HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-08-22, Page 7INFLATION AT REASON START BRAKE © . REGULARLY ABLE EASY EASY ROTATE SPEEDS YOUR FIRES 0 SEE US PROMPTLY FOR REPAIR SERVICE IMINId1111111.1.' 'For greater mileage from your tires, follow the above simple rules and see us promptly for all tire repairs and vulcanizing before minor tire domage ..grows into costly major repair work. Let us show you how prompt repairs can saVe you money. Bert Annstron Telephone 181 . Wingham ORDER YOUR FERTILIZER NOW! PLACE YOUR ORDER EARLY SO THAT IT MAY BE 'DELIVERED OFF CAR ABOUT THE MIDDLE OF AUGUST Belgrave Co-Operative Association 'Phones: Wingham 644 r 13 Brussels: 72 - 4 We A. CRAWFORD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 150 Wingham DR, We I CONNELL PHYSICIAN' AND StTRGte* Phone Y9 CLASSIFIED ADS. COST SO tat= A Good When inserted In the tannin% of WitidltAlt ADVANCEINIVigg Business and . Professional Directory WELLINGTON FIRE A. H. MIAMI HARRY FRYFORE Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head Office — Toronto H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham `Teeswater, Ontario Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office: Gofton House, Wroxeter every Thursday afternoon 1.30 to 4.30 and by appointment, Phone — Teeswater 120J Licensed Embalmer and t Funeral Director Furniture and Funeral Service Ambulance Service Phones: Day 109W. Night 109J. 0 3 'Bands 11 0 TUG-OF -WAR z="0===0=0 0 BAND DEMONSTRATION MIDWAY, Merry-go-Round Ferris Wheel Penny Arcade 0 BINGO. and GAMES OF SKILL Refreshments DANCE at Wingham ARENA II and WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 4th 1.4 I ON s abour Day FROLIC no MONDAY, SEPT. 2nd ki INGHAM TOVVN PARK [I AFTERNOON AND EVENING FROM 1 p.m. FROM 7.15 p.m. 4 Ball Teams Soap Box Derby 1 BERNE CONWAY VAUDEVILLE SHOW 0 0 $25.00 Purse to Winner I 7.30 p.m.—MIDWAY AND GAMES 6 p.m.—LADIES' SOFTBALL—CLIFFORD vs. BRUSSELS The Financial Post. So far as can be learned, Canadian farmers retain a highly preferred position in the British bacon market until 1948. Basic reason -behind the British deal for bacon, butter and eggs with Den- mark was the urgent need for supplies and the certainty that unless a con- tract were made, the Russians would buy up the entire Danish supply. As it is, Britain has contracted for about 92 million pounds of bacon on Den- mark in 1946 and 90% of Danish out- put in 1947 and 1948. It is not thought likely -this will give the British more than 150 to 200 million lb. annually, against pre-war shipments of about 400 million lb. annually. Anticipated shipments by Canada in 1946 are be- tween 300 and 325 million lb., with a minimum of 350 and 400 million lb. in 1947 and 1948. . PIPE TOBACCO p URGENT 1 Bottles are badly needed. • 2 Reason—new bottle production slowed by shortage of materials. Remedy*.teturn ad. Cumulated empties. Put them back Into eirculation. Check your basement today. • Bring them to nearest Brewers ketail store or telephone for pick-up. Thursday, August 2214 1946 THE WrITGHAIVI ADVANCE-TIMES ?AGE $rvna - PLASTER , REPAIRING Plaster repairs and neatly A. French Plastering Contractors Box 23 - Wingham promptly done. & Son 'Phone 187 Ont. , ESTIMATES FREE Specialists in Cornice Work and Decorative Plastering WHEN IN NEED OF Roofing and Tinsmithing Spray Painting and GENERAL Maintenance - CALL A. L. FISHER 'Phone 411 or Box 92 (anytime) Wingham Our Motto t "At Your Service Any Time, Anywhere' We have a large stock of Lowe Bros. House Paints . moomainiiii Harold Finley 'PHONE. 281 WINGHA1Vf Pleasing bispitty4 of Sunworthy Paper* Mrs. W. T. MacLean. ' Mrs. Nelson Bender and three young daughters of Mount Forest, spent part of last week with Mr. and Mrs. George Harris and other friends. 'Miss Rona Vanvelsor is holidaying with friends in Ingersoll and Wood- stoat. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew' Shearer, And- J.W.BUSIIFIELD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office — Meyer Block. Wingham Je He CRAWFORD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, etc. Bonds, Investments & Mortgages Wingham Ontario DONALD Bo BLUE gxperienced. Auctioneer Licensed for counties of HURON & BRUCE All Sales Capably Handled Phone 49. Ontarl rine and Freddy, who have been 'guests of Mr. Thos. and Miss Beatrice Shear- er, left for their home in Sault Ste, Marie on Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Hamilton are spending this week with, friends at Leith, in the Owen Sound district, Miss A. B. Fraser left on Saturday for Thornhill, Manitoba, Where she is re-engaged as principal of public School, Her sister, Mrs.J. Lovell ac- coMpanied her as far as Ridgetown. Miss Elise. Davidson of Newton, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Douglas. Miss Davidson leaves in two weeks for British Guiania, where she will serve as Missionary teacher, She will visit Miami, Trinidad and Porta Rica, enroute, going part of the journey by air, Mr, and Mrs, H. V, McKenney and their young guest', Master Billy $ineat- on of Inglewood, spent Thursday with friends at Amberley. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Allen, Mrs. J. J. .(Alen, Jimmie and Marjorie are enjoy- ing a holiday in Montreal and Quebec, • Mr. and Mrs. Harold Townsend, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hamilton, were guests on Thursday of Mr. and. Mrs. Vern. Denny at their cottage at Am- berley. Mrs, F, /3awker and little daughter, Patricia, of TorontO, are guests of the former's brother, J, H. and Mrs Wylie of Amberley. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Martin spent the week-end in Guelph, where Bill will attend college and Mrs. Martin has been engaged to, teach school, for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Vanvelsor of Hamilton, were week-end visitors in towri. Master Campbell Robinson of Wal- kerton, is holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Nichol, Mr. and Mrs. James Farrier and family of Ber- nie, Were Sunday guests at ,the same home. Guests of Mrs. Thos. McMichael on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs.Nelson Hig- gins and Edna, of Belgrave; also Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Walker and family of Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. George Edwards re- turned on Friday from an enjoyable holiday with relatives at Leamington and Delaware. Mr. and Mrs.-Lawrence of Qrange- ville, were week-end guests of Mr. and 'Mrs. H. Hamilton., Rev. J.' L. and Mrs. Foster returned on-Saturday from Leamington where they visited their son, Calvin and Mrs. Foster. Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. V. McKenney were Mr. and Mrs. James Graham, Coeksville, Mr. and Mrs. Craig Smeaton and Mr. Tom Jamison of Inglewood. Master Billy Smeaton who has been visiting here returned home with his parents. Mr. Keith McLaughlin, Wingham, was guest of honour at a party given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wright; Turnberry. . `Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mines and child- ren of Niagara Falls, New York, visit- ed the former's father, Mr, Wm. Mines last week. Guests. from a distance attending the Jenkins-Bennett wedding on Satur-. day were, John MacMillan, Listowel; Arnold Earle, Waterloo; Miss Jean In- glis, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Millar, Mrs. 'Scott 'and daughter, Isabel, Bel- grave; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jenkins, Mr. Murray Jenkins and Miss Cl4istena Isbister, Wingham; Mr. and Mrs, Max Campbell, Brantford; Mrs. Luella San- derson, Gorrie, Mrs. Irene Hatfield, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bennett, Sundridge, Miss Mina :MacMillan, Mildmay, Miss Kathleen Willets; Brus- sels, Rev. J. and Mrs. Caley, ,Gorrie, Mrs. B. Martin spent last week with her daughter 'in London, We regret to know Mrs. John Smith is ill at her home and wish for her a speedy` recovery. Mr. and Mrs, Allister Green spent the weelc-end with Toronto friends, Mr, Jack Gibson is under the Dr's. care at present and was taken to hospi- tal for Xray. His many friends hope for a speedy recoiery to good health. Mr. Lloyd Weir of Toronto, is spending two week's holidays with his parents in town. St.. James Guild The Women's Guild, of St. James Anglican Church met on Tuaday, August 13th., at the home of Mrs. H. I. Durst. The president,'Mrs. H. V. Mc- Kenney presided and the meeting opened with the singing of the chureh's one foundation, followed by the Lord's prayer, The president reported sheets and pillow eases had been forwdrded to Huron College. A letter of thanks from the Dean, Rev, A. H,' O'Neil was read in which he expressed thanks and extended good wishes to members es- pecially to Mrs, F. Davey, who recent- ly suffered an accident, The date of the bazaar was set for Saturday, Oct. 26th and. tickets to be -sold on the "Tulip Quilt were distributed, Two more quilts are to be completed. Ar- rangements will be made for quiltings, Mrs. E. Bennett read the message from the Forward and Relationship, which said, the Crucial issue in our time is that we shall learn to disting- uish our relationship as persons to things and our relationship to persons as persons. Miss Jean Graham was present and expressed her deep apprec- iation to Guild members and other friends for papering done at her home. The contents of the Travelling Basket proved interesting and profitable. Donations for Bazaar -were received. At the September meeting an apron shower will be an interesting feature, The date, September 10th, place of meeting to be announced later. The meeting closed with prayer. Women's Association The Womenn's Association United Church held their monthly meeting in the church parlors,,onn Tuesday, Aug- ust 13th., with 20 members in attend- ance. Mrs, Alex Wright and Mrs. Wm. G. Gibson in charge. The presi- dent, Mrs. Win. Hart presided. Open- ing with the hyinn, Go Labour On. The reading of the 24th 'chapter of St. Matthew's Gospel and prayer. The afternoon was spent in quilting and Pot Luck supper served at the close by the hostesses for the day. Citizenship Club Organized Sixteen members of Wroxeter Com- munity gathered in the Red Cross Rooms on Friday, August 17th., to dis- cuss the possibility of forming a Club to promote Civic Improvements and Sports. Mr. Hector Knight was team- ed chairman with Mrs. H. I. Durst as Secretary for the meeting, It was un- animous that such a Club be formed to be known as "The Wroxeter Home and Country Club." The following executive was nomi- nated to carry on the work until April 1st., 1947: President, H. Knight, Sec., Mrs. H. I, Durst, Treas., R. Eacey; Advertising, Mrs. MacNaughton, H. V. McKenney, Phil Durst, Mrs. H. I. Durst; Outdoor Sports, K. Edgar, (chairman), J. H. Wylie, H. Knight, M. Grainger, W. Hcimpel; Indoor Sports, X. Edgar, P. Durst, A. Moffatt, H'. Hamilton, A. Munro; Dance Com- mittee, H. McMichael (chairman), G. Howes, Mrs. McKenney, Mrs. H, I. Durst, Ira MacLean; Park Improve- ment Committee, A .Munroe, M. Grai- nger, W. Heimpel, H. Townsend, G. Howse. no..4••••••••••••ii Engagement Announced , Mi.. and Mrs. Leslie V, McLaughlin of Oshawa, announce the erigagenlent of theindaughter, Nellie Marion Fergu- son to William Lloyd. Shortt, soh of Mrs. Shortt and the late Mr. William Shortt of Oshawa, the marriage to take place at 8.30 o'clock August 31st in St. Andrew's United Church, -1! quet of carnations, eleven in deep red for those members' living and seven in white, placed in memory of those who have beeen called to higher service. On Saturday, July 27th, a more infor- mal gathering took place at City Park, followed by dinner in the pavilion, Concluding this memorable reunion all attended service at Knox United Church on Sunday, July 2th. The late Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Gemmill -resided on the 6th line of Turnberry before mov- ing to Manitoba, Mrs. Eli Bolt, the only member of the family remaining in this community. RATION COUPON INFORMATION RATION COUPON DUE DATES COupons now valid are sugar-pre- serves Si to S25, Butter R10 to. R 18, meat M40 to M 50-and Q1. Butter coupons R10 to R17 and meat M40 to M50 expire August 31. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Qt.—Now that all the M coupons good for meat are valid, in ration book five, what will we use for meat? A:—The "Q" coupons in your present ration book have been declared val- id for the purchase of meat, Q:—I understand that the sugar ration has been increased:, Will you tell me when we are going to get. this extra sugar? A:—Three pounds extra will be given before the end of the year: Under present plans two extra pounds will be given on the 19th of September and the remaining pound early in December. Q:—Recently I had some plumbing done in my home, I believe the amount charged was too high. Isn't plumbing. under the ceiling A:—Materials used by plumbers are still under ceiling regulations, but the plumbers rates for his services have been removed from ceiling reg- ulations. Q:—I am going to be away from home when the new ration books are distributed in September. Can I have someone else get my book for me. A:—Any member of your family may obtain your book, To do so how- ever they must present the green RB-191. card which is at the back of present book, Sign this card, but do not detach it, Upon the presenta- tion of your book with the card signed by you .the new ration book will be given the applicant. Q:---I am moving my business to a- new,location and have been told that I must inform the Board about my change of address, Is this correct? Report the change to the nearest office of the Ration oaBrd within ten days. Your license may be cancelled if youdo not: report the changes of address, business name or any change or modification of the 1.usitiess within 10 days of the. Change. Questions regarding prices and. rat- oning. and any other regulations of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board ill be answered if they are seta to- the Information Branch, Wartime 'Prices and Trade Board, Federal Building, Lo n don, ants Not Getting Best Of Bacon. Deal Press reports from Britain about he wide spread !between Canada and banish bacon prices are thought at ttaWa to be greatly exaggerated, Says wood Street, Winnipeg, during the last week of July. From the original fam- ily of sixteen, the following brothers and sisters were able to attend: Eliz- abeth of Blenheim, Ont.; Jack, Pilot Mound, Man.; Frank, Bersay, Sask.; Maine, Edmonton, Alta,.; Gordon, Des Moines, Iowa; Ethel, Carman, Man.; Laura, Saskatoon, Sask; Laurence, Kipling, Sask.; Grace, Dauphin, Man.; Wilfred, Winnipeg, Man. The only ibsentee, on account of illness, was Belle, Mrs. Eli Bolt of Wroxeter, Ont. On Thursday evening, July 25th a dinner was held at Moore's at which thirty-nine immediate relatives attend- ed. Centering the table was a bou- WROXETER Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lowe of Brace- bridge, were recent guests at the Tat- ter's paretits, ,Mr. and Mrs. A. Wright.. They were accompanied by Master Graham Smith, . Mr. and Mrs. J. Williams of Tor- onto, spent the past week with Mr. and FREDERICK A. PARKER OSTEOPATH Offices: Centre St., Wingham Osteopathic and Electric Treat- ments, Foot Technique. Phone 272, • Wingham, J. A. FOX Chiropractor and Drugless' Therapist. RADIONIC EQUIPMENT .COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191, Ke 111. MacLENNAN . Veterinary Surgeon Office Minnie St. Opposite and South of the United Church. PHONE 196 Winghatn, Ontario Through the efforts of the Town- ship Council and Howick Lions Club the park has been greatly improved. It is hoped this project can be completed in the near future so that not only ball games may be played but also attrac in the park. Suggestions for indoor tions for the youngsters can be placed sports include badminton, table tennis, basket-ball, dances, community con- certs and dramatics. A ball 'game be- tween two outstanding teams is being arranged for the evening of August-36, to be followed by a dance. If you are a citizen of Wroxeter or cormininity you are a member of Wroxeter Home community is only as worthwhile as We its people make it-so, A Meeting Will be held on Friday evening, Sep- tember 13th in .the local Red Cross and Country Club. .The life in.,,our -rooms to make - further plans for .atit , limn and winter programme. Show your interest in better citizenship for our village and community by being present. Friends of David Roger of Lynhurst Lodge, Toronto, adopted soldier of the Wroxeter 'Women's Institute„ will be pleased to know he enjoyed an outing , at the summer home of Mr. and Mrs, Smeaton at Inglewood last week. Portlier Turnberry Patnily Held Reunion in the West A reunion of the surviving sons and daughters of the fate Mr. and Mrs. William Gemini!' of Pilot Mound, Manitoba, was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Gantnill, 200 Lin-