HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-04-24, Page 60,7,4;k7a ATBRIV.g.A David Crompton tainton's Hardware And. Farmers' Supply House "Quality, Price and Service Sell Our Goods" GRASS SEED "WE SELL THE SEEDS THAT GROW" ALFALFA, No. 1, per bushel $32.50 RED CLOVER, Ne. 1, bushel $31.00 ALSIKE No. 1, per bushel $35.00 TIMOTHY, 2-1, per bushel $5.25 YELLOW BLOSSOM, per bushel .. . .. „ . . $9.60 MAMMOTH RED CLOVER, bushel $32.00 LADINO CLOVER, lb. $2.00 BROME GRASS, per lb. 35c ORCHARD GRASS, per lb. 35c CANADIAN BLUE, per lb. 55e WHITE DUTCH CLOVER, per lb. $1.20 a a i • a S is S DUTCH SET ONIONS 2 lbs. 35c BROODER STOVES OIL BURNING, 500 capacity $29.50 COAL BURNING, 1000 capacity $20.00 N N a N Fr a it RICHMOND ENAMELS Nff i for Furniture, Woodwork and Floors .% pint 25c Quarts 85c :kr , . ri11111•1111111•11111111111111111111111111111111•1101111111111111111•1411111•1111111111n1•1111111111111111ii Thursday, April 24th, 194T i• • • • 111 1 i it i • a • • WHEELBARROWS $8.95 ENAMELS • SUNSET ENAMEL for Lighter, Brighter, Cheerier Homes 1/2 pint 50c Quarts $1.50 Gallon $5.00 C - V FLOOR ENAMEL 1/2 pint 50c Quart $1.50 You can pay more—but you can't buy better! SPECIAL to CLEAR We'll "Fill 'Er Up" . . . with high-octane B.-A. Gasoline, Clean your Windshield, put Water in your Radiator, Check your Tires. Any other service we can do for you is always a pleasure. Drive in today, Bert Armstrong wiNGRAM ONT. Hotchkiss & Angus I° FOOD MARKET Free Delivery 'Phone 116 Standard 20 oz. Chicken PEAS' 3 tins 39c HADDIE, tin . . . .25c I Shredded Grapenuts WHEAT . . . .2 pkgs. 23c I FLAKES, pkg. 15c Pat-A-Part t PASTRY FLOUR, 25 lb. bag 82c 7 lb. bag 29c 25, 40 and 60 Watt LIGHT BULBS, each 15c 100 watt 20c 12 oz.I York KAM,`tin .. — . , . , . .37c BOLOGNA, tin , ..1.225ocz. Peanut Butter, . 16 oz. jar I 43c (MATCHES, —I TasIES, 3 boxes 29c bottle JAVEX Bleach . , .14c CLEANSER, tin — — 5c SPIC and SPAN . . 25c I CHAMP, box Palmolive Paltholive SOAP, reg., I .3 for 20c SOAP) large ..3 for 27c CLARK'S SO OP Tomato and Vegetable . .. 3 10 oz. tins 20c Mushroom and Asparagus .2 10 oz. tins 17c FRUIT and VEGETABLES Size 220 ORANGES,W.ed doz. , ..49c TURNIPS, lb........Sc PINEAPPLE ARRIyING DAILY I Formerly the I George Olver Store it it iiitattifitiiith Wei itt itiNINWOiflittrWta MWet ..... ............... 'Phone 116 10c Size 288 ORANGES, doz. — .32c Sift 112 Grapefruit , ..5 for 25c California CARROTS, 2 hnths. 17c Pleasant, Personal Service W1 1 7 11 1B 1 If l I M $ f l n$ R l H t / 1 / tH t t nl l p l f , N I Nt li t il l t l i G /N N / I THE wINGITAM ADVANCE-TIMES ,AUTO 1ILECHANIC :WANTED— with Licence and, Tools, who is trained on Chevrolet and Oldsmo- bile and who wishes permanent em- ployment in town of 2500, W. J. ,Johnston, Elmira, Ont. BOARDERS WANTED — Men pre- ferred, Apply Advance-Times, BATTERY and Electric Radios, Toa, sters, Irons, Phone Larry Hiseler, phone 426. DAY OLD CHICK BARGAINS for this week and next; Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, New Hampshire X Barred Rocks, Barred Rock X New Hampshires, New Hampshire X Light Sussex, Light Sussex X New Hampshires, Light Sussex X Barred Rocks non-sexed 9,95, pull- ets 17.95, cockerels 4,95. Assorted Heavy Breeds non-sexed 8.95, pull- ets 16.95, cockerels 3,95. Cockerels: White Leghorn X Barred Rocks 1.95 White Leghorn 95c. Two week old add .6:00, :three week old add 11.00 to non-sexed and. pullets, .8,00 to cockerels. Shipped .C..0. D. This advertisement must accompany your order to ,receive these special prices, Top Notch Chiekeries, Guelph, Ont. FOR SALE—Ajax Oats suitable for seed, also :some Timothy Seed. Ap- ply Wel. 'Willits, 'Phone 12 r 12, Wroxeter. .FOR SALE—Duck Eggs. Apply T. E, Powell, R.R. Wing-ham, FOR SALE—General Purpose Mare, good single or Amble. Apply Ad- vance-Times. FOR SALE—Colony House 10 x 12. Telephone .604 d• FOR SALE—A good strong Work Horse; also., wanted, 'Pasture for young cattle. Apply Mrs. .M. Lewis, R. R. 1, Wingham. FOR SALE—Storm Door :and one Screen. Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE—Two-furrow Allis-Chal- mers Tractor Plow, Apply Hugh Becking, 'phone 35 r 2, Teesw,ater. FOR SALE—"Hostess' Electric Re- frigerator Al condition, 60 .eyele, $200.00 or best offer or exchange for 25 cycle. D. J. Miller, Box 199., Exeter, Ont. FOR SALE—Quantity of mixed Hay and Grain, 1 Cockshutt Tractor Disc, nearly new; 1 13-disc Seed Drill with fertilizer and grass seeder at- tached. Apply Hugh Rinn, R. R. 1, Belgrave, 'phone 621 r 3, Wingham. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE—White Brick House—Carling Terrace, resi- dence of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Campbell, opposite hospital, Apply Mrs. E, A. Thompson, 66 Benwood Ave., Buffalo 14, N. Y., U.S.A. FOR SALE-700 Heavy Breed Cock- erels, 9 weeks old; 1 Colony House 12 x 14; 1 Sow, due in June, carry- ing sack and litter. Apply Advance- Times, FOR SALE-3-burner Oil Stove, 2- Burner Oven. 'Telephone 228 from 12.30 to 6 p.m. FOR SALE—Massey-Harris 11-Hoe Drill, Fertilizer and Grass Seed at- , tachment. Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE—Girl's Yellow Spring Coat with Brown Velvet Collar, size 9. Telephone 439j. FOR SALE—Chesterfield Suite, three nieces, in excellent condition, Apply Caskanette's Service Station, Tele- phone 243. FOR SALE— Piece of Linoleum, about 11 x 14, in good condition. Apply Henry Soiling, telephone 437w FOR SALE— Black Cloth. Coat,• Brown Squirrel Collar, size 40, in good condition; also Gitl's Summer Coat, size 12, in good condition. Telephone 184. FOR SALE-19z; Chev, Coach, in Al condition. Apply H. j. Staffen, Telephone 392w after 6 p.m. FARM FOR SAlit 'Consisting of 130 acres, situated on County Road, good buildings, large bank barn with ce- ment stabling, drive-shed and hen house; good two-storey brick house; never-failing running water, 200 acres of hardwood bush. Apply Ad- vance-Times, FARM FOR. SALE.---Consists. of 100 .acres; buildings in good condition, with Hydro and running water; 6 acres of maple bush and 5 acres of cedar swamp. Apply The Advance- , Times. GRASS FARM FOR RENT-200 acres, abundance of water. Apply James Stevenson, Brussels, 'phone 51 r 17 between 7 and 9, evenings. IF BACKACHES are slowing you up, take RUMACAPS. Pains and aches are relieved after the first dose, Mc- Kibbons Drug Store. JUST RECEIVED—A shipment of Maytag Electric Washers; one build- ing lot on Shuts. Street for sale, W. J. Clark. KITCHENER BIG-4 CHICKS avail- able, non-sexed; pullets; cockerels; some started. Get a quick turnover with cockerels; Big-4 Pullets out on range grow fast to give you fall eggs Get fast growing chicks now, Cana- da Approved, breeders pullorum tes- ted. Ask for April-May price list. Agent, Wilbur Hogg, R. 4, VVingliain LOST—Buffalo Robe, between Walter Pocock's gate and Wingham. Tele- phone 613 r 32. MAPLE SYRUP FOR SALE—$5.00 per gallon. Apply Albert Bieman, Belgrave R, R, 1, !phone 616 r 11. NOTICE—As I am leaving Belgrave, all accounts not paid by April 25th will be placed in other hands. H. F. Kirkby. REPAIRS to Vacuum Cleaners, Wash- ing machines, motors, and all elec- trical appliances. Larry Hiseler, phone 426. SPRING HOUSE CLEANING Time line of Mattresses, Wardrobes, etc. at A. J. Walker's. WANTED —Lawn Mowers Repaired and Sharpened, Screw Cutting and Lathe work. Jenkins Lawn Mower Repair, Minnie Street. WANTED — Two rooms by young couple for light housekeeping by 1st of June, Apply Advance-Times. WANTED—A House, Apartment or Rooms, in Wingham, to rent, or would purchase house. -Apply Frank Johnson at CKNX. WANTED—Reliable Woman or Girl for housework, to take full responsi- bility. Apply Advance-Times. AN OPPORTUNITY Established Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive and be- tween the ages of 25 and 55, have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a pro- fitable business of your own. For full particulars write today to the J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. 0-W-2, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Quebec. FARM FOR SALE 20 acres good fertile land with nice modern brick house, also small bar*, hen house and pig pen. All buildings have Hydro and water on tap. This place is situated on paved highway at edge of Exeter. The price of $5500,. is less than. you would pay for a house in town. L. B. Moore, Exeter, Ont., Phone 173r15. FARM FOR SALE NOTICE We are now delivering wood, all kinds, at last year prices. Order early for next .winter's fuel. John Falconer, Phone 438J, Box 86, Wingham, or Joe Falconer, Phone 199. APRIL-MAY DELIVERY HILLSIDE CHICKS Heavy cockerels; pullets. Variety breeds; crosses, Some started. Out on range, you'll find them catching up with earlier chicks, Canada Approved breeders pullorum tested; 100% live delivery guaranteed. Ask for Spring price list, and order soon,- through agent, Rat. Jas, Douglas, R. R., 1, Wroxeter. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons haying claims against the estate of Albert ,E, Toner, late of the Township of Howiek in the Coun- ty of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the twenty-first day of February, A.D, 1947, are notified to send to Messrs, Crawford & Hetherington, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the twenty-sixth day of April 1947, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said twenty- sixth day of Apuril, the assets of the said testator will be distributed among- st the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the ex- ecutors shall then have notice. DATED this second day of April, A.D. 1947. CRAWFORD $t HETHERINGTON Barristers, etc. Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the executors. AUCTION SALE of Real Estate, Household Furniture, Etc., will be 412e/d at the residence of Miss Jessie Warwick, Arthur Street, Wingham, opposite Western Foundry, at 2 p.m. on SATURDAY, APRIL 26th, 1947 The Following: 1 Beach Range, 1 Kitchen Table and Chairs, 1 Dining-room Suite, 1 Ches- terfield and Chair to match, 2 Sewing Machines, 1 Kitchen Cabinet, 2` China Cabinets, 2 Electric Lamps, 1 - DeFor- est-Crosley Console Model Radio, 1 Day Bed, a quantity of Bedding, 3 Bedroom Suites and Accessories, 1 set Bridal Rose China, a quantity of other Dishes, a large assortment of Antiques, including Glassware and Silverware; a quantity of Silverware, 1 Electric Iron, 1 Electric Toaster, 1 Kitchen Clock, Floor Coverings, a quantity of Old Country, Linens, 1 Beatty Electric Washer with Tubs, 1 Lawn Mower, 1 Step-ladder, 1 Child's Wagon, Wheel- barrow, a number of Garden Tools, Numerous other articles. TERMS—CASH Real Estate At the same time and place, there will be offered for sale, subject to a reserved bid, the following Property, consisting of a storey and a half frame house covered with imitation brick sid- ing; a small barn and 3 acres of land, The house is equipped with Furnace, Hydro, Bathrooth, and is in good state of repair. Terms-10 per cent, on day of sale and balance within 30 days. Miss Jessie Warwick. L. G. Bryce Proprietress Auctioneer AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements and Household Effects at North 1/2 of Lot 17, Con. 3, Morris Twp., 21/2 miles South of Bluevale, 1st farm East of Browntown, at 1 p.m. on FRIDAY, APRIL 25th, 1947 HORSES-1 Brown Mare 6 years old, 1 Bay Gelding 9 years old, 1 aged Driver. due time of sale; 1 Durham Cow, bred COWS-1 Durham Cow 8 years old, March 10th; 1 Brindle. Cbw, bred Feb. 6th, 1 Durham Heifer, just fresh. CALVES-2 Yearling Calves, Dur- ham; 1 Calf 5 months old, Durham; 1 Calf 6 weeks old, Durham. PIGS—Two Brood Sows due May 12th, 1 Brood Sow, just bred; 8 little Pigs, just weaned; 11 Big Chunks 5 months old. POULTRY—About 125 Rock Leg- horn Hybrid Hens laying 80%; 3 Ducks, 1 Drake, GRAIN—;Quantity of Barley and Mixed Oats, some Ajax Oats from last year's Registerg Seed. M P LE_' E N TS-1 New M assey- Harris Walking Plough; 1 Massey- Harris Seed Drill, Fertilizer .Attach- meet, never used; 1 new Massey- Harris Scuffler never used; 1 new Massey-Harris Cream Separator used 5 months, 1 Cultivator, 1 Deering Mower, 1 get of Harrows (5 set); 1 Wagon and Box, set of Sloop Sleighs and Rack, 1 No; 21 Fleury Walking Plough, 1 Crown Gang Plough, Buggy Cutter, set of Team Harness, heavy Breeching; set of Single Driving Har- ness, 1 new Queen Oil Brooder Stove, never used; 1 Colony House, 10 ft. by 7 ft.; 11/2 tons Shur-Gain Fertilizer, 4-8-10; Doubletrees, Neckyokes, Tools, etc. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS-1 Que- bec Heater, 1 Coal Oil Stove, 1 R.C.A, Victor Radio, 2 matching Congolotim Rugs 9 x 12, 1 Congoleum Rug 9 x 7.1/2 , 1 Congolemn Rug 9 x 10%, 1 Dining-room Table, 8 Kitchen Chairs, 1 Kitchen Buffet, 1 Dressing Table, 2 Wash Stands, 1 Drop-side Couch and Mattress, almost new;,‘ Cistern Punip„ 1 Sink, Sealers, Dishes, Cooking -fteit- siis, etc, Terms.--Cash John Hannan, :Harold Jackson Prop, Auctioneer Robt. Patrick, Clerk, CARD OF THANKS Mrs, John S. Scott and family wish to thank their friends and neighbours, the Matron and nurses of Wingham General Hospital, Dr. McKibbon and Rev, G. EI ,Dunlop for their kindness dating the illness and death of Mr. John S. Scott. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs, John wish to express to their kind neighbours and friends their sincere thanks for the many expressions of sympathy shown them in their recent sad bereavement, CARD THANK S Gifts For All Occasions WIINGHAM Phone 59 GOBLIN VACUUM CLEANERS TANK TYPE STANDARD $67.50 DELUXE $88.50 COMPLETE with All ATTACHMENTS McGILL Radio Service IN MEMORIAM LEWIS—In loving memory of Ray- mond Emerald Lewis, youngest son of Mrs. and the late Frederick John Lewis, who passed away April 24, 1943, in his 21.st year. "Tis sweet to remember yOu, Emerald so dear, Though absent from us, yet ever so near• Unseen by the world, you stand by our side And whisper, dear Mother, death can- not divide: Sadly missed, lovingly remembered by Mother, Sister, Brothers and little Nephew, IN MEMORIAM Mc N loving memory of Wit- liam H. M. (Paddy) McNevin, who passed away April 21st, 1935. Thy will be done, seems hard to say, When one we loved has passed away. Some day perhaps, we'll understand, When we meet again in that better land —Sadly missed by Mother and Sister. IN MEMORIAM GARNISS—In loving memory of Reu- ben F. Garniss, who died April 25th, 1944. Memories are treasures -no one can steal Death is a heartache nothing can heal; Some may forget you, now you are gone, But we shall remember, no matter how long. —Sadly missed by wife' and daughter. BORN • ADAMS—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Sunday, April 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Adams, Belgrave, 4 daughter, IRWIN—In Victoria, WC, on Sun- day, April '20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Dick Irwin, a daughter. MacTavish—In Wingham General 1-los OA on Sunday, April 20th, to Mr. . and Mrs, John Macintosh, R. R., Bluevale, a son, PROCTER — In Wingham General Hospital, on Saturday, April 19th, to Mr, and Mrs. Atvin Procter, R. R. 4, Wingham, a son. ROBERTSON-1n Creston, B.C., on Sunday, April 6th., to Rev, and. Mrs. N. G, Robertson, a son-- George Douglas, SOMERS—To Mr, and Mrs. Kcn So- mers (nee Jean Northorp) a soft— Gregory Barton, in St. Andrew's Hospital, ;Midland, April 18th. school last week. Mr, Graham Wray of Brantford) spent the week-end with friends in town. Miss Edna Walker of Wingham, spent last week-end in Stratford, visit- ing Mr, and Mrs. Norman Walker and family. Mrs. Geo. Edgar and son, George, of Kitchener, are guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Edgar, and Mrs. Walter Jeffray of R.R. 2, Wingliant, MONTHLY MEETING OF F.B.Y.111,C. The regular monthly meeting O fthe Baptist Young Women's Mission Cir- cle was held on April 17th., at the home of Mrs. Glenn' Schiefele, After the opening hymn the president, 'Miss Marjorie Falconer led in prayer. A poem entitled, "The Sepulchure" was read by Miss Ruth Cantelon. The min- utes of the March meeting were read and the Roll Call was answered in the usual way. Following a Scripture Shower, everyone joined in singing, "There's a Call Comes Ringing O'er the Restless Wave". The theme of the meeting was on Africa with Mrs. Glen Schiefele giving a reading entitled "Simon Andrew, a Fisher of Men". Mrs. Reg. Collar favored with a solo, "In the Garden" which was much en- joyed by all. A season of prayer was held with Mrs. Bruce MacLean and Mrs. (Rev. Coupland participating. Mrs. Jos, Falconer gave a reading on "A Go-Missionary and au 0-Mis- sionary." An item on "Home Mission Work in the East by Mr. Stewart Weber of Waterloo, and Mr. Toews of the Can- adian West was read by Mrs. George Scott. A. fortitudinous reading on "A De- voted Christian of Gourmaland" was also read by Mrs. Scott. The meeting closed with the hymn, "My Jesus I Love Thee" and prayer by Miss Vivian Cantelon. WOAA HELD SPRING MEETING THURSDAY Council Chamber Packed With Sport Enthusiasts Upwards of 200 sport fans attended the spring meeting of the Western Ontario Athletic Association held here in the Town Hall on Thursday even- ing. President Tory Gregg presided, and extensive plans were laid for' the summer season, The association ex- pects over 100 teams will •enter. The W.O.A.A. will sponsor inter- mediate. baseball, junior, juvenile, mid- get, bantam and pee wee. An "A" and "B" series will be run "A" for towns and villages over 1,000 and the latter under 1,000. Softball will also be in the limelight with an "A" and "B" series. Entries will be for senior "A", junior, juven- ile, midgee, bantam and a ladies' ser- ies. Plans were laid for a umpires and coaches school, May 7 and May 14, GOFORTH AUXILIARY The annual East Thankoffering meet ing of the Goforth Evening Auxiliary was held on Tuesday, April 15th, at the home of Miss ,Trlma Harrison. The meeting opened with the call to wor- ship by the president, Mrs. John P. McKibbon. An interesting reading was given by Mrs. W. W. Gurney af- ter which Mrs, Ronald Rae led in pray- er, After the business part of the meet- ing, Rev. A. Nimmo, guest speaker for the evening, gave a very much enjoyed address. Mrs. George ScOtt thanked Mr. Nimmo on behalf of the Goforth Auxiliary after which a social hour was enjoyed. WHITECHURCH Mr. Charlie Robinson and Mr. Roy Robinson arc operating the warble fly spray outfit for B. Wawartosh, Mr. Armstrong of the J. K, ,Crang Co., Toronto, was with them, on Tuesday, When they commenced working at Ronald Coultcs' stables, and have con- tinued to spray over 400 a day: Mrs. Joe Tiffin was seriously ill on Thursday evening last when she suffer- ed from a heavy nose bleeding and has been in Wingliam Hospital since then. Mrs, Aldin Purdon visited on. Tues- day last at the home of Mr., and Mrs, Lester Falconer of Culross, Ms, Fal- coner's mother, Mrs. Brooks, who has been bedfast for the past thirteen Months, had her eighty-fifth birthday on April 12th. Mrs. Caineton Simmons and baby Nancy, who have ben visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mar- tin, returned to her borne in London on Friday. Misses Helen and Dorothy McLean of Walkerton, spent the Easter holi- days with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. j, F. McLean, Mr. Fred Davidson of Wingham, has been busy drilling a well Coe Mr, Lance Grain. Mr, Grain's other drilled well had filled with sand, presumably through a leak in the piping, This time they went ,down over 150 feet. Mrs. Sant Reid of Lticknow spent the week-end at the how of her sister Mrs. %R. Farrier, and Mr, Carman Farrier of New Toronto, came tip on. Priday to take his motocycle back home, Mrs. Elritew thirdoti went through SetiettS operation in Winghatt tal on Wednesday last, and has been progressing favourably. The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. of the United Church was held on Wednesday last with the President, Mrs. Victor Emerson in charge of the meeting. Mrs. Jas. Falconer read the Scripture lesson, and Mrs. J, D. Bee- croft led in prayer, The Program in the Easter leaflet was followed. A group of ladies were appointed to at- tend the Presbyterial meeting at Ex- eter on Thursday, and Mrs. Mac Ross read a story, One. who shared Easter. Mrs.- Eira Scholtz sang, The Strife is O'er, the battle done, and Mrs. J. G. Gillespie read The Easter Story, telling of the Resurrection. Mrs, W ,R, Far- rier and Mrs. G. E. Farrier played a piano duet, and Mrs. Clarence Mc- Clenaghan led in prayer for the mis- sionaries. Mrs. Gillespie was in charge of the Temperance Clippings' on Wo- men Smoking, and its results in family s a O is I PAGE. zsitx CLASSIFIED ADS. 100 acres choice well drained clay loam free from stone and in high state of cultivation— 45 acres ploughed. This land lies level and dry and is ,much above average for growing a good crop. It is situated on No. 8 Highway 21/2 miles west of Stratford City limits. The school is on the cor- ner of the farm, The 11/2 storey red brick house has new furnace and a 3 piece bathroom. There is a large silo and large bank barn with steel. roof, steel staunchions, steel calf pens and water bOwls, room for 1000 hens and all the buildings have hydro and water. Owner has other interests and must sell. $10,500.„ half cash will handle Annly on the ,proal§cs 9r to H, I . ptione now, Exeter, LOCAL- AND PERSONAL Mrs, (Dr.) Brown is visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Crawford, Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Williams and son Alan, spent the week-end in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Bates, W. Raymond MeNcilly of Orange- ville, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. J, Brown, Mr, and Mrs. Carl`Clark of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mrs. Clark's mother, Mrs. Harold Buchanan. Mr, and Mrs. R, E, 'McKinney of London, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Gurney, Miss Anne Wilson of Toronto, spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs, ,j, A. Wilson, Mr, and Mrs, George Allen wish to MISS Grace Galley of Stratford Nor- extend their thanks to all who have mal School, taught in S.S. No, 9 Wa- been so kind in expressing their sym- walms11 last week. lathy to them in their reeent bereave- Was Dorothy Walker of Stratford, Men t, WAS practise teacher at the Glenannan life, and Mrs. Emerson closed the meeting with the Easter benedictioh. Mr .and Mrs. J. F ,MacLean spent Sunday at the home of their son, Mr. Ira MacLean of Wroxeter., Morrison - Huffman A quiet wedding was solemnized at the parsonage, St. Helens, on Thurs- day, April 15th,, at 2 p.m., with Rev. G. M. Newton officiating, when Mar- jorie Huffman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Roy Hilffman of Kinloss, became the bride of Mr. John E. Morrison, sec- ond son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Morris- on of White:church. They were_ ac- companied by_ Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Huffman of Langside. The happy couple left on the train. for Toronto, to spend their honeymoon, and on their return they will reside on the groom's farm on the 4th con. of Kinloss. Their• many friends in this community extend best wishes for a long and happy wed- ded life. ' !,