HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-01-09, Page 6WHITECIFILIRCH Mr, Robert Ross left on Monday to go -through a heavy operation in West, minster Hospital, London, this week. His many friends will wish him a speedy recovery. Mrs, ' Clarence McClenaghan spent the week-end with her father, Mr. Knowles of Kitchener, mr. Robert Laidlaw returned to his work in Preston on Friday, after rent, ing the Kennedy house, across from his farm, for his family to move into, after their recent fire rendered them home- less. Neighbours and, friends have tak- en pleasure -in contributing to their household needs, and on Tuesday the 14th., the neighbours. are holding a' party for their benefit in the Memorial Hall here. • All are invited to attend and contribute. Tiffin's and the Conn- Waddel Orchestras will provide music for dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan and Carl, spent New Year's at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Barbour, Mrs. Jas. Cornelius celebrated her eighty-fourth birthday on Friday, De- cember 27th. Congratulations. A large crowd of relatives and friends gathered in the Hall here on Thursday •evening for the reception of Mr. - and Mrs. Carman Farrier, who entered the Hall to the music of "Here Comes the Bride", During the even- ing, Mr. Chas. Martin asked them to come forward on behalf of those pres- ent, presented them with a purse of money. Carman thanked all those pre- sent for their kindness and other gifts, and invited any of them who came to New Toronto, to drop in and see them at their home, 23. on 3rd. street, Far- rier's six. piece orchestra provided mus- ic for the evening's dancing. ,Mr, and Mrs. Cameron Simmons of London, returned to their home on New Years, after "spending a week with relatives here and in Wingham. Miss Louise Martin of Kincardine, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Martin, Mr. Robert Carrick, Mrs. Fox, and Mr. anc4Mrs. Frank Ragsdale, of Lon- don, spent New Years at the home of the former's daughter, Mrs. Fred Clarke of Lucknow. The Young—People of the United Church are holding a crokinole party in the S.S. room of the church this Wedndsday evening. All are invited to attend, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Gillespie and Donna May, returned home to Mirnico on Sunday after spending the week of, Mon.,- 8 • 8.30 p.m. • CKNX HEAD COLDS . For a prompt and efficient way to obtain relief, use this quick acting remedy. SINULIEF allnullef Is a White Powder to be Used as a Snuff This amassing iremsody weds immediately at the seat of the trouble and you Will feel the benefit la a very Law minutest It is also recommended for Ellnins trouble. AT PRESENT AVAXLABLE ONLY BY MAIL- SINULIEF CO., BOX 582, LONDON, ONT. Please rind Enclosed UM In Fainsont for I Box ilissullef NAME DEP. H AtiorP111,1414,11,011.111,01111110111“....MASIAM•••• ..... ADDRESS v,11111,,h11,61.1,11641111,01,111,901,111....,10011M,.. PRINT 4:6=11311111111111111111111Mwmadimilik. CKNX 920 on Your Dial EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 9.30 0 BLUEVALE Guest Speaker At Knox Church Miss Evelyn Erickson was the guest speaker at Knox Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning. Miss Erickson is associated with the Evangelical un- ion of South Americta and has been. engaged in Mission work in Peru, Pa- nama, Brazil, Columbia and Bolivia. She spoke of the climate, the customs and habits of the people, and the meth- ods made use of in presenting the gospel message. At the present time Miss Erickson is at the North America headquarters in Toronto teaching French and Spanish. United Church Y.P.U. The - regular meeting of the Y,P.U. was held on Friday evening under the leadership of the newly-elected pres- dent, Wilda Breckenridge. During the business period ways and means of raising money were discussed. The Scripture lesson from Matthew 23rd, Chapter, verses 36 to 40 was read by'Rhoma Breckenridge. Mary Darling was elected press sec- retary. The - topic on Christian Fel- lowship was taken by Melvin Jermyn. In closing all repeated the Lord's prayer and the Mizpah Benediction. Mission Band Social Meeting The Mission Band of the United Church, held the annual devotional and Social meeting ill the schoolroom, Fri- day afternnoon. The- band has a mem- bership of sixteen and raised over $35.00, Musical numbers were given by El- eanor Smith, Ruth Hewitt and Phyllis Hamilton; Jean Hall led in a Mission Band exercise. Recitations including the subject of Peace and Temperance were given by Jean Hall,.. Cavell Rut- tan and Etoile Moffatt. Mrs. Hewitt told the story of "Ib- raham building a church" from the Study Book, "Fig Tree Village", The Band served refreshments and had for their guests their mothers and mem- bers of the Senior Auxiliary. Knox Church .W.M.S. The President, Mrs. P. S. MeEwen, presided at the W.M.S. meeting in the school room of Knox. Presbyterian Church, on. Thursday afternoon, and offered prayer, The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. L. C. Jorgensen. Re- ports were presented .by the secretary and the treasurer, Miss Harriet Jor- gensen read the Glad Tidings Prayer. During the past year the Society', has studied from the book, "Think of Africa". The topic for this meeting , dealt with the last chapter. "Looking to the future" and was taken by Mts. Raymond Elliott. The hymn, "There were Ninety and Nine" was sung in closing, Mrs. M. L. Aitken haS accepted school near Lucknow and left on Sun- day to commence duties on Monday morning. Mrs, Charles Mather& and infant AGZ SIX TEE". mita 45° THE WINGHAU ADVANCE-TI1VMS Thursday, January 9th, 1047 wesseteRsse stsmitossstansts . . ssissmsassoalltstillital ... mitt . .. 1111,4stangt elekRelte deeliffsf a mew poat•mugy Nose Weeps Works Fast Richt Whims Trouble hi FROM otorty,,ruffr egmuss OF Instantly, relief from sniffly, sneezy stuffy distress of head colds starts to come the.moment you put a few drops ' of Va-tro-nolup each nostril. Soothes initatian, f011eVen congestion, makes breathing easier in a hurry. Also helps prevent many colds from developing ifused in time. Just try it t works fleet Follow directions in Roldere A shipment of NYLONS Just Received! Jack Wilson BELGRAVE We appreciate your pat- ronage—the response so far has been very grati- fying. VICI IfAIROP1101 It is believed that the cold weather on Wednesday formed ice in the water heating system of the stove, prevent.. ing free water circulation and forming a gas in the pipes, When the gas was expanded by heat from the stove the pipes exploded*: wrecking the stove and sending coals shooting over the kitchen floor. The sound of the explosion was heard for some distance and fortunate-- However, even though the fire, started by the scattered coals, was dis!. covered almost as soon as it broke out, a hole of considerable size was burned in the kitchen floor. Firemen had the blaze under control within a few. minutes. 9 'Years In 'Lung' • Polio Victim Dies After living nine years in an iron lung, Miss Muriel 'Blake, second dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Blake, ninth concession of Ashfield Township, a victim of a polio epidemic at that time, died at her home on 'Saturday' evening. She was in her 27th year. She and her elder brother; Clifford, were stricken with the disease about the same time. The brother died shortly afterward, Muriel had graduated from'Lucknow High School and intended entering training for a nurse when taken She was removed to Victoria Hospital, Lodon, where she remained in the iron lung for six years. Still in the lung, she was then taken to Lucknow, and latterly was at her parents' home. esses4 . s ...... SI . PI .. ......... 114,,11, lllll rll , ,,, ,,, A ,,,,,,,, 1 iiA sss sss 44 miss ,, sss 0 iiiiii sissnutisosiffistsgi iii!! 4n..!! spiv, INTERESTING CLIPS ri OF DISTRICT NEWS i 1.082 Bushels To Acre Just to show that 1010 bushels of shipping turnips per acre grown by Jas. :Richardson of Walkerton last year, was not a myth, John Dales of Cargill, topped the list in the 800 Bushel Table Turnip Competition this year with 1082 bushels per acre. N. Durrer of Mildmay came second with 1023 bush- els per acre. There were eight com- petitors in the South Bruce turnip growing district who had over 800 lxishels per acre, and this was done in .spite of the driest year in history.— Walkerton Herald-Times. .40R.1•0.avc, MEN'S' RUBBERS RUBBER BOOTS Bottoms for High-cuts Lumbermen's Rubbers OVERSHOES and LIGHT RUBBERS GUST- STAR _;,440110, EVELYN GOULD The Alert-how Electric Hour wltti Paul Schermart one/ /4e Norther,/ Electric CONCERT ORCHESTRA "FORWARD WITH CANADA" DRAMATIC FEATURE Nor-rweel by apho Orobrie wiched" by a couple of Barrie players. --Lucknow Sentinel, Dungannon Girl Wins Guelph Short Course Miss Grace Cook, 15, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Cook, R. R, 2, Lucknow, has been selected as one of seven Ontario girls who are to receive a short course of one week at the. Ont- ario Agricultural College, Guelph, Miss Cook is to study growth and culture of vegetables; the course is being held during the Christmas school vacation. To qualify for the short course, Miss Cook gained a high rating in a 1946 gardening project sponsored by the home economics division of the Ora- torio Department of Agriculture; in her own garden she grew vegetables valued at $142, and kept an accurate accounting record of her methods and cost of production. She was coached by Miss Flora Durnin of Dungannon, lovely young Canadian coloratura soprano who has boon acclaimed by music lovers across Canada, will be guest artist on "The Northern Electric Hour" this week. Miss Gould will sing an aria from "The Barber of Seville," and "Romance" from Sigmund Romberg's "Desert Song." / 40-6-85 He sustained the injury when "sand- fires. Haselgrove's SMOKE SHOP holidays with relatives here. Miss Winnifred Farrier returned to Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Carman Farrier to New Toronto, on Sunday, after spending the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier. The Annual Meeting of the United Church Congregation will be held on Wednesday, January 15th, Born—In Wignham Hospital, on Thursday, January 3rd., ,to Mr. and Mrs. Walter James, a brother for Roy: The regular monthly meeting of the. W.M.S. of the United Church will be. held this Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. G. Gillespie at 2,30. The recent- wind and snow storms have effectively blocked the back roads... in this community and those who ven- tured, on them during the• week-end, had to leave their cars and get a team to get them through, daughter hbve arrived home from' the Wingham General Hospital. Mrs. James Mackie, Drumbo; Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Arnold and son, Jim- mie, St. Catharines; Mr, and Mrs. Idar- old Holmes, Toronto with their father, Mr. Andrew Holmes and sister, Miss Jessie Holmes. Mrs. John _Hall is spending some time with Mr, and Mrs. James Masters, at Parkhill. Miss Shirley Seiling has accepted a position in the egg grading department at the Bluevale Creathery, duties com- menced on Monday. Donald Darling has returned to Tor- onto where he is attending the Univer- sity. W.P.T.B. NEWS .111.0.•••••.•••• • 0.011111111•1•1110•••••••111111111M•11.11111M1101. o o===to=foi 0 oil IDE YOUR LLAR y UR EIGHB 0 U 0 on [01 Everybody has a certain amount of civic pride—that sort of pride which helps make a village a town, and a town a metropolitan city. The growth of any community is dependent upon the sup- port given its citizens, If you fail in your co-operation, 'your town either stands still or goes back. If you uphold your town by, sustaining it wholeheartedly, you help yourself and the community. Buy at home! Be neighbour- ly with your dollar. Divide yotir dollars among your merchants and others who have the interests of Wingham at heart. Help them and they will help you to greater values—for increased vol- ume means decreased Oats. Wingham needs your support and you need the support of the town. Let's get together and share our dollars for a mutual prosperity. 9 MEAT COUPON M67 Valid 6 0 tr 7 8 14 11 SUGAR-PRESERVES S39,540 IU BUTTER COUPONS38 NOT, COUPON M68 Valid 23.11UTTER COUPON 839 MEAT COUPON. N149 Valid 3 NUTtEit ttCtitikolki 440 MEAl tOUPotiM/Ce Valid es Compliments 6f—. Carrnichaet'S Superior Market Smith's Economy Grocery Dominion Stares Ltd. Red Front Grocery SUN MON TOES, JANUARY WED BUTTER COUPON B3? MEAT COUPON M66 Valid THURSDAY CONSUMER'S RATION COUPON CALENDAR 3 FRI 4 SAT RATION COUPON DUE DATES Coupons now valid are sugar-pre- serves S26 to S38, butter 1335 to 1337, meat 64 to M67, Ration books five may now be destroyed, all coupons in it have been invalidated. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q:—I bought a 16 ounce jar of peanut butter and paid 38 cents for it. It seems to me that this is a- high price. at least it is more than I ever paid for peaunt butter. Has an increase been permitted. At—Yes. It was allowed because the Commodity rices and Stabilization Corporation stopped bulk purchasing of peanuts, Manufacturers are now largely dependent on the United States market for their supplies .at much higher prices than those at which the nuts were being supplied to the trade by the CPSC. Qe--Would you please tell use how many butter coupons become valid in January? A:—Four butter coupons become good, one each ott January 2nd., 16th., 23rd.; and 30th. Q:—=Cart a roorning'heuse and board- ing lthuse charge tenants different prices for the same class of rooms on 'the same floor A:—The maximum rates charged for such accommodation are fixed at the' rates charged (Wiling the hasic per- iod; July 1st,, 1943, If the rates var- ied on this date, they, limy legally vary at the present time, 0:---My daughters are boarding in the city where they attend school, What Ste the regulations governing their rations in private boarding houses and in reSidencet, What should be done when they are on holidays at home? 'ImulladieS of boarding houses are entitled to 'the use of your ,datt, glitera ration beaks, Those 'who, stay in boarding sclutels for 14 ton- sectitil.re days must surrender their ration books to the owner of pro- prietor. The OWiter forivards coup., nn detached front these books with his monthly reports. tf they come to bmr f some or laitelItiosni4tnht vv they shook route ith their landladies tettatding the'division' of, their ration Att)Watitea, Doing tong holiday petiodo` yott,would be that. tot to .ti,ae their hooks If yottr Otters are acing their meals at your home, 'Twas His Wrist A week ago we reported the story that George Chin had suffered a brok- en rib in a Junior A game in Barrie, When George arrived home it was dis- covered that the injury was more ser- ious--a fractured left wrist George has the arm in a sling and will be out of action for a month or six weeks. Exploding Kitchen Range Damages Blyth Rectory An explosion in a kitchen stove started a fire which did a considerable amount of damage to the Trinity Ang- lican Church Rectory at Blyth, Thurs- day. Rev. J. I., H. and Mrs. Henderson were away and a neighbor was tending PIPES ALGERIA BRIARS $2.00 - $2.24 Several Styles BROWNE'S Shoe Repair Mitt MAY ,:111 DESTROYED. AES COUPONS,* IT NM 11010, 01=0,==t0=10 r