HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-10-10, Page 6son, John, also Mr. and. Mrs, Albert Dietz, of Clifford, were Sunday visitors with Mr.1 and Mrs. .Reuben Stokes, Mr, and Mrs, Albert Tone and An- Mini of Toronto, were week-end guests with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Metcalfe. fl Messrs, George and Peter War of Toronto, spent the week-end with their mother, Mrs. Robt, Muir. Mrs. Wallace Morland and little, sons of Kineareline, is spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Reuben Appleby, Mr. 'Orland was a week-end guest at the same home. Mr, and Mrs. David A, Ritchie of Teeswater, Mac and Marilyn visited recently with Mr, and Mrs. Reuben Stokes. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hergert and Mr. Brown of Elora, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Elliott were in Windsor last week, where they,attend- ed the funeral of their nephew, Robert Gamier. BLUEVALE Bride Elcet Honoured Mrs. Roy Turvey was hostess on Thursday afternoon at a social funct- ion of community interest, when she entertained over 50 guests in honor of Miss Helen Sellers, whose marriage is to take place this week. Mrs. Harry Goll sang a solo and Mrs. Melville Mathers, gave a humorous reading in keeping with the occasion/ The bride- to-be was escorted to a scat of honor, to the strains of the Bridal. Chorus played by Mrs. W. L, Spier of Brus- sels, and little Miss Joyce Harmon and Scott McTaggart of Goderith, presented a wagon load of gifts for the kitchen, Miss Sellers made a fit- ting reply thanking her many friends and the hostess for their kindness. A dainty lunch was served, when Mrs, Carrie Sellers and Mrs, H. Pletch pre- sided at the tea table, The house was tastefully decorated with pink and white flowers and streamers. Knox Church W.M.S. 3 Mrs. P. S. McEwen opened her home this week for the meeting of the W.M.S. of Knox PreSbyterian Church, The president, Mrs. R. Elliott presid- ed. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Harry Elliott and Miss McEw.en led in prayer. A supplementary react- ing on the Scott mission in Toronto, was given by Mrs. R. F. Garniss. Mrs. L, C. Jorgenson had charge of the topic, "We touch Africa" dealing with the work of Mary Slessor sent out by the Church of Scotland and known throughout the field as "The White Ma", Knox Y.P.S. Re-organized Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elliott opened their home for a Weiner_ roast, to mark the re-organizing and opening of the Y.P.S. of Knox Presbyterian Church for the Fall and Winter season. Mrs. L. C. Jorgenson was elected to preside for the election of officers with the fol- lowing results-President, Harold El:- liott;' Vice-President, Miss-, Margaret Messer; Secretary, Billy Adams; Tre- asurer, Mrs, Harold Elliott. Rev. L. C, Jorgenson gave a brief talk to the young people and Offered prayer. United Church W.A. The Woman's Association of the United Church met this week at the hoine of Mrs. Alex McCracken.. The' pregident, Mrs. Earl Hamilton,' con- ducted the meeting, Mr.S. M. L. Ait- ken acted as secretary in the absence of Mrs. Thomson. The society auth- orized Mrs. I-lewitt to purchase blinds for the parsonage. The hostesses were Mrs. W. 5. John- ston, Mrs. Carl Johnston and Mrs, Mc- Naughton, . • Held Corn Roast The Young People of -the United Church enjoyed a social time on Fri- day evening when they gathered at the river flats for a corn roast, under the leadership of Fleming Johnston. Gam- es were played and.all jojined in'a sing song of familiar . songs and hymns around a,roaring fire, • The Y.P.U. will commence holding regUlar meetings in the very near fut- ure. Older metnbers of the congre- gation and young people .from' Ebenee zee were guests. Observed Rally Day Rally Day was observed at the Sun- day School in Knox Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning. The Theme for the service being Work and Prayer and Love. The Superintendent, Mrs. R. J, McMurray was in charge, Certificates for memory work were awarded to Peter Campbell, Kay Thompson, Eleanor Smith, Harvey Shaw and jack Shaw and Recognition Cards to Lillian Campbell, Bessie Campbell and Bobbie McMurray, Ilroce Robertson received a recogni- tion card for repeating Part,2 of the Primary Catechism, Church News The evening service at Knox Pres- byterian Church was in charge of the W,M,S, to Mark the Thanksgiving sea- son and was conducted 'by the presi- dent, Mrs. Raymond Elliott. The scripture was read by J. 5. Elliott and Miss Olive Seott,led in prayer, P6V, Leland C. Jorgenson was the guest speaker, He took for his sub- Beet, "Drifting", The possibility of drifting, the result and the remedy. He compared life to a boat which if trot anchored will drift. A quartette, com- posed of Mrs. A. D. Smith, Miss El- aine McKinney, L. C. Jorgenson and 5. C. Higgins sang and Mrs. Jorgenson redered a coronet solo, accompanied by Mrs. 3. C, tjiggins, SINGLE GIBES WANTED 16 -,30, years , for light work in a, large textile plant This is an opportunity for per- manent work. Good wages. Ideal working con- ditions and boarding facilities. Transportation paid when accepted SHIFTWORK 7 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. 3,30 p,m. to midnight 48-hour day shift 40-hour ev- ening shift. Rotating every two weeks. DOMINION, WOOLLENS & WORSTEDS LTD. HESPELER, ONT. Name Address Age 'Phone W. H. HEWSON, Secretary. Will you accept a contract TO KEEP A DATE WITH CONTENTMENT? ;i y 4 -.."-;%+y \ m 4 NJ NI-. Get it from Frank C. Hopper . . . your Mend at Canada Life* When the time comes you.may decide to work no more- ever.. Or you may want to work just enough to keep active at some pet project or hobby. In any case, after the age of 60 or 65, the important thing is financial independence. Ask your'friend at Canada Life to tell you all about the Canada Life contract that enables you to look forward to a secure, contented future beyond the three-score mark. He will show you how such a contract can make. one dollar do the work of three in terms of a guaranteed retirement income. w CAN-ADA LIFE *In assels-C. K. Bryans BRIGHT'ER' T4* S JOR: FARMERS Applications for Polish veterans coming to Canada shortly for work on farms are now being accepted. Have you placed an order for one of these men? They are all physically fit, single, .young men, carefully selected , for farm work by Canadian labour officials Softie already speak English or Frerneb Only a limited liumbeir are available, If interested, send your applications ftrimedfateTy M your, nearest National EMPInytitont Offite Or 'yotit PreVititial Agricultural Serviet DominiosiLabotsr Deparunent Hl[i1Vtt 1W MITCHELL, A, MacNAMARA,- Miulatte of Labour tmouty Mfftister EXPERIENC4Ep i LICENSED AOCTIONEER, JOHN' INSMORE WROktitit ONT. TELEPHONE TIMOR . ROAD TO Two, million or more motorists •from the States visit us each year . . . thousands of them just for the beauty of our Ontario countryside. Let's see to it that our hospitality matches the perfection of our lakes and hills. 4,Af;s IT'S EVERY- BODY'S BUSINESS' e.W0,-"etoiate40-./ Ontario profits almost as much- from tourist Al A , business as from gold mining. It's '• up to UB to keep this business growing. Every tourist• dollar is •shared this way: 1. Hotels; 2.Stores; 3. Restaurants:, 4. 'Taxes, etc.; 5. Amusements; 6. Garages. IT JOHN tiauriir WAITED. PUIUSHED IN THE PURIM INTEREST ,4M 11)c • THE WINGHAM ADVANCE,TIME$ Thursday, October 10, 1946 ORANGE PEKOE GLENANNAN where Harry will attend University Shirley, left for Toronto on Friday. for the coming term. (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs, Frank Douglas and Mr, and Mrs. Harry Brown and Ontario Royal Commission on Forestry PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in confirmation of the Ad- vance Notice and Tentative Schedule which appeared in the press in the early part of September, that Public Hearings of the. Ontario Royal Commission. on Forestry will be held at the following times and places: Sault Ste. Marie Oct. 28 - 29 Courthouse Port Arthur Nov. 1- 2 Courthouse Kenora Nov. 5 - 6 Courthouse Fort Frances Nov. 8 - Courthouse Geraldton Nov. 12 -13 Ukrainian Hall London Nov. 18 -19 County Council Chamber Cochrane Nov. 25 - 26 High School Assembly Hall North Bay Nov. 28 - 29 Courthouse Dec. 2 - 3 Town Hall Pembroke Dec. 5 - 6 - 7 Ottawa Courthouse Dec. 9-10-11 University of Toronto Toronto Senate Chamber The Commission was appointed to investigate and report upon the forest resources of. Ontario and their conservation, management and beneficial utilization for all purposes including their relation to other basic industries, particularly farming, and their relation to recreation, soil conservation, and waterways and water power, Submissions arc invited from persons or organizations -who may wish to present relevant material at any of the above hearings. Such evidence may be presented orally, but the Commissioner would prefer same in the form of written briefs. It is desirable but not essential that such briefs be forwarded to the Secretary for study well in advance of the hearing at which they are to be presented. It is requested that persons or organizations wishing to pre- sent oral evidence at any of the above hearings, submit their names to the Secretary, Ontario Royal Commission on Forestry, Admini- stration Building, Long Branch Small Arms Plant, Toronto 14, Ont- ario, prior to such hearing. • spent Sunday with Mrs, Curtis and Mrs. ICirton, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Sliaw, Mrs.. Mary Robertson, MisS Martha Fraser and Bob FraSer, are spending a holi- day at Dunnville and at Gherrywood, Rev, Leland Q. Jorgenson and Mrs., Jorgenson, are spending two weeks with Mrs. Jorgenson's parents, at Wheaton, Ill., SALEM (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. John Gowdy have 'moved to their new home in Wroxeter although. we are sorry to lose them, we wish them the very best as they are retiring from active duties, Mrs, W. A, Gathers spent a few days last week with her brother Mr. Ross Earls, and Mrs, Earls, who live south of Gorric, Miss Mildred Henning has gone to work in Foxton's restaurant in Wing- ham, Mrs, Wm, Lackie and her son, Neil and wife of Waterloo, spent a few days. with' her 'brother, Mr. Ira Neil and MrS, Neil. MiSs Berva Gallaher it at present under the Dr's„ care with a serious at- tack of jaundice. We hope she may soon 'recover, Miss Muriel, Neil is spending.a cou- ple of weeeks with friends in Guelph. • Mrs, W. A, Gathers had the misfor- tune to fall while she was out around the hen-house, breaking the large bone of her wrist, and fracturing another bone. This no doubt will lay her aside for some time but we' wish her a Speedy recovery. GORRIE Mr. and Mrs. Don Campbell and little son have moved here from Mol- esworth, to, the apartment recently vacated by IMr. and Mrs. IGeo. Nichol. Mr. and. Mrs. Geo. Foster spent Thursday with their daughter and son- in-law, Mrs O,perthauser and Mr. Mil- ton Operthauser in Elmiira, M17. and Mrs.,Hartwell Strong were in .Wingham Thursday afternoon for the formal opening of the new wing of the Wirigham. General Hospital. Women's Auxiliary The Anglican W.A. met in the Or- ange Hall on. Thursday afternoon, Ther&was a good attendance and two quilts were quilted. Mrs. H. V. Holm- es, the President conducted a short service. Roll Call was answered by a Bible verse of promise. Mrs. J. C. Caley read the Scripture lesson and Mrs., Holmes react a short poem. Rev. J. C. - Caley closed with prayer. A delicious lunch was served Mrs. F. C. Taylor being the hostess, Next meet- ing to be held at the home of Mrs. Jahn Dinsmore on October 24th. PUBLIC SCHOOL FIELD DAY Juvenile Events, Grades1; 2, 3. and 4 50 Yard Dash, Grade 1 Girls, Marykae Newman, Joan Ar- thur, Margaret Machan, Boys-Richard Newman, Billie Sin- namon, Bob Rintoul. Grade 2-Girls, Doris Machan, Gail Colvin, Nancy ,Hutchison. . Boys-Frank Gibbons Jim Bain, YKarl.Sniith. Gi'ade 3-girls, Marlene Stainton, Mary Town, carol Derbecker. Boys-Jim Newman, 13illy Newman, Billy Rintoul. . Grade 4-Girls, Alice Moore, Betty NeWitian, Billie Rintoul. Boys - Jerry Fryfogle, 'George Waine, Wendell Alton. Backwards Race,, Grade 1 Girls, ,Margaret Machan, Ruth Fry- fogle, Wry Gibbons. Boys-Billie Sinnamon , Bob ' Rin- toul, Richard Newman. Book on Head Race, Grade 2 Girls-Doris Machan, Betty Stone, Diane Garrett. Boys -,Frank Gibbons, Walter Moore, Jim Bain. Girls, -Carol Derbecker, Alice Hay- den, Marlene Stainton. Grade .p Boys, Billie Rintoul, David Slosser, Jimmy Lockriclge. Grade 4 Girls-Sally Slosser, Betty New- man, Sheila Laidlaw, Boys, Wendell Alton. Billie Connell, Jerry Fryfogle. Wheel Barrow Race, Grade 4 Boys-Gecirge Waine, and Jerry Pryfogle; Douglas MurraY . and . Jim PlattlDavid Gage and :Moat& Breck- enridge. ' Hopping on One Foot Grade 4, Giels-Mary Hotchkiss, Sally Slosser, Patricia Dawson. 'Grade 3 Girls-Mary Francis Cur- rie, Mary Louise Town, Alice Hayden. Hopping on. One Foot Grade 3 Boys, Jim Newman, Jimmie Campbell, Billie Rintoul, Grade 2, Girls,-Gail Colvin, Nancy Ilutcheson,Jeari Rintoul, Boys, Jimmie Bain Frank Gibbons, Billie Hotchkiss. Grade. 1, GirlsIttith Pryfogle, Mar- Rand Machan,` Claudia I-Iaselgrove, Boys, Judd Bedford, Billie Sinna- mon, Billy Macintyre. Relay Race • Girls, Pirst Team No, 4, Mary Gib- bbns, -Diane'Oarrett, Mary Rae, Betty Newman. Second 'ream, No, y., Margaret Ma- chart, Veda Arthur, Barbara Edwards, loan Armitage. Third, Team No, 8, Marianne Mc,. Kibbott, Betty Poxtom Alice Hayden, `It.tandiS Merkley, • Boys, First, Team No. 8,- Xen :Crompton, Jimmie Rae, Jimmie New Mati, Teddy iluelonatt. ' Second, Team No,- Dillie Stephen, More than two generations ago-in grandmother's day-mothers first dis-covered Vicks VapoRub. Today it is themost widely used home-remedy for relieving miseries of children's colds. And here is the reason .. • The moment you rub VapoRub on the throat, chest and back at bedtime it starts to work two ways at once- son, Billie Hotchkiss, Lynn Cruick- shank George Waine, Thii-d, Team No. 4, Bob' Rintoul, WalterMoore, Barry- Fryfogle, Bill Connell. Each relay team was composed of one child from Grades 1, 2, 3, and 4. Wingham, Walkerton Baseball game in Walkerton, 12 year olds, Saturday, September 28th. and keeps on working for hours-to ease coughing spasms, help clear con- gestion in cold-clogged upper breath- ing passages, relieve muscular soreness or tightness. It promotes restful sleep. Often most of the misery of the cold is gone by morning! That's why VapoRub is so good to use when colds strike. Try it! 12 -10 for Walkerton, Wikigharn-Hanna p, Saxton c, M.e.r- kins ss, Newman lf, Murray cf, Hob- kley 1b, Stainton' 2b, Hutton 3b Jen- den rf, Gerrie, Porter, Nimmo,Chittick, Fren ch. • Walkerton-O'Neil p, Ecksweiler c, Wilhelm 1b, Garbut 2b, Kidnew 3b,. Monk ss, Robinson lf. Rapp cf, Mort- imer rf. <e) NOW IN STOCK NEW QUAKER Oil Burner Range 1500 WATT. WATER HEATERS PORTABLE ELECTRIC Radiators and STROMBERG-CARLSON. AUTOMATIC Phonograph Awn° STEW Homi Appliances 'Phone 29 Wingham '‘FaiimmumnsimMinumm Far Your BUILDING, CARPENTERING Repair Work Built.in CUPBOARDS S E E Sennett' Oasenunie 'Phone 44/ Wingliam *M.S. Of United Church The W.M,S..of the United Church met this week'at the home of the pres- ident, Mrs. McCrackin, who also pre- sided. The scriptUre was read by Mrs. Curtis, pSalm 149. During the Wor- ship service Mrs. Arthur Shaw con- ducted a quiz on 'Stewardship". Mrs. Hewitt 'and Mrs, Thbrnton had charge of the programme with the theme" The Indian - Programme", a fivorite hymn of Indian Christians, "We are travelling on the Jesus Road" was sung and' Mrs. Hewitt sang a solo, "Lord, I want to be a Christian in my Heart," Mr. Cecil Rolph and son of Mitchell, hgv,cKs isso G9od for Relieving Miseries of. Childrens. CAN SHERBON ~Dy` COFFEE SHOP MEALS LUNCHES FOUNTAIN 'SERVICE Prompt, Courteous Attention. Next to Lyceum Theatre. WINGHAM` 10 a.m. , 10 a.m. 10 a.m. 10 a.m. 10 a.m. 10 a.m. 10 a.m. 10 a.m. 10 a.m. 10 a.m. 10 a.m. "Let's make diem" wantto come back[" This Can Be' Yours Canada s od Interest 2 3A 70 Payable Annually Bonds may be redeemed at Par at any time. • Bonds in denominations of $50 - $100 - $500 - $1000 PRICE $100 FOR FULL PARTICULARS AND APPLICATION FORMS SEE YOUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE' WINGHAM MR. HAROLD V. PYM-7Telephone 333 Wingham. GREY TOWNSHIP. ' MR. WATSON BROWN=R.R. 2,"Listowel 'Phone 3r1 Molesworth MR. HARRY J. FEAR-Ethel, 'Phone 22r14, Brusseis MR. ANDREW C. TURNBULL-R,R.2, Brussels, , 'Phone28r6 Brussels MR. R. W. WHITFIELD-R.R. 2, Brussels, 'Phone 49r9, Brussels HOWICK TOWNSHIP MR. A. M. HARRIS--R.12. 1, WrdAeter, 'Phone 19r9, Wroxeter MR, W. E PATTERSON-Fordwich 'Phone 19r2, Fordwich ° MR. W. E. WHITEIELD-Gorrie, 'Phone 354, Wroxeter MR. J. H. WYLIE-Wroxeter 'Phone 60, WrtA.eter MORRIS TOW MR. LYLE HOPPER-R. R. W 5, Brussels, 'Phone 32r15 Brussels MR. CECIL WHEELER--R.R. 5, Brussels, 'Phone 13r18, Brussels TURNBERRY - MR. W1%. B. CRUIESHANIC-R,R, 2, Winghatn, 'Phone 371, Wingham EAST WAWANOSH Mk, 3014N 8, SCOVr-R.P. 1, telgrave, 'Phone 623r2. Wingham MR. FRANI< TROMPSON---R.R, 5, Wingham, 'Phone 626r3, Wingham a F. CAREY & SON' WEST STRUT, " Alkalitatia t h ' ' GODERICH