HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-06-20, Page 2Milk Board Gives
on Violations
1pirIngbam Advance-Time; - Poliabad-at
wrooltam ONTAR/0
SUbSCription Ratemone year $2,00
Sig Months $1,00 in advance
To U. S. A. $2.00 per year
Foreign Rate, $3.00 per year
Advertising rates on application.
Authorized as Second Class
Mail, Post Office Department
Mery Byrnes
Fri., June 21st
The Wingham Arena has beent fortunate in obtain-
ing this Band which is now on tour.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook, Mrs. D.
Blair visited recently with Mrs. B.
Tunney of Clinton.
Miss Minnie Snell, Mrs, j, L. Mc-
Dowell, Mr, Elwin Taylor, Mr. Eddie
Taylor, Miss Norma Taylor attended
the funeral last Tuesday of their aunt,
Mrs. Geo. Brown of (Mount Forest.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walsh and child-
ren, Mrs. Phoebe Taylor, Mrs, S. Tay-
lor of Blytlt, Misses Audrey and Eil-
een Walsh of Hensall, visited on Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Walsh.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell
and children, Mr. Wm. ,a1.6Dowell
were London visitors on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. E, W. Brown, St.
Thomas, were guests on Sunday at the
home of Mr. and. Mrs, W. F. Campbell.
A number from this vicinity attend-
ed the Nethery-Irwin wedding at the
Brick Church on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Campbell vis-
ited on Sunday at the home of Mrs. J.
Fitzgerald of Dangannon.
Mr, and Mrs. Norman McDowell
and children visited on Sunday with
Mrs. Osbaldeston of Goderich,
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mackintosh
of Kitchener, visited the week-end with
Mr, and Mrs. Marvin McDowell.
Mr. and Mrs. Alva McDowell, Mr.
Wm, McDowell visited on Sunday
with Mrs. Josie Cameron of Luck-
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wightman spent
a couple of days the last of the week
at Kitchener.
"You don't mean to say you are not
raising any chickens or little pigs this
year?" demanded the postmaster,
"Can't do it," replied the suburban
farmer, "I leased all my la-rta build-
ing to city people."
Mervien-prefeeresdi by issony,
THE WINGRAIvi A VANC r'fi .14ES .Thursdayp. .14110 20th, 19.40
(Continued from page .one)
Class 1, 'Unison Chorus (enrolment
15 or fewer), "Praise Ye the Lord"-,
1st, S. S. No, 11, East Wawanosh, 85
marks; teacher, Clara McGowan; 2nd.,
S, No, 8, East Wawanosh, 84, teach-
er, Miss D, Wade; 3rd,, U. S. S. No,
7, East Wawanosh, 83, teacher, Miss
Jefferson; 4th., S. S. No. 1, Morris, 82,
teacher Miss Edith Lockhart.
Class 2. union chorus (enrolment
over 15), "Easter Morning"-lst, U.
S. S. No, 17, East Wawanosh and Mor-
ris (Belgrave), 86, teaater, Miss Mc-
Donald; 2nd., S. S. No. 3, Morris, 85,
teacher, Mr. Ziegler; 3rd., S, S. No. 7,
Morris, 84, teacher, Mr. Collier; 4th.,
U. S. S. No. 3, East Wawanosh and
Morris, 83, teacher, Miss Amy Toll;
5th., U. S. S. No. 6, East Wawanosh,
82; teacher, Miss Jamieson; 6th, S. S.
No. 11, Morris (Walton) 81, teaCher,
Mr, Lawless; 7th., S. S. No. 5, Morris,
80, teacher, Mr. McNichol; 8th. U. S.
S. No. 16, East Wawnosh, 79, teacher,
Mrs. A. Toll,
Class 3, Duet (open to any grade),
"Cradle Song", (Brahms)-1st. Elean-
or Wightman and Barbara Irwin, No.
11, East Wawanosh, 87 points; 2nd..
Donna Anderson and Mildred Cook,
No. 17, East Wawanosh, 86; 3rd. Shir-
ley Bradburn and Lloyd McDowell,
No. 13 East Wawanosh, 85; 4th, Ken
Dunbar and George Marlatt, No. 17,
East Wawanosh, 84; 5th, Muriel
Cook and Doris Marlatt, No. 17, East
Wawanosh, 83; 6th., Annie Hull and
Marian. Hull, No. .3, Morris, 82.
Canada's Finest Siiverpiate
At lent word in 160 iihso
plot. will be the lint choict of
;many disarm mating
Woolen - foe Ws "gtienotly
Vostmv. No few pattern hos
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golly Yours" is o broublof,
tiuolity.full creation of inn
silversmithing. "Donlon?
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characteristics -.possessed by
no other silverploht potions,
so mak e it truly Conm3c4 Fire
.stn Silvan:4o% Choose it foe
HEAD LETTUCE AU merchandise sold at your Dornhtion
Store is unconditionally guaranteed to
give 190% satisfaedon.
Fruit and
Vegetables Salted Peanuts... 16 oz. 33c
All values effective until closing time,
Diced 20 oz. tin
Beets or Carrots,. 2 for 17c
Large siva,
Clark's to oz tin
TOMATO SOUP, 2 for 15o
Local Grovata
Spread, 17c
Class 4, Boy's Solo (Grades 1, 2, 3),
"The Little Fiddle"-1st. Kenneth
McKenzie, No. 17, East Wawanosh,
85 points ;2nd., George Procter, No.
7, Morris, 84; 3rd, Ian Griffiths, U.
No. 12, ;Morris and Hullett, 83; 4th.,
Carl Cummings, U. No. 3, East Wawa-
nosh and Morris, 83; 5th., Stuart
Smith, No. 3, Morris, 81; 6th., Russel
Fear, U. No. 3, East Wawanosh and
Morris, 80),
Class 5, Girl's Solo (Grades 1, 2, 8),
"Ring-A-Ring 0' Fairies"-Ist, Edith
Daer, U. No. 11, East Wawanosh and
gullet, 89; end, Claire Taylor, U, No.
1.2, Morris and Hallett, 88; 3rd, Louise
Jefferson, No, 7, East Wawanosh, 87;
4th., Helen Haines, No. 7, Morris, 26;
5th,, Lois Walker, No, 7, Morris, 85;
8th., Gwen Walsh, U. No. 17, East
Wawanosh and Morris, 84.
Class 6, Boy's Solo, (Grades 4, 5),
"The Little Elf".--Ist, Mac Taylor, U.
No: 12, Morris and Hullett, 83; god.,
Harry Bridges, U. No. 17, East Wa-
wanosh and Morris, $2; 3rd. George
Hislip, No. 3, Morris, $1; 4th., Mac
Sholdice, No. 11, Morris, 80; 5th Don-
nie lr Craig,i‘forri L: 8 , 0 No.;6
4 Bobbie
, Ea st Wpalvear, nous
No, 11„East Wawanosh and Hallett,
79. Class 7, Solo, (Grade 4, 5), "Some-
where"-lst, Donna Anderson, U, No.
17, East Wawanosh and Morris, $8;
2nd., Marlene McKenzie, U, No. 17,
East Wawanosh and Morris, $7; 3rd.
Marjorie Currie, No. 9, East Wawa-
nosh, 86; 4th„ ElVa Gross, U. No. 11,
East Wawanosh and Hullett, 85; 6th.,
Shirley Bradburn, No,13, East Wawa-
nosh, 84; 6th., Mary Smith, No. 3,
Morris, -83.
Class 8, Boy's Solo, (Grades e, 7, 8,
"Billy Boy"-1st. Bodie Craig, U. No.
3, East Wawanosh and Morris, 87;
2nd„ George Marlatt, U. No. 17, East
Wawanosh and Morris, 86; 3rd., Jim
Anderson, No. 5, Morris, 85; 4th.,
Donald A. McKenzie, U. No. 3, East-
East Wawanosh and Morris, $4; 5th.,
Lloyd McDowell, No, 13, East Wawa-
nosh, 83; 6th., Norman Wightman, No,
6, East Wawanosh, 82.
Class 9-Girl's Solo, (Grades 6, 7,
8), "Watchman What of the Night"-
15t, Barbara Irwin, No, 11 East Wa-
wanosh, 88; 2nd., Eleanor Wightman,
No. 11, East Wawanosh, 87; 3rd, Dor-
is "Marlatt, U. No, 17, East Wawa-
nosh, 86; 4th., Kathleen Mason, U. No.
3, East Wawanosh and Morris, 85;
5th., Shirley Falconer, U. No. 11, East
Wawanosh and Hallett, 84;,6th, Mur-
iel Cook, U. No. 17, East Wawanosh
and Morris, 83.
Presentations Made
The Witigham, Lions Club Trophy
won -by the Belgrave School, was pre-
sented by Mr. McKibbon, President
of the Wingham Lions Club, and re-
ceived on behalf of the School by little
Donna. Anderson.
Mr. Lyle Hopper, President of the
Belgrave Co-Operative Association,
presented the Trophy to S. S. No. 11,
East Wawanosh, Barbara Irwin, ac-
cepting it on behalf of the school.
At the close of the Festival, Mrs.
Cyrus Scott who has resigned after
serving as Secretary of the Belgrave
School Fair for fifteen years, waspre-
sented with a woollen throw by Mary
Scott, and Mr. Stewart Procter read
the following address:
Dear Mrs. Sott-
You have ended a term of faithful
service to the Belgrave School Fair.
For fifteen years you have been its
valued secretary. During this period
you have given of your tune gener-
ously and have performed your duties
happily and -efficiently. We feel we
could not-let such service go unrecog-
nized. Thus we ask you to- accept this
Woollen Throw hoping its warmth
will remind you of our warm and sin- -
cere appreciation of all those years of
untiring service to our School Fair.
Signed on behalf of the Belgrave
School Fair.
R. H. Coultes, Pres.
Stewart Procter, Sec,
Mrs. Wilfred Pickell, who was
Music Supervisor for a number of
ltools and has resigned was presented
with a Wedgewood Vase by Evelyn
Cook. Mr. Stewart Procter read the
Dear Mrs. Pickell-
It was with mixed feelings that we
heard of your departure from our mid-
st. We rejoice with you on the safe
arrival home of your husband from the
war zone which makes it possible for
you to establish your home, but we
very deeply regret losing you as our
Music Supervisor.
You, being one of the first super-
visors, have helped develop the music
in our schools to the present high stan-
dard. We know this growth will con-
tinue but we shall always remember
ou as having helped lay the founda-
You have gained an enviable posi-
tion in the children's affections and we
feel we are losing a good friend.
We couldn't ILA you go without ex-
, pressing to you our sincere appreci.
ation of your very fine work. There-
fore we ask you to accept this small
gift to remind you in days to come
, that our best wishes are always fol.
lowing you,
Signed on behalf of Belgrave School
12 H, Coultes, Pres.
Stewart Procter, Sec,
Mr. Petttvick's Ptaence 'Appreciated
Mr. Kinkead introduced Mt. Pen
wick to the audience, and later ex-
pressed the appreciation of all, to him,
the inspiration and encourage pent
to all taking part in the ;lies.
was a great honour to have'
Provincial Supervisor of Music
ent as Adjudicator, and he was
loomed, particularly by those who
1 benefitted by his constructive crit-
icisni of last year, which was his first,
visit to Belt ra.ve School Bair Mtisic
Festival. Ties popularity among the
children, who thoroughly enjoy his
riticistet, -given so lintootonsly and en.
oaraginly, was -quite evident, Mr,
fienitit was, Ma.ster of Cet'entrinit$ on
the- SthoO1 ntttliO broadcasts every
Tu.esday night, during the *into tetnt,
A survey of conditions in the Wingham milk
market has just been concluded. Local fluid dis-
tributors have been warned by the Milk Control
Board of Ontario that a serious view will be taken
of any violations of the Order which requires house-
holders to leave out an empty milk bottle and cash
or tickets for each bottle of milk required.
A spokesman for the local milk distributors
said that the majority of the householders are co-
operating splendidly with the dairy industry, but in
some cases there are evasions of Board Order No.
42-60, recently reaffirmed by Order No, 464.
The Orders stipulate that a deposit of 5c
shall be collected by every person selling milk or
milk products in the Province of Ontario, for each
milk bottle delivered to any person when another
milk bottle is not received in exchange. The Order
also provides that milk or milk pralucts shall be
sold only in exchange for cash or prepaid milk tic- •
kets, and that each route salesman must make a
daily cash settlement for the milk and milk bottles
distributed by him.
The local milk distributors feel confident
they will have the full co-operation of the citizens of
Wingham in carrying out these regulations.
OR 0 ida Se
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Shur-Gain Chick Starter
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