HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-06-13, Page 8The Pastor wilt, occupy the pulpit, 1.11.111,. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday June 17, 18, 19 (DOUBLE BILL) CHAS. COBURN JOAN BENNETT - In - "Col. Effingham's Raid" A righteous eccentric turns his fire on the mechinations of local polititions. JOHN CARROLL MARSHA HUNT In "A Letter For Evie" A lot of fun in the slapstick manner. 411111111111M11/ ST. HELENS SUNDAY, JUNE 16th IS FATHER'S DAY Remember him this year with A "BACHELOR" SET- in smart maroon and grey box ........ ...$1.00-$4.00 "SEAFORTH FOR MEN-in crockery containers from Scotland, single pieces $1.50 sets ... $3.00-$4.50 "GAYLORD" FOR MEN-is new and attractive. Each piece, lotion, talc and bowl styled to match-singles $1.50, sets $3.00-$4.50 "GUARDSMAN" FOR MEN-Each piece a minia- ture guard in red and black. Singles $1.50 Sets $3.00-$4.50 SMOKERS' SUPPLIES and SUNDRIES Always acceptable and pleasing. BILLFOLDS in many styles and at various prices. The FATHER'S DAY CARDS appeal to a man's taste and the stock is stqcomplete. BE SURE TO SEE THEM AT 0 Mcitibbons FOCUSED ON FOR YOUR BUILDING CARPENTERING Repair Work Built-In CUPBOARDS SEE - Bennett & Casemore 'Phone 447w Wingham RECORD PLAYERS We now have in stock a selection of players from $1500' 25 and 60 cycle They will increase the enjoy- ment you get from your radio set by enabling you to play at any time, your own selection of re- corded music. • P it* 1.1011 RADIO ;SERVICE Telephone 171j Wingham Serving You Since 1935 First Class Watch Repairs For The Present Watches Only George Williams JOHN ST. Next to Masonic Hall SEE MR. S. LINDER, of Kitchener, well-known FOOT SPECIALIST and MANUFACTURER of FEATHERWEIGHT ARCH SUPPORTS who will be at my store to give relief to those suffering from Foot Ailments, for Two Full Days) MONDAY and. TUESDAY, JUNE 17th and 18th a 0=0==n =0=0===F10=01p===0=0 Relieve that Tired Feeling by CORRECTING those FOOT TROUBLES II O 11 In. Drugs If It's Rexall .--- It's Right 'NATIONAL CLOTHING DRIVE June 17 to 29 Rhys Pollock "SHOES FOR ALL ME FAMILY" '1 0 a "AT HANDKERCHIEFS-Fine Arrow Lawn 25c Colored bordered .25c ▪ SWIM TRUNKS - Woollen - Satin finished or cotton twill $2.50 and $2.98 Summer Slacks for Sport or Dress Tweeds, Cords, Twills or Flannel . . $5.25 to $11.95 FE BRACES - in clear Plastic or all Elastic Webb $1..00 and $1.50 BELTS-Plastic, clear or colored, and Leather, in narrow or wide $1.00 and $1.50 • stActi KING DEPT. STORE "THE FRIENDLY STORE" MmM Mm. W M. mmM mm. M.1041 •IMMM• MMus. trammmallaulluommaaamaamaiaminamaammallanaamaaamanumaamonaamallauanalluaamon Thursday, June 13th, 1946. THE. WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE 'EIGHT 4,, REMEMBER • • MM. MM. MM. MM. MM. M.M 21.11811 MEOW OWNED 0111111M LY Er-r9-7167-T R E A humorous comedy of a family attempting to adjust itself to a returned serviceman. "SNAFU" BAPTIST CHURCH Rev, J. N. H. Norton, Pastor Sunday, June 16, 1946 N11111111111111110111111111111)111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101011111111N M • FATHER'S FATWEIVS DAY BLUEVALE The community Hall was the scene of a happy event on Monday evening, when a large number of friends gath- ered to honor William Blackmore and his bride, the former Miss Lois Elliott. A complimentary address was read by 'A. D.Smith and Mrs. Carl Johnston made the presentation of a purse of money. Mr. Blackmore made a suit- able reply. The evening was spent in dancing to music supplied by Messrs. Lloyd Warwick and Wm. Dietman, Mrs. Dietman and Mrs. Carl Johnston. Mr, and Mrs. Blackmore leave this INRIIIIIIIIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIMI Ai ii • iii • e • in im e a • • at e is is im • • • • e al m at III, 1 111/ ai a • a a in U mi a • im ii e • a U a at a a e is mi m is m a la mi ra tom ri mi Ai a U a a in • • Campbell's Garage' week for their home in Toronto. Louis B. Duff of Welland, was guest speaker at the dinner tendered Bruce County Council by Kincardine Cham- ber of Commerce • this Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Duff spent a couple of lays at his home here. BELGRAVE The Ladies' Guild of the Anglican Church met at the home of Mrs. H. Perdue, on Thursday, June 6th. The meeting was opened by singing a hymn and with prayer by Rev. John Hen- derson. Mrs, R. Higgins was in charge of the programme. Mrs. Henderson read the scripture lesson and Mrs. Win. Brydges gave a paper on "An Every Day Creed." A reading entit- led "If" was given by Audrey Brad- burn, The roll call, My Favorite Hobby. The president, .Mrs. Wade, took charge of the Meeting for a short business discussion, An atictionsale of miscellaneous articles followed and' was quite a success. The meeting was closed with a hymn and prayer, Lunch was served by the hostess. l3ricld won front Bodtnin at Brick on Tuesday night, Stoneschool defeated Marnoch 19-17 at Marnoch. On Fri- day night at Beigrave the Stoneschool defeated' Belgtave 4-1 in an •exciting game. W L P Stoneschool ..... ............ .. .. 6 0 12 3 4 6 Belgrave 3 3 6 Brick 3 3 6 Marnoeh 0 5 0 139dmin Miss Lois Kelly, London, with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Kelly. Miss Dorothy Wade spent the week- end with friends, in London. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Montgomery and children of London, with Mrs, Wm, Cole. United Church W.M.S. and W.A., The two United Church Women's Societies met in the basement of the church on Wednesday afternoon at Utl o'clock With a good attendance, Mrs. Charriney conducted the Worship service, Leaders hi the Imaginary trip through the Home Mission Fields wore Virg, Earl Anderson, Mrs, Jas. Michie, Mrs. li,obt. Nicholson and Mrs,. H. Procter, A quilting was planned for next Thrusday and bale was packed at the home of the Itipply Secretary, Sunday, June 16 I me- Make Dad a Star for a Day! Songs are written about gother and artists paint her, but who glamorizes, DAD? We touch him for a loan, take his paper and kid him a lot, but he has a special place in our heart-and for one day, make him the star. Suggestions to Please Dad SPORT JACKET, in tweed, plain or check, $16.50 to $22.50 Twill All-Weather SPORT JACKET, fawn, $9.95 Corduroy Belted Model SHORT COAT, wine or brown $9.95 Neckwear RICH FABRICS and SPARKLING DESIGNS $1.00 - $1.50 - $2.00 Women's Institute Historical Research, Home, Mrs. Norman Walsh; Convener, Mrs. Nor- man' Walsh; Roll Call, Name an old settler in either East Wawanosh Morris, who held an office and what the office was; Music, Mrs. James Michie; Address, Mrs. Oster, .Blyth. Lunch Committe„ Mrs. H. Procter, Mrs. J. M. Coultes, Mrs. G. Higgins. FREE DELIVERY AT Smith's Economy Food Store Magic Fresh Ground Baking Powder, 1 lb. tin ......27c REX COFFEE. lb. .......49c Pat-A-Pan Smith's Four O'Clock Pastry Flour, 24 lb. bag 79c BLACK TEA, V2. lb. • 40c Mild CANADIAN COLOURED CHEESE, lb. 35c MAPLE LEAF RELISH CHEESE, 1/2 lb. 21c OLD CANADIAN WHITE CHEESE, lb. . . .39c ..-- RIVERBANK 2, BARTLETT 4C PEARS 20 oz.. tin 2 tins to each coupon Heavy ZINC JAR RINGS, doz. .29c Heavy Grade /Zed Rubber'Rings,. 4 doz. 25c CHAMP-THE MAGICAL CLEANER, pkg. 10c WOODBURY'S FACIAL SOAP, 3 cakes .23c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 2 tins 21c FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Size 288 ORANGES, doz, ,,....43c I 96's GRAPEFRUIT -.4 for 29c IMPORTED FIRM RIPE TOMATOES, 2 lbs. 39c RAD/SIIES, LETTUCE, CABBAGE, LEMONS, CELERY ONIONS CUCUMBERS RATION COUPONS VALID THURSDAY, JUNE 13th, BUTTER Not. RI to R11SUGAIZ-,,Nos., SI to 814 MEAT-..Nosh, 29 to See Reid and. See Right Make Appointments WITH- DAVID CROMPTON Jeweller - Phone 59 For Eye Examination R. A. Reid; R. O. Eye Specialist /11111.1116. 4111111103E 11111111111181111111111111111111111111111111110111151111111111111113111. a • ill WE HAVE A ri Complete New Stock of i Hand-painted I i i CHINAWARE also LEAF LETTUCE i a • for sale. i i E. S. "JEWS fi GreenhouSe 'Phone 101 U 111111111E111111111111111111111112111111111111111111111111111111i The June meeting of the Women's Institute was held in the community Hall on Thursday evening with the men as guests for the program. Mrs. Archie Aitcheson the president, was in the chair. It was decided to discontin- ue the quiltings until September. Mrs. Elwood Barbour was appointed as del- egate to the District Annual meeting to beheld in Auburn on June 21st. She, Mrs. A, Aitcheson, the president and Mrs. E. W. Rice, the District Repre- sentative, will represent the St. Helens branch. Mrs.Gordon McPherson gave a reading, "Down on our Party Line". Mrs. Rice sang a solo and Mrs. Mc- Kenzie Webb gave a reading, "Mod- ern Men." Rev. M. G. Newton gave a very interesting lantern lecture showing many pictures of beauty spots in Canada, at the conclusion lunch was served with Mrs. Gordon McPherson, Mrs. McKenzie Webb and Mrs. W, A. Miller as hostesses. The ladies of the St. Helen's school section were guests at the Junior Red Cross meeting held in the school on Friday afternoon. Lois Webb, the pre- sident, presided over the interesting program of choruses, solos, recitations and dialogues. Lunch was served by the pupils after which work was done by the children under the supervision of the teachers, Mr. James Coulter and Miss Beatrice McQuillin was shown. Mrs. Harold Gaunt was the winner of a magazine rack made by the boys. Mr. Alex Purvis and his wife who has recently arrived from overseas, were guests of honour at a gathering of friends and neighbours in the Com- munity Hall, on Friday evening.. After lunch, Mr. Wilfrid McQuillin read an address and Mr. J, D. Anderson made the presentation of a purse of money, Mr. Purvis made a suitable reply after which all joined in singing For they are jolly good fellows. Music for the dancing was provided by 'Miss Os- borne and Mr, Austin Martin, Mrs.- W. E. Gordon, Mr. and Mrs: W. I. Miller, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Miller, Mrs. T, J. Salkeld, Mrs. Jimmy Boyle, Miss Helen Salkeld, Mr. Law- rence Salkeld, Mr. and -Mrs. W. A. Miller, Mrs. T. J. Todd, and Ann, Mrs. T. J. ilson and Terry, attended the annual Salkeld re-union lield at the Lion's Park, Seaforth, on Saturday. Miss the Newton of Wheatley, spent the holiday week-end with her parents, Rev. and Mrs, M. 1 G. Newton. Services in the United Church next e e • si a e e a • TIRE RELINERS ALL OAR SIZES, 1.65 MOST TRUCK SIZES 2.55 al a m iv GARDEN HOSE is is • e in la . . Supreme quality cord garden hose, 50' complete with ass mann Standard garden hose, 50' s5a 3.15R0 couplings :al mi mu • e Iv im a • a ii mi • • • • m • imi • in • im a mi • ila si ra a • LAWN SPRINKLERS and NOZZLES SPRINICLER--Sturds, all meg* sive, but .very practical .89 deenvtlletrustproofed. III-speed ro. tating distributor. An inexpen. DE mks SPRINKLER-Here's the finest sprinkler that money can buj And one that will last for years. Built entirely of rust. prod die-cast metal, fully ad- justable as to range and coverl age and type of spray 3.8g nom NOZZLES-Die-cast .44 Solid brass HOSE MENDER BUSHINGS. .6 WASHERS • for host couplers. nozzles, Me., each Z is im • is • wi • U • , im e si Canadian Tire Corporation Associate Store WINGHAM - ONT'. N IIIIIIU11101111111111111111111111111111NR IMMOMM MOM MIMEO OMM.O. INIMOMS .111110 MM. MM. MM. MM. dIMEMIMI 111▪ 11.• Immo, •••••• MEM. .1/NaMM IMMOMM NOM. Mrs. J. A. Geddes, visits to sick and shut-ins were reported and offering taken. Mrs. Robt. Coulter, president of the W.A. presided and reads Scripture les- son and the Lord's Prayer was repeat- el in unison. Several items of unfinish- ed business were dealt with and clear- ed away and th meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. 'PHONE 161 Square Deal 20 oz. tin Ungraded PEAS, 2 27c Robin Hood Quick Cooking OATS, 5 lb. bag . -29c Aylmer Choice DICED BEETS or CARROTS 2 tins for 25c Show starts evenings at 8 p,m., Saturday, 7.45 p.m. Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday June 13, 14, 15 ROBT. BENCHLEY NANETTE PARKS - In - Sunday will commence at 11.15 Stand- ard Time as usual. Mr. and Mrs, Hector McGregor and daughter,Margaret, Mr,. and Mrs. Phil- lip Wright and daughter, Phyllis, of Texas, Mr, and Mrs, Prod McGregor of Kintail, Mrs. Murdoch McGregor and Miss Katharine McGregor of Lucknow, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. George Stuart on Saturday, BLYTH . Kilpatrick-At ClintOn Hospital, on Saturday, Jne 8th., to Dr, and Mrs, Kilpatrick, a son, Taman-At Clinton Hospital, on Sat- urday, June 8th,, to Mr, and Mrs. Wes- ley Tainan, a daughter. Hamilton-At Clinton Hospital, on .Saturday, June 8th., to Mr. and Mrs, Norman Hamilton, a son. The Young People of Walton, put on their play, The Life of Riley in the Memorial Hall on Monday, to a good crowd.