HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-10-17, Page 4RAGE. FOUR THE WING Thursday, October 17, 104% AM ADVANCE-TIMES musimm• istommoniiimminaimur a n • • • And Farmers' Supply House • • "QUALlifY, PRICE and SERVICE Sell Our Goods" or on Wednesday afternoon, October 9, with Rev. W, A, Beecroft in Charge, Burial took place in Wingham ceme- tery, 11 tainton's Hardware I r a O OWLET 11 beds n o' n n n n DUST. MOPS The scientific lasts of Research Shoes mean protected foot com- fort, There is no cramping of the fifth toe natural support is provided for every ),lone, nerve and muscle. Women from coast to coast recommend Research Shoes, Why don't you try a pair for real comfort. Blachford Shoe Mfg. Co., Limited, 245 Carlow Ave., Tozontq. CAL t ALL SHOES FITTED BY X-RAY 0 0 0 Albert Green Mr. Albert R. Green died at Isis home on Scott St., on Sunday, October 13th., after an illness of se•ven,. years, He was a =lifelong resident of town, haying been horn in Wingliam 73 years ago. Forty-five years ago lie was married to. Miss Eliiabeth Biansh- ard, who survives along with one bro- ther, Robert and one sister,' Fanny, both of Bobeaygeon.The, funeral ser- vice will be held today (Wednesday), October 16th., from his late residence, with Rev, J. fames in charge of the , service. Interment will be made in Wing-4 ham cemetery. The pallbearers will be Geo,Orvis, Geo. Haller, S, Campbell, Robt, ley, Jas, Robertson and W. W, Gurney. 0 0 BELGRAVE • 0 • j • 14.k1",' CAMBRIDGE. 11 loads Lan 0 $7.50 35c BIRD CAGES CHILDREN'S SCISSORS • .;4 4 $1.00 - $1.25 -41.50 - $2 25 0 OBITUARY Mrs, William W_ellingten IVIaxtn Mrs, 'William Wellington Mann passed away at the home o f her son, Roy, at Bluevale, on Monday, October 14th., 1946. Mrs. Mann, the former Priscilla Watson, was. born at Pork- ing, 82 years ago and spent her young life at Listowel, where she attended. Publie school and later carried on a dressmaking business. She was married at ListoWel on October 17th., 1838 to William Wel- lington Mann, who passed away one week ago, The greater part of her married life had been spent in Elma Township and with her late husband moved to. Bluevale 18 years ago.. She had been in failing health for. some time but death came suddenly following a heart attack, • She is' survived by four daughters and five sons, Mrs. Clifford Johnston, (Carmen), Listowel; Mrs. Fred Hol- lenbeck, (Hazel), Stratford; Mrs. S. F, Rolph, (Audrey), Detroit; Mrs, R. Ald- rich,- (Gertrude), Fordwich; Cl;inton, Listowel; Russel and Bert, Stratford; Sheldon, Gorrie and Roy at Bluevale, also thirty-six grandchildren, one son, Sherwood, deceased, The funeral service was held on Wednesday afternoon, October 16th., at 2.30 o'clock from her late residence, • Bluevale, conducted by Rev. W. A, Beecroft, minister of Wingliam United Church. The pallbearers were W. f, John- ston, Pearson Rolph, James VanCamp, Glenn Jackson, Graham, Clyde and Bert Goodyear. Interment took place in Woodlawn cemetery, Listowel. 67-PIECE SET" OF The Home Economics meeting of the ,Women's Institutd will be held at the home of Jesse Wheeler on Thurs- day, October 24th. Conveners for this meeting are Mrs. Jesse Wheeler and Mrs. H. Wheeler. Roll Call, an Orig- inal time saving hint, Address ,Mrs. Ken Wheeler; contest, Mrs. C, Logan; Music selected, Lunch committee, Mrs. Win. McMurray, Mrs. Jas.' 'Weide", Mrs. Rae Cra-word. Mission Group Meets in Brussels • The members of-the 'Women's Mis- sionary Society of Knox Presbyterian' Church, Belgrave, held their fall thank- of f ermg mebtin at Melville Manse, Brussels, where they were the guests of Rev. and Mrs. -Milne and the execu- tive of .Melville Church Women's Missiohary Society. Mrs, R. J. Scott presided, and the devotiolis were con- ducted by Mrs. J, Dunbar and MrS. J. Anderson, Rev. George Milne addres- sed. the meeting on "Missionary Needs Of Today". A'general discussion fol- lowed after which lunch was served. Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Armstrong, and little daughter of Thorndale, visited with Mr, and Mrs. David Armstrong. Miss Lois Kelly, London, spent the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Keating, Wingham, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Logan. Miss Dorothy Gallagher of Kitchen- er, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C, H, Wade. • • and Mrs. Goldie Wheeler and George of London,'and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Pickell of 'St.- Thomas, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Wheeler, over the week-end, Miss Myrtle Yuill, Harriston, with David Crompton English Dinnerware IVORY WITH GOLD, TRIM $42.50 0 JEWELLER Gifts For All Occasions WING1-1A11/1 Phone 59 Dunlop's Shoe Store "THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES" 0 We Repair Shoes NOTICE TO CREDITORS Harrington & Richardson 12 gauge SINGLE BARREL SHOTGUN , $29.95 Butcher Knives 45c, 75c, 90c, $1.00 1.65, $2.25, $2.75 Table Knives White -Bone Handles, stain- less steel-blades—Set of 6 for $6.15 Stainless Steel Dessert KNIVES-6 for $3.00 Intelidational DESSERT FORKS-6 for . $3.60 STAINLESS PARING KNIVES--35c, 45c, 55c TABLE FORKS, each 15c TEASPOONS 6 for 75c LARGE BUTCHER STEELS $2.00 HUNTING KNIVES and SHEATH $4.25 0=0 (0=0 (0=0, 0=0 10=0 All persons having claims against the estate of Frederick M.'Hogg, late of the, Township of Turnberry, in the County of Huron, who (lied on' or about the 23rd. day of September,, A. D., 19460are notified to send to Craw- ford & Hetherington, Wingham, Ont- ario, on or before the 2nd clay of Nov- ember, A. P., 1946, full particulars of their claims in- writing, Immediately after the said 2nd. day of November, the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executor shall then have notice. DATED this 15th day of October, A. D„ 1946. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON, SECRETARY-TREASURER wanted Wingham, Ontario. —Turnberry Township School Area. Solicitors for the Executors. Applications for-the position of Sec- retary-Treasurer will be received by Sec-, NOTICE TO CREDITORS the Chairman up until 12 o'clock . — noon, October 24th, 1946. Duties to All persons having claims against to commence on Nov. 1st, 1946; sal- the estate of Thomas Gilmour, late of ary $225 per annum. Applicants of the Township of Turnberry, in the to state qualifications. For informa_ County of Huron, who died on or tion on duties contact any member of about the 29th day of September, A. the Board. I. J. Wright, Chairman, D., 1946, are notified to send to Craw- RR. 1, Wingham. ford & Hetherington, Wingham, Ont- ario, on or before the 2nd day of Nov- STRAYED—from Lot 27, 10th Line ember, A. D., 1946, full particulars of of Turnberry, about September 2nd, their claims in writing. Immediately two steer, about 750 lbs. Anyone after the said 2nd. day of November, knowing the whereabouts of same the assets of the said testator will be _please telephone R. Johnston, Brus- distributed•amongst the parties -entitled sels 71 r 16, collect. thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice. DATED this 15th clay of October,, A. D. 1946. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executor, • n CLASSIFIED ADS. by the GOODYEAR WELT SHOE REPAIRING SYSTEM Have your soles sewn on • like a new shoe, Workmanship Guaranteed n .ARMITURE turniiig and tru,eing and machine work, carpenter work, storm windows repaired and put on. Apply Borde Jenkins, Minnie St. FOR SALE—Four acres of land, west side of Wingham, with 5-room new instil-brick cottage, with barn 18x24, immediate possession. Part cash, bal- ance easy terms. Apply to J. H. Harris, Lower Wingham, ON BOARDERS WANTED — Men or women. Apply Mrs, A. Finley, John and William Sts. FOR SALE—Cabin Trailer, well in- sulated. Now at Bluevale. Apply at Advance-Times, BROWNE'S Shoe Repair COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE— at the Sale Barns, Wingham, at 1 o'clock, on Saturday, October 19th. Sell that article you don't need. L. G. Bryce, Auctioneer, GUARANTEED REPAIRS TO ALL makes of Bicycles. Stan Hiseler, Phone 426. --CLEARING AUCTION SALE—Of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay and Grain, and Real Estate, will be held at Lots 27 and '28; Con. 1, Turn- berry, 1/2 mile from 'Bluevale, at 1.39 p.m., sharp, on Monday, October 21. 102 acres of land, with good bank barn, and medium sized house, 31/2 miles from 'Wingham. Wm. J. Suter, Prop., F, W. Kemp, Auct. Mrs. Wm. Holmes The death occurred in 'Clinton, on Sunday, October 6th., of Margaret Ellen Balfour, widow of the late Wm. Holmes, formerly of Con, 4, Turn- berry. The funeral services were held at the Funeral Parlours of A. J. Walker, COMFORTABLE HOME AND care for Elderly Ladies. Mrs. C. $haddick, Lucknow, Ontario. ea =SO 1111 Bird-proof BARN DOOR TRACK, per ft. 22c • • BRACKETS , 25c • • HANGERS, per pair • $2 25 • E, OATMEAL CEREAL DISHES, each 25c 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111MIMMIIIIV o Everyday Needs • for Home or Car SUFFERING FROM BACKACHES, Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago is not necessary. Use RUMACAPS at once for quick relief, At McKib- bons Drug Store, • —77-; ' FARM FOR SALE-150 acres good clay, well drained, good buildings; 60 acres newly seeded, 35 acres in wheat. Johnston MacLeod, Con. 6, - Kinloss, R. 8, Holyrood. Telephone Ripley 27 r 8. FARM FOR SALE-100 acres, 15 wooded, balance grass; drilled well, Immediate possession. Apply by letter to BON. Y, The Advance-Times 111...111•111.10•1111•0111MONM1010.11100 1.0.1, U 0 O le O I _FOR SALE-2 Durham Heifers, due October 25th and Nov, 13th., also one good young cow, 5 years, Ay- shire and Durham, due Oct. 30th. Roy Hastings, Turnberry. WANTED—Secretary-Treasurer and Receptionist (lady preferred) for the Wingham General Hospital. Hours 9.00 to 5,30'. Must be typist and - have knowledge of Bookkeeping. Duties to commence immediately. For further particulars apply H. C. MacLean. Mary I. Cleland, Sec,- Treas. 0 Scratch Stick, for covering scratches on furniture .29 Steel Wool,' per package ,15 Gasoline or fuel oil, Barrel .Pumps 4.15 Gasoline Hose 3.45 Alcohol Base Anti-Freeze gallon 1.59, quart , .42 Campers' Axe 1.19 Tune up your motor with Motor Conditioner quart .98 Radiator Solder or Cleaner .29 Hydraulic Brake Fluid .59 8" Saw ball bearing Tilting Table ' 44.95 FOR SALE-60 feet of 11/2 " water pipe, full lengths, slightly used, one steel tired farm wagon, good con- dition. Apply Harvey Timm, Blue- vale, R, R. 1. Combination Sanding Disc and Drum Sander 9.36 and Drum Sander 9.35 Assortment of Pulleys, Coup- lers and Shaft Hangers for 1/4 " V-Belts Quart size Blow' Torch 4.98 Chevrolet Axles and Drive Shafts. Steering Wheel Covers .39 Strip Seal for Weather Stri- pping and puttying per package Carpenters Wood Chisels 7-piece Socket Set :35 .64 WANTED—Room and board by High School girl in exchange for help in home or minding children. Apply Advance-Times, 11 0 Guire. Miss Elsie Cook and Miss Berna Yule of London, spent the week.-end with` Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Cook. United Chtirch Anniversary Knox United Church, 13elgrave, held' its anniversary and Thanksgiving ser- vices on Sunday, Oct. 13th. Good con- gregations attended both services. At the morning service the Rev. Reba. Herne of Varna, iv-as-the special spea- ker, the choir under the leadership of Mrs. Geo, Johnston sang two anthems, "Be Thankful" and "Some Wondrous Dawn", Clifford Walsh rendered a. fine solo, At the evening service, Rev. G. A. Milne of Brussels, preached. A male n ° choir led the singing and contributed an anthem "In the Service of the King". A quartet, 'Earl Anderson; Cliff Walsh, Geo. Johnston and Ross Anderson, sang "The King's High, way". FOR SALE—Boys 3 piece Brown Suit, size 7 years. Phone 4-1, Wrox- eter, NOTICE IN THE MATTER of The Change of Names Act, 1939, and Amendments thereto. TAKE NOTICE that John Francis Gies of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron and Province of On- tario, will apply to His Honour Thom- as Moore Costello, Esq., Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at his Chambers in the Court House in the Town of Goderich, on Friday, VIGORINE—The 'pep' Tonic for the sixth day of December, A.D. 1'946, men, who are weak, nervous, ex- at 10 o'clock in the forenoon to change hausted, 15 day treatment, $1.00, at his name to John Francis Brent and McKibbon's Drug Store. also to have the name of his wife changed to Molly Elnora Brent and his child's name changed to John Gre- gory Brent. DATED this 26th day of September A,D. 1946. r:RAWFORD & HETHERINGTON, Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Applicant. FOR SALE—Furnace Blower and Thermostat. Phone 233, 11-piece Socket Set and Ratchet • 1.98 0 111 :FOR SALE-90 White Leghorn hens, 1 year old. Apply, Harvey Robert- son, R. R. 2, Bluevale, Telephone 104, Brussels. M. and Mrs. Joe Yuill. Mr. Ross Procter, Guelph spent the hOliday week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Procter.. Miss Loretta Mci3urney of London, spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Fairservice, Londesboro, spent Sunday with Mrs, J. VanCamp. ' • Miss Ferrol Higgins, Galt, with Mr and Mrs, N. Higgins, Mr. !Morris Leitch, Owen Sound, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, James Leitch. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart of London, visited 'over the holiday with Mr, and Mrs. Howard Wilkinson. Miss Mina Procter of Winona, spent the week-end with Miss Eliza Procter, Mrs. Hodder of London, visited with Mrs. Brandon over the week-end, Miss Lois McGuire of London, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Mc- O BUSH WANTED 60 or 100 acre grass farm with min- imum of 15 acres of good high land bush, or bush separately, Apply I. C. Cowan, Box 282, Exeter, Ontario, Phone 158, FOR SALE-50 acre farm, frame house, large bank barn, 7 acres of bush: Apply Gordon Mel3urney, R. 3, Wingham, Af$0CIATEL: 0 war-ca..„ FOR SALE—Man's Frieze Winter Overcoat, size 40 to 42, good condi- tion. Apply Advance-Times. 0 TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY Voters' List 1946 Municipality Of Turnberry, Comity of Huron NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 8 of the Voters' List Act, and, that I have post-. szt, Phone 184, WANTED Township of Turnberry Applications will be received for operator of Diesel Tractor and equip- ment. Wages 90 cents per hour. State qualifications and experience, Applrea- tion to be in the hands of the 'Clerk by a' p.m. on October 19th. W. R. Cruikshank, Clerk, WINGHAM, ONT. Robin E. Campbell yap. SALE—About 800 New Hamp- shire and Sussex Pullets, ready to lay, Apply C. R, Logan, Belgrave, Phone Brussels 14-26, ed up in my office on the 5th day of October, 1946, the list of all persons 0 C=001210 entitled to vote hi the said municipality A =0 0=0 Wroxeter Community Association Is holding a Monster Euchre & Chicken Bingo in the Town Hall, Wroxeter at 8.30 p.m. lies., Oct. 22 FOR SALE—Property on Leopold Street, house with all conveniences, stable and garage, full size lot. Ap- ply to Advance-Times, AN OPPORTUNITY Established Rural Watkins .District available, If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55—have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a pro- fitable business of your own. For full particulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept, 0"-W-2, 2177 Masson St., Montreal Que, TENDERS WANTED • FOR SALE-40 pigs, 6 weeks old, ready to wean, Apply Archie Jones, 13, Line, Turnberry. FREE Demonstration at Municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And I call upon all voters to take hunaed- late proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 28th Clay of October, 1946, DATED this 5th clay of October, 1946, W. H, CRUIKSHANK, Clerk of Tornberry, with the Ate*OlUtlenary "TOM THUMB" B flattery Ink This Is All You Wear • So light! You don,'t knotv you're wearing a hearing instrument! • Sit noWerfull the tiny "Tom 'Thumb" battery-Abet barely rovers the ehd of your thUmb-generatea hearing poWer that Will innate yottl *Probed:4y the ONLY single-pack hearing instrument in existence that useS t1 NB RECEIVERS ha well tee magnetic air rocelVers1 receives se wonderfully edentate, they are actUally "Rearing Lente;"I Home of the Famous ACOUSTICON i3.00INI HEARING LyStEM Write for Valuable free Soak! siS om mo sis um NO Ism No sir mu swm* okut ismsio_ as is AeOustiant 214 Nord Bank Bitig# seed nu your islexhit, Lass DOOKIGT, LOttdOtIf Bruktswith Hotel FOR SALE, Shorthorn 'Bulls of serviceable age, and Leicester Ram Lambs, John S. Scott, Phone 628-2; • FOR SALE-4 tube Stewart-Warner Battery Radio, ingood working or- der. Apply Mrs, C. James, Victoria St. FOR SALE—Man's Heavy Black For Coat, excellent condition, reasonable. Two-burner Oven, cabinet .'CarPen- ter's Tools. Apply Dave Hamilton, Minnie Street. „... roR SALE-8-room Brick House, cement foundation, electric lights; hard anti soft water; in good repair. Large garden, Possession at once, Apply Thos, Fells, 'Phone 231, ...„ RiVATP: SALE..,-3 piece .Chester- field Suite, Spring-filled Mattress, 'fed and Springs, Studio Conch, half dozen odd chairs, „Centre Table, Quebec Heater, 6 gallon Paint Cans, 1.016 off R.60fil. lots of„BetirOoro and Kitchen Wallpaper,. Telephone 281, THE COMPLETE INSTRUMENT Trattsinitter and lattiorlims Weinha ONLY 1 OufiCkil TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY Tenders will be received for a Truck with snow plow equipment fot• snow plowing Township roads during the winter of 1946-47. Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk by 6 p.m. on Saturday, October 19th, 1946. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. R. Crulkshank, Clerk. TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWANOSH Voters' Lists 1946; municipality of Last Wawanosh, County of Huron. NOTICE is hereby given that 1 have complied with Section 8 of the Voters' List Act and, that I have post- ed up in my office, Lot 20, Concession 5, on the 28th day of September, 1046, COURT OF REV/SION the list of all persons entitled to vote Notice is hereby given that the in the said Municipality at Municipal Court of Revision of 'the Assessment elections and that such Ifst remains Roll of the Township of Howick for there for inspection And I call upon the year 1047 will be held in the all voters to take immediate proceed- Township Hall, Gorrie, on October 28 into to have any errors or omissions at the hour of 1.80 p.m. All parties corrected according to law, the last interested will take notice and goyerfi day for appeal being the 21st 'day of themselves accordingly, All appeals October, 1046, must be filed with the Clerk within 14 DATED this 28th day of September, days often the first day of October, 1046, RAYMOND H, REDMOND, Phillip• L, Durk, Clerk, Clerk Of RAO Wawanoth, ADMISSION TO EUCHRE, 25c. LADIES PLEASE BRING LUNCH WED., OCT. 23 2 p.trt. to pm, eit ateo o - ft,i44,••••i**,