HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-06-20, Page 8Show starts evenings at 8 p.m,, Saturday, 7.45 p.m. Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, JUNE 20, 21, 22 RITA HAYWORTH GLENN FORD — In — "GILDA" A melodrama of major and minor crime in. Buenos Aires. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, JUNE 24, 25, 26 (DOUILE BILL) RUTH NELSON LOREN TINDALL In , "Girl Of Limberlost" The story is based on the well-read novel of Gene Stratton Porter. JUDY CANOVA ROSS HUNTEI3. — In _ "Hit The Hay" Comedy with music as only Judy Canova can render it. Special Matinee 10 a.m., SATURDAY, JUNE 22nd " Admission by bring- ing a bundle of USED CLOTHING. TOR OVERSEAS RELIEF "MY PAL WOLF" The story of a little girl and her dog. GORRIE Earl Reunion The 14th annual reunion' of the Earl See Reid and See Right Make Appointments WITH— DAVID CROMPTON Jeweller - Phone 59 For Eye Examination family was held at the Seaforth Lion's Park, on Saturday, June 15th, and was favoured with ideal weather. A large crowd of nearly 100 were present from Detroit, Montreal, Tug- aske, Sask., Brigden, Kitchener, Lis- towel, Moncton, Brussels and Gorrie. A sumptuous dinner was served af- ter which the President, Mr. Thomas Earl, Mitchell, conducted the usual business. The President,' asked for one minute silence in loving memory of Mrs. John Cathers. The acting officers were re-elected T. Earl, and. Sec'y-Treas., Mrs. Jen. Edgar. It was decided to hold the for. a further term, namely, Pres., Mr. 1947 re-union at Listowel on the 3rd. Saturday in June. Little June Stokes drew the ticket for the teenage girl, "Queen of the Day". The lucky girl Miss Jean Mof- fat was crowned and presented with a beautiful compact, the gift of Mr. Montgomery; Detroit, U.S.A. R. A. Reid, R. O. Eye Specialist Values Galore At The Rexall Health and ea.uty Sale FOR TEN DAYS WED., JUNE 19th — SAT., JUNE 29th FOR BEAUTY FOR HEALTH Adrienne Harmonized Cosmetics Bachelor Shaving Requisites Xlenzo Cocoanut Oil Shampoo Reg. 60c 49c Lorie Perfume, reg. 30c 27c Silque Ydand Lotion, reg, 60c, 49c Calamine Lotion, reg. 25c 21c Bath Brush, reg. $1.00 89c Nylon Hair Brush $1.50 PURETEST VITAMINS Extract Wild Strawberry, reg- ular 35c 29c Rexall Milk of Magnesia Tablets Regular 35c 29c Rexall Orderlies, reg. 60c Fruit Saline (English type). 43c Epsom Salt, reg. 15c 11c Tr. Iodine, reg. 25c . 21c Linaseptic, reg, 50e 39c FOR STORK CLUBBERS Stork Baby Oil, reg. 60c ., 49c Stork Borated Soap, cake 10c Crib Sheeting, 36 x 36, „ . , 89c Baby Pants, pair 25c Baby Apron Re:tall Teething Tablets 25e • Pexall Gripe Water .............. .. ......... „ 29c Only a few of the many bargains are listed above. Be sure to see the many Household Needs, Campers Supplies and Other Things to make life more enjoyable this Summer. In Drugs — If Its Rexall — It's Right McKibboni • jruti pug" 'PHONE 63 'PHONE 53 BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. N. H. Norton, Pastor Sunday, June 23rd, 1946 annoommoome,6 10 .a.rn,,—Surlay School. 11 a.M,--"Absalom".. 7,30 p,m.—"The Continuity of The Church", levy to be made in 1946 taxes to, cover amount. Carried. The following accounts were paid: Monteith & Monteith, $128. auditors; Crawford & Hetherington, $4.00 search for light at Bluevale Hall, 3. Mason & son, $1.89 account; J. McKibbon $8.35, Board of Health; Prov. Treasurer, $3.13, insulin; Wm. B. Cruikshank, $50, part salary; W. R. Cruikshank, $75, part salary; Geo. Day, sec. treas., $150 Federation of Agriculture; A. Moffat, $1.45 Roads; Can. Culvert Co., $44,40; W. A. Cathers, $39,20; R. Grain, $6.00; F. Hogg, $4.00; Geo. Glousher, $1.95; J. T. Wylie, $26.40. Moved by King and Powell that we adjourn to meet at Bluevale.on Friday, 28th of June, 1946, at 1 p.m. Carried, • W. R. Cruikshank, Clerk W. H. 'Woods, Reeve. ANNUAL SQUIRES JAQUES RE-UNION The sixteenth Squires-Jaques re-un- ion was held in Queen's Park, Gorrie, on June 8th, 1946, with 100 in attend- ance. After -the dinner was served the business meeting was conducted with President Marshall Jaques, presiding. It was decided to hold the Re-union in Listowel in 1947. Avery fine pro- gram of sports followed with prizes for many. The oldest one present, ,Mar- shall Jaques, Listowel, '78 years, the youngest one present, Carol Robinson, Gorrie, 10 months. The longest mar- ried couple, Mr. and Mrs, John Jaques, I3urgessville, 49 years. The newly- weds, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Harkness, Clifford, married one week. Mrs. Gris- wold of Zenda, received the prize for coming the farthest to the- re-union. Races—Girls, 6 and under, Marion Robinson, Deanne Allen; boys 6 and under, Richard Carter, Henry Jaques; Girls, 10 and under, Ilya Allen, Marie Harris; boys, 10 and under, Murray Underwood; girls, 15 and under, Irla Newton; boys 15 and Under,* Glenn Underwood; young women's race, Florencd Dennis; young men's race, Glenn Underwood; married women's race, Leola Johnston; married men's race, Lloyd Jaques; eelbarrow race, Stewart Jaques, Raymond Kermath; Sack race, Mac, Newton; Bean race, Reta Allen; 3 legged race, Allen And Glenn Underwood; No, of Peanuts in jar, Wes, Underwood; kicking Slipper race, ladies, Nora tennis; kicking shoe race, men's, Leonard Carter; throwing paper plate, women, Violet Carter; throwing paper plates, men, ammossumusamossomussisso First Class Watch Repairs t'or The Present Watches Only. George 'Williams JonN Next to 'Astable Hail ......6••••••••••••••61..m.1.1.00••••..N.Wwwwww... EEO our cast-off CLOTH INC Clothing you may consider old can bring new life to some.suffering person to whom 'the war brought despair and destitution, .War work clothes , wearable boots and ,shoes . under- wear 'and bedding are particularly needed. Won't you go 'through your closets todaf? Make a bundle of all you can spare. Wrap -it in paper. Tie securely. Tie boots or shoes in pairs. You can include a short personal message. Take your contribution to your nearest Post Office or Collection Depot. What Can You Spare That They Can Wear? NATIONAL CLOTHING COLLECTION for Overseas Relief . . . June 17 to 29 THIS 'ADVERTISEMENT IS CONTRIBUTED BY KING DEPT. STORE 4y 900 ear Aferaip Sickness and cold hang like a threatening cloud above the helpless millions over whose homes the rage of war has joassed. La& of clothing is one of the causes. You can help. Dig through your closets —dig out spare clothes—old shoes—bedding. Wrap your bundle in paper—tie it securely—tie boots and shoes in pairs. Take your contribution to your nearest Post Office or Collection Depot, NATIONAL CLOTHING COLLECTION . .... This adv6rtisement 18 Coritributd by Smith's Economy Food store. RECORD PLAYERS We now have in stock a selection of players from $15.00 UP 25 and 60 cycle They will increase the enjoy- ment you get from your radio set by enabling you to play at any time, your own selection of re- corded music. Pa if /:f on RI1010 "SERVICE Telephone 171j Wingham Serving You Since 1935 cover amount, Moved by Fischer and Bryce that we give the Wingham Legion a grant of $1000.00 and place a plaque in the Bluevale Community Hall and special WHAT CAN YOU SPARE THAT THEY CAN WEAR? The clothes you no longer wear are desperately needed by the suffering millions in lands ravaged by war. ]Every garment you give means one more human being saved from cold, sickness and possibly death. Make up a bundle now of spare clothing. Take it to your nearest Post OffiCe or Col- lection depot. This: a dvertisement contributed fry HANNA'S PAGE. EIGIVr THE WINQIA11/1 ADVANCE-TIMES ThursdaY? June 20th,,1946 The youngest child present, Miss Ruth Edgar Was presented with an American dollar bill, Sports were enjoyed also the usual'. game of ball, The darconeluded with another excellent .meal, Sunday School Anniversary The Sunday School of the United. Church will hold their anniversary .ser- vices next Sunday, June 23rd, At the morning service, ' 'MOO D.S.T.„ Fred Beck of Harriston will be guest speaker, The evening service at 7;30 p.m., will be conducted by the Pastor, Rev. G. G. Howes. The Elgar male quartette of Kitchener, will sing at both services. Mr. Sanford Zimmerman is in the Toronto General Hospital, His con- dition remains about the same. We hope there may soon be improvement. Mrs, Zimmerman is also in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Short and children of Fergus spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Short. •Mr. Adam Strong of TorOnto is spending some time with his relatives on the 6th concession, We are sorry to report the serious illness of Mrs. Jas. Underwood. Mr. and Mrs, Vanderlip of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vanderlip of Listowel visited at Mr. Robert Harri- son's on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Anger and son Christopher; Mrs. George Anger, Flor- ence, Bruce.and Norman and Miss Doreen' Harrison spent Sunday at Goderich. Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Day, Grant and Wayne, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Currie of TeeswSter. Mr. Stan Dane and daughter Betty of Toronto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dane for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Musgrove of Hanover spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Kilkinson. Mr. and Mrs. L. Whyte of Levack; Mrs. A. McKenzie and Mrs. Stockton with Mr. -Jas. Douglas and Mr. and of Harriston were guests last week Mrs. E. W. Whitfield. Mrs, ICrasko and son Bob of To- ronto, are visiting the former's uncle, Mr. Archie Miller and Mrs. Miller. Mr. and' Mrs. W. E. Stewart of Stoney Creek, Mrs. E. Purrott and son George of Hamilton were week-end guests with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. King and Mr, and Mrs. Archie Miller. Mrs. Ira Neill and daughter of Del- more visited with the former's sister, Mrs. George Brown on Monday. Mrs, Earngey is visiting friends in. Hanover and Fergus, Mrs. Cutt and• son of Goderich visit- ed with the former's brother, Mr. John Robinson and Mrs. Robinson sev- eral days last week. Mn J. H; King was in Toronto on Monday and Tuesday. Miss Margaret and Mr. George Dane attended the wedding in Owen Sound an Saturday of Katharine Dane, a daughter of Harry Dane, former resi- dent of Gorrie, to Albert Keiller. Mr. Eric Pritchard of Montreal is a guest at Mr. Thos. Earls' this week. Mr. James Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. E. Whitfield and sons visited on Sunday with Mrs. Douglas' uncle, Mr. James Aldcorn of Badgeros. Mr, Alex. Taylor spent Saturday in Toronto. TURNBERRY MAKES GRANTS TO LEGION AND HOSPITAL • Minutes of Council meeting held in Wingham 3rd of June, 1946. Members all present. Moved by Fischer and Powell that minutes of last meeting be adopted as read. Carried. • The following letters were received and read: W. A. Galbraith, Wingham, Craw- ford & Hetherington, Wingham, Mon- teith & Monteith, Stratford. Moved by King and Bryce that we hold Court of Revision on assessment Roll of 1946 at Community Hall, Blue- vale, on Friday, June 28th„ at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. All appeals to be in hands of Clerk by Saturday, June 22, 1946. Carried. Sealed Tenders were - received and opened. Willis and• Farrish, 60 cents per cu. yd; Joe Kerr, 64 'cents per cu. yd; M. Johnston, 85 cents per cu. yd. Moved by Fischer and Bryce that' we accept the tender of Willits and Farrish at 60 cents per yd. for 4000 cu. yds., more or less. Carried, Moved by Powell that we give the Wingbarn. General Hospital a grant of $100.00. Moved by Xing that we give the Wingham General Hospital a grant of $400.00 to furnish a room in name of Twp. of Turnberry. Moved by Bryce and Fischer that we give the Witigham General Hospi- tal a grant of $500.00 to furnish a room in name of Twp. of Turnberry. Carr- ied. Moved by Powell and Ring that we give the Federation of Agriculture a grant of $150,00 for year 1947, Moved by Pored and Fischer that We place 75 mills on taxes of 1946 of Township for, Pederation of AgrIcult. tire. Carried. Moved by Powell dud Ring that we give the Wingham Legion a grant of $S00,00; and each soldier with over 40 months service $85,00, and each sold- ier under 40 months service to receive 75 cents for each month of service and the girls and parents of deceased so!. xlicrs to receive on same basis. A spec- ial levy to be made itt 1940 taxes to LYCETHEATR E FOR YOUR ' BUILDING CARPENTERING Repair Work Built-In CUPBOARDS SEE — Bennett & Camera 'Phone 447w Wingham. IIII.P11..1.1.11111. Joe Kermanth; most articles in man's docket, Bert Harris; most articles in woman's purse, Verna Harris; Pin on Patch, Ted Newton, Leola Johnston; Apple Contest, Alice Jaques; Biscuit race, Glenn Underwood; MemorS, Con test, Ivan Harris; Bring back contest, Stewart Jaques. to Mr. Ken..Galloway of Gorrie, poss- ession to be given next Spring. Mrs. Allister Green from near Wroxeter, called on ,IVIrs, Ken. Jack- son one day last week. WHEN IN NEED OF Roofing and Timmithing Spray Painting and GENERAL Maintenance CALL A. L. FISHER 'Phone 411 or Box 92 (anytime) Wingham Our Motto : "At Your Service Any Time, Anywhere" SALEM Miss White, who teaches at S. S. No. 4; Howick, is to address 'the con- gregation here next Sunday. M1. Edwin Palmer attended his aunt's funeral at Whitechurch last Monday afternoon. Mr. • and Mrs: Joseph Vogan from near McIntosh's, called on Mr, and Mrs. John lGowdy last Thursday. The Lion's Club entertained the various schools at Fordwich on Thurs- day last. Congratulations to Raymond Bolt of this community, who captured first prize for fancy dress. Raymond is a pupil of U.S.S. No. 13, 'Howick and Turnberry. (Lane's)). Mr. Greer Wylie has sold his farm