HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-01-16, Page 8L111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111114 mm.m Imam. W.A. IMMO. mmOm =MEM MEMO KINGS 11.111M LY~ETHEATR E Show starts evenings at 8 p.m. Saturday, 7.45 p.m. Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2 p.m. ,...,... ,,,,,,, ....... ... . ... .. ............. ....... ..... .... 1,,,,,,,,1 ...... . .. a ... .... mai . ... .. . al .. la, ... lam Thursday, Friday, Saturday, January 16, 17, 18 (DOUBLE BILL) TED DONALDSON JOHN LITEL — In "The Return of Rusty" — And — JAMES WARREN NAN LESLIE — In — "Sunset Pass" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, January 20, 21, 22 CARY GRANT ALEXIS SMITH MONTY WOOLLY MARY MARTIN — In "Night and Day" There Will be a Bonspiel at the rink here on Wednesday. The first meeting of the Howick Council in 1947 was held in the town- ship hall on Monday. Rev. J. C. Cal- l), was present and conducted a short prayer service. Gorrie streets are being plowed this winter by Huron County snow plows. Anothe'r instance where horses are giv- ing way to power driven equipment. GORRIE Mr. and Mrs. Leonard King and children spent several days last week in London. ,Mr. Fred Taylor has been confined to his bed with a severe bronchial cold. We hope he may soon be. able to . be around again. Mr. and Mrs. Bower Farrish spent Sunday with Listowel friends. TELEPHONE 161 - FREE DELIVERY - Smith's Economy Grocery. Robin Hood Quick Cooking OATS, 5 lb. bag . .29c Lealand Whole DILL PICKLES, 24 oz. jar . .29c York Brand Quality BOLOGNA, 12 oz. tin ...27c With Premium 8 qt. pkg. Newport Fluffs 25k.. Pat-A-Pan Pastry Flour, 24 lb. bag 83c Sugar Added 105 oz. tin Apple Pie Filler $1.25 Woodbury Facial Soap, 3 cakes 23c Maple Leaf Toilet Soap, 3 cakes 14c The Perfect Cleaner SPIC.rand SPAN, pkg. Old English No-Rubbing Wax, qt....-...... 98c Support the CANADIAN AID TO CHINA Campaign FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Washed Carrots, lb. 5c 96s Grapefruit 5 for 25c Head Lettuce, ea. ............ Ripe Tomatoes, lb. .. - 25c Celery Hearts, bunch B. C. Delicious Apples, doz. 42c SPECIAL ! SPECIAL ! Low Pirice California NAVEL ORANGES, size 252, .doz. 29c RATION COUPONS VALID THURSDAY, JANUARY 16th Sugar-526 to 540 Butter—B35 to B38 Meat—M64 to M68 11111111•11111011111.111111111111.111111M& An Ounce of Prevention to Guard YOUR HEALTH! CXECK LIST Puretest Plenamins $1.75 - $5.50 Vim Caps, $2., $3.20 Neo-Chernical Food Caps, $1.25, $2.25, $5 Alphatnettes $1.85 d $330 Pent a-kap s $2.15 - $3,95 For a few pennies a day the proper VITAMIN prepar- ations will tone up your system—keep you in vig- orous good health. A run- down condition leads to colds and other serious illy ness. We have a fresh stock of popular brands. Health is Our Business McKihbons mamma; .... aaalaalaapaaat ....... aa .. Plallaallagaal!alalaa141 411 00.01 1:, INTERESTING COPS I OF DISTRICT NEWS I ....... .. lalfaalaManagalaaaa4a. .P1 ... aUlaWa .... ! . WalaulCalA Zoo Receives Eagle From Harriston A large, golden eagle has arrived at Toronto's Riverdale. Zoo. It • came from Harristort where Mrs. Beatrice Tomlin found it in .a semi-starved con- dition on her farm cared for it until it regained its strength and then shipped it to the zoo. Attendants describe the bird as ex- tremely intelligent and dignified. den eagles, rare in Ontario, are protect- ed by law. Brussels Grocers Vote To Shut at 9.30 Saturdays As the result of a recent survey, the grocery storekeepers have decided unanimously. that during January, Feb- ruary, and March, their stores will close at 9,30 p.m. on Saturdays, • The storekeepers passed a resolution of thanks to the shopping public of Brus- sels and district for their support. To Investigate Fatal Accident. At Goderich An investigation has been ordered into an accident at the Goderich Ar- ena last week that cost the life of one woman and sent four others to hospital when a cable balcony rail . snapped throwing 11 persons onto the ice. Coroner W. F. IGallow, M.D., has ordered an inquest into. the death of Mrs.• Frank H. Wood, who died short- ly after being removed from the rink to hospital. The 'coroner stated the date of the inquiry would depend on the recovery of the four remaining in hospital. Considering Artificial Ice At a dinner meeting of some ten members of the Walkerton ,Chamber of Commerce, held at the Hartley House on Friday evening last, the main topic under discussion was `the possibility of securing artificial ice equipment at the ;Confederation Arena. Guests at the meeting were Messrs. Norman Locking, well-known hockey- ist of Port Elgin, and Tory Gregg the sports commentator of CKNX, Wing- ham, who spoke briefly and favoured the artificial ice proposition.--Walker- ton Herald & Times, Too Much For Bossie Giving birth to her seventh pair of twins was too much for a Durham cow belonging to Mr. Orville Cann, of Usborne Twp. In February, 1945, this cow established some notoriety in press and radio by giving birth to her sixth pair of twins, a record that was unbeaten as far as we were able to learn. On Sunday, December 29th., the seventh pair of twins were born, but owing to its -age the animal has since died. Altogether she gave birth to 19 calves. Another pair of twins was born on the farm three weeks previously.—Exeter Times-Advocate. Thedford Inventor Designs Chair With Only Two Legs A two-legged chair, with "pontoon" feet said to be scientifically balanced and firmly constructed has been in- vented by Richard W. Crawford, now of Flint, Mich., son of Oscar Craw- ford, R. R. 4, Medford. The construction embodies two tap- ered legs, a tapered cross-bar, and "pontoon" feet. It is said to be break- proof, and scientifiCally balanced. -The young Thedford inventor dur- ing the war was a pattern maker and model-builder in an. American plant, He has several other inventions to his credit. WORLD NEWS Gasoline Prices Half Cent Higher Toronto,—.An increase of one-half a cent a gallon in the prices of both top and second-grade motor gasolines as from January 3 was announced by To- ronto dealers. The increase will be ef- fective throughout Ontario and East- ern Manitoba as supplies arrive, In Toronto new prices will be 35 cents a gallon for top quality' gas and 33 cents for the standlrcl type, which has a lower octane content, Prices elsewhere will be higher or lower ac- cording to present rates applying local- cally, To Defer Legislation • On X-Ray Examinations Toronto, — Proposed legislation which would compel every patient to have an X-ray chest examination upon entering general hospitals is to be de- ferred Health Minister Kelley, of Ont- ario said. It had been thought the ex- aminations would protect nurses and hospital" attendants Against tuberett- losis, Mr„ Xelley said his appeal two mon- ths ago for people interested in suet legislation to make it known to their members of the Legislature brought little response. Claxton Slashing' Defence Expenses Ottawa,---Defence Department esti- mates slashed' by more than $1,200,- 000;000, for the tartan fiscal year, are expected to be reduced again next year as a result of Movies to co-ordinate the three servieos under one minister, it was learned. just how much the reduction ttight, amount to, officials are not yet pre- pared to Say as estimates for the 1947- 48 firscal year still are under prepar- ation. Defence Minister Claxton said that any Speculation on the size of the reduction would, at this time, be pre- mature and unjustified. War Prisoners. Conchies Earn Over $5,000,000 Ottawa,—German prisoners of war and conscientious objectors brought in more than $5;000,000 to the Canadian treasury and the Red Cross Tabour, Minister Mitchell disclosed Monday, The minister told the Ottawa Rotary Club that wages of prisoners paid into the • treasury by employers amounted to $3,000,000, while the Red Cross got about $2,500,000 from the wages of conscientious objectors. He termed, the handling of prison- ers in agriculture "quite successful", and said the "conchie" problem had been handled "smoothly," New Zealnd Butter Averts. Shortage Here Ottawa,—Canadians have . ration- short Britain to thank for the comfort- able prospect of a full six-ounce butter trhs, aiti,opn during the coming "lean mon- Assurance that the butter ration would not fall below that figure dur- ing the seasonally short periOd of Feb- ruary and March came with the an- nouncement that the United Kingdom has agreed to divert 12,000,000 pounds of New Zealand and Australian butter —approximately a pound per person— into Canada from her own imports. Autos Claim Life Every 13 Hours Toronto,—For every 13 hours that passed in 1946, one Ontario citizen was killed in a motor vehicle accident, Highways Minister George Doucett re- vealed in an appeal to Ontario motor- ists and pedestrians for greater high- way safety. A preliminary compilation of last year's accident statistics for. Ontario discloses a total of 679 deaths the high- est nuinber since 1941, when 801 per- sons lost their lives. Ottawa Ready In Coal Talks Ottawa,—As the focal point of the Eastern Canadian coal wage impasse swung to Ottawa, it was learned here the Federal Government was ready to take a hand in an attempt to avert a strike of 12,000 Maritime miners, Indications were that Labor Depart- ment authorities planned all possible dispatch in the handling of the dispute, since it is of double-barrelled import- ance in 'that it could have a ;vital effect on the national winter fuel supply and it is the first case of its proportions to he handled on a pre-war basis since wage controls were thrown off in Nov- ember. No Tinkering After your amateur efforts fail to fix your radio, bring it here where expert technicians can make it good to listen to! /DeiI1 iS 0 /I RADIO i SFWICE ' Serving you since 1935 Heed the cry of men, w4ictien and children---mil- lions of them made desti- tute by war, and in urgent need of relief. Be generous! CANADIAN AID TO CHINA This SPACE DONATED BY e 7. JOI RAGE EIGHT THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, January 16th, 1947 They're New! They're Beautiful! TRIMZ READY TO HANG PAPER DRAPERIES Ready hemmed and headed— Just hang up ONLY $2.49 a set 'Set includes 1 pair Drapes, 2% yds. long 581/2" wide and two extra long matching Tie-backs STYLE TESTED NO IRONING NECESSARY FADE PROOF SO EASY TO HANG FLAME RESISTANT CLEANABLE Here is an inexpensive way to ch'ange the entire outlook of your living room or bedroom. Come in today and look over the various colors and patterns. MOM. .87.60 MOlons NOM. MEM. MoOmO ..m. M... MOMM MM.. ...0 YOMNO OMMO O.1.• MM.. ...8 MMMO OMOW Mmim. 01.00 MEMO mumml MM.. M.O. MM.. MM▪ .. amma 1.1•11 MM.. OMMO MOM. ..0. MOM. MM.. MOON mum. 1.0.6 M••••• ••••••• timloo•• 11.1 ••0•••• 11.1 /Om.. 01.7.• ONO. MOON. 117.1.111 MM.. MM.. MOM. MOOM M.O. MM.. 0.0. MO▪ MM 00y. =MOM OM.. O... W.O. =WNW MMO. Bedspreads, Drapes, Drape Sets and Drapery Material Value, Quality and Ideal Styling FLORAL CHINTZ BED SETS. Drapes 36" x 90" Bedspread 90" x 100"—SET $19.95 HEAVY FLORAL CHINTZ DRAPES, 8 ft. long Ready to hang up, per pair $11.50 Spread to match, double bed side $13.75 Your inspection of our large stock of Drapery Materials as well as a full, complete stock of Ready to hang DRAPES is well worth your attention OUR PRE STOCK-TAKING Sale of Seasonable Goods STILL CONTINUES IN LADIES' WEAR, MEN'S WEAR AND CHILDREN'S WEAR, along • with HOME FURNISH- INGS, you will find many items of interest and at REALLY RE- DUCED PRICES. KING DEPT.. STORE ..,, "THE FRIENDLY STORE" — = iiiIIIM111111111111111MiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiM1111111111111MilliiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiN = •••••• 1.7.0 MOM. MISR. Awn. 1.1.=11 11.M. MOM. Mo..* 1•OIon. ▪ 11i 01..* =MM. O MMO •••••• MEM. .•11.• .51 St, John's Nfld.,—Reports reaching here said fire had destroyed buildings and planes at Goose Bay Airport, La- brador, causing damage estimated at $2,000,000, BLYTH Mrs. Lottie Rogers, of Saskatoon, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Stewart. Miss A. Gillespie spent several weeks With friends in St. Catharines. At the inaugural meeting of the Council several deputations waited on the council seeking grants for the mat- ions fields of work. A grant of $25.00 to the Ontario Tuberculosis Associat- ion, also a grant to the Community Rest Room Pund, and the „Canadian Legion building font The council to make provision in the 1047 estimates. The Lions Club open 511' rink recent- ly waited on the council requesting the dOrpOtatidn to supply the municipal rink with hydro and water. The regular monthly meeting of the Missionary Society of the United Church was held Monday evening. Mrs liodd presided, A paper ort India was presented. Miss Clara McGowan ren-. Miss Mary Milne spent a few weeks dered two pleasing solos. (with friends in Toronto. ..,•••••••••••••••••••• Ammormermerearrormormaung. II IMMEDIATE DELIVERY O 0°I 1 9 4 7 1 NEW BEAUTY NEW ADVANTAGES and NEW CONVENIENCES in a Deluxe Model, Center Freezer Rollator Refrigerator at a popular price. 111RON MOTORS o Ford and Monarch 'Phone 237 II Sales and Service Wingharn Norge Refrigerator