The Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-01-23, Page 4TENDERS TOR CARETAKERS Tenders are invited for Caretakers at each of the Schools in East Wawa, 111:1911 School Area, Duties to commence on March 1st., 1947. Written tenders to be in hands of Secretary on or be= fore January 27th., 1947. C. H. Wade, Sec.-Treas., Belgrave, Ontario. TENDERS FOR WOOD ••••••••.1.•••••• Tenders for supplying wood to any or all of the schools in Morris Town- ship School Area will be received by the nudersigned until February 4th. All wood to be Maple or Beech body wood out 14 inches in length and de- livered not later than June 15, The following amount are required; No. 1, 20 cords, 1 cord cedar; No, 3, 20 cords, 2 cedar; No. 4, 20 cords, 1 cedar; No. 5, 10 cords, 2 cedar; No. 6, 5 cords, 2 cedar; No. 7, 15 cords, 2 cedar; No. 8, 15 cords, 1 cedar; No. 9, 15 cords, 2 cedar; No, 10, 10 cords, 2 cedar; No. 11, 10 cords, 1 cedar; No. 12, 5 cords, 1 cedar. R. S. Shaw, Secretary, Bluevale, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the estate of Ellen Young late of the Village of Wroxeter in the County of Huron, Spinster, who died on or about the second day of January, A.D., 1947, are notified to send to Messrs. Craw- ford & Hetherington, Barristers, Wing- ham, Ontario, on or before the first day of February, A.D., 1947, full par- ticulars of their claims in writing. Im- mediately after the said first day of February, the assets of the said tes- tatrix will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice. DATED this 13th day of January, A.D., 1947. ' CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the estate of Wilfrid Blake Gaunt, late of the Township of' Kinloss in the County of Bruce, Labourer, deceased, who died on or about the twentieth day of December, 1946, are notified to send to Messrs. Crawford & Hether- ington, Barristers, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the first day of February, A.D., 1947, full particulars of their claim in writing. Immediately after the said first day of February, the as- sets of the said intestate will be distrib- uted amongst the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to claims of which the administrator shall then have notice. DATED this 13th day of January, A.D., 1947, CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the administrator, FOR SALE — Teachers and Pupils Cyclopedia, 8 volumes, good as new. Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE-4 Sows and 1 Boar, 18 months, all York, Apply Gordon Pengelly, R.R. 1, Belgrave. FOR SALE — Large size Jamesway Electric Brooder, 48x72, equipment for installation included. Apply Joe Dunbar, Phone 622r5. FOR SALE — Pure Bred Yorkshire Sow, due 6 weeks. Phone 617r31. GLOXINIA BULBS & TUBEROUS Begonias. Phone 101. The Green- house. REPAIRS to Vacuum Cleaners, Wash- ing machines, motors, and all elec- trical appliances. Larry Hiseler, phone 426. SAW TRIMMING and Sharpening of all kinds, Lathe and Armature re- pairing. Repairs to all pot and pans. Borden Jenkins, Minnie St. Building Fund, presented his report, which was very encouraging, showing that ianmItt4d5;400 $ t1110e2,2t0o4t4.110, contribu- tions Superintendent's Report . Mrs, Morrey, the Superintendent, in presenting her report, said the Hos- pital now has a staff of 1() graduates, 8 undergraduates, and a new class of 3 ward aides, a domestic for each floor, and a cook. and assistant; a laundress and maintenance man. Mrs. Ellacott was appointed Assistant Superinten- dent, January 1st. The nurses work an 8 hour, 6 day week, and have formed their own gov- erning body from which they appoint two convenors to arrange two social evenings per month, Plans for a train- ing school are being formed for the near future. There had been 1040 admissions; Dishcarges,994; Births, 212; Deaths, 36; N-Rays, 352; Out Patients, 235; Operations, 375; B.M,R., 18. Total Hospital Days 9888. Reports of Committees Mr. W. G, Hamilton, reporting for the Property Committee, said two major projects were under consider- ation. The laundry room was not up- to-date, new cupboards and wiring needed; a nurses' lounge and rest room on second floor. These will be done this year providing material and help can be secured. Mr, H. C. MacLean, for the Man- agement Committee, said the Institu- tion is valued at $207,000. He gave comparison figures showing the growth the 'of the Hospital, In 1942 admis- sions were 439; 1943, 582; 1944, 699; 1945,712; 1946, 1040. He paid trib- ute to the fine staff of nurses. The duties were too great for one person to look after, this being now a 504.ned hospital, and in order for the Super- intendent to carry out her duties, an Assistant had been appointed, Urs. Lloyd Ellacott. Mrs. W. J. Greer presented the La- dies' Auxiliary report, in the absence of Miss N. Dinsley. This was pub lished in our paper of two -weeks ago. Mr. E. S. Copeland spoke on behalf of Mr. F. R. Howson, for the Citizens' Finance Committee. At first they had started out to raise $20,009, but owing to increase of costs, nearly $50,000 had been necessary. Directors Elected The Directors for 1947 were elected, as follows: R. H, Lloyd, E. S. Cope- land, Capt. W. J. Adams, W. G. Ham- ilton, H. C. MacLean and J. P. Mc- ICibbon, the latter replacing W. W. Armstrong who wished to retire. The Board consists of three other Directors, P. L. Davidson, County Representa- tive; M. Johnson, Town Council Rep- resentative, and Dr. -W. A. Crawford, for the Medical Association. H.' L. Sherbondy was appointed Auditor. OBITUARY Mrs. A. Cadwallader Funeral services were held an Fri- day at 3 p.m., January 17th, for Mrs. Arthur Cadwallader, the former May Kew. Rev. Jack James officiated and interment was made in Wingham Cemetery. She was born in Point Ed- ward but lived in Whitechurch before moving to Toronto where she spent nearly all her life, Sine moved to Wingham six years ago. Prominent in social activities, she was a member of the Women's Institute, St. Paul's. Ang- lican Guild and the Wingham Lawn Bowling Club. Besides her husband, three sisters and one brother survive, Mrs. William Field, Wingham; Mrs. Elliott Fleming, ..Galt; ,Mrs. James Bald, Wooster, Ohio, and William Kew of Niagara Falls, Ont, The pallbearers were .Win. Ham- mond, Thos. Fells,' Rennie Goy, Alex. Coutts, Jas. Smith and W. A. Heugh- an. IN MEMORIAM MONTGOMERY—In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Mrs. Lloyd Motitgomery, who passed a- way one year ago, January 24th. Our lips Cannot tell how we miss her, Our hearts cannot tell what to say, God alone knows how we miss her, In a home that is lonesome today. —Sadly missed by Husband ! and dais, ghter Vera. IN MEMORIAM NtWANS—Te loving memory of Le. villa NewauS, who passed away Jan. 26, 1946, There is a home not made by hand; Beyond its golden door Awaits the one who is away, Not lost, just gone before. —Missed very /melt by bee grand- daughter, Virginia. Newans Krasich, Of Detroit, Michigan, IN MEMORIAIVI NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Russell Harris late of the Township of Howick in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the eleventh day of January, 1947, are notified to send to Messrs, Crawford & Hetherington, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the eighth day of February, A,D, 1947, full particulars of their Claims in writing. Immediately after the said eighth day of February the assets of the said tes- tator will be distributed amongst the patties 'entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executers shall then have notice. DATED this eighteenth day of Jan- uary, A.I). 1947. CRAWFORD' & HETHERINGTON , Wingharn, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. CARD OP THANKS Mr. Arthur Cadwallader and rela- tives wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to their friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindneaS' and tokens of sympathy ex- tended during their recent bereave- meat, CARD OP THANKS „, Mrs, Jerry ,CaSemere and family wish to thank the many friends and neighbours for, their kindness and sym- pathy shown them during their recent beteaVetnetit, AO for the lovely cards and floral tributes, and those Who so fondly loaned their ears. Thursday, January Z3rd, 194T PAGt VOUR THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES 1111111111101.11111111111110111111$10111101000111001111111111Milmit WANTED By. Morris Township, a Barn approximately 40 x 00 feet, Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. AN OPPORTUNITY Established Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggresSive, and between the ages of 25 and 50-,--have or can se- cure travel outfit, this is y,our oppor- tunity to get established in a profit- able business of your own. 'Tor full particulars write today to The J. R. Watkins ComnanY, Dept, 0-W-2, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, GOOD NEWS FOR HOUSEWIVES Stainton's Hardware FOR THREE CONSECUTIVE YEARS I've bought chieks from t Kitchener Big-4 Hatchery and been well satisfied", says Mrs, E. Porter of Turners, Qnt. Order them now from local agent. The Government suggests "early" chicks to get into *early production, especially for overseas markets. For whatever market, order .131g-4 Chicks, Canada Approved, breeders pullorum tested. Wide choice breeds, crosses, Wilbur Hogg, R.R. 4, Wingham, ANNOUNCE THAT THEY WILL SOON HAVE ON EXHIBITION AND iBATTERY and Electric Radios, Toa- sters, Irons, Phone Larry Hiseler, phone 426, "To ,YOU LIKE READING?" Most people do and we need an ag- ' gressive man or woman in this Dis- trict to take renewals and new sub- scriptions for all periodicals. Our representatives net big profits and build for themselves an independent permanent business. Pull time or part time work representing the largest organization of its kind in the British Empire. Write for full particulars. Box 552, London, Ont. For Sale In Wingham THE NEW THE ZERO HOUR is fast approaching for chicks to get you those large eggs late summer. Re- member commencing Sept. 1st the Govt, gives a handsome premium on overseas eggs. HILLSIDE CHICKS are fast growing, early maturing, Can- ada Approved, breeders pullorum test- ed, We advise you lose no time ord- ering - or ordering more. Agent is Robt. Jas. Douglas, R.R. 1, Wroxeter, Beatty Automatic Washer This is good news for housewives because THE BEATTY AUTOMATIC does away with 95% of the manual labour previously needed to wash and damp-dry clothes. VOR SALE—Eight room house in the Village of Wroxeter. For full par- ticulars apply to Crawford & Heth- erington, Wingham, Ontario. A- 17 jewels 21 jewels S57511 FOR SALE—Boys' Tube Skates, size 6. Phone 81'7. TENDERS WANTED The West Wawanosh Township School Board are asking for Tenders for the following quaniities of 16" body hardwood, to be delivered to the foll- owing schools, not later than June 1st, 1947, and the tenders to be in Secre- tary's hands not later than Feb, 3rd, 1947: No. 17, 25 cords; No. 2, 20 cords No. 3, 18 cords; No. 12, 25 cords; No. 4, 25 cords. Also one cord of Cedar for each school, W, A. Stewart, Secretary-Treasure, W. W. Township Schood Board. FOR SALE—i new and 2 good used 750x16 8 play Rayon Truck Tires. Apply Bert Worth, phone 323J, FOR SALE—Easy Electric Vacuum. Cup Washer in good condition. Phone 424. DavidTrompton JEWELLER Gifts For All Occasions WiNGHAM Phone 59 The only labour re- quired to operate The • BEATTY AUTOMATIC WASHER is that of placing the clothes in themachine, adding soap and water and turning a switch. Within a few minutes the clothes will have been thoroughly washed, rinsed and damp-dried, ready for hanging on the line. The washer even drains and cleans automatically-- no soap scum to clean out. The new revolutionary feature of The Beatty Automatic is that the rinsing and drying is per- formed by hydraulic pressure. No installation costs are incurred in installing the washer in the home. It is vibrationless and can be used in the laundry, kitchen or bathroom without any special foundation. No special plumbing or water heaters required. The washer can be attached to taps as easily as a garden hose; and water can be heated on a stove if the home is not equipped with a water heater. CLASSIFIED ADS. WOOD TENDERS Tenders will he received up to and, including January 27th., 3.947,for sup- ply and delivery of Maple and Beach. Body Wood, 3,4 inches long, At the following Schools before .1*e 1st,, 1947. U, 17, 20 cords; S. 13, 15 cords; 11, 18 cords; U. 3, 1.8 cords; U. 16, 1$ cords, U. 6, 13 eords; U. 7, 18 cords; 8, 16 cords; S, 11, 1.8 cords; S. 9, 24 cords. Tenders may be made for all schools or for one or more, C. H. Wade, Sec.-frees., Belgrave, Ontario.. 1116.36 5542.88 2158.57 1981,00 1877.82 801112 87.71 416.56 368.09 TENDERS FOR WOOD Tenders -will be received by the un- designed for wood, maple and beach body wood and cedar, to be delivered to the following schools! School Hardwood. Cedar S. S. No. 1 15 cords 2 cords S. S. No. 4 20 cords 2 cords S. S. No, 7 10 cords 2 cords U. S. S. No. 10 15 cords 2 cords U. S. S. No. 13 10 cords U. S. S. NQ. 14 25 cords 4 cords U. S. S. No. 15 10 cords 2 cords U. S. S. No, 16 15 cords U. S. S. No, 18 15 cords 2 ,cords Tenders to be in the hands of the Secretary-Treasurer by Feb. 5th, 1947. Wood to be delivered to the Schools by April 30th. Tenders for whole con- tract or for individual Schools accept- ed. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Phil Durst, Secretary-Treasurer, Wroxeter, Ont. TAXI TRIPS —1 to 8 Passengers, any where, any time, Reasonable. Bert Worth, Phonic 328J. HOSPITAL SHOWS YEAR OF PROGRESS (Continued from page one) , Dusbursements Operating Expenses: Administration $ Dietary and Food Supply Drugs, ,Medicines, etc. Surgical Supplies Fuel and Heat Light and Power Water X-Ray Supplies and repairs Beddings and Linens Housekeeping and Cleaning supplies 161.98 Laboratory supplies and Exp 20,06 Laboratory Outside Agencies 48.30 Laundry supplies 221.01 Operating Room supplies 93.93 Salaries and Wages 16636.05 Maintenance and Repairs, Equipment 65.69 Maintenance and Repairs, old building 1203.21 Simple construction is another feature of The Beatty Automatic. It has leSs than half the num- ber of parts of an ordinary wringer-type washer, $32806,34 Non-Operating„Expenses: Depreciation, plant and equipment' • 2450.84. Depreciation, old building 525.97 li dumninummuinumuummummudir $ 2976.31 Total Expenses $35782.65 Income over Expenditure .$ 6706.53 W, H. French, Treasurer of the Millions Eat only Grass and Roots in China today A piteous call goes out from starving men, women and children. Be g enerous! Canadian Aid To China CARD OF THANKS NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having elaimt against the estate of Elsie Paulin, late of the Town. ship of Howick, in the County of Hu- ron, Widow, who died on or about the second day of August, A,D, 1943, are notified to send to Messrs. Crawford & Hetherington, Wingham Ontario, on or before the eighth day of February, A.D. 1947, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said eighth day of Febimary the assets of the said intestate, will be dis- tributed amongst ,,the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the administrator shall then have notice. DATED this 17th day of January, A.D. 1947, CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administrator. We wish to extend our most heart- felt thanks 'to our many in-le-lids and neighbours who 'were so kind and sympathizing in our recent sad ber- eavement. The Harris Farnily. These Coats include the following: 6 Ladies' SILVER FOX TRIMMED COATS Regular $99.50 Sale Price $69.50 22 Ladies' FUR TRIMMED COATS in greens blues, browns, blacks and reds — Final Clearance Regular $79.50—Sale $59.50 549.50—Sale $42.75 THIS SPACE DONATED BY Pollock's Shoe Store WANTED—Light housework by wo- man. Apply Mrs. B. Ward, Minnie Street. Hanna's Ladies' Wear Day SALE IN MEMORIAM MONTGOMERY—In loving memory of Mrs. Lloyd Montgomery (Miss Frances Jackson), who passed away one year ago on the 24th of January, It was hard to see her suffer, There was nothing we could do, We shared her all our comforts And our good friends shared theirs too But the pearly gates were opened, And a Tender voice said, come, And with farewell unspoken, She calmly entered home. —Sadly missed by Mother and Dad, Edna and Archie. IN MEMORIAM MONTGOMERY—In loving memory of a dear sister, Mrs. Lloyd Mont- gomery, who passed away, one year ago, January 24th, 1946, Though your loving voice be silent, And your true heart cease to beat, Vet we miss your well known footsteps And a face we used to greet, —Sadly missed by Harry and Ruby Jackson, --,--... is 1 1 ki i i ki Untrimmed and Fur Trimmed ii- i -,_.... ii. LADIES' COATS ..., . _ At 'al _,--, is ii i i i i i I r.--. II i i i 50 UNTRIMMED COATS—in all the latest shades ii— Sizes 12 11 to Clear Reg. $49.50—Sale $33.50 I Reg. S39.50—Sale $29.75 Reg. 535,00—Sale $24.75 is Regular $32.50—Sale Price $21.50 ii i FIVE ALASKA SEAL FUR COATS 11111111111111111111111111111111111121111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 a U a N a a a a a a a a a jM limminiiiiiiimmtliiimimitionimmiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiii-h O 1MMEDI1AT9E4DELIVERY 0 1 ell N orge Refrigerator II NEW BEAUTY NEW ADVANTAGES a t -and NEW CONVENIENCES 1 o in a Deluxe Model, Center Freezer inntoN molt° s 0 Rollator Refrigerator at a popular price. Mrs. Ewart MacKereher At Stratford on Friday, January 17, death came with tragic suddenness to a highly esteemed young woman of our community in the person of Mrs, Ewart MacKercher. In company with a group of neighbours, she with her husband, had gone to Stratford on Fri- day afternoon and appeared to be in her usual health. Before leaving for home accompanied by two friends she called at a doctor's office where she expired suddenly, before her husband who was called, could reach the office. Mrs. MacKercher, who was in her 41st year, was the former Pearl Doug- las Wilton, daughter of Mr. It, Jas. Douglas and the late Mrs, Douglas of Belmore. Iii March, 1945, she was united in marriage with Ewart Mae- Kercher who survives, also one son and three daughters by a former mar- riage: Audrey and Doris of Wingham; Betty and Arthur at home; her father, Mr. James Douglas and a brother, Carl, of )3elmore; two sisters, Mrs. Fred Tuck (Haael), Glenannan; Mrs. Elmer Purdon (Florence), Wingharn, To her sorrowing husband, daughters, soh and members of her family the sympathy' of the whole community is extended in their sad bereavement, Funeral services were held from her late residence, Lot 21, Con, C, How- ick, on Monday afternoon with Rev, Alexander Nitnthe of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wingham, in charge, assisted by Rev, Udell. Inter- meta was made in Wroxeter Cemetery, Jeremiah Caseneare Mr. Jeremiah Casentore, a lifelong resident of this distriet, passed away on Wednesday, January 15th, hi his 84th year, Born orbit 'tort Teevn; ship, he was the km of the late Wrii. Was married hi 1593 to Margaret Nano ter of Morris Townehtte.' Saolvitok co a Smartly styled Black . 14, 16, 18 Regular $175 and $225. On Sale $ 149.50 Three RICE LAKE DARK MINK MUSKRAT COATS —Guaranteed best quality—Regular $450. Sale Price $349.50 Ford and Monarch Sales and Service 'Phone 237 Wirigt4itt 11 N 10 LADIES' HOUSE-COATS slightly soiled with zipper fronts, also Some quilted, Reg, $12.50 SALE PRICE SA.95 DRESSES COATS 8t HATS REDUCED MeDONALI)—Te loving mentory of Mtg. 3', A. McDonald, Oct }sassed $ away & years ago, January 21st, none dear mother, gent forever Ilow we miss your -Minn fade, Btit you left us to rattan et None on earth can take your place. Caetivite and teatrlde tArker.- Ile Inissed and ever remembered daughter, granddaughter and sena, Ray and Alex, predeceased” him, Vuntral services Were hold on riri4 day, jazulary 17th, front his late reSi., donee, Lower Wingham„ with Merry ,lack James of St. Paul's Anglican Church, officiating, btterment was is Wingham Cemetery. besides his wife arc five sons and two datighterst Oscar, Stratford; Eeriest, Kinlosg rintest; Vic- tor, Wfilteebureb; Chester, Turnberry Mrs. Ed. Marsh, Wingham, and Mrs, P., Wats* Lucknow, one Sister Mrs, Jahn llutiter iif4fortis, Two 'sons,