HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-12-12, Page 4ficient public liability insurance and the fund has to be drawn against, he is required to reimburse the 'fund up to the amount withdrawn and :guarantee payment of any future claims, if he is ever to drive again in Maitoba. Another provision calls for the auto- matic impounding of a MOW vehicle involved in anything but a minor acci- dent, irrespective' of where the fault may lie, unless the driver can show proof that either through his insurance or through other assets he is able to meet, any claim up to $11,000 The automobile is held by the authorities until any possible claim, against him is settled or util he has deposited se- curity against claims with the provin- cial treasurer. A car may not be held more than six months, but if at the end of this period the owner has not met the stipulations, although his car is. released, he may not drive in the prov- ince. Queen's Park could well consider 1441M-2-1-0atk-DInt2tMOt-rt HUNGRY ? From too much Xmas Shopping We invite you to Stop at the Coffee Shop, for Lunch, Dinner, or a Sandwich — roods that will more than satisfy your appetite. Prompt, Courteous Service. SHERBONDY'S COFFEE SHOP LUNCHES MEALS FOUNTAIN SERVICE co iitgewesve444.-.tvevatomerooase Next to Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM Do You Want Relief from SINUS TROUBLE? new and Wonderful Remedy for Speedy Relief from Sinus and Antrtun Trouble. 41.0- pftligtrx Read Colds, Catarrh — This Remedy Is Known as SINULIEF &nutlet* is a White Powder to be used as a Snuff. Simple and Clean to Use. Priced at $1.00 AT PRESENT AVAILABLE ONLY BY MAIL Sinullef Co., Box 582, London, Ont. Send money order or postal note. No. stamps or cash. Please print name and address on coupon. Simply fill in and mail the following coupon to SINULIEF CO., BOX NM LONDON, ONT. Please Find Enclosed ;LOD In Payment for 1 Box Silvana DEP. 1 NAME ADDRESS PRINT 0-014tOPAI . ,121kr020-1 A T — Hanna's Ladies' Shop 14419r-MtlteeVC4M-MCK'',M.Calf.4.34t-Mtlecxestz QUILTED HOUSECOATS Striking numbers in every detail. She'll appreciate your thoughts for her comfort in one of these luxurious and immaculately 'tail- ored robes. The selection included quilted lustrous Satins . . . :Brushed Rayon Wrap- Arounds .. and Seersuckers. $3.95 —$17.50 CARDIGAN SWEATERS ... Designed to bring an appreciative gleam in her eyes on Christmas morning. Button front, coat style . . Imported All-Wool Knit in assorted shades and sizes. • — $6.95 GIVE HANDBAGS A grand collection of styles in lovely Ca.lf- plastics and genuine Leathers in Tan,• Brown And Black, $3.95 $5.95 — $6.95 — $8.95 teclo4totte34titttestekltottiOssitstetclOttcttoStoctiktutsidt0419.4tst4,ststftstdistSttf.VtdopcoAtot? 'FASHIONS LOVELIEST FURS There's nothing lovelier .... nothing more flattering then a beaut- iful fur coat..and nowhere will' you find finer coats than at HANNA'S FUR SALON. Here are the newest fashions .. » . at a moderate price. Ws not too late to order HER'S for Christmas. ,$40)0201401044,1*-4004;14tZliatIOr.ta=7,a01414000,*44174111131343k AWAifit ,VA*044-44-$404-iVeliA ifikoragogook Vert-Ouln HUNTSMAN 17-Jewel Prethlon Move- mai, 10K Gold-filled woo 542.50 Layaway these Gifts too! Perfectly matched bridal •-ensemble $40.00 up to $300.00 Impressively designed Signet Rings, $5.00 tip to $25.00 Ladies Signet Rings, $2.70 up Birthday Rings • Lockets and Chains $2.00 up COME AND 'GET IT—THE NEW EVER.SHARP CA* PEN Inf tle-VrgiVrik2Orr -e DilVtrahlikiVolafkOVADWAKOM*11,041.21Pi Give Something Electrical 4 it 4,6v Oil-Burner RANGE Xmas TREE LIGHTS TRILIGHT, TABLE and FLOOR LAMPS TOASTERS IRONS WATER HEATERS Stromberg-Carlson RECORD PLAYERS Play 12 records automatically Frigidaire REFRIGERATORS and RANGES StewartHome Applianc' es Guaranteed Electrical Appliances and Radios 4 OttlkttltMele410010044000041414104344104300110400004440100140001041047* Tuesday evening, Mr. John Dinsmore was appointed Deputy Canty Master MILLIONS OF EGGS TO GO TO BRITAIN The new United Kingdom-Canada egg contract provides for delivery of at least 150 million dozen eggs between February 1, 1947 and January 31, 1949. The quantities to be shipped are 21 million dozen spring fresh eggs each year; 12,5 million dozen fall and winter fresh eggs each year; 18 million dozen storage eggs each ycar; and 7,500 long tons of died egg powder, The new egg contract thus provides a floor un- der the egg market until January 31, 1949, says the Current Review of Ag- ricultural Conditions it Canada, The price adjustments are planned so as to encourage production when Great Brit- all needs eggs most, during the fall and winter period, This objective is to be attained in two ways: (1) by extending by one month the fall and winter period to /auttary 31st., in each year; (2) by in. encasing the price by 2 cents a dozen, at seaboard, from September 1 to fan. nary 81. The price during the remain. der of the contract year, Pdbruary 1 to August 31, is increased by, one cdnt dozen. The extension of the premium period also includes the month of 7atnt. ary, 1941, but with no change in prem. int% Variety of Earrings in gold and sterling from $1,00 up Stone-set pins, wide assortment $1.00 up Thursday, December 12th, 1946 CAGE FOUR THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES w0e4M-W4MAMAggiMAM GORRIE Miss Mabel Hardie, District Leader Emergency 'Nursing , Reserve, who' came from. London to address Red. Cross Workers on Tuesday night ex- plained that if the branch -were con- tinued at Gorrie various aids to the community could be given by the Red, Cross, such as a class in Nursing, 'to form an Emergency Nursing Reserve, also swimming instructions to avoid loss of life by drOwhing. • Mr. and Mrs, Alex Edgar, Sr., have' returned to their' home after spending sonic time with members of their fam- ily. Mr, Edgar'th enjoying; much bet- ter health at present. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Dane o; Te-- onto, visited friends here for a maple of days last week. Annual W. A. Meeting Thu annual meeting of St. Stephen's WA. was held at the home of the President, Mrs. H. V. Holmes on Thursday afternoon, with a good at- tendance. Meeting opened with 'sing- ing of the hymn "Be Thou my Guard- ion and my Guide." The president was in charge. Roll Call was answered by a Christmas Gift to the W,A, and a 'verse with a Christmas thought, Rev. J. C. Caley gave a talk on "The Nativ- ity." The president in her report thanked members for their support during the year. 'Tribute was paid to a departed member, Mrs. Isaac Wade. Financial reports were given, Election of officers was conducted by Rev, Mr. Caley, those of last year being return- ed, namely, Hon, Pres.—Mrs, J. C. Coley; Pres.—Mrs. 11. V. Holmes; 1st Vice-Pres.;---Mrs. R. W. N. Wade; 2nd, Vice-Pres.--Mrs, Ernest Xing; Sec, Treas.—Mrs, Geo, King; Dorcas Committee, Mrs. W, H. Marshall, Mrs, C. Ritchie,rs. Geo. Poster, Mrs. E. W. N. N'ade, Meeting closed with singing and prayer, A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. 'Holmes and Miss Perkins, 'time annual Christmas "At Home" and' social evening of 'the Anglican Church, will be held in the Orange Ha, on Priday evening, Dec, 18th., at 8,80 p.m. An interesting evening is being planned, 'Lunch will be served. At the annual meeting of the North Huron 1,0,L, held iu Wingbant last Wingham Advance-Times Published at 'WINGHAM - ONTARIO •MMO•1110•••••••• Saseription Rate—One Year $2.00 Six Months $1.00 in advance To U. S. A. $2.50 per year Foreign Rate. $3.00 per year Advertising rates on application. Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post qffice Department Se....eching brakes, thudding crash, and awful yell, ;Answer speed fiend, road hog, or faul- ty car. IT'aey'll pay to help their victims to get well, Or from the roads their cars the law - will bar. 4. s * SAFETY "LAW PRECEDENT Ontario will do a wise thing if she iznazts legislative laws similar to, and .actren Amore extensive than, the "Safety Responsibility Law" instituted in Man- itoba, over, ten months ago. Early in 1946 the Manitoba Government brought down this unique piece of highway legislation. It is designed to increase materially the financial responsibility of the mot- orist and to reduce to an absolute min- imum the possibility of an innocent ac- cident victim suffering through the in- ability of a blamable driver to compen- sate him for his injuries. The out- standing feature is the impetus given to the assumption of. insurance pro- tection by the motorist. There is no direct compulsion for the taking out of public liability in- surance, but there is an indirect pres- sure, and one which has had notice- able results. Before the law came in only 27 per cent of the motorists car- ried the necessary insurance, and to- day it is estimated that 89 per cent are insured. Under the new law, there is an "un- satisfied Judgement fund" sef up, and and each motorist has to pay a com- pulsory annual fee of $1.00 into the fund. If a culpable driver lacks suf- making it compulsory for the owner of an automobile, truck or bus to carry i,ublic liability and property damage insurance of a fixed minimum value before he would be eligible for a lic- ense. This wonld provide protection for both the responsible motorist and the possible accident victim; it would drive "bad risks", irresponsible driv- ers and dangerous vehicles, off the roads, since Insurance companies would not insure them; and the great- er volume of insurance thus taken out should lower the cost of the Insurance preniiums. * t * YOUR VOTE • ,Last Monday, believe it or not, you voted. If you 'went to the polling booth and marked your ballot, you vot- ed directly; and, if you were unable, too lazy, or too indifferent, to go to the polling booth, then yott voted in- directly, If you didn't exercise your voting franchise you automatically ac- cepted and acknowledged as your own,' the verdict rendered at the polls by the people who did vote. In other words, Mr. and Mrs. non- voting citizen you elected the men who will guide the affairs of our town for the •next year. They are your choice, so get behind them and boost their efforts, If you were denied, the privilege and opportunity of freely voting by secret 'ballot, you would be the first to' complain, and yet you don't use your franchise when you have it. It is a, strange paradox also that people who insist on running their own homes and businesses should be so careless about the affairs of their ,town. This is your town. The town's busi- ness is your busbies. What attention did you pay to that. business last Mon- day. We believe personally that all the candidates'who ran for office are splen- did citizens and sincere in their offers to serve our community. We knoW that no two individuals have the same talents and abilities, and it is our dem- ocratic -way, and privilege, to select and elect public servants by majority vote, That is as it should be, but, un- less larger numbers of citizens exercise their franchise, the will of the majority of the people may not be truly ckpress- ed. In future, do your own voting and; iw the meantime, don't knock the men you elected indirectly. No citizens who neglected to vote should ever raise his voice or express an opinion regarding the way the town is run, * WEEKLY THOUGHT Proverbs 6;16-19,—"These six things cloth the Lord bate; yea seven are an abomination unto Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, and HANDS THAT SHED INNOCENT BLOOD, an heart that deviseth wicked imagina- tions, feet that be swift in running to mischief, a false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren." KNOW WINGHAM The west slope of the Diagonal Road bill, facing the "Flats", provides un- surpassed facilities for safe sleigh-rid; ing, tobogganing and ',skiing within the town limits. This is a wondeiful boon that should be utilized to the full- est extent, knrre404$6,0-704 A Word to the Wise from Santa— Reserve Your GRUEN The Precision Watch on Layaway VuMln .CADENCE 15-Jar Movement, 10K Gold-filled Bezel, Stain- less Steel Bock $29.75 FAIRWAY 15-Jewel Movement, 10K Gold-filled fie- set Stainless Sleel lack, Lepansion Ikacater $42.50 MONTEREY 17-Jewel Precisloa MOveweet, 14K Solid Gold $5 Cu 2.50 You'll be wise to do your Christmas 'shopping early this year! The demand for the many lOvely things we have on our shelves—and particularly our hard-to- get Gruen Precision Watches far exceeds the supply. We suggest that you come in while we still have a wide selection. Choose your Gruen Watch or gift of jewelry NOW . . . reserve it with only a small down payment. A Small Down Payment Reserves Your Selection