HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-10-03, Page 7Belgrave Co-Op. Association licie tgodoctleo ot bscoo via bese top -pvloitte oo tbe Urea toot dovio% 1.90. Vie toot not fait Giee.t Vitale at the steetotooe time. io bet lastory. Valet Wage:416 ?I:0030101A roost be ewe sea t Dotal° isteoets dovio% tbe coding, tool'tbs. C0.013 141111. HOG G9.0•?6,11. less beeo tovvoolated 40i tUe feeder lotto does nottovelAs oleo Vtao so4 gouts to led, s balanced teed that vA11 Ore blco vossiooto pextorasoce st suloitooto Cost. .ozaZi-eor.aeCo-ao itifix";Avee AUCTION SALE 34 REGISTERED HEREFORDS - 18 REGISTERED YORKSHIRES Tuesday, October 8th 1946, at 1 p.m. WARNICA FARMS R. R. No. 4 - BARRIE, ONT. Cattle are T B Tested and Blood Tested for Bangs TIJANKSGIVING DAY GO: From Noon, Priday, Oct. u4. 2.‘0o p,m. Monday, Oct, :4. RETURN: Leave destination not later than midnight, Tuesday, Oct. IS, 1946. For fares and further Information apply irkket Agog*. CANADIAN NATIONAL Business and Professional Directory WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head Office — Toronto IL C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham W. A. CRAWFORD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 150 Wingham A. WHITISH Teeswater, Ontario Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office: Gofton House, Wroxeter et'ery Thursday afternoon 1.30 to 4.30 and by appointment. Phone — Teeswater 120J J. W. BUSHFIELO Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office — Meyer Block, Wingham HARRY FRYFEE Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Furniture and Funeral Service Ambulance Service Phones: Day 109W. Night 109J. FREDERICK A. PARKER OSTEOPATH Offices: Centre St., Wingham Osteopathic and Electric Treat- ments, Foot Technique. -Phone 272. Wingham. DR, W. M. CONNELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 19 J. H. CRAWFORD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Bonds, Investments & Mortgages Wingham Ontario J. A. FOX Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. RADIONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191, ctmoite taa Df.SI, CAN WE END LABOR UNREST? Labor asks for fair wages, security, holidays with pay, a shorter work- ing week. Employers seek a fair return on invested `'funds, tax easements to enable savings against declines • in business, and production standards that permit Canadian goods to compare favor- ably for world markets. READ BOTH SIDES OF THE STORY The Globe and Mail in its news columns gives .", .full. factual reports on both sides of lsg4ies lit the -news. FEARLESS EDITORIAL POLICY Globe and Mail editorials are plain-spoken, fearless 1 Whatever your personal or political opin- ions, you'll find in each day's Globe and Mail editorials, food for thought . . . views and com- ments worthy of consideration. Give your family the advantage of the latest news, editorials, feature articles on every subject from sport to cooking by Canada's foremost writers. CLASSIFIED ADS. COST. SO LITTLE A Good Investment When inserted in the columns of WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES DONALD B. BLUE Experienced Auctioneer Licensed for counties of HURON & BRUCE All Sales Capably Handled Phone 49. Ripley, Ontario Wtikr Iim1.1 I ItE HAL t'res IST A BROAOCASitit. vitt° is A HARP BatAtilitst Thursday, October 34 1946 THE WIITCHAM ADVANCE-TIMES pAGE $nv-Ea S AND`SKEETER GOOD 'WANING, CHILDREN..,.. AND WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL!! GCOD MOR016, TEACHER •7 make arrangements fora Hallowe'en Masquerade Dance. and set the date. for October 29th,, in the Town Tian. Wroxeter Community Association will hold a meeting in the Red Cross ROoms gn Friday,' October 6th, at 8.2(). p.m, A full attendance is request- pd. Miss Eleanor Ashton, who has fog some years been the efficient steno: grapher in Howick Fire Insurance 'Office has aecepted a position in the office of Dr, W, R. Fraser; London. Eleanor will be greatly missed here where she wrnadp. many friends. Best wishes of all go with her for Happi-, .ness and Success. Legion Dance Held C1CNX Ranch Boys provided an evening's entertainment on Thursday, in the Town . Hall, which was spon- sored by Howick Legion. Although the attendance was not as large as was hoped for, there was a fine programme and excellent dancing music, Mrs. cliff Denny and Nancy. of Ripley, spent part of last week with Mr, and Mrs. •Vern Denny:, , Nancy celebrated her 3rd. birthday during her visit with her, grandparents. Mr. John MacNaughton spent Sun- day with Fordwich friends. Mr.. and . • Mrs. Philip Durst and children, Mr. a,:iil Mrs. Harold Durst, spent the week-end in „Stratford,'Whe're they attended a family get-to-gether at the 'home .(e.f Mrs. I, .Durst. Women's Institute The October meeting. of Wroxeter W. I. will be held on Thursday after- noon, October 3rd., at 2,30 p.m, at the home of Mrs.. MacNaughton.- Thought for the Month„They also Serve who feed the World, Roll Call, My Life's Ainbition, Topic, Sing, Say .or Play. (All members programme). Hostess- es, Mrs. Timm, Miss MacEwen, Mrs. MacNaughton. Tag Day For Blind Howick Lions Club will sponsor a Tag Day for the Blind on Saturday, October 5th., at Howiek Fall Fair, being held this year at Fordwich. Huron and Bruce Members Visit Forest Lodge Well over one hundred Masons gathered at a special meeting on Fri- day evening when fifty-one members of Huron and Bruce Lodge, Toronto, vis- ited the local lodge and conferred the third degree on a candidate of Forest Lodge. Following the meeting sup- per was served in the Town Hall, A progranntie followed over which the Master of Forest Lodge, W. A. Saw- tell, presided. A distiguished guest., was Mr. Mitchell of Toronto, an of- ficer of Grand Lodge. Mrs. H. Ham- ilton assisted on the programme, sing- ing two solos, visiting brethren were present from District Lodges. Mission Band Buds of Promise Mission . Band held their September meeting on Mon- EXPERIENCED LICENSED AUCTIONEER JOHN DINSMORE WROXETER - ONT. TELEPHONE 13 - 9 YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION Our 25 point Scientific Examiu- tion enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable Vision. F. F. 110MUTH Optometrist Phone 118 Harriston day in the Church School-room with a good attendance.-- 'Meeting opened with quiet music • by „Evelyn Anger. Jesus Bids Us Shine was the first hymn followed by the Lords Prayer and the motto. Donald Gibson read the Scripture, psalm 24. ,Evelyn, Anger played a piano solo and told a child- ren's Story, ,Jesus Loves Me, was the second hymn. Jimmie Wylie present- ed the- minutes. Roll Call was ans- wered by a picture for the Scrap Book. The offering. was taken by Lyle Wright, Mrs. S. Higgins was guest Speaker and' told 'the Story, "The Hunt" from-the Study Book, Nyangas Two Villages, All joined in a game. The Farmer's in the Dell.. The meet- ing closed with the hymn Will Your Anchor Hold and the benediction. Anniversary Services On Sunday. October 6th, at 11 a,m. and 7.30 p.m., Standard Time, the Un- ited Church will hold anniversary ser- vices. The guest speaker will be a former minister of Wroxeter charge, Rev. T. M. Wesley of Kingsville, Mr. Henderson of London, who assisted the choir last year, will again be soloist for these special services. All are cordi- ally invited to attend. Harvest some Service St. James' Anglican ,Church, beauti- fully decorated with late summer Row- ers; fruits, vegetables and grain of the harvest, was a lovely ,setting for the annual Harvest Home Thanksgiving service on Sunday evening. The ser- vice was conducted by the Rector, Rev, James Caley. The guest speak- er, Rev. J. A. Roberts, of Alert Bay, British ,Columbia, who spoke from the words: "seek ye first the Kingdom of God and .His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you", St.-Matthew, chapter 6 verse 33. The speaker said that at this. special sea- son we should be patient and thank- ful, but in gathering together'for our- selves the good things provided for our needs we should not forget that the righteous life was more important. We should put first things' first. At this season we should rededicate Our lives in the service of the Master. The choir from Trinity Anglican Church, Fordwich, assisted, and the title of their anthem was "0 Lord, How Man- ifold Are. Thy Works", Rally Day in United Church • The United Church Sunday School held their annual Rally Day at 11 a.m. on Sunday- last. The theme for the 1946 Rally was "Behold I Send You Forth". Miss' Mary Gibson was at the sere, organ for the. prelude, Rev. J, L, Fos ter presided, Following the Gall to Worship, the hymn, '4 Gladsome Hymn of Praise We Sung" was sung. The Primary children sang, "Father, Hear Vs When We .Pray". The story, "Truly Brothers" was told by Miss Agnes Wearring., Billy Hart and Jim Wylie read the first Scripture lesson, Luke 9 : 7-10-3. The ,Intermediate girls folloWed with verses from the Gospel of St. IMattheiv. .25-28, and the Senior girls' group, Ephesians .04048, Arthur Green and Ronald McMichael received the special offering. The choir contributed an .anthem, All classes joined in singing, "I Would Be True", Rev. J. L. Foster spoke on firrtherne, "Behold, I Send You Forth". The hymn; "Lord, In The Fullness of My Might" and the, benediction brought an interesting and helpful service to a close. Guild Meeting, Tuesday, October 8th The October meeting of St. James' Women's Guild will be held on the af,, ternoon.of the 8th, Quilting is to he= dope and members are asked to bring a friend. Final arrangements will be made for the bazaar. Woman's Missionary Society The W.M.S. of the United Church will hold their October meeting on Fri , day, October 11th at 3 p.m. Theme— Thanksgiving. `Mrs. Howes and Mrs. Wm, Gibson will have charge of the devotional period. Roll Call "Some- thing for which I am thankful" Young People's Union '"'" The Young People's Union of the United Church held their regular meet- ing and election of officers on Monday evening last in the church school room, The President, Helen Sawtell, presided and opened the meeting with The Apostles' Creed and singing of the missionary hymn, "Jesus Shall Reign". Thelma Denny chose for the Scripture lesson, Matthew 28 :10-20. The Lord's Prayer was repeated in Unison. Jean Moffat gave a very interesting topic on Missions. The election of officers for 1946-47 resulted as follows: Presiclent--eHelen Sawtell. Vice- Pres., Jean Moffat; Sec'y, Margaret Moffat; Treasurer, Lloyd Townsend; Recreational Convener, Lloyd Towns- end; Fellowship, Thelma Denny; Cul- ture, Edith Weir; Citizenship, Allen Cooper; Missions, Gilberta Howes. Following the closing hymn, "Zion's King Shall Reign Victorious" a short period of games was enjoyed. Celebrate Silver Anniversary "Riverdale Farm", Fordwich, was the setting for an interesting and mem- orable gathering on Saturday when Mr. and Mrs, Crosby Sothern were at home to their friends on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. More--than one hundred and .fifty guests called to offer their congratu- lations. The bride's mother Mrs. M. Slater, of Strathroy, was an honored guest. Receiving with Mr. and Mrs. Sothern were their two daughters, Shirley and Rose-Mary. The tea table, covered with a lace cloth, was centred with the wedding cake, dark red roses and lighted tapers in`silver holders and was presided over during the afternoon by Mrs. F. Demmerling and Mrs. Frank Slater of Strathroy, and in the evening, by Mrs. E. Williamson and Mrs, D. S. McNaughton of Wroxeter. Assisting were Mrs. H. Doig, Mrs. G. Ashton, Mrs. W, Wilson, Mrs. J, Wil- son, Ivirs. jr. Strong, Mrs, George Bak- er, During the evetlIng two groups of violin solos were played by Mr, Arn- old Earls of Waterloo. Telegrams, cards and lovely gifts were received from relatives, friends and' neighbours, extending congratulations and good wishes to the happy coupleA. Mr, Sothern is a native of Fordwich and the third generation to reside on Riv- WROXETER Messrs. George and Peter Muir of 'Toronto, were week-end guests of their -mother, Mrs. M. Muir and sister, Mrs. 'Wallace of Turnberry. Mr. Garfield Gibson and Miss Ella Brophy; Parkhill, spent part of last -week, with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gib- son.. Mr. Redge Robinson of Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Robinson. Miss Jean Graham is in Wingham Hospital, suffering from pneumonia. Miss Graham's many friends wish for her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell of Toronto, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton. Mrs) Mitchell remained for a longer visit with her sister. • Friends here regret to learn of the serious illness of Mr. Herb Rogers -of Fordwich. For many 'Veers Mr. Rogers was treasurer for the Town- ship of Howick, having some months ago resigned On account of ill health. Mr. Rogers ' suffered a 'stroke a few days ago. Best wishes 'are extended for a speedy and complete recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Timm and family, spent Sunday with friends at London, Mr. and Mrs. Peter MacEwen of Parry Sound, spent a few days with the former's brother and sister, Mr. George and Miss Ella MacEwen. Miss Alice Howes ofWingham, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Howse. Miss Elizabeth Griffith, Wingham, visited over the week-end wth her par- ens, Mr. and Mrs. George Grffith, Wroxeter South. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hamlton also Mr. and Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton attended the Silver Wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. C. Sothern at Fordwich, on Saturday. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mac- Donald on Sunday were: Mr. Deihl and son, Carl of Varna, Mr. and Mrs. Morris -Durham of CarlSton. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Denny over the week-end were, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Melville, ,daughter,e_Erland and Shirley, also Miss Will<in, all of Tor- onto. The teachers of Wroxeter Public School held a meeting last week to ,,,,....ft.r.fred NOW TO GET DOWN 'TO 13LISINEST WANT YOU TO TAKE UP EVERYTHING RIGHT WHERE WE LEFT OFF LAST SEMESTER!! YES,TEACHER! ) ONE of -r B144E-ST SAO' AMERICAS 15 LOCATEOAS./. 01.s•c, RE.45047 , N.Y., I- 13) BARRY / WIPES, Se-aCtI GOMEOIA14‘ MADE His EARLIER SUCCESS AS AN • IRISH eoMEPIAR e • SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK, By R. J. SCOTT MINES n4 'I HE. 11 .5.Wiiti41 AHD N AVY PLANES 4 )1404 usvist Kticti M•filE.SfANDARO At.PONAttfl t1144f FOR 4PEED 111, t3Y WA1 LY:BISHOP 4-4 tiVuO 8 left tie, Wbfltr ree,m3f., „, erdale Farm which was cleared by his grandfather. the late John Sothern. Mrs. Sothern is the former Marjorie M. Slater of Strathroy. Slater, daughter Of Mis. and the late Mr, M. Slater of Strathroy, Mrs. H. Waller, Toronto, was a week-end visitor at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Paulin, and Mr. and Mrs. Ward Sharpin. MILLIONS OF POUNDS POULTRY FOR BRITAIN The first post-war shipment of Can- adian dressed poultry to Britain left Montreal aboard ss. Manchester Pro- gress . September 5. Consisting of seven carloads of chicken and fowl from Ontario, five from Quebec and, one from Alberta, the shipment total- led 425,00 pounds. The Special Products Board now buying all surplus Canadian chicken and fowl of specified grades for the British Ministry of Food plans to ship several million pounds of poultry this fall. All the birds are graded, mark- ed and packed according'to Canadian government regulation s. K. M. MacLENNAN Veterinary Surgeon Office -- Mitt:AiSt Opposite and South, of the United Church. • PHONE 196 Wingham, Ontario