The Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-03-06, Page 3• • • • •
Thursday, March 6th, 1947
Poultry Farm and Hatchery
Elmer Farrish ,& Sons Gorrie,' Ont.
1),”,M1111*Pf,1)1M11,1.!Mninnstnnwosimm ... Omni..* . . itmi g . mimmimatnin*
THIRTY years ago this Spring we purchased ow first baby
chicks, and since that time we have been in the poultqdhusiness con,
tinuelly. We now have poultry plant of which, we are justly
proud.. 'We have. made a study of culling and selection (or egg pro-,
duction and meat type, and when you purchase yOur chicks you get
the benefit. of QUI' 04,erieuee All the, parent stock is blood-tested annually.
SpecialiOng ill
. Cemetery Work
BOX 373--'PHONE 459
Wm. Brownlie
InocriPtigml Repairing
Sandblasting Memorials
25 years experience
Orders should be placed as soon
as possible
The Lat;st in Portable Sandblast
This year we offer you the
S C White Barred Rock x
L.eghorns W. Leghortis
Mixed Pullets
March and April 14c 29c
May 1.$c 27c
June ..... ..... .„...., 12c 25c
Leg, Cox 2c R&L Cox
111111, . • Red Cross Leaflets will be distributed to Wing-
ham residents throught the Post Office. It will be
to your advantage to study these. You will see
that the Red Cross is appealing for funds to start a -
Canadian Six-Point Programme.
Aid to Disabled Veterans and Crippled Child-
ren is a worthwhile service.
Free Blood Transfusion Service to all hospitals
would be worth any donation you can make.
Some of this canvass will go to your own hos-
strengthened for the coming season.
Personals—Messrs, Tindall Ritchie
and T. R. Bennett made a business trip
to Wroxeter on Monday. Mrs. Steur-
nol of Gorrie, visited with her .daugh-
ter, Mrs. W. H. Haney for a few days
last week. 'Miss Edna Smith of Kit-
chener, is. visiting at her home on Fran- REMINPCINfi
S. A. Wedding—The Artily wedding
on Monday night last was a most inter-
esting .and successful evenf'as eviden-
'ced by the large and attentive audience
that crowded the Town Hall. After
an interesting programme, Lieut. Col.„
.W. R. Hamilton, 0.
following in Baby Chicks:
N. Hamp. x N. Hamp, x B. Rock L. Sussex
Mixed Pullets
March and April 15c 25c
May .......... . ... ... . . 14c 24c
June 13c 23c
Heavy COx, all season 8c
Fruit Juices in stock
Optometrist for Over
25 Years.
Telephone 37
for Appointment.
Next to Lyceum Theatre
like playing; and only on a few oceas"
ions did " be break away, ptitting two
shots clean through the nets in the last
halt, which missed the goal umpire's
eye, E, Moore played cover and was
all over the ice, scoring three goals for
the locals and admits scoring one for
Lecknow, Line-up; Lccknow, Mc-
Quaig, McLachlan, Habbick, Thom-
Son, Johnston, McCoy and Burton,
Wingham, J, McGillivray, Britton,
Moore, D, McGillivray, g. Elliott, H.
Elliott and MacLean, Referee Ivan
Wroxeter—The Misses Higgins and
Ralik. Higgins of Belgrave, attended
the Smith-MeMichael wedding on
Wednesday. Mrs. Lackie, senior, has
returned home after a month's visit
with her sop, Crosby of ;Wingham. W.
H, Reid and family have moved back
into their home again from the hotel.
East Wawanosh—A very happy ev-
ent took place at the home of M. j,
Robinson of East Wawanosh, at 7
o'clock on Wednesday, February 27th.,
when his sister, Miss Helen was un-
ited in marriage to Mr. Jos. Cumber-
land of Manitou, Man. 'The ceremony
Was performed by Rev, A, E. Jones of
White—Glousher Nujitials—A quiet
but pretty wedding was solemnized at
the Manse, Blyth, by Rev. 1G., Telford,
when Miss Lizzie, youngest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John Glousher, Hul-
lett, was married to William j, White
of Blyth, at 11 o'clock, on Wednesday,
March 1st.
Dominion Day Celebration Meeting
—The Athletic Grounds Company,
Limited and the Dominion Day Sports
Committee will hold a joint meeting in
the Council Chamber on Thursday ev-
ening of this week, The meeting is
called with a view to making final ar-
rangements`for the celebration of Dom-
inion Day at wingham.
Baseball Tournament—At the meet-
ing of the executive of the baseball
club' of Wingham, arrangements were
made for the holding of a baseball
tournament in Wingham on June 7th,
The teams taking part will be Goder-
ich, Zurich, Teeswater and Wingham.
Wingham team will be considerably
Sharp read the usual Army marriage
service making Sergt. E. Mitter-Clark
and Bandsman Ernest E. Simmons,
man and wife, The bride was support-
ed by Miss Lemina Taylor and the
groom, by his brother, Harper E, Sim-
mons. k
Bluevale—A quiet wedding was the
event at the parsonage here dii Wed-
nesday, February 27, when Miss Eva
Souch became the bride of Mr. John
Stewart, both of this vicinity. Rev.
'Geo. Baker spoke the mystic words
that formed the matrimonial bond.'
Grain-Webb—As we go to press, a
happy event is taking place at the resi-
dence of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Webb,
West Wawanosh, and their daughter,.
Elizabeth, becomes the bride of Fran-
cis E. Grain, Rev, T. S. Boyle is the
officiating clergyman.
Turned Tables On Lucknowz—Luck-
now Hockey .Club played the return
game in Wingham on Friday night and
lost to the local club 6 to 5. For
Wingliam,,Ed, Elliott in centre seemed
to be the best, but Jimmy McGillivray
add Herb. Elliott loth played a very
fast game. Hal MacLean did not feel
Robin E. Campbell
Phone 184
ces St,
Whitecliiirch—Mr. and Miss .Mc..
Quaid took possessien of their new
home on Wednesday - of last week,
Messrs, Aldin Puidon and Mac Mc-
Lellan spent Sunday with the former's
uncle, Mr, Jas, Purdon of St. Helens.
Mr. and Mrs, Henderson of Bluevale,
visited with their son, Mr. Roland
Henderson- over Sunday,
Wroxeter-,-Mr, T. Sanderson and
brid‘ of Detroit, are visiting with the
former's parents, Mr. and 'Mrs, D,
'Sanderson, Mr.- and Mrs. Wade of
Howielt, have moved into the house
lately 'vacated by Mr. Sam Willits,
Browning-Snarling Nuptials On
Wednesday evening, March 1st„ at 8
o'clock, a very pretty wedding was sol-
emnized in the Manse Study, White-
Oiurch, when Rev, Mr. Scottie, united
Mrs, Emma Sparling, daughter of M.
and Mrs. George Cottle and Mr. Ed-
Ward Browning of Kincardine, in the
holy bonds of matrimony. o.
Pe rson als—M rs.
ersonals Y EAR S,11/4f rs.
T.AAQ.00Urrie spent
a few days in Exeter, Mrs, • Archie
Peebles is at present visiting in Lon-
don and Hamilton, Mr, J. W. Bush-
field was in Sarnia, Goderich and Lon-
don last week on business.. Mr. A. J.
Walker was in Toronto last week.
A ljidnight Intruder—About mid-
night on Friday last a local citizen
carrying too ibig.a load of "Oh,be joy-
ful" called on the home of the writer
and his mother, Mrs. McCool; and an-
nounced himself in no. uncertain man-
Mer by breaking the Window in the ,
front door. Consternation reigned for
a short time in the household and while
we are vain enough to credit ourselves
with a 'fair amount of nerve, yet we
suddenly awakened and on going to ,
the door to have a fist just miss your
face is a trying experience. Chief Al- ;
le*n took the intruder into custody. He
was fined $15.00 and costs, amounting',
to about $49.00. Apology was given .
and accepted, Assurances of better I
conduct in future, may, if kept, make
the evening's entertainment worth
Gorrie—The Pleasure Club were en-
tertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Abram on Friday evening, when six i
Canada welcomes tie
1947 ROLET!
Tucks in the' flowers that have gone
to sleep—
Drapes ermine robes as it hurries by,
On royal maples, proud and high.
It floats like feathers from the skies
And soon in fleecy. heaps it lies;.
Silently it falls—yet swift and sure—
'Til every unsightly thing looks pure.
—Anne Spence Hamilton.
- GooD comma
. ' . .... . .......
•tables of progressive euchre were play-
ed. The honors were won byi Ladies'
Mrs, E. W, Bolton; gents', Mr. Victor
Shera, and consolation, Mrs. V. Shera,
and Mr. "Donnie" Hastie. At the
close of the evening the hostess served
dainty refreshthents, • The Club meets
this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. King, when a fowl dinner will also
be held.
Wroxeter:—Mr. and Mrs. Jardine
of Brussels, spent Saturday with
Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Moffatt in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sanderson and
family of Detroit, are spending their
holidays at the home of the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sanderson.
Whitechurch—Miss May Wightman
spent Monday with Miss Lila Hum-i phrey of St. Helens, Mr, Duncan Ken-
nedy is doing a flourishing business
these days with baby chicks. Mr. and
Mrs. Albert McQuillan entertained a
number of their relatives and friends
in their home on Wednesday evening
I3hrevale—Mrs. Peter S. lv[cEwen is
vi iting at the home of her brother, Mr.
Jas. Strachan, Brussels, Mr. and Mrs.
James Renrey have been visiting with
their daughter, Mrs. Jos. Smith of
now made even higger.looling, even heiter.looling
eVen more heat tifki and eiesira4le eve, way • • I, •
(Intended for last week)
Mrs, (Rev) M. G. Newton and Mrs.
Archie Aitcheson arc making favour-
recovery in the Wingham Hospital fol-
lowing operation performed on Satur-
Twenty-one ladies were in attend-
ance at the Observance of the World
Day of Prayer at the home of Mrs. R.
Woods, The theme of the service was
"Make Straight in the desert a high-
way for our 'God," Mrs, W. I. Miller,
Mrs. ,T, Cameron, Mrs. L. Woods and
Mrs. W. A. Miller as leaders were as-
sisted by Mrs. G, McPherson, Mrs, J,
Durnin, Mrs. S. A, Todd arid Mrs, A.
Gaunt. Mrs, W. Forester favoured with
a solo, "Pass It On."
Mrs. Andrew Gaunt presided for the
meeting of the W. A., the theme of
which was "Lydia". Mrs. L, Dttrnin
read the scripture lesson and Mrs, S.
A. Todd the lesson thoughts. Mrs. G.
Stuart and Mrs. J, Durnin sang a duet,
"In the Garden with jests."
Mrs. Earl Gaunt is a patient in the
Clinton Hospital where she under-
went an operation last week.
Mr, and Mrs. Durnin Phillips in
company with Dr. and Mrs, F. A. Par-
ker of Winghani, left last week on a
Motor trip to Ilorida.
Chevrolet dealers are displaying the, new-
est creation of Canada's largest producer
of automobiles the new Chevrolet for -
1947 offering you art even greater meas,
See it and you will agree that it's the
higgesi-iookiog, and best-looking thevro-
let ever built. Ifs more beautiful in every
way, both inside and out. It's designed to
out-style, ant-value and 0W-drive all other
cars in its price • range. And above all, it
reveals that sterling 13ig-Car quality — itt
every phase and feature, in every part and
pound of material which buyers agree
is exclusive to Chevrolet in its price range.
How thickly it falls, the soft, white
Hiding the trees and tie roofs below,
Dimming the windows of sonny roornS,
With shadows from the falling pinnies.
Clouds of snowflakes hurry down,
O'er homes in the country, and lyres
in town;
In sheltered spots, on high hills bleak,
Or kissing a school boys rosy cheek.
It whirls through hollow's and drifts ,
them full;
Rail fences don blankets like carded
Eaves of Sheds oterhang and scowl,
Beneath the folds of enntraPping cowl.
It mantles the shitibbery deto and
Ail Dalt
every Pay
YOUR telephone operator
is always on the job . you
can depend on her to put
your calls through speedily,
efficiently anti "with a smile
in her voice.
More telephones are being
added, more switchboards
installed, and more oper-
atora trained to handle the
ever.growing ortalls
so that yott may continuo
to have Om best, telephone
service at the lmcest cost,
Vitt suit Itttlilltiltt
tit tktitChit
• * * Formerly A. M. Crawford a