HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-01-16, Page 6The Quality Tea "SAL ORANGE PEKOE 4011111111111, is the lot of millions of homeless orphans in war-torn China Brought to the orphanage at liangyang, this starving boy had only an empty bowl. Millions of orphans, widows, peasant farmers, uprooted and despoiled by war, hungry, sick, homeless, are perishing for Want or food, clothes, shelter, medical supplies. UNRRA relief is ending; voluntary agencies must redouble their efforts. China, a good neighbor and Customer, calls piteously to YOU, a fortunate Canadian, for help. In better days, she will not forget! V . Do 4101,/ He "who gives quickly Sives twice. Send your cheque or money order ,ropo to Canaclia.n Ala to cbina for DA ISWIATE. relief oE guttering among the Chinese victims of war and famine. ., This is the only national appeal 10 be mule in Caltuda within the next twelve months for ChinOse relic;/'. .210 0 dire"'''• China, a Good Neighbor, calls to YOU! CANAI,IAN AID TO CIIINAk Make Cheque payable to Canadisk Aid to China a nd mail to Provincial or LOW HeadqUartere, Or to OW Chartered Bank, obtfatiO Committee Ifeadeituutem... Boom 101i Viee..Chainrum=40. 1k. Rmentren;toridon, Ontario. 371 Bay SL, Toronto 1. WS"1.sueo rtispeglit ,,Ot Canada, Cl*tutan. B. Burgoyne, St. Cat 'Menet, Ont. in'td"Memperince Stu,, most& Plumuummummemmumoginumminimmormit • • 4Z.,,Az I i '\ tis - a ,..,. ..,,, t ,,, , a • 4,1 II IN 1 ROOM HEATERS • • - Specially Priced for • 111 Week-End 27.75 g' a a I • a • n SAFE-T-GLO TIN krV:::5:1•147,Vtg. CV1:9MAII;te e- ,.;;;; iutao Please return empty beer bottles he your nearest Brewers' Retail Store or phone for pick-up service. Refund price is 720 for 2 doz. ' pints, 600 for 1 doz. quarts, • • I 1 ' , PUBLISHED IN THE POBE(C.INTEREST BY JOHN 1,s,'BATr 11MtTED: ,1114111•1111111.11.11111111111111INIMEMISIIINIV HEAD COL S For a prompt and efficient way to obtain relief, use this quick acting remedy. SINULIE re Nandlet is a White Powder to be Used as a Snuff This amazing remedy work! immediately at the seat of the trouble and you will feel the benefit ha a very few minutes% It Is also recetamsended for Sinus trouble. AT PRESENT AVAILABLE ONLY BY MAIL SINULIEF CO., BOX 582, LONDON, ONT. Please Find Enclosed $1.00 In Punnet for 1 Box Blzusliet D)P. NAME 1141•••••••••• 'H ADDRESS nos 111.1.W.••••••••••••••••••• NW* PRINT ABEIMM111101111111111211.111111=1111111116. MOST MOTHERS DO THI'SNN iftlaby HasAcold AT BEDTIME rub throat, chest, back with Daposub. Re. lief'bringing action starts right away.,. WORKS FOR POURS while child sleep& Often by morning most distress of the cold is eased. Best-known home remedy you can use to relieve distress of children's colds is comforting Vicks VapoRub. Even while you rub it on, V09I4.11) starts to work to • ease distress...and it keeps onworking during the night, No wonder most mothers do cOldatrikes. this when a v. Am mos Tonight,try t, vArsoRtisi PAGE; '14-M WINGTIAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, Jamory.16t1i,. May the New Year bring fresh strong, th; That they may get about, When a storm is raging around our door, We watch for our neighbours light, And thank our Heavenly Father, Who has kept them through. the night. Now to the careless and unconcerned Who spurn the chastening rod, Oh, may they change their frivolous ways, And humbly walk with God, When sitting in our coszy home, and reading our diary o'er,. How ;natty times we refused the Mas; ter, When he knocked at our door. But now we've got another chance, There dawns a bright New Year, Let us resolve that every day, We'll try some soul to cheer. (Too late for last week) Owing to weather conditions the at- tendance at both churches was small, Mr. Udell failing to get to Mildmay. With white chrysanthemums and white tapers the United Church was quite pretty for the marriage of Miss Muriel Gilmour of Carrick to Mr, Jack Atwood of Teeswater, at four o'clock on Saturday, December 28th. Mr. Udell tied the nuptial knot. The bride looked lovely in her gown of white satin, her sister, as bridesmaid, chose pink; another sister as soloist, was gowned in blue. Miss Mae Jo- hann gowned in blue, played the wed- ding .music. Mrs, Hunkin is at her home again, after spending some weeks in Wing- ham Hospital. Reggie Reid Who was with his aunt in Wingham has returned home. Those taking New Year's dinner with friends, Mr, and Mrs. Reuben Stokes of Glenannan, Mr. and Mrs. Selah Breckenridge of Jamestown, at +- Harry igulvey's, Mr. and Mrs. James Darling, Jimmie and Charlie, Miss M. Jeff ray, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Robert Jeffray, Elmer and Fern at Roy Ruth- erford's; Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Edwards at Herb Millers. BELMORE The Educational Films will be shown again in the school room, Jan- uary gist., these are well worth seeing, Allow us to say the Valedictory ail- alre.ss of Wingham High School was The best we have read for some tune. Those confined to the house, Mrs. Farrell with a sore throat and heavy told. R. J. Douglas had the misfor- tune to have a bone fractured in his foot. Teeswater News is gruelled down to four pages, yet there is all in it we are interested in. ' Mr, Fleming Ballagh disposed of all lois fat cattle this week. It isn't just "Oh where, Oh where is my little dog gone, but where does all the beef steak go. It is quite rare in our town, Miss Mildred Stewart of Wingham, visited with her friend, Miss Myrtle Ballagh, the past week also Mrs, Walter Ballagh. To Our Shut-Ins Another year is past and gone, to some it brought great sorrow, But the old proverb still holds good, There will be a bright to-morrow, To some it brought gladness and joy, In unbounding measure, A new gift on the family tree, Is certainly a treasure, To those who suffer night and day, Our sympathy goes out, Maple Lawn Poultry Farm & Hatchery WALTON - ONT. R.O.P. Sired S.C. White Leghorns Barred Rocks Light Sussex Rhode Island Reds Day-old Chicks available weekly after Feb. 10th. Started Pullets 4-6 weeks. We are working on a Flock Im- provement plan and have purch- ased R.O.P. Cockerels from one of the best R.O.P. Breeders. All birds mated and blood-tested are of the large type ,Leghorn. We operate under: Dominion Gov't, R.O.P. Ont. Accredited Flock. Hatchery Approval Policy 100% Blood Tested Orders received before Feb. 10th at last years prices. New price list on request. Phone Harold France Brussels 90r5 Prop. I no doubt kept many from attending the annual week of prayer services. On Tuesday evening Rev. J. C. Caley dedicated the chapel of M. D. Irwin's Funeral Home. He gave the address of the evening his subject being Watch and Pray; Matt. 26-41. Rev. J. L. Fos- ter, Wroxeter, was the speaker on ,Wednesda§ 'night, taking as his text, Matt 16, 16, "Thou art the Christ, the son of the living God, and offering special prayer for the church in Ettr- ,ope and Asia, Thursday evening, Rev. W. S. Miner of Fordwich, gave the ad- dress taking Luke 11-1 Lord, teach us to pray as his text, On Friday even- ing, Rev. G. G. Howse chose Acts 19:2. "Have Ye Received the Holy Ghost Since Ye Believed," as the subject of his discourse. Anglican W. A. Mrs. 1M. 'Gilkinson opened her home on Thursday afternoon for the first meeting in the New Year. There was a good attendance of members and visitors. The work of the afternoon was piecing a quilt. The devotional service was led by the President, Mrs. H. V. Holmes, opening with the mem- bers- prayer: The Roll Call was' ans- wered with a verse pertaining to the Epiphany season. Mrs, R. W. N. Wade read the Scripture lesson, Matt, 2, 1-13. Rue. J. C. Caley then gave the members some Meditations for the Epiphany. As the wise men of old were lad by the star so may ye still be guided by the Holy Spirit. The meeting was closed with prayers. The hostess. then served a deliciousy lunch. Mr. Jas, Brown of Sault Ste. garie, Ontario, is visiting at the home of his brother, Postmaster and Mrs. Gordon Brown, It is 38 years since he has been in Howick township most of which he spent in Sask, He will spend some time in HoWick visiting his bro- thers and also in Elora where his aged father and sisters reside, ••*•••••=rur• Red Cross Meeting The annual meeting of the Gorrie Branch of the Red Cross will be held hi the Orange Hall on Saturday, Jan. 18th., at 2.30 p,m. It is hoped there will be a good attendance, Vestry Meeting The annual Vestry Meeting of St, Stephen's Anglican, Church will be held in the Orange Hall On Wednesday ev- ening,, January 22nd at 8 p.ni. Lunch will be served at the lose of the Meeting, The Gorrie hockey team journeyed to Londesboro Weditegday and won by a score of On Priday, even» log Brussels .played here, winning by a score of 8-4. After the game a dance 'vats held in the hall spOnsotteiby the IttiekeY Club,Music was fornished by the Gorrie Orchestra, The W. A, of the United Church will bold their January meeting at the borne of Mrs. Manford Irwin on Thursday at 2.3.0 p.m, Mr, Earl Diehl of Guelph spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs, Allan Diehl, Mr, Carl Newton of 'Newtonville is. visiting at the home of his brother, Mr. Reg. Newton. Mr, John Gowdy of Wroxeter, fa- ther of Mrs. Fred Hyndman had the misfortune to fall and crack two ribs on Sunday last. The Gorrie Young People's Union entertained Wroxeter Young People at a, skating party on Thursday even- ing. A program was held in the school room of the church afterwards. Re- freshments were served and a social time enjoyed. Mrs. Cam, Stewart of MOlesworth visited with Mrs. A. Diehl on Saturday. Mrs. George Robertson is visiting ;at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Gor- don Edgar, 'Mrs. Ewald of Gait is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Robert Dane. ....•••••••••••• Russell Harris A well known resident of Howiek Township passed away quite suddenly at his home on Saturday evening, in the person of gr. Russell Harris. De- ceased was in his 84th year, He, was a life-long resident 'of Howiek Town- ship and had farmed on the 15th con. for many years. His wife, the former Rachael Jacques, predeceased him in 1921. Surviving are three sons: Bert and Ernest of Howick and Frank, of Detroit; four daughters, Vern-a, at home; Mrs. Kermath (Stella); Mrs, Ted Newton (Alice); Mrs. Wesley Underwood (Edna), all of Howick. Two brothers also survive, George, of Vancouver and Ernest, of 5th conces- sion, Howick, He was a member of the Anglican Church and the service was conducted by Rev. J. C. Caley at his _late home on Tuesday afternoon, with intentent in Wroxeter cemetery. United- Church Annual Meeting The Annual Meeting of the United Church will be held in the -School room of the church on Monday, January 20, served, A pot luck supper will be Mr. Ted Newton was a recent To- ronto visitor. Mrs. John Hyndman is able to be out again after being confined ,to her , home. Miss Johnston is also ill, we are sorry to learn. Mr: Fred Hyndman spent a day in Toronto last week. Mrs. Anne Cooper, wife of Mr. Al- bert Cooper, 4th con. of Howiek, pass- ed away at her home on Saturday ev- ening. Deceased was in her 76th. year, One son, Wray, of Howick, 'survives, The funeral service was held in the United Church at Fordwich on Tues- day afternoon. W. M. S. The Woman's Missionary Society held their regular meeting in the Sun- day School room of the United Church on Thursday, January 10th. 41 Mrs. Strong led in the Worship Ser- vice," with the theme, "Fulfilling our church membership, in witnessing for Christ". The program opened with quiet mus- ic played by Mrs. Whitley, and the Call to Worship by the leader. The hymn, "Come, let us sing of a wonder- ful love" was followed by a meditzt tion, "Ye shall be My Witnesses". The hymn "Stand up and' bless the Lord" was sung, and Scripture pass- ages were read, on witnessing, by Mrs. Whitfield, using Acts 8:26-38; Mrs. Michel, Acts 16:11-15, and Mrs, Brown. Acts 10:24, 30-48.- Mrs. Whitley ;41 in prayer. Hymn, -"0 Spirit of the Living God" was sung. Mrs. W. W. Strong presented the fifth chapter of the Study Book entitled "Christian Youth Bring New Life to New Tasks". India's youth arc alive the the prob- lems of their country, ' Mrs. R. Ash- ton led in prayer, in the absence of the. President, Mrs. Strong acted for the business period. The roll call was responded to with a thought on "The Youth of India", En., couraging reporti were given 'on the work of 1946.. The Treasurer, Mrs, Whitfield, reported $329.87 sent to the Preabyterial . Treasury. The Mission Band reported $26.19 and the Baby Band $3.44, After discussions, the meeting closed with the Mizpah Bene- diction. Gorrie W. I. , The January meeting of the Gorrie Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs, E. E. 'Wellington on Wednesday, the 8th, After the Min- ntes were read aturusual besiness, let- ters of appreciation were read,' from those who received boxes at Christmas and eppies of "The Upper Room". The motto; "If you want to keep the country clean let everyone sweep his own door" was taken by Mrs: N. Wade. Mrs, Allen Hyndman gave interesting current events. Mrs. Carrol Gregg took charge of the programme, "Home Economics" and gave a splendid talk on "laundry", telling of the Methods used in the long ago, to our most modern etplipment— The testing of soaps, ett,; the washing and drying of different inateridig, offing, ate. This talk was very help- ful and was thoroughly enjoyed by all. A soap slogan tonteit followed, to test the wits of everyone. The toll "TdOw,to remove spots and stains" tratight forth softie helptn StipTeStiOrtli, Ltniel was served by the ioniiinittee, Mrs, 11 Itiontlittati and, Ws. itrinc.' The rebtuaty ticetitig will be held :::%.,,I,!!!" MODERN ji ,/z . POWERl /4;•6', HIOT N top ..0,i.T4 fiat P . • 1 III III RA° Pow Elt V ( t PLATE \ NI, IN 0,, • 6 a III ' 0P0°C"i:, twerurg. oggnate bar plates at a most annotiva primp. Doe- al_s, rot P.. M MI ,p 6 II? • , a ▪ K6t, 44. 44,,Atkft• *watt element, rifit. diameter. Itutebed si, in pearl-tray enamel zees a II a Eb at N 01111111111111111111ilitill1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 i.......................ftwilintismant. • ., ill Save Money- # mi. , 4-. I . by PREPAYING : ! i = GORRIE Mrs. Thibideau, Buffalo, Mrs. Hugh- es, Hamilton', and Mrs. Stewart Mac- Naughton, Wroxeter, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Corbett last week, Mrs, C. Ritchie s2ent Thursday with her daughter, Mrs. Bob Mitchell of Molesworth. Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell Strong and their guest, Mrs. A. Houck, of Regina, visited friends in Palmerston on Thursday„ Mrs, Frank 'Warrell of Washington, D. C., was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. John Warrell and Miss Katharine Warrell. Bad weather and road conditions DRY. CELL BATTERIES Bells, etc. FLASH- • For Home and Portable Radios, 1.1 SAVE SAFELY ! LIGHTS n Always in li DOOR CHIMES Acceptable TUBULAR TWIN DOOR CRIME& operate on standard transformer ot batteries. Length 11", Pleasing musi- cal double Chime for front 10 SO door and single for back door t Other models at ____1.79, 3.38 • MODERN • IMPROVED DESIGNS • A COMPLETE STOCK 790 1.25 1.79 2.75 n n n :14 n IERVICE1 WINGHAM, ONT. MI Phone 184 Robin E. Campbell m▪ uommummummommommumsnammanoniir at the the home of Miss Margaret Dane,members are asked to please note the I the second Tuesday of the month. The change in date. i R . R 04:4:A ' a a Zot.....:.:,,.‘..f •.*/ II I i .1roVvn of. WIN HAM a i i @ Ilk ri . 1947 TAXIES I i i i Ta,xpayers may make payments on ACCOUllt of I i 1947 totes- up to 90 per cent, of 1946 takes, . S i Interest at the rate of Four per cent. per an- i1 74, num will be aflowed on such prepayments. , 4 • Tow' -PtitTOPIY1811:rnettA, 0 s .0 f1;fitacr oitriowtttiS,Hbrieirde at the , : I i a , yO% A GALBRArTililtiiiittirot. ' il Town of liVinghitto. < - ;