Sat- turday in the Trivvitt Memorial Church, when Miss Francis' Davis, eld- est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Davis, was married to Mr. Isaac Stat- ham of Wingham. Rev, A. A. Trump- er officiated. Old Wingham Boy Weds---Many old acquaintances will' be interested to learn of the wedding of Mt-. Geo.. Sut- ton of North Bay, a former 'WingWani boy. He was united in the holy bonds of matrimony by Rev. G, R, I3eamish of Belleville to Miss Sarah Helen Ash- worth of Picton. 'l'he First Radio. Phone-Mr. W. A. Galbraith's name will go down in his- tory as the first man in Wingham to own a radio telephone, He has his radio outfit connected up and has al- ready listened to concerts, lectures, etc., from several of the theatres in many leading United States cities. Mr. Gal- braith tells us that he can hear them as distinctly as though the singer was in the room, Personals--Mrs. J, 0. Habkirk and children, are visiting with relatives in Seaforth. Mrs, Eddie Hawkins and little daughter, Hazel, left on Mon- day morning for Orangeville, where they will reside this summer. Mrs. A. H. Wilford of MooseJaw, Sask., is vis- iting her mother, Mrs. C. N, Griffin. Wingham High School Wins- Wingham High School and Harriston High School Football teams played the first game in the Hough cup series in the Wingham Town Park ,on Mon- day evening. The local boys won by a score of 2-0, Pleasance-White-Married in Wrox- eter ou Wed.nesday, May 3rd., by Rev. Dr. Harkness, Sadie, only (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Neil White of Wroxeter, to Mr. C. A. Pleasance, of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A, Pleasance of CollingWood. Gorrie--Mr, and Mrs. R. E, James, who were recently married at Toronto, returned to •Gorrie on Saturday. Mrs. Fred White and baby Eleanor, of Tor- onto, are visiting with the former's sis- ter, Mrs. A. M. Hamilton, * FIFTEEN YEARS AGO Macklam-Pullen--St. Paul's Angli- can Church was the scene of a very quiet wedding Wednesday afternoon, May 11th., when Miss Georgina Pullen, daughter of Mrs, Mary Pullen, Wing- ham,• became the bride of Mr, Darwin Macklam, of Auburn, The Rev. Mr, Hayes officiated. Pomeroy-Baker-A pretty wedding was solemnized at St. Paul's Church, Wingham, on April 27th., when Arline Buryle, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Norman Baker, was united in marriage to Bert Pomeroy' of Detroit. Rev. Mr. Hayes officiated,: Wilson-MacDonald--A quiet wed- ding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene MacDonald, Edward St., last Wednesday af,ternoon, when their only daughter, Gertrude Louise, be- came the 'bride of J, A. Wilson, son of ,Mrs. J. F. Wilson and the late Mr. Wil- son of Listowel. Rev. Weyburn E. Smith, pastor of the Baptist Church, officiated. Bridges-Wright-A quiet wedding was solemnized on Saturday last when Miss Florence Edna Bernice, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John E, Wright,• became the bride of Reginald Leslie Bridges, son of Mr. Albert...Bd. dges and the late Mrs. Bridges of Somerset, England. • Whitechurch-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. King and,. Percy, and Mr. and Mrs. Davidson and family of Mornington, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Stewart McBurney and other East Wa- wanosh relatives. Dr. and Mrs. Har- old Robinson of Walkerton, visited with his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Robinson. PAGE. THRAE Wroxeter-At the April meeting of the Women's Institute the following officers were elected for the coming year: Pres., Mrs. Lovell; Vice-Pres„ Mrs, J. J. Allen and Mrs. Smyth; Sec. Treas., Mrs. Sellers; Directors, Mrs. Meahan, Mrs. J. J. Adams and Mrs. A. Wright; Auditors, Miss Davidson, Mrs. . J. McLeod; Press Sec., Miss Pope; Pianist, Mrs. Meahan. BOYS' CURDUROY Sport Jackets Reg. $7.50 for $4.95 Stop, Look, Ask! IF YOU NEED IT WE HAVE 1.T TIRES. and TUBES POULTRY EQUIPMENT ELECTRIC and OIL BROODERS WIRE FENCE and STEEL POSTS ROOFING OF ALL KINDS GRASS SEED and, SEEDS IF YOU DON'T SEE IT-ASK FOR IT . AT - THE Beigrave Co-Op. Store BELGRAVE 'PHONE 14 - 4, Brussels