HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-01-01, Page 41101111‘4414l4404V411411,41M414401Mloovoogir, l41414t4t4t tol4P004.414t4
As the minutes of the
Old Year tick away, we
want to extend to you
and yours our sincere
wishes for a happy and
Prosperous New Year.
David Crompton
Nota74:0012o0WiN=a4114101=4-2a1MX2120100/0447' lau,VIMMIatrat2O-Mboomat
Will be received for the construction
of a Bridge oh the Day Drain in the
Village of IGorrie. Plans and specifi-
catoins can be secured from Road Sup-
erintendent Nelson Gowdy, Wroxeter,
Tenders to be in the hands of the
Clerk by 12 o'clock noon, Jan. 10th,
1947. Lowest or any tender not nec-
essarily accepted.
Wroxeter, Ont.
. —
For the cleaning out and repair of
the Cathers Drain will be received by
the Clerk of Howick Township. Ten-
der's to be in the hands of the Cleric
by 12 o'clock noon, Jan. 10th, 1947.
Plans and specifications may be seen
at the office of the Drainage Engineer,
F. A. Edgar, Gorrie, or at the Clerk's
office, Lowest or any tender not ne-
cessarily accepted.
Wroxeter, Ont.
Tenders for the caretakin'g of the
schools in school sections Nos. 2, 3, 4,
12 and 17 will be received by the und-
ersigned up to and including January
18, 1947. Tenders must state amount
and be marked 'Tenders'. All tenders
will be considered on. January 15th.
The lowest or any tender not necessar-
ily accepted.
Lucknow, Qnt., R.R. No. 2.
Anolications Wanted
Applications for the position of Sec-
retary-Treasurer for the West Wawa-
nosh Township School Area Board will
be received by the undersigned up to
and including January 13,1947, The
salary has been set at $275, Applica-
tions are to be marked "Application".
Lucknow, Ont., R.R. No. 2,
School Caretakers Wanted
Applications for the position of care-
taker for each of the eleven schools of
Morris Township School Arca will be
received until January 7, 1947. Yearly
contract commencing February 1, 1947.
Applicants will state salary. An out-
line of duties may be obtained from
any of the Trustees or from the Secre-
tary, Ralph S. Shaw, Bluevale, Ont.
All persons having claims against the
estate of Melvin Conn Willits late of
the Township of Turnberry in the
County of Huron, Farmer, deceased,
who died on or about the 14th day of
November, 1946, are notified to send
to Messrs. Crawford & Hetherington,
Wingliam, Ontario, on or before the
4th day of January, 1947, full particu-
lars of their clairtis in writing, Im-
mediately after the said fourth day of
January, 1947, the assets of the said
intestate will be distributed amongst
the parties entitled thereto, having re-
gard only to claims of which the ad-
ministrator shall then have notice.
Dated this sixteenth day of Decem-
ber, A.D. 1946.
Barristers, etc.,
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitors for the Administrator, r REMINISCING
Here front-Toronto for the holidays;
Mr. and Mrs, Chas.E. Moore, j. 5, Ball,
Mr, and Mrs, H. fl Chisholm and
children, Miss Edith Beemer, Miss
Olive Pitzsimtnons, Ernest Buchanan,
Lloyd Sills, Bert Mitchell, Miss Hattie
Weliwood, Miss Awde, Mr, Wickett at
Awde's; Miss Good at Chas, inglis';
Mrs., Strome at T, T. Field's; 'Gordon
Griffin, Miss Ada Howson, Mr. anti
Mrs, W. Reading and daughter, Jean,
at D. M. Gordon's, Roy Gordon, Will
Cotitts, ]Misses Annie and Jennie
Swale, Miss Cora Beckwith, Mr. and
Mrs. Will Rodents, and Miss -Josepil-
ine Leary.
Municipal Noittinationst—A large
number of interest&I ratepayers as-
oembled in the Council toont -on Mon-
day evening, at the following lumina,
tionst—FoeMayor, Witt.Holittes, (eleda
ted); for Reeve, be, A, 3. Irvin, (elett-
ed); for CouncillorstaGett. MeKentie,
Wru, Nicholson, b. Met)onatd, 'hog,
Radio Service
iwez- %4gA':
The changing, years
have not, dimmed the
age-old custom of re-
membering friends, and
extend our best wishes
for a happy and prosper-
ous New Year.
Drug Store
tiummat404,44MMOt44=14t4tett 4
May the New Year
bring you the. happiness
and joy you so rightly
deserve * health, pros-
peri ty and good luck.
Mr. and Mrs.
H. L.
This is the season when all good friends ex-
tend wishes and happiness for the New Year—so to
you we say Happy New Year.
tainton's Hardware
Norge Oil Heaters
temletopeteracec_ vemtwelawctavvvemtvomonoct-mcgmc umetem-K-Emmog
To You the Band of Good Fellowship:
To. all. our many custoMers—Hearty Greet-
ings at the Holiday Season. We hope that each of
you may have a full measure of all the good things
you desire in the coming year.
Lewis - Florist
0 01::20 = = m
Oil Burner - Owners
Fuel Oil Conditioner
Improves oil burner efficiency by insuring
quicker starting—cleaner firing—faster heating-- 1
promotes smokeless combustion. . Saves up to 20
per cent. on Fuel Oil Bills.
1 Huron Motors a
Ford. Sales & Service
Phone 237
011:11011011:110) 4011:201==t01:20) 40=0
Maltir-MtiMPA--2 102
arid our heartiest wishes to- you for a wonderful
Happy 1947,
Dunlop's 'Shoe Store
THE liVINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, January 1st., 1941
Gregory, C. j. Graham, J, McKib-
bon, Geo, C. Hanna, John. Kerr, Geo..
C. Manners, D, Bell, D, M, Gordon.
(Messrs. W, H. 1Green end Wm. Bone
declined to qualify). Four new school
trustees were elected by acclamation:—
Ward 1, H. E. Isard; Ward 2, 13, Jen- re
kins; Ward 3, A, E, Lloyd; Ward 4, g
Theo, Hall. The trustees continuing *
in office are Alex Ross, H. Kerr, Wm,
Moore and C. N. Griffin, Mr, A. H.
Musgrove wasChairman of the meet-
BATTERY and Electric Radios, Toa-
sters, Irons,, Phone Larry Hiseler,
phone 426.
CHINES combines the advantages
of the pipeline type with those of
the portable type. The makers of
this simple rugged machine have
been giving satisfaction to many
American farmers for past thirty
years. A portable model powered
with an air-cooled ,gas engine for
farms without hydro is available. For
particulars write John E. 13urnstead,
Bo; '46, Wingham, Phone 455, Ag-
ent for Huron and Bruce.
FOR SALE—White ]3oots and Skates
size 2, black ones size 3. Apply to
Mrs. V. Sanderson, Centre St.
FOR SALE—Cottage, with insulated
siding, in Belgrave, with three lots,
hard and soft water, all floor cov-
erings go with house. Apply Mrs.
Isabell Young, 251 Victoria Street,
'FOR SALE-1932 Model B Ford, re-
built motor last Spring, good tires,
Serial No. C.B.C. 2239. Mungo Mac
Farlane, Bluevale, Phone Brussels
FOR SALE — One pair Men's Ski
Boots, practically new; two pairs
Men.'s Oxfords, all size 11; 1 round
Diningroom Table, Walnut, with 6
extension boards in new condition.
One Pine Door, Apply Box "M",
FOR SALE — Purebred Yorkshire
Boars of choice quality, also Young
Sows, from advanced registered
stock, which gives high grading ,pe-
lects. • Foster Smith & Son, Lot 25,
Con. 16, Grey, Phone 29-8.
FOR SALE-35 Pigs ready to wean.
Apply Ed. Horton, Ye mile South of
FOR SALE — Pure bred Yorkshire
Hog, ready for service. Apply R. J.
.; McMurray, Phone 635143,
mours that my herd of Jerseys have
T.B., I 'wish to state that I had my
entire herd tested by Dr, K. M. Mac-
Lennan on December 4th, 1946, and
all cattle were found free of T.B.
W. Nelson Pickell, K. MacLen-
nan, D.V.M.
REPAIRS to Vacuum Cleaners, Wash-
ing machines, motors, and all elec-
trical appliances. Larry Hiseler,
'phone 426.
I1/ANTED-3 Loads of Hay, Apply
WANTED—One Horse Sleigh. Apply
E. E. Walker, Phone 640r4,
even before it's laid. That's the de-
mand for Canadian Eggs and poultry.
no matter what breed or crossbred de-
sired, or delivery date. Canada Ap-
proved, breeders pullorum tested.
corresponding, Contact him now, es-
pecially for early 1947 delivery. Robt.
las, Douglas, R.R, 1, Wroxeter.
For Production, Quality
{buy Big-4 Chicks, That's what cust-
,tmer Wrn. Archer, Paisley, says,
No matter when you want delivered,
tut especially for Jan.-Feb. delivery.
Wide choice breeds, crosses
A big year ahead for poultry keepers.
Order now. Agent here is
Wilber Hogg, R,R, 4, Wingham.
is what customer Mrs. N. Agnot, Ft,
William says of her
This year, you should get the best
chicks available, and order now for de-
4ivery as soon as possible in 1947 to
catch summer and fall markets.
ERS P1.111,01215M TESTED
Wide choice breeds, crosses,
We strongly urge early ordering for
delivery any time, especially ran.-Feb,
Agent here is Wilbur Hogg, R. R.
At Agent for
We urge you to order now.
It's early chicks the Government needs
for late summer eggs fed. overseas.
Large eggs, plenty of thettiato get the ptetnititn, conthieneing Sot. Canada
Approved, breeders pullOrtun tested,
Ask its for prices,,book your order
$000. Robb Jas, Douglas, R. R. I,
Turnberry Municipal Nominations;—
For Reeve, JohnMusgroye, (acclam-
ation); for Councillors—D, H. Moffat,
J. Rutherford, A. Kelly, R., McMich-
ael, (all acclamation.).
Morris Municipal Nominations:—For
Reeve, Win, Isbister and Geo. Taylor;
for Councillors—Arthur Shaw, Chas.
Campbell, R. Yuill, W. H. McCutcheon
and Neil Taylor.
West Wawanosh Municipal Nomina-
tions:—For Reeve, W. Baillie, (accla-
mation); for Councillor4---D. B. Mur-
ray, Samuel Thompson, Stephen Medd,
Arch. Anderson, (all acclamation):
East Wawanosh Municipal Nomina-
tions=—For Reeve, J. T. Currie and
Wm. Beecroft; for Councillors, John
Gillespie, T. H. Taylor, P, W. Scott,
H. Deacon, Jas. Cummings, W. Camp-
bell, W. 5. Parks and Gavin Wilson.
Whitechurch;—The Misses Cuyler
are home for the holidays J. T. Holmes
haslease.d his farm to W. G. Well-
wood. Everybody should subscribe for
the popular home paper, the Advance.
It gives the news. Wishing all our
readers a prosperous 1907, Dat Bloom-
In town for the holidays:—Frank
Kehoe, Kitchener; Miss Marion Allen,
Weston; Miss PearlMcPherson, Sea-
forth; Fred Manuel, Detroit; Miss Ada.
Haines, Hamilton; Miss Myrtle Wal-
ters, Listowel; Miss Greta Kennedy,
Montreal; Howard MacDonald, Ayl-
mer; Miss Alice ,Cloakey, London; Mr.
and Mrs. T. T. Leaky, Kincardine;
Miss Olive Cruikshanlcs, Guelph; O.A.
C.; Rev. A. C. Riley of Queen's Uni-
versity, Chicago; Sidney Page, Lon-
don; Miss Nellie Clark, LondOn; Mr.
and Mrs. Win. Herd, London; Miss
Olive Clow, Moorefield; Norman Wig-
htman, .Stratford; Miss Catharine Ad-
ams, Hamilton; Andrew Shiells, New
Ontario; Howard Guest, Kitchener;
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Guest, Guelph; 1Ir.
and Mrs. B. C. Brandon, Hanover;
Mayor and Mrs. Brandon, St. Marys;
Miss Lizzie Johns, Port Colborne; Jos.
Grant, London; Miss Daisy Abram,
London; W. E. Mahood, Kincardine;
Morley Counter, Buffalo; Mr. and Mrs..
A. j.Busch, Buffalo; Herman Hall,
Windsor; Chas. Isard, Brampton;
John Hayles, Weston; Mr. and Mrs.
Alvie, Fleming, Chatham; Miss Millie
Turner, London;. Teddie Murch, Sea-
forth; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hamilton,
Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs.Caldwell Brock,
Guelpli; Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Thompson,
Port Hope; Geo. W. Wright, Strat-
ford; Miss Nellie Boardman, London;
Miss Ruby Browne, Guelph; Mr. and
Mrs. W. Bayliffe, London; Miss
EarnScliffe Musgrove, Buffalo; Miss
Helen Musgrove, Niagara Falls; Mr.
and Mrs. John Patterson, Port Elgin;
Miss Thelma Sanderson,, Hamilton;
Miss Versa Woods, Normandale; Miss
Edna Smith, Kitchener and Miss Ger-
tie Groves, Kitchener.
A hockey match was played in the
Wingham rink on Monday morning,
when the Methodist Choir and church
were each represented by a team. The
latter won by a score of 17 to 1.
Duck-Nethery:—Married on December
28th., in St,John's Church, Saskatoon,
by Canon E. 13. Smith, Elizabeth Am-
anda Nethery, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Nethery, to Mr. Geo. Ducli,
of Waterous, Sask.
Jackson-Tanner:--Married at St. Paul's
church rectory,Wingham, on Saturday,
Dec, 24th., by Rev. H. W. Snell, B. A.,
William Jackson, to Elsie Ethel Tan-
ner, 'both of Culross.
Wroxeter-Visitors in town for the
holidays were Mr. and Mrs. David
Walkei', Niagara Falls; Mn T. Sander-
son, Detroit; Mr. H. McLean, Kitch-
ener; Miss Jeanette Black, Harriston;
Misses Oral Kitchen, Alma 'Bann,
Jeanette Allen, Grace and Irene Stocks,
and Della Rutherford, all of Toronto;
Miss Hazel VanVelsot, Oshawa; Frank
Allen, Torontd; Gco. McIntosh, Strat-
ford; Miss Cassie Harris, Toronto;
Stanley Henning, Sask,; and Miss Sad-
ie White, Toronto.
Whiteclatecht Mt. and Mrs, John Fal-
coner and family spent New Year's at:
Mr. Geo. Falconer's home in Culross;
Mr, and Mrs. Bert Martin and daugh-
ter, Edith, and Mr, andMrs, Chas Mar-
tin of Wingham Junction, spent New
Year's with Mr. and Mrs. ,Martin;
Mr.end Mrs. Hector MacKay enter-
tained a number of friends and neigh-
All persons having claims against the
estate of Janet Evans late of the Town
of Wingliatn in the County of Huron,
Married Wornan, deceased, who died
on or about the eighth day of Novem-
ber, 1946, are notified to send to Mess-
rs, Crawford & Hetherington, Wing-
ham, Ontario, on or before the fourth
day of January, 1947, full particulars
of their claims in writing. Immediate-
ly after the said fourth day of January,
1947, the assets of the said testatrhe
will be distributed amongst the parties
entitled thereto, having regard only to
claims of which The Executors shall
then have notiee.
Dated this Sixteenth day of Decent-
her, A.D. 1946.
Barristers, etc.,
Winotant, Ontario,
;Solicitors for the ExedUtOrs.
Straight from us to ac
you, goes our New Years
wishes full of good luck,
happiness and good for-
tune. May your year be
one of health and plenty,
and all you'r dreams re-
alized. Happy New
bours on Friday evening, when a pleas-
ant time was spent in games and danc-
ing. •
Pretty Wedding:—The home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. S. Mitchell, Centre St.,
Wingharri, was, the scene of a very
pretty Christmas Day wedding at High
noon, when Mary Pearson, their dau-
ghter, became the wife of Rev. James
Limon Burgess, M. A., of South Kin-
loss; Rev, Kenneth MacLean, officiat."
In. town for the holidays—Mr. and
Mrs. C. Cruickshank of Detroit; Mr,
and Mrs. Geo. McKay of Hamilton;
Mr, and Mrs. Archie McKinney and
family of Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Ford of Hanover; Mr. and Mrs. W.
Fryfogle of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
R.. Lediett and family of Detroit; Mrs.
A. McPherson and daughter, Yvonne,
and Mr. and Mrs. W, j. Arnott.
Out of town for the- Holidays:—Mr.
Harry Merkley in Wroxeter; Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Isard and son, Bert, in Tor-
onto; Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McKay in
Toronto; Dr. and. Mrs. Colborne and
son Jimmie, in Detroit; Mr, and Mrs.
Crawford in Woodstock;
and Mrs, Geo. Williams and family in
Toronto; Mrs. J. J, Elliott with Mr.
and Mrs. Weir Elliott; St, Thomas;
Mrs, J. P , Kennedy with her daughter
Mrs,Harnbridge in Aylmer; Mr. O. V,
Hayden in Fordwich,
Whitechurcht—Abont eighty guests
celebrated with Mr. and Mrs, W.
Farrier of West Wawanosh, the 25th
anniversary of their wedding on Christ-
mas Day.
Jones-Campbell;—The home of Mrs.
Margaret Campbell, Morris, was the
scene of a' very pretty wedding on
Dec. 23rd,, when her daughter, Jessie
Kathleen, became the bride of organ
Jones, of Holmesvville. Rev. K. Mac-
Lean, officiated.
Nethery-Hamilton:—A quiet, though
interesting wedding was solemnized
at noon, Wednesday, December 30th.,
at the home of Mr,i and Mrs, W. G.
Hamilton, Gorrie, when their only-
daughter, Alta Kerr, was united in
marriage to Herman Alexander Neth-
ery, the youngest son of Mrs, Nethery
and the late John Nethery of Belgrave,
Ontario. Rev.. Mr. Button of Ford-
wich, officiated.
Miller-Doubledee:—The marriage of
Elsie Jane, youngest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Doubledee, of Belmore,
to Wm. R. Miller, of Brussels, took
place at the Manse, Belmore,on Sat-
day, December 26th. Rev. F. Turnbull
Krupp-Lockridge:—At the Baptist.
Church, Galt, by Rev. W. F Bremner,
on Thursday, December 24th., 1931,
the marriage took place of Miss - Mar-
garet Inez Lockeridge, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lockeridge, to Mr
Edward Krupp, son of Mr. and - Mrs..
Louis Krupp of Galt.
Donnybrook:—The Misses Gladys gild
Olive Jefferson of Woodstock Hospi-
tal, were home for Christmas.
Gorrie:—Among the holiday visitors
were Miss Ruth Galbraith, Fordwich;
Miss Bessie Wylie, Whitby; Rev. and
Mrs. F. W. Craik, Goderich; Messrs.
Stanley Overend and Ewart Whitfield,
Arthur; James Magrath, Toronto, with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Magrath;
Miss Mae Watters, Toronto; Mr. and
Mrs. Spence and family of Moles-
worth with Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Grainger; Mrs. Fred Irwin and sons,
Archie and jack, of Toronto, and Mr.
and Mrs, Arthur Wells of Boston with
Mr. and Mrs. Manford Irwin; Mr.' and
Mrs. W. J. Greer, Wingham, also Mrs.
Stanley Smith, Montreal, with Mr. and
Mrs. H. V.1 Holmes; and Mr. and
Mrs. Roumay and Vane of Cargill,
with Mr. and Mrs. H. Herzog.
(Intended for last week)
The pupils , of the Westfield school
presented their Christmas concert to a
full house on Thursday evening. The
program with Douglas Campbell as
Chairman, Opened by the pupils sing-
ing Good Evening and Hello. Jim
Buchanan then stepped to the front of
the, stage and welcomed the guests to
the concert. The pupils then sang
Christmas Stars, and Christians Awake.
Gerald McDowell gave a recitation on
"Things in a Boy's Pocket", which
were very numerous and varied. A
duet Dressed up for Company, was
given by Barbara Smith and Bill Rod-
ger. A recitation was given by three
little girls on "Lest WeForget". Re-
citations were given by Harvey Snell,
Johnny Buchanan, Doreen Howatt,
Lois Campbell. Dialogues were "Tak-
ing the Census" "An Official Visit",
"Athletic Drill", by the boys. Mono-
logue, Lorna 13uchanan. There were
several Folk dances by the young chil-
dren. Children's Polka; Happy Hours,
Ribon Dance, Danish Dance of greet-
ing. Duet by Barabara Smith amid
Donna Walden, "I don't want to play
in your yard". Boy's chorus, "We've
got the Mumps". Boys' Physical Train-
ing, Pantomine, "Barber Shop" Butter-
fly Drill". During the program the
audience and pupils sang several Car-
ols. Several of the young people put
on a short play, "Who Gets the Car
The closing Carols by the pupils
were, "While Shepherds Watched
Their Flocks by Night". "Dear Little
Baby, Jesus" and "Merry Christmas
programme closed by singing
God Save the King. Then Santa made
his appearance and distributed gifts.
Oranges from the. School Board, and
Mr. Raymond Redmond donated
oranges and each child present was
given an orange,
Mr. Raymond Redmond spent
Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. Pat
O'Malley of Kingsville,
Mr, Elvin Wightman of Ajax, is
spending his vacation with his parents,
Mr, end Mrs. Earl. Wightman,
Miss Elaine Walsh of Wingham,
spent several days with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Walsh,
Mr, and Mrs. Norman McDowell
and children vvisited on Saturday
with Mrs. Osbaldeston of Goderich.
Miss Annie Clark of Toronto, is
visiting her sister, Mrs, Marvvin Mc-
Dowell and mt.
Mr. Elwin Taylor, Norma and Eddie
Taylor, and Margaret Wightman were
London visitors on Wednesday.
Mr, and Mrs, John Gear and dau-
ghter of Kitchener, are visiting Mr. and
Mrs, 5. L. McDowell, and Mrs, Thos.
and Mrs, Elwin Taylor, Eddie
and Norma, and Hattie Wightman, vis-
ited on Satneday, with Mrs, Robt.
Shell Stratford. Miss Tin Taylor
returned home, with theni fet Christ-
A Happy New Year to the Advance-
Tinies and its niftily neadera.
Mr, Bert Wallace of odtrOiti is spen-
ding a few days with relatives here,
Mr. and Mrs. James Clark and fam-.
ily, also Mr, and Mrs. Sandy Johnston
and family spent Christmas With. Mrs.
McDonald and Messrs. Alex. and John
Misses Edithe and Jessie McDonald
also Mr. Maxwell of Wroxeter, spent
Thursday with Mr. and Mrs, Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Workman of
Brussels, spent Christmas with Mr. and
Mrs. Fleming Grainger.
Selah and Mrs. Breckenridge were
guests on Christmas of Mr. and Mrs.
Cameron Edgar and Mrs. Breckenridge
sr., in Gorrie. •
Those who enjoyed the Christmas
with - Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Willis•
were Mr.. and Mrs. Roy Koche and
children;.- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Miller;
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pearce and dau-
ghter -of Kurtzville; Mr. and Mrs, Har-
vey McConnell and Bobby of Minto;
Misses Betty Willis and Jean Sharpe-
of Listowel, and Mr. Wellington Agar.
Wilfred and Mrs. Warwick and.
Tommy of Morris, also Ned and Mrs..
Thompson enjoyed Christmas at the;
home of Mr, and Mrs. Dave McLen-
nan, •