HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-12-05, Page 10Culrots
latiVtatWatteDiStkerar,:e4.12404altln.ran. kleDonald. is the clerk of McDonald, the former Christina Me-
Township. Rae, was in her 10-1t.h year.
1 Mrs. McDonald was a native of
i Sprained Ankle Rostshire, Scotland, She -came to Can-
while huntiag at Mattitntiitt Zast aka with her parents 9$ years ago on a
week, F. T. Feld Lel. Vet: misfartnne salting vessel which. took sin weeks to
to sprain his ankle, and is ;=:,'Ztirt, ahem !,crt:"="s the Atlantic. H er father, the
4 with the .use of a tame- The neeeidenan7-ete Duncan MacRae, took up land in
.41 ° happened on Wednesday, but -Frank the Loclialsh district. Eighty-one
of his buck the day beforAe—Tete- IYOrs she married John McDonald
metier Neves. they faemed on the 12th conces-
&On of .Ashf eld, where they spent over
Speed Unloading To Beat Freneeep half a century.
A- Despite a, tir;eing SI:ZW:StMal riding
a45 mile-per-heur which swept
• Godericit port Sunday, shipping inter-
ests were buoy rushing unloading of
car,-.-os to release veSS4"IS ter a last
From too mud) Xmas
We invite you to
Stop at the Coffee Sho
for Lunch, Dinner, or at
Sandwich — Foods that
will more than satisfy
your appetite. Prompt,
Courteous Service.
Aged 90, Signs 4-Year
Rural Mail Contract
Thomas 3. Archer, who celebrated
of his life as a mail courier, and on his
90th larilidaa, was honoured by his Season Opened For Beavers
In Grey Sectors
Hon.' W. G. Thompson, Ontario
minister of lands and forests, announ-
ced a open season for beaver trapp'-ng
December 1-21, indefined areas in the
province. Limit is 10 beaver for each
trapper and they must be taken only
with traps.
Included in the area are county of
Lanark and the Townships of Artent-
esia, Bentinck, Euphrasia,
Holland, Normanby, Proton and Sulli-
van in Grey County.
Next to Lyceum Theatre
away early Sunday morning, after a
long illness. Funeral service is being
held Fordwich Anglican Church on
Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Leonard was
a sister of the late Mrs. George Dane.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira McLean and fam-
ily of Wroxeter, spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. NV, C. King.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Strong of New
York, are visiting the former's broth-
ers, Wes. and John Strong.
The United Church Young People's
meeting will be held at the home of
Miss Patricia Strong on Friday even-
Rev, and Mrs. G. G. Howse were
called to Toronto on Monday to at-
tend the funeral of the late Mrs. Wind-
sor of Toronto. •
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Shera were Wing-
ham visitors on Saturday.
Mrs. Neilson is visiting her son,
John and Mrs. Neilson at Listowel,
• Mrs. Robert Cathers has returned
from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. jack
Jerdon of Brussels, and is much im-
peaved in health.
Mr. Clarence Sparing who has been
in poor health for some time, went to
Victoria Hospital, London, on Mon-
day morning where he will be under
observation for g week. We hope that
there may soon be an improvement.
Was Lost In Wilds
Few hunting excursions are made in-
to the northern wilds which do not
.11111111XIMM.11/ tttttt I ttt e t lail,.141111111011
i . .$ iNTEREsTisfi CLIPS i
Former Warden Dies Suddenly 1
David McDonald of Teeswater, died
very suddenly at h's home in Tees-
water, on Monday evening. He was
about 73 years ni age and had served
for many years as a reeve of Culross
Township. He was a former warden
of the County of Bruce and at the time
of his death 'was a director of the
.South Bruce Telephone Company and
member of the Bruce County Old Age
Pension Committee. His son. J. S.
Mr. Lorne Laird of Toronto, spent
a day in town last week.
The December meeting of the GOr-
rie Women's Institute will be held at
the home of Mrs. R. W. N. Wade, on
Wednesday, December 11/h., at 2.30
p.m. The motto, "Do nothing for
others, is the undoing of ourselves" is
to be taken by Mrs. Burns Stewart.
The programme will be in charge of
provide episodes which live long in Mrs. E. E. Wellington. Roll- Call, a
the memory of the hunters, and that gift for a shut-in.
made to Manitoulin last week by a hoe- Re. Earl King of Toronto, and Mr.
al party was no exception. Jim Taman, spent the week-end with
The highlight of the week-long friends here. Jim is with the American
quest for the fleet wiCte tails, occurred Navy at Miami, Florida.
one evening when the camp of the Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Short, Ron-
!Walkerton ninuods was thrown into a aid and Carol, v'sited relatives here on
turmoil, when on cowit'ng noses, it was Saturday and Sunday.
discovered that one of their number The Howick Legion held their an-
was missing and he was none other nual night in the Township
the local legal light, Campbell Grant, Hall, on Friday evening, with a splen-
K.C.—Walkerton Herald-Times. did attendance. A good musical pro-
gramme was rendered by local talent.
Burial Rites Held For Centenarian Cards were played and lunch was ser-
The funeral for Mrs. John 3,1eDon- ved, after which there was dancing.
aid, a member of one of Ashfield's Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hill and Mr.
pioneer families, Who died in Toronto, and. Mrs. Vie. Shera of _Moorefield,
was held from Johnstone's Funeral were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. N.
Home, Lucknow, with interment in the Wade on Sunday.
family plot, in Kintail Cemetery. Mrs. t Mr. and Mrs. Jack 'Maguire and little
daughter of Clifford, have left on a
meter trip to Florida, where they vvil
l$pend the winter,
Mrs. G. Ritchie and Tom, spent
Sunday with friends at Arthur,
Mr. and Mrs. Reg Newton and dau-
ghters were in Toronto for the week-
Me. Chat. Cowan it home again alter
being on the lake boate.
Mr. and Mrs. Sw'reer and family,
spent Sunday Holstein and Corm,
Mrs. SW:tger is remaining for a longer
Messrs. Harold and cordon Edgar,
and Mr, and Mrs. Areltie Scott, spent
Thursday in Toronto.
his 90th: birthday, Sept. 9th„ has just Mr, and ilfrs, Gee. Brown and Jelin,
signed a four-year mail-carrying me- spent Sunday- with Mr. and Mrs. \Yid- minute dash to the lakehead. before the tract with the Forest post office. fred Hoy of Ethel, eleee of navigation.
Mr. Archer spent the past 26 years Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery,
Jr. and family, of Milton, were eis:tors
on Sunday with the former's parents.
fellow workers, He spent about six Ivan Montgomery of Kitchener, was a
years on route number one, and for the guest on Saturday at the same home.
'ast twenty years has dropped his mail Our sympathy is extended to reta-
in boxes along route number three.. tines of Mrs,. Milton Leonard, of the
• • • • 6th concession of Howick, who passed
Layaway these Gifts too!
Impressively designed Signet
Rings, $5.00 up to $25.04
Ladies Signet Rings, $2.70 up
Birthday Rings
Variety of Earrings
in gold and sterli e-
from $1.00 up
Stone-set pins, wide
assortment $1.00 up
Perfectly matched
bridal ensemble
$40.00 up to $300.00
Lockets and Chains
$2.00 up
Debts Collected
Since 1890 we have been collect-
ing notes aria accounts, Some
clients have been sending us their
collections for 25 years and more.
Yes, they have been well pleased
With reatilts.
Send us your list tiowend
watch the returns pour in
Terms: No Collection•
No Commission.
Kelly & Aiken
The Collection Spedalists
Orangeville Ontario
PAGE TEN THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, December 5th, 1946
4r4r-Igri4Pr.20iMigtr 04044AMAMat
A Word 'to the
Wise from
Reserve Your
The Precision Watch
on Layaway
Vort-ttie CADENCE IsatainlMavement,10}t
Geld-filled Bezel, Stain. leer Steel Back $29.75
1S-Jewel Movement, 10K Gold-filled Be-Pet, Stainless Steel Sack, Expansion
01000141 $42.50
17-Jswg Precision Movement, 14K
Solid Gold Can
Vsti-ests HUNTSMAN
Prschien Mari-
am', 10K Gold-Med cos*
A Small Down Payment
Reserves Your Selection
You'll be wise to do your
Christmas shopping early
this year ! The demand for
the many lovely things we
have on our shelves—and
particularly our hard-to-
Gruen Precision Watches
far exceeds the supply. We
suggest that you come in
while we still have a wide
selection. Choose your
Gruen Watch or gift of
jewelry NOW . . reserve
it with only a small clown
Wise housewives know
that early Christmas
shopping means the
' best selections. Time
slips by so quickly.
Before we realise it,
Christmas is only a
few days away. Why
not plan now and shop
early to avoid that
last-minute rush.
Early shoppers are
rewarded with wider
and better selections,
rill merchandise sold at your Dominion
Store is unconditionally guaranteed to
give On satisfaction.
COCOA 8 oz. 19c, 16 oz. 29c
Chocolate 3 oz. 10c, 8 oz. 19c
Cake Flour
Mixed PEEL, 8 oz. — . —17c
ALMONDS, 3 oz.
Aunt Muth
MOLASSES, 16 oz. ..
Egg Noodles, 12 oz., 2 for 27c
Spaghetti & Macaroni 2 -lie
Bows, Cello, 12 oz., 2 for lic
Soup Mix, cello bag, 2. for 17c
Arriving Daily
FRUIT and.
GRAPEFRUIT, 6 for29c
ORANGES, 252s, dot. ..25c
TURNIPS .. .3 lbs. lie
CARROTS — _ .3 lbs. Ilk
These values effective until closing
time, December Ilk 1f 4S
"How can can we select a Claiittrn
eC that bolds its needles " is a ques-
fathers and mothers ask year after
The answer depends on the type of
ee you buy and the care you give it
ce you set it up.
All trees tend to drop their leaves
er they are cut and stored in a dry
/IL But some kinds naturally hold
Spruce are the first to shed their
needles. A spruce cart be identified by
grasping a branch tightly. Its sharp
eedles while priek your bend.
The ideal Christmas tree is the fin
It resembles the spruce except that its
;.:edies ,are net sharp. The needles
tay on the tree for a long time, aed
cute a golden brown heiere they
et ys drop c ff. Neellea 111e.; the Deng.
'a. fir are flits nee. sift
~easily. This is most likely due to the
fact that they do not shed their needles
easily. This is most likely due to their
unsymmetrical appearance which does
not closely resemble the traditional
Christmas tree,
No matter what kind of Christmas
tree you select, it will hold its needles
longer if it is standing in water. Place
a little water its the base of your tree
stand and you w:11 be bothered less
with falling needles than you were last
Syria Catnel of Jesus
ir.,;,:ioutt:nsety a
able,d the Christ
t ea r it immortality.
as it lay moaning be,
Child bl
Ntsv. s C°111Plittients essa
The most popular household in the
community is so designated on New
Year's morning by the debris around
the doorstep.
"Now that real rubber is being used
again in golf balls," advises a manufac-
turer, "the average man's game should
improve one hundred per cent."
Maybe it will. But lie will probably
red Byron Nelson and other depress-
ing fellows cutting par in half. •
king Powder
et, 16 oz. 22c, 3' oz. 12c
5 lbs. 38c
Boiled Dinner, 15 oz. ... 23c
Chile Con Came, 15 oz. ..19c
SWANSDOWN, pkg. ... 27c Steak and Onions, 16 oz. 45c
Steak & Mushrooms . .45c
Meat Balls, 16 oz... — ..29c Blessed by Child Christ their needles hanger than others. Trees
used most -commonly on Christmas are in Syr ia, z water and wheat await the sPrItae, fir, hemlock4 pine and red the Gentle Camel of Jesus who travels cedera. cob:
br ldren. inging
med deser tprlsevaasypssi l onxst:t o t Epiphanynge:v seehi Eveto
catnels which borele the
Of the
by the press
e•n•otar tree con be €....seiy /deal:- Danish families save their broken " s exerniniten ts e. enrees which er bevy'—t0 toss ag,,'ainq tiler friends' sale s Larl a":•pcndagcs on each stic. 114<'.:4-s ea New ''ear's Eve.
Pints have never beer: very eneelaell The c-ockery tossed, the tosScra as ch,..itas. frees, in spite of tr,.e Let run; but not tea far; they expect to eat the
y do 1k Shied Met needles " be invi:ed in foe doughnuts,