HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-12-05, Page 11 MINMION•In.loOme fAKAtEggrestAkesel-AMAPP'„AMM-J1F,,: • • • , ' Grhe Thursday, December 5th, 1946 THE, WINGBAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGg r,r,v„17141Sr pw-Nroo-nm-rwivrzgpo-lto,,*p.A-moosrl At Arthitages you will find that Gift for HIM WHATA SOCK ! Diamond Socks Your favorite and his favourite hose. $2.50 We haye a grand selec- tion of 100% All-Wool Hosiery.that will sure- , ly pleaSe him. For a Man's Xmas ! MUFFLERS 7:1 Give him a Muffler this year. $1.00 and $1.25 Just what he wants SLEEVELESS Pullovers Pure wool in shades of white, sand, grey, and brown. $3.50 Fancy or Chamois Vests, $4.75 - $6.00 Pure White Linen Handkerchiefs, 50c MEN'S HATS $3.25 to $5.50 Gloves, lined or unlined, $1.75 to $3.25 Plastic or all-Elastic Braces . . $1.00 Plastic or Leather Belts $1.00 Men's Scotch TAMS $2.85 Boys' Pure Wool Melton Jackets $3.50 NYLON HOSE FOR LADIES ONE PAIR TO A CUSTOMER kqei alL4?--'0**Z-iaLM47,4W4,4f-o?,-ZWW.,,Z:a4A- 4:1011M1.1.1x1...M.210.• .1111111111.11MMOISMIIMIMMIMPArhou•••••••MINIMAINDIMMILI, Neckwear is always appre- ciated and you , can always find a choice selec- tion at. ARMITAGES 75c , to $1.50 sent his independent report on Thurs- I R. R. Redmond, Clerk & Treasurer, day, December 5th. r East Wawanosh. IM.1.01•11••••••10.1111 13aN,ZrZiPair,2t1D'air,l-M-.14illeADiDiftir242701-111-7iD64-1:4UD 81AVil'itaaafraridelaA'graCIM'Api1 Someone You Know Will Be rice DELIGHTED With One Of These Fine GIFTS COAL and COKE ototototatooN I BUY NOW as goods will disappear from the shelves in the next week or two YOU ARE INVITED TO COME IN AND SEE- OUR STOCK WHILE WE HAVE IT. PHONE 27 WE DELIVER • WHITECHURCH Mr. Mac MacGregor spent the week- end with Mr. Jack Aitcheson of St. Helens. Mrs. Albert Coultes is visiting for a few days this week with her sister; in Toronto. She went on Monday with Mr. Jack Coultes of Morris, who is attending United Farmers Convention there this week. S. S. No. 12, will hold their concert in the Memorial Hall here on Thurs- day, December 12th!., with the Farrier Orchestra providing • music for the dance that will fellow,' „ C-00-040. 4-Wwier.44-e4reke4WWWWWW/404-AKOMEACS •S Elastic inset in this sling heel ... Platform sole with a box toe $3.50 Many Other Styles in a wide range of prices Slippers . • • Always a Must All-year-round comfort. . . in white wool with leather platform sole $2.95' "SHOES FOR ALL THE FAMILY" Edna Forsythe spent a few days in Toronto last week, ' - Miss !Mildred McClenaglian and Miss Sumi Iwamato, both of whom are graduates of Guelph !General Hospital, commenced work in Wingham Hospi- tal on Sunday. A reception is being held in the Hall this Friday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rotteau, (nee Dorothy Walters), of London. Everybodys% welcome, and ladies please bring sandwiches. Taylor Orchestra will provide music for danc- ing. Mr. Tom Morrison spent the week- Mrs. Alex Robertson went through end with relatives in Toronto, Mrs. an Operation in Wingham Hospital on Saturday. We wish her a speedy re- covery. Mrs. Robert Mitchell, Wingham, spent last'week at the home of her dau- ghter, Mrs. Gordon Elliott, and Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Galbraith visited there on Sunday. Mrs. Harry Tichbourne of Goderich, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. David Kennedy. Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Purdon and family, moved to Belgrave on :Satur! day, where they, will live with .,Mrs. Perdue for the next few moritlis„ ECV/4-ta.141=1,7,-tErattt.'IMOVeiMISZ-tttg,-1= iMr. and Mrs. Robt, Purdon and Archie, and Mrs. Jas. Curran and child- ren, .spentfrSunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd .13ott, of Elora, Mrs. Aldin Purdon returned home from Wingham on Friday, Rev, G. M, Newton has been -show- ing slides on the Life of Paul and his Missionary Journeys in the United Church Sunday School here for the past two Sundays, and there will be two more "Journeys" shown, Anyone W:11 ho weicoroo, to come and see these very interesting pictures. Rev, and Mrs. Sutherland moved —rn- to the manse-here. on Wednesday last. Mr. ,and Mrs. Ira, 'Wall moved to the 'Hector Mackay farm last week, and Mr. and Mrs: Daniel Tiffin moved to the house they vacated. ,A record crowd attended the Euchre and Dance in•-the Memorial Hall here last Wednesday night, Nineteen tables were played, with Mrs. John MacMil- lan winning the prize for high points for women, and Mr. Jamieson Petta- piece winning high points for men, Mrs.. Gordon Godkin and Mr. De Witt Miller tied for lone hands, with Mr. Miller winning the cut of the cards. Garnet Farrier's Orchestra supplied Music for dancing. The ladies took in over $100, Mr. Alex McKenzie, as a member of the Board of the Commun- ity Hall, from the Kinloss Council, spoke briefly, congratulating the, people of this community on the splendid Hall. The new floor came in for great Praise, and Mr, McKenzie moved a vote of thanks to Mr, De Witt Miller who did the finishing and polishing. The ladies have bought a good electric stove for their kitchen, and feel that now, lunches will be More easily handled Mrs. Clarence McClenaghan was in charge of the meeting in the 'United Church last Wednesday evening. G. M. Newton was in charge of the Wor- ship service! The young people have been studying the Origin and Making of the Bible, and Mr. Newton contin- ued this study, with a lively discus- sion period following. The theme of the meeting was, Christmas in other lands, and Miss Mildred McClenaghan Mrs. Scholtz, Mrs. Groskorth, James Falconer, and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft told of different customs of the people of Sweden, Holland, Jugoslavia, Germany, and many other lands. Clarence Mc- Clenaghan played four new carols found in the .Hymnary, a Polish, a French, a German and a Spiritual. Mrs. McClenaghan gave a reading protray- ,ing what a really unselfish Christmas 'would he like and Rey. Mr. Newton .p...:17:•.titirvglig,m16 • • • -v closed the meeting with prayer. 401-* There are elections in Kinloss after litozw:storw • for Men LO Men's Black Plastic. House SLIPPERS Soft leather sole $2.75 all, Mr, Alex McKenzie, and Mr. Dan McKinnon are running fol.- Reeve„ and Messrs. Carruthers, Caldwell, Gaunt, Murray and Tiffin for Councillors. Mr. and Mrs, Fred McQuillan and sons of St Helens,, vted„-gn Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rtissell Gaunt. The Concert for, the PresbYterian and United Church Sunday Schools will•be held in the Presbyterian Church this year, on Friday, December 20th. 1/4 Josie Tamblyn arid Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tamblyn. Mr, John Gear of Waterloo, visited at his home for a few days last week. Miss Winnifred Campbell spent sev- eral days in Goderich, visiting her aunt, Mrs. Gordon Ainslie. With the first fall of snow which fell Saturday night and Sunday, a number of the men hunters in the com- munity got out bright and early Mon- day 'morning to -enjoy' a hunting trip through the woods. Many of the old land marks in this community are disappearing, some time ago as formerly mentioned in some of the papers, the old house,known as the Carr house was moVed from the old Carr homestead now owned by Mr. Wm. McDowell to Auburn, Then an- other old house on the 5th concession of East Wawanosh on the iMcCI:nton homestead was torn down by Leon- ard Cook and taken to his home, An- other land mark on the side of the road by Lot 31, con. 5, disappeared one morning last week. It was a mon- strous stone buried by the Bulldoz- er which is cleaning up some of the roadsides. The late Adam Hoover ate ff. To the ratepayers of the Township 1/: I would like to clarify some details re- 4 garding this statement, As you know s.,r the last meeting of the Council is held 1: on Nov. 15th., after which time I have one week in which to balance my books and prepare the statement and allow g the printer sufficient time for printing, before Nomination, November 22. An- other party, not on my instructions picked op the printed statements and delivered them to the nomination meet- ing. I had not been given the oppor- ttmity to check it and regret that a few minor clerical errors were not correct- ed, The statement did not include all of 1045 taxes collected. For instance an amount of $532.09 was collected by the tax collector in the Spring of 1046, and should have been transferred Ic) the Township on May 1, It was finally transferred! on September 16, but no notice was sent to me of the transfer, All other collected taxes are entered in Cash BoOk, In connection with the coming elec- tion of Reeve. for the Township of East Wawanosh, it has come to my atten- tion that certain statements are being made about my positiotton as Clerk and Treasurer, and in particular, in- sinuations are being made that my 1: statement of Receipts and Disburse-. Rt. meats which was presented at the Nomination meeting is not correct and that. my books are in disorder: Mrs, Harold Wild received the fol- io-Wing .letter -last Week4r6M:relatives in'10.1'eeee; dkPressini- them' , apprecia- tion, a for . parcels WhiCk..ifact been sent throughher. • Philia, October 1946. My Dear Niece: his first dinner in this country, when We are all well and wish the same for you. he came to take up his farm from the Yesterday we received the parcel Crown. So one by one the old land you sent us and we are so thankful marks are disappearing, about it that words can hardly convey our feelings. I have five little grandchildren and 2 sons with their wives. I divided the parcel the best I could and. I wish you were here to see the children, how happy they were. I kept for myself the trousers and the shoes. 'rhe conditions have worsened. Es- pecially the food situation has become desperate. Wheat is selling for 3000 drachmas per oka, ($2.82 a lb.), also the shoes and clothing are very dear, Beyond our reach. For this reason we appeal to your philanthropic feelings and ask you to help us in anyway possible. We have received no letter and we don't know exactly who sent the parcel, but we take it for granted that it was sent by a daughter of my cousin, George. Won't you please -write us to know Who sent it and if at all possible send in your picture, A little later when figs and olive oil is ready we will send you some as well as our picture. Many regards from all of its, We again thank you and every one who by his contribution made this parcel possible, With greetings. Your uncle, A. Eliopoulos We also greet you. your cousins, l3assil Eliopoulos George Eliopoulos. WESTFIELD Miss Pearl Jamieson attended the Teacher's Convention held in Goalie!) on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. ChM. Smith,, Mrs. Gordon Smith, Mrs., J. IL, McDowell I wish to assure the ratepayers that mid Mrs. IlarVey McDowell were Lon- everything is in order as far as my don visitors on ThfirSday,_ Books are concerned, and to further Misses Phyllis and Violet GOA were substantiate it, L on my own initiative guests over -the weekend with Mr, and 55(1 expense ant having last yeat's Mrs grnie Crawford of tuatiow. Auditor, Mr. W C. Attridge, Chattef- Ur. and Mm. Prank Catitphell Visit- cd Actonntant investigate my ,hooh§ I tct on Wednesday afternoon with MO, ami accounts anti wql be glad to pre. Here Is Christmas Cheer to Last All Year— And Many Years Imagine the lucky ones on your gift list enjoying the convenience of one of these fine furniture pieces. Why not make it a re- ality and actually give pieces that are 100 per cent. useful and 100 per cent smart. SEE OUR LARGE ASSORTMENT OF TABLE AND FLOOR LAMPS, TABLES, and CHAIRS. AMY. FRY'FOGIE' QUALITY COUNTS — AT DONALD RAE & SONS COME* IN AND INSPECT OUR NEW CHRISTMAS STOCK At Our New Department Upstairs You are sure to find something to please Christmas Tree Light Sets $1.40 up EXTRA BULBS for Sets, each 10c, 2 for 15c CHRISTMAS TREE STANDS 50c up Large assortnient of Dolls and Toys in our TOYLAND for the Children R. Electric Light Fixtures Lamps ' THAT WILL PLEASE ANY and ALL TOOLS to suit all men with such hobbies GET HER A LOVELY SET OF Revere Copper Kitchen Ware Something any Housewife would appreciate S GREEK RELATIVES APPRECIATE PARCELS To the Ratepayers Of East Wawanosh Township