HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-12-05, Page 6IIK
13 1%
Outfit Your Boy
for Christmas
You'll, be surprised at the kick HE'LL get
out of these new School and Play TOGS for
full display of haberdashery, Suits and other
coats to make him warm, proud and happy.
Sizes for all ages. Make this Christmas a
practical as well as joyful occasion by start-
ing him off in a completely new outfit.
can be made of skim milk.
Answer: Yes, and it is very good if
the milk is soured by using 1 tsp. vine-
gar for 1 pint milk. Heat slowly in a
pan over hot water until it separates
into curds and whey. Strain through
cheese cloth, Chill and mash with a
fork. * * *
Anne Allan invites you to write to
her in ejo of The Wingham Advance-
Times. Send in your suggestion on
homemaking problems and watch this
column for replies.
Q:—Is there a ceiling price on fuel-
wood? if so what is the ceiling on
16 inch dry wood?
A:—There is a ceiling price on ,fuel-
wood. It ,N,aries according to the
type of wood and the section in
which it is sold. Will you please
contact the nearest office of the
Wartime Prices and Trade Board
and you Will be given the fuelwood
order wh'ch will give you the desir-
ed information.
Q:—I bought some jam the other day
and later saw.. it two cents a jar
cheaper in, another store. When I
asked the dealer from • whom I
bought the jam to ex,change it and
return my coupons he said the coup-
ons wouldn't be any good to me. Is
he right?
A:—Yes. It is illegal to give loose
coupons for any rationed 'foods.
Therefore, even if the dealer had
returned yours to you, you couldn't
legally have used them.
Q:--Is there a regulation that we must
pay cash or give tickets for milk
when it is delivered at our home?
A:—The Wartime Prices and -Trade
Board has no such regulation, How-
ever, we have checked and determin-
ed that the Ontario Milk Board does
have such a ruKng.
Q:—I am a dressmaker, will r, you
please tell me what are the restric-
tions on women's fashions now?
A:—All restrictions were removed on
women's clothing some weeks ago.
Q:—Why is it that the ceiling price
of eggs vae:es at different times.
A:—The ceiling price of eggs sold to
the consumer depends *on the price
paid by the retailer to his dealer,
The retailer Is, 'permitted a six cent
markup on his psl'ee to his dealer.
Wheii eggs are plentiful the whole-
saler pays less than when they are,
scarce and the retailer 'bases his
price on the cost.
Coupons now valid arc sugar-preser-
ves SI. to S36, butter 1329 to 1334, meat
M56 to M62, On December 31 all
sugar coupons in ration book five, all
evaporated milk beaver. coupons, but-
ter coupons T329 to 1334 exp',re:
Fancy Sandwich Bread
of the sugar rations. The home econ-
omists of the Consumer Section, Dom-
inion Department of Agriculture sug-
gest "Quickbreads" as the solution to
this problem. A variety of delicious
breads to serve for luncheons or din-
ners may be made by using different
types of whole grain flour.
Spiced Apple Muffins
114 cup mild flavoured fat
114 cup sugar
112 teaspoon salt
1 egg
1 cup uripeeled, chopped apples
tr ."1, cup milk
1 cup sifted, all-purpose flour
OR 1 cup plus 2 tbsp. sifted pastry
3 teaspoons baking powder
1 cup cooking bran
2 tablespoon sugar (extra)
114 teaspoon cinnamon
, Cream fat, add sugar and salt and
cream well together. Add beaten egg,
apples and milk and stir well. Sift
flour and baking powder, add bran and
add dry mixture to wet ingredients.
Fill. greased muffin tins, 213 full. Mix
the 2 tablespoons extra sugarwith the
cinnamon and sprinkle over muffins.
Bake in a hot oven, 400 degrees F., for
25 minutes. Yield:, 12 to 15 muffins,
1 cup buttermilk
1 cup molasses
2 cups wholewheat flour
2 teaspoons soda
1.14 teaspoon salt
.314 cup coarsely ground peanuts
Add buttermilk to molasseS. Com-
bine whole wheat flour, soda and salt.
Add the dry ingredients and peanuts
to the liquid mixture. Blend well.
Turn into two well-greased loaf pans
7%"x31/2 "x2 114". Fill pans about 213
full and steam 2 hours. This mixture
may 'be, baked in a moderately slow
oven 325 degrees F., for 1 hour. Use
for sandwiches or serve with salads,
Yield: 2 small loaves.
Holiday Quick Bread
1 cup all-purpose flour
Ms teaspoon salt
13/2 teaspoon baking powder
112 teaspoon soda
213 cup sugar
1 cup whole wheat flour
Juice and grated rind of 1 orange
2 tablespoons melted shortening
boiling water
1 egg
114 cup chopped mixed peel
314 cup coarsely ground raw • cran-
Sift together the flour, salt, baking
powder, soda and sugar. Add whole
wheat flour and mix. Put orange
juice and grated orange rind in a cup.
Add melted shortening and suffic-
ient boiling water to make 1 cup. Beat
the egg and to it add the liquid mix-
ture. Add liquid to dry ingredients.
Fold. in cranberries and chopped peel,
Nur, batter into a well-greased loaf
pan g.%,":0114"4", Bake in a moder-.
ate oven 350 degrees F., for 1 hour.
Store for 24 hours before serving.
Yield: 1 loaf.
Author Unknown
"This coming year I'd like to be a
friend to everyone;
I'd like to feel each clay well spent at
setting of the sun;
I'd like to know that I have done at
least one kindly deed,
Before I lay inc clown to sleep that I
have given heed—
To some one's cry for sympathy, or
friendship or that I
Have made the day seem brighter to
some chance passer-by,
And that the world is better still in.
just some little way,
Because I've tried to live the very best
' I could each day,
"I'd like to 'be a ray of light whets
skies are overcast,
I'd like to help someone who failed to
blot out all the past,
To start again despite the storms, and
find the skies are blue,
To know that in this good old world.
there's lots that's fine and true,
I'd like to be the kind of person every-
one will love,
And make the world seem just a little-
more like heaven above;
I'd like in all my dealings to be true'
and just and fair,
That God _will help me do these things
shall- be my daily prayer."
The economical salesman—A Classi-
fied ad. in The Advance-Times,
WHEN you've just about completed your shopping list, there's
always the family next door who've shared their lawnmower,
the Joneses in the country who were so nice to Billie', not to men-
tion brothers and sisters, or sons and daughters.
OF COURSE they probably get THE ADVANCE-TIMES now,
but a year's subscription, payment will please them whether it is
new or a renewal ... not once but 52 times between now and Christ-
mas 1947, they'll recall your thoughtfulness.
T'S EASY SHOPPING TOO, just let us know, by mail or at the
office, whom you wish to remember this way. They'll get a
card advising them of your gift.
$2.00 anywhere in Canada
Is It It Difficult to
Find Something
tudant abbanttlEitutti Xbe
Thursday, December 5th, 1946 PAGE SIX THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES
Hello, Homemakers! The increased
price of milk has caused considerable
tonsternation, but there are certain
facts we must not lose sight of. The
foremost being that milk is the most
perfect food in our diet—we must not
deprive ourselves of the necessary 'pint
To get the benefits of this com-
tion, just rub throat, chest, and
back with Vicks VapoRub at
bedtime. VapoRub goes to work
instantly-2 ways at once as
shown above—to ease bronchitis
coughing, loosen congestion, re-
neve muscular soreness, and speed
. restful, comforting sleep. Often
by morning most of the misery is
of milk daily and the quart for each
child daily, The best ways to use
milk are as a cold or hot beverage,
creamed soups, creamed sauce and,
milk puddings.
The value lies in the body-building
materials, sources of energy and fuel,
FOR ADDED RELIEF—Melt a spoonful
of VapoRub in a• bowl of boiling
water. Inhale the steaming medi-
cated vapors. Feel them soothe
nagging bronchial irritation!
gone. Now don't take chances
with untried remedies—get re-
lief from bronchitis miseries to-
night with double-action, time-
tested Vicks VapoRub.
cOnadhen, born Mezzo-Soprano who
, is gaining wide acclaim, is guest
star on Northern Electric Hour
broadcast coast-to-coast Monday,
December 9th
chest and back sur-
faces likea warming,
and the vitamins which milk contains.
The butterfat or cream of milk is high
in fuel for the body, but we have sub-
stitutes in large amounts, in the meats
and vegetable oils that we use. Thus,
skim milk, buttermilk, cottage cheese,
are the foods to maintain health and
reduce the grocery budget.
Here are vine reliable buttermilk
recipes—or if whole milk ,turns sour,
don't throw out this expensive food,
but substitute it for buttermilk in the
following recipes:
2 cups flour, 3 tbsps. butter, 1/2
tsp, soda, 1/ tsp. salt, 2 tbsp.
brown sugar, % cup raisins if de-
sired, 1 egg, buttermilk to moisten
(about 814 cup.)
Sift the dry ingredients, Cut in the
butter evenly and mix in the raisins.
Beat the egg and add one -half cup of
buttermilk. Stir into the dry ingred-
ients with enough more buttermilk to
make a soft dough. Divide in half and
roll each piece of dough in circular
shape about one-half inch thick. Out in
quarters, but do not separate the piec-
es, Bake in a hot oven about 15 mins.
11/2 tbsps. sugar, 1 tsp.
tard, 3/2 tsp. salt, few grains cay-
enne pepper, 11/2 tbsps. of flour,
114 tsp. onion salt .if desired, 11/2
tbsps. butter, 1 cup buttermilk,
114 cup vinegar or lemon juice, 2,
Mix the dry ingredients. Add the
slightly beaten eggs and buttermilk.
Cook over boiling water until the mix-
ture thickens, then add the butter and
stir in the vinegar or lemon juice very
slowly. If the dressing has a curdled
appearance, if may be remedied by
beating vigorously with a Dover egg
beater. This dressing is delicious with
vegetable and fish salads.
1 cup brown sugar, 1 cup but-
termilk or sour milk, 6 tbsps, co-
coa, 4 tbsps, butter, 1 egg, 1V2
cups flour,- it tsp. soda, 1 t.sp. bak-
ing powder.
Cream butter,.add the sugar and well
beaten egg. Sift together the aly in-
gredients and add alternately with the
bUttermilk to the first mixture. Bake
in an electric oven at 350 degrees for
45 minutes.
112 cup milk, 1 cup buttermilk
or sour milk, 1i cups flour, 2 113
• tsp. baking powder, 113 tsp. soda,
salt, 1 egg yolk, 1 egg white, 2
tbsps. melted butter. . .
,r Sift together the flour, lialchig pow-. INIMININIMBI.N. der, salt and soda. Combine. sweet
and sour milk. Add the unbeaten egg
yolk and the sifted dry ingredients,
then ,add the melted butter and beat
thoroughly, Fold in the stiffly beaters
egg white and cook on a hot greased
iron pan. Serve with lemon syrup or
maple syrup.
1. ,Mashed bananas added to beaten
egg whites, make a good substitute
for whipped cream.
2. When making applesauce cake,
grate the apples instead of cooking
them. In that way no water is add-
ed ant the full flavour of the apple
is retained,
3, The electric mixer whose beaters
can be moved into the kettle of pot-
atoes, pot of squash, • fresh apple-
sauce or curdling custard is a great
. time-saver. It whips food to a vel-
vety smooth consistency,
4.A dover beater causes plenty of
spatters which can be prevented if
you cut a hole in a paper plate and
slip it over the top of the beaters.
Mrs, L. D. asks foe 'Gingersnap lee
Cream recipe:
1 •cup heavy cream, 2 tbsps, fine
sugar, 8 bananas, .mashed;, 2 tbsp..
lemon juice, 1 cup rolled ginger-
snap crumbs..
Add 114 :tsp. lemon juke to treat
and whip until stiff. Add. sugar and
few grains of salt. Combine bananas
And lemon juice and: fold into cream,
stir in rolled gingersnap crumbs,
111* We-4-stirring once during freezing,
Mrs, G. R., asks if cottage :cheese
Bread is served on the average Can-
adian table threctimes a day. If it is
served always in the same form meals
may become monotonous. It is here
that quick breads come to the aid of
the harried homemaker. They stimu-
late the appetite by giving a change lit
flavour, shape, colour and texture, A
batch of golden brown,. hot-froin-the-,
oven muffins will dress up the most
ordinary meal. Tender, cakelike ,breads
give variety, when entertaining and
hot biscuits acid charm to the dinner
Quick bread made with whole grain
flours give bout flavour andkvariety.
They provide an excellent source of
energy at a comparatively low cost.
The fine, full flavour of whole grain
cereals or flours should be enjoyed by
the Wilily every day, otherwise they
miss a delicious treat, as Well as cheat-
ing theitiSelvcs of many nutoitiotts food
:amen O.
Today, recipes must be streamlined
to meet the demands of time and also
Time and Sugar Savers
Now get real relief from bronchitis miseries this double-
action way—with the home-proved medication that
deep into bronchial
tubes with soothing
medicinal vapors.
°4 pg. tOti ‘S‘ /0 PON HOURS-RIGHT Wiz,— b‘
Victoria Street Wingham
Your Authorized Dealer for
Chrysler and Plymouth Cars and Fargo Trucks
Change Crank Case Oil
Lubricate Chassis
Check Brake Fluid
Change Differential and Transmission Lubricants
Repack Spring Covers
Check Steering Gear Box
Repack Front Wheel Bearings
Norther/1 Electric
Paul Scherman
Northern Electric
Narrated dy doHn Drainie
MON., 8.8.30 p.m. - CKNX