The Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-05-01, Page 6PAM SIX
Sieanger f‘Sagarne on Lake Roseau
Its very name means "blue skies:"
And here's a tested recipe for
holiday enjoyment ... an overnight
boat trip, aliound of golf, a refresh-
ing plunge in any one of the myriad
lakes in this magical country.
Gravenhurst, at the southern tip of
this famous chain, chief among
which are Lakes Muskoka, Rosseau
and Joseph, is only a three-and-a-
affhours' drive, north on highway
No. 11 from Toronto. And this
popular playground is easily
reached by train or bus from any
point in or outside the Province.
For rnore details on Muskoka, write
Ontario Holiday, Room 1004,
Victory Building, Toronto.
We all profit when the tourist industry pros-
pers. Even if you have no connection with
hotels or garages or amusements, their
prosperity still helps you. So it's in your own
interest to plan to spend year holiday in
Ontario and do all you can to encourage
friends front other parts of Canada and the
to come and stare our fon.
-4‘Voae.fa4 Zieroe es.gl_foreesu.e.- /4..
One of a series of advertisements about Ontario
Holidays published In the public interest
John Labatt limited
''4'"riltalar*ZZIvh4 LAN P
A SktV G2
Your Car Is Worth It
If it's worth driving at all, your car
deserves the kind of CHECK-UP and RE-
PAIR SERVICE we are equipped and
staffed to give.. Whether you've driven
it a hundred miles or five thousand, a pre
hot weather examination is a necessity.
Prompt service and moderate prices.
Plan now for the
balance of this year.
The results next
fall largely depend
upon the fore.-
thought given to cultivation, fertilisation, and the
quality of seed you intend to plant.
Intensive cultivation of your land, properly ferti.
lized and sown with Registered or Government
Tested seed is the best assurance of profitable
If you need a Witt itilpfeoVeliteht Loan or money
to carry out any profitable lupin this year, came
in and talk over your plans with us.
Aslablialted 101
Ali,C. GaritnAgn Wafter
Tractor and implement tires
filled and weighted by Good-
year's new method of 100%
liquid infiation-"solution 100"-have greater traction, iota slip, more drawbar pull,
decreased tiro wear.
Save money by let-
ting us Ell your
tires today.
Murray Johnson
McColl-Frontenac Products
Telephone 62 Wingham
on Thursday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Purdon and
children of Belgrave, spent Sunday
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Watson of
Auburn, visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Lorne Johnston. •
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clarke of Luck-
now, spent Sunday with her father, Mr.
Robert Carrick.
Jack Coultes, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Coultes was very ill last week
for a few days with a throat infection.
Mrs. J. J. Tiffin returned home from
the Hospital one day last week, but she
and Mr. Tiffin have been at the home
of their son, Mr. GeOrge 'Tiffin, of
La ngs id e.
Mr. Cameron Simmons of London,
spent the week-end with his wife 'at
the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Martin.
Mr; and Mrs..-John Purdon visited
one day last Week with her mother,
Mrs. Bolt of BlYtha
Communion service will be held in
the United Church here an Sunday
next, and Mother's Day observed on
Sunday, May 11th.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Aintoul and.
sons of St. Helens, visited on Sunday
with her parents, Mr. and -Mrs. Robert
Miss Vera Montgomery of Wing-
r uxurious D UR 0 softened ri,tur"--1-
makes every bath a beauty
bath. ;4';
"L 1..„2112_91(
RS 0
• 'aihihhhaaaaeaahah„
. • vx . hholAt.ha•
aiiireah lea
allehaf "
• a,i0a•a:hcahaiah: aaVahai.‘..hiih
11401, spcnt the week-end at the home
of Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Falconer.
Mr, and Mrs. J, F, MacLean bad the •
pleasure of haying all their family
home on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. W. A,
Gibson and...1'4101y of Cayuga; )1r. and
Mrs, S. II. Cross and family of Walk-
erton, Mr. and Mrs, Ira MacLean and
family of Wrouter, and Mr. and Mrs,
MacLean of Listowel.
M, and Mrs, Len Westbrook. of
Goderich, spent Sunday last with his
aunt, Mrs. Jas. Cornelius,
Mr, and Mrs. Scott Paterson and
little daughter of Detroit, spent the
week-end with his father, Mrs, F.
Melc, Paterson.
Mr, A, fZ, Purdon sold his- hundred
acre farm on the 12th of West Wawa-
nosh to Mr. Bill Rintoul last week,
and he has sold his Hardware Store
and property in the village to Mr.
Newman. of Wingham. Fred gets'
possession of the store on May 15th,
and they will move to hire village after
July 1st„ when Mr, and Mrs. Purdon
will move to the house they purchased
itr Lucknow,
The people of this community ex-
tend sympathy to Rev, and Mrs. W, S.
Sutherland of the Presbyterian Manse
here, who learned last week of the
passing of her father, Mr, Angus Mac
lver one of the elderly and highly re-
spected residents of North Tolsta,
Stornoway, on the Isle of Lewis,
Scotland, on Monday, April 21st. Mrs.
Sutherland's mother passed away when
she was a little girl. He leaves to
mourn him three daughters and five
grand-children. Mrs, Sntherland had
beer) home in 1936. to see her people.
(Intended for last week)
Mr. and Mrs. Len Westbrook of
Goderich spent Sunday with their aunt,
Mrs. James Cornelius.
Mr. Robert Mowbray sold his farm
last week to Mr. Hugh Simpson, who
takes the farm work over in the spring,
but Mr. and Mrs, Mowbray have re-
served the use of the house until fall.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Presbyterian W.M.S, was held at the
home of Mrs, W. S. Sutherland on
Thursday, April 10th., with the Presi-
dent, Mrs. Robert .Mowbray in the
chair, Mrs. Albert McQuillin led in
the responsive reading of the Scripture
lesson and Mrs. Dawson Craig led in
the Glad Tidings prayer. Miss Annie
Kennedy was the leader in the Devot-
ional Period on. the Resurrection and
Mrs. Sutherland gave the address on
the Invitation to 'Come, telling them
that 'there was 642 invitations in the
Bible, for people to "Conic". Mrs, Wel-
wood gave an Easter reading, and Mrs.,
Jas, McInnis led in prayer for the
missionaries. The meeting was closed
by all repeating the Lord's Prayer in
Mr. and Mrs. Groskorth, who have
been visiting at the home of their son,
Mr. E. H. Groskorth, left on Monday
for their home at Unionville.
Mr. and Mrs. Rhys. -Pollock and
sans of Wingham, visited on Sunday
with Mrs. Murray and other friends
Born-At Lucan, on Wednesday,
March 6th., to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pol-
lock, a daughter, Elizabeth Ann.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes and
family, spent Sunday at the home of
his brother, Mr. Norman Coultes,
'Fifteen tables of Euchre were play-
ed in the Memorial Hall here on
If you have a hankering to explore the pretty
byways as well as swinging down the high-
ways. Monarch 8 is the car'for you. A stand-
out in value in the medium-priced field,
Monarch t# gives you groslity you'll appreciate
from the moment you lay hands on its trim
steering wheel. Passengers are comfortably
slung amidships, and advanced-type springing
and stabilizers, front and rear, iron out the
bumps and control sidesway. Monarch 8 is
engineered 'by Ford of Canada for people
Who look for Pkassre and styie in their motor-
ing as well as care-free transportation.
Monday Thru Saturday
7,00 aan,-Top 0' the Morning,
9,00 a.m.-HY= Time.
40.30 ant,-Church of the Air.
12.00 noon-The Farm & Home
2.15 p.m.-In Memoriam.
4.00 p.m.-Melody Matinee,
6.1.5 p.m.-CKNX Sports Reporter.
7,00 pm,---Old Time Jamboree.
Monday Thru Friday
9.45 a.m.-Srnilin' Jack.
11.00 am.-At Home with the Lad-
12.45 p,m-Sons of the Pioneers.
2.45 p.m.-Highlights of your dial-
3.00 p,m.-The Rhythmaires &
Voice of Memory.
4,30 p.m.-Happy Hours with Bow-
5.00 p.m.-Ration Rhythm.
6.05 p.m.-Closing Markets.
11.00 a.m. & 7.00 p.m.-Church Ser-
2,30 p.m.-Sunday Serenade.
3.00 p.m,-Patterns In Black &
4.00 p.m.-Wagon Wheels.
6.00 p.m.-The Catholic How.
8.30 p.m.-The Fred Allen Show.
920 p.m.-The Tony Martin Pro-
7.25 p.m.-John Fisher.
9.00 p.m.-The Ranch Boys.
8.00 p.m.-The Presbyterian Broad-
8,30 p.m.-In the' Gloaming.
9.00 p.m.-Lois Whitney sings.
7.25 p.m. John Fisher.
8.00 p.m.-The Hayloft Hoedown,
9.00 p.m.-Duffy's Tavern.
9.30 p.m.-Curtain Time.
8,15 p.m.-Command Performance.
8,30 p.m.-Symphony of Melody,
9.00 p.m.-Educational Roundtable.
9.30 p.m.-The Scrapbook.
7,25 p.m-John Fisher.
9.00 p.m.-Light Up & Listen.
10.00 p.m.-Gillette Fight Night.
7.30 p.m.-Music of Manhattan,
8.00 p.m.-The CKNX Barn Dance
Monday Thru Saturday
8.15 a.m.; 8.30 ahn., 10,00 a.m., 12.25
p.m., 3.30 pan, 6.45 pm, 10.00 p.m.
10.00 a.m., 12.30 p.m., 3.30 p.m., 5.50
p.m., 10.00 p.m.
Mr. Gordon Elliott and Mr. John
Hutchison had their house and their
barns wired for hydra last week.
Mrs. Donald Cameron of /Detroit,
spent last week at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Morrison.
Mr. Carman Scholtz and Mr. and
Mrs. Redge Scholtz and sons of West-
field, spent Sunday at the home of their
brother, Mr. Ezra Scholtz.
I Mr. John Morrison and his bride re-
tuned home font their honeymoon trip
Thursday, May 1st, 1.047
49ein Available
‘Toracia's Premier
W ater Softener"
All the advantages and conveniences of DURO.
softened water are available to you again. iljoy
all the luxuries of softened water . . . all the savings
made possible by a DURO
installation. Dishwashing
is more pleasant . . launder-
ittg is easier and clothes are
cleaner - softer - whiter.,
Dainty 'silks and lingerie'
retain freshness and beauty
in DURO softened water.
DURO water softeners
are "Made-in-Canada" from
the finest materials obtain-
able, giving high quality
performance with long
trouble free service.
0444 Tacit /
See your plumbing
supply merchant today and.
learn how easy it is for you•
to enjoy DURO softened
water in your home.
\\ vt .
Mrs. Robert Mowbray was in Strat-
ford last Monday, Tuesday and Wed-
nesday attending the spring meeting-
of the London-Hamilton Synodical
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Plant. and.
Glenn, spent Sunday with the former's.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Plant.
Messrs. Bill Adams, Glenn Meyer
cher and Glenn Snell stient last Wed-
nesday in Toronto.
Mrs. P-earl Jackson and her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Strand and children of Wind-
sor spent part of last week with the
former's aunt, Mrs. Sarah McDonald;
Mr. Donald Dunbar of Ethel, a stud-
ent teacher taught at S. 5, No. 4, Grey
last week with Miss Doris Galbraith,
Mr. and Mrs. John Riley visited on.
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George
Mann at Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd- Workman of
Brussels, were at Mr. and Mrs. Flem-
ing Grainger's on Sunday.
Mrs. Mary Grasby of Blyth, is vis-
iting with her daughter, Mrs, John
Riley, and other relatives in the coin-
III unity.
It's a big, easy-riding automobile With a V.8 engine that makes short work of long trips. And it's nice to .own it car which turns heads
and wins admiring glances as you sweep
Your dealer may not be able to sehd one
around immediately for you to try out-but
Monarch s is worth waiting for. Ask him
about delivery dater.
Thursday evening', with Mrs, A bert
Walters and Mr. Russell Gaunt win-
ning the prizes for high points, and
Mrs. Jas, Falconer and Robert Pardon,
taking the consolation prizes, Allan
and Isabel Barbour won the Spot
Dance prize. Tiffin Bros provided the
music for dancing.
Mr ,Herbert Pettapieci has been laid
up during the past two weeks, having
suffered a slight stroke, and had an
attack of the flu. Mrs. Elwood Bar-
bour of Fordyce, his daughter, has
been with him,
Rev. J. Ure Stewart of Bright, had
charge of the service in Brick United
Church on Sunday, while Rev. G. H.
Dunlop was preaching at Bright,
Mr. and. Mrs. Harry Moss of Bright,
spent the week-end at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben iMcCfen-
aghan, and his father, Mr. Fred Moss
accompanied them and visited at the
home of his son, Mr. Bert Moss of W.
Wawanosh, Miss Faye McClenaghan
of 'London, also spent the week-end
Mr. Robert Ross who has spent the
past few months in Westminster Hos-
pital, London, spent the week-end with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
J. Ross.