HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-06-20, Page 3F-
Thursday, June 20th 1040,
40 No badness can area fans
riski which should ,he comsd by hum,
once. Let us Analyse your needs, explain
knew insurance can protect your business
from loss in many ways and armors plaw sod Pilot pellets' to cover all eventualities.
Ire write Pilot Insurance to cover NI' weed risks in Automobile, Fire, Personal
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tor, Thams,Plats Glare, General and Pub.
lie Liability, Fidelity and Surety Bondi,
WE do not aspire to be the biggest trust
company. But, as executors, we do strive
to render the best service available. And,
whether an estate is large or small, the bene-
ficiaries receive the same personal attention
of a senior estate officer assisted by a staff
familiar with every phase of estate manage-
We may be of help to you as we have to an
ever-increasing number during the past
Sterling Tower, Toronto 1
The fun they can have brings
millions of visitors yearly to
Onterio'a rivers and lakes. 4t'sclo
our part to make their visits mere
pleasant than ever
want to return, year after year,
Ontario profits almost as
much from the tourist
business as from the
gold mining industry. It's
up to us to keep this
business growing.
Every tourist dollar is
shared this way . . .
1, Hotels; 2. Stores;
3. Restaurants; 4. Taxes,
etc.; 5. Amusements;
6. Garages.
,ZeWwas4eWomvatererWrasesie tfra4/*
Niw The motoring thrill ofalifetizne I
Not just a new
Celebrates 86th Birthday
Congratulations and Many Happy
Returns are extended to. Mrs, Alex
Hastie, 2nd. line, Turnberry, on Thurs-
day, June 13th.
who celebrated her
86th birthday. )N1rS, liastie is one of
Turnberry's Grand Old Ladies, hav-
ing lived all her life here with the ex-
ception of a few years spent in How-
ick, She is in fairly good health and
able to enjoy life. Mrs. Hastit's
many friends join in extending Best
Wishes for Many Happy Birthdays.
Open House Held for Adopted Soldier
A week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs.
H. V. McKenney, was Sgt. David
Roger, adopted soldier of Wroxeter
Women's Institute. Sgt. Roger is a
patient at Lynhurst Lodge, Toronto,
He spent 31/2 years overseas, and has
been a patient in the Hospital about
2 years. His hostess held open house
on Sunday afternoon from 2 to 4 p.m.,
to give members of the W. 'I. the op-
portunity and pleasure of meeting Sgt.
Roger. Tea was served by the hos-
tess assisted by Mrs. Draper and Mrs.
Shower For Bride Elect
Mrs, 5. H. Wylie and Mrs. Laurie
Vanvelsor were co-hostesses on Friday
evening last at the former's home at a
kitchen shower in honor of Miss Edythe
Martin whose marriage will take
place shortly, About 30 guests were
present, All enjoyed a sing song with
Miss Mamie Gibson at the piano. Miss
Helen Sawtell favored with a piano
solo. The bride upon her arrival was
escorted to a specially decorated chair
and assisted by Helen Sawtell and
Frances Wylie, she opened the lovely
gifts which comprised a kitchen show-
er in a red and white colour scheme.
Edythe expressed her deep apprecia-
tion to her friends for their kindness.
Delicious refreshments were served
by the hostesses.
Mr. Greer Wylie of the 6th of Turn-
berry, has sold his farm to Mr. Oliver
Mrs. K. 0. Hardy of Moorefield,
visited last Wednesday with her sister,
Mrs. J. Douglas. Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Hardy also of Moorefield visited ,Mr.
and Mrs. Les. Douglas. Mr. Hardy
and Mr. Douglas attended the Short-
horn sale at Varna.
25th. Wedding Anniversary
Friends and relatives gathered at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Grif-
fith,. on Saturday afternoon and even-
ing of June 15th., when they celebrated
brated the happy occasion of their
25th wedding anniversary.
Thirty guests were present at the
dinner table at which Richard Grif-
fith called upon John McCutcheon to
propose a toast to the bride and groom
of 25 years ago. A suitable reply was
made by both Mr. and Mrs. Griffith.
Many lovely gifts and flowers were
received from relatives and neighbours,
The family, Mildred of Toronto,
Elizabeth of Wingham and Jack of
Wroxeter were present at this happy
gathering. Other guests were from
Listowel, .Gorrie, Wroxeter, Brussels
and Stayncr.
Young husband: "My dear Molly, I
must say that the pudding :does not
taste very nice."
Young wife: "It must be your imag7
ination, dear, It says in the cookery
book that it tastes excellent,"
Visitors over the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. Chris. Nethery were Mr. and
Mrs. Alex. Nethery of Sarnia and Miss
Ethel Nethery of Toronto.
•Mrs. Wilfred Reid of London spent
Sunday with Mrs. 5. Brandon,
Mr. George Johnston spent the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Charles
Johnston of Port Burwell.
Friends of Miss Edith Cooke will be
sorry to hear she is a patient in hos-
pital at London. We wish her a speedy
Mrs, T. J, Todd was hostess for the
June zmeeting of the Women's Mis-
sionary Society, Mrs. W.'I. Miller pre-
sided and the theme of the service was
The Home Mission Work of the W.11/1,
S. Mrs. Newton read of the work at
Battle River, Alta., and of that in the
Hospital at Hearst, Ont. Mrs. T, J.
Todd read of Miss Hamilton's work
at Lemon Creek, B. C., and Mrs. Gor-
don McPherson took the members on
a tour through the community missions
in Eastern Canada. The following
heralds reported, Mrs, Mel( Webb for
China, Mrs. L, Woods for Trinidad,
Mrs. T. J. Todd for India and. Mrs.
Thant for Korea.
Mrs. Lorne Woods and Donna, at.
tended the annual WebSter picnic at
Goderich on Saturday.
'Mrs. Earl Durnin returned from the
Goderich Hospital on Friday and is
convalescing at the homeofher sister,
Mrs. Gordon MeTayish.
Mrs. John Curran and little daugh-
ter, Nancy Eliazbeth, came home from
the Wingham Hospital on Friday,
New, heavier gauge Rayon cords
make every ply stronger guard
against failures -- increase tire life.
guilt for tough haulage, Dominion
Royal Fleetway increases_ tire
mileage and eats operating costa.
Frank Caskanette
"Free And Friendly Service"
You'Ve never seen anything like it because there's never been any.
thing like itt All you've ever hoped for in any high-test gasoline PLUS
$ unique new smoothness--a uniformity of high knockless performance
in all cylinders that is not excelled by any other gasoline at any price!
Mr. Wm. Mines, Mrs, C. Lawrence,
Mrs, H. V. McKenney accompanied
Rev. J. Caley to Exeter last week
where they attended the Deanery meet-
Mrs. James Wray spent part of last
week at Mr. Underwood's at Gorrie.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. -Edwards spent
Wednesday of last week with friends
at Hensall.
Mrs. Frank Forester, Toronto, and
Mrs. I. ,J. Gamble, Fordwich, visited
on Saturday with D. S. and Mrs. Mac-
\Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor of Gorrie,
spent part of last week with Mr. Thos.
and Miss Beatrice Shearer.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fraser, Pilot
Mound, Man., who are visitors with the
former's sister, Mrs. J. Lovell, are
spending this week with friends at
Paisley. •
Mrs. Millar, (nee Mabel Patterson),
and baby, Nancy, spent last week with
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. MacLean.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B, Allen and/daug-
hters of Brussels, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Allen.
Mr. Arthur Forester of Dublin, was
a week-end guest of his daughter,
Mrs. H. I. Durst and Mr. Durst,
Mr, and Mrs. Dave Draper of Tor-
onto, also Sgt. -David Roger, of Lyn-
hurst Lodge, Convalescent Home,
Toronto, were week-end gtiests of Mr.
and Mrs. H, V.' McKenney.
Mr. Phil Durst has been appointed
Clerk of, Howick Township, succeed-
ing the late Mr. I. J. Gamble, Ford-
wick also tax collector, which posi-
tion was held by Mr. Wilford King of
Gorrie, who resigned.
An enjoyable dance held in the
school, S. S. No. 2, Turnberry, on Fri-
day night sponsored by•the Junior Red
Cross. Local musicians provided good
The District Annual of East Huron
Women's Institute, will be held on
Thursday, June 20th., in Gorrie. Mrs.
H. V. McKenney, Mrs. W. T. Mac-
lean, Mrs. F. Sanderson, Mrs. D. S.
MacNaughton are the delegates but it
is expected many more members will
.Natiopal Clothing Drive
Citizens of Wroxeter and commun-
ity are asked to leave their .donations
of clothing, to the National Clothing
Drive at Mr. R. J, Rann's Store all this
and next week, Clothing for men,
worhen and -children also bedding are
urgently needed. Check over your
clothing and see if you can spare a lit,-
tip more, Your donation .may Wing
comfort and happiness to those people
who endured the suffering of war. SO
many terrible years, This time the
Post Master General has given per-
mission to include in any clothing let-
ters of Good Will and Encouragement
The knowledge that some one in Can-
ada is not only thinking of them but
showing sympathy to them in their .dis«
tress will mean much to the unknown
recipients. overseas. Mrs, H. V, Mc-
Kenney is chairman of the local com-
mittee. Last year over 1000 lbs. of
clothing were sent. Let us this time
do even better.
St. James Guild
St. James Women's Guild met at the
home of Mrs. George Edwards on
Tuesday, June 11th., with the presi-
dent, Mrs. H. V. McKenney presid-
ing. The opening hymn, Take my,
Life and Let it Be, was followed by
the Lord's Prayer. The Best Wishes
of all were extended to the hostess
and her husband, who on that day were
celelirating their 44th wedding anni-
versary, Greetings were read from a
former member, Mrs. Lorne Kaake ,of
Chilliwack, B. C. The National Cloth-
ing Drive was brought to the attention
of the meeting. Everyone is requested
to donate one pound of good used
clothing, to be left at Mr. R. J. Rann's
store. The financial report on the
play recently presented by Belmore
talent on May 31st., was very satisfdc-
tory. Mrs. George Edwards read the
message from the Forward, The
Church, the.body of Christ, "What-
ever it is, that Jesus Christ wants done,
it will be done by the members of His
body, the Church, doing if for Him".
It is for you and me, each according
to his opportunity, to do ow share.
Donations were made to the fall ba-
zaar, and the Travelling Basket, was
as usual very popular. Arrangements
We have a large stock of
Lowe Bros.
House Faints
Harold Finley.
Pleasing Display of
Susiwarthy Papers
were made for as many members as
possible to attend the Induction of,
Rev. 5. Caley in Fordwich, on the ev-
ening of June 14th. Mrs. Charles
Lawrence was nominated as the Guild
delegate to the Deanery meeting in
Exeter on Wednesday, June 12th. A
quilting- was planned for in the church
basement on Tuesday afternoon, June
25th. Members and friends are invit-
ed to assist with the Bazaar quilt.
After the singing of Rock of Ages, Rev.
Caley closed the meeting with prayer,'
especially remembering the sick _and
shut-ins. Tuesday, July 9th., the
Guild will meet at the home of Mrs.
Mrs. John Scott, Ronnie and Harold
of London, were visitors last week
with her mother, Mrs. Joe Gaunt
and other relatives.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Gaunt on Saturday were her sisters,
1Mrs. Wm. Knott and little son, Roddy
of Clarksburg; Miss Margaret Mac-
Charles of Toronto and Miss Jessie
MacCharles of Olivet, also Mrs. John
MacCharles and Ronald of Olivet,
Mrs. Thos. MacDonald of Lochalsh,
and Mrs. Orland Richards and child-
ren of Paramount, and Mrs. Alex And-
rew and children of Lucknow.
Mrs. McKenzie Webb visited last
week with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnston
at Bluevale.
to insure rail Delivery.
'Phone 255 , Wingham
George Griffith's, 0.$0 daylight
Saving Time.
Former Resident Passes.
' Mrs, J, Lovell received a message
on Thursday, telling the sad news of
the sudden death of her brother,
Douglas Fraser; of Elrose, Saskat-,
cliewan, Funreal services were held,
on Saturday at Pilot Mound, Man.,
And Interment was made in the family
plot there, Deepest sympathy . is .ex.
tended to Mrs, Lovell in her sad loss,.
Dr/4a 9bied 4/4514 A BIG PLUS
's all wo asks that dilute
for best results, don't
Sunoco Dynatuel with other
gasoline. Wait until your tank
isnot*/ impty--then, tiU up.
C,ortipme its action against the
best gasoline you previously
watt Then lodge for /outset