HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-01-01, Page 6PAGE SIX TIM WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIM] S Wednesday, January 1st,, 1947 Wingham Advanoe.Times Published at WINGHAM ONTARIO Subscription Rate—One Year $2,00 Six Months $1.00 in advance To U, S. A. $2.60 per year Foreign Rate. $3.00 per year ,hdvertising rates on application, Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department Well, here we are at the end of the year I Did you make new friends, dispel bitter tear, Help someone along, and exude good cheer? If you did, - you made a profit, that's clear. s * * ANOTHER MILESTONE PASSED The old year is almost gone and soon 1946 will belong to the past. At the end of each year of life it is a good time to audit the books of our lives to see whether we are a success or a fail- lire as a human being. Financial suc- cess and achievements in the various Arts are commendable, but not the true measure of the success or failure of a human life. Good deeds, friends and character are the. true criterions That spell success or failure in living. If we have made new friends and retained all our friendships, helped those less fortunate than ourselves, been a good example to those with whom we have come in contact, and spread good cheer as we journeyed Through life, then we have been a suc- cess. If we have • failed to make new friends and lost old ones by sharp HAPPY NEW YEAR To one and all, we wish the very Happiest New Year ever, And to all, we thank you, for A' kir your appreciated patron- 4 age. May we extend. our sincere wishes to you and yours for a Happy, Merry and joyous New Year filled with dreams come true. Happy New Year it is hoped to have a reserve of 1,000,-piemaabit ot• • • 1p07.001,settzrpr,,,,a*--#1010kaq.4K 000 Den ready for aetion a few. • s. - • • • ' • •• - • -•• •- s years' time, Britain has taken the right cso course although we deplore the neces- sity for it, 41,x eel with the idea of world dominion, the ignorance of the people, who wondered, who would govern them when the al- lies left. He said there was nothing harder to do than to change from army life and military training to civilian life, and pleaded with the pepole for a better understanding and patience with the boys in this time of re-establish- merit. He received' a hearty clap of thanks. Mr. Newton then asked all those who had come back to stand in, a moment of silent prayer for those' who didn't come back. Then all sang,, Auld Lang Sync and the meeting was dismissed with the National Anthem. The men and their wives or friends, were then asked to form their chairs in a circle and the ladies served 42 with sandwiches, pie and Christmas Caks, and all had a social time to- gether, Garnet Farrier's Orchestra then provided music for the dancing, Those who registered or were notic- ed in the Hall were, Fred Newman, Nat Thompson, Athol Puadon, Hectbr Purdon, Donald Rose, Chas. McQuil- lin, Jack Gillespie, Andrew Henderson, Lawrence Henderson, Tom Morrison, Orton Grain, Relison Falconer, Elroy Laidlaw, Henry Pattison,. Robert J. Ross, Herbert Burchill, Clifford Hel- fer and his wife, Mrs. Jean Welwood Heffer, Ross MacGregor, Frank Mc- Quillin, Gordon Nethery, Clare Van- Camp, Norman Welwood, Rev. W. S. Sutherland, W. Armstrong, Joseph St. Marie, D. U. L. Dale, H. Edgar, Mait- land Johnston and Miss Velma Scott. Those who didn't come. home were, ,Thos. 'Wilson,. McKenzie ,Mowbray, and Stanley McIlrath. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer spent I Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Hector .Purdon al Lucknow. Mr. and ,Mrs.. Aldin Purdon return- ed from Detroit and Leamington on Monday, and they and Billie, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Falconer of Culsoss. Miss Bertha MacKay of Toronto, spent Christmas with Miss Agnes Mac- Kay. Miss Gwendolyn Irwin of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Nethery of Sarnia, spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Herson Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Irwin left last week to spend the next few months at Vancouver, 13, C. McBurney and little . son., returned home. from Wingham Hospi- Mr. Charles Moore had his tonsils removed in Wingham Hospital last Friday. :Mrs. Gordon Elliott and Mitchell, motored to Toronto on Thursday, where Mrs. Elliott will spend a week. with friends, and Mitchell has secured work in a garage there. Mr. Clarke McGregor ,of , Toronto, Spent Christmas •withr, his mother, Mrs. bttnCan MacGregor. . ' The people • of .the Frasbytejlati Church are holding .a Scotch Concert in the Memorial Hall on Wednesday, January 16th, • Mr. and Mrs. Miles McMillan spent Christmas in IiticknoW with Mr. and MrS. Joe McMillan, . . . words, gossip and unfriendly actions; been selfish and ungenerous with help to those in need; been a poor example in our business, social and moral life; and displayed a cheerless, unfriendly attitude towards everybody .and every- thing; then we have been a failure. FACE THE FACTS The end of the year is a good time In the past, Canada has depended to add up the score sheet of life, We on Great Britain and the United States should pay particular attention to how for protection. 'Bile fact that this. and why we have failed,apd decide to country with its small population is make this business of life pay success unable to defend its vast area is, no divideneds. In a few days we will excuse, let alone reason for failing to start a new year and begin to write on - accept and carry a fair share of this a clean page. Success or failures in burden, 1947 will depend on what each person There are none so blind as those writes on the record sheets. who do not wish to see, but even the We wish you a Happy, Prosperous blindest optimist must know now that and SUCCESSFUL New Year, Great. Britain and the United States * * * * cannot keepthe next war away from PEACETIME CONSCRIPTION this country. Already the eyes of the unhappy millions in over-crowded Throughout her history Britain has countries are looking towards Canada consistently refused to adopt conscrip- with its vacant millions of acres of tion in peacetime, but the gravity of arable land. Canada must admit mil- the world situation is so ominous that lionsof immigrants or suffer the con-she is inaugurating this unprecedented sequences in a few years, compulsory system now. The Labour Soon Globe-circling, radio-controll- Party in the past always were the most ed aircraft and rocket bombs will make bitter opponents of peacetime conscrip- every part of this earth liable to de-tion, but it is that Party which is put- struction from the air in any future ting the compulsory system into force wars. In the next war our Canadian now, • townsand cities may be subject to des-Great Britain paid dearly for her truction from the air and this country unpreparedness in 1914 and again in a theatre of war under attack by a 1939. It was the pacific policy of thing possible to help in its protection. Ramsay Macdonald's Labour Govern- ment that was virtually responsible for Britain's impotence in 1939, So terr- ible was the cost of this unprepared- ness in the two world wars that the present Labour Government has been forced to inaugurate peacetime con- scription as the only safeguard in this hostile world. • Only a strong nation armed can enjoy peace. The term of service for everyone will be 18 months and by this means 20--MP?.trArn WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kerr and Jacque- line, spent Christmas with her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Laidlaw. Mr. Robert Laidlaw of Preston, spent the holiday with his wife and family here, returning to Preston on Friday morning. About 2.30 p.m., Mrs. Laidlaw heard a roar as fire m a chimney makes and looking out, saw that the whole West side of the house was in flames. It was a frame house and very little of the family clothing was saved before it was a raging fur- nace. The Wingham firemen answer- ed the call but were unable to do any- thing, Mrs. Laidlaw could not think of any cause, unless there had been' a spark on the roof or in the ashes she kept in a tin pail in the wood-shed. Very little insurance was carried mak- ing it a serious fire for the Laidlaw family, Atpresent they are with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Laidlaw and neigh4. bours. • Mr. and Mrs, Russell Gaunt and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Currie and babe, and Mr, Jas. Currie, spent Christmas in Wingham, with their par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. David Currie. Mr. and Mrs, Dean Drennan and children of Guelph, spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas, St. Marie, and Mrs. Drennan stayed for the rest of the week. Mr. and Mrs, Jantzi and Donald, of Milverton, visited on Thursday at the home of her brother, Mr. George Fish- er. . p Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Robinson and ;1 son, of Delhi, spent last week with her father, Mr. James Purdon. .Miss Ruth Robinson of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Ross , Robinson and Keith; and' Mr. James Robinson of Delhi, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cameron of Aslifield and other relatives spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Mason Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moss and Mr. Irwin McClenaghan of Bright, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill'Parker and children and Miss Faye McClenaghan of Lon- don, spent a few days last week with their parents, Mr, and •MrS. Ben Me- Clenaghan, • Miss Louise Martin of Kincardine, spent a few days last week at her home here. Mr, Angus Falconer spent a few days last week in London. Whitechurch community took great pleasure in entertaining the service men arid women of the community on Thurs. evening in the Memorial Hall here, The evening started with a ' Euchre, with Mr. Athol Purdon and Mrs. Is V. MatIsean winning the prizes for lone hands, and Mrs. Jack McMil- lan arid Mr. J. D, Beecroft winning for high points, and Mr. Hector Put., don and Miss Lois Falconer, receiving consolation prizes. Rev. G. M. New- ton was then asked to take charge of a short sing-song, after which he 'gave a short talk. on his early impressions Of war In hiS home hi Ireland, and of I later experiences in this cottntry, ire' called on Rev, W. S. Sutherland who AS a padre in this War, told of Some ter., tible results of war, as he saw it in It- aly, The ihipoVerishMent of the peo- ple, the apleadid public buildings atid roads, Until the leaders beeame entirea# Mr and Mrs. Harold Johnston and family of Lucknow, and Mr, and Mrs. Hardie Simpson and family of Tees, water, spent Christmas with their mother, Mrs. Will Conn. Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Purdon and children of Belgrave, spent Christmas with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Archie Aitcheson. Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft and Janet, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson of Bruce- field, on Tuesday, and on Wednesday, Mr, John Beecroft, Mrs,' W. Dow and family, and Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert 'Bee- croft and Janet, spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs, Hector Hamilton of Gor- rie. Mrs. Dan Martin and Bill, Mr,. and Mrs, Donald Martin and children, spent. Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Stewart, Langside, A reception is being held in the Mem- orial Hall on Thursday, January 2nd,, for Mr, and Mrs. Carman Farrier, new- lyweds of this week, All are cordially invited. Mr. Athol Purdon is driving a new Hudson, and Mr, Fred Newman a new Chevrolet. Mr and Mrs. S. H. Cross and family and Mr. and Mrs, Ira McLean and children from Wroxeter, spent Christ- rnas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F, McLean. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Jonhston of London,' visited this week at the home of his brother, Mr. Lorne Johnston, and all .spent Christmas at the home of their sister, Mrs. Fred Plaetzer .of • Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Toll of Blyth, visited with Mr, and Mrs: Johnston -on Thursday. Many from here will be interested in the marriage of Miss Mary Ferrol 11,ig- gins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Higgins, of Morris, and Carman Wes- ley Farrier of Whitechurch, and New Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier of Whitechurch. The marri- age was solemnized in Belgraye Un- ited Church on Thursday, December 26th., at 2 p.m., with Rev, Mr.. Dun- lop officiating. Miss Carrie Higgins was her sister's Maid-of-Honour, and Misses Mildred and Edna Higgins the bridesmaids, while ,Mr. Clifford Far- rier of Kincardine, was best man. Their many friends in this community extend best wishes for a long ,and happy wedded life. They will make their home at .New Toronto where Carman has, been teaching for some time. A reception will be held in the Hall for them on Thursday, January 2nd., with Farrier's six piece Orches- tra in attendance. Miss Merle Wilson of Wingham, spent a few clays last week with her mother, Mrs. Jas. Wilson, Mrs. Albert Taylor and daughter, Eleanor of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Morrison of Toronto, spent the week-end with their parents, AIL and Mrs. J. B. Morrison. Mrs. Geo. Naylor, who has been- nursing Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson at' Lucknow, spent the past week 'at the home of her son, Mr. Gordon Nay- lor. Mr. Robinson recently suffered another serious stroke and 'Dr. and Mrs. Wilfred Robinson and children of Dryden spent a week there. Mr. Charles Leaver spent Christmas at LondOn, with his sister, Miss Am- elia Leaver. Mr. and Mrs, George Watt and Mr, Donald Watt, of Toronto, spent the week-end at the' home of his sister, Mrs. Milian Moore, Mrs. Small, Toronto, spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. MacGregor, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dosman and sou, Harry, of Hanover, also visited there. Mrs. Jas. Curran and baby, Nnacy, have been laid up with an attack of scarlet fever. Mr. and Mrs. 'Floyd Bott of Elora, visited with her pareets, Mr. and' Mrs. Purdon. ammummoummumusimo First Class atch Repairs FM. The Present Watches Only George Williams JOHN ST, Next to Masonic Hall 11111111111111111111111111Mminum111111111 tocatwascloomme.tmommogvatetwoottztorgtmatocomommottextme Hearty wishes for A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR The Management and Staff of Itlailwit sue, ta#20.C60#1•Me4414-DEMOMMOMMOIMMAMD#DkMailtilAMMiraitlWat2ft'aMS-M-NADI a • •••••••••••• OrlInNow tarmooetwomeiciamtogtmermeter.ctmtwoceasometzmailemsametateteunt4 1 am Er/ .64 E;# • • rd(? sieSei:einS.SS • sese. " ":•*"."Wirfavm(4,7"' Paul Scherman ami the • Northern Electric CONCERT ORCHESTRA "FORWARD WITH CANADA" DRAMATIC FEATURE Narrated 4. c/okt awhile • NION111111111111111111111111111111EMESSEINV For a prompt and efficient way to' obtain relief, use this quick acting:remedy. SINULIEF Henderson's Barber Shop pi g'e.4k M49`1. -4K A. J. WALKER John Heal John Walker 0A1.2p tQL Holiday Greetings We've a round of good wishes for the New Year that we extend to all. * * * WEEKLY THOUGHT When wounded or irked by some real or fancied grievance or ill-treat- ment, just sit down and write a real long letter airing all your feelings. Don't spare the feelings of the person to whom you are writing. Put down your thoughts in plain, unvarnished English and really "Bawl-Out" -`the person who has offended you — -and then destroy the letter and keep your friend. * KNOW WINGHAM The altitude of the "Pond" at Wing- ham is about 1,000 feet above sea level. Wingham is a town of bridges. You must go east to get out of town with- out crossing a bridge. Wingham is built on three hills, and in the "V" at the confluence of the Maitland and Little Maitland rivers. The Main street, Josephine, is in the floor of the valley between two of the hills and it joins the two rivers. kA4Kg-reiVAMW: :,4 40gAK4!rwql-MkAtigikAte4g-Mg 'V. -- • _V }-^ • x-tormatosetaccectosectommtavvoctemtacemiccwitqwwwww.cmg444 t.11 amblanuziANDaamtv&z:ADwinlraawommak..trowt31%-taimeemschxDow. Belgrave Co-Op: Association' attaattptz• 'PHONE 14 ittlissela Victoria Street Wingham Your Authorized Dealer for Chrysler and Plymouth Cars and Fargo Trucks PHONE. 417, WINGHAM, ONT. (Portable or Permanent Type) 'Installed by experienced and trained mechanics For further information, call and look them over. Edwards' Motor Sales MILKING MACHINES ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION Electric Hammer Mill UNIVERSAL Ef • CKNX 920. on Your Dial • ,,f ^ Ell Cki 1 1 Oh a Theatre EVERY. WEDNESDAY .',' TIME MARCHES ON and soon the Old Year will be gone and the (lawn of the New Year will be here—=May we at this time express our sincere thanks and appreciation for the generous patronage we have received in 1946. ; 1' THE BIG BRIGHT NEW YEAR The big, bright New Year is just across the horizon,. and when it conies let it bring joy and happiness for all. \ BENCE .WINGHAM, ONT. Phone'184 Robin e. Campbell 1111 "zs> r.-2120•#20iptilaNialtVaMITI=MblikrIONAMMVatIODulet.1210400MikliphliTio. Nerz—,Itkrrreio"..irot GUEST STAR MARY MORRISON Widely .acclaimed, young. lyric saprano.of Winnipeg, will sine "The'Jewel Song" from "Faust" . and the ever popular Scottish ballad "Loch Lomond" on this week's "Northern Electric Hour." 40-0-111 , • - 1EAD .c s • Smile& is a White Powder to be Used as a Snuff This amazing remedy works inunediately at the seat of the trouble and yeti will feel the benefit in a very few minutesv It Is also recommended for ShIUM trouble. AT PRESENT AVAILABLE' ONLY /lir MALI, SINUL1EI CO0 BOX 582, LONDON, ONT. ° Please Plnd Enclosed400 In Payment for 1 BO* Shad/of DEP, ADDRESS NAME 1 • isittistr