HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-03-27, Page 6imoliciiiiiiimpiloppoitimuniwooloniniticiiimaillittriliminiimmiliontowil • • . • N .i.. Save Money I A fi= by PREPAYING ii 13 ...- i i ,, 74 , ItWILI N 0 i+1 4 t. iil e ) i ilil NCONairgy ii. • *"...,...? i ii til Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McKinney, of London, were week-end guests with Mrs. „H. McKinney, . Mrs. L. C. Jorgensen, is visiting with her sister at Wheetion, S. A,, who is ill. Mrs. Peter Stan of Langside, cornpanied by her daughter, Mary, via- 1 ited her sister, Mrs. Eddie Waddell. Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Mathers and N daughter, Helen, of Kincardine, visit- ed with relatives here on Sunday. Rev. Leland C. Jorgensen is spend- =—• ing a few days in Toronto, • Mr, and Mrs. Alex McCraeleth visit- 1111 ed their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas jaeklin at Wroxeter. Mrs. Annie Wray has returned from Belgrave, and is with her neice, Mrs. W. J. Johnston, Mrs. Peter S. MacEwen and Mr. Al- fred Agar r spent Sunday with Miss Beatrice and Mr. Thomas Shearer, of Wroxeter, Mrs. Groff, Waterloo, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Leslie Greenaway. Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Smith spent a couple of days with friends in Bruss- els. ili i i A il I 1 a i -a A ft WI ti 51111111111111111111111111111111$1111111111111111111111111111111$1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111131140 Prepayments of taxes must be made at the Town Treasurer's Office, Town Hall. W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer, Town of Wingham. 1-A 1 P 11 Taxpayers may make payments on Account of 1 947 taxes up to 90 per cent. of 1946 taxes. Interest at the rate of pour per cent, per an- num will be allowed on such prepayments. Town at WINGHAM i I a 1947 TAXES sung by, Mrs. R. Elliott and Miss Eileen McKinney, At the morning service in the Un- ited Church, Rev. A. G. Hewitt used the text, "Put off the old man And put on the new". Miss Delores Hamilton sang a solo, Spence McKinnon of the Canadian Bank of Commerce Staff, at George- town, spent the week-end with his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, R. H. McKinnon, Mr. Colclough of Ooderich, is visit- ing his sister, Mrs. J..1M. Lillow and John Li/low. Mrs. M. L. Aitken, Lucknow, and Miss Dorothy Aitken, Preston, spent Sunday with Miss Duff at their home here. ATTENTION, FARMERS! Let Us Supply Your Needs — ON HAND NOW — GORRIE Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Short, Ronald and Carol of Fergus, spent Sunday with relatives in town. Mr, and Mrs. Bill Martin of Guelph, were visitors in town on Sunday. Rev. J. C. Caley spent Friday and Saturday in Rodney. David is spend- ing a co'bple of weeks with his grand- parents there, Mr. Levi Galbraith of the 14th con,, has 'been seriously ill with pneumonia but is believed •to be out of danger now. Mi•s, Galbraith is also in very poor health, Mr. and Mrs. Lawson of Toronto, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Bradnock, Messrs, Herb Neill, Sterling Fin- ley and Geo, Brown spent Tuesday in Kitchener, Mr. Frank Cole and Mr, Ward Sch- aefer were in Harriston one day last week, Mr. Cameron Robertson and Miss Helen Hobertson of Strathclair, Man., are visiting with his mother and sis- ters, Mrs. Geo. Robertson, ,Mrs. Glad Edgar and Mrs. Cordon Edgar. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Stewart of Molesworth, spent StindZy with Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Edgar. Mrs. Hamilton returned home on Saturday from Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs, Birks, Robertson of Greenock, visited Mr. and Mrs. Glad Edgar on Satuklay. ,. Heartiest congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. John Finlay, who are celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary on Thursday, March 27th. Mrs, Deitner of Alberta, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Underwood and other relatives here. We extend sympathy to the family of Mrs. Ed, Galbraith who passed` away early Sunday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. WM, Cor- bett. Funeral services will be held on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. A. Houck who has been visit- ing her cousin, Mrs. Hartwell Strong and other relatives in Ontario this win- ter, left on Thursday and after a short visit in St. Thomas, will return to her home in Regina. Mrs. Wm. Wilson and little daugh- ter, Phyllis of Fordwich, spent the week-end with Mr. Geo. Dane and Miss Margaret. Mr. and ,Mrs, Bob Ferguson of con. 16, were Sunday visitors with the for- mer's parents, Mr, and • Mrs, Harry Ferguson, Red Cross Sewing Layettes to' be made up have been re- ceived by the local Red Cross and can be obtained at the. home of Miss Mat- garet Dane by those wishing to help, United Church. WA, The Women's Association met in the dwelt patiors on. Thursday after- noon with the President, Mr, Hilt Ash- ton presiding, The meeting opened by singing a hymn and Mrs,. G. a Howes led hi prayer, A psalm was read in unison. Seventeen members answered 'the roll call, The ladies worked at piecing a quilt._ A outwit-. the was appointed to Make arrange. merits for the tea to he held in ,April. Theittecting' closed with the Mixpall benediction, Lunch was served by the lunch coMM ittee. "a...4...AI. Under did AttgPide6 of '.?.U. On Friday night, March 28th,, at 8 is, M., Rev. Om Wylie of -Oakdale, will present the two ,hour picture "king Of. kings" in the Gorrie United ,Church. This is a wonderful pietere and -troWlla' are tUrrilfig Oa tO see it Nvitereever. presented.- We WeleOthe:all lit this Area CO see this excellent picture., which is to iiiiteh Itt keeping with the totter $easott. The regolat 'Meeting of the tP.t1 - ,BLUEVALE Men's Club Meets April 2nd. The Executive of the Bluevale Men's Club met this week and decided to hold the postponed March meeting on April 2nd,, and as was formerly an- nounced, it will be an open night for all, Ladies are welcome as also men who are not members. Four local • speakers are to give short talks on dif- ferent subjects concerning the soil, Conservation, Reforestation, Drainage, and Landscaping. An Entertainer from Kincardine is being engaged for the occasion. Lunch will be served. It was deemed advisable,'on account of road conditions ,to advance the date of the' Oratorical Contest to Friday, April 18th., at 8.30 p.m. Final arrange- ments are being made for this event, which has captured wide-spread at- tention; Seven schools have sent in the names of the contestants and this unusual feature promises to be very iteresting. Church News At Knox. Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning, Rev, Leland C. Jor- gensen, preached from Exodus, Chap- ter 20, verses 4, 5, 6, continuing his sermons on the ten commandments. This was the second in the series and dealt with the subject of Worship. A duet, "Sweet Hour of Prayer" was PUMPS—Deep and shallow wells ELECTRIC HAMMER MILL WOODS' OAT ROLLERS and other Appliances Beatty Equipment and Appliances Co-Op Washers, How about your GRASS SEED I and Spring FENCING problem? Belgrave Co-Op. Association BELGRAVE 'PHONE 14 - 4, Brussels •••1041.1.. ',••••••••15.110110••• SHERBONDY'S COFFEE SHOP LUNCHES MEALS FOUNTAIN SERVICE Fruit Jukes in stock Next to Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM fr The New Willys JEEP Now On Display For demonstration Phone 194 or drop in at HOPPER'S GARAGE Na 4 Highway North of Town Trucks will be available in the near future. 1.11WistesmrmaiebilimlQ;11•111111NENIMINOMI11111111111111111111110 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A STEADY JOB WITH GOOD WAGES VACATION WITH PAY RECREATIONAL FACILITIES FIVE DAY WEEK Maitland Spinning Mills, Listowel HAS OPENINGS FOR YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN WHO An ANXIOUS TO LEARN A TRADE WITH FUTURE SECURITY. APPLY TO Maitland Spinning Mills Ltd. TELEPHONE 2 LISTOVIML Child's Cold NaSle , ^rs 0 V.Penetrates deep, Into broil. 0101 tubes 'with cps/clot soothing medicinal vapors. VStimulates chest a nd back sup faces like a warm. Ing.comfortIng poultice. snow at Wroxeter shed, $2.00; S. Hig- gins, shovelling snow at - Wroxeter • shed, $2.00; P, Durst, shovelling snow at Wroxeter shed, $2,00; P. Durst, pos- tage, $5.00; Howick' Township' Lib- rary Board, Grant, $100.00; Municipal World, Office supplies, 90 cents; ,Re- lief, $156,86; P. Dursta part salary, $70.00; Howick Municipal Teldphone Co,, Telephone Levies, $1300.00; Tot- al, $1,676.25. Moved by Zurbrigg and Strong that we instruct- the Clerk to advertise for Tenders for the purchase of 4% De- bentures on the Day Municipal Drain. Tenders to be in the hands of the Clcr kby 12 o'cloc knoon, April 14th. Lowest or any tender not necessarily' accepted, Carried. ,Moved µby Parrish and Strong that the Treasurer he instructed to prepare Debentures on Day Municipal Drain, Carritd, Moved by Gowdy, and Strong that we do now adjourn to meet again in the Clerk's Office, Gorrie, April 5th,, or at the call of the Reeve. Carried. L. Durst, Jahn Winter,eev Clerk. Reeve. • 4-746 41 • 44 • 41 ft 0 40 40 410 0 40 41 4, • • • • • • 411 • • • • • • #454R • • • • • • • • • CHARLES :1ORDAN • • NL BARITONE le • PT GUEST ARTIST /I' on • , 0 'The Northerm __Ekcirk Hour • • Mon, 8.830 p.m. • • CKN YIT11111,01.1110411.4"."5.01."5 mo.001.""Mii?Illhal,"1,901111441111400011.1.," p.,701.111 111141 • loPrOt.79"•Pa arts Parts Parts We have a complete line of , Genuine Factory MERCURY LINCOLN • FORD - MONARCH PARTS IN STOCK at ail times .and we will be operating a complete SERVICE DEPARTMENT in the very near fu, ture, ALSO—A Complete line of Firestone TIRES and TUBES in ALL Sizes---both Passenger and Commercial. Crossett Motor Sales YOUR MERCURY and LINCOLN DEALER WINGHAM ONTARIO*.M.....1110.1•••.1)41M00.11•11,0.011111.001•WeN004•001•11.01111.14.M.M.40.0.104 H. C. MacLEAN, WINGHAM A. W. KEIL, GORRIE Representing—; PJLOTIN We write insurance to cover selected risks in Automolnle, Fire, Personal Property Floater, Burglary, Plate Glass, and other general insurance. CANADIAN NATIONAL HEAD COLDS /far a preinot and efficient way - to obtain relief,- vie Obi 'eulele acting remedy. SINULIE Abluillet it s Wilts PoWder to > [.bad as a Shutt Slat amembie Ittettd, *mkt Imintatatels at the Nat if tto• ttoubt• Munn 7614 wiljt feel She ire leillt h. a vs** tor Minuted* It in AIN reoonatriended ter thou traubbt. A PEESENt AteXtiAlltit 0144t nit MALL SIlittLIZEI CO4 1,0)( 58ai LOXIX)14, Oft. 116646 sand 161icletiiiil $1.4601m /11**0*ttisr t *.X MAW rw • Farmers drive cars less than city people and get low rates from Pilot. But farmers do drive — one unin. cured accident could wipe out your home or your savings. Buy the full, protection of Pilot Automobile Insurance now. tate nt 07°111° fertile sound Pit' This locus week. end offers an opportunity aw with a yisiEdot As & home or ay GO: any time Thursday, April 3rd, until 2.00 p.m. Monday, April 7th. RETURN: leave destina. tion up to midnightTues. day; April 8th, 1947. • 0 KAM — "64101.6••4 10bItESS 464 • PAGE SIX THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES 'Thursday, March nth, 1947 Trite effective special pene-trating-stimulMing action works for hours during the night to relieve distress of colds while your little one sleeps. .Results are so good often by morning trios t misery Of the cold is relieved. Wry V i it tonight' VApoRus For Your BUILDING, CARPENTERING Repair Work Built-in CUPBOARDS S E E — Bennett & Gasemore 'Phone 447 Wingham AMAZING meelimerso. "Your last collection amazed me and I am very grateful for it. Why, oh why, did I not employ you sooner. I would have been better off today had I done so", These words of praise from a • Toronto client speak volumes and are taken from a letter dated March 1st, 1947. What we have done for that client we can do for you.' Send your list of accounts and notes to us and be they many or few, you too, will be pleased. KELLY & AIKEN The Collection. Experts ORANGEVILLE, ONT. We extend congratulations and best wishes to Mr, and Mrs, Robert Catb- era, who will observe their 57th Wed- ding anniversary on March 27th. Mr. Gathers is quite active and enjoys good health, Mrs, cath.ers who has been in delicate health for somb years is now somewhat better. Rev. F. H. Farr, a former rector in the Parish of Gorrie, Fordwiele and Wroxeter, observed his $9th birthday this month. He resides with his eon, Ray, Morris Parr of Stratford, 'Was Edith Dinsmore has received the following letter from Yugoslayija, Edith enclosed her name and address in a coat and 'muff which was sent from Gorrie, along with other articles of clothing about two years ago, by the Red Cross workers. A photo of the little girl was enclosed, with this letter. Mrs, Hedviga Krpan, Kraljevica Havatsko, Primorye, 10th February, 1947 Dear Mesdame Dinsmore:— I was a very lucky person to receive your gift consisting of two garments for my little daughter, photos of which I am enclosing herewith, We were both of us very deeply touched to receive such useful items IMO COUNCIL' 'The Council met in the Clerk's Office, March 14th., accbrding to post- ponement, the Reeve, John Winter, in the Chair. All members present. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and on motion of Strong and Parrish were adopted as read. Carried. Moved by ' Fa'rrish and Gowdy that we instruct the Auditor to prepare a statement of any drain owing the General Fund. Carried. Moved by Strong and Zurbrigg that the Tender of R. H. Carson & Son to supply Oil, Grease and Fuel be ac- cepted. Carried. MoVed by Gowdy and Parrish that we accept Joe Kerr's tender for haul- ing and crushing 10,000 yds. gravel, snore or less at '55c per cubic yard. Carried. Moved by Strong and Gowdy that the road accounts as approved be paid. Carried. d: Moved by Parrish and Zurbrigg that the following accounts be paid. Car- ried: l Wingham. Advance-Times, Advertis- ing for tenders, $4.35; Harold King, repairing at Clerk's Office, $2.00; Ho- Wick Telephone Co., Tolls and Tele- phone rent, Clerk's Office, $24.34; T. Wright, refund dog tax, $2.00; Geo. Harris, shovelling snow at Wroxeter shed, 80 cents; D, Townsend,, shovel- ling snow at Wroxeter shed, $2.00; L. Townsend, shovelling snow at Wrox- eter shed, $2,00; I,. Hupfer, shovelling Win. NEWS RATION COUPON DUE DATES 1 Coupons now good are sugar•Treser- yes S26 to S46, butter Ess to 1146, and meat M64 to M78. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Qt—I read somewhere that the sugar 1 allowance this year is 71 pounds, Where will I get all the coupons for this sugar. At—While it is true the per capita al- lotntent granted by the sugar com- mittee of the Ifiternational Emer- gency Rood Council is 71 pounds, the per person allowance is less be- cause in addition to the use of sugar by families sugar must also be grant- ed to various public institutions, to industrial and other quota Users, Q t —Will you please tell me what pre. serves are, still rationed? At—jams, jellieS, marmalade, honey and Itoney-.butter and Molasses as well as fountain fruits are Still on the ration list. Ai...-Evaporated .milk is rationed where there is a plentiful supply of fluid milk and it' is, not Mile:ied where fluid milk is in short supply and is hard to obtain. :,,..I understand there Was a change in the ceiling price of apples- on March I. Could WI please tell me the ceiling vrice of it silt oast has. ket of Northern Spy apples. A:—The ceiling price on northern spy apples ,grown in Ontario or Quebec is for grades No, 1, 96c; combine- tipn 92 cents and domestic 87 cents per six quart basket. Q:—Under the new regulations affect- ing rentals may I apply for possess- ion of a house I bought some time ago? A:—Yes, if you bought the house in the period between October 31, 1944 and July 25, 1945, you may apply to the nearest office of the Wartime Pricts and Trade Board with a writ- ten statement in duplicate setting out your date of purchase and needs as compared with the tenants. If the Court of Rentals Appeal approv- will be held in Sunday School Room and believe us that we look forward to on Sunday evening. Dorothy Watson reciprocate your humanitarianism act will be in charge of the programme, which has been welcomed with great appreciation. Wishing you best of luck. Yours very sincerely, Mrs. Hedviga Krpan. ' es your application you may then give a three months notice to vacate: under the laws of the province, FIRST CLASS Watch Repairs For the Present, Watches Only. George Williams John Street Wingham Next/to Masonic Hall' /1•0410.1411•1141.111.0.110.....1.,4101.•01111100411•14.8610.. min I.. - Alamo. r