HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-10-03, Page 1btiattrt,
The Wingham Public School stud-
ents held their annual Field Day on
Friday last, which was judged one of
the best yet and attracted a large
crowd of spectators.
FolloWing are the winners in the
various events.
Senior Boys
High Jump—Maurice Stainton, Arn-
old McIntyre, Ronald Murray,
Pole Vault—Maurice St a in ton
Glenn Bennett, Robert Sinnarnon,
Relay Race—Billie Bain, Arnold
McIntyre, Billie Waine, Willard Platt,
Rayinond Merkley, Floyd Jenkins,
LaVerne Newman, John Hanna, Ron-
ald Murray, John Hall, Gerald Ger-
rie, Kenneth McLean.
Three Legged Race—R aymond
Merkley and LaVerne Newman, Ron-
ald ,Murray and Gerald Gerrie, Maur-
ice Stainton and Kenneth McLean.
Running, hop, step and jump—Billie
Bain, Maurice Stainton, John Hanna.
Running Broad Jump—Robert Sin-
namon, Billie Bain, Kenneth McLean.
Softball Throw—John Hanna, Maur-
ice, Stainton, Pollock.
100 yard dash—Arnold McIntyre,
John Hanna, Ronald Murray.
Standing, hop, step and jump—Ken-
neth McLean, LaVerne Newman,
,Maurice Stainton.
Standing Broad Jump—Arnold Mc-
Intyre, Kenneth McLean . LeVerne
Senior Championship—Arnold Mc-
Intyre and Maurice Stainton tied,
runner up, Billie Bain.
(Continued on page three)
Notice To Legion Members
A work meeting will be held at the
Legion Hall, (tonight), Wednesday
evening, All members who have as-
sisted previously and those who have
not yet helped are asked to be present
with brooms, scrub brushes and pails.
Moved to Indianna A
Mrs. 0. Colborne and sons, James
and Robert left last Friday'for Evans-
ton, Indianna; where they will make
their future horne.s .
Returns 'To Western
Mr. George W. Copeland 'has re-
turned to the University of Western
Ontario, London for his second year
in Honour Business Administration.
Broke Arm at Ayton Fair •
Mr. Geo. Tervit had an accident
While taking part in the Road race at
the Ayton Fair on Saturday afternoon.
In turning a corner his cart upset and
he was thrown out, receiving a broken
arm, Owing to the break, being close
to the elbow he was taken to. ',Loudon
hospital for treatment.
Notice to Institute Members
Mrs. F. A. Parker, president of the
Women's InsTitute, has received an in-
vitation from the Hospital Board, in
which all members of the Institute are
invited to attend the official opening of
the Wingham Hospital on October 3.
Each member, it is hoped, will show
lien appreciation by. being present,
" The Charm Beauty Salon "
Minnie Street, Wingham, now open
for appointments. Specializing in Per-
manent Waving, Breck Treatments,
and Hair Styling, also all other Beauty
Culture, Phone 445. Licensed Oper-
ator—Miss C. MacLennan.
Mr. Wm. Fleuty of Einbro, is visit-
ing with relatives in town.
Mrs. Phoebe Artie and son, Gordon,
-spent the week-end in Collingwood.
Mr, J. Baird of Hamilton, is spend-
ing a few days with his uncle, Geo,
and Mrs. Baird.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Prentiss and
son of Guelph, spent a few days with
her mother, Mrs. Edith Taylor.
Mrs, Lizzie Crummer of Pickering.
is spending a few weeks with her ne-
phew, W. H. and Mrs. Haney,
Mrs. Reid of Kingston, is visiting
with her daughter., Mrs. Beecroft and
Rev, W. A, Beecroft.
Week-end guests with Rev, and Mrs.
A. Nimmo were Mr, Herb, Nitnmo,
Miss Helen Ctimmings, Miss Marjorie
Wilson, Toronto, and Mrs. Starnier of
Mr. and Mrs. J, E. Currie of Isling-
ton, and Mrs. C, E, Steward of Tors
onto, spent ,the week-end at the home
of Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Isard. Mrs. Is-
ard returned with them for a short vis-
Mr. and Mrs, George Phillips and
Albert, Mrs. Norman McDonald and
Betty, and Mr, John Campbell spent
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Leonard
Phillips :and Mary, and attended, the
baptismal service in St, Andrew's
Presbyterian Church, when Mary Eliz-
abeth was baptised. Mr, John Camp-
bell is her great grarailfathets.
Rev, 5. B. Thomson, Director of
Church Extension of the Presbytery
of Toronto, will be the guest speaker
at the Anniversary service in Knox
Presbyterian Church, Belgrave, on
Sunday, October 6th. at 2.30 p.m.
This will be the 82nd' anniversary of
the Presbyterian Church at Belgrave-
The choir 9f Melville cliprelit Bless.
sets, will render special anniversary
Bluevale Bazaar, October 9th
A Bazaar, sponsored by the Ladies
Aid Society of Knox Presbyterian
Church, be held hi the Community ,
Nail, Midvale;oh Wedhesday, Octo-
ber 9th; at 3 o'clock. Quilts, .Aprons,
Fancy Work, articles made front flour
sacks, miscellaneous articles, horzte-r
made baking, garden produce, fruit
and flowers will be offered for sale. A
15c lunch will be served,
The September meeting of the Wo-
men's Mission Circle of the Baptist
Church, was held on Thursday, Sept.
26th,, at the home of Mrs. Walter
Pocock. The Vice-President, Mrs,
John Kelly presided. The meeting-
opened by singing hymn "Rescue the
Perishing", and prayer by Mrs. (Rev.)
John Norton.
The Roll Call was answered by a
verse of Scripture. Flowers had been
sent to Mrs. Blackball.
Delegates appointed to the Sarnia.
Convention were Miss R. Lewis, and,
Miss Walsh. Mrs, W. Pocock read
an interesting article on "Some 'One
The topic was taken by Miss Walsh,
on "The Spirits Leading'," ,
Mrs, (Rev.) Dingman, a •former's
Pastor's wife, gave air inspiring mess.
sage by her solo, "Oh make me to
Understand It". Mrs. Brooks acconts
partied the soloist. Western Canada
work was taken by Mrs. Geo. Scott.
New Canadian Work in Western
Canada by Mrs. Pryte. Mrs. John
Falconer, "Call among the Jews".
Mrs. John Kelly- read the scripture
lesson from 1 Cor.-13 chapter. Also
items by H. Drummond on the great-
est master-piece of Christianity is
love, it is the fulfilling of the whole
law, A season of prayer was. led by
Mrs. (Rev,) John Norton,. Mts. B.
Collar and Mrs. Pryce. Mrs. (Rev.)
Dingman read as her prayer a beautiful
hymn on " A Little Bit of Love",
Mrs. W. Pocock closed the meeting
by prayer. Lunch was served by the
hostess and Miss Walsh .reloved a vote
of thanks to Mts. Pocock for her kind_
With"Which Is Amalgamated The Gerrie Vidette and Wrnseter News,
Single conies6Five Cents WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, •OCTOBER 3rd, 1946 Subscriptions $2,00 per Yeas
Defeated Gurney's In Play-Offs and
, Won Advance-Times Trophy /
Fridlty evening, the softball picture
for 1946 faded into the distance, when
Fry & 131aetchall's defeated Gurneys
24-4, to win the town league title and
The Advance-Times trophy, Climax-
ing one of the keenest series in years,
five games were necessary to declare
a winner, Prior to Friday's fixture
the Gurney nine had tied one game and
won Tuesday's tilt 9-8, 'to stay in the
running. Friday night's affair was too
'one sided to make the game interest-
ing from a fans viewpoint, Judging
from the, brand of ball played in the
two previous contests •fans felt the
-sgame would be a nip and tuck battle,
but went home disappointed, The jinx
seemed evident in the Gurney' lineup
when the team fell apart like a snow-
ball on a midSun'imers day. Costly er-
rors and timely bits by their opposers
spelled doom for the glove men.. Der
spite the fact softball is over for this
year, the Gurney nine gave all they
had in the series, although stacked a-
gainst a more balanced club, and the
Fry & Blackhall nine .were deserSTing of
their win on the season's ,play.
Follownig is the lineup of Friday's
contest; Fry & Blackball Temple-
man lf, Bell cf, Foster p, McLeod 2b,
Gardiner 3b, Hilbert c Seli ss, Hall
rf, Lee 1b; Gurneys—Tucker rf, Pos-
liff lf, Brooks 2b, Niergarth ss• Rint-
oul c, Smith ib, Cantelon cf, McLeod
p, Brophy .3b. •
Fry & Blackhall 3 .2 3 3 4/0 9-24
Gurneys 00'. 0' 3 0 0 1— 4
Umpires, Carmichael ,and Groves,
- Rally and Family Pew Day was
held on Sunday morning in St, And-
rews ?resbyterian Church. During the
service ten children were baptized:
- Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. L, Phillips; Ruth Elizabeth, dau-
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Krohn;
• Lorna Jeanette, daughter of Mr. and
Miffs. Walter Wonds Don George. and
Sandra Elizabeth son and daughter of
„Mr. and Mrs. AleX McDonald; Karen
• Isobel; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hart-
ley Smith; Mary Ann, daughter of
,Lou, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Mr. and ;Mrs. Jack Southam; Mary
Jamieson; Mary Joan, daughter of Mr.
.and Mrs. Wm. Lapp; and Donald Wit-
liam,son of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Bate
The Lions held their regular meeting
in the Queen Grill with the president
john McKibbon, •presiding, Three
members of the clnb, Bob Hethering-
ton, Harley Crawford 'and John Mc-
Ribbon were called to the front by the
tailtwister, Wally Armstrong, and were
given the Lions roar for being on the
team that won the trophy at Kitchener
Golf tournament. The non-wirmers,
'Wilf French, Cliff McAvoy, Ron Rae,
Clarence Richey, Omar Haselgrove
and Art Irwin were called on for a
song. In a lucky draw Bob Hether-
ington won, a box of handkerchiefs,
The guests present were Rev. A,
Nimmo, Rev, W. As Beecroft, .Rev, J.
A Robert, Rev. J, lames and Jim Hall,
The guest speaker was Rey. Jack
Robert of Alert Bay,- B. C., who told
.of the conditions there, Alert Bay is
.8ittiated on a small Wand 3 Milts long
.and a half mile wide, about 180 miles
north of Vancouver. The island has a
population of about 100 over half of
which are Indians, but unlike other Its-
duns Ihey arc quite wealthy and re-
ceive ficy treaty money from the Gov-
ernment, in all, the iahabitants of the
-island have invested in +boats and e-
quipment nearly three million - dollars.
The Indians have copied the white
man's ways and would not be at a dis-
advantage if they were placed any-
where in Canada,
A vote of thanks was tendered to
the speaker on motion of Will French
,anti Wilbur`
Jinn Flail .faVisred, with two piano 801-
Os, and the quartet of ministers sang
"0 Canada, which was followed by the
Vohs roar and closing songs
,.. •
Two War Brides Received Gifts From
Ladies. Ai&iliary .To, the Legion
The regular meeting of the Ladies
Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion,
Wingham Branch,- was held on Tues-
day evening in the /Armouries with a
large number in attendance.
After the usual • opening ceremona.
ies and business period, Miss Velma
Scott was initiated.' After some dis-
cussion it was decided to cater for a
banquet to be held in December for
the L0.0,F'. All 'the members were
urged to bear this' in mind and to
plan to 'be 'able to help when the,
time arrives.'
After the meeting closed 'Mrs.' .F1.
Shera,. on behalf of the Auxiliary, wel-
comed two war brides, Mrs. H. Gar-
niss r and Mrs. Henry Ross, Jr., to
Wingham and extended good wishes
for their happiness in Canada. Mrs.
G. Hall and Mrs. Shera then escorted
the brides to „the front where they
found a large pile- of gifts waiting for
Refreshments were then served and
a pleasant social hour followed.
An open session of the Sunday • school was held at Holmes School on
Sunday, Sept. 22nd, under the superin-
tendancy of Mr. Peter IVIcKague. .A
program was presented of vocal solos
by Mrs. Walter Pocock, Miss Marjorie,
Falconer and Mr. Frank Collar, piano
selections by Jim Hall- and a piano
duet,by Mrs. Nelson Pickell and Miss
Leona Pickell.
Rev, J, N. H. Norton was called to
the front while Robert McKague, the
'school secretary, -read an address and
the presentation of•a Reynolds "400"
pen was made by Miss Mary Ross on
behalf of fifty signators,
Mr, Norton, completely taken by
surprise, expressed his deep apprecia-
tion of the section of the school, as be-
ing only in tine with their continued.
kindness Since, lie first had the oppor-
tunity and priviledge of knowing them.
Rev. Alex.. Nimmo was tendered an
expresSion of appreciation by the sup-
erintendent. In reply, Mr. Nimm.o
spoke of the high esteem which he had
for Mr. Norton, and, concurred in the
genuine sorrow of the school and dis-
trict 'at the thought of saying farewell
to him.
Mr.• Norton closed the meeting with
prayer and the benediction.
The annual concert sponsored by the
Belgrave School Fair will be held in
the Forester's • Hall, Belgrave, at 8 p.
m., on Thursday, October-10th. Adults
25 cents. School children free.
Stores Close At 10 p.m. Saturday
Commencing this Saturday evening,
October 5th., the stores in Wingham
will close one jtotir earlier at 10
Hospital Auxiliary Meeting
The regular-meeting 'bf the Women's
Auxiliary to the Wingham General
Hospital, will be held in, the Council
Chambers on Monday afternoon, Oct.
7th,, at 3 o'clock:
Professor Of Chemistry •
George C.Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Geo, Allen of town, who has recently
returned from serving with the Amer-
ican Army in the Phillipine Islands,
has been 'made a Professor of Chem•
istry in Lawrence Institute of Tech-
nology in Highland Park, Dettoit,
Engagement Announced
Mr. and Mrs. Min Mason, Belgrave,
wish to annotince the engagement of
their daughter, Dorothy Catherine, to
Fleming Edgar Johnston, sots of Mr.
David Johnston,,Blueyale, and the late
Mrs, Johnston, The wedding to take
place at the Brick 'United Church, at
2 o'clock, on Wednesday, October 9th,
Fireinett Called to Belmore
About 11 o'clock Tuesday morning
the firemen responded to a sail to a
fire near Delmore, The roof of the
home of Mr, Fleming Ballagh of Car-
rick township caught fire from the
chimney, with a high wind blowing at
the time it was feared that the house
would be A total loss, However, the
neighbours with a hose attached .to
pressure tank, plus a butket brigade,
had the fire extinguished before the
Wingham firemen arrived,
On Wed., Oct. 2nd,sto the entitle of
Bert Worth arid his CKNX Ambassa-
dors 9 piece orchestra. Dancing 9.80
to 1 ft.tn, Admission 50e.
The annual Wingham High School
Field Day was held on Wednesday of
last week under perfect weather con-
ditions. The folloWing are the results:
Senior—Lorna Dunbar (40 points).
Runner-up--Hazel Cameron (34).
Intermediate—Hilda ,Pletch (48). ,
Runner-up—Lois Lockridge (45).
Junior (tied 31), Maxine „ Cowan,.
Barbara Irwin.
Runner-up—Jean Adair (28).
1. Grand March and School Yell.
2. Lower,,,School -Race (75-yds.).-
1. Barbara Irwin, 2 Muriel llrydges,
3 Alice Parrish.
Middle School Race (75 . yds.)-1
Lois. Lockridge, 2 Jean Adair, 3 Mary
3. Relays, Lower School—Betty
Hutcheson, Doris Preiss, Margaret
Procter, Barbara Irwin; Middle School
Pletch, Mildred Higgins, Bar-
bara Newman, Dorothy Fraser.
4. Basketball Running Shot-1 Alice
Laidlaw, 2 Lois Lockridge, 3 Joan
5, Basketball Free Shot-1 Mary
Darling, 2 Hilda Pletch, 3 Donna
6, Basketball Target Throw-1 An-
nie Waine, 2 Lois Burchill, 3 Maxine
7. Basketball Distance Throw-1
Maxine Cowan; Lois Lockridge; Doris
8. Basketball Distance Throw-1
Irene Logan, 2. Mary Haines, Doreen
9, Archery Contest-1 Hazel Cam-
eron, 2 Hilda Pletch, 3 Mary Ross.
10. Standing Broad jump-1 Gladys'
Shiell, 2 Margaret Procter, 3 Mary
11 Volley Ball Game—Juniors 24;
Seniors 42 Winners.-
12 Basketball Game—Juniors 4, Sen-
iors 24 Winners,
.13 Baseball Game—Juniors 5, Sen-
iors 11, Winners.
Judges—Miss K. McGregor, Miss'
Alice Heard, Mrs, Mary Cleland, Mrs,
(-Dr.) F. Parker,. Mrs. j: P. McKibbon.
High Jump-1 Jack Shiell, 2 Don
Lloyd, 3 Grant Ernest.
Pole Vault-1 Harold Pocock, 2
Jack Shiell, 3 Grant Ernest.
Running Broad jump-L-1. Grant Er-
nest, 2 Don Lloyd, 3 Harold Pocock.
Hop, Step and,Jemp-1 Don Lloyd,
2 Jim Beninger, 3 Grant Ernest.
Shot Putt-1 Grant Ernest, 2 Don
Lloyd, 3 Bob Lever.
Football Throw-1 Grant Ernest,
2 Tim Hobden, 3 Don' Llyod,
Softball Throw-7 Grant Ernest, 2
Don Lloyd; 3 Jim Beninger,
High Jump-1 Michael Kinahan 2
Murray Hawke, 3 Murray Stainton.
Pole 'Vault--:-'Murray Stainton, Jack
Brophy, George Loughiean.
Running Broad jump—Murray Sta.-
inton, Jack Brophy, Tom Lnckridgc,
Hop,Step and Jump—Murray Stain-
ton, Torn Lockridge, Jack Brophy.
Shot Putt—Jack Brophy, George
Underwood, Jim Hall.
Football Throw—Brian Metcalfe,
Murray Stainton, Alan MacKay.
Softball Throw—George Calvert,
Jack Brophy, 'George Loughlean,
High Jump—Ivan Laidlaw, Bob
Kress, Fred Riehl.
Pole. Vault—Bill Lockridge, Bob
Kress, Fred Riehl.
Running Broad •juinp—Bill Lock-
ridges4im. Cummins, • George Gam-
mage. •
Shot Putt—George Gantt-rage, Jim
Irwin, Bill Lockridge,
Football Throw—George Gammage,
Bill Lockridge, Ivan Laidlaw.
Softball Throw—George Gammage,
13111 Lockridge; Fred .Riehl.
Engageinent Announced
Mr. and Mrs. Finley Mellor (form-
erly of Wingham), announce the en-
gagement of their daughter„ Madel-
eine, to George Charles Lee, son of
Mr. Norman Lee and tha late Mrs.
Lee of Owen Sound, Marriage to
take place on Saturday, October 12th„
at St. Alban's Anglican Church, Act-
Emergent Meeting
of Wingham Lodge A. P. & A. M.
No. 286, G.R.C.
You are summoned to attend an Em-
ergent meeting of Wingham Lodge A.
P. & A,M,, No. 286, 0,R,C, to be held
Thursday, Oct. 3rd, 1946, at 1. o'clock,
for the purpose of attending the funer-
al our late War. Bro, Thos. Gilmour
from the United Church,
H. A. Fuller, IL L. Sherhondy,
Worshipful Master, Secretary,
A family dinner marked the occa-
sion of the golden wedding anniversary
of Mr. and Mrs, John A. Menzies of
the tenth concessitin of East Wawa-
nosh, on Monday gyening, September
23rd,„ 1946,
The four daughters and the son:
Mrs. Cecil Harrison of Mitchell; Mrs.
Albtrt Harrison of, Seaforth; Miss
Ruth. Menzies of Toronto; Mrs. Doug-
las Greer of 'Georgetown, and Mr.
Alex Menzies were S;present at , the
Mrs. Menzies, (use Isobel Robert-
son) two brothers '.dam and George
T. Robertson, 'were guests later in the
evening along with 'Mrs. Robert Mc-
Gee, Mrs, John 'Cochrane, and a few
other friends and heighbours. Mrs.
McGee and Mr, .4kdam Robertson
were the respective bridesmaid and
groomsman at the wedding at which
Rev. Mr. Hall officiated in 1896.
Mr, James. Robertson and Mrs, Clin-
ton Olney of 'Seattle, •also brother and
sister of Mrs. Menges, were not pres-
ent-but sent letters of congratulations
and rg ifis.
Mr. and Mrs, IVIenzies were the re-
'cipients of letters, flowers, gifts, and
a sum of money in honour of the oc-
Public Cordially Invited •To Visit the
Hospital ._Ous0:pening Day
Hon. R. T. Kelley,, Minister
Of Health, "Will Officiate
In 1907 -when Wingham General
H'ospital was instituted a service was
commenced in this- community which
had throughout the years expanded
until on Thursday this week, October
3rd., the official opening of the new
wing and ,,modernization of the older
portion will be ..rna.:64-..by a cere-
'molly at 2 p.m.
Hon. 'Russell T. Kelley, Ontario
Minister of Health, will give the open-
ing address and the ceremonial will
be in charge of Mr. R.. H. Lloyd,
Chairman of the Board of Directors of
the Hospital. Other speakers will be
Mr. R. E. Shaddick, Warden of Hur-
on County; Mr. John W. Hanna, mem-
ber-for Huron-Bruce and Dr. R, C.
Redmond, a member of the. original
Board of Directors. Rev. J. H. N.
Norton, President of the Wingham
District Ministerial Association, will
give the dedicatory prayer.
The public of this district are cord-
ially invited to attend the opening
ceremonies and to visit the hospital
during the hours of 2.to 5 in the after-
noon or from 7 to 9 in the evening.
. —
A Sunday Midnite Dance will 'be
held at Royal T. Thanksgiving Day,
Oct. 14th. Music by Bert Worth and
his CKNX Ambassadors 9 piece or-
The Iluron County Federation of
Agriculture Scholarship to a worthy
student entering the first year of the
Degree Course at the Ontario Agric-
ultural College has been awarded, this
year, to Ross S, Procter, R. R. No. 5,
Each eligible applicant received
earnest consideration .by the commit-
tee ant] the award! to. Ross Procter
was unanimous, It was felt that he
had the qualities to make him a leader
in his County and community, His
school record is excellent. He took
an active part in athletics, and 'in
1945-46 was Secretary of the Boys'
Athletic Society of Wingham High
School, of which he is a graduate. He
also took an active part in the Lit-
erary Society, being President of that
Society in 194546. His work in the
Glee Club was also outstanding.
For four years in succession; Ross
Was active on farm leave, as his elder
brother enlisted, and he was required
on the farm. Ile has, shown a keen
interest and taken an active part in
all Community and Church affairs.
Ross is the 19 year-old son of Mr,
Stewart Prosier, whose interest in
Agricultural affairs and Co-operative
work is well known,
It is with, the best wishes of his
community arid of his Federation that
Ross left, last Monday, to 'begin his,
Course at the Ontario Agricultural
$178.00 Raised by Taggers On
The tag day held last Saturday for
the Canadian National Institute for the
Blind was very successful, $178.00 be'
ing the amount raised. Prizes for tag-
gers went to Sally Lou MacWilliam,
Margaret Sanderson, Jean Hobden and
Shirley Lockridge, and honourable
mention to Audrey Henry. Edna King
Mary Somers and Shirley Platt.
The Women's Institute wish to ex-
press their thanlcs to the people of
Wingliam and district who responded
so generously, to the Advance-Times,
CKNX and the Lyceum Theatre for
publicity and to the girls who tagged,
Others who assisted were Donna Hen-
ry, Ruth Bergman, Lois Cruickshank,
Irene Logan, Alice Parish, Barbara
Stainton, Mary Tofting, Jacqueline
Cuurie, Florence Waine, Josephine
Willoughby, Betty Gorbutt, Shirley
Templeman, Barbara- McKay, Lois
Stacey, Patsy Lu Carmichael,
at St. Paul's Anglican Church on Sun-
day for the observance of their annual
Harvest Festival services. The Altar
Guild very appropriately decorated the
church and' chancel with fruit veget-
ables, grain and flowers.
, The morning service was in charge
-of Rev. Jack A. Roberts of Alert Bay,
B. C., who took for his text, St. Luke
12:34, "For where your treasure is,
there will your heart be also", He said
he enjoyed taking part in the Harvest
Festival of the fields, for where he
laboured the harvest was of the water.
The Presbyterian and United Chur-
ches withdrew their evening services
so they might worship together, and
Rev. C. H. James of St. Thomas, bro-
ther of the rector, who was in charge
of the service, extended them a cordial
welcome. He spoke on the feeding of •
the five thousand, and said that cads
harvest remincIS us 'of the faithfulness
of our creator.
The choir, under the leadership of
Mr. Roy Mundy, contributed special
music for the day, The anthem in
the morning was "Fear Not, 0 Land"
and in the evening "Thou Visitest the
Earth", with Mrs. Pearce taking the
solo part.
Notice is hereby given that all Snow
Fences which have been loaned in and
around town; must' be returned to the
Fire Hail rtf,t lateriat than October 15th.
T. Platt, Chiei u,
Town of Wingham.
News Items Omitted
Owing to a rush of news material
and heavy advertising at the last min-
ute, several correspondence budgets
had to be carried over to next week.
Raised Large Potato
We have in our window a large po-
tato grown by J. E. Stoaklcy of town.
It steasures 191il, inches in circumfer-
ence one way and -1414, inches the
other, and weighs 2 lbs. 5 ozs.
Ladies Bowl In London
Mrs. Chas. 'Lloyd, Mrs. A. Wilson,
Mrs. C. 13. Armita.ge and Mrs, A. R.
DuVai skip, attended the Ladies Bowl-
ing- Tournament- 'held at "Elmwood
1Greens" in London last Thursday,
Sept 26th.
Bowled In Goderich
Five local pair -bowled at Goderich
last Wednesday, Sept. 25th., in the
iMen's Doubles_ Tournament. Fourth
prize was won by A, Wilson and W. A,
Miller while Omar Haselgrove and J.
H. Crawford wort fifth,
Engagement Announced
Mr, and Mrs, David Benedict an-
nounce the engagement of their daugh-
ter, Noreen, to tit, Arthur Wahl, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wahl, Kit-
chener. The marriage to take place
the middle of October.
Life Saving Valor Recognised
The Royal Canadian Humithe As-
sociation awarded a parchment Certi-
ficate to R, Byrnes Plenty, 15 year-
old lad of Embro, for bravery in res-
cuing a boy from drowning this SUM.
met. Byrnes is the grandson of Mr.
Wm, Fleuty of Winghain and Embro,
and nephew of Mrs. J. Dodds. and Mrs.
D. Hamilton of Wingharn.
The Wingham Legion are holding
their weekly (lingo every Saturday evx
ening hi the Connell thambers, Good
prizes. Proceeds are for Legion pur-
poses only. Meet your friends Saturs
day night at the Legion Dingo,
Mr. George Parkinson Of the London.
Office Of the Veterans' Land Act
Addressed the Legion
ilmonere i*
Dance at Currie's School
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie
Woods (nee Ariel Johnston), on -Fri-
.day, October 4th. Tiffin's Orchestra.
Ladies please bring lunch,
Engagement Announced
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Leaver. of East
• ••-Wawanosh, wish to announce the en-
gagement of their daughter, Jean
Elizabeth, to' Mr. ,HOward Jackson
Walker, son of 'Mr. and Mrs. George
Walktr of East Wawanosh: The mar-
riage to take plaCe in October.
Members of the Wingham Branch.
of the Canadian Legion of the British
Empire Service League attended in
large numbers at their monthly meet-
ing last week to hear an address by
Mr. George Parkinson," an official of
the Veteran's Land Act at London,
Mr. Parkinson gave a most inform-
ative address on the -procedure neces-
sary for a veteran to take advantage
of this act for both fall time farming
and for a small holding. He said that,
on Sept. 12th., this year an Order in
Council was passed which raised the
amount of the land for a small hold-
ing from 112 acre to 2 acres when the
land value is $500 or above an acre and
to 3 acres 'where the value of the land
is less than $500 an acre. Accompany-
ing Mr. Parkinson were two other"of-
ficials of the London Office, Mr. Earl
Corbett. formerly of Fordwich, and
Mr, J. Bradley.
Mr. A. M. (Scotty) Forbes of -the
Legion Service Bureau of Londcn . was
present and spoke briefly prior to his
introducing Mr. Parkinson.
Mr, C. R. Coultes reported that sev-
eral had attended the Legion District Splendid congregations were present School of Instruction, the Sunday
previous, but their report would not
be given at this meeting as there was
a guest speaker, These reports will
be given at the next meeting, the last
Tuesday of October.
Four new army 'veterans were init-
iated by W. W. Armstrong, the presi-
dent, and his ,thstallation team of Past
President, C. R. Coultes, Past Presi-
dent, -Duncan Kennedy and Vice-Pres-
ident, Walter VanWyck.
. A notice of motion, objecting to the
raising of the amount of land for a,
small holding under the Veterans Land
Act was made by Mr, George Williams
and this will come up for considera-
tion at the next regular meeting.