HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-12-05, Page 12• • • • • • • • • • • • I • • • • t • I • •
Buy for Christmas-Eatrnore Cranberries, lb. 65c
Size 288s . , . 43c doz. Size 220s . . .55c doz.
SUGAR-Nos. S1 to S36 BUTTER-B29 to B34
MEAT-Nos. 1G156 to M62
SIMISSZtM416-stel-MS-AtiMittaiMeste'staiSMISIL, 4Cit104 ,-VitEMMWOMMel4
Farm Forum was held at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ell'ott on
Monday evening, and this group dec-
ided that the farmers iu this district
had been helped,' through scientific
prnittlIMMMTIMMIT.i rolMUFFilti . *, • es-ssases:S .
When all is said and done nothing one per.:
son can give to another MEANS QUITE SO MUCH
as a fine piece of jewellery . Then too, the name
on the box adds more pleasure to your gift - - for.
when it comes from your jeweller. you have
marked yourself as'a careful and thoughtful giver
Down throu
have b
gh the years ee JEWELLE n members of a gre RS
at iron Profession as dealers in precious
es and metals . • Tradition has been and is the Jewellers in-
centive to offer only those pieces
THAT CAN UPHOLD the high rept:-
tation of their age-old craft . . . Yes. when You
sure of wise counsel. an you are d true value
1 • • • ,
Buy With Confidence from yourJewe Ile r .. !. ..... ii
The soft, warm glow 6
of a beautiful lamp will 'A
add new charm to your ti
See our stock of beauti
ful Xmas Gifts
Smoker Statlits
Show starts evenings at 8 p.m. Saturday, 7.45 p.m.
Thursday., Friday Saturday December 5, 6, 7
In -
"One More Tomorrow"
Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2 p.m.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday December 9, 10, 11
In .
"Johnny Comes Flyin4Home"
"The Well Groomed Bride"
mith's Economy Food Store
Diamond Budded Latge
I WALNUTS in shell lb 65c BRAZIL NUTS, in shell, lb. 54c
Golden Mixed, Brazils, Walnuts, AlmoOds, Filberts
MIXED NUTS • • • lb. 49c
Smith's Four O'Clock 1 Fresh Ground to order
BLACK TEA, '/ lb. pkg..,....40e I REX COFFEE, lb. 49c
Orange and Grapefruit Blended Juice, 20 oz. tin 22c
Weston's Golden Brown SODAS, salted or plain,
6 oz. pkg. , ...12c
Allen's Choice Quality Apple Juice, 20 oz. tin . ,14c
APPLE PIE.FILLER, 105 oz. California Choice I
Sugar added (No coupons) $1,25 DRIED PEACHES, lb......- .....45e
Fancy, White Heinz Fancy Quality 20 oz.
COOKING FIGS, lb. 25c TOMATO JUICE, tin lle ......-.......„
Iceberg Head Lettuce, ea. ....„1.5c Green Celery Hearts, buck. 19c
Choice 300s Lemons, 3 for 12c Firm Ontario Cabbage, lb. 4c
Size 96s Grapefruit 5 for 29c Thomson's Waxed Turnips, lb 4c
B, C. Delicious Apples, doz 39c Size 210s Tangerines, doz. 30c
Strong disapproval of the lack of en-
forcement of liquor laws in Httron
County was voiced at the meeting of
Huron Presbytery, held in Auburn
'United Church on Thursday. It was
resolved that the Government be re-
quested to increase the penalty for all
violations of these laws, Attention was
called to the resoltation of the general
council of the United Church in Can-
ada, challenging every member of the
United Church, to set a Christian ex-
ample of total abstinence to refrain
from offering alcoholic drinks to their
ghests on any occasion whatsoever,
and to refrain from investing their
money in the liquor business.
The meeting was in charge of Rev,
R. G. Hazelwood, in the absence of
the chairman, Rev. H. 5, Snell. .Mes-
sages of sympathy and good wishes
were extended to Revs, H. J. Snell, J.
L. Foster,' James Anthony, Albert
Hinton and Mrs. j. E. Hogg, who
were absent through illness.
The people of the McKillop charge
were given permission to place a mort-
gage on their manse, recently purchas-
ed in Winthrop.
Arrangements were made for a Cru-
sader's Cavalcade, the pictorial presen-
tation of the United Church of Can-
ada in action to be held in Wesley-
Willis United Church, Clinton, Decem-
ber 3 to December '5,
A committee consisting of Revs.
H. C. Wilson, Andrew Lane, R. G,
Hazelwo'bd, H. J. Snell; Messrs. F. S.
Savauge and N. W. Trewartha, was ap-
pointed to cons'der the advisability of
paying the expenses of the delegates
to presbytery.
Rev. A. B. Irwin extended an invit-
ation from James Street United Church
Exeter, for the spring meeting to be
held on the same day as the presbyter-
meeting of the Women's Missionary
Society, iii Main Street United Church,
Mc -L
Radio Service
Phone 388.
BATTERY and Electric Radios, Toa-
sters, Irons, Phone Larry Iliseler,
phone 426.
1941 BUICK "8" - 4-Door Torpedo
Body For Sale-With new tires all
around, serial 1440900416, radio and
heater; ceiling price or best cash of-
fer, Apply Carl Bondi, Wingham.
• FOR SALE- 3 Collie Pups, 3 months
old also 1 Hereford Steer, 1 year old.
Apply Gordon Greig, R. R. 1, Blue-
FOR SALE-4 plate Electric Range,
McClary, with Annex. Apply C.
FOR SALE-3 Heifers, freshening a-
round January 1st. Gordon Rintoul,
Phone Lncknow 44r12.
FOR SALE--Girls' Ski Boots, size 104, good condition, Phone 834w.
FOR SALE-1930 Marconi Cabinet
.-Rs*dio, in good mullion, Phone 342
FOR SALE-Spray Painting MachirA,
complete with gas compressor and
Mee, five gallon tank and gun, large
s"' enough for any job. Phone 411.
FOR SALE-Electric Washing Ma-
chine, enamel tub, tiew rollers, new
motor. Mrs. A. French, Minnie St.
FOR. SALE - Boys' Leather Coat,
Beaver collar, size 16, good as new;
also Cloth Coat, Beaver collar 16;
Boys' Overshoes, nearly new, size 6;
boys' Skates and Boots, size 6; 1 pr.
size 2, Apply Advance-Times,
FOR:SALE-Boys' Winter Overcoat,
goad as new, size 11 or 12 years; also
pair boys' 2-buckle OvershOes, size
6. :Apply Advance-Times. •
FOR-SALE-Hand Washing Machine
with Wringer, Apply at Advance-
GIRL WANTED-For general office
work. Apply Brussels Creamery,
Sale-Apply Robt. Johnston, Phone
HELP WANTED--Female-Capable
girl, or middle-aged woman, as plain
cook and housework, in small private
home, Toronto. Two adults, prot-
estant, cleaning-woman weekly, Pri-
vate' warm room, bath and radii:).
Character references required. Non-
smoker, Please state age, all partic-
ulari in letter to Box. M, care of Ad-
Farm, Phone 866J,
LOST-In Wingham, on Saturday,
November 24th., a small change
purse containing quite a sum of
money, by an out of - town shopper.
Would finder kindly leave at The
Advance-Times Office or Kleg's
Store, Reward Offered.
Sanding, finishing, Telephone 454,
Wine am,
REPAIRS to Vacuum Cleahers, Wash-
ing machines, motors, and all elec-
trical appliances. Larry Hiseler,
phone 426.
WANTED-Comfortable Room and
Board for .elderly lady with pension,
for winter months. Apply to Box
A, Advance-Times,
.'WANTED-A Boarder, lady preferr-
ed. Apply Advance Times.
Established Rural Watkins District
available. If you are aggressive, and
between the ages of 23 and 33 have
or cati secure travel Outfit, this is
your opportunity 'to get estahrstiod inn
a profitable business of yottr own, .For'
full particulars write today to The ).
WATIONS Company, Dept, O-W-
2171 Masson St., Montreal, Out,
WANTED-House to rent with mod-
ern conveniences. Leonard Dawson,
Rep. H. J. Heinz Co., Teeswater,
Phone 119W.
Big Poultry Years Ahead
That means you should
Order Your Hillside Chicks
Get breed and delivery date you wish.
Pure breds, crossbreds. Cheks also
for immediate delivery, We'll gladly
quote prices and book your order.
Robt. Jas. Douglas, R. R. 1, Wroxeter.
that's what Robt. Luscher, Thedford,
Ont., says about Big-4 Chicks.
You should order yours now for 1947
delivery, especially early in year. They
are Canada Approved, breeders pull-
orum tested. Get the 'good' chicks
that give the 'extra' profits, Agent
here, Wilbur Hogg, R.R. 4, Wingham.
Tenciqs Wanted
POr the Electric Wiring of Wing-
ham Public School, will be received by
the undersigned up to Dec. 28th, 1946.
Work to be completed by July 31st,
1947. Specifications may be seen at
CKNX. Lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted.
Mrs, Alberta Morgan,
Applications for Caretaking
Application for the Caretaking for
the following. 'schools in' Turitherry
Township School Area: U.S.S. No. 2;
S.S. No. 8; U.S.S. No. 44 - S.S. No, 6;
U.S.S. No. 8; S.S..No. 9; U.S.S, No.
11, will be received by the undersign-
ed up to Dec. 18th, Information as to
the duties may be secured from mem-
bers of the Board.
Alex, Corrigan,
All persons having claims against
the estate of Peter McDougall, late
of the Township of Turnbcrry, in the
County of Huron, Retired Farmer,
who -died on or about the nineteenth
day of November, A.D., 1946, are noti-
fied to send to Crawford & Hethering-
ton, Wingham, Ontario, on or before
the fourteenth day of December, A.D.,
1946, full particulars of their claims
in writing. Immediately after the said
fourteenth day of December the assets
of the said testator will be distributed
amongst the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to claims of which
the executors shalt then have notice.
DATED this twenty-fifth day of
November, A, D„ 1946,
Wingham, Ontario.
Solicitors for the executors.
All persons having claims against
the estate of Bessie Jane Coulter, late
of the Township of East Wawanosh,
in the County of Huron, Married
Woman, who died on or about the
third day of November, A.D,, 1046,
are notified to send to Crawford &
Hetherington,• Wingham, Ontario, on
or before the fourteenth day' of Dec
ember, A.D. 1946, full particulars
of their claims in writing, Immediate-
ly aft& the said fourteenth day of Des
eember the assets of the said testatrix
will be, distributed ainongst the parties
entitled thereto, having regard only le
ClairtiS of which the executrix shall
then have notice,
DATED 'this twenty-fifth day of
November, A. D., 1946,
Wingham, Ontario,
SonCitOta for the exeOtttrix.
James E. West
James'Edward West, of 9 Erie Ave.,
London, died suddenly Wednesday at
St. Joseph's Hospital, in his 51st year.
Born in Blenheim, he had been em-
ployed by the Bell Telephone Company
for 35 years. Before moving to Lon-
don five years ago, he had resided in
Stratford, Chatham and Wingham. He
was a member of St. James' Westmin-
ster Anglican Church and a 'veteran
of the First Great War, during which
he served with the 186th Battalion.
Surviving are his wife, the former Alice
Hatt; two daughters, Shirley and Bev-
erley at home; his father, George
West, Chatham, and one brother, Gold-
win, Chatham. The funeral service
was held at the A. Millard George
Funeral Home in London, on Satur-
day, at 1,80 p,m,, with Rev. H. E. Mer-
rifield officiating, Interment in Wood-,
land Cemetery,
Miss Irene Doupe of Hamilton,
spent last week at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. George McClenaghan.
Mrs. Cecil Falconer spent the week-
end at Lucknow, while Mr, and Mrs.'
Athol Purdon visited at Toronto,
The Induction services for Rev. Mr.
Sutherland held in the Presbyterian
Church here on Friday evening, were
largely attended. We welcome Mr.
and Mrs. Sutherland to this commun-
To Electors of Polling Sub-Division
No. 4 East Wawanosh
Take notice that a change in the
place of polling has become necessary
Instead of the Polling place being at
the home of ,Mrs. Eccles Dow, EV), Lot
29, Con. 10, East Wawanosh, it shall
be at the house of Mr. John McGee,
W1/2 Lot 30, Con. 10, East Wawanosh,
R. R, Redmond,
Returning Officer.
Voters' List, 1946
Municipality of the Township of How-
ick, County-of Huron
Notice is hereby given that I have
complied with Section 8 of the Voterg
List Act and that I have posted up in
my office in the Village of 'Gorrie, on
the 23rd of November, the list of all
persons entitled to vote in the said
municipality at Municipal Elections,
and that such list remains there for
inspection, and 1 call upon all voters to
take immediate proceeding to have any
errors or omissions corrected according
to law, the last day for appeal being
the 7th, day of December, 1946.
Dated this 26th clay of Nov„ 1946,
Clerk of Howick Twp.,
Wroxeter, Ont.
All persons having claims against
the estate of William H. McKinney,
late of the Village of Bluevale, in the
County of Huron, Miller, who, died Ott
or about the fourth day of November,
A.D., 1946, are notified to send to
Crawford & netherington, Wingham,
Ontario, on or before the fourteenth
day of December, full par-
ticulars of their claims in writing.
mediately after the said fourteenth day
of December, the assets of the said
testator will be distributed amongst
the parties entitled thereto, having re-
gard only to ciaintS of which the ex-
°tutors shell then have notice,
DATED this twenty-fifth day of
November, A II, 1046,
Witighain# Ontario.,
Solicitors for the executors,
information, with new varieties of
grain, fertilizers, stock tonics, and more
balanced feeds for p'oultry and hogs.
For thi's information, they were indebt-
ed to the Federation of Agriculture,
and the Agricultural Representative, to
the radio, and to discussion of groups,
and to radio stations. carrying Farm
Mr. Lawrence Taylor is attending
the Uti•ted Farmers Convention in
'Toronto this week,
Mrs, Harry Ferguson has returned
after spending a week. with her daugh-
ter, Don Ireland, Teeswater.
Mr, arid Mrs. Edwin Day and fam-
ily, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Currie of Teeswater on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lynn were Sun-
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ted
Holland of Harriston.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Underwood and
John, spent Monday in Kitchener,
'M'ss Madge Taylor of Kitchener, is
visiting her sisters, Mrs, KnOwlson
and Miss Nora Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Wardie Schaefer of
Fordwicle and Mrs. Frank King
spent Monday in Guelph,
Mr. and Mrs, La Rose anti daugh-
ters, Eleatioro and Mae, and Miss Iso-
bel King 'of Toronto, were guests on
Sunday of Mr, and Mrs. Freak King.
Mr. Thud! of Ripley has purchased
the bakery business from Mr.. Clayey
Michel and took posses&onon IVIMulay
Canada Life Elects New Director
The Board of Directors of the Can-
ada Life Assurance Company has an-
trounced the election of E. C. Gill,
General Manager, as a Director of the
Company„Mr. Gill has been associat-
ed with Canada Life since 1028 and
was appointed. .C4trieral Manager last
Match, He 'currently
dent of Housing Enterprises Limited,
, .
Do Yolit Christmas Shopping early
this year,
BATESON-In Wingham General
Hospital, on Tuesday, November
26th., to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bateson,
a son,
PROCTER-In Wingham General
Hospital, on Thursday, November
28th., to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Proc-
ter, R. R. 5, Brussels, a daughter,
DELLOW-In Wingham General
Hospital, on Friday, November 29,
to Mr. and' Mrs. lames Dellow, of
Brussels, a daughter.
HOWSON-In Wingham General-
Hospital, on Friday, November 29th,
to Mr. and Mrs, Fred Howson,
Wingham, a daughter.
S LEI GHTH 0 LNs-In Wingham Gen-
eral Hospital, on Sunday, Dec. 1st.,,
to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sleightholn,.
R, R. 1, Formosa, a son.
KIRKLAND-In Wingham General-
Hospital, on Monday, December 2,
•to Mr, and Mfrs. Gordon Kirkland,'
R. R. 3, Lucknow, a son.
THE: wINGHANT. Azw.ANcg-vmgs. Thursday, December 5th 1940.