The Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-02-06, Page 1R. J. Deachman Becomes
Hospitiil Life Member
During the past ,week the Hospital
Building Fund benefitted from the re-
ceipt of fees for seiveral memberships
of various denomin tions among which
was One Hundred oilers from R. J.
Deachman of Ottawa, for a Life
R. J. D hman
Mr. Deachntan is ;well remembered
in this district as ao, former Member
of Parliament, preceding Mr. Elston
Cardiff, M.P., as representative of this
riding in the Federal kliouse at Ottawa.
A regular reader the Wingham
Advance-Times to' which he has been
a subscriber for many years, Mr.
Deachman has a keen interest in this
community and its welfare.
The list .of memberships is steadily
growing and for those who have not
yet subscribed *you may have your
name included in the.tist to be publish-
ed in this paper, MArch 5th., if you,
attend to the matter at once.
All Veterans of Wingliam and Dis-
trict are requested to6eet at the Ar-
mouries, at 2 'p.m. on Wednesday, Feb.
5, for the purpose of *ending' the fun-
eral of our late Conirade Frank Sturdy,
W. VatiWyck, Preston,
Pres.. Sec'y.
Monday evening in the Wingham
Arena the Wingham Stainton Spitfires
in a juvenile WOAA contest defeated
Southampton 5-2 and by so doing
moved into a three way tie for first
place in the group. Grant Ernest was
the leading sniper for the Spitfires
with two markers while for South-
ampton Davies and Morton dented the
twine. Considerable excitement arose
when Referee Piper clashed with the
Winghae penalty time-keeper over a
disputed penalty to Seli for holding.
Despite soft ice both teams battled
hard, with the locals appearing much
better on the play.
First Period
I. Southampton, Davies (J, Schular)
2. Wingham, 13, Lockridge, (Edgar)
8. Wingham Ernest 6,57.
Penalties, T,relford 2, Seli, Ashton,
Second Period
4. Wingliant, Laughlean, (Ashton)
5. Southampton, Morton 13.26,
6. Wingham, Ernest (Stainton) 14.06,
Penalties, Sell 2, C. Walmseley,
Third Period
7. Wingham, Edgar (Laughlean)
Penalties, Sell, Stainton,
Lineups, Wingham—Goal, Johnson;
defence, Willis, Sell; centre, Stainton;
wings, Ernest, T. Lockridge;
113. Lockridge,Loughleatt, Ashton, Ed-
Southampton-Goal, Cutting; de-
knee, Nickel, Trelford; centre, Mort-
on; Wings, Lee, L. Wahnseley; subs,,
L. Schular, Sockett, Davies, C, Waltn-
G. Referee, riper of
Pert Elgin,
Every Saturday evening from 9 to
12. Ken Wilbee's Orchestra, Moderate
44.44-4- .....••••••••••
d& 1/74
Pleik7.."4,,, 4 INCOVA4E0 t.
The co-operation of all citizens of the Town is requested by 'the Town
Council in keeping all cars ar4trucks off the streets of the Town after two
o'clock each morning in order that the snow ploughing may be more effi-
ciently carried out.
W. A. Galbraith, Town Clerk.
With Which Is Amalgamited The iGorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News
Single Copies Five Cents WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6th, 1947 . Subscriptions $2.00 per Year
Ratification of the Germati satellite
peace treaties will be sought,
Legislation to enable Canada to
carry out her obligations under the
United Nations charter .and to give ef-
fect to agreements arising out of in-
ternational relations will be introduced, * *
Measures will be submitted provid-
ing for an increase of from 245 to 255
in Commons membership and for chan-
ges in the Dominion Elbction Act,
Officers Re-Elected, Treasurer's
Report Shows Good Balance
The 25th Annual Meeting of the
Wingham Horticultural Society was
held on Friday evening. The Treasur-
er's report showing a good balance is
• as follows:
Bal. from 1945 64.81
Legislative Grant 51.35
Town Grant 50.00
Members Subscriptions—. . 76.00
Sale of Plants 14.75
Bank Interest. .22
$ 145.35
Balance on hand 111.78
$ 257,13
The 1946 offiPers will continue in
office for 1947. This being the occa-
sien of the 25th.anniversary of the or=
ganization of this Society it is• hoped,
that a suitable celebration may be ar-
ranged for midsumnier or early au-
The annual convention will be held
on March 6th and 7th in the !General
'Brock. Hotel, Niagara Falls, Ont,
rhe Premium Committee will, eri-
-deavou'r to have suitablPpreminms•for
1947 members. This list will be pub-
lished later,
The Campaign for Aid-To-China is
in its last week. Thorisands Of appeal
letters have gone through the mails.
Newspapers and radio' have broadcast
the plight of the Chinese people. . It is
tot likely that many Huron County
people will dismiss the Aid-To-China
appeal by blaming the tragedy of
China on the Civil War, which is•now
going on. The major cause of 'China's.
tragedy is her 8 years of war with
Japan, during six of which war years
China was our ally. The needy Chin-
ese have a claim on our help. No
complete sum-up of contributions over
the county is available as yet, but
when Mr. Fingland reports over $1000
from Clinton and district and Mr.
Nimmo reports over $1300 from Wing-
'ham and district, it seems fair to
-cOnclude that the tide is rising, the tide
of Huron County's generosity. Do
not delay further. Leave your gift
with your local bank. Your gift
-means the saving of life in far away
China. No country has been more
richly blessed than Huron. Huron's
objective is 12,000. It is hoped that
:next week a county wide summary
will be available.
Card Party Monday Night
The -fourth ill a series' 'of six card
parties •will be held ,in .Sacred .,Heart
Parish Hall, Monday February 10th,' at
8.15. Good prizes for high score and
lone hands. Special prize -at end of
series. Lunch served. Everyone wel-
come. Admission 25e.
Skating Party at Brussels
The Belgrave Athletic Association
is holding a Skating Party in the Brus-
sels Arena, Friday evening, Feb. 7th,
Everbody welcome,
Aitended ConVention 'At Quebec
Mr. W. H, Gurney attended the
Canadian Glove Manefacturers Con-
vention held at the Chateau Frontenac,
Quebec City, last week.
Intermediates Defeat Harriston
The Wingham Intermediate O,H,A.
team played in Harriston ore Monday
evening. In a closely contested game
they came out a winner by the score
of 5-4,
Had Operation Monday
Dr, A. W. Irwin was taken to Wing-
ham General Hospital on Monday
afternoon for the removal of his ap-
pendix, He is doing nicely. This is
the fifth operation Art has undergone
in the last few years.
Juveniles Play at Ripley
Percy Stainton's Juvenile. Spitfires
play their last scheduled game at Rip-
ley on Friday evening. The winner
of this game will finish in first place
in the group and Will steed by for the
play-offs until the loser and Chesley
decide the second position.
Provincial To Police
Rural Ontario
The Provincial Police Act of Ontar-
io was proclaimed and came into oper-
ation Feb. 1st., Attorney-General
Blackwell announced, He said that all
rural Ontario except certain designated
areas will be relieved of the cost of
maintaining a police force and of the
responsibility of law enforcement, and
the policing will be done by the Ont-
ario Provincial Police Force.
A meeting of the East Wawanosh
School Board was held at Belgrave on
January 29th,
The question of crowded conditions
at Belgrave School was left over, since
a suitable, room or building, is not
available; which would pass the re-
quirements of the Dept, of Education,
which pays 50% of the cost. It was
also found that additional equipment
and teachers were just as scarce as
Mr, L. Taylor and Mr. M. Robinson
were appointed as a committee to spot
a new well drilled at No, 9.
It was decided that prizes were to
be given at the Belgrave School Fair,
concerning a Safety Competition; (1),
the best poster; (2) the best essay,
length one foolscap page,
The Board' recommended that Mr.
J. F. McCallum act as truant officer, at
a salary of $20,00 a year.
Nine accounts totalling $100.21,
were ordered paid.
Wood contracts were let for all
schools, and caretakers were engaged
at six schools.
The meeting adjourned to meet in
the future on the fourth Monday of
each month.
The• Meek courtesy you can show
your gfiests•'; from out of town is to
have their -visits mentioned in the loc-
al paper-your paper.
We ,are endeavouring to print the
newsiest paper possible, but many an
item is overlooked, not because we did
not. want to print it, rather because we
were unaware that it happened. We.
need your co-operation and assistance,
if 'you know any; thing that you think
will be of interest please telephone 34.
We will appreciate it.
St. Paul's Ladies Guild will hold a
twenty-five cent VALENTINE TEA.
on Saturday afternoon, Feb. 15th., in
the Parish Room of the Church at 3
o'clock. A table of novelties of all de-
scription will be on sale.
Ontario House Opens March 6th
Premier Drew of Ontario announced
Saturday the Provincial :Legislature
will open its 1947 session'on Thursday,
March 6th. The premier said the de-
cision was reached at a Cabinet meet-
ing but announcement. was withheld
to communicate with the 'lieutenant-
The Young People of the Wingham
Baptist Church held their meeting on
Monday night with a good number in
attendance. The program. was pre-
pared by Harold Pocock with the vice-
president, Miss Ruth Cantelon in
charge. The meeting was opened with
the hymn, "I know Whom I Have Be-
lieved", and prayer by Mrs. Bruce
MacLean, Miss Marjorie Falconer
then read the Scripture found in Psalm
46, Mrs. Frank Collar lead a reading
entitled "How a Policeman was Sav-
ed", which was followed by a Bible
Quiz conducted by Miss Ruth Cante-
lon. A second hymn entitled "Sun-
light in my soul" was sung by all.
'The speaker of the evening was Mr.
Harold Pocock whO took for his text,
Ephesians 3: 21-22, which speaks of
our God who is able to do exceedingly
abundantly above all that we ask or
think according to the power that'
worketh in us. The closing hymn was
"Jesus paid it all", and Mr, Frank Col-
lar closed with prayer,
The mailing lists of The Advance-
Times have been corrected up to and
including Mqnday, Feb. 3rd, and the
label on your paper should now read
correctly. Should your label be in er-
ror please notify us at once in order
that it may be rectified.
If your label bears a date prior to
Feb.47, your subscription is in arrears
and settlement should be made at the
earliest opportunity. All subscriptions
are payable in advance•as required by
the circulation bureau and advertising
Dance At Currie's
School, Friday, Feb. 7th.
A dance will be held at the Currie
School on Friday evening, Feb. 7th.
Tiffin's ,Orchestra.- Everybody wel-
Arrived In England
We received a letter from Mrs. J.
W. Smyth this week in which she de-
scribed' her trip to England on the
Queen Elizabeth. She sailed on the
27th of November and arrived in Lan-
caster on the 4th of December. The
trip over was very rough and at one
time the boat rolled over on its side
and she as well as many others thought
it was all over for them. She writes
that there are plenty of good things
over there but they are quite expen-
sive. Mrs. Smith formerly resided on
the corner of Edward and 'Patrick Sts.,
Good Crowd Despite Stormy Weather
A talk on "Handicrafts" given by
Mrs. Lereine Ballantyne representa-
tive of a flour mill was much enjoyed
by the ladies of Wingham on Friday
afternoon, January 31st,, when a meet-
ing sponsored by the Woman's Assoc-
iation was held in the United Church
S.S. room. After the singing of "0
Canada", Mrs. R. R, Hobden, 'presi-
dent, welcomed the ladies, Musical
numbers were offered by Mrs, W, B.
McCool, Mrs: W. J. Greer on behalf
of the W.A. introduced the speaker.
Speaking ore "Handicrafts of the Can-
adian Woman" Mrs. Ballantyne ap-
pealed for the featuring of more local
design in the craft work done in the
differotat districts, Mrs, Geo, Howson
moved a hearty vote of thanks to the
speaker which was seconded by Mrs.
A, W. Irwin. A social hour was then
The Wingham town council met on
'Monday evening with all members pre-
sent, Mayor Kennedy in the chair. His
worship expressed regret at the sud-
den passing of Frank Sturdy, Utilities
Mr. Sam Burton, director of Recre-
ation, was present reported on his work
and what had been accomplished to
Communications were received from
Waltei• H. Woods, Turnberry,
Turnberry School Board, thanking
the council for the council chambers
for holding their meetings.
Salvation Army, appealing for funds
for their Hamilton Hospital.
Dr, W. A. McKibbon, Medical Offi-
cer of Health, giving a complete re-
port for the year. He reported 219
births and 55 deaths. A vote of thanks
was ordered sent to Dr. McKibbon for
his excellent report.
Navy League, requesting permis-
sion to hold a tag day this year, This
was granted.
Sailors' Society, requesting permis-
sion for tag day. No action was tak-
Ontario Mayor Association, contain-
ing submissions presented to Provin-
cial Government, and requesting mem-
bership. The membership fee was or-
dered paid.
Johns Mansville re the condition of
the roof of the town hall. This will
be inspected shortly.
Liquor License Board, explaining
whereby the municipality .by designat-
ing the local police as enforcement of-
ficers of the Liquor Control Act, all
fines will be paid to the municipality.
lOwing to ,some doubt as to whether
Wingham was under the Liquor Con-
trol Act or Canada Temperance. Act
brought some discussion. It was de-
cided that such bylaw and agreement
be entered into if the Liquor Control
Act is in force here.
War Assets Corporation regarding
Port Albert buildings.
The. Finance .Committee-presented a
number of accounts properly certified,
These were ordered paid.
Court, Rae for the Street Committee
explained the trouble with the snow
plow, and asked Coun. Reavie to re-
port on the matter of purchasing a
truck. The council were in favour of
the purchase and the committee were
empowered to secure prices. The work
of removing the curbs and widening
Josephine street was discussed.
The field at the south end of the
town could 'be made into a suitable
hard ball diamond was their opinion
and this will he looked into when the
estimates for the year are struck,
The matter of cars being parked on
the streets and interefering with the
snow plow was a big question, and the
council agreed to appeal to motorists
to have their cars removed during the
night so that this work could be car-
ried on to greater advantage.
Coun, McKibbon for the Property
Committee, reported on the painting
and decorating. He said new toilets
and wash bowl have been installed.
New blinds have been ordered for the
council chambers, and he felt that lin-
oleum should be laid in the ladies rest
room and corridor.
For the Fire Committee, Coun. Gur-
ney reprted that 2 nozzles and 100
feet of hose were needs, the rest of the
equipment was in good shape. Trouble
is being experienced with cars parking
at the side of the town hall, •Itindering
the movement of the fire truck. The
Street Committee was empowered to
interview the town solicitor with re-
gard to parking there and on streets
entering Josephine, and to submit same
at the next meeting.
• Conn. Campbell reported that the
Welfare Committee had agreed to take
over the ways and means committee of
the Red Cross.
Conn. Rae, chairman of the Band
Committee, suggested that the Band
be given the privilege of using the
council chambers for meetings and to
hold practise. After a discussion it
was agreed that the Band be granted
use of the stage in the town hall for
practise and part of the cupboard space
in the council chambers for storage of
'The Bond of $2000 for the treasurer
The accommodation for farm horses
was a much discussed question, The
council agreed that much improved
conditions es are an urgent necessity and
if a right of way can be secured from
Canada Packers that the property of
Mr. A. Anstett be purchased if pos-
sible, so that a barn may be erected on
it with the assistance of neighbouring
farmers and the merchants of the town,
Mayor Kennedy reported that there
have been a numbet of enquiries lately
regarding building lots. The council
agreed to advertise for any having lots
for sale to leave all informatiett with
the town clerk.
Committees For the Year Are Selected
Zone Commander Norman W, iMil-
ler, installed the following 1947 slate
of officers at the annual meeting of
the Wingham Legion Branch 180.
President, Walter VanWyck; 1st.
Vice-President, Dr. A. W. Irwin; 2nd,
Vice-President, E. S. Lewis; 3rd. Vice-
President, T. W. Platt, financial Sec-
retary, Lloyd Hingston; recording-
secretary, John Preston; Press Secret-
ary, Frank Sturdy; Treasurer, Carl
Seip; adjustment officer, Duncan Ken-
nedy; assistant, Robert S. Hethering-
ton; Sgt. at Arms, Bert Mitchell; assis-
tant, Willis Hall; Chaplain, Rev, Alex
Nimmo; auditors, Dr. George Ross,
Donald Nasmith.
Welfare and Visiting Committee:.
A. M, Peebles, Richard Burbridge,
Emerson Shera, Frank Collar, R. Col-
lar, K. Johnston, Jack Bateson.
Poppy Committee, Dr. A. W. Ir-
win, William G. Hamilton, E. S. Lew-
is, Donald Nasmith, Ai D. MacWil-
House and Property Committee,
'Walter VanWyck, A. M. Peebles, Ar-
thur Furness, Richard Burbridge, Ten-
ant Henderson, W. W. Armstrong,.
Willis Hall.
Entertainment and Social Commit-
tee, DeWitt Miller, Frank Hopper,.
Donald French, Ross Hamilton, Nor-
man Welwood,
Membership Committee, Joseph El-
lacott, Roy Bennett, Harry Posliff, J.
S. Walters, Kenneth H. Wheeler, Alvin
Smith, Marvin Brown,. Lloyd Case-
more, Ralph Hammond, Bruce Mac-
Executive Committee, W. W. Arm-
strong, C. R. ,Coultes, Alex Corrigan,
A. M. Peebles, Richard Burbridge,
George Day, J. M. King and all offic-
ers with the exception 'of the various
Accept Objective Of $500,00 To Be
Raised During Year
Following are the highlights from
the Throne Speech read last Wednes-
day at the opening of the third session
of the 20th Parliament:
Legislation will be 'introduced to
continue some price and commodity
controls. * *
The necessity .of giving statutory
form to some wartime powers, will
bring under review measures relating
to labor relations, agriculture, market-
ing, immigration, defense, finance and
export trade.
Amendments to the Old Age Pen-
sions Act will be introduced.
* * *
Taxation agreements with the prov-
inces will be submitted for approval.
A committee of the Commons and
the Senate will be established to con-
sider and report on the question of
human rights and fundamental free.
Cost of Plants
Affiliation Fee
Advtg., Postage;
The annual meeting of the Ladies
Guild of St, Paul's Church was held
at the Rectory on Friday afternoon,
Jan. 31st,, and was opened with pray-
er by Rev. James.
The retiring President, Mrs, E. 5.
Nash thanked all the members for
their co-operation- during the past year
and after hearing the minutes of the
last meeting and a splendid financial
report for the year 1946' she vacated
the chair and called on the Rector to
carry on the election of officers for
1947 which resulted as follows:—
Hon. Pres. Mrs. E. 5, Nash
President, 'Mrs. Fred Fuller
Secretary, Mrs. R. E. Armitage
Treaserer, 'qrs. 114. Dodd.
The' different committees to be ap
pointed, by the officers of the Guild.
The matter of raising . funds was
thoroughly discussed and the ladies
have. accepted, an objective of $500.00
to be raised during the year, the main
issue being the Organ Restoration
Fund and a motion' was carried that
we' start with a Valentine Tea.
:A motion was also carried that we
pay' 90e/& of the taxes on the church
and rectory .at Once. .
Several repairs necessary to the Rec
tory ,were also arranged for as soon as
PoSsible: " '
At the co•nclusionof the business
lunch was ,Served by` MrS. James assis-
ted by'Mrs. Armitage. and` Mrs.' Con-
Nine tables were present at the
weekly meeting of the Wingham 'Brid-
ge Club on Thursday evening, January
gilt:. 'The result 'of the play was as
follows: North and South, 1st., W. H.
French and j. H. Crawford; 2nd,, C.
H. McA-voy and 6. Mackay; 3rd., Mrs.
14. C, MacLean and Mrs. D.13, Porter;
4th., Mrs, G, MacXay, and Miss M.
Johnson; 5th., Gee, Williams and A.
NI, Forbes.
East anti West: 1st., Miss M, Mac-
Lean and Mrs. R, S. Hetherington;
2fid„ Mrs. R, DeVal and It, S. Nether-
ingteit; Std., y. Mason and A. French;
dth,, It. DtiVal and O. Naselgtove; 5th,
Don Nesmith and D. Crompton,
Many News Budgets Held Up
In the Mails
Winter brought up its big guns last
week and dealt its heaviest blow of
the year over practically all Ontario.
It started with a heavy fall of snow on
Wednesday and on Thursday with a
high wind blocked many of the roads.
Mr. and Mrs. Alf, Lockridge were
in Walkerton on Thursday evening,
where Alf was refereeing a hockey
match, on their return. the car stuck
in a snow bank this side of Teeswat-
er, and they walked eight miles home
through the storm.
For a few days the storm eased up
but started again Monday of this week
and by Tuesday with the temperature
down to 7 above, the roads were again
'extremely heavy or block.
Several budgets of news failed to
arrive in time for publication owing to
the mails being held up. The mail and
express truck from Clinton was unable
to get through Tuesday afternoon.
To Investigate Possibility of Buying
Property for Erection of Shed
InterMediates Have
Two Home Games
The local Intermediate B entry has
its last two home games coming up.
Friday, Feb. 4th, Palmerston will be
the opposition, and Tuesday, Jan. 11th
it will be Milverton.
They also have a couple more away
from home. These four remaining
games, will decide whether they will
make a play-off berth or not. So turn
out Friday and Tuesday, the boys are
out to win and you may be assured
they will be worth seeing.
Teen Town Meeting
A Teen Town Meeting for all 'teen
agers on Friday, Feb. 7th, 7 p.m., at
the Town Hall, Working teensters as
well as students are invited. This is a.
nomination meeting.
The regular monthly meeting of the
East Wawanosh Federation of Agric-
ulture was held in the Belgrave Co-
Operative Club Rooms on January
15th., 1946. Twelve members of the.
executive and directorate were pros-
cut, The following motions were car-
ried, Moved by Albert Coultes sec-
onded by John Buchanan that the
minutes of time last meeting held. on
December 11th., be adopted as read.
Moved by Aldin Purdon seconded
by Chas, Robinson that the executive
arrange for the meetings-in connection.
with ,Calfhood Vaccination and Warble
Fly Control.
Moved by John Buchanan seconded
by Lorne Scott that the youth delegate
to the Provincial Annual meeting be
given $15.00,
Moved by John Buchanan second-
ed by Geo. Carter , that the Banquet
be left over till the annual meeting.
Moved by John Buchanan second-
ed by Mason Robinson that the reports,
of the delegates to the County Annual
Meeting be adopted.
Moved by Chas. Robinson seconded
by Mason Robinson that we ask the
Council to hold a special meeting to
consider the purchase, of spraying
equipment for weed and Warble, Fly
was ordered renewed, Moved by Wm. McClenaghan see-
(Aided by Albert Coultes that the meet-
ing adjourn.
The ,council also decided to advertise
for a man for town work, one who is
capable of driving a truck.
An application for a building permit
was received from R. A, Collie, at
was approved.
'The clerk, W, A. Galbraith, reported
from the Nortitulteral Society, stating
that owing to the 'number of trees that
had been cut this year, this society
was willing to plant a free 'free of
charge to all who applied for same.