HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-10-17, Page 5FOR WARMTH — RUGGED QUALITY AND PRICE — SEE THESE VALUES NEXT WEEK AT WELWOOD'S Denim SKI PANTS- 6 — 10 Separate style • Warmly lined with Elastic Cuffs Brown and Blue $3.75 pr. Separate Wool SKI PANTS with close knit cuffs Assorted colours • j$4.95 pr. :SNOW SUITS Lined Pants and Jackets in attractive colour contrasts- wine, red, blue" and preen in sizes 2, 6, 7, 12 $11.00 — $11.95 $12.95 each ALSO- 1-piece Snow Suits 2 — 6, three-piece Winter Outfits and Separate Jackets for boys and girls from 2 — 6. GIRLS' COATS For the "Junior 'Teens" — Warm Wool Blanket Cloths in pastel shades with plain and velvet — fur trimmed collars. Sizes 7 --12 — from $13.50 to $18.50 For harder school wear these are tops—Well lined, nicely styled, RUGGED COATS for girls, 7 -.12 Each $10.50 LADIES' WEAR Fall - Winter 1946 A Great Millinery Season Select a distinctive HAT to enhance your person- ality at our new "HAT BAR" in the LADIES' WEAR DEPT. at WELWOOD'S Dry Goods Ladies' Wear Successor to H. E. hard & Co. Telephone 414 "Quality and Service" Featuring Gitze HA MT T for Men Aoe 0=0=30=0=20=0=0=0 U SOUP, tin 1 k U U U I U U U U U U is BROOMS, 4.striag, each , , „ „ „98c Thursday, Fri., and Saturday Old Dutch Cleanser, 2 tins 19c CAKES, PIES, BREAD and Tasty PASTRIES Shipment daily except Monday Campbell's Tomato Libby's Prepared 6 oz. jar Mustard, 2 jars 15c Nabob 1 lb. bag COFFEE 43c Stokley's Tomato 10 oz, tins SOUP, 2 tins for . .15c Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup, 2 tins 29c FRESH and CURED MEATS and FISH Morning Glory 5 lb, bag 1 Fancy Quality Chicken Wheat Berries, .. „ .25c I HADDIE, tin — ..31c Kellogg's 1 Black Mission All-Wheat, 2 pkgs. .25c I FIGS, lb. ...... .33c FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES ORDER NOW — Reduced Price on 10-bag lots POTATOES CARLOAD EXPECTED THIS WEEK FLOUR PAT-A-PAN PASTRY FLOUR, 25 lbs. . 74c 7 Ibs, .25c Pride of Valley PEAS, 'two 20-oz. tins • 29c Dr. 13allara's Health Food for Pets, 2-tins for 29c - APPLES GREENINGS PIPPINS - SNOWS per bushel $2.40 MacINTOSH REDS, bushel $3.35 Hawe's No-Rubbing Liquid Wax, qts. 98c, pts. 59c Johnson's Silver Polish (the very best) 8 oz. tin 29c Johnson's FLOOR KLEENER, 1/2 gals. 69c LEAVE YOUR ORDER FOR WINTER POTATOES We guarantee the quality good—Prices right if taken in quantities of 5 bags or more. These Prices Effective October 16th to October 23rd Red Front Grocery Wingham 'Phones 2 and 17 Free Delivery OVERCOAT CANADA'S NATIONAL HERE ARE DOZENS T STYLES ...HERE'S COAT STYLING THAT STANDS ALONE ... I o Kenwood OVERCOATS . priced fifty-five dollars A matchless overcoat for Canadian winters . .. the Kenwood is a product of Warren K. Cook's unsurpassed talent for smart styling combined with Kenwood Mille unique talent in creating fine fabrics. Woven froni specially blended wools this coat is light ... warm . water-repellant luxurious in texture. See them tomorrow! HANNA'S Men's. Wear ,...rust,.1,1:1fr,s-r,-.="4"mr1-7•11-1V7:4.etta, Thursday, Octobei 17, 1946 TIM WINGHAil ADVANCE-TIMES rAGA FIVV, 0=10 1:20=011=0 GORRIE The evenings' entertainment given by Eckhardt Bros. Bell Ringers on Thursday night was enjoyed by a large crowd. It was sponsored by the How- ick Legion. Mr, and Mrs, Robert Wade of Sarn- ia, spent the Thanksgiving holiday With Mr. and. Mrs. R. W. N, Wade. Mr, and Mrs. Jas., Graham, Betty and Alex of Toronto, Spent the holi- day week-end with relatives liere. Misses Jean Sparling and June Brown attended the Teacher's Con- vention on :Friday which was field in Paisley. Mr, Stanley Dane and Betty, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Dane, over the holiday. Recent . visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Edgar were Mrs, F. Davey, Master Davey Edgar, Wroxeter, and Mrs. Geo, Robertson, 2nd, Con, How- ick, Mrs. Win Corbett spent last week with friends in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Bert Winston of Tor- onto, were guests of , Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown and other friends over the holiday, Mt. Herb Neill is showing Iris •anti:, tine display this week at the Internat- ional Plowing Match at Port Albert. Harold Keil, Woodrow Dustow and 13ttd lYiclley, Vordwieli, were chosen to represent the Nowiek Legion in the guard of honor which will escort, the Governor On his visit to Port Albert on Wednesday for the official Opening of the International Plowing aVtatett, Mr. and Mrs, II, V. 116thug and the -weelc-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank King, Mrs, Heinmiller and Miss , Pauline, were home from Toronto for Thanks- giving, Mr. Archie Edgar of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Gor- don Edgar, Miss Betty Harper of Elmira, visit- ed at her home here on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Ashton and family, Toronto, spent the week-end with relatives here. Miss Ena Mabb of Mitchell and Miss Rose Howse were . week-end guests at the parsonage. Mr, and Mrs, Elliott Sandy of Lucknow, were guests at the same .Rome on Sunday. Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hyndman were; Mr. and Mrs. Russel Dilworth of near Ethel, and Mr, and Mrs. Glen Dilworth Of New Dundee, Mr, Muir Anderson of Guelph, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs,-Cam Edgar. Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Joshing and Kenneth of Goderich, were guests at the same home on Thanksgiving. Mr. and, Mrs. Milton Opperhauser, Buddy and Sliaron, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Martin of Guel- ph, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs..Anson Galbraith, Women's Institute The -October meeting of the Gorrie W, I. was held on Tuesday, October 8th., in the Orange Hall: Mrs. Percy Ashton took charge of the meeting in the absence of the president, Mrs, E. Sparling., The members entertained the grand- mothers of the community and a splen- did turnout made ,the meeting a very pleasant one. There were twenty-six grandmothers present and five being great-grandmothers. Mrs., Day re- ceived a prize for being the oldest grandmother present and Mrs, S. Zim- merman for the youngest, A prize .went to Mrs. Stewart for being the shortest-. A number of members 'brought their plants they grew front HAMILTON OPTICAL CO. W. R. Hamilton, R. 0, Optoinetrist for Over 25 Years, Telephone 37 for Appointment. slips received at the June meeting and the oldest and youngest grandmothers were asked to act as judges, Mrs. H, Strong .captured the prize for having the best plant with her begonia (Busy Lizzie). The Motto-,-Age is not a matter of years, it is a state of mind, was ably taken by Mrs. Kaine, She pointed out how true that is by .referring to some of the more elderly• grandmothers pres- ent, how sprightly and keen of mind, they are. Today grandmother does not sit back in her rocker and let the rest of the world go by, she enjoys life to the full along with the younger woman, Mrs. John Gowdy of Wrox- cter, was the guest speaker and in her own pleasing manner gave a very fine talk on the grandmothers of yesterday. '6niences were unknown. The lack of Doctors etc., and of the splendid neigh- bourliness in the community. The fine christian spirit in the. home and com- munity. This is. our heritage. Let us keep it or all is lost. We do indeed ap- preciate Mrs. Gowdy's fine address, and hope she may-again pay us a visit. The Roll Call was answered by an "Old SuUerstition: The November meeting being family night, committees were appointed etc. A bountiful lunch was served, Mrs. Bradriock in charge. Community sing- ing was enjoyed. 0=0=0=0Z Presbyterian Anniversary Rev, Wallace Murray of London, was the guest speaker at the Presby- terian anniversary services on Sunday. There, was special music by the choir under the direction of Mrs. Frank. Icing, Mrs. McCarrol of Ilderton„ was soloist at both services, Alex. Taylor stressed the need of the Red Cross in peace time. There 14 suffering for lack of clothing in Eur- ope. Then in nor own country in the northern outposts there is always need. In time of disaster as at Windsor last spring the Red Cross stands ready to help"but cannot do so unless the work- ers carry on. Discussion followed as to the advisability of continuing the bran- eh here and it was decided to resume work and carry on till the annual meeting when it wilt again come up. The resignation -of the president, Mr. Albert Toner, who is in poor health, was accepted -also that of Mrs. Toner, as convener of work -committees, Mrs, E. F. Wellington was appointed as her successor until the end of the year, The following to be her assistants. Mes- dames Wilbert Gallaway, Robert Har- rison, Fred Hyndman, Everard Car- son and Manfred Irwin. It is hoped that all the groups wilt resume their work this fall and winter and that Gorrie will continue its bran- eh of the Red Cross. DIED KIRKJIY--In London, on Friday, Oc- tober 11th,, Annie B. Scott, beloved wife of Harry B. i<bdrhy, in her 76th year. Funeral services were held at her late residenee; Belgrave on Sunday, October 1.80., with interment in Rtattdon Cemetery. FIT2PATRICK —In London, on Wednesday, October 6th,, Katharine. Pitznateick, Requiem High Mast' WAS song in Sacred Heart Church, Wingitatn, on Saturday, at 0.30 a. ti., . with. interment in Wingham R. C, Cemetery, Miss Perkins, spent Thanksgiving Day with friends in Bayfield, and also at- tended the Plowing Match at Port Albert, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ferguson, 16th concession, have returned from a mon- ths' visit with friends in Columbus, Ohio, and in Ann Arbotir, Mich, We are glad to know that Mr. •and Mrs, Ferguson are moving into Gorrie, arid will reside with Mr, Sam Ferguson. Miss Mae Wafters of Toronto, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Clifford Dodds arid Mr. Dodds for the Thanks- giving holiday, Mrs. Oliver Stewart returned to her home from Listowel Hospital on Wed: nesday of last week and is getting along fine. Mr. and'Mrs. Jas. Wylie and child- ren, Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, Mervin Stephens and Jim, Thorndale, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Short, Ronald and Car- ol, Fergus, Mr, and Mrs. Percy Col. tiler' and Gary, Toronto, were visitors with their relatives here over the week- end and on Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs, Alex Marshall and Jim of Stratford, spent Sunday with the former's parents„ Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Marshall, who returned with them to Stratford for a visit. Mrs. W. Eartigey has returned front Fergtis, where she spent the last three weeks visiting her son, Miss Bessie Wylie and Mist Lizzie McKee, teachers in Toronto and V.Ich- mond NHL lespectively, spent the hot- iday at their homes here, Misses Florence Angor'"and Petty Heiruniller of Respeler, were in town over the Week-end, Miss Isabel king of Toronto; spent Relieve that Tired Feeling n by CORRECTING those FOOT TROUBLES SEE MR. S. LINDER, of Kitchener, well-known FOOT SPECIALIST and MANUFACTURER of FEATHERWEIGHT ARCH SUPPORTS, who will be at my store to give relief to those suff- ering from Foot Ailment, for TWO FULL DAYS, MONDAY and - TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21st and 22nd O O 11 0 Rhyt Pollock "SHOES FOR ALL THE FAMILY" CARMICHAEL'S ;11.Hee0DN:iivle9rytt 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. NORTH END SUPERIOR MARKET • a • a U U U U I I I S Mrs..MeCarroll of Ilderton, was the guest of Mrs. Frank King on Sunday, Miss Mary Ritchie was home from Toronto for the week-end, Misses Nellie and Margaret Ruttan of Torontd,. spent the week-end with their parents, Mr2 and Mrs. Anson Ruttan. Mr. and Mrs. Win, Ferguson, Mr, Emerson, Ferguson, Mill Elda Fergu- son and Miss Horsburg of Clifford, were guests of Mr, and Mrs, John Montgomery, and of Mr. and Mrs. F. • C. Taylor, . Mr. and Mrs, Cecil -GordOri and Ken Arscott of"Toronto; were recent visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs, Archie Miller. Mr. and Mrs, Sam McMullen, Tara, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Evans, Keith, Or- ville and Harvey, of Paisley, were Thanksgiving day visitors with. Mrs, Frances Strong and Mr. Roy Strong. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hastie and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. W..C. King and Mr. Archie Miller spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Maclean, Wro- xeter. Mrs. Withrow of Holstein, is visit- The pioneer days when modern con- ing with her daughter, Mrs, 1-1.artwell Strong. Dr. and Mrs. Armtsrong and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Scott were in Bay- field on Tuesday where they attended the funeral of Dr. Armstrong's sister, Miss M. T. Armstrong, R,N., who pas- sed away Sunday in Parkwood Hospi- tal, London, The sympathy of. the community is extended to Dr. Arrrt- strong in his bereavement. Mr, Ernest King jr. ofDetroit, Mich spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest King. Mr. and Mrs. Don Ireland of Tees- water, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ferguson, Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Ferguson and 'Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ferguson, 16th con., were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Snarling. Rev. E. Jacques of Caledonia, and. Mrs, Robt. Jaques of Woodstock, were recent guests of Mrs, Robt. Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Harrison,' Dor- een and Bobby spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shearer of Ethel. Mr. Art Stephens and Bobbie spent Friday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Strangway, Sar- nia, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Radf)rd, Morris and Frank, Palmerston, Mr. Leland Ashton and Miss Campbell, of Toronto, and Mr. Nix, Hamilton, were week-end guests with Mrs. Robt, Ash-, ton. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cousins, Wood- stock, Mr, and Mrs. Doug. Cousins and little daughter, London, spent Thanks- giving with their aunt and uncle, Mr. Frank Cole and Mrs. Etta Day. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harrison were Mr, and ' Mrs. Jack Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rhuebot- tom, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vanderlip and baby daughter, Linda, of Listowel. Miss Doris ,Leitch of Kincardine, and Mr% Harold Smith, Holyrood, were guests of Miss Doreen Harrison on ' Friday and Saturday. O Mr. John Sparling and Mr. Everett U Snarling have sold their farm to Mr. Anson Thornton. We understand the Sparlings intend making their home in Listowel. Mr, Robt, Graham had a successful auction sale, *Wednesday afternoon of his farm stock, implements etc. It was well attended and good . prices were realized. Mr. and Mrs, Graham will continue to reside on their farm, Red Cross Meeting l\ 1111111111111111111111M11111111111111411111111111111111111111111111111111111112111111111101111111111111111111101111111111111110111116 Society meetingw f• theashoeldii Gorriet:heTo Rwnec Co Hl alrlosisi • Tuesday evening, with the Vice-Pres., Mr. Hartwell Strong in the chair, Both Mr, Strong and the Secretary, Mrs. BORN PLETCH —1 In Wingham General Hospital, on Wednesday, October 9th., to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pletch, Belgraye, a son. . • BAIRD—In Winghani General Hos- pital, on Thursday, October 10th., to Mr. awl Mrs. Russel Baird, R. R. 1, Glenannan, a son. jACK.LIN'In Wingham ;General Hos.. pital, on Sun,day, Qe,tober 13th., to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jacklin, R. R. 1, Ethel, a daughter.