HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-02-20, Page 7sigiiiit ll l lll l OHO l ! l 41 l llllll 4 /.11114114011/111411111M11411011M141141111111 lllll 1 l 1111 l 1,1141111111/1111411111141111,1141,1 lll 1 l "11,141,41r "HOME ACRES" Poultry Farm and Hatchery Elmer J, Farrish ,& Sons ,Gorrie, Ont. THIRTY years ago this Spring we purchased our first baby chicks, and since that time we havebeen in the poultry business con, chicks, and since that time we have been in the poultry liminess con- proud, We have made a study of culling and selection for egg pro- duction and meat type, and when you purchase your chicks you get the benefit of our experience. All the parent stock is blood-tested annually, This year we offer you the following in Baby Chicks; S C White Barred Rock x Leghorns W. Leghorns N. Hamp. x B. Rock N, Hamp. x L. Sussex March and April Mixed 14c Pullets 29c March and April Mixed 15c• Pullets 25c May 13c 27c May 14c 24c June. 12c 25c June 13c 23c Leg. Cox 2c R&L Cox 3c Heavy Cox, all season Sc 0 WROXETER (Continued from page three) asked to bring a friend, and also a donation for the Travelling Basket, P..•••1 • • • • • • • • Mr. R. J. Rann Resigns This week we pay tribute to a high- ly esteemed business man of Wroxeter in the person of Mr. R. J. Rinn, who ler the past 38 years has been manager -of the local Telephone Office, and 'who, on account of failing health has resigned. During those 38 years Mr. Mann has given a continuous, efficient A. J. WALKER Funeral and Ambulance Service FUNERAL PARLORS, UPSTAIRS Office 'phone 106 residence 224 J. WALKER OHN HEAL ' 'Phone 189 • J Phone 307' WINGHAM Business and Professional Directory WELLINGTON FIRE A. I !NAVIN HARRY FRYFOGLE Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head Office - Toronto H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency Winghani W. A. CRAWFORD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 150 Wingham DR. W. M. CONNELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 19 11103, FELLS AUCTIONEER and REAL ESTATE THE BEST OF SERVICE PLENTY OF EXPERIENCE 'Phone 231 Wingham Teeswater, Ontario Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office: Gofton House, Wroxeter every Thursday afternoon 1.30 to 4.30 and by appointment. Phone Teeswater 1203 J. W. MINIM Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office - Meyer Block. Wingham • J. H. CRAWFORD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Bonds, Investments & Mortgages Wingham -t- Ontario DONALD B. BLUE Experienced Auctioneer Licensed for Counties of HURON & BRUCE All Sales Capably Handled Phone 49. t Ripley, Ontario Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Furniture and ' Funeral Service Ambulance Service Phones: Day 109W. Night 1093. FREDERICK A. PARKER OSTEOPATH Offices: Centre St., Wingham Osteopathic' and Electric Treat- ments, Foot Technique. Phone 272. Wingham. J. A. FOX Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. RADIONIC. EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191, MacLENNAN Veterinary Surgeon Office -- Minnie St. Opposite and South of the United Church, PHONE 196 Wingbam, Ontario • .wilawiaitoularmaiwwwwwiworwieni wwinwwwmwwwwWWWwWwwhaw Wroxeter Community Association will present A VARIETY CONTEST CONCERT MEN vs. WOMEN at 8 p.m. on Thurs., Feb. 20 in the TOWN. HALL, WROXETER followed by a DANCE with WILLBEES' ORCHESTRA There will be a Booth in the hall. Admission- Adults 50c Children, 25c Howick Lions Club MASQUERADE CarnivaL FOR DWICH ARENA, on FRI., FEB. 21 Judging to start at 8 p.m. - $75.00 IN PRIZES Prizes for COSTUMES, RACES, CLOWNS and Queen of the Carnival. All Contestants 12 years and un- der RECEIVE A PRIZE Judges: Tory Gregg, Cactus Mac GOOD MUSIC Entertainment for ALL AGES! EXHIBITION HOCKEY GAME and Other Entertainment Refreshment Booth Adults 25c Children 15c including Masqueraders ▪ Lucky DOOR PRIZE - MILK HELPS PREVENT DECAY IN .SCOAPS flomkel MANY PIPES AND CREASES, ASPHALTS, OILS AHD OTN EIi PRODUCTS ARE. PRODUCCD FROM CRUDE OIL? ATTENTION, FARMERS! Let Us Supply Your Needs - ON HAND NOW - PUMPS-Deep and shallow wells ELECTRIC HAMMER MILL WOODS' OAT ROLLERS and other Appliances Beatty Equipment and Appliances Co-Op Washers How about your GRASS SEED and Spring FENCING problem? Belgrave Co-Op. Association BELGRAVE 'PHONE 14 - 4, Brussels ACROSS 1. Mince 5. Prodded 10. Hourly 12. Aloft 13. Avoid 14. Man's name 15. Skin tumor 16. Beverage 18. Question 19. Abounding in stones 21, Kinds of stone 24. River (Russ.) 28 Kind of duck 29 Cut into strips (leather) 30. Walk through water 81 One of the 12 apostles 82 Mohamniee dan bible 34. Antelope (Tibet) 87 God of war (Norse) 38. Little girl 41. Cant 43. Coin (Swed.) 45. Soft fabric, resembling velvet 40. Dressing for pudding 47, Craftier 48, Tab DOWN 1. Munch 2. Lifted With exertion 3, Algerian Seaport ' MEIROE, EEIRIZIE-5 '1:11:111107V) IIIIMEN3, BOOM Z/Clp • I , IMOVIZIO ElbMOMU monw E11211EIR Elli10111EI Ira ?o eigii1=11:3 V IEDRIE1 thin ‘Ingll' MEM 01711illUB Eltlltng MIOVOPERR' as vertrvian Indian 40 Percolate 42 Undivided 44 Royal Air Force f abbr 1111111111/0 aim I 40, MIN 411i11111" 4 111111/111. 1110111111. _ Oa gas 7;7 0114.".:04; ,ti,0.. ..,-. .... II i / 4. Tablet 5. Heathen 6. Japanese sash 7. Capital, Russian Lapland 8. Evenings (poet.) 9. Writing table 11, Epistle 17. Goddess of dawn 19. Smcioth and shiny 20. River (Alaska) 21. Stitch 22 Crested hawk- parrot 23. Sum up 25, Border 26. Topaz hum. ming-bird 27 Man's nickname 29 Voracious marine- fishes 31. Attempt 33 Marine mammal 34. Breaches 35 Verbal 26 Vedic god of lire 38. Spirit IN lrhursda7, February 20th, 1947 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE SEVER SAY, GRANDMA., YOU KNOW THAT OLD HIGH-BACKED CHAIR THAT SITS' IN THE HALL? service to the patrons and the general public which would be hard "to replace. All these years he too has given his whole-hearted support to every worth- while project in the village. In United Church where he has been an elder for many years, his example has been the finest. Mr. Rann is recovering from a serious illness and has gone to make his home with his son, D. A. Rann of Brussels. To Mr. R. J. Rann, a fine business' man, churchman and citizen, the people of Wroxeter and Commun- ity extend best wishes for a speedy return to good health and many happy years of retirement., Mr. Rann's suc- cessor as Manager of the Wroxeter Telephone Company, has not so far been appointed, Women's Missionary Society The Women's Missionary Society, United Church, held their February meeting on Friday afternoon in the church parlours. The meeting open- ed with quiet music; by Miss Hazel- wood, with Invocation by the Presie, dent, Mrs. Allen Munroe. Man liVes not for himself alone. In others good he finds his own, Life's work in fel- lowship is known. We friends and comrades on lifes way, Gather within these walls and pray. Bless Thou our "Fellowship" to day. Take up Thy C?oss was the opening hymn, psalm 737, I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, was read responsively. Mrs. H, Hamilton led in prayer, The Scripture lesson taken from Phillipians, chapter 2, verses 1-11 was read by Mrs. Mac- Naughton. A poem "The Cry of the World was read by Mrs. D. W. Rae, Mrs, Munroe was in charge of the Study Book, the chapter dealing with the illiteracy of its people, which sub- ject is of deep concern to native wo- men. In India the skill of women does away with superstition. They are tak- ing their place as elders in the church and In politics. The youth are being influenced giving new hope for India, Boy Scouts and Girl Guides are mak- ing progress, Health and healing with examination of children is sponsored by Mission Schools also the govern- ment. Nutrition is being,studied where many people have only 1 meal per day, The president drew attention to an art- icle, in the Missionary Monthly written by Mrs. Donald Maclean of the Dom- inion Board who is known here, Silent Prayer was given for the Missionaries of India. The Roll Call was answer- ed by a verse containing the word, "Fellowship" in keeping with the theme of the meeting, Zions King shall reign victorious was the closing hymn, followed by the benediction. World's Day of Prayer The World' Day of Prayer will be held on Friday, February 21st., at 3 p.m,. in the United Church school- room, The meeting will be led by Mrs. Munroe, Mrs, F. Sanderson, Mrs. H, V, McKenney, representing the United, Presbyterian and Anglican Churches. The Guest Speaker will be Mrs, Carter. A Ladies Quartette will sing. All the women of the Commun- ity are cordially invited to be pyesent at this annual World Wide Prayer meeting. Community Concert On Thursday evening of this week, February 20th., in Wroxeter Town Hall, a Highlight by way of entertain- ment will be presented when members of Wroxeter Community Association will present a Contest Concert, Wo- men vs Men. Each to ,present one hours programme. WrOxeter commun- ity is noted for its varied talent and this concert is looked • forward to by everyone, Miss Elizabeth Griffith, Wingham, spent the week-end With her parents, Mr- and Mrs. Geo. Griffith. Mrs. Cliff Denny and daughter, Nan- cy,„Teesviater, were Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs.: Vern Denny. Word received here from 'Mr. Wm. Mines, who is,spendink the Winter sea- son with his son,. George and Mrs, Mines, of Akron, Ohie, tells `of warm springlike weather. Mr. Mines is en- joying excellent weather.' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Martin, Guelph, spent the week-end with friends here. Miss Mary 1Meahan spent the week- end at Stratford and attended the An nual At Home of Normal School on Friday evening. For the remainder of the winter sea.- son St. James Anglican ,Church will hold their evening service at 8 p.m. Members of Wroxeter Women's In- stitute are showing some interest in Group Hospitalization plans, and pect at their next meeting to have the plan explained. Several groups in the Guelph Area have adopted .the plan. Miss Alice Howes of the Bank of Commerce Staff, Wingham, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert, Howes, Howick Lions will hold their next Supper Club meeting in Gorrie on Feb. 27th. Friends here were interested to read of the marriage of _Mr. Tommy Will- cocks at Bala recently, Tommy was relieving.agent at C.N.R. office in the absence of Mr. H, V. McKenny on his holidays last Autumn and 'made many friends during his stay in town, The Guild of St. James Anglican Church which was to have .been held at the home .of Mrs. James Wray on Tuesday last has been postponed un- til the afternoon of Feb, 25th. ,Plans are going ahead for the pancake supper to be held on Shrove Tuesday, Febru-1 YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION Our 25 point Scientific Examin- tion enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable Vision. F. F. 110MUTH Optometrist Phone 118 Harriston 'MUGGS AND SKEETER yis... WHAT ABOUT IT? Y.,ANY GOOD P.,,WHY, IS THAT MUGGS..It5 200 YEAIRS OLD CHAIR OLD.. A GENUINE ANTIQUE!! „. ANTIQUE!! GOOD? L.21 MY MOTHER GAVE ME THAT CHAIR.. IT CAME DOWN IN MY 'FAMILY!! WELL, I JUST SAT ON rr... 10 TAKE OFF MY "I SKATES.,. ary 18th, Mrs. Wm, MacDona.14.who„has been in poor health for some time 'wee tak- en to Wingham General Hospital on Tuesday, Mrs. MacDonald's many friends hope her health will soon int- prove, Do You Want Relief from SINUS TROUBLE? A new and wonderful remedy for speedy , relief from Sinus and Antrum trouble. Also for Head Colds. This Remedy Is Known as SINULIEF $int.dief is a White Powder to be used as Snuff. Simple and Clean to Use. Priced at. $1.00 AT PRESENT AVAILABLE ONLY BY MAIL SINULIEF CO., BOX 582, LONDON, ONT. Please Find Enclosed $1.00 in Payment for 1 Box Sinulief DEP. I NAME ADDRESS .1.1.1••••••••• llllll ono lllll • •••• •••• • • • PRINT washing dishes, brought special com- ment. Two visitors signed the Book of Memory. A new member, Mrs. R. B, Hunter was welcomed. The presi- dent thanked Mrs. Denny and all who had assisted in providing such an ex- cellent programme. Tea was served, Mrs. Wylie and Mrs. M. Sellers assist- ing the hostess. ST. HELENS The World's Day of Prayer will be observed at the home of Mrs. Robin- son Woods on Friday afternoon, at 2.30: All the ladies of the community are invited. Mr, McKenzie Webb was in Toron- to last week attending the annual con- vention of the Fair's Association as a delegate from the Lucknow Agricult- ural Society. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Shopland of Rochester, Alta., are visitors with their aunt, Mrs. W. E. Gordon and other relatives. Mrs. Lorne Woods was hostess for the Februray_meeting of the Women's Institute for which Mrs. Elwood Bar- bour was in the chair. The roll call was responded to with a Valentine verse. It was decided to donated $5.00' to the Chinese Relief Fund. Mrs. W. A. Miller gave the Red Cross report and told the ladies of the Red Cross Emergency Supplies which are avail- able to anyone in the community. Mrs. L. Woods gave a reading and conduct- ed seceral interesting contests. Mrs. Barbour read an interesting article from the Reader's Digest on "God's Eager Fool". Mrs, W. A. Miller read several clippings on the history of the Women's Institute. At the conclusion lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. G. McPherson, Mrs. E. W. Rice. and Mrs, W. A. Miller. Moses advanced a nation to the wor- ship of God in Spirit instead of mat- ter, and illustrated the .grand human. capacities of being bestowed by im- mortal Mind, -Mary Baker Eddy. General Accountancy for the SMALL BUSINESS MAN, PROFESSIONAL MAN, and THE FARMER, S. J. Pymm P. 0. Box 40 RIPLEY ONT. Mission Band The February meeting of the Buds of Promise Mission Band, United Church, was held in the church school room, Monday, February 3rd., 4.15 p. m. with 25 in attendance, The meeting opened with soft music by Evelyn An- ger. President Marilyn Maclean pre- sided, All joined in repeating the "purpose". What a friend we have in Jesus was the opening hymn. Donna Copeland led in prayer, followed by the Lord's prayer in unison, Shirley McMichael favored with a piano solo. psalm 70 was read responsively. The second hymn chosen was God Sees the Little Sparrow Fall. The Roll Call was answered by. the paying of fees, Mrs. Harvey Reidt was chosen to give the story at the March meeting. A game, drop the handkerchief was en- joyed by the children. Mrs. Hector Knight was guest speaker and gave a very interesting story on India. The 2nd. chapter from the Study Book, "Finding a New Home, from Shera of the Punjaw. The National anthem and the Mizpah benediction brought an interesting meeting to a close. Lead- ers of the Mission Band are Mrs. Ira Maclean,Mrs. Wm. Wright, Mrs. Stuart iggins. Women's Institute Mrs. Reginald . Pacey opened her home on Thursday last for the Febru- ary meeting of Wroxeter Women's In- stitute. The President, Mrs, H. V. McKenney presided and opened the meeting with the singing of the Ode, followed by the Lord's Prayer in un- ison. In the absence of the Secretary, Mrs. W. T. Maclean, Mrs. M. Sellers wrote the minutes. The president ex- pressed the pleasure of all in meeting at the home of one of the newer mem- bers of the W,I. Letters of thanks were read from Mrs. J. Lovell, Mrs. Archer, Mr. Weir and Mrs. Stutt, in response to Christmas Cheer Boxes. A , gift'of money was received from Mrs. ! E. Jacklin, $2.00 was voted United Church for the use of the school-room on Family Night. In the absence of Miss E. MacEwen who had prepared Current Events the president, drew at- tention to coming local events, includ- ing the matched programme .being sponsored by the Wroxeter Commun- ity Association. Members were pleas- ed to hear of the progress of their adopted \ soldier, who is now able to walk a short distance unassisted, but with braces and crutches. The Roll Call Memories of Grandmother brought amusing and interesting items with their kindess as the theme. The Grandmothers, with Mrs. Vern Denny in charge provided the programme. All joined in singing There's a long, long trail win-ding. Mrs, Anger read a 1 pioneer Grandmother, which told of the many duties of Grandmother with- out modern conveitieneee. Then at ev- ening she sang the End of a Perfect Day. ' Mrs, J. Sangster conducted a contest. ' Measuring Grandmother's waist. Mrs.. Anger and Mrs. Rae were the winners, Mrs, J. N. Allen and Mrs. Vern Denny created a real pion- ere atmosphere when they appeared in Grandmothers costume and sang as a duct, 'Long, Long Ago. .A contest, 16 things our grandmothers did not have, were won by a group including Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Wearring, Mrs. Ira Maclean, Mrs. Ira Maclean favoured with a reading, Caleb's Courtship, which was enjoyed. A Reading by Mrs. M. Sellers, Grandmother enjoys SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J. SCOTT' 011.1.m...11r- 4.P.-01111111111111152.100.- 4:7 - _-- . -,:cfk; la ... 1.e .. , ,0114;;Fategir. ,,.....uw Atala .i ii7;;,,,•-7 e. ii,."1 ,44.- anor°07:111:11(7711111.:....?0071.144,1:.' 4. iihw wor vi, "' _Ali ,ftr.. , mopz6M... igesitt.im 1111.410071r.....a..-".171:1:"11:: Lrtf.....I:a::::Twrla:ir:MIHlllil:' .:14 -TemeAmij Off ..,.eete eeiiii-eeei' i 5 ' ' ll'i• . '114/71:714f . Pill of CoOPERIS IRON WO. aKS 114R. , cARTERSVILLE, 4 wag IA --- ARMIES IMIRIK4 Li(E. Cnnt. WAR WITH CANNot; 04..4.1..rtIE,Z.....R.:11,....z,.....Ac E.,,,....titi..P.;c......o;o_:,..t.2.....11;F:11Ft:.4%.,rirtoNF:Dn......ERAIC e'... P 0 I PRC EAD ,E LD AR CMG 14. w C111 \61