HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-09-26, Page 7(TO OUR FRIENDS FROM THE U. S.) Good hunting and our wise game laws bring more and more friendly visitors from south of the border. They're doubly welcome as fine sportsmen and because they help our economy, It's up to each one of us to encourage their 'visits ... give them a real welcome every time. IT'S EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS .. Ontario profits almost as .much from tourist busi- ness as from gold. mining. It's up to us to keep this business growing. Every tourist dollar is shared this way: 1, Hotels; 2. Stores; 3. Restaurants; 4. Taxes, etc.; 5. Amuse- ments; 6. Garages. Z reWoreaeZecearredow."'Werme744000/# PUBLISHED IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST BY JOHN LABATT LIMITED 1111110111101111110111•1111•1111•••••••••••••!••• WROXETER Toronto visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Millward, over the' week-end • \VW Srl I I I • , iS VERI-THIN MASTER 17-jewel Gruen Precision movement. $37.50 TO SAVE YOU WORRY IF you are worrying about management of property, planning the disposition of your estate, the building or purchase of a home, or similar problems, perhaps we can relieve you -of some of your .worries and help You -decide some of the perplexing points about your future We ,offer a complete trust service, some phase of which may be a real help to you. May. we discuss your problems with you? No obligation, of course, THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower, Toronto 1 35 years in Business 0= = = t Prepare Now FOR Winter Driving HAVE YOUR CAR OVERHAULED and WINTERIZED by Government Licensed Mechanics A CHECK Now will SAVE a big CHEQUE Later '\‘ IiAfIAtlNlrrlry 0, 'For greater mileage from your tires, follow the above simple rules and see us promptly for all tire repairs and vulcanizing before minor tire damage grows Into• costly major repair Work. Let us show ''you how prompt 'repairs• can save you Money. r$:, • CHECK INFLATION REGULARLY 0 ROTATE YOUR FIRES SEE US PROMPTLY FOR REPAIR SERVICE k‹: GET MORE MILEAGE FROM YOUR TIRES GOOD YEAR THIS orm, ''‘FP PROVED WAY DRIVE AT REASON. ABLE SPEEDS START EASY 0 BRAKE EASY II 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 U 0 0 =0 40=0 0=0=1=0=0=10=0E Ise NOTICE 0 0=0 oa ao o 0=0 Huron Motors TELEPHONE 237 FORD SALES and SERVICE 0 (0=0 0 01 -. WINGHAM Insurance Company Est. 1840 An an Canadian Company which ban faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head Office -- Toronto H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham W. A. CRAWFORD, M. IL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 150 Wingham Teeswater, Ontario Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office: Gofton House, Wroxeter every Thursday afternoon 1.30 to 4.30 and by appointment. , Phone — Teeswater 120J V. BONFIELD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office -- Meyer Block. Wingharn Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Furniture and Funeral Service Ambulance Service Phones: Day 109W. Night 109J. FREDERICK A. PARKER OSTEOPATH Offices: Centre St., Wingham Osteopathic and Electric Treat- ments, Foot Technique. Phone 272. Wingham. reports a good time. Leaves To Attend University, Toronto. Miss Georgina McMichael, R.N., of Wroxeter, left on Tuesday to attend the School Nursing, University of Tor- onto, for a year's Post Graduate Study in Nursing Education. Miss Mc- Michael won a scholarship in 1945 which privileged her to take this • 'course, Since graduating she has oc- cupied the pc4tion of Assistant Head Nurse on Ward C at the Toronto General Hospital. Visitors at the home of Mrs. Thos. McMichael on Sunday were: Mr.' and Mrs. Harvey McMichael, Wroxeter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. King„ Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higgins of Bel- grave, and Mrs. Dave Cothers of Got.- tie. Miss gado, Lockhart, R,N.„ of New Hamburg, spent a few days the begin., :ring of the week with her friends, Miss Georgina McMichael R.N., and Mrs. Thos. McMichael. . Business and Professional Directory WELLINGTON FIRE • A. H. NicTAVISH HARRY FRITORE A. FOX Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist, RADIONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191, IL It ItcLENNAN Veterinary Surgeon 'Office a Minnie Si, opposite and Sandi of the United Church, PHONE 196 Wingham, Ontario A BRIEF ADIEU TO SOFT BALL •••••••••••••••••• Editor: Wingham Advancer The Soft 13a11 season of 1946 is :IOW retiring on a, so far' as Wingliain was concerned with it—well earned pert- sion, It is meet that its Requiem be administered 6y Some one with a wise degree of solemnity in his mental equipment, in other words, by a Sports Minister. Peeling that I fill that par- ticular bill to a very fine nicety I Mt- onitnottsly elect myself to perform the ceremony. In reviewing the 1946 Soft Ball Season as a Sports Minister, I do so„ as a friend of Sport, believing in the necessity of Sport thoroughly donvin,, ced that sport'has benign uplifitnent in it, and that its opliftment is of an en- . .., "Thursday, Sept, 26th,. 1940 THE WIWGIIAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE SEM; were Mr, and Mrs. H. Wordsworth and Mr. Hartley Higgs. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. McKenney were in Inglewood Sunday visiting at, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Craig Smeaton. Mr. and Mrs. Sherris Gibson, Mrs. Hiram Gibson. and little daughter, all of Milwaukee, spent last week visiting Mrs. John Gibson and other relatives. Mrs. Henry Timm of Listowel, spent the past week with Mr. Harvey Timm and family. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Slater of Galt, spent a day last week with Mrs. Mc- Kercher and Mrs. F. Sanderson. Miss Eleanor Sanderson and Miss Maly Cole of Toronto , were week-end guests al the same home. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. McLaughlin of Oshawa, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Gay. Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hetherington and family of Toronto, spent the week- end at the home 'of Mr. and Mrs. M. Sellers. Mr. Sellers, who hag spent several weeks in the Muskoka District returned with them to his home here. Mrs. Andrew Grant and Mrs. John Grant of Toronto, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs.' D. S. Mac- Naughton. Miss Georgina McMichael R.N., of Toronto General Hospital, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Thos. McMichael. Rev. J. L. Foster had charge of Church of the Air service over CKNX on Monday last. He was assisted by Mrs. Harold Hamilton as soloist. Mrs. John Campbell, a former resi- dent now residing in Ridgetown, spent 1 IL CRAWFORD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Bonds, Investments & Mortgages Wingham Ontario a few .days with Mr, 'and Mrs. -G. A. Gibson, Mr, Calvin Moffat is in Toronto taking a course at Technical School, Calvin's many friends wish for him every success. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Orr and son, Billy, of Orillia, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. H, I. Durst, United Church Service Late summer flowers in basket ar- rangement made• a lovely setting for the tnorning service in United Church when the Pastor, Rev. J, L. Foster spoke from the words, To whom so ever path much been given, much shall be required. In keeping with the Har- vest season, the choir sang, Bringing in the Speaves. Mrs,Harold Hamil- ton sang "They 'are only Shadows," S. S. Rally, Sept. 29th. United Church Sunday School will hold their annual Rally Day on Sun- day morning next, Sunday School will be at 10 a.m. and the children will at- tend church service at 11 a,m. Anniversary Services The Wroxeter United Church will hold Anniversary Services on Sunday September 6th. Rev. J, M. Wesley of Kingsville, formerly of Wroxeter, will be guest speaker. Mr, Henderson of London, will be guest soloist. im•11••••••••••••• . Harvest Home Service St. James Anglican Church, Wrox- eter, will hold their 'annual Harvest Home Service pn Sunday, September 29th., Standard Time. Rev. James Caley will have charge, All are cord- ially invited, Women's Institute. The October meeting of Wroxeter Women's Institute, will be held at the home of Mrs. D. S., MacNaughton on the afternoon of October 3rd, 2.30 p. m. Thought for the month, They also serve who feed the world. Roll Call, My Life's Ambition. Topic, Sing- Say or Play. (All Members program). Hostesses, Mrs. Timm, Miss E, Mae- Ewen, Mrs. MacNaughton. Bingo and Euchre a Success There was a large crowd in attend- ance for the Chicken Bingo and Euch- re sponsored by the Wroxeter Com- munity Association on Friday night. Mrs. MacKenzie won the highest score for Ladies and Mr. J. H. Wylie for men in the progressive euchre game. The chickens proved a very poptilar prize for the Bingo Game, Everyone As =frothed in Life and fat. Ere. Post about our beautiful GRUEN PRECISION WATCHES The gift of a Gruen on Grady*. lion is a young graduate's fond. est dreams come truel See out selection of lovely Gruen Prod. sion Watches! "jmagino me with my precious diploma ana the Gruen I've wanted all my life(," VERI.THIN FRANCINI $3335 Smart, modern case "nodes, Dad, for tire steeliest present any future lawyer ever god" Hamilt n's 10111=1111110111menmposmomm0 WHEN IN-NEED OF Roofing and Tinsmithing Spray Painting and GENERAL Maintenance CALL A. L. FISHIER 'Phone 411 or Box 92 (anytime) Wingham Our Motto : "At Your Service Any Time, Anywhere" Only wholesome nature; that it can indeed even work miracles if it be given a fair chance to unfold in the .dir- ection which it has evidently chosen to pursue.. I will impose no restraint -on what I Kaye to say regarding the season's activities and those who took part in. them because I am not speaking .of the. dead, or indeed of events that can die. Those events are so registered on ray- brain that the memory gf them will survive as long as the brain continues to function. lint first I must soul- fully thank all those who participated in the Mock Battles, the Sham 'Lights • that proved so intriguing. Most as- suredly each and every member of the, various teams did their utmost, ac- cording to their abilities • in a valiant effOrt to Take the game interesting, captivating and thrilling, We are very much indebted to them and we wish them to know that and also to . feel assured that next -season when they resume their labor of love, as I think most of them will they will be pro- vided with certain incentives and am- onities that will farther stimulate their metal and improve their play. Amongst other things I have in mind in that connection is one that I am going to insist upon and that is the provision of a Retiring Room for the players in which Shower Baths will be the chief feature. We owe the players at least that much, and as hon- est folks, accustomed to payin'g for our enjoyment. We should concentrate on finding Means to liquidate our just debts. I intended saying very much more but space forbids. Yours truly, Jas. G. Webster. LOAN REPLACES WAR CERTIFICATE War Saving Certificates Will Be Taken Off Market Sept. 30th. War Savings Certificates, which bear interest at three per cent, over a period of seven years free of income tax, will be taken off the market, Sept. 30, it was announced by representativ- es of 'the Bank of Canada. Coincid- entally, Finanbe Minister Ilsley will announce at the end of this month the sale of a new Canada SavingS boric!, the successor tog both the war savings certificate and the victory bond. The rate of interest of the new bond has not been exactly fixed, but the new bonds probably will pay 2 314 per cent interest for 10 years. by annual coupon, with the interest liable to in- come tax. The new bonds will be 'in denominations of $50, $100, $200, $500 and $1,000, and will be registered. It has not been .announced what maxi- mum, if any, will be placed on individ- ual holdings of the new bonds. There presently is no individual maximum on holdings of victory bonds, but no one may purchase in his own name more than $500 a year tax-free war saving certificates. 1. I 2 _ 18 Men, Women, Crash Survivors Gander Airport, Nfld.,—Eighteen men and women-14 of them stretcher cases—who survived the crash of .the giant Belgian airliner into the desolate wastes of Northwestern Newfoundland early last Wednesday were on their way to waiting air base hospitals in the care of rescue parties. Twenty-six others died violently when the aircraft carrying 37 passeng- ers and a crew of seven, sheared, off trees and case to rest a flaming hulk in a deserted spot some 22 'miles south- west of here. ST. HELENS • 0 0 11 0 O O a 0 TO MEMBERS OF Belgrave Co-Op. Association. "As required by .the InCome War Tax Act this will advise our shareholder customers and members (including members only), as referred to in the said Act, as amended, that in accorlance with the terms and conditions, -and-Within the times an:d limi- tations contained in the said Act, as amended, it is 0 our intention to pay a dividend in proportion to the O 1947 patronage out of the revenues of the 1947 tax- ation• year, or out of such other funds as may be permitted by the said Act, and we hereby hold out the prospect of the payment of a patronage divi- dend to you accordingly", • As permitted by law the Co-Operative will follow its usual practice of determining at the end of the fiscal year on what com- modities and at what returns (which may vary as between different commodities) patronage payments e wiil be made, C. R. COULTES, Secretary, Belgrave Co-Operative so=0===:=0=01=10=0 O1CZ ) EXP AUCTION LICE NSED JOHN DINSMORE WROXETER - ONT. TELEPHONE 13 - 9 YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION Our 25 point Scientific Examin- tion enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable Vision. F. F. !MUTH Optometrist Phone 118 Harriston II 0 101 Commencing next Sunday, service in the United Church will be held at 11 a, m. Standard Time. Mr. and Mrs. Callum Cameron and Carol, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs: James Douglas and family of Mitchell, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron. Mr. G. S. McIntyre of Meaford, was a week-end visitor with Mrs. Mc- Intyre and little son, Donald Gordon, Mr. 5. H, Wallace ,returned to Nor- wood on Monday. He was accomp- anied by Mrs. Stewart Collyer and Mrs. T. F. Wilson, he will spend a few days iii Norwood and Toronto, Mrs. R, 5. Woods is a visitor with her sister, Mrs. Bothwell in Sandwich. Mr. Stuart Collyer of the Tecumseh Public School on Sept, 16th, spent the week-end with Mrs. Collyer and boys, The September meeting of the Wo- inen's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Gordon McPherson with 15 ladies present. Mrs. Elwood Barbour presided, The roll call was responded to by naming a "important fact in rais- ing chickens." The topic was taken by Mrs. Lorne Woods, who gave an interesting paper on' "Plastic". Mrs. Alex Purvis delighted the ladies with her talk on the superstitions of the people of the Isle of Man. Lunch was served by the hostesses. Mrs. It, Woods, Mrs. G. Stewart and Mrs. G. Rintoni, Mrs. George Stewart was hostess for the September meeting of the W,M.S. when 21 'ladies were in attendance. Mrs. I. Miller presided and the suggested program from the monthly on "Introducing India", was followed with Mrs, W. I. Miller representing: Canada, Mrs. W. A. Miller, India, and Mrs. John Cameron, church, Mrs. Witt Forster favoured with a vocal sole, Telephone 181. Winghant ert Artnettrong DONALD B. BLUE Expetiencta Auctioneer Licensed for Counties of HURON & BRUCE All Sales Capably Handled Phone 49. Ripleyt,41'.1 Ontario M. CONNELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 19 CLASSIFIED ADS. COST SO LITTLE A Good Investment When inserted in the columns of WINOHAM AIWANOVIIMES