HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-10-24, Page 4and Friendly Terms in accordance with War Time Prices 4 Your Jeweller Is $ member of an ancient craft in which skilled artisans take pride in fashioning precious stones and metals .into sparkling pieces of loveliness ... Just as the craftsman is proud of his handiwork. so too is your Jeweller proud of his reputation as a dealer in beautiful and artistic things. to° 'David Crompton. JEWELLER Telephone 59 Wingham Trade Regulations uhk ,41 NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Thomas Gilmour, late of of the Township of Turnberry, in, the County of Huron, who died on or about the 29th day of September, A. D., 1946, are notified to send to Craw- ford & Hetherington, Wingham, Ont- ario, on or before the 2nd day of Nov- ember, A. D., 1946, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said 2nd. day of Nov-ember, the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties -entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice. DATED this 15th day of October, A. D. 1946. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executor. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Crop and Implements will be held at the Wm. Moses Farm LOT 26, CON. 3, MORRIS —at 1 p.m., on— WEDNEDAY, OCTOBER 30 HORSES-1 Black Gelding, 6 years old; 1 Bay Gelding, 11 years old; 1 Grey. Aged Horse. CATTLE-1 Holstein Cow, due to freshen, February 24, 1947; 1 Grey Cow due to freshen April 20, 1947; 1 fresh Cow with Calf at foot; 1 Red Cow, milking (freshen 7 weeks) with Calf at foot; 5 Heifers, rising two years; 5 Steers, rising two years, 2 Steers, rising one year; 1 Heifer rising 1 year. SWINE-1 Sow due to farrow Dec- ember 20th.. ' 1 Fat Sow. IMPLEMENTS—M.-H. Hayloader, No. 7, nearly new; 1 M.-H, Dump Rake, 10-ft.; 1 Deering Mower, 6-ft; 1 aS4.-H. Binder, 7-ft.; I. Deering Cul- tivator, 13-ft; 1 M,-H. Disc, 14-plate; 1 Deering Seed Drill, 13-disc; 1 Set of Harrows, 80 teeth; 1 two-furrow Cock- shutt Riding Plow; 2Fleury Plows, No, 21, 1 Cockshutt 2-FurroW Plow; 1 Scattier, 1 Turnip Sower, 2 Wagons, 1 Wagon Box; Plat Ratk, 16-ft., with Roller Top; 1 Cutter, 1 Cutting Box; 1 Chatham Fanning Mill; 2 Buggies, Set of Renfrew Scaloo, 2000 lbs., HAY and GRAIN-25 tons of Hay; 400 bushels of Ajax Oats, for seed; 700 bushel of mixed grain, 1 Colony 1.1ouse, 10t.10'; 200 three. inch Tile; 80 Good Posts; Numerous other Articles. TERMS: CASH, No Reserve as the farm is SOW, John Faleonet, Proprie. tor; Donald glue, Attetionter, CARD OP THANKS all t rs, Albert Green wishes to thank hose who so kindly assisted her in her recent sad bereavement Inanity were at Port Albert on Wed- nesday attending, the International Plowing Match. Ready Your Car for Winter Be store you have your ' CAR CHECKED against Cold Weather ! WHY NOT LET US DO IT FOR *YOU NOW ? Bert Armstrong 'Phone 181 Wingham CONSERVATIVES WIN TWO BYE-ELECTIONS r4.7,4,44. Ottawa Liberals. Majority Is Cut By Monday's Voting. 4 Thursday, October 24, 1940 1 Stainton's Hard war lr.:, And Farmers' Supply House 1 "QUALITY, PRICE and SERVICE a' I Sell Our Goods" U 1 III; II A WIV r 11, ill I I le IMI is , III S, RI a IN a Fortified 400D Vita Brand COD LIVER OIL Quart 95c Gallon $3.75 Fortified 200D Vita Brand COD LIVER OII, Quart 65c Gallon $2.50 HEAVY GALVANIZED 111. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111 • • 111 IN I IV irl II Harrington & Richardson 12 gauge Single Barrel SHOTGUN . • . .. $29.95 HUNTING KNIFE • and SHEATH . • . • . . $4.25 olkINT!/110 I I II IX 12 gauge Imperial Shotgun stipptti7 SHS..134tidsl'zielso,xBg' 225,4$ 167 Li: IN 1 16 gauge Imperial Shotgun, Shells, bolt of 25 , .$1.50 Maxum Long-Range Shells, 12 gauge, box 25, $1.45 Canuck Heavy Load, 12 gauge, box of 25 . . $1.35 1 l• I ELECTRIC HEATERS $7.50 II! III IN IN III a a • • g • I FURNACE CEMENT, lb. 15c 5 lbs. 50c I MI MI 1 111 Hi-Speed Cream Separator. OIL, with can, qt., 40c • • Mt 1. BULK SEPARATOR OIL, per quart 25c I g I 1111 1 Heavy Grey Work GLOVES, pair . . .30c I • • m. • Wood CHISELS, 50c - $1.75 • • I - Mul • Disston Pacemaker I • ' Black Diamond d • HAND-SAWS, $1.60 • v41/0" 1 • . , 1111 • Hatchets, $1.25 - $1.35 • • • Old English No-Rubbing WAX, qt. 89c, pt. 53c a • • • SOOTFOE Modern CHIMNEY CLEANER . .25c I a 1 7-inch STOVEPIPES 25c and 30c a im • • '7-inch ELBOWS 25c and 35c B 111111111111111111111110111111111MMIMINHIIIIIIIIIIIMMIIII 50c 65c • • Hardwall Plaster or Paristone, 50 lb. bags . . . .60c a a a a Furnace Pipes 7-inch-30 inches long 8-inch-30 inches long • it • at 90 lb. Red or Green Rock Surface Roofing with nails, per roll $3.'75 su a it • • a • la a a • a a II 3-ply 55 lb. ROOFING, with nails, per roll . . $2.75 II ,.--- • 11- • INF • • • • • • • Loose or Granulated INSLUATION, per bag, $1.30 • 111- • 1 bag covers 30 square Beet 2 inches thick ARMITURE turning and &tieing and machine work, carpenter work, storm 'windows repaired and put on. Apply Borde Jenkins, Minnie St. AUCTION SALE—Of Household Ef- fects will be held at the residence of Mrs. Hayles, Bristol 'Terrace, Wing- ham at -2 p.m., on Saturday, Oct. 26th. Terms Cash. Mrs, Hayles, Pioprietress, Thos, Fells Auctioneer. BOARDERS WANTED — Men or women. Apply Mrs. A. Finley, John and William Sts. BULB STOCK just arrived direct from Holland, We have a limited supply for quick sale in the follow- ing varieties. Daffodils, Tulips, and Hyacinths. All bulbs top size. Glox- inea Bulbs to follow later. E. S. Lewis, Florist. BOARD OR ROOM—For two busi- ness Girls, all conveniences. Apply Advance-Times. BARN FOR SALE-18x28, frame construction in Whitechurch. Apply J. B. Morrison, Whitechurch, COMFORTABLE HOME AND care for Elderly Ladies., Mrs. C. Shaddick, Lucknow, Ontario. COOK WANTED—Good wages, an- ply Yemen's Grill, Wingham. ht FOR SALE-9 Chunks ,of Pigs. Ap- ply Gordon Walsh, R.- R. 1, Bel- grave, phone Brussels 1544. 'FOR SALE—Two Men's Winter Ov- ercoats, size 40, in excellent condi- tion. Mrs. Geo. Boyle, Lower Wing- ham, .'?OR SALE—About 300 New Hamp- shire and Sussex Pullets, ready to lay. Apply C, R. Logan, Belgrave, Phone Brussels 14-26. FARM FOR SALE-150 acres on the 10th line of Turnberry. All in grass. Water in stable, also Litter Carrier. Immediate possession. William Breckenridge, 1Glenannan, Ontario. FOR. SALE—Fancy living room stove burns wood or coal. Apply Miss R. Lewis, Edward St. , %•OR SALE-1 green tweed Misses Coat, sic 14. Also 1. Boy's Over- coat, brown tweed, size 15 years. Both arc in excellent condition. Apply at Advance-Times, FOR. SALE—One. Royal Crown Mc- Clary Kitchen Range Ivory Enam- el, almost new, Apply to Mr. W, C. Xing, Gorrie, Phone 2645, Wrox- der. FOR SALE--Used Coal Oil 'Heater, and 8. Quebec type Coal Heaters,. also a few elbows and pipes. Camp. bell's Garage. FOR SALE-40 cord of 12" dry soft split wood, T. C. Pennington, Lot 10, Concession J. Cuirass, FOR SALE—Two Durham Calves. Apply Geo. Tervit, tittovale Road, Phone 636r4, FOR SALE.-Ladies Black Winter Coat, fur trimmed, si2e 40, in good condition. Phone 812. FOR SALE -4, large bedstead and 1 small bedstead and springs, Apply Miss P. Dinsmore. FOR.ek_ClArY„gfl) Rats' e Appiy OVITAWforgoe, Atim, aitil 91, r.4 PAG4 rOUR THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Sndtiorillo, 18, vrbitt to generously, con. thing you did for roe during the few. tributed to a gift. We WWI to thank eek with his Parell 50 'and short .years of my stay here, Thanks Miss "Fitch and Miss Mae Halle Roy klaStinft. Quite .4 large number from this nom. day for collecting, again, Suter; GLENANNAN Messrs, Jackson and Walter Dunkin of Kitchener were week-end guests of their parents, Mr, and Mrs, Chester Dunkin. Mr, and Mrs, Carl Douglas of Del- more, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Tuck. Mr, arid Mrs. Jack Fortune of Kit- eltener, were recent guests with their aunt, ,Miss Barbara Fortune. Mrs, Russell Baird and baby son, returned home froth the Wingham Hospital on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, Isaac Stokes, Edith and Mildred, also Mr. and VIM Thos. Stokes and June, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Yuill of Morris. Mr. Ross Hastings is spending this FOR SALE—Set of Square Verandah Posts, 4 posts and 2% posts, 5 ft. 10" high, in excellent condition. Ap- ply Advance-Times. FOR SALE--60 Hybrid Pullets, Rock and Hampshire ready to lay, 25, year old Leghorns. .Geo. A.,- •Dane, 2% miles north of Gorrie, Phone Wroxeter 609r2. FOUND—A sum of money at Frank Caskanettes Service Station. -Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. IF BACKACHES are slowing you up, take RUMACAPS. Pains and aches are relieved after the first dose. At McKibbon's Drug Store. LOST—Man's Signet Ring, 'initials "A,W." in Brunswick Hotel Wash- room. Finder please leave at The Advance-Times. Reward. LOST—Gladstone Bag in vicinity of Brunswick Hotel. Finder please at Advance-Times. $5.00 Reward. LOST—Jersey Heifer, 15 months old. Please notify Levi Bieman, Belgrave, Phone Wingham 616r2, LOST—Log Chain Tightener. Finder please notify Owen King, Wingham. SLENDOR TABLETS are effective, 2 weeks' supply, $1.; 12 weeks' sup- ply, $5; at McKibbon's and Mc- Avoy's Drug Stores. WOOD FOR SALE-14 inch. Apply David Deacon, Phone 629r5. WANTED—Will pay cash for late model stake body truck in good con- dition, preferable with P.C.V. license. Write Gallagher Cartage, 55 Ontario Si.Kitchener. WIN THE FIGHT for freedom front indigestion with Wilder's Stomach Powder. Pleasant and tasteless, gives immediate relief. Also in tablet form. 50 cents and $1.00 at Mc- Avoy's Drug Store, AN OPPORTUNITY Established Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55—have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a pro- fitable business of your own. For full particulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept, 0-W-2, 217'7 Masson St., Montreal Que, COURT OP REVISION Township of East Wawanosh 461.14.1 ••• A Court of Revision on the Assess- ment Roll of the Township of East Wawanosh for the year 1947, will be held in the Forester's Hall, Belgrave, on Friday, November 15th., at 2 p.m, R. R. Redmond, Clerk, Notice To Contractors The contract of cleaning and repair, the Laidlaw Drain in Morris Township Will be let by public auction at the drain on November 1,1946, at 9 a.fit, Plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's office. Geo. C. Martini Clerk. ed from a (blood) are generallY 'CM/S- congestion. Kty ttutatets 6 rb at I Flat to tract the cause, at its source. Monty back if the first tottie. 'does not salary., At 1Yrug. Stotts. To close the Estate of Thomas Gil- mour, deceased, there will be offered for sale 'by Publ ic Auction, on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1st., 1946 at 12 o'clock noon„ at, the premises„ by G. Brytei Alictioneer, the:following property, namely; Lot No. 17 in the 8th concession of the Township - of Turnberry, in the County of Huron, containing 100 acres On the propertY is said to be situate a brick 8 roomed house with, all modern Conveniences, and a barn approximate- ly 60' by 40' on stone foundation, a large straw shed, driving house and henhouse, and a complete water sys- tem installed with pressure tank, etc., and an artesian Well. There is also on the farm approxi- mately-8 acres of hardwood hush. TERMS OF SALE: 10% on the day of sale and" the balance in thirty days. The property will be offered subject to a reserved bid. Further particulars and conditions of sale will be made known on the day of sale or may be had upon application to the undersigned. At the same time and place -there will be made known on the day of sale or may be had upon application to the undersigned. At the same time and place there will be offered for sale the following farmstock, implements, produce and household effects: FARM STOCK-3 horses, 7 cows, 4 yearly -cattle, 7 calves, 1 pig, some poultry. PRODUCE—A \ quantity of hay, oats and peas, WOOD—A quantity of -Stove wood. IMPLEMENTS-2000 lb. capacity Scales, Binder,,, 'Hayloader, Mower, Wagon, Manure Spreader, Spring Har- rows, Sleigh, 2 plows, Cultivator, Cut- ter, Buggy, Hay.and Stock Rack, Put- per, Tools and other articles too num- erous to mention'. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE-1 electric hotplate, 1 vacuum cleaner, 2, 3-piece bedroom Suites, 2, 2-piece bed- room suites, 1 Fleintzman piano, 1 Chest of drawers,1 Radio, Parlor suite, Diningroom Suite, Kitchen stove and kitchen furnishings, Kelvinator Electric Refrigerator; Beatty Washing Machine, Quantity of dishes, cutlery, other household effects too numerous to mention. TERMS OF SALE—Cash. DATED this 19th day of October, A,D., 1946. LANCE GRAIN, R,R. 3, Wingham, Ontario. EXECUTOR. L, G. tRYCE, Wingham, Ontario, AUCTIONEER. IN MEMORIAM GROVES—In loving memory of Mrs. Earl Groves, who passed away, Oct. 20th, 1040, and Witham T„Groves, who passed away, October 24, 1945 Some day we hope to meet again, Some day We know not when, To has their hands in the better land Never to part again. —Ever remembered by family. CARIY OF THANKS To you, my neighbours, friends and atentaintances of Bittevale and Whig. ham, my heartfelt thanks fer every. Progressive Conservatives captured both seats in the bye-elections held on Monday, In the Toronto Parkdale rid- ing Harold Timmins gained a ,margin of 550 over his nearest rival Lt, Col. John W. G. Hunte::„ the C,C.F candi- date while nearly '2000 behind receiv- ed a gain of 2000 more than when he contested the last election. The other contestants, Mrs. Elizabeth Morton, Labor-Progressive, and Len Palmer, Social-Labor, trailed with 969 and 96 Votes respectively, In the Portage LaPrairie Riding Calvert C. Miller, Progressive Conser- vative polled 4,590 votes to 4,036 for the Liberal candidate, Jaffray S. Wood and 2,809 for Sidney Coulthard, C.C. F. This seat was held by Harry Lea- der, Liberal, until his death last spring, The standing in the House of Corn- moos now is: Liberals 125, Progressive Conserva- tive 67; c.C,F. 28, Social Credit 13, Independent 4, Bloc Populaire, 2, In- dependent Liberal 1, Independent Pro- gressive Conservative 1; Independent C.C.F. 1, L'Union de Electeurs de Pontiac 1, Labor Progressive 1, vac- ant 1, total 245. INTERNATIONAL SHOW FINISHED FRIDAY (Continued from page one) ton; Wilfred McQuaid, St. Colum- ban' Robert Allen, Clifford; Harold Lucknow. Sod, horses, men 65 and over, David Boyd, Walton; Wm. Johnson, Sr., Goderich, Tractor Classes Stubble, 12-inch furrow under 17, John McGavin, Walton; Ken Roger- son, Seaforth; Arthur Bolton, Dublin; Billy Robertson, Goderich; Arnold Alton, Lucknow; Eric Turnbull, Dash- wood; Donald Warner, Bayfield; Donald McDonald, Brussels; Garth Sod, two-furrow open, T. P. O'Mal- ley, Teeswater; Robert Shappen, Port Elgin; Harold Lamont, Eden Grove; Graham Holm, Elmwood; Gordon Fin- layson, Lucknow; .George Ahrens, Elmwood; Wesley Menser, Ripley. Sod, three-furrow, Ken McKagtte, Teeswater, Junior boys, two-furrow or three-furrow, George Pennington, Teeswater; Bert Majway, Eden Grove; Jack Grant, Paisley; Melvin Waechter, Mildrnay. MORRIS Mr, and Mr. Harold Norman of Kin- cardine, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Will Abraham. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Whitehead of Walkerton, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whitehead last week, Mr. Alvin Nichol of Wingham, spent Sunday with his friend, Mr. Ross Abraham, Miss June Casamore spent last week-end with friends in Guelph, SALEM. Mr. arid Mrs, Harold eWir and fam- ily were recent visitors with his par., eats, Mr, and Mrs. D. L. Welt. Rev, Mr. Howes of Gorrie, occupied CARD OF THANKS Mr. Harry. F. Kirby, Belgrave, wish- ett to thank his friends and neighbors for the many expressions of sympathy and flOral tributes received in the re- cent sad bereavement of his wife, GA RD OP THANKS Mr, and Mrs, T. West Haugh wish to thank their Awls, friends of School CLASSIFIED ADS. the pulpit here- last Sunday owing to the illness of the pastor, Rev. Mr. Fos- ter. , Mr. Robert. Hayes has returned home from Wingham General Hospit- al, having• undergone' a recent opera-- tion. We hope he may soon recover, A' large number from this locality attended the Plowing Match at Port Albert last week. Congratulations to Mr. Jack Willits who secured a -prize. A social gatheritig was' held in Lane's SChOol list Friday night, for Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins, who were re- cently married, They,were presented with a purse of money: Both made a ,very suitable reply. The bride was formerly Miss Laura Bennett. All seemed to enjoy theinselves. A number from around here attend- ed anniversary services in the Mein. tosh church last Sunday, Mr, Roy Mathers made a recent visit to London. NOTICE TO CREDITORS EXECUTOR'S SALE All persons having claims against Of Real Property, Farm Stock, Imple- the estate of Frederick M. Hogg, late ments and Produce and Household of the Township of Turnberry, in the Effects County of Huron, who died on or about the 23rd. day of September, A. D,, 1946, are notified to send to Craw- ford & Hetherington, Wingham, Ont- ario, on or before the 2nd day of Nov- ember, A. D., 1946, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said 2nd. day of November, the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to- claims of which the executor shalt then have notice, DATED this 15th day of October, A. D. 1946. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON, Wingham;" Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors. Pastill, Clinton; Vern Pastill, Clinton; Tractors, 12-inch furrow, under 20, Harry Montgomery, Goderich; Donald Jeffrey, Exeter; Ken McDonald, Brus- sels; Eldon Daters, Dashwood; Sod, 10-inch furrow, open, George Robert- son, Goderich; Gordon Ranson, Lon- desboro; Jack Willets, Wingham; Ger- ald Dustow, Port Albert; Ivan Stew- art, Kirkton; W. J. Lecming, Walton; Frank Wildfong, Exeter; Elmer Pass- more, Exeter; George Michie,Brus- sels; Allan Walker, Parkhi ll; Sod, three-furrow or four-furrow plows, open, William Rogerson, Seaforth; Arnold Rathwell, Clinton; Harold be the same more or less. 1Pryce, Seaforth; Allen Huether, Brus- sels; Cameron McGregor, Parkhill; Earl Shapton, Exeter; Williant Tham- es, Walton; Ralph Foster, Goderich; Howard Daters, Dashwood; Jack Mc- Ewing, Blyth; Sod, open only to vet- erans of the war of 1939-45, Alex Kerr, Seaforth; Robert McAllister, Auburn; William Coutts, Walton; Larry Snid- er, Exeter. BRUCE COUNTY MATCH Horse Classes Jointer plows, Gerald Ahrens, Elm- wood; Alfred Brunton, Tara; Borden' Fenton, Dobbington; Douglas Simp- son, Teeswater; Jack McKague, Tees- water. Senior boys, sod, Patrick Jack- lin, Elmwood. Jointer- plows, war vet- erans, Hugh Simpson, Teeswater; Herb Schnurr, Walkerton. Tractor Classes 0 4.4