HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-06-13, Page 4HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, commencing Tuesday, June 18th., at 2.`p.m. All accounts, notices of deputations and other business, requiring the at- tention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, June 15th. N. W. Miller, • County Clerk, Goderich, Ontario. NOTICE—COURT OF REVISION Township of Turnberry A Court of Revision for the Town- ship , of Turnberry is now open. All appeals on, assesstnent must be in the hands of the clerk by June 22nd, 1946. Final .sittingeto beheld on June 28, at 3 p.m., at the Community Hall, in Bluevale. W. R, Cruikshank, Clerk. • 2nd. ANNUAL AUCTION SALE REGISTERED HEREFORDS From the accredited Herds of Geo. Kennedy, Lucknow, and Jas. A. Little, Teeswater, at Pine Echo Farm, Luck- now, on Highway No. 86, 7 miles west of Wingham, 4 miles east of Lucknow, Tuesday, June 18th. commencingat 2 pan„—of 40 Head, 14 Bulls and 26 Females, 11 cows with calves at foot and.rebred, bred heifers, open heifers, 7 serviceable age , bulls, including: PINE COULEE BRIT- ISHER 58th,, proven herd sire from the J. A. Little herd, bred by J. M. Campbell, Stavely; Alta., and PINE ECHO PRINCE TONE 20th., Junior and Grand Champion Bull at Teeewat- er Regional diergard Show, bred by George IC,enne*: anin144 pavan , teed Breeders, L. E. Franklin, Donald B. Blue Auctioneers. Write for Catalogue, BUILDERS! CONTRACTORS! FOR GOoD - GR A VEL. avid Good 'MeasUre, Call Art. RUttan BLUEVALE ONT. 'Phone Brussels 44 - 19 ousaimimmormoora • 0 .01t It ..tainton'$ Har4iivare, Holmstein—aarris An arch of pink and white paper lil- acs and honeysuckle formed the setting for a charming early etunmer wedding at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, M. Harris, Howick, when their ,daughter, Muriel Maxine; became the bride of Mr. Henry Hohnstein, of Howiek, son of Mrs, Conrad Han- stein, and the late Mr. Hohnstein at 2,30 p.m., Saturday afternoon. Rev. James C. Caley, of 'Gorrie, performed the ceremony. Pianist was Miss Ruth Kreller, cousin of the groom, and dur- ingthe signing of the' register Misses Jean and Marie Harris sang "I Love You Truly.' The bride, who entered the living- room on the arm of her father, was prettily dressed in a street-length cos- tume of pale blue crepe. Red roses and lily-of-the-valley formed her cor- sage. Mrs. •Geo. Hohnstein of Grims- by, sister-in-law of the groom, was matron of honour, wearing a black street-length dress and a corsage of roses. Mr.' George Hohnstein, the groom's brother •wasgroomsman. After the ceremony-, the wedding supper was served to the immediate relatives by Misses Ruth Kreller and Jean Harris, The three-storey wed- ding cake centred the bride's table, Mrs. Harris wore a pale green flower- ed two-piece dress and corsage of spring'flowers, while the groom's mother chose a -gray tailored suit with white blouse, For their wedding trip to Toronto, Grimsby, Niagara Falls and 'Hunts- ville the bride wore a plaid dressmak- er suit with beige coat, pale blue hat and black accessories. Mr. •and Mrs, Hohnstein will reside. on the groom's farm on the 17th concession- of How- ick. •BELMORE - Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fitch and child- ren, Misses 'Mary .and Hannah Stokes, visited a day last week at James Aus- tins; Mrs. Ralph MetCalfe with Mrs. Rot. Nichol, also Minnie Jeffray at ,the same, home. Will Nichol was in Toronto the past week on businds. Mr. and Mrs. .Eldon Renwick and Mr, and Mrs, Hunkin were away on business. Mrs. Rev. Hewitt attended Mildmay Missionary meeting, Thursday after- noon. :;,Mr. Hewitt and boys went on to Mildmay and visited friends. 'The meeting was held at Mrs. Vollick's, Mrs. Willie "who has been poorly for some-'time at the home of her daughter in Mildmay, has returned to her home, much better. The Assessor is going his rounds, Mrs. Hunkin and Misses Mary and like the' measles; he isn't always met Hannah Stokes spent an evening re- with a smile. eently at James Stokes. , FATHER'S DAY FOR DAD— TIES of quality for a man of quality florals paiseleys stripes and solids. Individually boxed. 75c $2.00 FOR DAD— LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS in a good masculine size, hem-stitched edges . . Quantity limited , , .50c each FOR DAD—In his leisure hours of fishing, bowl- ing, golfing or lounging—Gaberdine and cord- ed RAYON JACKETS in shorts, mediums and tails „ „ , $6.95 — sit95 FOR DAD—A featherweight imported STRAW HAT--a gift that will make an instant hit with him , „ „ , . , , $1.75 $6.50 FATHERS MAY BE DIFFERENT-- they're all alike in preferrinjOifts from ,,„gorIpc-??..4410770:: topcoat..and matching hat, Her noes, Sories Were brown. Upon their return from a wedding trip, Mr, and Mrs,' Wilbur Arthur Hogg will *reside Wingham, And Farmers' Supply House "QUALITY, PRICE 'and _SERVICE Sell Our Goode SCREEN DOORS , .. , ,,,,,, • • • • • • $2.95J 3-prong CULTIVATOR 85c —'95c o 'Push-type CULTIVATORS, large size, $4.00, $7.95 Large WOODEN TOOL BOXES $1.00 Large STEEL TOOL BOXES —$1.49 3-Burner COAL OIL STOVES $12.50 1 ! 8 HAYLOADER ROPE, (tarred) 100 feet 60c 1-inch HAYFORK ROPE, per foot 61/21 8c 7/8" HAYFORK ROPE, per foot Toc 0 i 20-lb. BUG KILLER _ Climax .. . —$2.00 SCYTHE SNATH SCYTHE BLADES $1.60 - $1.65 ii. . 2-ply ROLL ROOFING, per square . • .$2.25 SPRAYING LIME, per bag 60c I C. V. PAINT qt, $1.15 gal. $3.95 PORCH and FLOOR ENAMELS RICHMOND, per quart 85c Canada Vavnish PORCH and FLOOR, ENAMEL per quart $1.25 You can pay more---:but you can't buy better! BARB WIRE, per roll $4.00 a (Makes Five Gallons) 75c t 2-4-D WEED KILLER, 5 oz. DDT FLOWER SPRAY, 1 oz. 30c 5 oz. 90c DDT HOUSEHOLD SPRAY, 8 oz. 24c O. 16 oz. 43c 32 oz. 73c 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 O O Screen Door Set, of Hinges, Pull, Hook and eye, 35c 0 O 0 Or g AGE TOUR THE WINGHAM AD' AxcE:r aviEs Thirsday, June, 13th, 1940 AUCTIONEERL. G. 13ryee, SEA TENDERS marked ••Tender-for fainting" will be re- ceived by the undersigned. far the painting of the interior of Wingliam Fnblic School, The work is to be ,completed not later than. August 20, 1946„ and specifications may be ob- tained on application to Mrs, Roy Morgan, Secretary, Tenders 'will be received up to June 20th, 1946 and tie lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Mrs. Roy Morgan, Secretary, Wingham Public School Board .Wingham, Ont. ...„-.. . WANTED—cattle to take in to grass for balance of season, Apply Hugh. Rinn, Belgrave, ,TENtiaS FOR COAL and COKE Federal Buildings-Province of Ontario SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed "Tender for Coal" will be received until 3 p.m, (E.D.S.T.), Friday, June 28, 1946, for the supply of coal and coke for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Province Of Ontario. Forma of tender with specifications and conditions attached can be obtain- ed from the Purchasing Agent De- partment of Ptiblie Works, Ottawa, and the Supervising Architect, 36 Ad- elaide St,, East,'Toronto, Ont. Tenders should be made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with departmental site- tifications and conditions attached thereto, Coal dealers' licence numbers must be given when tendering. The. Department reserves the right to demand front any successful tend- erer, before awarding the order, a se- curity deposit in the form of a certi- fied cheque' iort a chartered bank in Canada, made payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works equal to lb per cent. of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Boas of the Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Company and its constituent companies unton, ditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Dominion of Can. ada, or the aforementioned bonds and a certified cheque, if required, to snake up an odd amount. Stich security Will Sette as a gUaran. tee 4or the proper 'fulfilment of the Contract, . • cLASSIFIED ADS., 2, WttIgitarit, 'is now available for AttetiOtt. Sales of all kinds, Terms •reasortAle, Phone. Wingham, 62, BOOK-DEEPER, WANTED at once, Typing essential, Must be accurate and neat with figures and possess - good general knowledge of books, Good -position for sight girl, Apply personally, afternoons, at. CKNX. DON'T SUFFER with your feet with ° ,Athlete's Foot, burning or itching feet, corns, callouses, chilblains, poi- son ivy, or itching skin, Use P,EMILAC the amazing new Speedy remedy, at Yoar druggists, •--money back guarantee, FOR SALE--Gilt-edge Range. Tele- phone 607 r 21, FOR SALE-10 Pigs ready to wean. Wm. Jenkins Sr., R. R. 2, Wingham Telephone 637 r 12. FOR SALE—Leghorn Rock Cocker- els, twelve weeks old. Miss M, Fas- er, Bluevale, Ont: • • FOR SALE—Three good Work Hors- es, or would exchange for young cattle-or pigs. Hugh Rinn, Belgrave FOR SALE—White Enamelled Bed, mesh Springs, also set of Flat-irons. Telephone 333. FOR SALE—Registered -Roan Short- horn Bull ready, for service, Apply to Edgar Wightrnan, Belgrave. Tel- ephone Brussels 15 - 8. FOR SALE—Two-storey, 6-roomed house, kitchen attached; all conveni- ences, immediate possession. Apply at Advance-Times. FOR SALE-11 Pigs, 6 weeks old. Apply Robert C. Scott, Telephone 619 15. FOR SALE—Large Kitchen Range in splendid condition; burns coal or wool, Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE—An 8-room brick House in fine location on John Street W., suitable to have made into duplex. Apply to W. T. Cruickshank, at CKNX. FOR SALE—Child's Folding Go-cart late model, good condition; priced low. H. E. Wild, Diagonal Road. FOR SALE—Horse, 5-year-old, will weigh about 1500 lbs. Apply Ad- vance-Times. FOR SALE— Two-furrow Interna- tional Plow, in good shape. Apply to Andrew Casemore, phone 627 r 11 FOR SALE—Baby Stroller, nearly new. Telephone 635 r 31, FOR SALE—Girl's Spring Coat and two good Dresses, also Pumps. Tel- ephone 435w. -FARM FOR SALE-200 acres near Belgrave good barns, house needs some repairs; land in good state of cultivation. All seeded down in grass. Lots of spring water. Easy terms, Would exchange for town or city business or property. Apply to W. R. Paterson, 9 Hayman Court, London, Ont. GARDEN SPRAYS, 2.4.D. Weed Killers, Flower Sprays, Rose Bush Powder, and all dry powder pest dusts available at MeKibbons. LLOYD'S Corn and Callous Salve gives immediate relief from corns and callouses, 50c at McKibbon's Drug Store, IF YOU WANT Summer Chicks, the Kitchener Big-4 Hatchery has them for June delivery at low prices con- sidering quality. They have day-olds, started. Contact us soon. Fred Hogg, Wingham. LOST—Female Collie, white with sable-colored ears answers to the name of "Spot". Finder please noti- fy J. G, Simmons, Wingham, MAN'S: l-AFT311Z.LLA—Mislaid in a store in Wingham, Finder please notify Advance-Times. ROOM WANTED—by business girl. Telephone 93, Winghant, after 6 p.m, "THARS MONEY IN THEM thar I green grass ranges Mister" and flock of Tweddle chicks will, it up and put it right gather 1.7a ytiur pocket. Prompt delive r of your Tweddle chicks P will assure bigger profits ...muse plentiful grass range will do 4 a lot to lower feed costs, Tweddle prices are reduced again after June 15th. Fuel costs are lower at this time of the year and the market de- mand for eggs and chicken meat is practically unlimited, It is good business judgment to order extra Tweddle Chicks. now. No waiting, prompt delivery, Free catalogue. Also older indicts eight weeks to 20 weeks. TWEDDLE C1-11C1C hAT- CHERIES Limited, Fergus, Ont. WANTED—TO Ne w Pullets, Barred Rocks, New .hairipshires, White Leghorns, arty age from eight weeks up to laying. Good rnices paid. Apply Tweddla Chick Hatch- eries, Limited, Fergus, Ontario. WANTED—House, with small barn, and two or three acres of land, in, or near Wingham. Apply to Mr. Matt, Kelly, Seaforth. WANTED Girls and Young Wome to iearn WOOLLEN CLOTH WZAviNG good Wages Steady Work 48 hours <d days) per *telt Etccellerst Ltilth :ROOM Commfitileate with. Gem:',Pattinson Co., pinked PROfrotii :L ONT„ BIRTHS CURRAN — In Wingham General Ho Pn Jima ,5th., to Mr, and. Mrs, James R. Curran, R, 1, Lucknow, daughter. JONES—In Wingliam General Hos- pital, on June 9th., to Mr, and Mrs. Orville Jones, Lucknow, a: daughter, MULVEY—In Wieghant General Hospital, on June 7th., to Mr. and Mrs, Harry Mulvey, R. Wrox- eter, a son, REID--4n, Sault .Ste. Marie General Hospital, on June 2nd,, to. Mr. and 'Mr's, Dwight Reid, a son, WILSON In Toronto, on Sunday, June 9th„ to Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Wilson, a son--Wallace Wayne. WEDDINGS Elliott- Henning The marriage took 'place at the Wroxeter United Church Manse, Rev. J. L. Foster officiating, of Miss Muriel Winnifred Henning, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Henning, Wingham, R, R. No. 1, to James Harold Elliott, son of Mr. and Mrs, James J. Elliott, Bluevale, on Wednesday, June 5th. The bride was attired in a street length dress of heaven blue sheer with white accessories and corsage of red roses. Miss Audrey Wade of Wrox- eter, was bridesmaid, wearing a pink dress with white accessories and cor- sage of yellow roses. The groom was assisted by the bride's brother, Mr. Clarence Henning. The bride's going away dress was a two-piece pink crepe with black accessories. Mr, and Mrs. Elliott left by motor on a • trip to Nia- gara and United States. On their re- turn they will reside on the groom's farm near Bluevale. gige mi• Hogg - Sangster The home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sangster, Howick Township, was at- tractively decorated with spring flow- ers when their second daughter, Janet, became the bride of Wilbur Arthur Hogg, son of Mr. and Mrs, Frederick Hogg of Wingham. Rev. 'LA. Knox, Clifford, officiated. Mrs. Alex Corri- gan, Bluevale, was pianist. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a floor-length gown of white flowered organza, with sweetheart neckline and long sleeves. Her finger-tip veil was caught with a headdress of white flow- ers. She carried arm arm bouquet of Better Time Roses and her only jew- elery, was a string of pearls, the gift CARD OF THANKS, , The family of the late Mrs. Isaac Wade wish to thank their friends and neighbours for their kind expressions of sympathy and many acts of -kind- ness shown them in their recent ber- eavement. CARD OF THANKS • We would like to thank all our friends and neighbours who so kindly remembered us with letters cards and flowers and the lovely gifts presented to us on our 50th wedding anniversary on June 3rd. Mr. and Mrs. William E, Scott, Belgrave. NOTICE TO CREDITORS • IN THE MATTER'of the Estate of Archibald Brydges, late of the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to The Trustee Act that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Archi- bald Brydges, 'are required to send particulars of their claims, duly veri- fied, to J. W. Bushfield, K.C,, the sol- icitor for the Eexecutrix of the said Estate, on or before the fifteenth day of June, A.D., 1946, and that after such date the executrix will proceed to distribute the said estate, having re- gard only. to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this twenty-eighth day of May, A.D., 1946. J. W. BUSIIFIELD, K,C., Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrix. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Alexander Hislop, late of the Town- ship of Turnberry, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to 'the Order of the Local. Master of the Supreme Court of Ont- ario at Goderich, dated the sixteenth day of April, A.D., 1046, that all cred- itors and others having claims or de. Mands against the estate of the said Alexander Hislop, who died on or about the seventh day of February, A. D., 1945, at the City of London, in the County of Middlesex, are required on or before the eighteenth day Of June, A,D., 1946, to send by post prepaid or delivered to the undersigned, the Ad- ministrator pendente lite of the estate and the effects of the said Alexander ilislop, deceased, their Christian nam- es and surnames, addresses and de- scriptions, the full particulars, in Writ- ing, of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the security, if any, held by them, verified by statutory. declaration. AND Take Notice that after said last mentioned date the said Adrxlitsis- trator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shalt then have notice, and that the said Administrator will not be liable for the Said assets or any part therebi to any, -person Or persons of whose elahrt notice shall not have been recelited by him A the time of such' distribution, DATO Ontario, NS of the gre)om, Mrs. D. Lucas, of Luc- an, sister of the groom, was, brides- maid, wearing 'blue net over tafetta, with a headdress of pink flowers. She carried a nosegay of pink roses, The bride's brother, Jack Sangster of Clif- ford, was best man, Following the ceremony a reception was held at the Mansion. Inn, For travelling the bride chose a pink silk Jersey drese with blue David Crompton. JEWELLER Gifts For All Occasions WINGHAM ,Phone 59 Remember Dad Father's Day Sun., June 16 FATHERS YOUNG or FATHERS OLD,-,- THEY ALL LIKE SOMETHING TO WEAR. GIVE HIM :A TIE FROM Armitage's Men's • Dry. Wear Cleaners y • Keep your Shoes its "0000 ItgALTIV '{Stinging them hero for` repair SODS as -they show ait::: !,` .7.!AiVerrrAt".-.'',-.4Z;K!"6' • WANTED Reliable adult to take care of small baby, evenings. Tele- phone on. WHY SUFFER the agony of Rheu- matic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago, when Rurriacaps will give you quick wel- come relief, MeKibbon's Drug Store. WANTED7--Boy leaving school or a young man from the Seivices to learn the paint and wallpaper bus- iness. Province of Ontario Appren- ticeship -Certificate given, Eimer Wilkinson, Winglam, WANTED.----Girl to clerk in store on Saturday only. Apply by letter to Beix "R", Advance-Times, AN OPPORTUNITY Established Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55—have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a pro- fitable business of your own. For full particulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. 0-W-2, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Quebec. CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Household Effects at the residence of MRS. J. W. SMITH, corner of Pat- rick and Edward Streets, WINGHAM, at 1.30 p.m. on SATURDAY, JUNE 22nd, 1946 Terms—Cash Mrs. J. W. Smith Donald B. Blue Proprietress Auctioneer i By order, -k, twelretteikOay Of .... y,. ., 1,041 SUM ERV LLE, 1846. t; 1 ‘.'- , VI A 0. 4,ti " aietary„', .4040I-060 g4.); Department of Public Wokg, high 6, pttyost,p,10„1,1946, Aclini;**0,,,,;0$04004,01,w, LAURA 17 jewels, 14 1(1. gold $6 75°