HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-06-20, Page 4FOR SALE CHEAP—Baby Stroller in good condition, Apply to Mrs. Bill Henderson, Barber Shop, Wing- hart, FOR SALE{-3-burner Coleman Gas Stove and Oven, in good condition, Telephone 02, Winghain, FOR SALE—Chesterfield Couch and Chair, just used short time, Apply Mrs. J. Rogers, 'phone 230j, Wing- ham. FOR ECZEMA and Psoriasis, try xLEP:,Rtx-,-the proven remedy. .50e $1.09, (Medium and strong). At McAvoy's and McKibbon's Drug Stores. GREY HAIR handicaps you. Use Arigplique Grey Hair . Restorer to regainnatural color-life. $1,00 at Meltibbon's and McAvoy's Drug Stores. KITCHENER BIG-4 CHICKS arc available in most breeds for delivery this month, dayoId or started. Sum- mer prices are in effect; you'll find them very reasonable for these fine Tricks. Agent, Fred Hogg, Wing- ham. LADY wishes position as housekeeper to widower without children. 'phone Wingham. OST,,,,-Between Whighain and . vale., Top off Refrigerator. Pinder. /Owe notify Stainton Hardware. • • • T. WANTE D Office Girls Experienced Preferred but girls with training would be considered. • • The Circle Bar Knitting Co. Ltd. KINCARDINE, ONT. amilmmommommo Male Help Wanted For rapidly expanding Furniture Industry. , experienced Cabinet Makers, Sanders, Finishers, Rubbers, etc. Offers Attractive, Working Conditions Excellent. Lucknow Industries - Limited LUCKNOW, ONT. of his life in this commuity and was a highly respected citizen. He was united in marriage to Eliza- beth Wolfe 52 years ago, who stir- Casual Satiaals, Wedgies, etc., in soft, bright leathers, so beau- 0 tifully finished, so flexible and 0i 0 comfortable. Designed to be worn with your Summer cottons • snd with all your holiday attire. Rhys Pollock "SHOES FOR ALL THE FAMILY" WEED-NO-MORE' 2-4-D, 1 oz. 25c 5 oz. 75c Makes 1 gallon Makes 5 gal. 50% DDT CONCENTRATE for Barn and Live- stock SPRAY, 2 lbs. $2.00—makes 10 gallons of Livestock Spray DDT FLOWER SPRAY, 1 oz. 30c 5 oz. 90c DDT HOUSEHOLD SPRAY, 8 oz. 24c 16 oz.' . . . .43c ' 32 oz. 73c INammummammiuminamamitu n I New Stream-lined BIRD CAGES $7.50 I 11110111111111111111111111011$1111111111100111111111MMIMMINI11 taintoifs Hardware And Farmers' Supply House "QUALITY, PRICE and SERVICE Sell Our Goods" COWBOY FENCERS, complete. with Batteries and Porcelain Knobs .... . , .$14.95 /8" HAYFORK' ROPE, per foot . 61/zc 1-inch HAYFORK ROPE, per foot 8c HAYLOADER ROPE, (tarred) 100 feet ...60c HAYFORK PULLEYS .$1.25 20-lb. bags BUG KILLER 70c wing — Suddendeath — Climax No. 57 Carborundum MOWER KNIFE STONES Each 90c SCYTHE SNATH . . . $2.00 SCYTHE BLADES • .$1.60 -'$1.65 BERRY BOXES, per 100 $1.35 I Eveready HOT-SHOT BATTERIES . $2.40 1-burner HOT. PLATES '$4.50 FISHING POLES (casting) . .45c $9.95 21/2 gal. Compressed Air SPRAYERS ... $4.50 50 ft. All-rubber Hose, complete with couplings $3.95 50 ft. 1-ply Bonicord Hose, complete with couplings, $4.95 a all N. • all tir • n n n n 111 n n • • • n • n n a n n • • n • a A • • n n • • n n n • n • in, • •=• N, n FM' SCREEN DOORS .... .$2,95 — 0.95 • Screen Door Set, of Hinges, Pull, Hook and eye, 35c I 3-prong CULTIVATOR . .85c — 95c • Push-type CULTIVATORS, large size, $4.00, $7.95 RAGI 0 N. THE WINGHAN ADVANCE.,TIMS Thursday, AMC 29th, 1946 Mrs. Percy Sawyer The funeral of Mrs, Percy Sawyer, daughter of Rev. 3, N, H. and Mrs, Norton was held to Wdodlawn Cem- etery, London, on Wednesday after- noon of last week, The service was held in Maitland St, Baptist Church, London, and was in charge of Rev: Harold Tr:flier, assisted by Rev. Stuaii,„( Ivison, pastor of the First Baptist Church, Ottawa, of which. Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer were members, who preached the service, Ms. Trinier read messages from the Baptist Conference of Ontario and Quebec, the Middlesex- Lambton Association Executive, and the Pastors' Conference, then meeting in Ottawa. qt. Those attending from -Wingham were Rev. and Mrs. Nimmo, Mrs. T: C. King, ,Mr, and Mrs. John Falconer, Mrs. John Kelley, Mrs., Bruce • Mc- Lean, and Rev. G. H. Dunlop, repre- Senting the Wingham Ministerial AS- sociation John H. Wolfe There passed away at his home, con- cession 17, Howick Township, on June 9th., John H. Wolfe, in his .75th, year. He was a son of the late Mr.. and Mrs. Charles Wolfe, and has farm- ed practically all his life in Howick Township. Surviving 'besides his wife, are two sons and five daughters, , Anson, of Melbourne; Stanley of Harriston; (Gertrude), Mrs. William Giles of Howick; (Meida), Mrs. Rowland Bal- lagh, of Culross; (Hazel), Mrs, Jack Hiscox of Woodstock; (Lorna), Mrs. Thomas JackSon of Guelph; (Alberta), Mrs. Jack Ferguson of Howick; seven- teen grandchildren, also one sister, Mrs. C. Rever of Howick. The funeral which was largely at- tended was held Tuesday, June 11th., from his late residence. Rev. L. A. Knox of Clifford United Church, con- ducted the service. The pallbearers were: Chas. Scarfe, Samuel Webber, Geo. Hubbard, Wm. Nickel, Art. Landman 'and Thos. Sang- ster, The flowers which were numer- ous and beautiful were carried by eight grandchildren, WilMa and Betty Giles, Leola and Margaret Wolfe; Mildred and Velma Ballagh, Lowell Jackson, arid John Wolfe. Interment was at Clifford cemetery. Robert Ballantyne There passed away in Clinton Hol pital, on Tuesday, June 11th., Robert. Ballantyne of Brussels. The deceased was. born in Gullaysheill, Scotland, and came as a young man with his' parents and family to 'Wroxeter, He went -West and farmed for a number of years. On returning to Wroxeter, he married Miss Belle Hyslop, daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Hy- slop, and took up • farming in Turn- berry. After Mrs. Ballantyne's death lie retired to Wroxeter. In August, 1928, he married Miis Mary Anderson of Wroxeter, who survives. They moved to -Brussels where they spent a very happy married life. He was a Presbyterian and his „seat was seldom empty as long as health permitted. He was also a staunch liberal and a great reader. The funeral was held from the Walker Funeral Home, Brussels, on.Thursday, June 13th., to Wingham cemetery. The service was con,ducted by the Rev. Mr. Milne of the Presbyterian church, Mr. Lorne Eekmier sang a hymn. The pallbearers were Alfred Agar, Joe Wilton, John Shiell, Tom Walker, Wm. Leach- and G. Adams. John Bennett There-passed away in Scott Memor- ial Hospital, Seaforth, on Thursday, June 13th., John Bennett of Seaforth, in his 90th year. Mr. Bennett had suffered a broken hip nine days prior to his death, He was born in Tucker-- smith, where he received his early edu- cation and later farmed in this com- Munity. He was a member of the United Church, His Wife, the former Isabelle Ramsay, predeceased him eleven years ago. Surviving are two sons and one daughter, W. 3. Bennett, of Walton; Foster Bennett of Seafort12;. and Mrs. Mabel Habkirk of Winglitun;, also seven grandchildren The funeral service in charge Of Rev, Workman was held on Saturday, June 15th., at the borne of his soh, Foster Bennett, Seaforth, with Interment in Maitland Bank Cemetery. The pallbearers were, James Carter, George Rainsay, Alex Powell, Clar- ence Bennett, Roy Bennett and Jim Souter, 0 0 0 0 ii 0 ii 0 HIRLEY 11 Jewels $375a DON'T SUFFER with your feet with Athlete's Foot, burning or itching feet, corns, callouses, chilblains, poi- son ivy, or itching skin, Use PEMILAC the amazing new speedy remedy, at your druggists, —money back guarantee. FOR SALE—Three good Work Hors- es, or would exchange for young cattle or pigs. Hugh Rinn, Belgrave -FOR SALE—An 8-room brick House in fine location on John Street W., suitable to have made into duplex. Apply to W. T. Cruickshank, at. CKNX. FARM FOR SALE-200 acres near Belgrave good barns, house needs some repairs; land in good state of cultivation. All seeded down in grass. Lots of spring water. Easy terms. Would exchange for town or city business or property. Apply to .4 W.; R. Paterson, 9 Hayman Court, Lon don, Ont, FOR SALE-3-burner Coal _Oil Stove, cvnplete with oven, Apply 1.4§. 'pile:lb 643 r 2. FOR SALE—Marconi Electric Radio. Apply Walter Pocock, 'phone 613r32 FOR SALE—Rogers' Mantel Battery Radio, nearly new, Apply Thos. R. Henderson, R. R. 4, Wingham, tele- phone 636 r 2. FOR SALE—Four young York Sows, due to farrow in August and Sep- tember. Apply to Wm. G. Van i amp, Belgrave. 'Phone Brussels. 15 - 15. FOR SALE—Bicycle in good con- dition. Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE--1st class Cabbage plants. Apply David Finlay. FOR SALE—Large Kitchen Range, good as new; burns wood or coal. Apply at Advance-TiMes. FOR SALE—Coon-skin Fur Coat, Os- termoor Mattress, guaranteed; Coil Springs, Man's Heavy Cloth Coat; must be sold, moving to Vancouver. May be seen at Francis Wilson's home, Shuter St., until Julie 29th. WANTED—Experienced, Farm Hand, single preferred; 100 acres, elec- tricity, all modern farm equipment, Good,' permanent home for right per- son, Apply Leslie Knight, Ford- wich, Ont, WANTED—TO purchase Pullets, Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, White Leghorns,.any age from eight weeks up to laying. Good prices paid. Apply Tweddle Chick Hatch, eries, Limited, Fergus, Ontario. WANTED—Cattle to take in to grass for balance of season. Apply Hugh Rinn, Belgrave, WANTED—Reliable adult to take care of small baby, evenings. Tele- phone 317. CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Household Effects at the residence of MRS, J. W. SMITH, corner of Pat- rick and Edward Streets, WINGHAM, at 1.30 p.m. on SATURDAY, JUNE 22nd, 1946 Terms—Cash Mrs. J. W. Smith Donald B,,BItte Proprietress Auctioneer NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Joseph Sanderson, late 01 the Township of liowick in the County of I-Ittrort, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the seventeenth day of May, 1046, are notified to send to Messrs. Crawford & Hetherington, Solicitors, Witighattr, Ontario, on or before the sixth day of July, A,D, 1046, full particulars of their claims, in writ- ing, Immediately after the said sixth day of July, the assets of the said tes- tatrix, will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims. of which the executrix shall then have notice. Dated this thirteenth day of Jane, A.ti, 1946, CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingliam, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix. REVISED SOFT BAIL SCHEDULE Itino 4 Foundry vs Fry & Blackhall, --Played. 7 Lloyds vs. Gurney's,—Played, 11 Fry & Blackball, vs `Kings Dept. Store,—Postponed. 13 Whitechurch ys Old Timers, —Played. 18 Foundry vs Gurneys,---Played 20 Lloyds vs Kings Dept. Store. 25 Fry 4k Blackball vs Gold Tim- ers. 27 Whitechureh vs Foundry. July 2 Fry & Blackball vs White- 4 OilludreThinters vs Lloyds. 9 Kings Dept, Store vs Found- ry. 11 Gurneys ,vs Whitechurch, 16 Kings Dept, Store vs Old Timers. 18 Gurneys vs Fry & Blackhall, 23 Whitechurch vs Kings 'Dept. Store, 25 Foundry vs Lloyds. 30 Gurneys vs King Dept. Store. Aug. 1 Old Timers vs Foundry. 6 Fry & Blackhall vs Lloyds. 8 Gurneys vs Old Timers. 13 Whitechurch vs Lloyds. It will be necessary to move up some games on account• of the Factor- ies being closed the first week in July. OBITUARY Conrad Rever There passed away on Monday ev- ening, June 10th., at his home on the 17th. "concession of Howick, Conrad Rever. He was born in Carrick Town- ship 77 years ago and had Hired most FOR SALE—One 7-tube battery table model Phonola Radio. This radio is in Al condition, all 'batteries are nearly new. Apply to Roy Hast- ings, Wing-harn,. or 'phone Wroxeter 12r3.. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Al persons having claims against the estate of Annie Gannett, late of the Village of Bluevale in the County of Huron, Married Woman, who died on or about the twenty-fourth day of May, 1946, are notified to send to Messrs. Crawford & Hetherington, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the sixth day of July, A.D. 1946, full particulars of their claims, in writing. Immediately after the said sixth day of July, the assets of the said testatrix will be dis- tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executrices shall then have notice. Dated this thirteenth 'day of June, A.D., 194'6. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrices, AN OPPORTUNITY Established Rural Watkins District available, If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55—have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a pro- fitable business of your own. For full particulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. O-W-2, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Quebec. TENDERS FOR COAL and COKE Federal Buildings-Province of Ontario SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed "Tender for Coal" will be received until 3 p.m. (E.D.S.T,), Friday, June 28, 1946, for the supply of coal and coke for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario, Forms of tender with specifications and conditions attached can be obtain- ed from the Purchasing Agent De- partment •of Public Works, Ottawa, and the Supervising Architect, 36 Ad- elaide St., East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders should be made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with departmental spe- cifications and conditions attached thereto. Coal dealers' licence numbers must be given when tendering. The Department reserves the right to demand from any successful, tend- erer, before awarding the order, a.se- . array deposit in the form of a certi- fied cheque 'on a chartered bank in Canada, made payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works equal to 10 per cent, of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonus of the Dominidn of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Company and its Constituent companies 'uncon- ditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Dominion of Can- ada, or the aforementioned bonds gnd a certified cheque, if required, to make up an odd amount, Such security will serve as a guaran- tee for the proper fulfilment of the contract. By order, J. M. SOMERVILLE, Secretary, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, June 7, 1946, CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Conrad Re, vet wish to thank their friends and neighbours for their kind expressions of sympathy and many acts of kin& ness shown them in their recent ber- eavement, also those who loaned their cars. INMEMORIAM BAIRD—In loving memory. a Our be- loved mother, Mrs, Robert Baird, rvfia passed away /tine 21st, 1984. Not just today, but every day, In silence We itinerate, The Family, 1.1111001111.1111.1111111.1.1101.0110, DOMINION DAY. Monday, July ist SPECIAL LOW RAIL PARES Between all points in Canada and to all United States border points Fare and One-Quarter FOR THE ROUND TRIP GO I Any time from 12 noon Friday, June 28, until. 2 pan., Monday, July 1st. RETURN : Leave destination not la- ter than midnight, Tuesday, July 2nd. Standard Time MINIMUM svneTAL FARE Adults or Children 25e Full particulars from arty agent CANADIAN PA CIFIC a member of the United Church. Sur- viving are a'niece and nephew, The service was conducted by Rev. G. H. Dunlap • of Belgrave and the pallbearers • were G. T. Robertson, R. H. Lloyd, M. H. Elliott, J. A. Wilson, F. R. Howson and H. T. Thomson. Interment was made in Wingham cemetery. Margaret Chisholm Ktrinedy A former resident of Thessalon, Al- goma, Margaret Chisholm Kenziedyil widow of the late Capt, James Ken- nedy, passed away on Wednesday, June 12th., in her 89th year.' She was born in Owen Sound, on June 20th., 1857, and at an, early age moved to Thessalon, where she became one of the pioneer teachers of the district.'In 1881 she was married to her late hus- band who predeceased her forty years ago. For the past five years she has made her home with her daughter,,Mrs. Wil- liam M. Connell, Wingham. She is sur- vived by three daughters and two sons. The funeral- was held on Saturday af- ternoon in Thessalon at the Church of the Redeemer of which she was a life- long member. Interment was in Thes salon, Among the sources of those innum- erable calamities which from age to age have overwhelmed mankind, may be reckoned- as one of the principal, the• abuse of words.—George Horne. Keep your Shoes in "GOOD HEALTH" by bringing them here for repair as soon as they show wear. BROWNE'S Shoe Repair 10=00= vives him with two daughters, Mrs. Burns Stewart, (Irene); Mrs. Rae (g414110 ; and one son, Eldon, and one son predeceased him. several years ago, The funeral service was held on Thursday at the home with Rev, Mue-; ller of Howick Lutheran Church of which deceased was a member, The pallbearers were Messrs. JOhn White, Smith. Inglis, James Inglis, Harry Ferguson, Thomas Douglas and Albert Wright, The flower bearers were Bdivard Stewart, Gerald Rever, 'Tommy Baunsall and Teddy Borinsall. Interment was made in Gorrie .cerne- tery, • Margaret Nelson Funeral Services were held on. Tues• day afternoon, Attie l'ith„ at Walker's Fttrieral Parlours, Wingliaiti, for Mar- garet Nelson, the last of a pioneer fam- ily. She was horn at Sunshine, Morris Township where she lived until the family moved to Wingliam,,,later she then took up nursing, Twenty-two years ago she returned to Wingham, where she has since resided, She was BARGAINS in Barred Rock and'Ass- orted Heavy Breed Chicks, for this `week and next, Barred Rocks: non- sexed 9.95, pullets 11.95, cockerels 9.75. Assorted Heavy Breeds: Non- sexed 8.95, pullets 10.95, cockerels 9.50, per hundred. This advertise- ment must accompany your order to receive these special prices, Shipped C.O.D. anywhere. Top Notch Chick- eries, Guelph, Ontario. efiESIOK 21 5 Ruh 45" DAVID CROMPTON — JEWELLER --- Wingham, Ont. Phone 95 CLAS,5IFIED., :ADS. • LAST Community Sale until Fall, at the sale Barn, Diagonal Road, on Saturday, June 29th, ORDER your July Chicks today. We can give you prompt delivery on many Of the popular pure breeds and hybrid crosses in non-sexed, pullets or cockerels in day old and two and three weeks old started. Also eight weeks old to laying pullets. Prices greatly reduced for July. Last hatch July 12th. Tweddle Chick Hatch- eries Limited, Fergus, Ontario, QUICK RELIEF from stomach troubles, indigestion, heartburn, sour stomach, dyspepsia—with effective Wilder's Stomach Powder. 50c and $1, at McAvoy's Drug Store. SUFFERING. FROM BACKACHES, Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago is not necessary. Use RU.MACAPS at once for quick relief. McKibbon's Drug Store. SLENDOR TABLETS are effective, 2 weeks', supply $1., 12 weeks $5., at ,..McKibbon's and McAvoy's Drug Stores. TENDERS .For Wiring S. S. No. 6, MorriS, will be received until June 26. Work to be done during Sum- mer holidays. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans and specifications may be had from the Secretary, Ralph S. Shaw, Bluevale, Ont. WANTED—School Girl to help with housework for six weeks, during the Summer holidays. Apply at The Advance-Times, WANTED—To Buy—A House in Wingharh. Apply Advance-Times. WANTED—Position as housekeeper in or. near Wingham. Apply at Ad- vance-Times. WANTED—Experienced girl for gen- eral houseWork, Apply Mrs, Har- old Foxten, I WANTED TO RENT—Small House or apartment. _Apply at Advance- Times, DON'T Rely on Luck to keep accidents away ! DO Rely on an Armstrong Expert to KEEP YOUR CAR IN TOP RUNN- ING CONDITION. --- BERT ARMSTRONG I 'Phone 181 Wingham moNosNmosmsxssiomoow BUILDERS! CONTRACTORS! FOR GOOD GRAVEL and Good Measure, Call Art. Ruttan BLUEVALE - ONT.. 'Phone Brussels 44.19 miaminnowsommionm, 011:X0===iit01=0 =0=001:10=101:242 SHOES To PLAY IN to=t0 40zu0==