HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-11-14, Page 8'I V .• SAGE EIGHT THE WINGHA1V1 ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, .November 14, 1940 the supreme sacrifice, The two minu- tes silence was observed, Rev, Nimmo of Wingham, gave a very tinier ad- dress entitled "The Four Freedoms" followed by a duet by Harvey and Jean Sparling. Rev, 5, Q. Caley pronounced the Benediction. The members of the Howick Legion met at the Legion Hall and paraded to the Town Nall. The singing of the National Anthem con- cluded the service. LYCErraE ATRE t oetia it Going d some very good cake. I enjoy- Going home f Started thinking about Tom and his wife. Neither of them' have ever taken any long trips. They went to Niagara Falls on their wedding-trip, Mrs, White still treasures the picture postc%rds Tom bought her at the Falls. Their life is bound up .elose. ly with the township and the people who, live in it. Their wedding anni- versary was quiet and friendly, Most people Jiving in big ,cities would think that Tom and his wife had lived a pretty dull life. I wonder if it's such a dull life after all, when you live like Tom White and his wife, They've never been at a cocktail party but they've often had folks in for.a. chat and a cup of tea, They've never seen the sun rise and set on ro- mantic places you read about in books and magazines but they've had a lot' of compensations, Torn still gets rip early in the morn- ing and starts the fire in the kitchen range about sunup time and then goes out 'on the back porch for a smoke, He watches the sun come up and hear's the little village come to life and then goes down after the mail train gets in for the morning paper, He told me the other day that he can't get out of. the habit of getting imp early. He does- n't have to get up but lie gets a 'thrill out 9f seeing the day start. Toni 'and his wife khow what it is like to sit on the verandah and listen to the Crickets on a warm summer ev- ening. They often take a walk out past the edge of the village in the spring just to hear the frogs croaking away in the mill pond, Life is peaceful and quiet for Tom and his wife, It is eventful too, They Were like a pair of kids ;with a new toy when they showed those pictures' the other day of their latest grandchild. They haven't lost the thing they start- ed out with. You often see them sit- MORENO ••••••• 11010.1.111 AMAIN. 1,m10 AMNON. 1.11,1••• WNW. .1•MMID Thursday, Friday, Saturday, November 14, 15, 16 make Mine music" DISNEY MUSICAL FEATURE Moms. Yowl. Nom= .1•••••• 111101•1•111 311••••• mom= •It••••• Noma, •••••••• MINIM NOM. 31,0e••• •IMMI• MEMO Miltnita aim! Moms ;MI Emma Mame 4•1•1110 110▪ .1111 mama/ mo••••• mimmin Matta IT UP! Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, NovInber 18, 19, 20 ALAN LADD .VERONICA LAKE - In - .••••••• ••••••• IMMO= A/1••••• .1•••• Minn, 6111.111111. itiliss j'i'lorence Anger of Hespeler, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, George Anger, Miss Helen Durnin of Luelmow, is spending the holiday with Rev. and Mrs. Howse. Miss Rose Howse of Stratford, spent the week-end with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Howse, Mr, and Mrs. Archie Scott entertain- ed on Wednesday in honour of Dr. Armstrong, The former's uncle, on his 95th birthday. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs, Archie Armstrong and Mr. Wm, Armstrong of Bayfield, Mrs. (Dr.) Brown of Clinton, Iowa.; Mrs. (Dr.) Armstrong, Mitchell, "The Blue Dahlia" WHEN YOU HAVE SHOPPED AROUND AND JUST CAN'T FIND THAT NEW Coat, Sport Jacket or Dress TO SUIT YOU, WHY NOT HAVE ONE MADE UP. A NUMBER OF Nice new materials are available and we invite you to see them. mom MENNE (Adult Entertainment) Show starts evenings at 8 pan. Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m, Held Series OF Services A very successful series of services were held in the United Church, Gor- rie last week. Right from the first meeting interest began to grow. On Tuesday night, Rev. Alex Nimnfo challenged the membership of the church to rethink what it meant to be a Christian. Wednesday night, Capt. Agar held up to the audience "The pleasure one finds in the real Christian Life. She spoke of Jesus as the One who meets life's every need. Thursday night, Rev. L. C. Jorgensen based his remarks on the fact that intellectual knowledge of God, Jesus, the Bible, etc,, were not sufficient for a person to claim to be a Christian. There is the need for a new creation. Mrs. Jorgen- sen delighted the congregation with a Cello Solo. Rev, Mr. Gross made a direct appeal to the Young People to give Christ a large place in their lives. He. used several illustrations of real life to em- phasize his message. Two splendid duets were rendered by the Gross sisters in keeping with, the message, 1••••••It Nam= Mom= 110/=••• illn•••• "Father in Heaven is my Shepherd Divine. Mrs. Brown very ably present- ed the Study Chapter, dealing with the rural life of the Indian people, The roll call was responded to with inter- esting thoughts on India. The president took over for business. Mrs, Howse gave a report of the Sec- tional meeting held recently. Plans were completed for the Autmun Thankoffering meeting to be held on- the evening of November 17th., in the church, Mrs. Cecil Grainger gave a reading "The Conquerors", Hymn "Father Whose Will is Life and Good", was sung anil meeting closed with prayer and the. Benediction. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Stephens were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Robinson and family of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Hicks, Harriston, Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Stephens of Thorn- dale. name tION•••• ••••••• Minims 41•1••••• Just Arrived! BEACH Water Heaters 1•1=111111 11•01M1•11 11111.• Nam= lietms.• INNEN. m••=1/6 ••••••• IMMO ••••••••1 =Immo Imosant 3000 watts, 220 volts with 3-heat Switch $27.50 ELECTRIC OATINGS ••••i • STEAM RADIATORS SALLY'S SALLIES t • 1, r.. SHAG-Rates high with the juniors. Sturdy, well woven Coating with Soft brushed finish, in that popular neutral shade that blends well with everything. Light Camel only-about 58" wide $3.95 at-- a yard 11•10atml 1••••••• $39.50-$42.50 MINIM MAYO Mama/ BLACK ALL-WOOL Closely woven, grand for Dress Coats or for Ski Slacks and Jacket, About 58" wide, yard ....$3.25 .1111.16 BLACK CREPE FINISH PURE WOOL Tops for casual or fitted styles. Good looking - Good wearing About 58" wide, per yard $4.50 HEAVY WEIGHT ALL-WOOL POLO For Sport Casual or Fitted Styles. A really Dress-up Coating. Brown or Fawn. About 58 inches wide. .Per yard 114...11• • eittison MID SERVICE Serving You Since 1935 Telephone 171j Wingharn BLACK FRIEZE, ALL-WOOL Ideal for Snow Suits or Ski Togs for children, and splendid for Coats. About 58" wide, per yard $2.95 40111.11MIN Mr. and Mrs. Burns Stewart, Edwin and Mrs. M. Stewart, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Brown of Harriston on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wade are visiting relatives in Toronto and will attend the Winter Fair. A quiet wedding was solemnized at United Church Parsonage, November 4th., at 7 p.m., when Betty Quillam of Gorrie, was united in marriage to John Benninger of Wroxeter. Rev. G. G. Howse officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Donald. Campbell and David, spent .Thursday with the for- mer's sister, Mrs. Gordon MacCatmell and Mr, Mac Cannel! of Dromore. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Easton of Toron- to, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Edgar,. GORRIE "Why take all the money, out of Baby's piggy bank? There was Lust enough In it to buy me a foe.. P. $4.50 2/{stmak .11•.11.• AMMO/ Mama SEMEN MIME= TWEED Woven of All-Wool in pliable coat- ing weight. Diagonal stripes in background of grey or blue. For trim, casual eff ect it is tops. About 58" wide, per yard Y.P.U. Elect Officers The Young People at United Church held election of Officers: President, David Noilson; Vice-President, iMac Hutchison; Secretary, Erland Gregg; Assistant, Gwen Ruttan; Treasurer, Grace Harper; Pianist, Patricia Strong, Assistant, George Gregg; Christian Missions, Audrey Hastie; Christian Citizenship, Dorothy Watson; Chris- tian Culture, Mildred Parrish; Chris- tian Fellowship, Joyce Thornton. Howick Honour Roll Unveiled At Gorrie, Sunday, Nov. 10th. Large crowds attended the Remem- brance Service held in the Town Hall, the overflow congregated in the Orange Hall across the street where M. D. Irwin's loud speaker was instal- led. The service was in charge of Rev. G. G. Howse. The Howick Legion Chaplain Rev, ,The C. Caley led in pray- er followed by a selection by Wroxeter Male Quartette, Reeve John Winter assisted by Elmer Farrish, unveiled the Howick Honour Roll and read the list of 176 names as they enlisted. Tribute was paid to those 13 fallen who made MINX= 1.11M1•11 MI•1=11 =OMNI ••••••1 togiont •••••• • WE ARE $4.75 PHIL OSIFER OF LAZY MEADOWS MOYNE •••1111•1 MINIM •d1=1•1 ALL-WOOL TARTAN BLANKET Be warmly clad for winter outings, in Tartan Blanket Coating. For Sport coats, Ski -Tog-s, etc. All- Wool with soft brushed finish, About 58" wide, per yard. $3.00 •'• W.M.S. Meeting Mrs. Kenneth Hastie opened her home for the Woman's Missionary Society on Thursday, Nov, 7th., with eighteen ladies present. Mrs. E. Par- rish for the devotional program, with the theme Fulfilling our Church Mem- bership in Christian Homes. Quiet music played by Mrs. Whitely was followed with prayer by Mrs. Par- rish and the singing of hymn; "For the Beauty of the Earth", Passage of scripture pertaining to Christian Fam- ily life were interspersed with silent prayer and the Lord's prayer n unison. Psalm. 23 was repeated in unison. Mrs. Rowse sang an Indian Hymn, o•Immem twier ••••••tor 110•00•1 1••••••• ilatom• ,1•11.••• Mammal gamma. tIplEtni ilommat itmem• II•••••• ••••••• 11•••••1 CENIINO 11•••••M trima OM.= .re.me 1110•1111•I 11.▪ 101016 11•••11011 161111•111t •11011•111 ••••1•11 . MOS.. MON. NOINO•Ii •••••••• 1•1•101.1 Fee/a/at MINIM IMMO. MOM ••••••• *atm= roar. roam= tattatet Ita/Ovift kaMm01 kaa•040 IMMO= Fine Wool and Rayon DRESS GOODS 0=01 By Harry J. Boyle Tom White and his wife celebrated their fortieth wedding anniversary last Tuesday. I happened to be iu the store when Tom dropped in on his way back from getting the mail, He lives retired in the village and he asked me to stop by the house and have a chat before I ,vient back to the farm. There were a few folks around-when I called. They were mostly older folks like Tom and wife, who are living retired in the village. It was a friend- ly, pleasant half hour that I spent with them. There were a lot of reminiscen- ces exchanged and Tom ,quizzed me about the work around the farm, A re- tired farmer is always like that. He wants to talk about the things going on around the farm, We had a cup of 0=0 0=0===l0=01=0=0 AGENTS for COUNTER CHECK BOOKS PRINTED GUMMED TAPE MADE BY (fPpi2f04,d, FAPER.PPODUCT5 Styles for every business. Various colors and designs Samples, suggestions and prices without obligations White Allover Design on background of soft ()Teen, blue or pink, for smart ImatAIM •Iimm• 411.1••• 1121••••• WWI. ...a 111.1141t red MY ,00.0 MINIOMI IMAM. ••••••• WINI. ...... appearance and lasting beauty. Ab.out 36" wide, per yard $1.35 AMOUR MII•1•11 t14.0•1 011111••• ••••••I 1•••••• MOEN imm••• ••=.• t 1••••• ANY= .1•01•1 Imm.• Mat= tm.i ..... Brown, Fawn and Rose, yard $1 59 * ••••••I 4•M•11 = mt.. NM= MIME O41•MII at•ttat '...! L I NI NG S Satin-back, good weight lining, 58" wide, in - alOOMIt MRIMMOO 1•••••• WIt• *OM= MIMI& ANOMMIt 0•0 MM.. ININIMN 1.1ms• .....0... . ••••••• I KING DEPT. STORE ...... _ Hot Water Bottles 11 We have a large number of "Pre-War Quality" WATER BOTTLES The Advance-Times Phone 34 Il MONOGRAM (One Year Guarantee) . .. • .. .79c DEFENDER (One Year Guarantee ' $1.25 it FIRSTAID (Two Year Guarantee) , , $1.39 ..:' SYMBOL (Two Year Guarantee) $1.50 KANTLEEK (Five Year Guarantee) , $2.00 ALL THESE BOTTLES ARE RED RUBBER a▪ mmo* Immo. .••••• atal.1.1111111111.11.11/11011111.=1 1.1111111111111111111111111111111111•111111111111111r E. "THE FRIENDLY STORE" • . _ = . = = = = - Eliiii0000000000000001000000000000000000000000100000000i0iii010100000000000000000001 - FREE DELIVERY - 0 ii The famous KANTLEEK is moulded in one piece so there will be no seams to give way. ting on the front verandah of their little house just talking and holding hands. When I watched them the other day and saw the way they looked at each other I was quite certain that they look to each other just the sante way they did forty years ago, Brewer and W. J. Peacock the con- solation prizes, Lunch was served 13y the hostess assisted by Mrs. Carl Johnston, !Mrs. Arthur Ruttan and Mrs. Harry Wright. tive use of paint spraying equipment would help. The minutes were read and adopted by Robert Yuji' and sec- onded iby Wm. Spier. Martin Grasby reported that Mr. Harry Sturdy would speak to the forum next week on "Re- forestation". The forum was invited to meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bolt next week with Mrs. Jim Coultes and Carl Procter as recreat- ional committee, Progressive euchre was then played with Wm. Spier 'and Martin Grasby winning the highest number of points. After which lunch of sandwiches and tea was served. Smith's Economy Food Store BRUSH, COMB and MIRROR SETS We have been fortunate in securing a fine range of this merchandise for 1946. Much the finest stock for several years, Priced from $4,95 to $25.00 BODIVIIN FARM FORUM Extra Choice CHAMP BLACK PIGS, lb. ..... Westort's Golden LASCO Brown SODAS, Pkg. 120 CLEANSER ...... tins 15c 41 211 tY.Y0 U ORDER Rex Coffee lb. 49c tl 11 • Sally Ann I VARIETY PACKAGE POPCORN, pkg. I Kellogg's CEREAL, pkg. BLUEVALE Chitter Chatter Farm Fortun The Chitter Chatter Farm Forum of the first line of Morris met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Robert- son with 60 iti attendance. After the usual broadcast a lively discussion on the subject, "What about Farm Home Improvement". The forum felt that clue to the shortage of Materials and the shortage of help and time it is nearly impossible to do'very much in the way of farin home improvements. Arthur Ruttan, the president con, ducted the usual routine of business and invited the forum to meet at flick home for the next meeting with Miss Jean Anness and Scott McLennan as Recreational Committee. The evening was brought to a close by playing pro- gressive euchre with Mrs, Harry Wright and Addison Fraser winning the highest points and Mrs, jack O. immiessissommaimm• PIPES ALGERIA BRIARS $2.00 $2,24 Several Styles Even the lowest -price range sets are of good quality Metal Frames, Bevelled Plate Mirrors Brushes of Beautiful Nylon. fklicKibbons Neilson's Jersey COCOA, 1,f lb tin 19c, 1 lb. tin 29c YORK BRANDBOLOGNA, 12 oz. tin 25c St. William's I Choke Quality PLUM „TAM, 2 lb. tin Dewkist PEAS, tin „....„ .............. .16e GILCAF 11 T'S Fruit Cake 45C113 . and 60eibi RATION COUPONS VALID THURSDAY, NOV, 14th SUGAR -Nos, 1, to 23 TAYTTUR Nos, 29 to 51 MEAT Nos,- 56 to 59 A. Met at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Rae Crawford with 31 in attendance, The subject under discussion was "What About Farm Honie Improve- Meta" Owing to. the absence of the president, Chas, Coultes acted as lead. er for the discussion, bringing out the• facts that everyone would like to see more improvements on farm home but dare to the shortage of material and time at present it is hard to make many improvements. 'Y'oung people starting up a home May use their money to ini- prOve their home but if this money was invested in other products it would probably bring greater results. The question was asked, "How could your Farm Forum promote farm home improvement lit your conuntmity. They thought that organizing classes in wood working, how to design and make etipboards also dotripetitithiS in larm home improvement and to,opera- n Drugs its Rexall it's Right! Haseigrove's SMOKE SHOP 01=0 Ottiii2)*"'"