HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-08-29, Page 2Thursday, August 29th, 1946 eAmt4rwo. w. T O IFAIRIMIE RS you assay borrow iciont us on special terms, 'under the Farm Improvement Loans Act, for the purchase of agricul- tural implements, Itve stock, electrical sppliences or a farm electric system, or for Me installation of hydro power, Similar loans are also made for fenclo,g, dreinege, construction of and repairs to buildings, the modernization of the fama home and other:farm impneretnents. Ask us for the details. 707 THE CANADIAN BANK OE COMMERCE Wingharn Branch; R, it Hobtlete Manager MIDWAY ATTRACTIONS FERRIS WHEEL MERRY-GO-ROUND (Cars) PENNY ARCADE BINGO GAMES OF SKILL REFRESHMENT BOOTH, ETC. 0 THREE BANDS Kitchener-Waterloo Air Cadets' Band Stratford Boys' Band Wingham Citizens' Band 0 MONDAY AFTERNOON 1 p.m.—SOAP BOX DERBY, down John Street. 1.30 pm.—GRAND PARADE of Boys' and Girls' Pets, Doll Carriages, Bicycles Clowns, Etc., headed by the Three Bands. 2 .mss: BAND DEMONSTRATION. 2.45 p.m.—SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT — 4 Teams for a purse of $50.00. ADMISSION to Park—Adults 25c, Children 10c, Costumed Contestants, Free. ‘11•11111011111011n• MONDAY EVENING 7.15 p.m.—PARADE OF BANDS TO PARK. 7.45 p.m.—TUG-OF-WAR. 8.30 p.m.—BERN CONWAY VAUDEVILLE SHOW. ADMISSION • Adults 25c Children lOc .016111111. 1 a new truck or a new ear. Q:—I am living in shared accommoda- tion and my landlord, has given me a s.ix months notice to vacate, This means I will have to move in Jam- ary. I thought I could not be evicted daring the wetter months. Ant I right? At—Sorry. Tbe reginatiens have been recently revised and landlords may now give you a straight six months notice to -vacate terminating at any time. 0:-4 there a ceiling price on new 'tars or have they 'been taken front -control regulations? A4—Nev and used cars are still under ceiling price tegulations. OM 11(11014 trtlitt tot *I PST b ===0 OZ=Or—"--W=XOr----10=ICP El LIONS Labour Day FROLIC O MONDAY, SEPT. 2nd iff WINGHAM TOWN PARK HI. O 0 0 INTERESTINO CLIPS OF DISTRICT NEWS I Of 004114 V 01011111,1VFOrliAMWD11111V101111”1”010111.111.119.1,0: Kicked By Horse Kicked on the neeple by an enraged horse on the farm of his lather, Fen- est Felwards, Huron Toweehip, aia- yeer-ola Beverley Felkeerde, was tal.eu to Kineerdine t,rncral Hospital, Where his eondnion re regarded as 14w-- item 'by attendite phyeicians. Fridey evening, $100.00 of the Club's= 1'111.1(6 were dOnartea io Flatb Nene-, ulterel Soziet3-, to Add to the racing' events at this yone's fall fair. $50.00 each ' he added to the two main tete- Mg everee, 2,25 pace or trot, and , the 234 pees, or tr.n.-111yth Stanaard. 1 . 1Beee Turner Home i r '' 1 Dr. Ross !Howson has purchased the . ;village residence of Mrs. Allen Tenner, .yeito for semi: time has resided in Tor- einto.. The home is at present tenant- -eel 1-e,' Me. and Mrs. D. R. MacLean 1 amptaniii:e. Who will take up residence Begin War Qn Lamprey Menace A start on eradication of lamprey eels, blamed for the shortage of trout and other fish in Lake Heron, will be onderteken next spring by Michigan conservation authorities and a like program is being contemplated for Ontario. Trapping will be bone with wire weirs, electric shocking machines and other devices near the mouth of streams in which lamprey ell spawn.—' Kincerdine News. Fine Sample Of Peaches Grown Trt. Listowel Three years ago Mr, Oscar Orth eeeted a peach stone; today he has a nice peach tree in his small fruit orchard. This summer he picked more than a basket of peaches from the tree. They: are large, firm, sweet and as fine- a sample of peaches as one could find! anywhere. He has another peach tree that will beer fruit this year but of a . later variety. Altogether Mr. Orth has seven peach trees in his orchard, and next tree nSasnvu e-onntinin year he hopes to have a nice crop of lteene grown peaches. 1:1& year's samples are displayed in J, A. Schinbein's window.—Listow Banner, Sens Pacing Mares W. M. Henry has sold his pacing , mare, May Grattan to Ges Dinning. of Strathroy, Mr. Dinning rated Gin- ger -Grattan and Tony Evans, :daft also sold 'Goldie 'Gratta Royal to Lloyd' Hill, St, Catharine?, Mr. Hill 'bought Goldie for a show mare. She is a beautiful Trotter, Her Dam is by Grattan Bars, 1$$ le4,--Blyth Stand.- arti, Teacher Shortage In Bruce Public Schools in Bruce Inspector- • ale are feeling- the pinch caused' by an acute shortage of ricalified teachers, according to M. 'Game, LP'S. boards did not receive a single application in reply to advertisements and with the new term only two weeks distant some boards hhve not arrange , procured a teacher from Newfound- land, whose qualities differ vastly from • those normally required in Ontario. -Walkerton Herald-Times. Was One Of the Oldest Surviving Pioneer Residents Southampton's grand old lady, Mrs. David Puke, died here at the home, her daughter, Mrs, Joseph Johnson,, on Saturday morning. She was in her .100th year and in her passing our community and district has lost one of the few remaining pioneer residents, —Southampton Beacon. Kincardine Clansmen Plan Chest Clinic First clinine. of its kind open to the public in Kincardine will be the four day chest X-ray clinic being held on, September 6 to' 10th tinder Kinsmen' Club sponsorship and with ro-opere- tion of the bepartmen't of Health and the Ontario Tuberclusosts Assoctattone Dr. R. A. MeCosh, head of the Kins-! nen committee, said more than '34000' town and township residents will 'be examined without charge. Port Elgin Creamery Robbed Police' arc searching this area •o Western ()Mario for three -daring safe- crackers, who -under the eyes 'of two Port Elgin residents, "cleaned eel!' the heavy' strong box of the Port Eig-e in Dairy and Creamery there early •-on Sunday morning. No estimate has- been made of the but it is thought, to have been 'considerable sum;" Operations of the trio, one of whom acted as a lookout, were observed throughout by Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cairns, whose lieme is directly across 'the street. They - contacted police through the Village operator, het the. thege made- their getaway in a car'• parked at the side door of Me cream- ery seconds before the police arrived. • WESTFIELD :Untended for last week.) ' Mr. Clifford Walsh of Toronto, 'vis- ited on Sunday with 'his parents, Mr,: and MTS. -E, Walsh. Miss Lorna Buchanan visited last '11-1 E. WING: AM ADVANC.E.TIKES 4.0*0.0,10,0 •1•0., Club held in the "Memorial Hall, on llionte.—Ieteketerw Seretirel .0T teaching experience, One school AFTERNOON AND EVENING FROM 1 p.m. FROM 7.15 p.m. . At-ton where/ie. has been appointed ed for any teaching supply as yet. an week wife her cousin. ?'Miss Gwendolyn Teri 'Mb Donateee -$100..00 to /IV High Sehool Staff. Dr- and at least 10 schools teaching will be Co,ol of the 6111.. con., of East Wawa- %) Pair daces '14.11T:z. ttOwstm. are at present residing taken over 13:Sr high school graduates, 'mesh. Ata 1'1:lee:tine the Meth .Tarf in a Portion of Alex laaeLettllan's. svitheet either normal school training Miss Hattie Wigletrtate visited her friend, Miss Ruth Stokes of fGoderich, fl 0 ..;c9 Modern and Old Time DANCE in the ARENA at 10 o'CloCk • Music by the 'AVONAIRES" ADMISSION 50c 0 see and WEDNES AY SEPT. 4th 6 p.m.—LADIES' SOFTBALL—CLIFFORD vs. BRUSSELS n $25:00 Purse to Winner 7.30 p.m,—MIDWAY AND GAMES .0=0=1=0= 01=0=10====0=0 Vork 33tand BOLOGNA, 12 oz. tin . .23C S us. tin oz. tin A 19c .2c ild Canntliten ESE, lb. , .31c Our Overt 'FYI:Daus. Blend Richrnello COFFEE, lb, 35c ZrMS'e 43: TAnt.ltwer.s 12 on. j4t. OtArAge Marmalade, 2 for 37c side BUTTER., lb. .44c reerefatheliet ea hl ener- Dorninion St.:L.4. is pa...'Etmettl z.ve std. isie ttanaara. .tsar tins New Pack PEAS, 2 "tins 25c Pive Roses lb. bag ;211 'lb. bag ,FLO13R 25c 7Sc Navy TOILET 'TISSUE 2 rolls 1st whit, ,$),47,.. TOILET TISSUE 3 rolls 27C. 11 1,1 'nett f luizt 4leeng iYv S, fir.. its.? . .35c mimes Staffer] ZZUer,res IVES, 9 or. jar .455 II vnlaes riitet until ruing Au gist.. 1.41.1 F ESN PEACHES TOR ANNING1 PRESERVING AND :E.A11.110 We have the finest Peaches available arrivfilg Daily this week. They are yellow flesh, Freestone. The price is right. Do your canning NOW. Freale Crisp Lerge 'buneh CELERY HEARTS . ...190 Home 'Grown Large 'Heads READ LETTUCE . „..15o Huth' ZrOw4n Waited Carrots, 3 lbs, ...13c PRESERVING ILTIREMENTS Medal Jar Rings, doz. . .23c Crania doz, small doz. large FRUIT JARS 95c $1409 ':care Crystals, 2 pkgs. .23c Rol 3e trsnlI VINEGAR gat jar „ ....35c tom. pkg, AROWAX f 25c lust ;week. Mr. and airs. Geo. Cook and fain- fie' of Belgrave, visited on Sunday et the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook. Mr. Ivan Wightman, Miss ,Mae Wightman TiSited CM Sunday with Mr. anal Mrs. -GPs. Wiglitma'n of Pine River. MT. and Mrs. Jack Buehanan wet- Clinton visitors on Tuesday. Miss Phyllis -Cock is spendinng this :week with Miss Pearl Jetnieson of Asthfield. RATION COUPON INFORMATION RATION 'COUPON DUE DATES -Cottpotte now etalid are sugar-pre-. serves Si to 525, butter RID 'to R1'9,' meat M40 to M50 and Q1 and Q2. Latter tcfapons 11.10 to Rill and Mat 1%41) to M50 expire Aegnet QUESTIONS AND :ANSWERS you 'please -tell me bow I am 'to .obtain rations of sugar eta butter for our hired help 'this sum- mer, I live on a kilt -and they ere' :helpiegewith the harvesting. A:--if you ere -employing transient help for less than to weeks Make' en .appliteetiot for extra ioilO rat- ions at ,your local ration board.' 'Cottpette .tart 'not provided far less that It total for twelve meals and they are only for specific, farm 9,.ork. 'such htirvesting or alrceslaing. —Avin coupons in book five be .iiillfter coupons in book six MT 4c, dared .goo.41? e, ouports •velideted it book five. up to and including Septcriiber 12, be good for Ile purchase - .Tatirmed fzgals the 2,, art 41cel4r td inralitl 'by the, .11.t.tion 1,1711ere tan zaituin for pciranst of a ew truck? A:—Vri3rity Cerriiitates tat tit, lozgct. recurred far .the prirtlitise ui tiliwr Change Crank Case Oil Lubricate Chassis Check Brake Fluid Change Differential and Transmission Lubricants Repack Spring Covers Check Steering Gear Box Repack Front Wheel Bearings 'KEEP YOUR CAR UP T 0 PAR BY HAVING IT SERVICED AT Edwards' Motor Siles Victoria Street Wiligharn 'Your Authorized Dealer for Chrysler and Plymouth Cars and Fargo Trucks PRONE 411, WINGHAM, ONT. in to our Radio ?roma, 8.74.5 Wean s-lay ltwainv, 926 to .your dial