HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-06-13, Page 7Belgrave- Co-Op. Association DO UP TO 221. MORE WORK IN THE SAME TIME MTH THE SAME FUEL 0.P.EN CENTIlt TREAD SLIPS LESS SAVES ONE DAY'S WORK IN SIX goODPIril ))!I,L ER MURRAY JOHNSON make presentation on behalf of the members. Miss Hazelwood presented a report on the recent executive meet- ing held at Fordwich. Arrangements were made for District of Transporta- tion. The' President, Secretary, Mrs. Sanderson and Mrs. McNaughton, were named delegates to attend, Mrs. G. Howes dealt with current events, with items of interest from Parliament highlights from Federated Women's Institute and clOsing with a tribute to June brides from the writings of Edgar Guest. Mrs. Durst favoured with a comic reading, "The In'ventor's wife" Miss Johann of Belmore supervisor of Music for this district was guest speak- er and gave an outline of her work as music teacher, which was both inter- esting and instructive, Mrs. H. V. MCKenney asked for the support of W. I. members in the National Cloth- ing Drive for which articles may be left at Mr. R. J. Rann's Store. Several visitors signed the Memorial Guest Book. Assisting the hostess at the tea hour were Mrs. Lovell, Mrs. Sander- son and Mrs. Harland. W. P. T. B. NEWS AND ANSWERS Business and Professional Directory WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company ' Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head Office - Toronto H. C. MacLean, Insurance Agency Wingham Yi. A. CRAWFORD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 150 Wingham A. H. MeTAVISH Teeswater, Ontario Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office: Gofton House, Wroxeter every Thursday afternoon 1.30 to • 4.30 and by appointment. Phone - Teeswater 120J J. W. BUSIIFIELD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office - Meyer Block. Wingham HARRY FRITHE Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Furniture and Funeral Service Ambulance Service Phones: Day 109W. Night 109J. FREDERICK A. PARKER OSTEOPATH Offices: Centre St., Wingham Osteopathic and Electric Treat- ments, Foot Technique. Phone 272. Wingham. 'an DIXON'S VITAMIN B-1 literally performs miracles with garden .88d plants. Rich. colour- ul • bloorna, sirettgersosi88..,., ct§Selute necessity far trans.-planfing: Used with success by gardeners everywhere. Ws, SOc size and $1.00 Economy size. McKibbon's Drug Store DACE szvgpt The feature "It's Alloyed" is the secret of B-A Peerless Motor Oil time-tested superi- . ority. It's the process that transforms a top-quality oil into the finest lubricant obtainable. B-A Peerless Motor Oil is first refined far beyond ordinary standards. Then, • "It's Alloyed"-an exclusive B.A. process that ,3 gives this great oil its ability to stand up better in service-to withstand conditions that would cause ordinary oils to quicicly break down into sludge and varnish. It will pay you to insist on B-A Peerless Motor Oil because it makes any car or truck last longer - run smoother. Change to B-A Peerless - the tough oil. It is a change for the better. B-A Peerless Motor Oil is matched only by the friendly, courteous service of your B-A dealer. •rpr 4.9 • YOU'LL FIND THE BEST OIL AND THE BEST SERVICE AT THE SIGN OF THE BIG B-A 4001.0.••4040•••••• BSA By WALLY BISHOP GTING AWFULLY TIRED OF RUNNING THIS WOMEN 'SD DOING WORK. MI,01GG'S A1\1.13 1-1(Er.:11!,R* WELL; WE'RE NOT GIVING UP UNTIL GRANDPA DOES!LSO STOP t3CEPIN' AND STHE EE W DHO' OO S R? AT 160.4 u. s. 1..;1 ern: TGEORGE! COME EACK DOWN . HERE! at 22. 44 as a4 t3 1.5 3Q 2:4 3 33 34 3 s 34 41 4s 47 4Z /.4 Thursday, June 13th, 1946 graw• 40-+40 THE 7+NGRAVI ADVANCn-TIMS 31.014841mmininnisweawswes pussiiiemiewilasowamemireassmwessumaralsesswewswomesie No matter how good your pigs may be their whole future depends largely on the start YOU give them. The safe, sure way to prepare your pigs for future market is to start them on scientifically balanced' CO-OP MIX PIG STARTER, containing animal and vegetable protein, essential minerals and vitamins. "GUILT UP TO QUALITY NOT DOWN TO' PRICE" Coupons now valid are sugar-Preser- ves S1 to S14, butter RI 'to 121.1, meat M29 to M41, Butter R1 to R9 and meat M29 to M39 expire June 30. QUESTIONS and ANSWERS Q:-In a small village where there arc no price regulations for one's per- sonal service such as barbering and will soon be well again, Mrs. Ira Maclean is a patient at Memorial Hospital, Listowel, for the past week. Her many friends wish for her a speedy and complete recovery, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Gibson, Ford- wich, Mr. and Mrs, A. R, Wells, Tor- onto, Mr. and Mrs. G., A. Wearring, Wroxeter, were Sunday guests 4.:d Mr. Thos. and Miss Beatrice,Shearer, •20d, line, • Turnberry.. Mr, and Mrs, Peter Fraser and Mrs, Wm, Muir, are spending a short holi- day with friends at Paisley, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Grieg and family moved last week to. their newly Purchased farm home near Bluevale, Wroxeter friends wish - them good health .and happiness in their new community. Mr, and. Mrs. Harold Hamilton moved on Monday to the Hoffman res- idence having disposed of their home to Mr. Vern Clarke of Gorrie. • Mr, and Mrs. Art. Robinson who are . holidaying in town from Saskatoon, are spending a few days in Learning- ton, with Miss Beatrice Howe, The Jr, Red Cross are sponsoring a dance in the School, Turnberry, 'S. S, No. 2, on Friday the 14th of June. Two dance have recently been held in •aid of Cancer Fund. Women's Missionary Society The June meeting of the Women's Missionary Society United Church will be held on Friday of this week, June 14th.,, at -3 p.m., in the church school- room. The theme of the meeting is,. "Cheer". Mrs. J. Douglas and Miss Mary Howe will have charge of the Devotional period and the Topic, "Life of a Frontier Missionary will be taken by Mrs. Douglas. Roll Call to be ans- wered by a verse containing the word Garden. H. V. McKenney Elected President At the rime meeting of the Howick Lions Club, held on Thursday last, Mr. H. V. McKenney was honoured by the members, when he was elected Presi- dent for the coming year. Mac has taken an active part in all the activities of the Howick Lions since its organi- zation and is well qualified to carry on the work as president: His many friends extend congratulations and best wishes. Wornen's Institute The June meeting of Wroxeter Branch, Women's Institute, was held on Thursday afternoon, June 6th., at' the home of Mrs. Wm, Hart, with a good attendance, The president, Mrs. H, V. McKenney, presided and opened with the singing of the Ode and re- peating the Lord's Prayer. The Sec- retary, Mrs. W. T. Maclean presented the minutes. Several notes of apprec- iation were read from the sick and shut-ins who had been remembered by the Good Cheer committee. Plans were' made to present the adopted soldier at Christie Street "David Roger" with a life.time fountain pen. Mrs. Sellers was named to make the, purchase and BLUEVALE United Church W.A. and W.M.S. The two women's societies of the United Church met this week at the home of Mrs. George Hetherington, when over twenty ladies Were in at- tendance. The Association meeting was presided over by the Vice-Presi- dent, Mrs. Earl Hamilton. The cor- respondence contained some "Thank You" letters to the Society. The Scrip- ture passage was read by Mrs. Arthur Shaw and Mrs. Darling gave a pleas- ing reading on "Counting Birthdays in friends not in years" and Grandma's recipe for socialibility." It was arrang- ed to have the Sunday School classes provide flowers for the pulpit during the summer months, Plans were discussed for cleaning and decorating the parsonage before arrival of the new minister in July. It was proposed to hold the bazaar in August, Mrs. J. Wickstead and Miss Duff were named a committee to inter- view the trustees of the church with rgard, to alterations in. the basement pantry. Mrs. Hetherington presided over the program for the W.M.S. meeting. Fol- lowing a letter of thanks from the president, Mrs. McCrackin and Mrs. E. Johnston exprdssed the hope that she would be sufficiently recovered to resume her duties as president. The Worship Srvice was opened by the Organist playing "0 Canada" softly on the piano, Mrs. James Johnston and Mrs. W. J. Peacock were leaders in an imaginary trip through the Home-Mis- sion Fields including' St, Paul's' Ms- 041, Hearst. Dr, Sheridan's report from Battle River Hospital, Alberta; Post War Friendship; an Indian's Appeal translated; Children's Home, Lachine, Quebec and a letter was read from Lemon Creek, B. C. Readers as- sisting were Mrs. Edward Johnston, Mrs. George Thornton and Miss Emma Johnston, Prayer was offered by Mrs. Thornton and Mrs. Johnston closed the meeting. Knox Church W. M. E. The W. M, S. of Knox Presbyterian Church met in the Sunday School room this week, with the president, Mrs. Raymond Elliott presiding. Psalm 27. was read by Mrs. Walter Smillie and the president led in a spec- ial prayer for Africa. Reports of the annual. W.M.S. Presbyterial meeting held recently at Whitechurch were presented by Mrs. L. C. Jorgensen and Mrs. R. F. 'Garniss. A missionary quilt is being quilted this week, Mrs. Lillow react the "Glad Tidings" pray- er and Mrs; W. Mundell had charge of the Study Chapter, "Christian Pro- gress in Africa" showing that in this matter the men taught the boys and the girls were taught by their mothers. The President, Mrs. Burns ,Moffatt presided for the second quarterly meeting of the Ladies Ail Society and opened the meeting with prayer. The treasurer gave an encouraging report of the funds raised by the two groups during the quarter. Discussions on some improvements at the manse fol- lowed. All repeated the Lord's Prayer in closing. Rev. L. C. Jorgensen based his ser- mon on the parable of 'the "Ten Vir- gins" at the morning service in Knox Presbyterian Church on Sunday morn- ing. Next Sunday Mr. Jorgensen will b e gue',.st speaker' at Anniversary see, vices at LangsL'.19!- A Correction" ". Owing to an error in the names Z7:f those who recently became members . of the UnitedChurch, the following is a corrected list. Delores Hamilton, Ross Abraham, Margaret Sanderson, Hazel Sanderson, Wilda Breckenridge, ROma Breckenridge, Cecil Sanderson, Melvin Jerilyn, Mary McNaughton, Annie McNaughton, Alan Brecken- ridge, Lorne McCracken, Zelma Stam- per, Katherine Sieling, Shirley Sieling, Mary Darling, George Darling, Gor- don Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnston,. Miss Emma Johnston, Mr. and Mrs., Edward Johnston visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harris at Holstein. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nichol, Jack and Dorothy, of Montreal, are spend- ing their holidays at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. Eldred Nichol. Mr. and Mrs. William Lutz and rant- ily of Auburn, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley; Darling. Miss Ethel Beattie, Seaforth, spent a few days withher cousin, Miss Olive Scott. Mr. and Mrs. James Peacock, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Johnston and Arthur Wheeler spent Sunday at the home of. Mr. Holt of Jamestown. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mathers, Kin- cardine, were week-end visitors with relatives here. Mrs. M. L. Aitken, Drayton, and Miss Dorothy Aitken, Goderich, spent the holiday at their home here. Mrs. Chas. Bosnian accompanied by her sister, Mrs. C. Griffiths, Bramp- ton, visited their brother, R. E. an& Mrs. McKinney at London. Dougal Strachan and Mrs. Andrew' Lamont, Grey Township, spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Peter S. Mc- Ewen. WROXETER Mr. Duncan MacDonald of Port El- gin, was a visitor on Sunday with his sister, Mrs. D, W. Rae. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Rae of Hanover, were also Sunday guests of his mother. - Capt. and -Mrs. Touzeau, Mrs. Gem- -mill and Miss Bolt all of Wingham, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Eli Bolt. Mrs. B. Atkinson of Kinistino, Sask., arrived last week at the home of her .aunt, Mrs. William McKercher where she will make an extended visit. Mrs. Atkinson the former Bessie G. Lovell, 'in former years resided here. Mr. Bruce Wilson of Listowel, was a visitor at the home Mr. and Mrs. H. V. McKenney on Thursday. YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION Our 25 point Scientific Examin- tion enables us to give you Crear, Comfortable Vision. F. F. IIOMUTH Optometrist Phone 118 Harriston Mrs. Mitchell of Toronto, is a vis- itor with her sister, Mrs. J. Sangster and Mr. Sangster. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. McKenney and their guest, Mrs. Vera. Horland, spent the week-end with friends in Toronto. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Nic- hol, during the past few days were: Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Nichol, their son Jack, and daughter Dorothy, all of Montreal. Jack is an honour graduate in Chemi- cal Engineering of McGill University, this year. Miss Dorothy has complet- ed her first year at the same school. A large number from Wroxoter and vicinity attended the annual flower ser- vice in Wingham United Church on Sunday morning, when the theme was "The Building of 'a Ship." Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elliott, (nee. Muriel Henning), who were married at the manse, Wrox- eter,on Wednesday, June 5th. The Rev. J. L. Foster officiating. Miss Audrey Wade and Mr. Clarence Hen- ning were the attendants. An enjoyable dance sponsored by Wroxeter Service Club, drew a large crowd in the Town Hall on Thursday night. Wilbee's Orchestra provided music and refreshments were served from a Booth in the Hall, ' Mrs. J. N. Allen was in Brussels last week, owing to the illness of her grandadughter, Heather Allen, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, H: 13. Allen. Healther:s many friends here hope she 'Phone 62 Wingham hairdressing and the prices have been low, is it permissible to raise the prices to a moderate fee to meet the higher cost of living, misunderstand price regalia-, tions If you .believe they do not apply to small villages, They .Apply in all ..sections of Canada and barbering and hairdressing are under a price ceiling, You may not raise these prices unless you obtain special nermissiou of the Wartime prices and Trade Board., Q:-Is there any law against using butter for baking in these times of rationing, either in the home or the bakeshop - A;--No, You may.pse your butter ra, tion as you best see fit. This applies to the housewife as well as the oper- ator of a bakeshop. 0;--I used to buy Devonshire cream from a farm woman at 35 cents a jar, now she wants 40 cents, Can she charge me this higher price? A:-The sale of Devonshire cream. 4s prohibited at any price, Its butter fat content is higher than that per- mitted under existing regulations. Qt,-I have been boarding for the past five months, When my landlady re- turned my ration hook to me on May. 25th., the first five canning sugar coupons were. missing. Please let me know is she could keep them? A;-We have rio regulations govern- ing this point. You and your land- lady should have come to some mut- ual agreement regarding the sharing of your canning sugar coupons. - Any questions relating to rationing or price regulations will be answered if referred to the Information Branch, Wartime Prices and Trade Board, London, Ontario. SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK f "1701T 11.B A_ fiev- CAN NAVE A HOLLOW AND DECAY I N4 HEART AND YEI BE ALIVE. AND HEAL-my /ME BRAIN QS AN ADULT' ELEPHANT , WEIGHS ABOUT- El4Ilf POUNDS 88 mu Km:1'6.m 1 WHO WAS 'ftlE. FIRS'[ MAN To RUN ioo YARDS IN 93/E. SECONDS, OFF tetiarg AR.4HUR DUFFEY. MAY 8/, /902 A.140, IN. Val1 ININ DR. W. M. CONNELL J. II. CRAWFORD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Bonds, Investments & Mortgages Phone 19 Wingham Ontario CLASSIFIED ADS. DONALD B. BLUE Expexienced Auctioneer Licensed for Counties of HURON & BRUCE All Sales Capably Handled Phone 49. Ripley, Ontatio werimoirromoirmarogromor J. A. FOX Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. RADIONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLETE "HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191. yossmm44444•144•-• K. M. MatENNAN Veterinary Surgeon Office- Minnie St. Opposite and. South or the United Church. PHONE 196 Wingham, Ontario R° i'stelAL-ri411-41 WILL FLOW' IN WAFER IS fouND IN "'HE VALLEY op TEN IlloUSANP SMOKES - ALASKA A YfARF stt WILL ES:1" TdOrtE THAN F I ny oysi•E P.5 IN SIX DAYS ACROSS 4: Girl's name" 1. Father 5. Naughts 5. Striped animal '7. Young of 6, Epoch the herring (Afr.) 8. Flower W. Fetch 9. Region 12. Mistake 11. Frisk 13. Any climb- 17. Owns ing plant 19. Volume of 14. Lift • maps 15. Affirmative 20. Corridors reply 21. Salt 16. Unit of con- (chem.) ductivity 22. Devoured (Elec.) 23. Not (prefix) 18. Beverage 25. Any split 19. Disconcert pulse 21. Seaport. SE Brazil 24. First man 28. Coral reef island 1.0 29.1..eaf 'of a plant 30. River (Sib.) 31. Chase 32. Makes Shaggy 34, Abyss 37. PaIst '38. American poet '41. Decorate 43. Pricker 45. ReMoved, as the center "40, Ventilated '47. Like slate '48. Beteh DOWN ;1. Compd. tently it. A Preneh cheese It Diagonal sibiam 11111113333 26. 'Fuss 27. Cry, as a cat 29. Capital of Colombia, So. Am. 31. Cigarette (slang) 33. Convenient ly near 34, Moccasin. like shoes 35, Sacred image 36. mage 36. North African ante ope 38. Minute open rig IP COM ':,totalct 41102ME1:4111411161 Pitt file Dia ISM -•pop ii]' NE R qiign GNICIMI 11/3144 42 MINOR :',EIGIGICZNOME IrWL. MI:Mr IBM tgRIE11+.44illit 1314151111 -1:0110 rz • lit 39. Metallic rocks( 40. Concludes 42. Soak flax 44. Masculine pronoun 7 005 30 IS 40 44 4B " 5 a 11 COST SO LITTLE A Good. Investment When inserted in the columns of WINOHAM ADVANCE.TIMES ininemiliametwaroLi'