HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-09-12, Page 8All these and many more are attractively displayed at KING'S. Every young "growing up" is important at KING DEPT. STORE "THE FRIENDLY STORE" Ism• sikamm• 111•11, 1•••=11 0=OL ( =0 O ‘ 11 O FOR VITALITY/ 0 11 Prepare Yourself II for the "Cold" Season 0 11, START NOW to build up the resistance against II the cold infectioni which will attack you soon. VACAGEN will build up the resistance necessary to lessen the severity of a cold II LANTIGEN "A" will help you resist the cold infec- p don if you start NOW. 0 PLEIIAMINS—The Vitamin and Mineral Two- II capsule dose will make you feel better • and prepare your body for the rigours of winter. VIMI CAPS are excellent — A real tonic — Start A2=0 01=14:11 Eleventh Anniversary This month marks the completion of Eleven years of business in Wingham for the a ls ovio is RADIO ;SERVICE Although Radios and Appliances are still in short supply, we hope to be able to supply all your demands in the near future. We have selected the following names as leaders in their field and are the authorized dealer for them : Westinghouse Radios, Ranges, Refrigerators and Washers Marconi, RCA Victor, Rogers-Majestic Radios Beach Electric Ranges and' ater Heaters Duo-Therm Oil Space Heaters Victor and Bluebird Records RCA Victrolas Columbia Records Westinghouse Lamps (Incandescent and Fluorescent) We also stock— Wiring Supplies, Light Fixtures, Electric Fences, All Small Appliances, Motors, Pulleys, V-Belts, Storage Batteries, Dry Batteries for Ignition, Radio and Hearin* Aids. PROMPT, EXPERT RADIO SERVICE NO WAITING for Tubes or Parts Public Address Systems FOR RENT It Pays to Shop Where You Are Sure otService MOEN 10•1••11 Manta mama/ anal. Ow▪ n. • •••••••• 111161 =MIN ammo, Mama maim. Waal.* O1•••• alaaala Ma= OWEN!. .0/810a ••••• =Mean 111111••10 !Malarial aaralal ONO. Nana* MEMOS aniala 111.01•• 011•01.0 MOYNE 311nam- • Weems. SIMON asnand amatma Waimea nallaa aganal- l amallso 1••••• MINIMS* •••111116 TELEPHONE 161 FREE DELIVERY - Smith's Economy Food Store 84c Kraft Cream CHEESE York Brand Relish or Pimento Canned Bologna, 12 oz. tin 25c lb. 49c Edison Mazda LAMPS-25w, 40w, 60w, each . .15c Hyprokrepe PAPER TOWELS, 200 ft. roll, 35c Foodsaver WAX PAPER, 100 ft. roll 25c FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES in season TOMATOES PEACHES PLUMS Four O'Clock With Glass Premium 8 oz. pkg. BLACK TEA, l/ lb. pkg. 40c NEWPORT FLUFFS Rose Brand Orange Marmalade, jar Neilson's Jersey Brand COCOA, 1 lb. tin ...,.....,..29e Freshly Ground REX COFFEE, 1 lb... . . . . .. Small pkg. The Magical Cleaner -CHAMP 'awe's Paste 5-lb. pkg.. FLOOR WAX, 2 lb, tint ......990 100 850 , 14-cut Heavy Red RUBBER RINGS, 4 doz. .. .25c ' HEAVY GRADE ZINC RINGS, dozen e ... .29c Ro'Se Brand Spirit or Blended VINEGAR, gal. 39c RA'rxon COUPONS VALID THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th 13tITTER—Nos, R18 to R21 MEAT—.Not. Qi to91104GAR—Nos, Si to 228 Old Dutch CLEANSER . . ... 2 tins 21e THE WINGRAM ADVANCE-TIMES 4, Thursday, Sept, 11th, 1946 SLEEPERS—Pink, blue .. Styled in one-piece with two-button back closing and three- button drop seat. Long sleeves and legS with feet, at . .. .$1.00 $1.29 ESMOND BLANKETS bf warm cotton Eider- down. rirm weave with blanket stitched edges, 30" x 4Q" 79c 36" x 50" .......$1.00—$1.25 INFANTS' GOWNS in softly napped flannelette. Open back, buttoned at neck, with long sleeves 69c 3-PIECE SET FOR THE NEW BABY—Jacket boottees, bonnet, all-wool, in pink, _White or blue, set . . $2.39 BUNTING BAG of cosy eiderdown. Long zipper • closed front. Rayon satin trim in pink or blue, completely Riled, $6.95 Rally Day Rally Day will be observed next Sunday, September 15th,, in the United Church Sunday School and congrega- tion joining together for the service at 11,30 when the Rally Day pro- gram will be followed. Harvest Thanksgiving Service On Sunday, Sept. 22nd., Rev. 1. C. Caley will be the preacher for the Harvest Thanksgiving Service of St. Stephen's Anglican Church, Mr, and Mrs, John Neilson and little son, Robert, of Listowel, spent Sunday with Mrs. Neilson and David. Mrs. Perry of Brussels, is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Alex Edgar, Mr. Arthur Chapman of Newbridge, has purchased the home' formerly own- ed by Mr. Victor Shera. LY THEATRE A HENRY KOSTER PRODUCTION Original Screen Play by Myles Connolly Additional Dialogue by James O'Hanion and Harry Crane Directed by HENRY KOSTER • Produced by IOE PASTEMULE All about a Boston girl who shocked her prim family by performing in a Bowery Music Hall to earn money to become an Opera Singer. There will be TWO Shows each night, 7.30 & 9.30 Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. KAT H RY N. JUNE "."'"'N;:' GRAYSON , ILLTSO. LAURITZ JIMMY MELCHIOR DURANTE PETER LAWFORD A number from here attended the funeral ' of the • late Reuben Harding in Fordwich on Saturday. Mr. Hard- ing had undergone an operation in the Listowel Hospital some twelve days previously and was making satisfactory progress when he suffered a heart at- tack, Miss Isobel King of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank. King. The opening Fall meeting of St. Stephen's Women's Auxiliary will be held in the church on' Friday, at 2.30 p.m. Miss Cleighton of Listowel, will. be guest speaker. Tea' will be served after the meeting at the home of .Mrs. F. C. Taylor. A cordial invitation is extended to the Girls Auxiliary also to members of the Fordwich and. Wrox- eter congregations. The shortage of teachers is being felt in Howick Township. The Orange Hill school, not being able to secure. a Normal graduate, has engaged Mr. '11001110111111111 BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. N. H. Norton, Pastor Sunday, Sept. 15, 1946 10 a.m.—Bible School. 11 a.m.—Morning Service. 7.30 p.m.—Evening Service. Wilby Patterson of Fordwich, a grad- uate of Listowel High School for the coming year, S, S, No. 15, Nowielc and Carrick Boundary haVe also engaged a young lady from Ottawa without Normal training. Mrs. Farrow of Winnipeg and Mrs. Hodginson of Neepawa, (formerly the Misses Bettes), one time residents of. Gorrie, who are visiting relatives in Wroxeter, renewed old ,acquaintances here on Sunday. Among those from here who attend- ed the Legion Drumhead service in Wingham on Sunday, afternoon, were Rev. G. G. Howse, Rev, Geo. Wylie and Mr. B. Nash, president of the Howick Legion. Mrs, V, Heinmiller and, daughter, Pauline, have 'left for Toronto, where Mrs. Heinmiller has taken a position and Pauline will attend school. Mrs. W. J. Armstrong of Mitchell, visited Dr. and Mrs, Armstrong on Sunday, Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Marshall were Mr. and Mrs. Claire Cuddy of London, Mrs. A. Gam- mett of Lucan, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bolton and son, Harry, of 'Walton, Mrs. Harry Wright and family of Jamestown. Mrs. Alex Miller was a recent visi- itor with friends in Toronto and Ham- ilton. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Michel left for their home in Montreal on 'Wed- nesday after spending several clays with the former's brother, Mr. Cloyne Michel and Mrs. Michel, Mrs. W. C. King was a visitor with friends in Hamilton last week. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Taylor spent a few days last week with Miss Beatrice and Mr. Torn Shearer of Turnberry. Presentation On Thursday evening last friends and neighbours gathered in the hall to honor Mr. and Mrs. Harold Towns- end, who were recently married. Mrs. Townsend was the former Lucy Eliza- beth Mary Galbraith of Shelburne. Both bride and groom served overseas. The evening was spent in dancing to the music of the CKNX Ranch Boys. An address was read by Mr. 'Geo, Kiel expressing good wishes and the young couple were presented with a table lamp and a set of granite ware, They will snake their home in She!, borne. Mr, and Mrs. Sparling Johnston. and faintly and Mr, and Mrs. gd, Johnston of Bluevale were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sparling, • Mr. and Mrs, George Baker of Ford- wich were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Foster on Sunday. We are glad to know that Miss Jean Sparling is able to resume her teach- ing this week after her recent illness. Mrs. E, • Radford of Palmerston spent Sunday with her mother; Mrs. R. Ashton. Mr, Archie Irwin and family have moved into town to the home formerly owned by Mrs. John Reidt. Mr, Alex. Edgar who has been a• patient in Listowel hospital since Wed- fiesday of last week, is doing as .well as can be expected. Mr. Farrish, Sr., of Ashfield Town- ship is visiting at the home of his sdn, Mr, E. J. Farrish and Mrs. Farrish. Misses Betty Heinmiller and Flor- enceof Hespeler were home for t week-end..Agner Mrs. Ralph (nee Florence Harvey) of Toronto, was a recent visitor in 'town with Mrs. Robert'Dane and the Misses Potter, Miss Helen Anger of Listowel spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Anger, Little Miss Frances Edgar of To-. ronto spent last week with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Edgar. Mrs. T. L. McInnes and Miss 'Helen McCaig left on Saturday foi Scots- guard, Sask A.' miscellaneous shower is being held in the hall tonight (Tuesday) for Mr. John Neilson and his bride who recently arrived from England. The Gorrie orchestra will provide music for dancing. Miss Betty Harper is spending some time in Elmira. Mrs. L. DuBurgess of Toronto is spending some time' with her mother, Mrs. A. McLaughlin and sister, Mrs. Jos. Bennett. Mrs. McLaughlin's con- dition is not improving as fast as her many friends would like. Social ,Evening for Shera Family On Monday evening about forty friends of Mr. and Mrs. Vic. Shera gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Black to honour them prior to their departure to their new' home in Moorefield. A pleasant social evening was enjoyed and Mr. and Mrs. Shera were presented with a chenille bed- spread and some smaller gifts. N OME OMEN •••1•11101 Fry and Blackhall 8 - Old Timers 2 In the first game of the semi-finals between Fry and Blackhalls and Old Timers, Thursday evening, Fry and Blackhalls won the opener 8-2 in a five inning fixture which was called on account of darkitess. Both teams for, two innings were tied two rains apiece, Fry and Blackhalls collecting five in the fourth to cinch the game. Fry and Blackhalls garnered three home runs during the game, Templeman, Sell, Gardiner being the batters. Strike outs Foster 1, Scott 5, Fry and Black- halls, Templetnan lf, McLeod 2b, Seli ss, Foster p, Gardiner 3b, Hilbert c, Lee lb, Hall rf, Sanderson cf. Old Timers, Walsh lf, Blatchford 2b, Scott p, Groves 3b, Elliott 1b, MacLennan ss, Breckenridge rf, Kerr ef, Carmichael c. Umpires, Sell, Welsh. Gurneys 8 - Lloyds 5 Friday evening in a senti final soft- ball fixture Gurneys defeated Lloyds one of the best games of the season, The second game of series will be played Thursday evening. Gurneys opened the scoring in the opening stanza and continued to lead throughout the game, Both Vanatone and McLeod were , steady on the mound, errors proving costly to , the Lloyd men. Both clubs reglatered two homeruns apiece for Gurneys. Posliff and Brophy, while Vanstone and Ltd- lett hit circuit clouts for Lloyds. Leod for the Glove amen was robbed of two home runs when called out at the plate. Gurney Glove, Brophy ss, Tutker lf, Posliff lb, Smith 85, 'Lotkridge rf, kintoul c, McLeod p. Cantelon el, Brooks 25. Lloyds Seddon Vanstotte p, Ham, THURS., FRI,, SATURDAY, SEPT. 12, 13, 14 — SPECIAL.—. MsGan MARVELOUS LOVE STORY WITH MUSIC! MON., TUES., WEDNES., SEPT. 16, 17, 18 JENNIFER JONES JOSEPH COTTEN — In — "LOVE LETTERS" . A Psychological Drama. Show starts evenings at 8 p.m. tre o 0 taking them now, O 11 For a Winter Free From Colds—commence now to Prepare for it, In. Drugs if its Rexall it's Right! 101d10 Oftitto 0=110Y 10 McKibbons DRUG ''100E., •••••• agragarg amm NWIIIIIIIHIN11111111111111111011111111111011111111111011111M11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111WM1191111111111IN IT'S A "SMALL WORLD" HERE AT KING'S AND CARE IS 1••••011 • TAKEN TO OFFER IMI•1011 1.10=11 Merchandise that's Right in every way for the comfort of the Nursery Crowd NEAT FITTING GARMENTS ...."poon WEARING MATERIALS" lonow Easy on. and off styles ••••••• laYala Malan Malign IMMO •••••1 MEM. •0111 11•••••• MOOR =Bala Oda.. &NOMA mamma ammo. NOMA. 1111111. .•10•10 allawaa, 1111•111 MINIM ,1•11 111=1 ••••111 mamma aa/Maa Magma 111•11•00 11•11111111111 BUNTING BAG of Quilted' Rapin, entirely• lined with zipper front and applique motif. 'Pink or blue, $6.25 TODDLERS' CARDIGANS in pastel shades of all-wool. Collar, long sleeves • and buttoned front $2.25 BOYS'.-or GIRLS' PULLOVERS in good quality* botany wool, knit in a fine rib with round' neckline. Navy, green, brown. 2, 4, 6 $2.50 ALL-WOOL BOTANY CARDIGAN for Children Ribbed knit with buttoned front and trimmed with gay contrast. Red, blue, sand, green, 2, 4, 6 $3.25 BOYS' KNITTED SUITS in fine botany wool. Long-sleeved pullovers and shorts have elastic around the waist. sizes 3, 4 " $2.59 Riaamanaommanamammounaimommaammaammiammolloamaamaniammananaummommora GURNEYS AND FRYS IY 1 : .......... 1 0 b.,I 0 0 O WIN FIRST GAME arr rr rr