The Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-01-30, Page 2PAGE TWO Wine:tam Advance-Thrtf.s, ro$LIsaled svnioakm ONTATOLO Setbsictiption Ratte---(1...te „12;00 „St:s`c Months $1.4:0 '.0„,titamnt TO U. $., A.- .P.3.130 Fear Fore4ft Rate, WO per year Actvertrls-L7g rz:e.s. on ap..;.ricatien. Altenor;wed Ser47.4 lfrfaal Fon -Office Deparnment „Farrn:ng tunt...;;-.4: Wore on -zip:=, ha^„te ,i«•:Ter work e---1 , tLinrespiridence 1-0.741 C Ere; ti-Trsicif-ss„ THE ININGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES nttlit”I the cath "U`",t.7.tj. VAltr-74:6 „fLn-:,,:iffitte: and coro-roTailize--1 the warder- ant;g4, =Otters; ha* ritn,...-ost Z -4 -i -e s;;!...1.1 rev, F2, 15,- • if iniita-ntfrital t,t t•4`; ..-.71-71«..1 .0 x.;;;;;:t5f, erterr'..!,:ft rt. . 4". 74134:44.= he =nit haiat ; 'every an abi:ve-averaze ter firrneal and • staridan:ls * * Kr:MEER-We STEEL NEEDED is st.:1 45= the rzhn won. Lr afans by er:4eZT;..1*Ef,e, npt he stood befre. 'ea -4 renne o as the res,-;--Trest=ta-b , gi1"awat..nish.,,. lie last: reate f.c :the hoz....nr.^ was in 1,67i. feht thera raw and cult problems ie faced Ina ' Fear and asked iro<pterato_ '•" -"-.. tn; co=1"4„;;s77.7ntl.247:-:6bitaril-4 11 IT - .ter«.---StE-72-y ""..'....-.. D•23,...' Be irnpen.-72.ed if ofticens ,ii any "--ciport- .tr-,.:1---= retronit_rezdeng a noinlin..-- ss ant grin:: agree with en -_--sa wh- stay e --1--1--=-;:.&"-I':' c-11' -. - - - -,1- .. - we: -:-rer. -7fie 1:::-1--,..t.r:::._".:',„--7.„.ta'_.: "--'-' •-"--'^'^ i .,.."----;_i2-47';-;2-:---r-t,•''' wirk, ci :':'Iri,ft t,'"ZittkD'D Th -c:71 -!r..3 ' • Ca-rad:tans -23sai ''.their ancestors. wisze Dr. Siierw-ood Foca and G. ler- s.,r4tte!=,45_,, ....,==... -..H4 -.01l.e., a--;......----,-,..74.-:- 'ging- eel 4.-..raitt. ,r..5 • ' ..f N:7117 Asz tn.r - ,,.......i.;ri,...tr. - $5,0)D to the 7,:z7flog -nd :it' Western -,..2... "••" -17-7:7, -7:47 cr., 1«..,,ar..2 71 'present-day '''' -- - --:ireers „nosh the fri-rtier E---mtlisr. New H-erAzIet Res01"4i`e-^ :!......nt; „..„-ts. ptised on the hirizin in '17=e 77-'77-'4':'-'5•P -;-; Iffg-IvE".717 s.."."-A.Itt'elii 71,-;:rinins, riffer, chemistry, atimie 2 EWS1NE vat bzAMesis beiaosit t„.• 4. ',..ner :prises. in other Ihn4;iniesses. Act pr:T.zlts, they teLe *fad tti=e, =mins hanktt-..-;-;.„ that etre. is 4. eTnsr..- ,weiri.-_,g,-tm: proce.,-s e.e.7 Sae .o.:7 -inskes-s—thirusar.-L—fs the Ept±,g, Tir-ere abot..4 (..-anaaillta ar.:3„ wasm„^rae,` is a ty;ical stross-sertion Canada's They any cr.-_-re. tian a.Tne so^ „swearer gronps as (2:97.1../ii, arrisods pep:mans. They ant sir--; 42"Aeg-i men Wi".: ;te s pmfertinite, rimeniente, Tchter7tenre *Iirazi-M;ty to get int: •57.'7711-: *reel business. Like: all c -her rt c.torWrus str.,:;-,2" perientane t-.5 1:1 SIV.M.'artg 'Stt: , a snrial nionbet "*.no goids7 and a 3arge m-aitritit stema.,-7„ a -ter -an,: me:7 eity tinm hnsitiess, 17.`n at a Foss „i't 31mas eihthorst the farmer being cirn pe'..red aiwe -up Tens of tit'tn-,,aind ti Canadian farnnars hawe had th...at en pftk-isce, They capital a:3 th thr-* capital W2A. =del It was soil ferdlay, fence Sr-sto.„-..1-,,. machinery. buildings an. Thns fa-ne-ter co zo- cr. iiarming altilstongll Lis farm :^le iericrates into s-^,--n-divirre on:di:fon -ssfs.weas in tether business enterprises nrixere captimi is all 1.011ars.tbankroptcy ;is 'the %peat.- resnit of failure. -- res-ilaniffn aslinz ttnat _ • the, .-it-r;e.fn- ,s-4,,--I't-i.'. 71, -,;.,-.:L:-., penalties -on ----ripait taxes be „rn`r.„-fie-ii • • at,rnaneit... •-ratent to the as.sessecent act regamErinl out great node- ari LT= 7,--reztistzs sezfdsz re"Aared- ge lard to the north presents out. :Shaw. Chitin, physician 't liorfn County Horne, repotted -ttry for pituetririg as 7.17 '.4f«,Vei,!7.n.,;(ikt S'2':7-'rZt :Year '''''4415 resembyleLj. :722 g.„„as„ 1:onkey match: you had to hare 3-cmr rei.detel." There were 14 appli-,t ;Ip..4..„'s-ts 21mi:tat: 3 released; 3 trauffer- enterpfTs,e erer:r endesor.*ei attd 11 'f,"!el. The ne=5-dpaLifes ,1-a=ra:t7-4 21.4.11.:ran1.5 Were: Srann..leY, ;-; TEOUGHTWEEKLY Olio -air% 3; Gney. 1; Goderirt* S;.: " ill is presteintTrustes a-ot for 'tSzePlf;e4, 2; Wic;:ham., 02r4ezz‘ 1; any pers,fr.. to judge amy other person 1; HS:4". 1« tb.`:. average age, hypeceitioal son-lotie -onto itmlates Presmt, RS; '-'17 stns. and conderon the sins of ant"ther. :staff, 8, ;11 Romans 2:1—'7. -loon art ine.x.o.csable, lAinchliteets Urgei-Cco47on WT thin art that jude:it: tt L. G. a for sf-3-.-mtein 7B-2 aTtil,«Ber. plans eve pr-403.sel cordencze.--a *ley -self; for fleon tbrat Ctemn. litinset tr„Iportet to Huron - 57.4 -fist -sarne things'. * .'!Coranty: Comicil that plans Late been :;, - : *almost c-=;;;:leted. for the arclnitc,,-tural KNOW WMIGHAIE 'work ard drawing:s- e There are a ntreber of good 'Several other counties we al? eyes : F denial lots seal trararit at the south- t:r.tr thr.s Hort:in project, and s, ern ends. of Cling ani Ca- ',ewe you 2- br."'Lleing ,of which 3 -..on win -therice Street, at the south-east end of be,. pricadr, smted. After a ,Diaam-21 Ft, nat ard on Cy Stmet. study, Zen 77,9=7.273 be ready in - nese are splendid- nits with months" time, he. 4,tteCts7e4 7.te eXte7rett I'Dt=ti`«in terl7Fe t'S ,tenders; brut he felt courtnn should r -r the business set:don 4,-Torftd tmittesusly on account of flue- toram.' ,iff prices and because of what . titan can be; physirall;, lazy- f Vt:t whetii*.er sie7ntable con..".tar-,,y torenzaterials are arailable. --yet he 2 larty.e'r e'r 1 1 It'STS ITS7.2'11 ghle a siip-idated prir.e. A IP atrxx.ent,mit if he mentallt.r alert; a nennther are inte-rested wiln= architects a =rents- t may be 2 arta: --re. al:I:tic:ale ',estterly inadequate and incorcpeterat EnIUYU 1 it Stte - • Concrete Ieracerlowt things if lZe ,ntside his par- ouler field; ard man in alnifyst any „prafession or business except farming, -can ge by with only the anfited ie-rled for his particular wocratint. • Btti-, and this is not generally zeilitzed,-even by Farmers, in risrmaI --Ermes„ the qualities to ran 123 -acre fa= really surcessfuly. thronah Vents anal had. to grapple with ei:rer mew problems of plan*. animal and snit -encases. to hmt prirses. and meet whangina markets. must be a very. Siter indeed • _Fr_ted W2:rdt,n eFt. mee.taay alire and alert; he =ail have Jail year's warden. County judge, T. Decide To Go Easy On Caning For Coott Haase To-riers Dr:T.-no Smyth, Retwe of West W. -a - :war -of -B. was elected Warden of Huron 1947 at the opening --:,ession oft Tuesday afteW21)02.7, fife was chosen a csitens ‘,"41 Libe7"171 =f:«rlberc. Run- ners-up for Lhe liszt: were ftrneu-e5. Cecil Wheeler Mortis ard J' Arr--stronot, lin3lett. fuer must he physics':3i.: ard csrte1 to the dais by R. E. St.'s -Mirk. .11r. Bridgint-ztn decribed tlse propos- eibuildkg, which Wa.,17 Be of stone mtid f - i• re:he-free-I -11'="7 $teel win r, -,-TZ Be ralsZIPM.,.. The be concrete_ net zon-,:dnre .-r22 be rn_42„--ble po:rt sway, with colored flor-rs.c The hi:m-1oz will be worked out in rol- ors. Wood in the Etrunding win be confined to clipheartis. It was mowed by Reeves B. W„, If You Know Your Will Start Tomorrow .7 Morning! Yon cso-rdirce sure h sun, ere47 Alagmaitazd operate dependably erety pass bare is smiced reg-4,-"Iyby our trebled "lt(41."-.-=, 3:4rn2g We'd Rather Prevent ANION..1111.••• hreakdawrs than fixemI A ..eimple frempendre 'race op"' may sere plenty of in=ey later on- Doer uke chanced Fare aeossa- watin deme NOW by our expert mechawlcs. PMP -r EiPPE,MABLE swrice reasoozhit ids oar poacy$ EDWARDS'. Motor Sales Your Anthoriai ilt.-Ater for and Itmgo This county has ssne,6 no de- WINGHAM ONT, iibentmres fcr E6girway work, For me"..iy ARMS lit1111.111114114111.flilLMS133111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIII Car -d-2-=' Pn'A Plyrnmen C=3 Thursdai, January 30th, 1947 Trans.port fez^ five years r:r $10'D ,11111.1111111111111111111......................1101.1.11100111010111. trz TiTze waxtanS cAz.„-^7,-,-Tittest. re-; Xned 14.7. azd Ileased Hart„gar Net '1 ,2„ sewage ard 'wet= systems, s: „7„rage gas.;:i..--e tanks and refuel:Mg arl tie 24-tr....1....'%;,41•77t.". 771 ftr aSt period :3 z:TAT. r,tans $1,403 per year. C un=, The etrling epf.rt „tif c-;,zotees =as 7restztea ; woci 2s, :he First eel in cath case being chal...---Prt: car -1 esmtiwe, ream -Tit Tnr',..%-ey„ 2412cEwatt,'; nyder, htathies---.; rreS.:4t37; Fe; At; Kerslake., 14 lzhosc-n, r. * 4*nPartih Retn, a rain -torn; 0==dt-4.j y, ▪ S=L Jr:.1-4e; NFLI:t12.5=.11 TrmIkey,, Pepper. Fa:noner We; Corzery crne. Wheelen,AMa27-em=tetr., :1, Z-47.3; 21,3r2CM:i=t0, Rte -=';'*.4 Nichflein. Amy, Berry; Citild-1' retest Aft Daly„ Pezper, 11ntim-; iicne1147LeelerAt, tarappegr:Ainvir.t_etter;:warer. dTenz.: gey Arrnsi.,1-np, Mar.:ham; beak= „ Fare -g-1.1 amain irsciamismiiii ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION Electric Hammer Min UNIVERSAL MILKING MACHINES (Portable or Permanent Type) Installed by experienced and trained mechanics For further information, call and look them over. -Belgrave Co.Op. Association BELGRAVE 'PHONE 14 - 4,.Brussels .1"A -heeler Falloon=- ectralimesm Ra„I'1.1 Alomi.-1-i-T C. Joinnstou Wheeler; A1r-i# $ 6-4tz'Varli'4'* C. jth=32 54U±le- I Place Your Order Now • szn; good neat% kc.,:=, J. ..Ar=st,„74 2-, ii 1i -cods; reine.---mwen„ Berry, Beecroft, - rit port. Ilanitten„ T7 7, JT. DP..ly; clinical At- , III Domance; "library Man -4--:E FOR 'YOUR 'amulit„ oilge ,./e.f.. Costello, N. W4iii ITI = T. R. Patterstn comty ezzi.'neer 'It , it': FARM MACHINERY i IT il gni:4 rep= .5: "A great deal of high- .1 ii -,_-me ID bLrral-c a• s sorb low rates as at I ''' John E. Bumstead & on : 1 _ 'isra3- expere is made far ::.,nor- WITH i n'no„ etn.„ cc: widish thme is no denrecjak it have =Ter been is present and sin. hAe.rest chatrir,m arei - 1 WINGHAM Victoria St a= 'Phone 455 A complete Brie of REPAIR PARTS will be I carried in stock. Es anntottg the higgnt to be noet int azWiLl. the pirmre res_tecthaz high - as iwaz. hbeen trawisforan--*- Victoria St. ;theme 4.1.7chalf2-cany, and maay not do SD' =can alhe retr-restation committee. "1,Vhat are you doing with atia" 4:ces7cr ::atesnrer.F4, Erstize to corn=3- - Reere Johnston1i eplace Reeve socks on the wrong side out My feet got so hot f. decided to Prosisional teSt;TrIPtes ••=.1a--rt«,'-red by 7."ndrey- on the heaith and hospital - jrfiEfflaVICE mi.o.„-ming forecast rate es-a:mated at most eri the anansin,d - I occuple -Huron CG",ZW: Cono-..,:n, Thursday To 'Enflame Timber By-law turn the hose on them". ttrts, flszsthh,,,ess.c751;f: go -elonotgollwt}e acubitiy-331;vofptraseseesd. your Trickey and John Armstrtcna„ and un- ar„imonsly endorsed, that the council ,approwe Bridgman's suggestion that the ,e-Anip.g s -z• ,e'vr c-e-ers house be raid 't,:rt-er Zrt",11 the ffreine session. T MEANS THRIFTY VALUE IlEortrade Up 25 follows: rs--eral, account, It was the geom.4 opinion that the mats to raise $11-4349; contY should be 'enforced to ensure 7 7'59 ralse $1135,64^45- 'the rei,-ration of Graber and the re- tention •of more 21101-qtre.. A few IV.04.25e; snrPkts Illawr might -t- a hards- 1,eerw...ies.. 'e enforcement of the by- General ticcountancy nolo— orowisional esfi'materl 4; 11. P se, • .for the SMALL BUSINESS MAN, PROFESSIONAL MAN, and THE FARMER. sil J. P. O. Box 49 RIPLEY - ONT. Approve Esi.,%-port Lease .1 1:2 answer to an intractiry from Reewe I Finally a fon was endorsed eat- , ";.---ear.ge tests a les Hay, Reeve B. cowering the reforestion committee Is..a.iti that tlne amount serdwed for sal- i inx.„...ea, 1 ;M.-.1=3ThitzkeLtta:L.."477:71.1±Te arciaPr'DPeitetTsafio neetticenrcet oifitialse by-trwseeantbad ttoiterspelony_ „„..a.,.,7? -12 the clalt E,...1. -s! !s w'eeez,.,-11 At the aii'ar:woon se„,..„.-szon. council en - 1 ;;;;:-.Arntstetia41:::::::t.":;htniclin'e24-5: :Is ,ihIdG'Qt-Iiirivi%d; gthReboelandr'ael2PP6iGnraluttedrialenforcetlirnahterttrYhhee, RtegooredRatztio tearsii;dowtatilat 1:ite:717,e ‘.E-voaL.k.Gr:yksiz:orrisci, soanThomd E:stGolNdia st.„,.... 2 -n tr: -q- t the ' tlIngurIch3.-and Haallett; William Dottgall i !I be redeconte4 'for 'the adzaiti'etzaeoajizza - Stnnley, Stephen, Tuckers:mitt The :oaten end-insei a m,-„td,r_ont by !of justice,. and a. sate building er- s'; Recres Tuck* an -3 Armstrong rilat :tette,. Ei=t ns vote 4V2,5 taken cn ti' am -Kilian, and I:Shot-at. The appoint leaving it Where it woted he -useful. Nelson m„-Lsrty in West e- n 1, the ?eel: • ne, 32-4 DIria2g 1 At the request of Reeve C. litTheeler, ltms_ing by the corwtry S.ky tthe names of himself d anR „ eere C al»r airport ircm the Deparnatent :Johnston were authorized to be taken EVERYTHING !S GUARANTEED TO PLEASE 447 DOWDOON BLENDED JUICES ,20 oz. tiz, 2 for .25c APPLE JELLY 24 oz. tin 27c Ogilvies MINUTE OATS, 48 oz. 18c Ogilvies MINUTE OATS, 5 lbs. .25c Ogilvie's VITA E h —10c 3s ...25c Cello Wheat Hearts PALMOLIVE SOA Reg. size ... .2 for 11c PALMOLIVE SOAP Giant „ ,3 for 23c olintios Ott thin% Chase.' & Sanborn COFFEE, 11 bag 47c Thurn's Lamb STEW 15 oz. tin 2 for 230 ":"Burtts VEAL 15 oz., tin .2for 23e. Clarles Tomato or Vegetable SOUP oz. tin 2 for I5c Standard Wax or Green BEANS, 20 oz. 2. tins° for _ 25c rouse OLIVES Plain, jumbo, Quer ar nautili Valley Standard ?EAS, 3 lifts for 29e Beehive CORN SYRUP, 2 lb. tin 20c Howard V or cut Dill Pickles I0 -oz. 23c Rex VANILLA ot., bottle 15c Kellogg's CORN FLAKES 8 o 3. 23c Quaker FLOUR TOMATO ▪ JUICE Aylmer or Heinz. 20 oz. tin .. .2 for lgc Post s Bran FLAKES oz.1�c, 14 oz 1$c Navy TIrSri B4 Ittlis ronswick HADDIE Appleford WAX PAPR 24c Diced Beets or Diced Carrots, 2 tint 17c Lily White FLOUR 24 Iht , .....990 CARROTS, washed 3 tt!s:. .14c B. C DELICIOUS IlOs .6 for 25c COOKING ONioNs, No. 1, 3 ORANGES, 252s per, dozen — 29c CELERY, Green Pascal, 48s 2 for 2ic Woe* effeetiVe mot elating teebvtary lit, 1941 meats are rz211e subject to the approva of ice appointeess. A deiegation cosraposed of John Fal comer of \\Ingham, D. M. McDonal of Ernssels, and R. E. Ratz ef th E. Ram Lmnber, Ltd, was hear regarding the restriction.; set forth i the tree -mating bylaw. They asked protection on -what they had bough and paid for prior to the passing of th by-law. All are en5-agerl in the lurabe busine. They were assured the3 Iwould be fairly dealt with thy the re- forestation committee. The Children's Aid Soziety reported 84 children in care; 25 new child pro- tection cases in 1945; and 28 new un- married parents cases. Book Circulation Higher The Huron Ccamty Library Assoc - tion reported total non-fiction books circtflPtion as: adult, 1,567; child- ren's, 5.098; total, 19,024, an increase of 4,152 over 1945. The Huron Contak Old Age Pen- sions and Mother' Allowances Board reported 196 pensions granted in 1946; 'is-. reinstated.. There were 69 deaths and cancellations; 20 blind per- soa,. are receiving pensions. No action was taken on the resolu- tion from the township of Ho -wick that the amendment to the assessment act regarding penalties on unpaid tax - be rescinded, and the previous sec- tion be replaced. Huron County Council Friday morn- ing endorsed the recommendations of the executive conunittee and raised the salaries of county officials. County Engineer T. Roy- Patterson's salary is increased to $6,000; county treasurer A. II. Erskine's and county clerk N. W. Miller's to 0,000 each; caretaker George James' to $1,500; salaries of Miss Evelyn Cooper, court reporter and Miss Margaret Tociott to $12'5 and $100 respectively. At the afternoon session, ountil set aside $12,000 for the postwar effort, the warden's committee to administer the fund, Any balance is to be return- ed to the general fund. -Grants were authorized of -$2,000 to the -Navy League; $8,000 to the Red Shield; and $S00- to the Canadian Aid toACtrahlantFouint$,000 was Autboriud to the 'University of Western Ontario to be paid when construction on addition- al buildings is commenced, The 1046 totItitil gave a similar grant with the tame condition. 'The motion by Reeves fl, W. tattkey and I. D. Ecteroft also carried the recommendation that the 1948 council grant the same Onunatt. d e t r SHERBONDY!S COFFEE - SHOP LUNCHES MEALS FOUNTAIN SERVICE OYSTERS Fruit Juices in stock Next to Lyceum Theatre WINGHAN 4111111011111,1111111111111111151111111111111111111111111111ht SKATES SHARPENED PROMPTLY ! AU kindof RUBBER FOOTWEAR REPAIRED Have a pair of ICE CREEPERS attached while you wait BROMINE'S Shoe Repair Ill111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111r Specializing. in Cemetery Work Only BOX 373 --.'PHONE 450 Wm. Brownlie moetiptions Repotting sandblasting memorials 25- years experience WINGHAM ONT. °rad* Aotim 1)6 placed as soon AO DOSSible he tatetaitt Pattabl0 Stirldhiatit ItqUiptIltra